HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-05-10, Page 6ada,,The 'ErnPire and rhe kvinTlij. at Large
the Children's pets, The, Trolleying
•Words of tan editor frear' a, nearby
town are 'quite appireable to • people
. e e,
Cit thiS. 4i8tilet WhO throw- nelson to
dumb animals. ,
•Ilere is something thet read8llke
' fiction . in" these claya of. hard • tt...5.1
el•irinking •values •, and uncollegted
-t'axesr ." ' • • •
' Ogdentinnr,g, atate,44.03,tae city» end.
• ed. .it liSeal: Year. March81; •with
cash surplus Of $50729.75",after et -
Ung up a reserve frind beabeut $10,-
'' 000; to ,inecti:' outstanding . elenns.
• There4a3 $12i923,37- to ;ow ,credit of
tlae 3choo1 fund_ and $37,729.78 t� the
general city fund. Cash on nand wa3
$61,596.23 and tar eereare, $1,535.89•1'
-PembrOlce, :Standar 41 -Observer,
• More than 27. per cent„Cif thetotal
revenues collected by' tire govern-
ments ,of the different _provinces of
CanadaTls'contriblited- br:.-owners---bf
automobiles in •the form 'of taxes- on
geseline 'end' license fee ri,' 'the, re-
port' states that " thcif,,total aniciunt
Paidlb3r autoinobile' itat WS' to -the
year 1932-33 was $45499 45a' ot,*hich 'produce grass ta the coming months.
gasoline taxes accounted for $g4,948; -Lindsay Pest.
. ,
• 280 and $20,5,51,1'13 was in •licencie ,
• •
•HThere haa• been' an epidemle" of
.4Pa' 14' .9.•$0444.11Y
and no Other *ruses. ha S Peen assrgia-
ed, except that :of, peicrOning.. Sonie: of
the 'Peer': brutes haie lingered : .for
days In nilfrerY rbefore dying- ,We
ceuld Understand .a.".ntan Jia ,the -fitrY
:or'the mement-of ,beind..awakenect.
unmusical; choruses Mader WindoW,
firing lint sholgan: into "nbise, but
to prepare,: 'delinerataly;i 'a Mess of
Poison "and' learelt .where :it Wilr'rehr•
der both the Offendersand any other
..wandering creature,„ is;renite beyond
us,. There. is • soreething subnOrnial
,boy , • of his • p'et.Ingersoll Vribune ••
.1VIngly da,niage is. belug lone iawita
walking acroire .or bicycles on
, • •
the 'grass As ;the gr,orpagl' iswet and
scift 'on the surface; ,muddy „paths: arejuiciLjorn ..
or the ground is Char.;
zed into Y.wirb.: 7171Trtitr-tt-4,
. fees. ""Ip ',the Province Ontario'
35.9 per eent, of the totar.government
revenue is paid,by motorists; in Que-
bec, 32 per,. eent.; in 'Nova Secitia;
27.2" jer. cent,: kin,..New" Briinswick,
in 'Alberto, 24.1,, per
cent.; Priiice Edward Island," 22.7
per, c'ent;- M Saskatchewan, .19.5 per
• ,cent.; in • .British Columbia, .117. Per
• cent.,,end'in 1Vlannona, 15.45 per cent
-Preecott journal. '
$165 000 000
, ,,When figures, get • 'up into billions',
'imagination clogs: • but. '.while our
Z.miird', oyer • thciee".iiewstiitlitles
telling' that Canadlaria:.spOsad 44,70,-
000,000 laiyear;:lnive 'ince%es of
660,00,0,009, one figure'. antidst 'a maze.
of.'.'.othere- stands' Olit- t,rery 'clear' It,
- is the , figure which :"..,tells • , that we
'iiriend !on, "'education ;165,000,000 .
T.IlaHer'ten .People.-•.
:OttawaJoUrnal. , • .
• , .
hospitals Iarerbeing„paid..a. visit . . .
"cheque artist!! He goes' to, a ,lower
shop, •saYS. he Wants- to 'send flowers
to .a friend in heal:ilia]; orders Some7
thing worth $3 ,and tenders:a :checlue
• . for $5. , A fIctiticius ,narn.e' is given. of
; the supposed patient, ',with' the:- re- they, ;deal,' the feelers of ..4-•neweRaPer
quest that _the iicrWers: Ine.-delivered: s're every : 'caner •of the globe
Receiving • $2 In ,•change,, the :rascal' 'AP: assassination' maytake place • in
departs Smallness of his cheque and ;A(glianistan, a political coup in, irrik-,
, , , . . .
hia aestnetie tastes .and human syni• '':hareet: .a . discovery in Africa, Or
pat r com ne o disarm suspicion • It ship may founder o the Azores ye
presamed. that the flowers. are • •befOre. twenty four • hours are out the
.clainred.' In ',Renfrew,. the,. ,situation ,;news dished out by the nas-.
