The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-05-10, Page 5V?.
ural School! Reports
you meet 'an`. o!d friend .
;and• •you hav,en't i•s i• him fo•
years , r.'. and fou invite him
:: back to. town with you:
Bette" ploy- Safe ... . call honno: on Lon
B.F8. 1or, AndiJihM • •
or''Marcb. aApril
V*- Jitn, Nelaon 56%.
IV—Jean .Nelson 78 Eileen Came
bell, 75.
s ;Sr. III --Grace . Campbell ' 69. Rhea'
Miller. 68; Ce chs. Witt 614; Bob. Far-
Tlun y 46. •
Jr.: III -Pearl Jamieson. 75; • Louise.
Campbell 50; Alum Drennan 26.
II -John Anatin'
Drennan 57; . Vincent Austin 62'';
Grant Parrish 45'r.
Sr•' 1--Eat:.=Evelyn Little, Warren
Zinn; Pass -.-Billie Kogan.
•Sr.. Pr.�,--Ex.—Marguerite Jannis
son, Teresa' Austin;+Pass=ltena-
No, on roll 24. Ave. att.,.23.
M. G. MacDonald:
StAt cs, Elections
The Statistical Report showed: an
increase , of $4.168 is *lies amounts
;.feed' for local church:'. purposes.
ww'hila-=a--d"ecrease--of-sr- Iil/e --amount
($4,192) 'inminister's salaries.. Forty
»three Women's; Aaaociatii'on• groups.
raised $8,259 and• sixty-nine W.M.S.
groups raised $8.441. The M. and M.
Fund----was•--$19.37$,' bringing w grand -
total for all purposes of4110,4e6..
ltev. Albert E. Millen `was. elected
ministerial 'commissioner; to General
Council and j. A. Vandusen of •gra.
-was a sets_ tri %t . ° YY r
The alternates' are Rev: -.J. C -Nichol-
son of, Pipe l.Kiver „and. J. A. George
of Port' Elgin.
: Rev. W . A. Monteith and
A. Luwan were 'elected to: the Settle-
merit Coramittee.. with . Rev. J. 1c
ltihop alternate. '
'Mrs. John. McKillop was elected to,
the ?'resident's . chair by: the'IN 44 -
The . Lay, Association : elected' as
their.. president, Mr. William Murdie
of ' Lucenow; v ice-pres.. Mr W. A.
Scarrow ofWiarton; secretary." Mr.
W. A. Mitchell. of Port 1i igin. Others
-elected to th@ -executive-Were Mr. E.
J. Ireland of Teeawater .Mr. C, ,J.
Halliday'; of Chesley •.and'. Mr.. J. A.,
George,= -Past -President of the Con
Terence -Lay Associationy.`Fort Elgm.;
The evening, session of; the Presby-
tery will he an, outstanding event in.
the, minds of ; Many for some time
to come. The address of Mrs.: Long-
ley, :: of our West China Mission,
graphically 'portrayed bow the • influ-
enee: of the Christ on pagan :hearts
he' Whole '.round of 'their
transfixtires,. t .,
existence; -
• so that neither they them-
selves nor their 'way. of .life are' ever
the same::.for ; once haying -seen. the
Christ Y
the ..must needs co -We -7014
another way; This was a ;bright;. col=-
orf ul' and effective ` inessage.
Oxford, for Gp
rou d.
Visit ',
The coming ; of the 'Oxford' Group_
Bras—waited, for with,„ expectancy.
When ;came it was,..,unexcelled
for the richness ,of its ' spiritual. ex-
perience. Its personnel was Made
ar, 'among .others,, Canon' Warner ='of'
London's Anglicai Cathedral'— St.
Pauls; , Rev.' Mr. Mess, Dr' Hunt,,. Rev.
R. rB. Ferris, the leader ,of the group;'
Rev. H. Miller of Palmerston Pres-:
byterian Church,. a very fine, man of:
a very, fine spirit,
.Throughout the meeting you, were
impressed-thy=its total_.lack of staging
or artificiality.. A quality. of 'sincer.,•
•ity that was stri%ig surprised'
The intense: desire to be of •real help;
•no 'matter what ,the` cost to them;
Selves: struck a new note • into the
very heart of our present day grasp=.
ing materialism.
:All wended their way homeward,
feeling the power.: of the 'consecration
tante anmake sure�o
• Long Distance keeps you in touch with friend*:
, you value, epeede:`.upbusiaese, and aids in many. '
, emergencies. It is quick, dependable.. economical.
Rates in, the front of your directory show you: •
can talk 100 nules.or sofor as little as-30,centa.
