HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-05-17, Page 51;4'? • 'eorereeeesoe-er- AAAAAA,A; •f; 1 , Why buy bargain tires of some unknown brand *hen,you can get 'new Goodyear Tires at these.lOw 'prices?\ • Size 30 x 33/e $4. he Size 21 x 4.50 ' $5•90 • , . , Size 21 x 4.40 5.25 Size$690, 20 x 4.75 . , , . , ,. • , • ,.Size 19 x 4 75 • $ 6 65 • Size 19 x 5 00 $7.25 EVery "Speedway," bears . carries the guarantee. • . And-remetnberi-we do a goo -1-ale-iiitireenrouniing for yo0—FREE, of course. the Goodyear name and eo. Raitlandtresbyterial �IdiiAiinivei 1414aew 4_,t._ Tiele411 Seclettees Were Two .9F }."Ook" Societies` Preobyt‘rist "i1•4 The MOtlaid rht .Pr.esbyteil aef th' e Pes n•un urch in csnar* , marked, Be .aaddeal anniversary en fame here 'llaat ThuredaY and' the , est to grab a: vietorY. Gordy er in .1)Yterial '7,me teamed 51?• 'Yeers ago . wilt be on. ho mound 77;77,r7', .4' BALL TEAM SHAPING. " UP: 7,Q1K_NEXT--WE ..-eressereessee reeee tier rug(' Xfolkir40 schedule •01)10, Pa • May When, LPeele TalceePlt • Welkertim Hato • . ; • -ee-ee-ee. • • A, . • • The ColtatY Town reeeted to he et, OrPlig aggregatign this see.; seer will provide the. ePPesitien :far the "-Brace League pieta* raising ocals, last, year's. Lakeside League TUeed.itY •laet la Iree,ea Clierch, ehamponee have' te at,their• eardine, in watch theyoriginal Pres- b ;oniet; r. issina..1;,telii:,':e13,:tecuicektine,Sil",ofi-ilatdi7casisoi., .!4,1'11:1?g„ agrgute. tholipt(i7,1,eseheeii;euetd:tigacth- *piens,- : e . _ , ',,e• -.., .,,. -: ,,e, e . ' , , • .uPehla Imizeling. 51410, _ . mis Le T. iii:.• ,.... elm . ',' "'o ' ',Dandy- ,McLennane'elle • cree teat' • - e ..4. eKereal akee•II*Ieee's .Playerefi'vilitenee'meeeng t le" speeiaLepeaket . at Ihse• eeening. ses- .Year .frotti4helirie7up, as he has tbe-- •eieri; Mlle .RIdcWhinney, peeeident, turned ter 'D t t H. al D nald• • brpgght greethigs .be wearingaa lelanalii ielferail it lg freen-ethe Presbytery., • . ' . . • , exPeeted and eehoulde add 'M to piteentatien' to. two members of the employed by , Ereje:,,,,,eeeielirete„ ehteeleboley)..1 9f. the‘:eiteetillgewas' the strength. to the team.M Pe ' since. a A feature TRiplereialaillarreav—E-07411ste-attente-de "rood- e rlyein-this--f-la l'e the presbyterial meeting in Kin- Andy •Thompeow Welt be .missing eareine in 1884. • With, life member- from the early games Of the schedule „ship,. ',certificates: • Are,' W., Bell, 84 telt 'will, get, into action as soon ,, es Bre Year old worker, and Mrs.":t. B It- the Normal term Closes: Otherwise, earidge.-Who-recelvedeTtlee„certifie tee tae• team e that takes the field 'next', Irten Mrs. D. T. L.. llicKerrol ' or- viiiiidity .wtir in all liklihobil . he 'un-' ontoh. were given 4 hearty ovation as changed from that of last year. ' I The •disunond.has been met ingood ethPebkepr't;tsbythteeritiliftteretoa,,pwrit:;seseaeone C. Nillers..thirdebraosieL abuilifear 4180eawtriamme'Pr-?' H • ae 0 a4Ce Rev. v. ton last Year and a heavy hitter will E NZ I cknow .46 I.N fl.S'9, • Among the many new eretitionS in SUMMER FOOTWEAR for : , GIRLS are *hoe • known as above, "dreciane'llese. 