HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-05-24, Page 12 . FOR SA1l---Seed Buckwhentes- M.' Greer, R. 1, Lucknow FOR ADOPPON-Baby boit., age seven months; . for adoption. Apply ;See'y. Chi dren's Ai4 'Society, Waly. erten. ' , • FOR SALE OR ON SHARESL- 111acit '•"91,Fdestifile • old', tot...Pale or' Will mit out on shares • ..50:50 -basis: for yern': • • , ;841maStisMeCOinh, R. R. 2,: HolYre&l. 'PEED CORN -BUY -Vance Bros. Ontariii ..grown grade NO. IsImprots. ;ed. :Learning, White , Cap • 'YelI�w Dentiali" 31TE". aileY-.4-06Tderi-GITW'and- Genuine Vancii's Sweepstakes at- , W. G. 'ANDREW. . • . SPRING LAMBS -arc • now A. ood • price, r over 65 , pounds and fat.' I :will he .shipiiiroir them each ., Wednes- day..'Bring them in with your 'hogs. Red,. MacDougall, Co-operative Shipper. Plan To Put Candidate In Field Mr.) Wm." llatherford JyCkiics Of Convention Called, For June lit '--Candidate Will Run On •A Tem-, PeS'ance:, Issue.- . The United Farmers' Organization of With Huron' 'has its an- nuai , meeting And. nominating',-. con- ‘ention for Jane let .in ,When-it_ia-extieetedii-eandidate Will be selected to contest,. tEe-neW Pro, vincial • riding .ol .Huron -Bruce in the_generni• election ,get for' June 19. •,.• Wm. Rutherford, West Wawanosh Xarmer, is the candidate named and he has expressed willingness to ec- cept hie:nomination, at the request *.elabers of the executive of the organization. , The • candidate which the. organization • 'Ms in the field Will a - una temperance . question and ,if Mr. Rutherford is 'selected he .will „come out strongly' on itsmdry° ',ticket. Pos- sibly, •there will.be Other nominations forthcoming at the Convention, but with Mr. Rutherford the execative's choice, he is not likely to be opposed. .Iteeerit developments forged an interesting political . situation' in this aiding., With C. A. Robertson, M.L.A, and Foster Moffat. Con- servative candidate definitely in the field,, it is practically assured that United Farmers will enter a caridi. ;date, in a three -cornered fight. With the. .rumor Still current .that Mayor John 'Hanna of Wingham will enter the /ray as an Independent Conserv- •atives-there - is the ,spoisibility"-%, hatsa- foUrth'-candidate m ay-,be--iir the field A Court of Revision on the Ass- essment roll , of West Wawanosh Township, Will be held in the Town - Oil) Hall' on Monday; May 28th,193.1 at 10 o'clock A.M. ' • 'Dumb'. • Phillips, Clerk. •• AUCTION SALE - Mrs. Geor,ge Gillies will hold' an auction ,sale of household effeets, etc., etc., at her .residence -just inorth • oftheC. N. R. . Depot, Lucknow, ;.on Saturday. May , 26th, 'commencing at 2.00 o'clock: • Matt. Gaynor, Am. ' TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS ' Notice is hereby given. that the 'Court of Revision on the Assessinent Roll for the year 1934, .will be held on AllY • of May. 1934, commencing at . 1 o'clocicin. the Afternoon to hear and determine all appeals ' against the. said Roll. , • ' ,J..• R. Lane, Clerk. (24-5-sc.) or.111.11.11.. ornizg Etents First insertion,'50c.. Subsequent Insertions;' ' L. 0. L. DANCE Thursday evening next; May 31st, is the date for another' L.O.L. darico in the Orange Hall. Music:by "Sepoy 0,0sestrig!. 'Lunch:served. Gents 2c; Ladle" 10;.' ' • • ' 'BASEBALL ;Brue League' Baseball. 'first. game Or the, season, will be playqd in Caledonian . Park, Lucknow, 'next :Thursday, May 24th, between Walk- . erten' and, Luekriont: •Admission 25e. • The_gnine will t :at .30 o'clock previous to whichthe competing teams will • march tin the park led by the Citizens' Band; where the season wi be of% a ly opened. U F O. NOMINATING • LON VENTION The annual !meeting and Nominat- : ing Convention of the United Farm.: era' Organization of North Huron will be held- in the Wingham- Town Hall __.