HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-05-17, Page 2• r"9".7°.•trrr. °S.r0= Defies Abductors r Canada r! and atiff WaTla :at. , . -CANADIANS. „ The disturbance of year or tWO 4figo, over the onestion of Canadian nationality has evidently borne fruit,. •• with the announcement that children born in Canada can now 'desigat,, ed on thelr birth certificates as 'Tan- • salians,": The following .significant paragraph la added te, the birth cert1-• •I'Nfitionallty„-le.,defined as the country. tekwhalh''UIP'Peri4" owes • •,...legian.c'S term1Calieclian! shOulti. GOZ,i• used as descriptive of every per • nen, who has rights, of "eitisenship in, Onnada:', °KyerY , Person born in: Can- ada should be entered aii• "CaPadian' , , . • unless he or -she has silbseqUently be- , -conre the citizen of another country.' Proud position ' ae'an4tstontsmiiiia, "na- tion in the l3rit1sh Cda•tirionwealth. of • Nations, , it has required' Until. 1.934 A.D." to remedy the anomalous .and . preposterous Condition whteh. denied • Canadians the right, to call themselves t`Canadian'Siincoe Reformer, -•••• : • -THEY' READ: EDITORIALS, At, noen•'..teday a: line; manly' up 40.na1nK..tY0onS0110•61.• •Sist • ofilee' with a, eaPY'Or the ;PaPer In his •".hand. ,He Went, aeresti street., - and'• Paten carefully, You editors •;.- aak.d.own hisHcar-antl. spread •Mit ' the -paper, He. 'atatted'bi 'thninti , the • pages.. Be• passed up thefront page without notice, the tie:grit hie, eye on. pages : 'a:rict:'3,•immediately-*ettlis-thitnth • again, and 'unleashed another • page. ,here•wes:.What he 'wanted to pee: fitst,1 Theedit:orial. page!: And the ,spread .4t: out • aid began. t�; :,'; . Now.' why- was. .that" ..reinarkable?' ItecauSe' -It • Was, .the 'unit,: time • thia. ..colurian:;h4d. ever; seen anybody ----.7inately'llutitineup the editorial; page. • to read' 'its Crintentsbeferetackling• any •otherc, part the • paper.' It „ • • .. . • • struck:Ala as. the outstanding event of •'tile day,- ' That. young man is a, credit; to Al- IChe Is .in 'buslnessl he will Wind, 'OP .a • very ,iiew..•niau.. • It he' is :bi.,7:Pralitiet he will 'likely . be, premier • • ' smite •day.lIfirt. in any., ease .he has •• knocked' on.. the head one rif our orite • theories -that nobody nobody.. ever • inid.;:anythingin reason he can have° froMtlitif•eolrinia: even to leaving, hig. ' 'name- out orr.thepaper. it be ever geta , „ . , POO' court, . ;ilinit!;Whar.thre,••etientr, -portenda„ 'is beYoliti-.10.-7-Salilt Ste. Marie' Star., , • • , 011.4.;;DW-S"'AND -The New ,Yerk'.visltor noticea pecu: ."liar"evidenees •ot...konOMY. ;At,•• one famous bOtel, which cost niilliona of ,datisirti,'thbeds 'Single:tools, ,,nre.'tion-Of the wOricr s historic past , . . • pretricied*ith-re.ni}brie , .'..The, aggregate 'Saving in laundry Ant THE. MUSHROOM • §EAsoN. • service thus thus .effected in •'a merry'large . Joh noenb tg..,Times-Souib Africa , infatelii":;te considerableThe ',hat* has long been famed for her .splendid rifeina'are.: not as „plentifully: supplied mushroomsnot the edible .. 'variety; with cakes .'of scia0" as •they ' used to but the . tautibroorn mining ceitiPanies. ...