HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-05-17, Page 8LOCAL TA.. Youtbiai ,Players* Take Leadigs Rolee, Like: old-1llea s 'In. Preatnatjnt • rine' ,Ccoaaedy=Drama , "The. Road to thee, pity' . ".`The' Road to the ' City!! a four -act comedy drams, presented' by ° a local cast on Friday night, under *uapices Of: t13g 'Lucknow Bowling Club;. de- lighted .an, audience that peeked-the Carnegie' Uaivion4hful players fes= •tired; in the' leading roles; and took their. parti� ,' lili:e veterans '::,The entire tishe . was • -well' c1 o,ien • and .left little e desired : by the audience -..who thoroughly '''enjoyed ;the Playa The Acting of ;Eileen Johnston and Hugh Cuming, .both 'practically fiewcomers to .rife stage, was outstanding. "Gosh Darn" but Hugh is a borncolitic and whet! ,E en, as -a blind and sorrow ful youn ire, had her audience °.on' the verge of tears" Hn :a�TthA op. portune moment, by some word,. , or action; would snap; them into peals of ! laughter, • In snaking special mention of hese two players; we do' not mean -to de- tract from'. the' ability of the .'other players, Clarence' Greer, Greg Leith Margaret Ritchie,.. Dorothy Cooke,' Mrs. R. H. -Thompson; Jerry Rath- ell^andsIte?�: =a€ g I ss T all took their parts '. crediftably, to round out the •perfernianee. - •r for the Whole., 'Famijy $PACE' WILL NOT PERMIT xUS TO DESCRIBE OUR COM PLETE LINE-UP 'OF SPORTS. WEAR. SEE OUR -WINDOWS EACH PAIR' MARKED . WITH: stk .PRICE TICKET ' os. •all white sport'oxfoird 3.25 ros. black'' and white sport oxford $2.95 tos. cream� brown• &; sport oxford; $19$, $2,.50, 2.95 Misses' blackand, white sport oxfords ; 4 .$1 98 CHILDREN'S= cream &2 brown KN ocKABouTs BIEZJ i:5 -.7%s 125',- 8 -101S;--$1.35; 11. athe=. • pIc kW BLOOD iat 40 -ft Take For 13. Tonle Tablets $1- . , �tre�gth v'igor • 17 tJ TOMACH TROUBLE -- di Have,you -Stomach Pain, • ,' eHBearelcthburninA.nHdaetaindga,c.Ghue IBaitiina of Mucus, Gnaws Empt7,F , Lump in Stomach, Feed Disagree , Pid i ore or!titer!atlas,.Conted Tongue re Mouth, Indigestion? When causes. ' bps rust -down condition' you need C. C. & B.; onicTab lets, and at once.. They will 'build t1onand� em and ..thus rellove you quickly and permanently; improve appetite. . , • • flu. � g - ends, Sores Blotchee,'Pal Eczema, �,. • � MalarL • .•. "" , .° ' " �. „Run Down Debilitated, ,' : s kh.:Weak Emaciated? OQ . You aures need C. C. et B.Tonle .Teblete. • They, by reason of • alba' toyie'ef help to restore strength mind fibre to the blood 'so it will furnish. aoai Lament toe whole; body., ..C. C. & B. Tonle Tablets contain Yeast Iron and ,6afraete[ Cod f aver—three great tonige.in-one. t• ■g� Nervous Debility, Wealniees,-jer• .• Jnm• pping, Erctitable' is ,. NERVES T Worn, Out, Feei;Li ;e balling i�hen Eyes Closed and Dss� Fee ogether Restless at Night,.Poor Memory Melancholy, D rat, Wake I p Unretreshed, Weak Trembles, Dizzy,. Fainting .�!i�pells hands orla►retNumb, Lack Energy- Strength,Ambition? `You: recd C. C. & B. Tonk tablets Thal_ by reason of'thelr.toni effects, elp to,restore nerve tissue to normal condition nay"t4� nsevsa. banMh the braes, stake you feel fuil•of life,; vigor, ambition, and esans.7ef younaee.. Under Weightt,, 110110w Cheeks, Flat Chest Scrawny Neck Dye. Male; "thin Bloo, d C. C. & B. Tonic Tablets help to 'build you up In every way. Will thereby improve your appearance., 'EP, AND VITALITYac & B. throe h the ` act;dhectly through' the stomach, .enriching the erious.systetn, g erste HteUty, create nerve force, restore. . ' —o you can enjoy lifer' pleUsurealo the !iffiest. • are tar rale it dill Drug Stares.