•on Friday, June .1st at one o'clock for the purpose of selecting a pro- vincial 'candidate for the riding of c. Huron -Bruce.. • ' T. A. Cameron, Wm. Rutherford, Secretary: „ • , 'NOTICE The' June meeting of the Village council will be held on Mondayev- ening, June '4th, rather than Tuesday June 5th, due to thefact that Reeve" A. W. Hamilton will be in attendance at County Council on! the 1-'-egular. 'meting. night: , • . , 1 115 'REV; S. Itt.' MOYER DIES- AT ' SHUNG.VILLE First Charge Was • At. St. Helens And Lines .4,1908 The ,death of Rev: S. H. Moyer, B. occurred at his home at SPringville '‘'near Peterborough' ".or „..WAnesday-slight last,, foliowing E brief illness: Rev: Moyer was in his nth .year, His .first h charge was at 'St. Helens and East ,'Ashfield (Lanes) where, he ministered from Deceinhei 1908 to July 1911 and in which coin- munitiee he Is. we41..aad :favorably remembered , by Many. • Deceased :wave* son 'of the late Ron and 'Catherine Moyer ,Of Campaen, Lincoln County. Mr: „Moyer was a graduate, of Toronto University and • Knox College. His first charge was at St. -Helens, Huron County and later he held successive charges 'it Conn, Werth Wellington and Graf- , ing--tostbe,-Peterboroug-1 Presbytery of the United Church. He is survived by his , widow '' and three, children. The funeral was held on Saturday in "-Springville', United. Church with interment in 'Westwood cemetery. . 11(6..040 Ails -Mi.,: RHEUMATISM, • SCIATICA, LUMBAGO quickly relieved by this • nent,„ treatment-- , USE ItUldA.CAPS ' r• , . , • ,• McKIM'S , DRUG 'STORE , VOTERS ATTEN',130N- - HALL 'SEASONOPENS ' NEER TODAY', MAY gtra ! With •Art McCartney'', '04 of �y chinierri getting in nomis good practitlea during thepant week! 'tha team is keen for the opening Oa in: the local park :this- afternoon (TharadaY) *lien Nalikerton f. will previde• . the optiesition.:. , fester CeMP3.4!--this year, it will oLter.4 estini to note •how ,lait Year's. Lake- side ChainOions, wiliB11°W,110 In Bruce 4ei•oariekeot enball'lwilt not '''/Oreeent• as Strung 'a line-up' torisorrew as, was` eicpected early in the. Off/Sone,: Boli nin14.ndy4Vhompinurviiiknot-ber-thrit With their schoolterm' until a •later date and the 'aervice* Of 'Miller. crack. -third-baseinng ' of lest year's Southampton team' Will not be avail- able. Miller is employed with Erni. 'Ackert at .liolyrood.• and to comet* in., sixteen ball, gamea:. weil•,, as practises wouldinterfere' too Much with his work to permit him to taali Prominent Physician Is Leaving Lucknow Dr. Wm.•'Omnell To Take Over Practise Of the Late Dr. Calder ," In Winithallis Dr. •Wm. Connell,. Lucknow-born physician and aiirgeoni'wha has 'Prac- tised here for some.' twelve years. will leave Lucknow in the' very near Piture ••to: take over the practise of the late Dr.' Margaret Calder of Ikr•Inghim• ' • ' This annonlaiceinent came. 'as • a. IfittardaY as none outside Of a, few Intimate friends knew: that „such a Orange was pending and the an- nouncement was. 'received with gen- uine.' r.set by this ,community which •• th‘s Doctor and Mrs. Connell Will be missed' bothprofessionally and socially,. !. • ,. The move on • pr. Connell's part inttWV.