-•be.r.in.,.the Magnificent Grand.' Cen-, ,that are •• here today and gene. tornor- tral. Stollen: on the 42nd, 'Street ; the row; They have,:been with ire ever incenting baggage '..department: has, Since .'gold • and .dianicinda were first been closed ea that 'inceMing, •and unearthed in this countrY, and will 4toing.bAgga*e. are handled .'1),Y a prObahlY he:With nalong after,' the , :single 'keit -Here again' a 'consider - last • dianiondand. the last Araby . at :able saving has been achleyed. These. gold 'haVe been disgorged, In,•min are extiMpies• the far-reaching ;big boom time.s,nch As welialre.."ei., • •rodge .on roY 149;7-'3.- It•- lia Pr: '941111a. f'.44ketqlme0.•, SECRETS No i,oNogR; Yes, •this Is a )vOn4,9141 age 'Iii 40, few' Of us reallae JOt bow won- derful an age it is The: grouches who'lie in the past; and see Airily the dark, aide. of life, will 'sopa have passed,: and the progreas =of -science will make,Ilio so: transparent that there will not he: even asecret to keep locket lip in one's heart: and Mind. They have Idy,ented a. way' by. • Whigh,they can tell whether: a con - Viet,. prisoner -or witnessi• under; pert' miamiaatien, Is .telIiig.the, truth or, lying. They hiyp. the ''X:ray nut - chine ,that 'enables ti01rYs1cian'•,- to look, right through 'your, hody,. and detect any foreign substance there. • But the X-ray: does not''reveal many iiilthiffits-that--arer-atrotten-both-7-myS-- terious; and' distressing.,: Now 'there has Ileen invented, ind .recently tried at.Philadelphia, a small cylinder tube that is a camera, with a tiny electric _bulb attached. No one can 'predict What ,anether fifty yearn .may bringto, hiUnairity..Virizichester Press; - .TRUE: -being "sown' in our garden- Will never turn 'Mit to be such beautiftil vege- tahles is, (hose, appearing in,,brilliant color on the Packages. -Smiths Falls Record -News. • • The. Empire THE ALTERNATIVE. •Aackland News -If, hi now O --POti- ily said, .neither•diSarmatatent, ner• limitation. Of: armaments , is generally aeeeptable,' but merely a ihnitation of re -armament; the aopper all'the facts are authoritatively known:tire Simmer witi peace with Seburitibe, attainable. , The alternative la an upchecked 'Alin into7.4-genipet1tiVer•-".-artaingr•-witly•-4a "glia-StlY:trigedy as its only ontcorna , SOMETHING :BE tr.,: • The'. EMpire.' kevielkWith• - the :re- -Opening ..or the ROyal•O'ntario Museum' after being' 'closed ,for • acrine 'months. for rearrangement' Ant building' ad: .• . • ... --,ditions, there' • distinettstep for- . . T-Ward.,,InrEntpite-culture-and,Itamiing.. 'This canbeet he appreciated 'by.'.strit- :ink that; • outside of ,l.icinden,'•thecol, lection Teninta is • More than the equal in a general way of iny, ether in .the British. Empire, . and it branches' is the leader. in the • •fteld. 'Reinembering the reeent birth 'of' Can- ada ' Dation, •and,: the sinall point- latiOn 'of the Dominion compared vilth. its vast area, :If seeped to..i.Oe Lt. gi- gantic monumient raised venera- econ�rnie that .are',being , PriCtiSe.4 south ; ,.thg ',T.Orcrtito.,Mail end Bittpire." .• •: , . REMINVERS OF "TAY . ..•. The presence of Sir Beall Thomson• in. Paris " to ••helli 'eolye the: :.Stavialry affair° recalls that Tay, Pay" O'Con- nor once was reqUeSted.:.bi hiM; When • tan, policeilkadteri-nrt ',..editorial: hand to .prohibit Connie pol- icemen On tite,„iiinia.' • Whieb,,i In turn; according to Hamiltou-Fyfe's : "Er.. E.