.• , .
SuCh :that the' fraud, could at ,least Paper's- to the residenti: of thiS
be attempted.:, --Renfrew Mercury.. .
• .`
The. Empire
As -1
MotorSpiritstit Distilled 4
n.Fr. om
Pg..tato'63,. '
Publin-Peat from relaild'!S 'hog, .
laadS IS Making a bid. to „drive the:
wheels.. of industry and tranSport. as '
well as warming cottagefiresides and
cooking griddle pekes.
Alcheelaiiiele4f4,1' Pijort6adtuoceis7andturfindus
has been planned by,the Fianna Fail
_,GoVeininent, .It is intended ,to, mix
the ,country's present ,petrol pf
more than £500,000 a, Year.!'.FiVe
,distilleries • and one refinery are
'scheduled der emetic.* during 1934.
Further rndicaton of the, imPO
'tfaiPtriceretudietv'eiltP/XixPe:reodf 'tthoepFlaryeeit.1Sttaht4.°
here. While, regretting a loss'of, re -16
vpnue following the, introduction:, Of
tariff, Mr. John' McCann, who 'pre -
:sided, 'said that the company antici-
„,—, pasted .compensattiarilrouLa big pawl -
tion of tgrf, carrying, as a result Of
the campaign••for increaSed utilization
of natiVe-products. '
cere,eniitt:te '0,a_weirrf inve;t.igatien has,
peat for motor 'spthts,find in 1925 •
.Irish turf was.suceessfulty teSted in
,France for this purpose, Further
ol-•kmen are -seen, here putting t e s ing ouc es
.which is to chalienge for America's "Cup..
o t e, dee
erthelesii the ciiiitieus attitUdis .the
Cominittee towards thecolonization
of the large unoccupied tract: of .the
United Proirinces is;justified, as, it is
Short of F's'
and c1C. s
. 'Here is an authentic extriet,
"It's a fine'daY:" says the English -I l'ackee,„_''ssaur,Yritnefirhatt tmillesite4-amsnean_coei_th:,_the2„trst_issue_of-a_w.......esrern,.newn.,_
inan-and takei', out his car ro-11111 m
some oneq'hatat least, has been type that will make good colenisers paper: • ,
. ,
.0 i.f the
the recent routine resulting last year WMild, he willing to enter the schemeWe begin e r .
"Roceay Mountain f:yclone witb s.onl•••?
in 7,202 killed and over two hundred
tno• usand injured. But Easter phew dirdiphiculties ih the way. The
hire, been ',much less murderous' than • type phound,ers phrom who* We
precedent had led.ris to expect„ and bought ,our :outphit phor this printing
It may 'be that road users -are really ophice phaited. to suriply us with .any
ents Guar
med milk daily for two Weeks. .They '.Wtho:Icrrie%dseiVaetelo,spiwnigdetshpisiegudewbc:IgSeianfocir•
-lope "SiX to. ten pounds, '
off :will be one of the' tasks of the
petrih.4en,:ifh°1.wi°hwicsb,athtl: ewaet,eknieat, dustrial• Iteienreli ' which ie '
ggs.arAd, vegoabis, ba,refrain from being eatablished by the Ooverunient'il
.rats.landstare6s,hea,Aiiefizttolie. zneantime.' Potatoes are to
• •
diet again, for two weeks losing .rox
,to ten pounds more. Some, by.