„_p_g_i ham, .is due , chiefly o the e 7 -Mt • it-iWitral7tawnr-all :there he will be enabled to pursue and develop the. surgical side of his profession, a philtre of . hiswork Which he has 'been especially study- ing ler the Peat three, years, And 'long Which lines he Plans to take post -graduate courses. , • At Present no .definite ' arrange- ments have been made for a succes- sor to take "tip his practise here it is expected A temporary if ,not a permanent appointment will' be made very soon.' Until such a time as Dr. Connell has a permanent successer. to take' .over his practise here., he. does' not ':planto let his move' put an end to his professiona connection with Lucknow and comm'unity. • Tbe Doctor 'will--leave-here--'with the beat wishes for - continued guess cess in his profession and -increasing achievement in his surgical . work. When he and Mrs. 'Connell, and their two daughters, Margaret, and Mary Lou leave •Lucknow, it will be With' regret that will only be ternp- ered by the fact that •their • move 'still keeps them in a• close proldmity to their friends here, 4.. a the held today, if they 'do some. hitts ing,„ ta not to be trifledwith and. will go to the plate as fellows: Art Andrew: left field; Art ,MoCarcuess list base; Jack Garton; xight field; 'Gordon Irwin, pitcher; Doug. Clarke, centre field; Rey Finlayson. 2nd base; Claris Finlayson, short sitop; Augh Cuming, catcher; Jack Fisher, 3rd base, with Reg; Lavis-in"'_reaerve.- PERFECT. EYES RARE'f, POUND The !more the fanetiali of Offht, is studied the inerc•it:is recog- nized 'ashaving* vital influence ,on the 'lives of all Of Us. It may • .!lbe definitely etatlid that scarcely --Hany•Oneshassperfec - are • varying • degrees- of approach to it. But PERFECT ':eYea inay ; be said to be unknown. That fact deserves the attention of ,e4ery- • "PADDY" LYCEUM THEATRE ATTRACTION • THIS WEEK - '4" • "Paddy" with thereputation of Cain better' than "tDaddy--Iiiiie-- Legs" is the sPecial holiday attrac- tion a tL the • Lyceum , Theatre, 'Wing ham, this week., Thursday, Fridas And Saturday. -Starring.__in_this_pic ture are Janet Gaynor and Warne) Baxter, and featuring these twc: Sighly acclaimed screen .favorites little more need 14 sail to convinci theatre -goers that this • is a' picturi- hat. should' not-be,snissed. 'Elsewhere •in this issue appears a •• proClarnation calling'• upon all voters to examine the voters' list. to be used at the coming provincial eleetion on June. 19th,. COmplaints regarding er- rors or omissions in the list inust be Made to the reapective clerks of the various nnunicipalitids by a datp ag outlined for 'the 'various municipali- ties , the advertisement. The dates and, places of the sittings of the re- vising Officer are also listed. Com- Iditinta from Lucknow voters must be made. to Joseph Agnew by May 31st, in Kinloss by June 1st, in Ash - told by May '30th, in West Wawan- osh by May 28th, in; Culress by June 4th and in Huron Tewnshipsby MaY 29th. 'BIRTHS .DONALDSON-In Kinloss Town - hip on WeilttertdaY;. May 16tlt,- to and Mrs.' RobertDonaldsbri • of Langiiide-a daughter. MCKIM-slit Lucknow, On Saturday. MeKim-4 Bens . • Ittc1)014ALD--, In At first ,on Mors. Any', May 21st .to Mr. and Mrs', tail cDontild daiighter-M'arYs 1.1.41arg* 1. ARMSTRONG'S- •EYesiglit Service • • ' • DIES 'VERY SUDDENLY- ; This: cornrennitY was • •ilhoe.ked. • On Wednesday -.to 1arn of the sudden . leath of Mrs. Jacob Miller, whic °scarred a short, time after: she. had Suffered az'.iievere heart•lattick.:. late Wednesday morning. Mos Miller :iad been in her u5ue4 health until suffering- the fatal 'Swore. Funeral arrangensents we go to preps as • Word ii beihit list residing in the West.. Mis.M. lei Awaited from ,members. •,of the ftzt airvived •her buitiand only e sionths„ he having passed 'away • on February 21st., . dESSIE ,HABISIIIK, PASSES • „ t• • AWAY IN .TEES'WATEIt ASHFIELD B4Y•• EMPLOYED-- . -7114•.