(Continued from •Page.1)
'manufacturers idt ring the repeal of
the, ' 18th" Amendment' 'in ' U.S.A. and
how trade ,boycotts were . maliciously
citizens, and whereas :we believe' • that
the; use of gambling methods •on be
half ck worthy:,:causes does' not ob-
viate the' evil. i,ut living contempt
on the. most..wortlay . end' and whereas
the Parliament of Canada has [al
re'ady placed
already'placed itself on record:and:any
carried on .by the"liquor "`interests Proposed Changes will be -.a • retro-.
ession; we the : Presbytery •Of
. ._
hiuce�=of ,the-:-=United-=:Churclt�of;�Can
ada, • declare' our opposition' to 'such
amendments 'and we urge, people
to use their influence to ;preventthe
passage' of the amendment: in the
... , ,;: .even as"today,� .attempts�'-are�;-.beino
made to bribe . the =local and • city
papers to support the Beer and Wine
`The, report continues: "That' we AS,
presbytery protest ,against.the at
te' t :on the part :of the- Provincial : ` "We also'`'oppose-in our congrega-
mp„ 'p }t
Govern'rnent to introduce :an 'amend- tions • and organizations' the use ` of
Tent, to the ..Liquor .Control Act 'to tottery schemes for, the purpose of
allow. the sale of beer and wine. - :We raising .money; and "request. our: 'pas -
oppose; the Amendment 'for the fol- ;:toral, charges ; to refrain from all
lowing reasons:. (1) It will; increase such schemes:.
the: sale of intoxicating ; liquors: (2) - ..On' the :principle that "rt is better
It, will restore the custom of `public to have in part than' not to have at
.:drinking:' 'and. the , treating system; all", 'Premier ::Henry .'was congratu-
(3); •It ,will open''the door to• greater dated for putting even the abridged
'temptation xo .:our yo , ; o ale. 4 edition of "'Cry Havoc'• in the schools
It Will; 'increase ' the dangers on our though nuc isappm
highways; (5•) It will increase' the expressed at the deplorable'weaken-
diverting' of: capital from the: legiti ing of its' effectiveness .through 'its
'irate channels'' of trade .and `'put back :abridgement. .
the profits into .the pockets: ,of the The' :Presbytery recommend' .'that
• brewers and distillers, more 'adequate scientific 'approach to
"We .'also . protest$ i against `the':temperance education be urged.upon
policy of the Government iri'refusing our Department of :Education in On
the people the right to, express their tali(); also ‘that, temperance pledge
• opinions .through the; plebiscite cards be used judiciously in . our
Oppose Gambling ' Church, schools and that officials and hymn with which. ,said each to.
,f ture the other "Good -night."•
"Whereas'. claims 'that, members be reminded that the future:
• .. the Church 1 ..:clues, ERT: E. MILLEN;
rests with . the •: ALB
sista of temperance ;
gambling are a m
of am g� Secretary.
all .forma g I rY
t' f the riling.
-is fW to Ia. from'Bumper to Bumper
BIGGEST ear hi the !ow price held!'
Try, to beat, a Terraplane .. ,
. BIGNESS, . .
-... SS H.,P -7The most
powerful-6-ia the-bw
price field! Outperforms
Wren the.TerrapIwe that:
broke record often res •
ord Int years . •
Try to beat a Terraplane :..f..
• • - Amaii.g economy-tyggetr-
L IIanen time n take any punishment
—proved by'owners',syest' •
,*.*enema. .
Tiy to •.bolt' a• Teriaplane .
to'- the honesty and stability of our, tion o y.. •
menta of ' the •investor, . articularly ,the
The first requirement. u P , . . �,...
is of lesser
sma 1'lnvesl:or, is assurgd safety,: income yield
ce.That is w , so many.'hundreds of. thou-
Importance. Y � ,
• adlans regard their. savings deposits . in; this
of Can , •
best. y' a of investmeft..'The income may.
.bank. as thetyp,.
the: remised yield `of certain
be •so atuactive„ as ,• p ,
-.. not , . .
. and stead. while the Principal
i >es but !t 1s sure y, ,, , :,
sectxr >' . ,
a mains at full 'face Value.
nd alwa: re ` .
ltsel£` is safe a ys
. 'Bsabd1ts ied 11117
AL A8 -SETS IN' E*GE' S ,•'45v $,000'r000.
' ,' , {..: S. D. !p1'HALEY,''Manager
X,uCitniOW ,fgi1C[3.
C'1E t I3ANKING: SEit fC. .
�YiER.•y• E.E1�I.. •. •. •�...
•, z _,rtar�i•'�.,,�`as,t.cet:s` �1:.t: �e;r
�' p :at:., n
=li �G�;irt•�trtn,e 'x -6 �'`
The Hudton•Built Teniplaae'has the highest
raale•nlue of any, car in the low price field. -
*Try to beata Terra lane... or --•
and' LOOK
at tbe Price.!