- Go to your dru is . y .. gg t today and order.. ,w:��- �:� _IC•�'.. �� a .. , . TA ETS sew** Gr "the doorto•a supply.' It means the:existence. xiste beginning T a animas ase '�'he � Slater work! and happier D efor $2. e. tospa>a prices aEnd.i1. Three i1:W So=eslor i2 5e.. C C. B., 'TONIC", TABLETS. ,AT 6 • .,,' fi G:.-STO Yana' res " A "i � profusion n p ,fusion ' their long Spikes of scarlet flowers in . JUNE has . been taken: care f for' ' and ;maintains-s,blaze of color untiloone or" trMt• more .`years `to- make settlement. We have this Spring the Largest Caretaking .will . not be " continued and • Finest ,collection of Annual Vegetable n s and until these .claims are paid. .' l e pla to we .have ever offer- - ed, also a: good supply of Geraniums the best effect in the care, of or. sad' ether:Bedding plants. • • Lawns and Grass Plots—a beginning should be made very soon, otherwise We Refill Hanging Baskets & Boxes- the:' ,ground will' .become rough .and ;.. ST. E+ WART BRO. . remain $o for some time. . ,BenlaiRer Scurscriee Visitors -to the;' Cemetery are. urged 'Phone; Carlow -235.. ,to walk only on the provided':arter- es. There. is a,, six foot' walk to .every Lot 'lease •ke '., ,p __�_ _ ep._oii_these_.:waiks.__No_. POSSESSION -OF -STILL . ' person is' pleased.to see•''the graves COSTS ASHFIELD MAN $300:00 of friends stepped o ,. pp d up n, Those who own property in The, Gordon Drennan, Ashfield Township Greenhill Cemetery $ P Y are advised that t Given A Week. To Pay` Fine! II' the only sure way. that •your • proper- ty -'will be kept respectable is to Greenhill Cemetery COIN ai yV �Limited d, Requests all owners -whose property•: The 'play opened at the couiitiry home of Mrs. Sanderson: (Mrs. R. H. h Tompson) w.here°,' •Richard James, (Greg Leitl3Us recovering from in- juries received, in an automobile;:ac- cident, while unknown. to this house, hold, he, and 'his partner' in crime. Lilly Morton (Dorothy_Cooke),-.were making good 1 their escape, following a jewel. robbery... Dorothy :poses, as Greg's• sister, but is really his intend= 'ed wife, although •Greg's ' father, Richard James '(,Rev. J.R.n'Geoghe- gan) gan) has cut off' his allowance due to the:life , he' leads ; and his Hedy companion,, These two^,seherne -'that Greg wi11� marry JetSanderson �'Eilr een-Johns ton -a - i et countr3* f3a - 'r :.and take';- her ,to;,' the' 'city. • where Greg's father will forgive hila and •restore • his allowance. The old roan they don't expect will live long and -after . his death; Greg :will at 'once get a' s di ' vorce and. marry;: Dorothy. ' • Toto Lee ',;(Margaret Ritchie).lives ;with 'Eileen and her: mother, and 'Jud Judkins (Hugh Cuming) a' (farm, boy is very sweet' on. her., Eileen Is`''; in love with-. Robert. Darnell (.Clarence - Greer) the 'village doctor, 1�ut' is _wrongly. led -to --believe-;her love---ia, not returned and :accepts the' :pro-- posal of Greg The next: two' scenes . •'turn but. ,.to : be a: dream,. in- p which 'Eileen ictures her life • in the- city; as'i Greg's ' wife very unhappy, except for the kindneais of her.,huabend's-father,'who ,wnl1a'all his money' to. her. " Then follows»,the i murder of the ...aged father by his Son and the attempted murder- of hie' own wife, Eileen. But this is . pre- vented by him hurtling out s window in the ;struggle, apparently, to his. death. All this=time, Greg. is shadow, ed by a detective -Duk is Je •. Rat -ala) ma'squeradmgas a sopthistica to E .s n lih ' g mman.G rege hod o y is �i found, and yet believing him •••dead.'