-÷CHICAG07FIRE ZONE. 'Breaking. out. in. the Chicago stock. yards'.lat 'Saturday „ afternoon. a nionnter conflagration. laid waste the itildings- in: twelve- scity blocks,l42cotr- tiring an. area of. more than a square raille: After desperate • battle with the flashes' for '43k. hours, the fire wa finaily controlled by '2000 , fire- men, and all the available • fire ,fight- Mg- ',apparatus in the City, 'Damage was estimated at 10 rnillion dollars. More than !twelve hundred ;.neophe. were left homeless. ' •• Pignring-prominently in the die- Packed Halt Greets Here Comes Cha,rlie". ONIONFOM IsOchalfili-Dramatic Groin' Ably Pre- sents Entertaining PerfOrmanct • ToCapacity Crowds , "Hera 'Conies • Charksi" a three - act: larce-comedY presented under auspices of the Laicism)* Joint U. F. O. Club- by the Lochalsh • Dramatic Club, attracted an audience on Fri- day ,evening .that more than taicee t of the Town' he tseotiog,.capacity 'fialland Placed 'standing iroom at a The denee0;•that followed the :play attracted' a similar over tloOng',Croivd •and proved the Pond's laritY Of this •double entertainment for the .sinkle adinission fee of 25C, each. Hogan'a • orehestra. supplied •Music, that was erijoYed /Or the dance anci before and during. the PlaY: This troupe of ten 'Umbel* Young people prOVed •themselves aides actors and creditably ",:presented their play to the general .aPProVai-. and enjoy - merit .of their audience. Failure to adjust their,' voicedto the larger haltMade, itsomewhat difficult for those' at the back of the hall to hear scsne ;Of' the speeches' clearly and was the only factor which •detracted front 'the :performance. .• The entire cast Was composed 'entirely of 0 L0- 'alsh and immediate vicinity residents and in the Staging of their play they did credit to, themselven and .their corm:unity., The attirst was full Of huffier and dranit 'arid kept the aud- ience in suspended Animation. until this plot unravelled • in the final scene. The east of characters was as fliow accrirdirig 'to. their appear- nnceon the' litigett Frank 1\leteritiari, Mrs. or Mc- Lennan, Red Finlayson, ' Milrrast MelteridtickiJelin, Grant, John Fin- ,i,..Ititdaysoit, Isabel Mc- Folloating a lonirsillness• the depth af Miss Bea* •Ilabkirk 'Occurred at aer borne, in Teeswater last Thurs- day Morning. ,Miss• 11abltirlc is, a aiece of 'Miss :Chrisitie and Mr. Dam Sraliani • of Lucknow. She lived for 'a -nuntiber of years With. her parents in Kincardine, ',where she became a .nernber z• of the Liberty Rebekah Lodge of that town. At ,a service ' on Friday evening, members the Kin- '..cardine- • Lodge with members of Jewel Rebekah Lodge, Lucknow; pre- ient, administered the last "rites of the order to their departed' sister. rhi funeral was held on Saturday -.Afternoon to cemetery.- -those' attending the funeral from here , were, Mr. 'and 'Mrs. Angus J. •Srahitm; Misses Christia.Grahana and Tena Smith, Mr, Dan' Graham and Wm.. Habkirk, the •latter. a ;brother of MisBibkirk, who Makes -his home with his aunt • and uncle here. The*Bread_ The Bread of Health rio . of Health QUALITY AND, SERVICE. POR„. MOTTO 4iturdayr,S0.040.4.-?1,'' • HATE sAramorks . RASPBERRY TARTLETS JELLY ROLLS: CHELSEA BOD.Ts bouomsruts' ". TgA. limcvrxs' LAYER :CAKES; ;. IcEp,ROLLS. , SUR witoti WflEAT BREAD, IS i00%. WHOLE WHEAT ** DELICIOUS AND HEALTHFUL LOLLYMAN'S FAKERY Lucknow sniimmonguilammemirsai rade xfords MARTIN'S MA.STER FOR MEN A riuntph in Shoe Style ORE MILEAGE for YOUR MONEY Moderately priced at $5.8 • 4KNON.ITE..011AIN..',WPRK.:00:E. • ee41,... EhOli'at sensonnainsepos. Nyal Quality •Store Lucknow trict swept by1 the blaze were packS ing house properties.