'These are•a 'Mist ,beautiful clase of shoe made in TWO COL. ORS,. namely SMOKE, and WIIITE, •with, nice weight -soles,e real low .heels. 1 • , THE . ACME, OF. DeRIBILITY COOD LOOKS e Made in sizes (starting for About three or , Niue year oldegiell0 . • o endelVieethePrice of which are_ $1.95 Pee -Pair ' was Mrs. Williamson' of Wingham. whose 'daughter is serving in ledia,. shape and. -with favorable ' weather fe-erellowin ere e the presbyterial the year they Were antimpated -for the opeeleg game' •of foundedand their present member- the season.% ship: Ashfield, 1891;e30; Bluevale, ' 1903, ele Brussels, 1884r 411 brie*, 1902, 20; ;Dueitaspanon; '18e4; Eadies. 1887, 20; Ethel 1886; 15; Kincardine, 1881, Ma leinlough 1894 Ore .Covering .Capaci %fortheMoney ite-Lap" Galvamzed Roofing is true •-iti4 'bathe, Every iheet P#1.e:', places, to nail across the ,bottonitt7on1y ilches-1).etwOnt Aaile..."The, end lap 18 • 06 tight as to be invisible, it peg,. • tively excludes driving rain or km* • „"Tite.Ltip" is a deeelepment'of the femme . "Mb"Relleh•-weaetrodie ztenyearsafio.-- h hair all the good appearancreana weather', *tighteess of "Rib Roll ' on account of the rearrangement of the ribs, each eheet haa• . greater cover ng ealmeitee •• 4 Galvanized roofiii :g or siding offers the utmost duiability- aud."Titetati"-a-thir,tyrie of , galvanieedtoofing which ensurers easiest appli- ,. -cation, and most perinalient weather arotee- •tion, atlow cost., " • -• • CHURCH,, NOTES 'United ,Chureli Y. P. S: 7; Langsale, 1885, 7e Lorne,. 1927. ',The • Young people's meeting was 8; I:110110W, : 1883, 30;.' "'Melee:4,0th held on Monday evening with Miss _18,915,1eLeSektle__Kin1oss, :1892e 28; Viola Kerry, convener of 111,0 mii,- Teeswater, 1885, 40•;"!,:' Whitechurch, sienaey group presiding.. The open - 1887, 2e;• Wingham, 4887, 47; Ripley. ink exercises were followed .with 1884 20l• • the scripttite reading by. Anne Mae l'rOminent anione the gieetings1Farrish The topic -elf Jesus Had received *ere those: ;of well-known His Way, What Would Happen to former residents of dile distrige and the "Ruial Billion,1": was takea. flay. 3ittvc in the • work 'eif the church Betty., Bassett. Hildie.Twairiler then at homeand _abroad, Miss 'Dorothy conteibute,d 44, piano solo. .Short Douglas,: erhicipal o ehe • Girls!. biographies on David "LteingStone ..aellooleineeTamsuie-Fermosn; 'Rea. and Die drerifell Were given by Mild - Hugh .and Mee. MacMillan of Foie red Rifehie, andJeanWithers, K :nosa' and Mrs". F. Scat' afaCKenaie, hymi and the elizpah benediction 'wife, of the • principal of•piesbyterian brought the meeting to a eloee. college. • Montreal e.Angus McKay , The Met • regular •meeting till next Whitechurch is .anathee .from the Fall, Will be held.