.ing this' alternating system, have •lost
50• poanclaina a few months: •
For mihier ' diets the ',bananas. are
• inereased to seven'or eight and the
Milk to four glasses.‘Dr.. HarroP,.au,-
thority of treatment of disease by Ai:
USed-Urthe 'raw 'prodriet-in the'
'•distilleries. The; scheine Will at 'first
be 'eXperimentalf rather than a • dont-
Merciar;proppsitien ,With little inter-,:
'lerendei it .is pointed out
Discussing 'the project in. the Dail,
Mr: Sean "F:Telne-13.-, of In-
dustry arid Corninerce, Said that the
ephs or cays, and.it will be phohr or distilleries 'Would titMze about 25,000
beginning realise that a motor istntestmaIU
•phie-weeks.bephore-sv.e-cana- -etebean-thei-eXperiment-i-to-reducq. mpo a oe-ar-yeara
a lethal weapon which, can only • be
made compatible with civilized f .1,Ve have ordered' 'thenaiissmg7-letters,,,- -Warathirrids:. but on -hearing of ,'Onths-t-Vai,7157§liilliiieS7-'6.-teri.''' -The
and Will have to, gat atone without
from reducing drugs he became products . . the, industrial,' alcohol; •
tuied with. great Skill and caution . them until' they'einne...we Ague to make .public:•• • he said, Were valuable cattle food,
Is freim:, this point of yiew-tbe,. effect
the' loox 'eV thiS. variety. ov: 1°'
Coffee' and :tea'irre 'allowedilbut no and' fartherS.WoUld be 'encouraged' to
on, the:Psycliology •roaduSerstliat.
Chicago. To. minimize ' yonr
chances of catching infantile. parr
,alysis,",...stay in a region where stem -
ac" arid: intestinal 'ailments are corn-
miiiithat is the preseriptien drawn
frara diseoVerieS by Di. John A. Too-
mey, OV--Cle,Veland:-- .•
or •the Minister of Transport's new trot- -any kettet than our reader, but ..mrs-
cream or,suca'r. It's considered r'-useathem. •fihe first year's worltie-g
tax will happen in the best -regulated - •.
is a case for risking some injustice . „ • • •
:ph the `ph's' large atmunts' of water of the distillerfes would be taken as
, an :indication -of the advisability of
fie legislation should bel udged. . . It phamilies, and
'and and 'if a' hold .aut we shall
to individualriotorists; nothing. will
'se .nairch basteia .tbe 'growth' 'of."eare-•
. • .
. • .
developing. the project on.a big -scale •
• • commergial besis '" • ,
hard),•tte CyelOrie ,
Whirling ,aPhter pheslaion .till the Bombing of Rabbits Referring to the .
:fur driving as the fear _strietlY no 3ocareto-,us-74t - -
.ento—rced—p-6-altragairrscarelessness. sorts arrive,:
SuccessfulP an+fort-wicle•ActiYitiee-oLthel-Ipdad-r.--
aph try -jai .Re' I .
.„ se ic,Q11 ginask-,:„
--i-L---The--.-New-,Statesinan---,and-Nation • Pr; .-KoOlPery rePorted new theeries, serioui
- • ... abotit infantiIeparalysis to the Amin-
(Lbilden). .
•Can College of, Physicians.
B; niTeHanE,13 NvofAtifie• oitr,oNrEreWspSondence IyHtihseirs.eseisartonich petit cwonednetchtaiotna..pbpeatwreenetn-
and of the news agencies with which infantile' paralysis' and diseases Of the
digestive tract, an that people in
„regions 'vvhersintestinal troubles -are
prevalent develop An liniitiovntytthat
prefects t,hern from the;iraftAtilei para
lysis virus, • ,
Dr. Toomey said that in3outh east-
ern Ilnited States wliere intestine
troubles are more common tha in
Tell me not in'tieurnful nunibers
• , advertising...IS' a dream, for the busi-.
ness• Man sluinbers, '•bas no
• . change to, skim the. cream.. Lip* is.
• .,real! 'Lite is eariieSt: Competiti00
•',..sometinies: 'fierce:. In. the: business
field, of battle, 'collcorldles have, na
pleee; he not like dumb .driven cat-.
,t10;• iie:4,1iVe one 'in the race. Lives
it great Men all remind we:11MM,
••the ',bacon home,' ,and,. depart-
” another's &time. Let us, then AP
otherwise' we May be
• ,cfotie; Still achieving, still pursuing--
.--'-'-'advertiee arid get/ the nion,,!--7Fierri
„ . .
A. .Preachereame . t newspaper
•Mit this 'Way,: :'"-ittu editora •do Ant
• the: truth./ If yen' did you could..
. not , live;, your newspaper WM4 ,be
'a ,tailure.:'? The editor. ,replied i'tou
are. right: ,and the 'miniater, *he ,Will'
• arlirtii-mra-milhinder-alli=eireniii,
'Stances tell the truth-dhout
.1303,•!Itilie or , ilead,;-will not, occupy
•.1213 pulpit Mere than one Sunday, and
then,lie Will • And it neceSso.ry, t�
leaVe`town: in a hurry. . The presd and
- puIpUgo nand in•lrend,Witn :White;
. tvasii hitahei : and pleasant Wardfi*
• magnifying little-aintties into big (Mei.