. Eileen fears the : consequences."' as, she may be held; responsible for hiss death. The strain is too great. :and; she ;becomes blind. At this: point, her; husband again 'returns however,;;ano. she willingly signs over to , him all of the' fathers money, which became' hers when ho was murdered and ;she plans to return to her. "'mother "and permit him to marry Dorothy.' .part- ner-in_rime. The scene is: pathetic. During her residence in the city, as th unhappy ;wife, she is visited - y her--loved-ones-from-the ' country' ,in.! eluding the countrified farm •boy. High, and the doctors who still loves her, an does' all in his newer to Tast- ed her and make ilher more bappy:. In the fourth act, the dream it over, .butt,allsis_so:.olearsin.Jileeies. nand, ,that she' hesitates to become the bride.. of Greg, as; she had ,prom- ised in- the first scene. The; detective appears, arrests Greg and' Dorothy. and' happiness reigns ' in the' 'little country home', as plans are. made `for the wedding Of tluglx' and 'Margaret and the Doctor and Eileen. A dance . followed the play with music provided by. the "Sepoy Orch• Astra"'. All the details of • preparing for the presentation were under 'the direction. of Greg Leith. The. Presby- terian Orchestra.: '-pla3red numerous selections during the evening. Your Co -Operation 'Please. Once e more we • urge, � not only 'our subscribers, but the public in general YOUiLL BE''.AycAzED uie' C ;Corn . ' Salve—At McKIWB , DRUG STORE,:... • Miss Myrtle Webster •of Wellesley: anent the: week -end with her .parents. Mr. 'and Mrs:' Jamie,, Weibetea'. Ash- ri ld; John *Carruthers :hies joined •the Sank of Montreal start a$ the Junior member and commenced .lain duties in Monday.• Young•.Gd; "Ahbury•of,: Han:; ores, a „studeeralnt ` of $ Helen, Thompson;, accompanied, her. to : her ° home _here On Friday and spent • tke week -end. , s fair: and Mrs,. li Obert h[secallum • of, ',Wyandotte, a,: Detroit, ;awburb..were: Saturday, and. Sunday. ,'visitors With, the foriner's mother and sisters here:; .Mr. and Mrs.:'. Itsibert,. Johnston.'. Misses Roberta aid Pauline. of Gode rich;. were• Mother's Day• visitors at; the hbnle of Mr. and Mra. John` fOyit, - Durham's fire "chief and ',the :twelve' •members of • the brigade resigned. last•- week as a'' result of criticism: arising following the ;disastrous fire in the Rob ;Roy Mills of, that town. Tbe. Dramatic' Club of • the Young' ople's ' Society of the.'United'. church presented - their play' "The Path Across thee.liill'! to ii,_fairsro d -.an:•. ire Fang ' i isTeiii Ra-'il on-ainiaiay evening. Little AudreyHildred, left for her home: at "Bervie: on Saturday last; after . spending four weeks with ' her grandparents;' Mr.' and - Mrs. • Frank Vele, while her. ° mother was , in the Kincardine Hospital. Mr. sand Mrs. ,. Ernie . Millson and son ol:�:rStratford; anent:" the "[week end in , the .viilage with Mrs. Mill son's parents, Mr. and MO. John loynt. and with' the :former's; mother, Mrs.. A. E. Millson, Messrs.,.Gordon, Harvey and Char.