° that Justin McCarthy , once' said "to 'OJCIonnot;' • P„, when ' you reach. HeaVen, It wirnit be, More 'than an:bear • fore' 'yet it-eV:a-11r . aohert . of angels getting • type for ' .P.'s Daily Olery'." • ' -"T.- ONVI;( .;51011 wap,. hardly : so :flattethig. •,v0:When.:I gin. On my ,deathbed,?! ble ;the. friars • are • gathering found to.shrttre me, I will :he' friend' with a typewriter on 'My elrest:Pciund- • ,.Ing !Ont, an article to pay: the 4.11n6ra1 prophecy , all tod near= "•11(.fulitiled.-Winnipig Tribnie • AViboWS ANo. PENSiciNsa'. :Oe eVOOIfl hiIe1 Tercinto. l was relating an "Iiiptlent which occurred In Otillia .thia Winter. .Onn certain • Saiiirday-night a Man who hat spent: 6,1I his days in Orillia died -it a geed' age, and the ?twit morning ' 'heiffhhOr'ii• wife came to 'tee ;the ;Widow., During the :conversation the • beteaved, woman ' niade the rerna.rk that it -was' too had It was Sunday as •stie 'could not :g� uP te ;See .ainitit her •1Penil1on. :She. had .,'...thildreti ,young •' eneilgh to Claint ;the allovvenet. •, ' 'A nian who 'heard nu) telt the story turned to hia Wife and aid; "NOW • tell' yenta." • She then related ah in • °Meat she: had ceide aeroSS In 'Tor- ' enter. 'A. Man d.kett and fits :Wife tip, . Plied for the aflowaitoe.. For smile reson, 66* %Verb delays and ilia nutiney :net fertlieddlifig. She ha. ' *an try WearOf the' delays, and Ono •-,claSy.'reitiarktit•in •frielid• that • "it •almorat 'iiiiket" Me ;Se* htirshand diet". •' •. my, tOratitti, friend • had• ,the .• A tf• apan See in 000:4ArimPi For 0 naiversary Pair , • TOKIO. Tokio ' already • is planning the Orient's greatest. "World's Fair to be held seven, years .hence and hoping to bring herent the -smite time' the twelfth. Olyinpic games 'If the •orthodox : Japanese histories aie accepted,literally (which they are not by WOstern scholars) the Empire Japan wilLbe 2609t years old in 1940: ItNias February 11, 660 B. C. -to giYe exact date fixed by the • !Ancient Becks,' that. the 'first Brill)" ,Orer, Tenn°, g.Sa:t7kroater grandson tho "divine 'ancestress" .6v. J044ine§.e 'Pee*, the sun 'god- dess AnnifraSw7Q-Mi-Kaini, teek.,; pea'- session 'of the islatida Nippon' and „ „ eitablishet „the' .Clyn'aStY - . reigns: Hirohito, the present Mikade,', is 'considered to. be *the 123rd'1icees.- Sor•nf Jfmrpu Tenno. 1 . Thug.' Japan's World Fair' Wilt...cel- ebrate history a4,measilred :by Mil- , enniirms-Tas:coutrasted-Withr-theltri centutles* of; history Conrinemerated by Atheriiieteixcpao,sicthroincaagos,taa.g.,ecde.ntbyrjerotfies,141 al years. gress gt. '`Louisiann Parch ase 4PO10.4.." ind the, rest._ , ProMeters of the fair already ,aTo holding eoinmitteo meetinigk-ond hnve petitiQUed the gOve,rnmes4 to ustab, liOlr :an *offici,a1 exposition' associnciari at en early 'date- The ettnpltied is 'to be called the Dai NIPPail; T.;atilroku. • 1akurankaL or -“Grent: tiaas ;to PartiPipate. Wi4 he, APpt, to *53 countries. ' • Present 'plans call' for, a se'Ven- iminth, session, 'Weginning April ,3rd, 1940, since :April ara-t ebServed Japan- as the anniversary: ofthe. death • of Jimniu Tenn°. in 581, B. C. . Srce 1-081."Ja.PoOne, sports k,,L1u1tr3 „ lutVe been 'trying; to obtain the agree- ; merit , of the Olyinpid ,celUfnittt hold :the 1946 Olympiad In Toisio: that year having been selected 'because of