• • • The pulpit,' the.'pen,' and the ',gra've'
steno: are the great sainVmaking tri-
• umvirate?' • ' ,
.And the editiat turned to his- Work
and told ,,Of the unSuriaSsing beauty
• .: �t the bride, While,' in firet, she Wad
.homely is unxd fenee',-,.-peorth
• .
re, other sections -and in China '
oorare ,hi joire:tnyri,tiopthpeotripalepeereswshoprrgeantliiieay wsahoal
e-theY, abound infantile' 'paretion It lsiofheCe.s4iy todweli-On !'
lysis As not prevalentPresumably,
iwb:toiciiii...,atg...t:fitorisis••de7tahnesedhspinuese eflaasmeerni'll-ore.,
t6spiseei3laulbiijeeedt'epdroecnesitt.tuea ffii
Kong from its, incidence. In that :Ur munity
.•••'' •
away spot,' and in its I flail form In ' .Three new ;ciancluSions.„ regarding
the newspaper column Suffice it te infantile 'paralysis' were drawn 'from.
Say that the 'organization 'Which tliii evidence; di§elosed'"by Di Toeine'Y'S'
entails very Often. escarida•the,notiee..4perinient':. '
or' theman in the street -The Hong •Its Mostprobable channel of :entry
•..-' te the human bodir.ii through • the
CANEF41‘GN:FOR TkA• . .eaetith;stomach and, inteatines..
In an attempt to rationalize :the:in: It; is 'caused by .a, ecinibination Of 'a
la, ,virus-r.-ari orgenispi too ,small' tei,see
un _er any n1icrOsenfe=7411iliStini-.-
produced by 'Other ,kinds of bacteria BaltialoreA•Dr: George A Harrop,
that livein the inteatiries. of •.most Jr., •Of Johns Hopkins has worked out
humans an eat -and grow thin', diet •
for ,Aovelopment, in this country ,rnarchnity ,against is produced and skimmed Milk are the
either rnm.iity against the in answer. 1Woreover the. patients.do not
, . . , . •
dUcers India and tiro' to
-rum paralysis invirria-the.„‘body. ';,go.,11iankiy; the4Octor,..,03is,
have a free hand to .b uP
the' oigestive.. tract *contra-. ' As tried ont•iat.the 'MetenOlisna
',.!nett 't±hottlielr East 'Itne dais; pfor at; PI;r6e4 d'ttilertosiltghhe former•belief .of' many .acien, nie of the: Johns .Itepkina' 1.1riiversity
tists tacit, entered thieugh the !Mae .patients eat. four Six bananas and
009 000 ont,•'61 the 500;090,000 pounds
which we drink' every: year. In Can.,. ;along the "OfitetOY,r'nerY.s, "the sense drink three or :four glasses of
ada and; SOnth', A:friett the Ceylon pit.; ott Men route"
• • '• ;. • • , , • • •••• • •
dneeirs. are attenipting to popularize. -.;•.rliatisexxPreormirnehifttes'iniritdeis'Lttinteoht-rel.i.evtir.n.o.fi;
Aheit--own-4EireaiL..and:..in„the 'United
States, India; ',whir. nes:. already • been 7:the ' li-Malanliddy-hy ,w4 -r -of' the fibres
• — of 'the SYMpathetic nervous' system
-duistrYl-the-produders,ot Ceylon In
and the Dutch: East IntlieS.have• now
entered. into 'an' agreernent Wnereny.
wasteful cempetition be :eliraiin
ated and -each Will hatieits,own.fleldci
•in..eighti-year44 fernier' bricklaP
' a .hachelor;, who.- was drawing an
old age vaapien,lemn the•,Britieh. col
derail:11Y had his
': terve abdiit Min; He • died in Seattle
While On 'a htilnefid IMP and autheri-.
'not only" found nearly $1,300 Mc
S hotel ni; but 'Anto. diadetered
that he bad an •estate Werth Mere
than $12,000! Bethel' hard titil.The
• tairle.Exatniner; • . •
• ••'.!
Otte of the meanest and ineSt
temPtilale of:men Is. he who throws
tOlsozied food out where ,ble knew's
tlifiteighher'S cats or dogs Will pick
It tz,Ile may have been' anndyed
Yowling -of tatt on the 'haek
'fence but thitt'iti 'reason or can* weakening in the fate et the" 6)100°1' haro and an Orderl to this effeet WAS
tag Slaughter aniehg .hifetanStililde$':or tline.' Nei' I granted, •
ew Regiititions.