- .ie Webster were up' 'from Toronto' an Teursday'to-pay a brief visit here.' the former with :Ilia' aunt, Mole Elia.; *beth;Webster,--the-latter-with "their parents; Mr -and' Mrs. itichard-'Web eros Fred Nixon and Eldon Johnston. represented' Lucknow Lodge, I.0.'0. F.:at ,;the district meeting ".held: at Underwood ' last Thursday evening; when Mr. ,Roy Peters of Bervie _was elected Master. , District Deputy Grand M•aster•. Commencing next Sunday,; May: 20th. Sunday •school .session* ;in both the,:_Presbyterian Church and the United -Church, will. revert . to. ' tho morning :hour, ' and ! •"will .; commence at ten:,o'clock. The morning hour was .. commenced in the Anglican church the first -Sunday=of .the month - Kiss, Margaret Hudson of °Elor agent Sunday with friends' .here; hav ng, accompanied Rev. E. A. Thom- son, pastor of •Elora Presbyterian Church, 'who conducted anniversary' services in the -Presbyterian Church here. Rev. -C.. H. MacDonald was in. Elora, taking charge, of the services Pleading- guilty— to --a : charge—af: having in, his possession an illicit -still •' for, "the „purpose ,.of manufacturing spirits, Gordon Drennan, Ashfield township, ,.vias, on , Saturday . fined •300 and nd eosts by Magistrate Reid. In default of. payment he will spend six months . in jail:, 'He was' given a week to pay, being ,bonded in' the sum of ,$500: Drennan ,. was arrested' by. Constable F. G. Truscott, New Curtains and Curtain Mater- ial At THE MARKET STORE. ci}re=the-Compairiss`CERTIFI LATE OF PERPETUAL ' CARETAKING. When the present, 'living are gone, the care of the grave.is provided. • Helping Dad A preacher on. looking up., from his 'sermon was :horrified to see his young son in the gallery pelting the congregatlion 'with paper "bullets". ,Before he. could .g t out a 'word of eproof,. , his your g hopeful cried: "You 'tend to your .preachin'; daddy; I'll keep , 'em awake."• • •' TAKE : ADVANTAGE ' of TH ESE r eek -End Specials NYALS 'TOOTHPASTE, WINTERGREEN OR MINT 'KUM LANE FACE .POWDER' 55c - ,. ... •. , RUTH LANE IIOUGE° (4 shades 55c both fog C5 ) A DAY -Dt EA1� ,FACE. POWDE[Z" i5c ',•' �+ DAY DREA1VI'IIPERFUME' 55e ' both..'f0I' • 5UC'. ROYAL WINDSOR TOOTH BRUSHIN I(OLDER ARMANDS SPECIAf-500 AND COUPON BUYS s ONE -DOLLAR' BOX OF SYMPHQNIC POWDER: .` - 'KLEENEX; Reg. 25c OLD ENGLISH HEALTH' NOW .. 19c $AV1'S•=-h . . 50c JERGINS FLOItOSA $OAIa; • VINOLIA. PUR � CASTILE • . E... ,ILE,_ �','�. ., cs 6 ' CAKES ... . ► 8 . CAKES '.•. +.. +... ..'.�'$C c• to inform us when they. are going On a visit, or when they have guests, ,or ah hundred ed and one such items which will all 'add towards a more newsy Sentinel. You are ,under no obligation rn fact I we will much appreciate your .' co-operation• in .this: respect. But please lett us 'have these items • when -they, are news. Dont wait -until a week has parsed. JUST' 'SEC9pND BEST At - the evening 'Service fn the Pres- byterian Church, Rev: • E. A. Thom,. son of Elora, the ;Anniverbary;guest 'speaker; after' paying tribute tp' Rev. C. H. 