Countries- ExpOsition ents-in4apatiese,historyrartradition7•,----.:7 and *arise olanaleirtlieThig expo iron have been taking form for sever- White CarivAs For t e Sea* shore . Tiny June Redding, 21-year-ol4 girl, who *eight§ 'only la mere. *90 • Pounds, beat rift three 'men, who tried to abduct her -sister and herself. , . She did 'it with her little hatchet, pardon we rnean,shaeS-see them? ' , orkers Increase White'Most tterV By 150,000 Adaptable :pLCOIors Toil of 847,993 Employed • in Canada on• ,April 1 as Against 1933. — Gain is • Analyzed Neil/ &ening G9wn has Long Sleeves Both' Crisp and Soft Materials in -Vogue • for Summer • Protect _Satin Slippers Froni, 'Sand • • .RAIIIS-"Beiiity and the' Beast" haa teen corrupted to "Boots and the, Beach" sirieti .Worth slowed .the new 'and exciting white canvasboots for the. SOUTIY•43eaaltles, They ..-resemble r riding boott in line, but ' canhe warn :On various occasions. • They can eVell be worn -slipped on. .over delicate •evenifig shoes -when one: Is 004 to .beach party •• and it ' easter' and quicker to reach ,..the 'destination . :by way • Of 'tile, beach , than.: -(lie Inland ,rOltd.•;:r TheY.,•protect:•the satin slipPers .0#Avv.A-An Inrnrease `from ilrreands*-.1..-7,"*.-"*. 1.50;00•0 was shown in the number of Another; type of beach• Shop • is .Vera` personl,eiiiplo•Yed.,!tins- April 1, when r Berea,'S. "Bootee " :In White kid This. 8,471 •employers reported 4947.;993''Per• lades ;kerne% the 'front Of the „foot but Sens. employed as Compared ,v0th',7, leaves the tbei•••bare. It gives •• the 975..1101S hating .491l,544 'workers 'on • • . • - ,HoprANyOOD-White, , in ani. .nia- terlal that , Is .coel; modern 'substitute's ‘- for . crinoline with.. their ,fresh.'criSpness are :advised for aunt - Met Wear: by' the ;H011Ywitod' stYlists: From, the. Most iniermal• dresses effect Word in: the morning togs; tennis' frocks Street Wear gowns to gowns formal importance, Otry Kellir.Says White is the Meat' AdaPt- . , . 4Research workers are finding that 'they Must exercise 'Considerable' lead- ership in the diSeovery and selection !ef problerns on whichto Werk,'", Said Mr. Rankin. 'Certainly we: shall need 071dirddr,,atifs,r. schoolsupport and taxation. We shall need to • appraise initruetional pro-, grams intheir whole effect upon the child„ not upon the .segnients of learn, ing, • , • We shall. need to develop mere ade- quate prote,dures for training for the' wise 'nit) of , leisure time.We need 're- sarcb toTtliscover'what uses et feta:lire ' timelaituallY help toward the, abuti, dant life, tetvard •satisfactiOn for the individual arid the' contronnity, •,t'or . instance isfe.,Sirould determine. whether '• a love for literature is beat:indicated' by spending ; a whole isemeater With Milton's Minor peeing Or by pernaitt- ing-tha-stridents4reedbm_to-brotirseA- trieng--alt-:the-knglish---peets-intniake•• :their 'own, antholoeet:' Ir • Thet-aSsociaticin has been hearing ' diseussions over the week -end dealing bathing ensemble ,a, • rather ...dressy with problem of resesirch in ;Various the same date list .year; says a report effect; esp'ecially when worn With the, branches of education and today is .. issued recently by the Dominion Bin.