The Minister .of Eclucatien Makes
the:following anneuneerrientelth re-
gard,to Second Yeat'Northal..Course
commencing in ,Septeniber; 19;344:4'.
Interim Certificates issued In •July
1930 to teachers will be eacterided on,
If they -wish to continue feria'
fi:g alter the date.,'-lhey Will be re-
qUired to return t for the Secorid Tear
Coarse:In SeriAfnicilier. lfl35: Teach-,
ers who ,coroPleted: the 1st .Year Nor-
mal School COursd•in 1929 and. whose
inter'n..Atificates ,,were extended
toluly 1934,, will be olirge'd te return
to Norniel. Scheel ; in order in take;
'their Poiltions. 'This 'Course will be
given each Orthe .Normal :Schools:
Fern's' of eptilicatien MaY• obtain,;!
.64 Ism the .Deputy Minister' of 'Edia-
cation,' after July 1st. • .•
Pointed out that recent years ra .4.
1,ilieral Kan. -Southwest Ean
• in , sag progress has b '•
, een "fie e• . •
ninirods eve • conceited the idea Of countries :in .the, organization of re:
'bomb -hunting s froairplanes
a recent rabbit drive near Here.;
fad, Tex. Doc Henderson and vart
•Pliikerton droP-li-ed 'bornb3: on .tentry-
ling :cottontails from planes ,and al-
though .390 foOthunters participated
in .the drive; the air -hunters• account-
ed' for. 2;000 of the 3,00.0.rabbit3 ob-
ealth in China
• ,
Let's Youi Eat
• And "GroW
. , . ,
Making hareads on the coffee:drinking ,
habitil of the 'People,' Is to Contiail
t:iththeer c',rdlen, of f n'tehreVeSgPtleat.i.aunir dfc're*nizil
her efforts., The Dutch are in Inalte
there first t� the loins and then up-
it.determinecr drive on the cOhtinent
of Europe. . But above find beytaid 'Ward to the neck • • '•' • ' '
, , , ,
all tliese: markets I there{ lies one of
almost Unlimited potentialities -- the • „
union ef toeielist. Soviet .RePuliiics; $136,600 is 'Awarded ,. I
Whose 'tea consumption • declined • .• • .
nas b1»' Mere than '50 , per cent since the T o Broker
yearnerore :its birth.„.1t 13 -belreved ••
. . , . .
that if reasonable 'credit faellities •' lifax.-The 'Montreal brokerage
could . be given to the Rusata Oov- firai';of McDougall apd COWans wa8.
eminent; they 'wont(' be able to _take awarded $136,000 by the • Seprenie
as much as ipo milhon 116tlilde a• Court of Nova Scotia roently In ics
year, .an order 1which •woUld, 'enable
148,000 -Suit againtt T. C.' •Glennie,
artitinnediate lerge reduction,: to" pe the Nntra, Scotia luinbernian.Who Made
Made In the'restrietioe ntiota.-131iitip :and' loft a • sniall fortune nitt 'the -wild:
Jordan ie The vortaiOitiy iteview ..0thbk niatket •2;
. ••• • •,Oleiiitie Was 'tined by the •broker'-'
'SiiiipkNr. '914 -,1111i deriatianY for the ,ithietirit Of hie
.11ndoubtedit sehe113,,e.et ",ite...notakS: 'after, the ,,1029
character • .(to PPCiP-P,IqFd,.,:tt„11:..":',- crash: ',Ile ha,d, hat Itri, :$10,(n)o 'stake,
:eras6 then had
to m9re thnititi:6.$051000t,02.
en the Pert of 'tlieSe.'O Ian a.,..deficita. • ` •
taioiadVetitage, at' it.. .!re .nurt Dadra a sovoino tOurt • Jul* h.
Song aenstorfied to eitY Itte ifuedesSfUllY contested his data 'that.
