HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-05-10, Page 8res. , oriel my Uwe, 14111A 111 comfort,' 'finest a tzaditions, .' charming' style' 1ecessaF7 to ° $°'art, wo- men ?Poi- to -day.' . All can be. found; ` Murrsy�, Neer. • y; •gnl[t;m Sb OUR . STOCK •l fCOMPLETF IN''SPORT OXFORDS OUTIi4 SHOES f''OR 'SUMMER WEAR:, Trne to the 'Moroi ;Present* _exempt, ' p, al' . ° r Iuirivaled; artaatry Mee; eseiftins.; tee; P jai e ee 'Wi .Ca upplr you with. STRONG 'WEATHER -"SEASONED PLANTS . efflt tins t ' ret-._. tifi o r d vgliatabket or' :Ton airy .obtain them stmt►., tM ares thatcarryour stock. 'GEE::, NEW TOMATO VENTURA: ia t e *at perfect tomato; produced se' tar:: *lit.'s s very 'early, -: the'fruit is aag•tb, ver?a: delicious teat r •'.sxtreetely tree•baiesolid,,;leas, ring, i and i • b -resin n .; Yos, � uld R . „,leo sconce at ,l al, •en, -boa Of 'VENTURA TARS EROS. ►Nur Aeries Car!ssr 235. 't wait ntil.after 'thei` la wted, and aay "I 'Ins tickets- Tie Road to the..City'"- Buy now from one of; the 1 bers of I.ucknow';Bowling' :,Club. New spring weight 'Underwear for Men and -Boys.. New. Low Prices -- THE MARKET STORE. - RIPLEY Mr. Rab ert- Munn has had a, new porch built on ,his house. Mr.' Taylor - did 'the' carpenter Dave R ter+ work,: Mrs. ' Catherine ; King.. is very ill at her home in .the, village., Nurse °Stun- son, is in attendance. Huron friends learned with • regret of_the_death o'f-„R chard Creech 'Pine River.. Funeral, ...services at Bethel `United _Church . on , Monday,.•i last, were i' largely attended.:• Miss Dorothy', Jackson, is spending her holidays: with her 'parents, Mr. and. Mrs. T. °"A: Jackson: Mr.F,Frank - Macklem . spent nt .Satur- day ' last in Lucknow. Mrs. Macklem whop; has been ill -at. the ,home of her son, r,,•�-Wan-=Ferris.—is�`mUCch'''1m- proved. • TS= LUCK/401r wr .nor .w i••• ,::;ew,R,•�,r,wl:wn.;hi'kR.,i:w}� Coming. TO Slake Hali, Fridhlr evening, May 11th, the pos►ular- pIsy A'T ie Three 'Pegs" Presented, by ',the PAngannen, . Young folic.- under, ,the aupicea, of ,the ;Blake mission ,25c and' f10c • Mr: • and Mrs„ Jolin Srimleoufi of Goderich, were guestn • of Mr.' and Mrs. Thomas ` Anderson, S day They aero accompanied by Mi Jean Anderson and 'Cora Dicksoni, who -.are attending Goderich; Code. giate • Institute., Mrs, Thomas Harris and two child Ten,. Miss 'Frances Philips end' Mr. 'and , Mre Norman Strickler and Norma•, of Woodstock; wero.'ltuest' of 'Mr. and Mre.; Elmer•';1hillips,, part hut of l;week.,;; , •Miss- Marguerite Long entertained n number of`.her" young :friends ..at her home Monday -'evening.; Mr: Will - Finlay, Mias Margaret Finlay, Mr. and Amis., Norman . Long and ' Miss Marguerite Long attended the Masonic banquet at Iucknow. Frids7,Levemng. FOURTH CON., -KINLOSS Miss Myrtle 'Who' hs, spent the -past' weer with friends In Varna. returned to her. home . Mr. and Mrs.` R.' Moffat and: Shirley Spent Sunday; With 'relatives in Londesborough. - A car load 'of friends from .Toronto speut_tbe, 'reek -en 'hOiiie- .ens of -the. gravel. , A number from here ' attended' the funeral of the, late Richard', Creech. who died athis home, ..after severia weeks' illness.. Mrs.. Creech wv>ls, 'formerly Carruthers to Whom: the, community extends their sympathy.' ' "ASHFIIELD4_ VIAN. __ARRESTED_ --- Goderich =-- Gordon "; ' Drennan ° ; of Ashfield ,Township, -appeared Police -Court Saturday, charged with illegal , possession of a .still.: He vias remanded for ''a. week, and allowed his 'liberty ,on $1,000; bail. ' Drennan was arrested by Con- stable F. A. Truscott of the Royal Canadian 'Mounted • 'Police.. Other, arrests on similar charges are ex- pected in Huron, County. 