- new linen' shorts hy., Berea, . ' • • devoting gine 'to. new, evidence 'in eanef ,Statititics. • . • ' • -' "The true,Parisienne shoe,"„ says .a ....tertching;•_ and, to the. Payne „Fund , • -. Increases were shown in Mantifac- shoe atiiist here who; knows .her, buil- studies Of the. effect of motion pic- turing, , •especrally of leather, lumber,. ,'less 'has long s ace. almed to ' e as tures on youth. - .. - ': •• • ' .- textile and Won and eteel Jpradects.•'able ancl,fiattering, or.;a11. calor% "for 'a light -ftif fhe proverbial • citiud; but, ; , , • . , . • ' , ..„ . .. • , . - r • • • Metallie-Ore 4ornati4O1--,ehoose. , . ' believe it OrrIntit4habe4re-now-rival7... ' , • •structroni.,, -services .:,and.,..trade ..also- rated . a ---o II ',elands in the question pf: -Marc h ales— showedgown • improvement• the' gaina- 'In •• designed b f r A: n -shoes do 'net. insist -en' a • ' B • • I 11 •H er h trade • were itinirsually large, •having Dvorak. •It Is aimPlY Made .erf sheer •but all Other most delicate shades ,in ' !gam. ...LoNtoog—RetEill.,,sities in • G,fecit Only once been exceeded in the yews White..crepe and the skirt . is intn- Soft kid 'line the exClustve shoes now- sinee.-1020'..' on the : Other. hank -leg: cittelY','ent-iii, a -..Mouidet-line;-with•., a • adays..-Or_sonietinies a neat printed ging camps reported very large sett;. ,slight. fullness • at Its 'lower edge The Jdd lit anadee. that most aptly blend Sonalredeetiana, a: reaction from an, ,bedIceiras conical slits at :the should : ::with the .outside 0? the shoe: A ,sinali exceptionally• active • :season. in bush 'er-line; 'tie(' in With fleall-,tofied mar, point,'Brit.entill 'Paints are what dis- work and there were :Important de- .quitiette and ,garnishect with two .huge tinguish the, women of fine taste . . clines- in railway .construction and 'cilistat. buttons, which,torm an n- • . '11 New Type Tests maintenance° ' the ' • persons released • chorage for a detachable cape • wrap ' by the enip.oyer. Ifitrniehing :data' in: that has an,.excit.ng , • , .1 • •-these--two-4adil 1' •. • ' restin touches are the ' diroximittelY, 13,600.'from :logging and niter' a, long Sleeves, :even for a r sum - 6;400 ',from'. track' maintenancei Pro-- •min' evening . gown,. ind the draPe re-Sugge flounced .blirtailment ef ..a• seasonal •saah, Which ties:In trent. • t • Would Find • Out .Attitti filgeker... • bright Cones; the .praCtIcil • ponibina- Siudents. Towara 'natur,e else occurred' In coal -Mining, With printed frocks, in pastel or, and transportation was • In the. Maritime Provinces einpioy- tion of in ensemble jacket 1 solid • • I • • . . ment was In . greater volunie than at whIte,is euggested by designer Kelly. :World at :95.1 as compared with 7.8.3 on the aesa.!.He it deffIgning*Orvai„.for.sura- ' .Cleveland,...91iie,rXhildren• Will be the :beginning of. April, 1933: . On' the •• RI:13'cl% the, Fox, sirterial :expert,. ' is ' Zea - same • . date ,• fast year.. • " . Tiler .1#' such1 'b,ritile Material all organ.. licnillieillii-loliergdegtreh.eln6fchtihikeeefdpaarpCoculictri:t6,.fPogli.le.k•Cotilheil ;base, 1925 eke* 100,, the Index stood steed sponsOrIng the not. vogite of Crisp, In Quebec ' milinictiiring,: ' metal- tht,•:Molisseline de sole stiffpiques , trade; afforded more.: elnploy,raent, Deapite'tikilir 'aFP,Oell''''''Yart'y .'