•next ,liceiday even- iediate corainUnity, tieing mis- with the Citizenship : .Coin. :in et. and rafter Measurements and we send eou.T/TE7LAP estimate and shozev you how' younan save money. ' • "Galvenamelled A durable, fireproof, galvanized roofing and . siding in attractive, permanent colors, for• - your house or any other building, Cannot • . .e warp, shrink, crack, curl Or bulge, Another unequalled roofing value. , e • . •, Bete Ventilators : ••eFey ..iiiiontane9u5 boxnkinstiort: Priced, fro*: SS UP. t t',1111'11111111111N11111111, Pieskil Galvanized • Tanks' Special; values now.. Write for Prkes. _Piestonellefe.1)00e. leardware • .We can, lave you money on your barn door, hard- wire. Wnte ft* ; ' Preston Steel Truss Barns eed implement Building's SIOli work .in the fereitn field., He is. eharge' of tae program- .1 • .. • „ teacher evangelist in .the Canadian PresbYterien Mission in, Jhansi. India Victoria -Miesion Band. ' The fonchoinc, are the officers .' fer, 'The, ireaUlai meeting of • the 'Alfs- the ensuing tom: lionotairy mese eioti Band. 'Was' 'held • Monday. :May 'knt.LM!SA1erachan,• Brussels: jeeeTheTheeting -oped' with hymn MeWhinney,', ure • And sizes' 1142-13-1 and 2 for bigger girls,' the price $2.55 Per Pair, • ` Mothers who take pride in Seeing their little girls look their very • best will appreciate t he- attractiveness of these Very - -very- charming,- shees. , WILL IS SHOE STORE' , . THE LEADING SHOE . STORE OF IIIIRON COUNTY —Wingfune ASHFIELD WHITECHURCH reside Mrs..it :reel -Mee; eliceepreei3entMrs. J. "Tendereon. Wiekhem; Mrs. A. A; J. Simpson' Kintaile 'Mrs, McLean. Wingham; , Mrs. Tr D.- MeCellough, Teineardine; izerisurer;'..,Mes.NR.,' Mare tete: Ripley; •recording ieeretary, 342, followed by prayer by Mrs.; Wat- son. The scripture reading eves- read' by . Marion- aeohneton •followedi, by hynin :196. The narrates-, were thee read; followed by the the' roll call • and the' offering.:Taere was then a Piano solo. by Helen idabDoriald; and read- Mrs. Wee-Je -Morrisee;---Kincer inee ings-by Muriel Patterson and_Maudie mrrespendine. secretary. Mrse,C. el slier. 'The Band .then 'divided for VIacDonsild, Lucknow; :mission bander fidy, Itoszeila • Mullin , taking the •ecretary, IVIise M. McKenzie, :Luck- y linger ' children and Mrs. 'Watson low: young women's secretary, Misr thealder. Plans were made, for thc Nelle • .Malcolm Kinlough; home next 'Meeting to be a social and the eelpers, Mrs. • T. Simpaon, MoMs hilarene to invitit their mothers. worth; 'life membership. Mrs. W. A. Marion 'MacDonald and ,Maudie Williams. Cranbrook; Glad Tidings. Fisher 'weeeeebosen: as a progran Mts. O. Kreuter.. Ethel supply, Miss "cone for thee -next meeting.: Thr Tq MeQuaid. Whitechurch:', svelerene closing hymn was 552 followed Mr. Arthur Sineespn .has ,reterned • 'wine, from 'Krioa College, Toronto, • • having -coMpleted his studies fer this :term: • Miss Jean MacGregor, ts teachhie , in Kintail • sehople relieving ; Miss Lottie . MacKenzie, eVlio • gave the school up,. on 'account 'of ill _aeaith: .The friends of. „Miss Pearl° Mae- • Intyre will ..be