3)7 -year of :outstanding .auto motive achievement brings you Pontiac- . a new model of •- extraordinaryperformance, comfort, and value! Time -proved features which brought fame to past Ponti acs have been, retained. Important new refinements , have been added ...many of them actually suggested by Canadian. motorists, through t, theirwhole-hearted co-operation with General Motors' Customer Research activities, First of all, the now -famous Knee Action' Wheels enable .you to enjoy a Floating Ride. No bumps! No jars! No shimmy:! Naturally, the 'exclusive Fisher No -Draft Ventilation; pioneered in last year's .General Motors cars, has been re- tained and improved to provide an even greater measure of comfort and protec- tion.:Safety is further assured by new BeAdis brakes ... a strapping K -Y ':' BIGGER ROGM1ER STURDIER F,SHER RODIE` "Girder Box" frame .. and-new.Multi- Beam headlain,ps.' Pontiac's mighty Straight -8 engine has' been 'correspond- ingly It's faster, smoother, more.powerful, more economical .-.,•and, because of live rubber suspension, prac- tically vibrationless. Then too, increase in wheelbase, incar weight, in body size, N and in tire -size, all tend to make this "the roomiest,' easiest -riding automobile ever to bear the famous Iridian -head trademark/ A When you seethis distinguished: modern car, you'll certainly want to drive it.! And ,when you drive it, we promise you'll :exp.erience, an honest -to -goodness new sensation. Please accept our friendly invitation to ride and drive in Pontiac,- the 'car that makes a11' roads smooth. Start ' the new year. right !: Let • Pontiac show you the way • to a ' completely new kind of low-cost motoring„enjoyrnent and satisfaction.'' • SMOOTHER SMARTED, KNEE ACTION WHEELS NEW DESIGN MORE POWERFUL AND MODERN T STRAIGHT 8 ENGIN(41:1 SREAMLINING :SILVER ANNIVERSARY • SAFER. NEW RENDIY BRAKES STRONGER FRAME MULTI.BEAM HFADLIGHTS off' GENCRAL Mor'oRs ' LOCAL tALER ' HON,E 148 (CENTRAL ` GARA(, SEs oca Mrs and Mrs, Howew spent the, drat of the• Wardeep ia.AgnTor-. onto. ' , • t , Bargains, in, new cool spring Under- garments for' ladies and ch}Idrenr - I'HE MARKET; . STOKE. Mr. B. Spindler. of L.,bndon' avail a 'visitor the latter • part of the - .week witl bis .:Couain,,.Mr..W. J, Spindler. 'The Young Peotile'a ' Society of the United - Chureh. will . present their: comedy-drai#i* 4'Tlie• Path} Acroes the- Hili„ in. Winghant- on Monday *it: Yen' liked -"The Path Across) The HUl so.. you car3'thelp' but. like"The Roi(d to tll'e (City .- plenty -of'. thrills, 13eh" eoinedy, roniance and pathos.., ` Mrs: Campirell_, r , OIs. and:'.: Tony CemPlbell and .1dr. 'Jiro" Stuart of Kincardine, visitedi. ` the 'first ' of the `. week' with Mr. and Mrs, Jas: Creddes., _a_si Mrs. Mullin and son Clarence; M Miss Jessie MacLean' and Mr.. Bert peddes Of . Toronto, wereweek-end visitors. with the. tatter's' "parents. Mr.. and 1drs:. Jas. Geddes " Those 'who are "thinking of a .GIFT'. FOR MOTHERS' DAY • should` see AIIMSTRO hG'S window.: for ° •-ring? potions. !Especial" •Silveri. • C ntre_ ;16r- bte-ti S .and .Odra,' R: H. Thompson and 'Willard and Mrs. 'and Mrs, L.. -C. Thompson, spent a ;few days .. t o latter part of ,„the er th week with _ r e. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Naylor in Toronto, Dr; "Woods,. and Mrs. 'Tarlton ; of, Detroit are over this week on ;ac7 count of the_critical :_illness_of-. Mr. Matthew Woods,' -'whose conditions'' is so serious that' little Shope -is --'.rte, tained-.for'his recovery: We ,`require a ' few copies ' of' the 'Sentinel issue 'of Apra.' 26th, 'Anyone; .raving this copy' -available' and not .yishing io ' preserve it :would greatly' oblige' us by bringing 'it into our office. Thank... -you.;.: y , House' cleaning Means silver nolish� will . be wanted.,; +Try ,' ELECTRO.' There may .siso be pieces of, Silver that ; should . be replaced. ARM- STRONG'S have a number of new designs. Call and see 'them.. The annual .meeting :of the Wor men's Institute ,will' be held `at, the and.:a_full. aoatteinCtdehraasnrcl-eews-iil' slS---reqauere_dsp;t:>Forerindcetaiy,MMyit30wloacockne. - =. Attend MaKriaae Mr.; and Mrs . Williaii'f Youn of town "were in Owen Sound`. on . Satur- dayr,;.,sttending the 'marriage ' of` his gnly daughter, -Miss Gladys Youn'and b'Ir,orne „:McDonald of Galt. The bride ''and groom .will make . heir home in' Galt. , • = • 1108.;' from.n distance attending. tbe':funeral of Mrs.; Neil' Murdoch on Friday were her sister, Mrs. Harris or'Chicago:, and '.other relatives, .Mrs._ Powers of Rockwood, Mr. and. Mr's. Orville Taylor of Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs; Coultja of Belgrave and Mr. and Mra. Robert McGowan of Blyth. • Receives Promotion'_' Mr. • and Mrs. • .Harold `' Freeman , were over -from the States the end of the:,week visting with the former's Slather at the home of Mr. and Mrs r.