• ''",•''''' here recentlY;.have'theit.way. „ Meinbers of the American Education- al Research . AsSociation; in ' seaSiOri no aro taming, aerViceS, and • retail. ,and foilites, net, tiillo,21, san.,(1, in.a:172 perienced '.daring- .the • past :, twelve months they become particularly Vir-I W-htio, te)ctire, And :lienand:viteet fac, 'make themselves .auitirlite fore very ;greater tietif,qtY;tmall 11,ninei OCCaSion - " ' •• : ' • T?feFy ' Test only On the subject niSt°. illent,. and there can 'hardly be a bat- ' ' ' , • ••• • •ter't.aught in the the schools•are not . ''-'-' . ' i • ' " ...feCtivednethods, of measuring , learn- tOni.drawer_ln_the_land that ia• net lined; with beautiful. , but valeeless beritt. • We are patient yet venture-. Some Community and , probei* troth - Plan and mine;,• Earl other, Plante. gains: reported linntior.; The Inderr-On'April ' 1 stood at 851; as. compared. with 13;1, on April .1,. • tag. wIll ever -prevent as from osiong, 1933, • • • " gamble -In What 'iVe alWaye hope : ,MantifaCturrng: further. re- .W•i114-.94.-sS'eSiulttti?.-100-40 °. at--the-.11-retor ..especially of late, there • have -obeen 1:934, notably and steel man) 'stories • to . encourage us prednete, while • imPrOeitienV, , also long worthless worthleiii •Sharea 6.°111,'" too' k' Plate in *leather; MM." eVifig COnSiderable valuelweing'ta un- .ferrOuas,rnetaly rubber and -textile' exPe0Oil .-41:0ta4c"" There. •Is •'ain6 factOriei, in the 'neti-niantifaettiring an encouraging 'sign tit the'increasing teridency-amtrag shateholders,40itake mifting,..tteato'rail.w4 trans- . a healthy interest in the aett:i.itieS VI31°PreltifturilitPt4eitgartL-'cile°11t'sotr.ttliir'°eilem.-43Pleei'r: their choaen. companies; WEATHER IN.:•AUSTRAL,IA.....;.„.. , . !the ; Piusttilasiart--1°his, March ilea tion • Of- seasonal 'operations,' and buildIng. and •jrailway • ConstruCtion were also Sla,cker. On APrill the in- - Wee,- 98.'7' a.S COMPared with '78.3 Causevingy the reaearch WOrkerabelieve, and, p they are eager tc. have mc•ra use:Made truments for measuring the Ling Refusal, air °f e . • ; • attitudes, produced by ,earnIng Her __champions Won • Title at Bridge Olympic ThroughConnivance •-;-. •••• ' • 'Culbertson Conunendk , • /.'1-loneSty : , • . • . NEW YORK -The NatiOnat: Bridge Association announced that a con- science-stricken Chicago:girl had, re - fused to' acCept the thine's. champion -1 habitations north of Captiecirii and •As Is duOiointtry th. early soring ship of last Winter's bridge Olympic Her partner .played tile hands she seen he tropics leave their usual on the cOriesporiding date lea( year 111 ,deicelitl .o)petn' Victo• riae and tR•.euth • enii?lemejit•le thpiejtier'pro• lpeee should haveopppl.aoyneednts' hrenoth• •e • c• ot rk e y - ls nlvanceAustpalia,Iisasafuleota,deelined:th e loss, howeve, wasea ,W117fut the weather if one has nothing . thin; rtite average inaidatad: th 6 ,I6,111101a 'State title wea ,attrai'°'ded' • no. ose lutel'esting „to say: lint talk iast.i years, m14 also • ttiwo6d ()rig titqty ' and ',MS Flying' Boats .c,ruise -pritain-tturitig•Mareb-..Of :year' '- ,Were .5.7 per ;cent...An .eircesS ot: what,: 'thei'*ei's 'during Vara Orlast- year, ' according. t� an annininCenient -Made ,by . the 'Board ,of Trade; • whlcb adds ' that the ftpiires„'are..the pest :once, • 1930.. The tbtal ,sales,in 47(40 diatrIct were reported . larger, sante -being: nt. ' realer ••and ,'Otbers "luting ••iesg, The 1 .sales of • • fciodstnffs aM perlidiables were --.