pleased, to know, she • is able to horiae after raedergoing an operation ecodeeich Mr. Peter lalacliityie and firreisfer Mies Annie 'Weee in, Culross ii • Theiadee attending' the funeral of :their brother-inaewe:Mr ,Williani Moffat. • . The ' Presbyterian M. S. is to mee edieeeeterthis ikeuk • the. home of • Mrs. :Iiectoe elacLeae. • • A very pleaeaat eirening 'was ,seene • ett Kintail •Carepe. when the . Ashfield Young, Peeples •stociety. , enterteihed 'the esocietiete of Rieley and • leickripw. • The president. of the Asheeld 'society --opened- the meethig and after,. wel- coming' the 'guests 'askaTtlie' orese- • dent\ .Of the •Ripley ',society ,te, take- • the. chair. The :Ripley' :society took cheege, Of tble .devotional exerpises afthe , Which . the: Lucia:low eiesident , 'presided, and" hisesociety wee' respon- sible for the rest oe`the proeritm..A1 the eloasee the Asbfield .%oaidty, gave two o.r three eoetests and ae .ole ' time•,geo'grapay mettle ' Lunch wgs • 'served toy' the ASefleal Youeg Peolike. • Mr. and Alfred Tebbitt' et doderich and Mrs; Humphrey' of St fielins, visited last week with their sistee Mrs. A. Fox; : • Mesars. Mae. and Thos. Inglis spent a day -last week in London. Miss • Lottie ' Foe returned' home Solidity,. after visiting her sister; ears.__Ray-Pattere •of •Luean. i re. end Mrs.. John Craig .and family spent aunday evith :Mr. John ci c 1„ Q Time f For Wi h • • . arr. Reeert Laidlaw lost n Valui'tble :Visitors' home for. Mother's '•Day eoeeeeeeeeeise •• : . :. ; • eeelated_alisses : Mabel . and 'Irene • Calvin anniversary will be held on Woods from ' Waterloo. Mies ,Vera ,fuhe 3rd, when ,Rev. ,Mr. Lane-, 01 todd," Bloomingdale : Miss DototaY Chareli .anniversary. 'here, will .e :Webster, Carlevi. •,,., . . •, , :*ebster; T.ondon and Mies. Doilue doderieh, will., ereech. The . United • -on , jone 10th and •the Presbyterian ' 'Mr. and Mrs; Trion (formerly Mies enniversaty will be on June 17th, Veta• Woods) • of Toronto. Mr. ,aed ween eireerMeeeeMeIfitifeli of -London -Virte-eArlieldeelearbouee'eazid • BolabY ' arel leereerle• of St. Helens will Paillips Of .Fergutri. were Week -end lireacb..:. •• '•e • ". eieltore With he ladies' mother. Mrs. . The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup Sap- at J. Woode., ,ee'r will be held ie the Presbyterian ,• Mr. Sehlinkee . Of ititehener Was church .on .Sunday at 11 SAM., 'Pkit•nr,- he week -end. guest or Mr, Mid, Mre. etory eervice :,will lae: held on Friday. Iterbinson. Woods. , e, ,... e eight at 8 .pm. '' -.• • •Messes. 'Merge) Mitchell,' Will, eere---Egglestone eise-Vieitipg. -her 'eeyiee--ee-e-e-wie -seetieee-epente-tet. anaghtele Mrs.' Bert Reid. - . veek-end in Voronto...,e, " .• :. ' 'We' , Peter acennedy. visited : On. eenegy with Mr, and,Mis. John Reid Miee'lfeintyre visited it his, home If eeeuee, t ......" e • at .Paisley. . Mi',*s , Dongida : ..eiteDemee .0e . 'et, ' Mtse, Hugh Rutherford has • returns , . tielpnie h; 'spending a few :days thie ed after 'spending the., past : few. IA (..,r,k, with , her aunt,, gee. .Doia Months with .