'MeeDonald,''as a''reed chrietian gentleman and'' true minister, `made reference to the kind hospitality ke, had received at the Menne, .during' his stay in the village. • **ever, he Waif much • surprised, he 'said,' humor ously, to' hear the residents oi' the ea wh'o for some: time has-. been • suffering from a -painful,. Muscular ailment' was taken to Tor- onto General Hospital' on 'Thursday. where he will •.undergo ' .treatment for" at least. two weeks. Dave had been' confined to bed here, for ten:days before being taken to Toronto and during that time suffered c,nstantly. P With seeding.' operations,.,gneralli. completed, the' rain that fell on Sun- day , was most welcome:. Growth. however. is ,ilmosty at a standstill; due to continuing cool weather. Grass is coming along`ttoo slowly to provide siifficient feed for cattle.. which are. i man cases e' Yxce• tions!! thin. due t, p y n di a shortage stage of ',•winter feed, • Win Congoleums' .' Prize winners. in :Vie' Congoleum Rag guessing contest were announ- ced on •Saturday night. Mrs.,.jValter, ;Hamilton had tie; nearest guess ; to the correct number at Temeleton's; ,with, Mrs. -Jack Thompson the -winner At the Market Store. Both :parties •receiv " e ved' o a a c n o leu m�ru g as their ea prize. Left' For' Toronto • Mr.' 'John' Beatty,a ' o y Ong Scotch- an who has been employed ..' with m Mr. ' Jack Macintosh, •-boundary west, left for Toronto: on Monday, •where , e. has, 'secured es. position.', John, While , employed in • the community,. wasgenerally well liked; and leaves mhile any.' herfrieen. ds which' , he has Heade w • if sue of . April. 26th. met with response; . We received eved' .no fess. thaw about fifteen copies of that date .and 'wish . to thank our 'readers Cor their assistance, a t nee, which. more `•than Supplied, lied, the 'nu P mhos -of � copies' tre- quired.. Copies were received from the village, West Wawanosh, Kinloss, Ashfield and; ,one from • a' Goderick lubscriber. , •= The : Young - I eople'a Society of the. Ashfield Presbyterian Church .played oat on Friday evening at 'Came intail, with mem�bere ` of the . Luck - now Guild' and the Ripley Society as their invited • guests at, a' rally ' of the three societies The program was provided by .Lucknow . and Ripley tellent, with the" Ashfield ' group furnishing. refreshments, and` • al. together a pleasant evening was en - o Pecubiar •atmosnherie conditions nrevalled '•• in , this district ' last Thursday afternoon; as were 'general, in Western.' Ontario; thought to have been.. caused Int sand, and:dust Ailred ilii 'In the 'parched West. and carried` atwward by, : strong winds. The sky Our equest 'last week nor copies i`s curty W Manse claim their Lucknorr-conil're: to tile'°finest".in"UA fada,,.nb h he had niways claimecl:this, distinction ere fns -his Mote flock,•. -but waste quite wits willing and pleased to grant the '*tor local churcl) second Osla o+,' -, in nk, ea ea , foiliwvwvllnw a Y►apr hre e. MbU fi ..Nmi � at`'»alrtialiy' blotted oiif a sun and Med s semi darkness, Gusts .of &:threatened 'to` -:result' in 'a wind m but 'roamed off `end On Friday olrnlfts the :ser had cleared, u'tI • House leaning 41eains Curtains • A ,SP CIAL' ALE�A R S • ETU E Dalnty Ruffled .Curtains with Valence, 21/4 yds. long Reg, 89c.. Special. `...: 69c Noyielty "hired*Cream- Curtyiins With Pretty Bolo +ed' Edares. gY; 'yda..long' - Stpecial .49; Filet ;Net Curtains; Tailored ' "Edges: Special' Pr.", . 