--4,8 Per. cent. greater • ' :".•• • • ", WooIlenexports 'bove'. advaneet. by i12 prn cent.durizig the last • three Spad0 Observes the Nelr York Sun -"Ma , gistrate•Harris sentenced; a woman te jail for ,"a day" because she not , obey •a police,man's order t� , stop, her, Iwo -Year-old ehild ;train' digglak holes. • hi. park. 'Iciwnti. The "day" was nt-thode-legah-fictioas•;-theLperied Confineriient was 'four • hotirs., 41lie;• Woman.elected,,to, take 'her child with , her. • Everybody familiar WIth the manner in Which, children.; are • treat- ' • CiFen6cre: cletaYliteiereiliagtrhet14ieId. of social ., ' fYa°ritti:. dPid°11.neeoT esnUftweill'.!:pktiny9S7 the policeinan ..stuffed' 'too mtickepd had it--rtientally • • or morally trent the &dam,- However, there' Is a to-do 'over it, and ". • the. 'Magistrate Will ,be lucky '• fr`:. he escapes castigation •as Herod, ' • •• be to .find- out what attitudes the' 'Children are building Up 'toward those Cot different nations 'or differ- ent economic •levels from thenuielves, -ant how tritical-,minded their "assails ;are making them.. , . • • Seine: of , the klireCtions which-re:- searah•is,apt ttirn during the com- ing• year -it'ere Indicated in an inter- , "Statesmen can; Only •resnond tO view With ,Mr. Paul' T. Itankinr•direc-. what they believe to he; 'the opinion . tor of. instruCtion, Beard of Educe- and desite. a the people 'or the court - tion, Detroit; president of (fie Assoc- Aries which they serve. --Newton D • •; • Baker.. weatherY ccinditions In Ilelbeiltne -much: • othe4ier" niiiiihet 'et isorkt•ti partner Miss JoSePhine .1%arlta, ilic-tated by tile demands of OillitenesS. the "Rm. at was th6n , The astiociatied aaaeu.Oced rOoSipt Frond Malta- Range of 1 500Knot and Adelaide. lately has not lreen than.,that. Which ,beettrred ;Oh April 1,, ClOako;•, • 51elheurne, of conrse, the urtex- five pOinta lortver titan: iiirt the ' date et a letter ;front'. HOWe •saYfrig' that ,.. -utuises -the FaSterti And West- in iieeteir id weather la always the'Under. reVieW. Moat of the decline at M.bifi'llatki4;telt4h6 0601d "et' aee0t, pected.: but .the -Spectacle •of antuitin ''t... 'the •beginning of ADM. in the present t* teoPhk; ..• she ' had taken "'in lag ' - triuralth of t4e lheotighious.` '41e 0.01Y 41S':eigahriwt:y6k,-=‘1%1"ra‘'il;,4,,,.v1,,y6a1.7etheeit"eittnitit-beti: 1-.Sh14. loritirl)'.11dintrii' 'r'6,1iiillit. •;1111oeW'reer b:eei6larde * leaves'. falling in a heat save is 9., ' h ' a liar ' d iftVed an'i h ' 1 6 h w 4 •plaYed A ' hand: her c•OilBeicnce", told, sathifaction frOrn the",liot days are the. chrtallitient: On the other band,, ter !either billets -la, Wite,.. at least,have. tali and vliolifirale tride.rePatted ;Ira - Seen: .11e* redorda• eStabliihede "Let.' pfoiehietit, 'The. eietking fetteet of the our Seaso,ns he seasonable" is a sta' •1,253 cd-tnierattrig, ' einpleYere 'aggro- gaii (in iltis age . of slogans) . *Web' ,gated 104,186, Perkins; eairiPtirad With 1 Vieteria :MAY adop,( in the futtire. The 104428 On Match i.; ... .. . - '' , . , . old idea.. Of an 'Orderly tiott ot Sea' • •Ati adVande, Waif inditated It Brit,' '.fainft.'it"'Winter° ettrader can '' alifink Oil 'caltinfbik, .1keordingftO