{ ' THURSI y, , MAY t)t91, ';tot res Days, a MOTHER, THE OLD FASHIONED SWEETHEART: . WILL APPRECIATE ' THE . PRACTICAL GIFT. Print, for house.. dress or apron 'oile' or are S ,a for � .{..y the better dress Silk La 4I w._ a _ O$ Silk Underwear Gloves .o or Scalia, Pair -of' Curtains, or a, Rug for her room , �mpleton 14IcCORMICK-DEERING -- Plows, ; Harro s W , Drilla and ': •J : i`...Spre a c. is; J. FLEURY ,& SONS— NO.`13 21, & 77 WaskilsPlough .. , , . and Sulky Ploughs... . E. BISSELL CO— Disc ......Harrows-and-Land-Rollers GOOLD, SHAPLEY & MUIR' CO.- ' •� Double Geared Self=Orlin - 'Windmil k'RROST, ST Ei; & WIRE Zinc Bonded Fencing, Coiled and Barbed Wire and .Gates.. TIMOTHY and CLOVER SEED No..1 Alfalfa,' '_i _- _. Red, White and Veil° Sweet ,_ Clovers; -. For Sale at: - i • FANCY. MIXED CAKES,'POUND ., ... , . ,15c RASPBERRY JAM, 32 OZ,r_.....:.,. ....,, ... PLUM JAM, 32 OZ .. 23e' PINK 'SALMON, LARGE 'CAN . lOc FANCY PINK , SALMON, LARGE, 2 CANS * ; 25e , TOMATO' JUICE, 4 CANS .,-.. `:, 25c PORK & BEANS, 16 'OZ. TIN, 4 CANS CLARK'S TOMATO': AND .VEGETABLEk'SOUP, 3 ,CANS 23c --CORN CHOICE QUAINT CA%T .10c 1'' LB. BOX CHOCOLATES FOR MOTHER . , , 29e` LARGE PINEAPPLES_.. Mangel, Turnip & Lawn Grass Seed II ,ALL NEW SEED Joynt. ; Harold has recently-, been appointed assistant; manager of the Washburn -Crosby -Milling, Co. and" on his return :,from his visit ho --and. Mrs Freeman will re- d a 3'_rguse" :SgP illOP z YrY ASHFIEL; Friday being Arbor Day, most of the • pupils 'cleaned up the school. grounds in, the forenoon ' and with the -teachers.: went on a fishing . , ex- pedition in -the -afternoon,, The Kintail Branch of .the. Wo- men's_ Institute .held : the May meet- ing at the `home of Mrs. R. Bissett, and' as' this was the' annual meeting election of officers took place. . Mrs. R: Bissett was elected president and a great�conveniefice for the. farmers during 'the ''busy.. season. Mr. W.' L. MacKenzie.' of_ the Mac- Kenzie `f>I'r 4, , Milmow,~:;_.rnaderny. business trip through' this part of Ashfield -oil -Monday. . Quite anuiuber of Masons with their wives, attended the Masonic. "at home" in Lucknow on Friday evening. Ashfieldi, Presbyterian church was well,.represented': at' the •meetingof t1r rMaitland Piesbytrial l%eld in Kin- eardine on Tuesday. Mr. Stirlin�g sof' Bayfield. has . 're 'turned to j 'H"is home, after spending several weeks with friends here. Miss Tena e i na; Buckingham, sec y,. -tions Do .you like strong "drama; thrills Mr. ;Frank MacLennan has started and- mystery? If you do don't •fail. on the . road with his truck which . is to see "The .Road, to the `City' on. Decker '. VVelcornes ' The visit of Mr:-iildgin: r EPecial . representative of TIP TOPTAILORS, LIMITED who will 1,0,4 this store'' on TIiURSDA'Y, :MA 17tl :. We -welcome- him" on. behalf of ell', the men in '.town '-r'vfio use' interested in good Clothes: 'J ' He brings with him' large samples and suit ends of the Spring and it gthe British Empire, also model, garments fsho inm the lattest,Style tread.. 'Tip TopClothes, hand cut ,and ,,individually ':tailored to your m ' personal measurements b the''largest tailoring establishment Y in• Canada, offer you the greatest value in clothing to -day; Regardless of whether, you purchase or net, we would : ome the opportunity of showing you what wie liavc to 'offer ,. j..._ TIP! TOP CLOTH ES ARE EXCLUSIVELY . SOL�b ' BY aJ �lli� ancE. i' r MADE FROM -THE BEST' AND MOST SUITABLE. ,MATERIAL F'OR THIS CLASS OF GARMENT. ITS Old, Hickory Cloth SIZES0,14%2 TO-. 17, • YOUTHS'' TWO PANTS ' ;SUITS. ' JUST: ;A- SNAPPY 'STYLE FOR -THE ' MAN WHO WEARS FROM 35: to, 38' Size. Tut Low PRICE. WILL SUttPRISE swell, " LUCK OW, O14TARio.