• many • 01 whicii fell prey. to the -lliiMia SIM' Grant, !son of Mr. . and: gkai,. IL Grant et. con. •• *2..: Ashfield, holds an executive position 'with % the Armour Packing' 'Company, of ,Chicago, And sonie; 'con- cern was felt here by relatives until it was learnedthat thiasplant was not among those razed by the con- flagration; it,lying to the West of the Outbrealc•:And ',path Of the • flanies:„. Village Attractive Now With the • trees in leaf,spring.. • . flowers- in bloom and lawns :a velvety green, the village • generally offers an- Attractive_ appearance. ' A partied-, larly attractive street, as one Will be *convinced by a waik or, drive along this boulevard; is "Station, St.". The canopy of maple trees along this street is ,One of the beauties that the town can proudly "boast . of. The church ,properties, the school 'grounds and the park, all offer a tidy and clean' •appearance, .And , many well kept lawns are dotted with colorful beds • of tulips. Not the least of thb factors . which add to the enhance- ment Of this avenue' is the concrete rimdwasr. No doubt '.there are other streets also offering in atti•Otive appearance worthy of mention, but h Sunday' ' afternoon , stroll on this particular street convinced the Writer that it is certainly, one I of the beauty spots of the village: • . COMPETED IN "WOSSA4 MEET • . ' V.ALUABLE. HORSES • . Mr. Wm. MacKenzie has stabled at his barn, fifteen fine horses which he has purchased throughout the district and which will be shipped Lo a buyer in North Bay. . These horses; are fine beasts, ranging in eightfroin_1QO__t 2100 pounds and horsemen who have .1001c'ed tire - animist over consider them 'one ,of the: Mist shipments , to he assem- bled in this locality., 'Admirers of horsefleshshould look these horses over before they are shipped. ' Harold:Greer. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Greer, •,represented the lbea" Continuation School at' the .,Spring Meet of the . 'Western Ontario Secondary 'Schools Association 'Mli. at the 'University ,of Western Ontaris stadiUM, London, on Saturday: Har- old '.was• entered in the Senior milt event and although was not np wit the winners finished the race and Was by no means trailing the held. A Galt hey won the event in 4 min- utes 46,3;5 seconds, which is about 4 seconds slovvel; than the record Herold' did thewide in ft few seconds less than five • Minutes, and gives promIe of being a...Miler. who niaY Th000, 'from hei Attending the _meet Which was thoroughly efljOed were Mr. . N. S. Calvert, Harold' 0,110 Clarence Greer; Neely Todd, , Bob tlek fiAd MP • g • " Lifelong Kintots---- -- Resident Passes1 :Death On Sunday Removed Gilbert : -*Kenzie Jin jos Goth,Yeai A lifelong , tesident, . Of Itinloas Township and 'a, mernber of . one of tl)e township's well-known plioneer families; Mr: Gilbert McKenzie pass- ed away on ,Sunday afternoon at his home on the fourth .concesSion. In his 00th,year, Mr. McKenzie has ' practically all his lite been afflicted With asthma. About a Year age he underwent an operation 'for ar trouble:4_11d although he made a -favorable recovery At the tittle, 1'10 continued ..in delicAte health until his death. , , • , ,• Of a quiet, and hone -loving clis••• nositiOn, Mr, "MneKenzie made his 'honie With his brother's ..and sisters and was best and favorably known in his