• her deinehter. • 'MM. (lilacs, ' . • . • •• , ! Anderson; Beigrave. .4, ind wailare. the Lord's, prayes.. • • 'irert; :library ahd'iiteeitare. Miss' 0, '• Bluevalet press secretary, Mrs. Davidson: nompetree coinnht ee, `lass A. McCallum. Kincardine; reso- eitions, W. J. Henderson •Itov woman," ldrs. W. Moore, Brussels. ST. HELENS Tee Women's Institute had .a ensciel meeting oe Monday, :when 1,110V had inVited Luektibyv. Holarood sett • Teesiea ter Institutes and several PARAMOUN't• Indies 'front the Testitu es were re - lectured on homemaking ecoriondes, Me. ;and- IM. ('nifin,r thih WV; enitraeCI ler all'. Lunch was , iamt, When Mrs. Pereivar of Addison wood,"Visited with' friends Para- ore,tareil and a social hour spent. . • inOunt &irate the 'week, • : - Mists Militie Richards has returned. 4ala rnht! xiigt nom: home limn nureing at taogsiOe the 7 past le* weeke; , t ' • 1141se .drade Scot was - rem HP furiAetilatgkl,b;)eft.11111:mtehealit.,,t7t.cit.io•ti:v6, Tooti:ozuhtbonie'to anetel the weekend 'it and Mt. Rieheia, Creech, Pitid Iti,vel• wf and Mfl A mattaf attended last "Wee ,, tee fo'neral lriqt, week of the lats Miss ''Maiy.: 'qiiike, •corepleting he: alae Willimb moiyit: who died at his course ,le -training.some. • time e a -a'' llhrence iiv.vio, driin. ,,seeral montles illness. 1 and rice there has been ntir$ ill ir , in rM , A, n 1 . ec Men of 'Tote/Ito ,i1t)h'i° -Week. She graduates t,:C.);t1 • 'iwi 11 flte. PtThiic Seh�oi inkned. 1.BL. • ‘. ' tor fhili ,itt• .SChocase in 'elir rMise ,Tereeto,e seed a. tee/ ere se widek. . FJOWO davs IA* bor 'ANto"r, Mt11 s. cruffuli. •t\tvFL Martiri wile in Clifford on ‘Pete Delater failitlY. ,entelaer. ease:tale' in, the chtere taeie. Mee. Wilkinson'thregilest •;61. her mother, :Mrs: 'Conine Of Melee her Mother's Day. : ,MeihrK,Itailieet. and GOIderin • Pur- vis have secured work .2en apiaries the former eteGaielph the latter at tatileewerth, • • - and MerieJohii learnt and "are Were . dell 1::•e• in e the village'. MOnday.; Many 'friends: .were .pleased :to -greet Mr. 'aoent Ori his first to, St; Helens, after lits' , • • "— : Mr, 3..H. rineir the .past 'Menthe' With Me. slid Mei,' Wallace Miller. lift ..titeerneeder for a visit' with friend . ' Mr, tied, Mts.: •Jtiliiee•Swiin •Were teeent itiSitOtti with their Miele, '1"kod Selortion Of ' Sttatfetd. • ' United Church W. M. S. s' • The regular meeting of the United Church W. MS. was held On . Wed- aesdaY .at' the homeof 'Mre. Meier • Ackert. The president, Mrs. Tucker• •ondUcted the opening • exercises; efter. Which Mrs Robert Rebert Thompson whose 'growl) had Charge . Of the program, took the chair. MrseMurdic ,ind Miss Mary Struthers each read 'A paper on prayer, .Mrs: Dierlerre Of -.Ripley 'gave •an .exeellent--reporteef the • Presbyterial held here Onelday tit. Mrs. Munn Of Ripley and Mrs, T; JOynt of Lucknow, each sang pleasing solo. Mts. Thompson read an interesting paver' "Whet S. Means.". Miss •Gladys Tucker con- 'ribizted piano solo..