The THRILL of the. .Low Price Field
The Terraplane'offers. you :many features seldom
found in cars in the low price field—fully: advanced'.
streamlined ed beau,,_y n,; ,baggage compartment' or
luggage vestibule in 'thea sweeping streamline of
h outside without
sr ''le from the the rear,.,; yet '.tees b
distu'rbinpassengers':: advanced year -'round ven
tilation .:: ttaxleflex" that. gives. ou inde • endent'
Y independent
front wheels cin in -' with' front axle strep thand
features. 14 models' -
-safety.. ., scores' of ;other � ,.
• l as S-: . ...80: -and 85 -
ryLl:�an_d..-.l.:LC'anch.Qv�hee .�i _ s . . 4 • �
horsepower engines.~' ,'F=-r-yr=pe-r€ormuti"e-that-r "
really a thr:ll .''. '. that's Terrapianing'`
Tilbury, Ontario; , k
The N eew• lichnpe of
Tl:R it:AP1,:ANEs
and 111'»SON S
Completely equipped inalud-
• mr spare tire. All loam paid,
freight only to be added.'
Listen to the Terraplane-Hudson Program, Saturdays,
9' P.M. ; WLW
For . one. year, 1932-33, he interned
at. the :Chicago Osteopathic . ,hospital,
e is. now, assistant superi
of :the college 'clinic, which has the
closest possible, connection also with
'that .hospital: -On • July -1 he-wiil--le-
come superintendent.
Patients' visiting this clinic are;'net
hurried'.. through a superficial, exam;
ination.- Rather, they are given. the
same; thorough "examination as :is
offered one who pays ' the regular
,price for individual 'officeattention
The only difference -is that --at--• t
clinic; .the patietyt, is . examined by, a
student -under the direction, of- his
professor, or sometimes, by • the pro
.fessor,:.with a ' grouj of ,students, as
witnesses. • • •
An interesting part of many of
theseexaminations is the,novel x-
ray �iettires, which .Dr: Earl R. Hos
kine pictures
.of Roentgenology,' 'at
the Chicago :College,. of • Osteopathy
' to
takes: This department is said
the ;first ; to 'develop x4rays. with'
patient` in the: •weight-bearing post-
There are departments 'equipped
and•designed ,for' the care of,obstet-
tical, .surgical' and .infectious cases.
In the obstetrical: department, the
expectant mother is ""examined , to
make sure' that no •tiialadjustment
is causing her 'unnecessary distress,
aid the trouble corrected,' if any is
found., Her discomfort, during prep
nancy,' is • made a re
gular procedure of • tr'eatment• *bleb
' continues for a while after the child
is- born This, osteopathic ".care and
treatment' not only •makes 'tiarturi
tion a, simper' • procedure than other
wise `may be. expected, Without •the
accompanying horror 'Which, tradi-
tion: has deemed inevitable, but it: is
an .important factor in ,reducing
4h ' -Ii ;'W:
e•� x�nnual-m:eeting-of, e
1. was .:held: at the home of Mra..
Chas:;'Congrani on, Thursday, May 3.
The officers for -the :coining ' years
are'aao f.l.
wlo s• president.Mrs.
Wall; 1st vice,' Mrs. Abner ''Ackert;
2nd - vice,', rS. '' osep1 . antra `s'ec.'y:
—treas., 1Vli:ss Hazel' Percy; ; ass't. tree
Surer, ,• Nis, H.owaid .Barris, ..',press
reporter, - Mrs. -toward Harris;
1St; Miss Daisy •Ayres; auditors. Mrs.
Jaaines' Hodgins, ..Mrs. Wolter' Hod-
gins; district' -director, Mts..Thos.
Ji.farr'is; directors for meetings;' Mia
Lrnest: • Ackert. Miss. Daisy Myles,
Mrs Chas. Congram, •Mrs•Howard
Barris, Mrs Earl Hodgins, Mrs.F.
Thompson; di trict representatives,.
Mrs'. Wm.. Well; Mrs. Tlioivas Harris;•
Mrs.' Crang, 'Mrs. James ,Hodgins,
?\figs• Alnia-Carruthers; ,con. to ,pre -
pore programs, Mrs.' Thos. Ilodgins
lVirs: James '; Hodgins, Mrs. 'Abner
Aelort; MrsWnt. Wall; Miss.1•fazcl
Peicy The District annual is to be
held ,'at Holyrood Township Hall on
Wednesday, May 30th, starting
0.30 non.' Mr. Putman will • be' tire-
sent for the morning session -011137.The summer: slieaker for the :Nor,
men's. Institute; 'Mia 3. M. Percival.
of "Addison,; Ont., will" speak at
Whitechurch,'. on . Monday, May 14th;
13e1•'-Rore on' May 15th "and, Walkertoir
ori .'May, 16th. •'H.olyrood branch has•.