retarne t� 'far boliindt'-40 diScredited. •The tabillated .by . the bureau - tronr, weather: .'gcn.I. ap,natently relies uPott '.343 • firma With 71,371 . eMPloyea. the .ttrsa Cita Mil. That May ha. Si . A inthet. ,loge, Anereafie had. been :easy.. WAY. Of administering the .110* :toted ..tin Allrli 1 'of n year. ..ego, of the teflaOria: ' but..it It. ver yt iii, but eintdoYment was then 'in entailer efihnideqtet ' •' ' '4' 61' 2. Volithfe'• 'oritete. Were tains On the date ; under" '• review Itt.' infinutactaring .:. ..,..:-........ ...,;,. -...-....... • .. „ , , I We dein those topy.,, WWI, from especially of lumber prodticia, :and in :tife" eXPerlenaa 'Of "Ilfe; , have. ;1ifitiled , bliliding 'and ' railway, aenttrilation and • '0'. irkili "iti, ftbii. without.. being 10,Ver .,iiitattqradra,,, White' shipping, eainpaniet dttitm th,'"Oitit..--SitirtneI• :.., . ' ... Ieleasett bet*, • 4 ,. , * • people watt' e e logg ng ••and umberi g a s s o e • her that the Victory was:netalt to other players, • , ' •• • In consequence the state title WAR awarded -to -Breese , ildveripOrt:•• • and tit E. tt" Saymour, "both of §treatar: erii Mediterranean ba. flYi boat , bo t of the largest type ybt, commissioned for service with the toys". Air ppree Pit`ceSle the anbititatien a Malta of a Squadron of these erat:lor the floatpiane • 4nit,.whieli has teen stilt - toned there., • •• ' The inaehine .engaged is s Illaekbtirn Iris biplane; spanning' 97 tiows and. Miss marka .were • Oren feet and weighing "with full lead On duplicates:Of the., Illinois champion'l 'board More than fifteen tons k Power Ship 'trophies" and Eli" Calbeftt011 is derived from three BO:hi-Royce . . corninerided thein tor honesty Buzzard 825-930 horse power engines. • • „. „Three ,fleW irft of (this class, dif r • • r '''•1 from those ih servide chiefly in the' BOOKS PROM? ICIC ROOM • 1, liooks that have been user in, the sick ream should be burned.if at*of little Value, or, if they are more valimble,,thei Should be .disinfect.ed bY-thiirtitiili fatting ,and Sunning and provision of a htill 'itrhicli is three ,feet Wilder. • , • , Maicimuni.speed 'attainable by the Iris V boat' ,to Which group belong0 ;the Machine 'now'',crutsing in 4 : .the Mediterranean) ;it 4131 miles per he. and .it is capable non...Stop arrl suliiectedtAIforroaldelittde VaPers" flights on One Ind lead t!if 1406 Abe, 'y ' tidied.. The new; qiift, Styled the VI, have more- carrying capacity in the larger:' hirll and are expected.te • • fly :in still air distances rien-stop of up to 1,500 •sr.e 'or' approtiL , mately 1 725 land 'mike. ': Men make, up the normal creW ; • of an lits.boat, which is equiPPed 'tO .keePithe seas away Irani the base tar long periods at a tithe. Within the *eerily hull is a navigator's .coinpare- nient, furnished with irt* Chart tableo find .411 the necessary instinmenti, o„ • itein which also forms the Of - fibers' sleeping *ripareete, separate sleeping Colnpartinent-fOr Other ranks and ati engirreer'S station: .COOking. • steVea, beds, 'and Water storage tatika provide oreattire tatnfortt; moor - in t anif.' towing. aunipiiient,; iieti rrancllit , :ors; life-heita plunIni.:itiut other gear :ire carried. Dpfoniive ard, Wired: 'Canstsiii ind,ehlrie glut ..arn: • pi• gecitielitg • • ' •• - • 1,144*.8 • v v .°`