--7eAt the .clere• If the meeting a social half hour was enjoyed with .refieStrnents. Forty-one . Were; present. , PORT ELGIN PIJIILISRER • IS . TAKElq •DEATH Guelph Street • MitLitir exeifosteoNe. • • Factodsi shrl at, Monirseristi Triumviri "The La " a lied' 0 P PP with %lite Led -lied ' Neils:. Note 'nailing epace-4 indite apart across end__of...sheet 'Tit. -Lap" is -esPecially '•.uijed for re•roofing. solute weather tightness assurecIA (Pa tent • • ;jalotlIltsiOaf.Pda,,,,idieabtAIWahribednirg Abrotoarrifi:a for) A drive -screw nail,. latest UVC o f the Preston Led--Ited , timm rom)t foree t 0 01-11W nail • NID re - TEESWATER' T1WCKEIVITE-AlPg--2 AS TRUCK IS riEIVICLISRED • •, Mr. and Mrs. Ilitem Moffatt and. M. .'Whitehead, s•of TeesWatere suff- baby Keith of Sainia. :were guests •etta minor cute -and bruises ineGod- of Mr.. and Mrs.'ltichard '71Ohnston • on oi-ii-lerldre--Ii-iiresult of a This "weeltend. : -frantece-leeerefrom his motor trees- Pinlaay • ShackletOn—of—Priceville; AFEKING port a few iseconde before it was eteuck broadside and cienolished by a string of moving cars. One of the freight • cars. was • derailed by ,the IL tracks at the elevator *here Whitehead had gone for a load of green. 'Ha Was backing over, the tracks to turn the tem -lc -around waen a yard engine shunted a •string el the boX cars. ••' • .• 'Railway officials epmeeenting • on the. incident :said the teuckee • had. no .businese 'On' the. tracks' -as thee • Was no crossing at. this 'point. 'The truck 'we understand, belongs ame-41.--leitchtee-T and was pewee taroligh the village ionng,fate.r.:fiecicisr.. 412.11.aPidated look - REV. • PINEST MAYE4 tEivnla tog E$GLA'NO „ •Tte. trite'stAityasi a' torivier 'feta flTId , Miiisrtono vitito r6colit1Y ‘,Aittii Mr. Vrt:uud mts, Buckton and diturh. tor ilt 0110041iTion and 'Truckee* end and. eeee Wee. Media, e•• , , t*f. tionnio, , stout Stinclalt :at 'Mr who has been the, tonutar rector Of Mi..'" and Itira. Otidney U'ild f'ali-11y,, (0"•611',. Trmuittou's, . ee p--li •A. I., Church. - Nit'. ; aura, 'rig Tetu , intr., of (Ult. Srierit irist yeelf,.. eete 'grit MiAg'irlorente eleeckley retureta It ii, ••• ..i. 'Aielibilte, einent'iSet week. with. 1.111r, 111(.10,11.1 (it Od' 0',here he Ad will sail on aiindal147'q 'and Mai:. Orant Maebkrmid., l"011 '0.!t•I'fir6d CAV.'ffia liOi'liki -Of' :Mil elite-I:one-4e --g:-. gr. ieteeeeteei lot erre, fee t dek4)Allit' twe yeers, wit ; 110.1' ttntrs 'Aftal` $0.111dirli , getd.haliaw, A. • 'Mee; InS; twm.',wooha With•Mrs. Melfrit, 'leave ilek tio.60,44'„'„Att44(0*.40),04040,, tlit • ov.g. recently sim,orf 'tylit ,t,it.o.A.