Ured to the ,iledentary habits 'ef the th. .1674;08
were Sn"Caucred
satOt1dgeutiet4, ttotiidtdettor.,gWO•bedric;d1.4V.!. 01.6v,f17n;;Iotraitei' thhtgittoiti etictota4et thtze
labor, they in 'its early aPir.r. diet le: ra. majority deeleleit reeently,
puhdV tediazn llely6r0!tY nientheingli the ,judges differed ini,opin,
are licroWri to Per•UreSt, 'rather Prte7 lone as, to ;the arrieUrit due the firm;
iloi �t1on ot 1ersoff4 diOit?"'1,0a, ft., The Coinpanre :e•Outisei •intifented
positive -ter "triennel,, 646046 0. boo. _tto&
Bet If reeent,teirdencifel•Are "A, Pilite"il'annatint rediided bY 40,000, :0., meet,
cuh p ntfl�l$ the Ind o f, 4tridsthe 11" titrk
search work. `. •
But the time had ..coine the Mini•
ister continued; when. the Govern-
ment :must take Part In' an" intelli-
_gently , planned ,system. Of research,
Itztves,intended to' compose the coun-
cil of honorar3r meMbers with
knowledge. They, would he en-
titled to travelling and inedentar e4e-
poises.- In,additiOn there Would •be•
pernmaent • seeretary, and a small
.staff and library The annual, grant
called, for Was eatiniated, at 500.
. •
For centuries he Cihincisa Mire
paid their, doctors to keep them 'well.
rather thap to Cure them Alien they,
-were 'dick,. Many -tri effOrt-has been
made by inquisitive i'7isito1p to Chins
tO• check up- this well-known bit- of
cirwill ;be tit advise. the Governmenl
en the granting of assistance to Um:
ventora whose activities are likely te
have 1re/16ff:q.t.] national .relialt3. •
scientc information. The results 65O
have ' 'been discouraging,
'1.iowing•that un'til recently the Chin-
ese have had no doctors worthy of the Colutnbia Commissjoir
or any other kiffdtircittilt-tht Art
mime to practise preve'ntive medicine,' , Finds PO ert E .1S
Chinese, doctor' story is evidently a
myth, it carries a valuable riggeit-
PositiVe . health,. periodic •hea'Alt
ekamitiation early diagn4is pre+,
entiOn of disease, Maks Iv the mess'
age that is big-uung-tp.prevetit_rOoh
suffering and save many, lives. -The
C,anadian, Medical Association Journ-
al,:i4oyember, . •
.149 MBS.
, The,. *lint beautiful debutante nd.the debuttitte With the Most char=
eeter; selected. recently "at the Biue and ,White Bali in' New Yok
Miss Betty Klpp, kit, was eirleeted
Miss. /nan rowaii the IniOst beauW, " *
Be Cured -- If •
New'York.-The Columbia 1.3tiver:•,
pity eerinnission of ':ecOnornic recon.,.
struction reported recently; in •65,-,000 :
words; that sOclety could: Overcome .
.1he evi.13,444royerty-and-jrniempley-
merit if: •' . ,. ,. --
',I• It Continually,ntiliZed to the Nil. '
the productive capacity,„whch is ac-
• twiny available.. ' ' • ." ' ,
' 1.. It, equitablyitlistributed- the ,ilit-
tional income, • ' '
."What happened during'the War,"
• says th
t -report, hen,' e Volume Of
goods taking war and peace, products
together, inereas d at the verY time : 1,.....
When millions of • the ' younger Arid ;
knore.' vigotionS Workers were with, '
drawn from productive.' functions, le
an indication, ;highly •-peculiar though'
•Coriditiolis' then were, of the manner
in which potential productivity lies,
Utilized in norrnal times.
3,00,000 Lbs.
Of.Wool Stolen,
Denver.-ItePorts of o' perations, of
cattle rustiere mut horse' thieves .aire
an Old story here, • hittdeliredatiOns
IA the expenae` of • SheeP 'hien. have
been Ste until recently: ' ,
-..irliefts of wool ar4 new being e''r
•Ported from .all ,section ui where 6heet,
are 'raised. .§oMetieteit the Wool.:14,
ifUlled from the baCkii, of We tihetiPi.
but More oftenthe atihnitli,are kited •
,and the. Wend pu114 froth' the de
carcases a fe.Wdays laterthe woo
IS elect „remOv.ed frern animate' th
have' died froth nattiral eatiSeS. Snell
f'dead" Wool ia Worth AMA half thil
price coinnuinded by this year's ell*
11 13 estimated that 3,000,000 peundt
,of *eel have 'been ectoleri in'the 141
to* inorithS it", the Minh' froth WeM'
texas to 'Mo'ntana. •
octouokt. Ratitveyi
:,,tioayst„..ta4(gp:.Ayt Alaying...,ete.0,3„ peg'.
13neires 'Argeatirie,' fro*. th(..