1'.00, • ei ents an `Seed. "- - MCCORMICK-DEERING Plows,. Harrows, Drills and Spreaders.) -L. FLEURY, & •SONS-- :No. 13, 21,.,&' 77. :Walking - _ - T �'E._BISSEL.L CO-- ,• Disc, Harrows and Land Rollers and. l'Sidky :-1 i hs.: -GOOLD SHA.P LEY•. � MuiR "Double Geared. Self -Oiling Windmills. FROST, STEEL •41 Zinc.;. Bonded Fencing;` Coiled and Barbed Wire andtea e Cxa TIMOTHY and CLOVER SEED / • No 1 Alfalfa, .lsike, Mammoth, Red,White and Yellow Sweet. Clovers o Sale at:- . :+ `-LARGE 'PINEAPPLES,, E ACH .. , . ;2. MEDIUM PINEAPPLE& EACH HEINTZ CATSUP' 1. COWAN'S' • CO.COA. 1 TIN. BULK , COCOA, LB: ... ...: ... 9c 'RASPBERRY., . JAM • . 29c PLUM JAM '', 23c TOMATO and' VEGETABLE SOUP, 3 CANS ..............25e 'CORN, PER CAN' .lOc• BICE, CHOICE;' 4 LBS. 25c ' ,TOMATOES, ' 1's., FANCY„ 3 CANS ... . 25c :SEEDLESS ° • RAISINS, 2 LBS. .........25e VALENCIA` `RAISINS, "'2 LBS: .. ,.... . . ,.25c _ TOMATO 'JUICE,, 4 CANS. • . , 25c —MA -MY xXEO=CAKES L' —� . , .:3."i ---= MM � 111 an l,T�:• e urns . g + n .Grass. Seed p. ALL;: EW SEED` . -FR.: `� R "FRESH FRUITS 'ARLES GET S AND VE BALES ALWA7�S" �ON ;. HAND DAMAGE' ACTION SETTLED• Settlement of the: $26,529 damage action ti o - n .resul ng fr m serious: injuries Buffered `b three-year-old Larr yY Jo1inst n o h -- w e n he w -struck-by' , b 0 3' motor car . on Rigout 'bridge. London, last June, was reached out of 'court and approved by Mr. Justice Makins. Although the .terms of settlement vrere_not�.disclosed:-it=-is-known-that! a certain sum was . paid •: into : court for the; boy's .benefit. His, father, .son-' in -Misr✓'. of former High Cdiistaible- A. J. ' Wharton, had sued for '.$25,000 da a es.for m g Larry ,arid x.$1,529 to cover medical'. expenses. , OUT OF COURT'. 4. STATES HIS' CASE Mr. Victor Whitley 'Explains How He Weii,. Innocently Involved In Ash field °.Theft Case ,:• Claiming to have been,innocently involved in connection with the' re- cent theft of .grain from the Zinn farm in Ashfield': and ,to be .cleared of all blame in , this connection; Mr. Victor Whitley,explains his ' case in this 'manner. :� On the • evening Hing in question; •Cas- well Hackett motored to Whitley's farm • to' • drive him'to see a • horse belonging to Jack Smith of ,Goder- ich. On leaving :Mr. W hitley's farm,. the -driver stated he was going anoth- er road, as he wanted to see 'a party On reaching • the Zinn' farm, Hackett` turned off into a gateway op the op= posits: side of the road, an" turning out the' lights, explained •' that he' had been Ivorking at Zinn's • a short time before and was going to get some, grain. and clover seed. Hackett was arrested the'next•morning,` and •'said Whitleo was with him, which;resulted' In the.latter .becoming involved' in the "fair." i: Final dlaposition • of the ;case was nndew.in Goderich last. Wednesday, ;,si,eit' Whitley pleaded gulity•to• being :with ,Hackett on that occasion, but innoc�int of''any'participation in the affair,, -and was.Sil'ed..E50.00 ° and' coats.. Hackett ;wat•.r•previously sens f e'ieed to, aix months ` in the reform u`2t7: r..vrr. ;: rirw+�r"aei m I . 14"5Cb e.n•i fl + k iiC' ono instance only, did'Mr. Whitley seemrpanv him, ,he states. and Vie has come•tg elle eonelusion "its betty,,; to stew at home, rather than go drive Ing , %fter sundown' . " • a-ra b1 -e � ea er t b. T ..�ips. e ,oak. Ltl 'BROADCLOTII TRUNKS, . EASY' PATTERN, FINISHE D WIl'H ELASTIC" BAND •• • SIZES 30, and LARGER os for Trunks a:n��' FINE RIB KNIT, IN, EGYPT,AJN COTTOI4t .OR RA ON SILK ' SIZES SMALL, MEDIUM & LARGE Com .. b at i ,SPRINo1 AND 'SUMMER WEIGETS, WITH LONG ROII; • SHORT LEGS at .. .95c & 1d'c i • Life iOW, ONT'Ai7io,