§, have:71;06140d. tew .tt§uoic Mr. Hayes wIll be athis 1101110 44, 9r440t tp4 • gtteiclieineid 40144 00000, Fedittie Of -Tin's Pasees•Awar•Aftet • Ilelef Ripest 4 • "Aw' ilium • Of little Mete than ijeree '.weeke' duration from a liearf lffeetion: reiulted in, the; erith. on Saturday of S. Roy 'WesIdY, editor and • 'reibliehet of. the ,roit Elgin Times. Times, While it was .'generallY.irtiOW:n:. that his. COndition was setiong;At was thOuirkit he Was on the Men& and. the 4nnorineernerit, ott his .pasSing, came As a geeat shock tie. that eonerinieitV. The late. Mr. WeeleY, iVlio Wag' iA hig 40th Year, 1.3orn- and relied' .beitit. the yetetgest ion, 61 the iste. 'e. #,otiner.thrlAisher, Of tbe Reece Herald • ehica" 'later beeenie 'Walkerton. elerfila .Titnee• And nagged in the. hands' .6f. another• Seri,' 3, A. Wesigr, tts present oWnet. -.....reeeeee. 1461,,YROCOP: • gee .Elliott- of. Ituteer' Is tjgi "teei LAN GSIDE The. Whitechurch Women's .held their eegulet and. ahnual neefieg• on •Friday last. The, meeting Jeened with. the preeidezite Mts. „L., erain charge: The roll: pall Ives' answered. by Peeing of fees to •,WiliCh X,Welly-itvir7rn'etOets—rOpi3inded77,-Thc-- ..inatiaal :statement showed e .bahince if $31.34. Mrs. .Leggatt gave a' report of 'the (fruit' and floweri-e-28 fleeing been remenibered and in ' do- iiag'-so. $9,75 had been ,spent 1,5 on hand., Miss, Lorna :McCleria- gliiin *rive a reading; Misses Carricka duet; Mrs. Te"Geent gave the tOpic "Essentials for success ,:pf the In - and Airs.. F. Henry gave a reading. The election,'e1 Offieers, 101- leoWed .with Mrs: V. :Emerson ipreiici mg and Miss' Merle, Gaunt, secretary:, the., followitig.,were • elected: president -Mrs.. Thos.--Gauntr--3..-st Vice. Miss Susie 'carijek; end Vice, Mrse, Mac Rose: Sec.-Treas.. Miss Grace Rich- ardson:eleirectore, Mesdames Ben 'Naylor, 'Frank 'Henry, Gibson Prirdoh, W. J. 'Coulter,. H. dodkine FloWeria Misses ,Mee Wigatmilli and Tena• Laidlaw; Audi- tors, ' Miss Merle' daunt, Mte: James Morrison; Pianist, , Miss •Merle '.;aunti :Mae Wightman, Ws. D. Bee - Croft. It, was decided pay the see.. eielis the mile of $5.0O fele her ser - ,vices, . ' o A special meeting ,of the W. W. I, Was -held on Monday afternoon. The chair. was occupied by Mrs. T. Gaunt' She introduced the guest speaker. Mrs. Mrs, J. M. ,Percival of Addieon, who qaace e'Making Home drown Vele- •a:tables- and Metit• available' threugle; out tae' year." She She eeplaitied the reetheds, whiCh she bed' proven eto he friti-0,;,, M.iCeggft.11 and exhibited lilts:, Of sWeet. peppers, corn, toMate wontile, ' and chicken. A• setond eddrese reas on "Uses of Weel"..• She eibewed hooked rugs, dOinfOirterA, •tnottresi Made of wool. Als6 the trt of making eitieles,frent crepe l paPer...The ways decorate pottery and ean 'Oiled:aloe of crayori, ula 'work Wag' algo ihewri and ex- MrS, atartlid Serirlieg; Mies - Ps OarrIeka tl'eVe reale 'aed deet 'Arid s. ilen Stott was a VIS - d. irch V. tint, refter tiT:Trta atiw4r:' earsi bset:et ;10: lat:n us- efiaromild, ::airireener neterle,44 en ,thert, .egeee.: evetanee, • kVA'keitter AO0fuitn't i;110 iv6e. 4 wr.o. noi9roott Ithil„ou Ntav 9 .n r • and Palmer. Kilpatrick of 'Toronto, epent the --week-end' at their reepece • tive hemes ':here.'' • .' Mr: and Mrs. John.e3lake' mid Miss. Berce of •Wingliaine. visited the former's mother, Mrs. Wm. Blake, Mr. • ane Mrs. Ernest • Hall and family and Miss: Mary Hall of St. • 'Themes. were recent guests �f.Mr. • and Mrs. . Godfrey Hell. 