own' neighborhood. He was a Son �f the late gr. and Mil) Malcolm McKenzies„Kifilosa pioneers. Surviving • are twObrothers, John and Donald and . two Sisters, Annie and,Mise;;Jcines at home and a sister NIrs. 6haponan Of Toronto. Outside the death, of bis parents, Mr. MC,- Kenzie's jassingis the .second Ibreak in the family. A ;brother Neil; died Ltbout twenty-nine ,years stga :front injuries received; when he fell below vvtiiheichii.phteiseol000fotear-: iiiihsre;ohaisrn,g, 0. utfit, 'tVeureysdwayithafgreimen, iaoistidunca,tse,d ,at,„„ !ns a," ter_i rs ee iin isecsn' 1.11e Kinl244( • Burgesa. of We Are .sole agents, in Lucknow for the World's fenuniti• "Flanders"' stomach 'tablets. Fill, out the coupon below: • and present:It-010Fr store and yen will receive with - Anti. obligation i Two . Day treatnient of Pfunderin: , 'Tablets. and 'n befiklet iexpleitaing Shat Plunders Ta*ta-will.,1104or--bad4toinachia. • GIFT' TREATMENT. 00 .PFUNliEli'S STMACH' TABLETS. NAME, • . •FATERS'ON:--- NYAL QUALITY: STORE ... .. ..... . ' .'!'itt.A.f..toug • F.4E,,s: opFE4t • . . te1ights Audience Musical Comedy BY Wins -ham . Trouiie Surpasses Expectations. Of - Andience-11Vhich , l'axeil-:.-Seistini Capacity Of .Town' .Hall, Tuesday • : '• Night: • : • . l' "Something a little different" arid so entertaining.,as to delight a cap- citysiocitiOience,, was "A: 'Bold. Front" proiented • under auspices .•of the Citizens' Band , by . the .Winglunn 'Dramatic plebin the Town Hall; .Lucknow, on Tuesday. evening. : • ' rhe toinady itself, was,: full of viitilesorne hintioni 'based around the: story of a poor city clerk,, who by 'putting , on a held font, carries out, thb .assumption .: that. he ii the SOI of a ',niillionaire, and ' indirectly re- sults in his future father-in-laW: ptittinig over'. a big business deal, that wins for this city clerk, the business Magnate's daughter and a place ini 0e:father's business. j •Weatte4 into • this cornesly. was a aeries .of I rausicial numbers including ,solos duets and quartettes, all •'• of vyl,iith Were pleasingly supported by a chords of twelve young' menand ladies:: Specisd stage lighting effeets. enhanced ' the . colorful andbeautiful, array of costumesin which the , en- tire cast of thirty two artists ap- peared at different times. s - • 'file cast of characters in the play ii;Viuded Miss S. MELean; Agnes Scott, Gordon McLean, Arthur ,13ish- op, Mrs; Reg. 'DtiVali Dr. Irwin. Doris , Fella, ' jean Christie, J. •R. Spittal and Jack MelCibbors with -the parts enacted in a manner that left little to be desired. .4.- 4itiiii-kl,v6aeo+;.‘,44,4i6,,,14.4 1 Misses McLean., Agnes Scott. 'Jean iChristie and Gordon ,McLean. 4, R. Spitt;11 and JOek. McKtbbon. : „. ,, . The supporting ..• chornir - included, kiigsg, ;gem a Nava - ,•••,* 'haledreSSM 1 I . 'Pa do WITH ,ALL LINES Or BEAUTY CULTURE a gYelYn7. NIX() 'phone 19, for Appointment Currie,. Muriel Rose; Alberta" Welker Vesta Fox, Vera 'Fri/ogle:, MessrS,. Herold Kitchen, Cyril Murrel, Jint Thompson, Morris Christie, Harvey Burgess, ' Adams. • ; • An orchestra inkier the direction Of G. A. Sehatte provided the acconi- paniment and little Ann Van. WYck entertained the audience by dancing the Highland Fling and. Sailor's' Hornpipe land Young 'Ken Crawford a tap -dance -between the aets.• Lunch was Served to the Wirighain troupe and -Members , of th. 0' local "bs.ri;2„ts.whossr,t),t1 sszstaStSos•!..tSstshtz;: - Mance: A dance' followed the play with a band. orchlmtra providing Music. The Wingham folk weN Sighted with their i reception ' herds- -OW hetittily thFice4. t405014 Olargeo *04,1