'been invited to 'all .three nieetings.
Mr's. Percival° will • speak on Makin
lio.nie rown ` garden. piroducts • and
Meat available throughout theyc•.
also"H,ow to Make the institute a
Snec ss'. ;
1VIr, and Mrs..Marron and,'faniily
;spe tt ,Stfnday with friends at Guelph,
'Mrs. Howard' Elliott.', of. betroit
was .the wer'k end': guest • at Mrs. Al-
' tn`er Ackert's.
Miss Annie Hughes, of Whitechurch
spent a few days rcieently with. Mr.
and Mrs..,Allister Htiel i's••+ .
The I{atishea t1 F. V. O. Chill ,will.
hold Their;,next,meeting.-at the home
it YVlirs.'bave 8roolcs, o'n Thursday.
maternal mortality.
Ai`i,'surgieel cases are': handled' at
the ChicagoOsteopathicyhospital, but
infections diseases f're'cared for only
by 'theOut patient department.
The: total `number ofpatits
visited:' the :, clinic during the Year
heglneing ,Tativary , ]. 19 3 and end
#n+M Decem'bei 31 of that Year. . is
�8im boo' n�I}pvr'•d.o t' Matto',,:rir;
1 .)eau. of the
�it#chafd Vit' •Macl#aia. s
. 0.400100114 ....
;moo „;�o!1eq@ '��
Annual Meeting
r .'
�Pr�s i
.The 8th annual meeting: of Bruce'.'
Presbyterial' of the W.311.
United Church; was held • in Lucknory
on, May 1st, in the: ;Presbyterian
Church,' which Was ''graciously ; open-
ed for tis forthe day and which was
filledwith interested' women. After
the IlevotienaI- period' which opened
$1e: meetingat 9.30 a.m.,:the morn,.;,.
ing was $pent in a review" of.'the
year's= -work- •and'-some--very-encour- -L
4ging..reports were given by the
arious' :secretari
•. Treasurer reported '$8,0$3.66 sent
'to' Branch Treasurer. .. '
, In the afternoon- splendid-' addres-
acs were given by Mrs. R. S.Long-
ley; •Toronto;'' who with her:. husband
,•ias spent 20 years in• . Missionary
:Work in China—Mrs. ' Small, London,
.'rOv. Field • Sec. for the • W.'C T "U..
—and Mrs. H. ',E. Walker, Port .Elgin
eetiring . president of Bruce Presby-
aerial.', . her 'faithful
In ' appreciation ofseated
voi,!,. Mrs. Walker ways prs . e e,
with a: -beautiful basket of flowers..
Musical nunnbers. interspersed 'the
program. 0 Ows=-Presi
The list of officers•.f .11,
dent, 'Mrs: John McKillop, Wiartont
1st 'vice -)ares., Mrs. $: Brand, Care ,
gill,; 2nd -.t , Mrs.
l.)ierlr/;i, Ripley,, 3rd, vice -p . ;
pie , Mrs.ClarC :Kelso, R R. Pottert rt lgin'
Ree Sec:, Mrs J. R. VanDiisen, '. .
Tara; Cor; Sec Mrs. A. M. Ruxton`'
Port ''Elgin; Treas., Mrs. F.A. Gilt
soft,, Faislcy; °Sec, of Ch. Stdp., `Mrs;
J B ' $utinings, t. Walker-. Sec.• of
Circles; Miss'' M. L. Havill;'.'Walker '
ton; Sec:, of . C. G. IiT , .Mrs. Valla-
day C1iffo_d''• Sec, of Miss. Bands,
MaV 17th • Harold `•
lir It wet, *, reeeiit' visitors • wi A Mts.•
Ilene And aat,e
W)h('rt '?\+lactonialti -
li ay •
'Vera• 3olinstoii_ of Teeswater
{-oftil`at-1ity bon here;
tgY�'�it't', the weer
r2rtrr,13or 0n ('e�, of, New o{1t jet
o'lt ftti' iie.ei.
•t '
?Vitus' . BrafileUnderwood;„ See.
of . flab Ban„s,dirs.A
.,.. Aiken. Al-.
lenford;; A,sso Help'er's .7Mts
Mills, 'Ripley; Surppi5` • See
M. '1ihien, Allenfbrd', . Stranger's Sec:'
Petrel, .,R •• 'R. 2, ' Ript Y.
t .iterature Bec , l rs. ' C., Kelly', lt.
1i `Port Elgin,• 112iss." Ment!rlY
trs., _Teeswater:• Tern,, ;x
*oinks 'Sec,, Mrs. It Street, Vitt*.
+.line' Press. Sec;►' Mrs.' J. R+ Vat
ea' 1"•.i .s