'Miss Mary Halt , is :Making an extended isit with Mk..and. Mrs. Hall: While heie they eiseted Mk. Hall's father, Mee. Thos. Hall and Mae: Hall iit•Kincer- Hearee----isa-eenfined—to--. . , bedat. .present. Mrsr Henry. was at • London Mr. medieet treatment Wed- , nesdaY. Wehope there will seen be ,,, decided improvement in the health or' of Mr. and Mrs; Heniy.. ' Mr. Joe Alton of' dederiali and Mt. Herb Altoa .of Wawailcishe visit • - ed Mt; and Mrs. Will Irvin, Monday. • eldr: and Mks: ;Alfred Armstrong - - and, sons Harold: gand Gorden oaf, • Londoe, were•eueits of Mr. ante:Mre,' Will ,Irvin, Sunday. ' 1 •• •• The play- "The Thtee Pegs"' pre- sentedeby--theneyOungelaaies--of-Dun- Mre; 14. Thoninson of Laicknoce 'give ti,•teadine. Liinch *AS 'served ,at tale elose flieliteetiere Mies L: Richardson of Teesweter atent SateMer "With Mr. and Mre., Atiit erf-kioW grunion here on Friday evening, was ' very Much' enjoyed bythe audience. , . PARAMOUNT U. F. W. O. The.-Maye-meeeing--of--the Para- inteint U.F:W.O. was held at the home of Mrs.. eehe Haniilton: Thee meeting wasopened by the Singing of one verse.' and the chorus of the Maple Leal, after *hi* .the Lord's prayer was repeated:le uriisen. The , Minutes of the last •Ineetieg Were eem:1 and adopted, Alter ShOtt . • , , business &emission:the` ' ed and aneWered: A.reading on"What' should be Ora° was !read , by Mrs, Jack Ileiderson Mrs.Jphn Haniiitori ., • rendered a ',Very tileasing. solo, Which was followed bY a recitation by Miss Doris Irwie, Mrs, Mel:. gave' - a reading on "Out 1to Old Aunt . Mary's' •Misi.' EVelyn Reid played an instrumental -Willa was follewed• by a very iritere'etitialend beneficial paper read and prepared by Mks. Tueltee "Temperance".A' -short discussion followed the 'reading of the ;eerier. Miss Ethel IVIartin read aepapee on "The 'Farineleseeleicorne" Mrs; 'Grine Maelliermid conducted e very interesting, contest. Leech was served 'aed,e' vote of thanks' tendered .to the hostess for the use of her - herpee The Meeting elosea, by all • ' ,singing aped be with' you 'till we meet deem", • e NIOTItER'S; DAY MAtuttp • • AT TEE UNITED CHURCH Tweets, Mothers composed a spe- cial choir let the Mother's Day ser- vice -in the United 'Church on Sunday morning. , The theme :of the :service • was N4`tai.ril*,, Life Joyously" and besides Rev. . S. 'Tucker'e address'. Me. Raeliwell, superintendent Of the iSinvithdtabliej.'8Seerbvle°16, hanf"dta*inte'd4iilibniie°611fdlitcht4: schoot took part.' The story of "IeSiks tho by *toM tte., vv,,tn atLf.,t;ditt,, Cecil Armstrong, An acrostic 1, Venture' Of the Strvioo in V.4ko0Vst 'gdosw0Sti wtal 'Alla:1*s' tmor 0)t' '660tIAT"'ai s3e lt"th', • TiicT 11 0.Aorit'§unil0 At .1'fr 'r1'0. "e Mi 1/..i '74 ' 40-, • Ion; , ...eartere • , I . infioet blighter' of Mt. and 'Idrse W, ' pgietsotk.