The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-05-10, Page 1-7 774 `7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ... .. .. . ... . ... ... ............ ... . .. . E s #W -50 OTHE is T 0 th y o 44 SINOLN cop-= flwT LOST;- ............ . COuN p: TT TO "UPROVw" aRO 'Br tce' iSil indor ffl� r &ntIllel" OA r j I 9 - j I , "'. : . L' . r . r , , AID, To ft,E WEST ng D., Thi� -ad ea Th 6 SO ffere6: Bat 'All ­Efflo'ria,�which,,,had preiid oub" , d, ea R eilth :4, :Vr' oad 0 and twq Us: Y libi, 3he "Weat.. ;ebul t sn& Which in , , to%, -have the County "duO't9'f,,eo 9$ 'Y'r d Old_ ran Y, . SE Welk Hilo 0 J M ld; Hadr `�Sel.,.Ot UR, MqTra, b r4 DOPT SaL 9 9*1k. Cellar otal e elected to offide., ork r r R.KoWur Aud Artery Oen, Oie*e& eeva�:A. r FOR, -A Ort v, I'ge -results for., Mr. -Rimilio en i filida* seven- mo r. brought q, DA $ecly, Chi ie' received' wop from Brute. Cou CUES Rl? W. s Ilty., TE', 0ANDWI RASPBE y TART4 ciet i alk. To:, a] I!, app!4 Engineer. Setting 'Out f III OUT_ _,wor "Son this We We TOM Nova Scotia ast ROL e ­No�embei,— "Ou d U a4i—so age is �qn t+. I j I I, ty. f s vn t to d to,. W1 .011 o LucknoW. J Olin DO G& S reem this A, MitqDonaId'8 0 Y, was found NUTS n an Icht-foot b d TEA MSCUff, by an man of that �'pjovific�. Missing , I . I % : ICED' ROLLS r roved is from Jack Ila k'miliftils., he' stretch. to be wide&d- . A OR' 1-12 drop. through an" open. trap do The ' '�AYEX ICAItES: t6 or ?14 P east OisAnjurles WHQ . LR- WHEAT! BREAD -, -.18 th� Afiag 8W., The trict 01 R or�li Duri am Road, ­90 iiereq. n the basement floor At his libme a Was found near at i7r,6ad to t116,'Ri-PNY 'aldero 4 fleW 'in a 'deserted -di County Highwa side railway 'tr APPiY to' Wilte 6. H ton r . J -whi thought _'fa 106 Oceu ;toy, Oil- Thum& � aid( d dy, -Off it"Irain. ;,DELIC -W QLE'__rWHE. j 'd chj r well,4 r H Yro6t Yo ipc two, 1br en ,,,,.'!rO* 'is alrea iltores JOUS AND IRE LTHV)VL rebuilt anj con. A lulqd Y (17 .,;ribs rable work been., -prev onsly 9111 j has, A mner trade, b A severed jirtery 'on the D1 ut ii� roaryer done t rst - cam, e , 'h6ad,'1r his road from .by haturb,' Macbd al me, oq tuse arid. lacerations. Iticknow. in t 0, 11 0 W60D FOR SALE—We'-fio A&b6 w hav ,TO the.''pr eastward to e 0 t ward III 39. U Ho aet'Onr and cbOl ftlike UALITV * 9 w a j)W �Torrance, Mr, Miller e r 'Wood for Basle., e Will have bard. - probably owes hen, the work,, would and Was in this, rnr�- Wood, slabs his life. W ommen66, ot, wbeth��r; 'Ilt� - ler. he, came to -the, -village.'whf. r. ith blbod,:spurti�,T, froifi' oj.ilot�rbtit Woidd be� Soft' maple'and elmi Als the' head�­w thisyear t totind in*. With notifiLcitiog qu, e eager to work,,he fo nd ny IillIbs, suitable' for, s such 'Ouanthies mmer pine U that ere long the Old man wou at searly date; thi�-juch is, to be �tddd jobs and assisted Bert' Your, orders Will ecei bled Id have uud�rtak Mr' e, mOn( t ntion. d tention and p at- en;r it Is believed- he dtaties ve prom t, - to -'dehth, Mrs. Torjran' Ward iOr-.`8OIIIe time ­with,hi; ,d' medical at" I 'get unde&' ce, suin- the work. wil r6 that is Town Hall caretaker. in. the early in, th e Co., It interpoting,9chap iind;a Milin Table itime 'did ' W could p summ, r. A ekno 1iat s h_b - - - - - - - - - w W *Orker, landed �for III K'in Im a job ag�- - , a;re intro, of es *�j Ltd. check the, flow " blood. Failin-, 41stinir Eddie 'MacKenzier Wr, to notice h' dor JUDGE MOTT W 'h' Nemo dati6 garments for t e trap on is ll`f� ' - aud, sum TEDERS' left Open, tither's farm in. Kinlos wit aw n :.of 193a. BESIDES, MRS.' Et e IAU ng sOnte'eigs' inr the basemmit, Ali. h h t WKiller ng e. I in .: the gpii be. rec Veil 4lidge, t for EXPER' u0 anticisigned hurtled to the' floor- below. senior 4udge,of the ORESTIERRt Rushing to his'-assistan' M Scotia. here' t May' 29% . at 3: Oclock', in: the. —le Coll he wa em,D oyed dur- WILL qe6 rs. 'Tor. Juvenf BE AT OU . It -Afternoon rance found hei,,brother. dazed. but d" m4r 'on a fruit .ijrm.� STORE, . ALL DAY TUESDAY ''an r� �of Torofito, Will ad-� ing, the suw t f or the. rushi ress a mass meeting in the', To �v' departi d n n ;Btforp: nx he :�a d WEDNESD annot-ffi�&07hsdio=`Tq get. him ;upstairs Hall, - this � Sunday 'afternoon' at', three rr4i�ge 9 to rucking of rav AY turn and -work. at McKenzie's dtir- ve a' vice 'and el for 'kitchen... proved 6!clock. 4,udgb:X;tt ltion-enableA: iqw�n­ to 'the. lounge in,the� 'r ' 'L !,& rance' 9 was I'M to'' thdrAtivelyl �on -a ..whiter His to wr* 01 t, be'dole- Y �'th' 'uh ble 'to�'encircle 'her au failure t'd rUghing�r roble-r- k p ,r ar .1934. a n,"'for, gi it 6'dem- h auB6d Mr.,X�Kenzie r,, quali 'es.,,.an -or , probit dims 4bout subject of'vital interest, t hi , I Ae to d r e s enip 0yer in the', Maiifimes Who, gets,' in Int, due to -the pain:' that'result6d Judge Mott's- iddreild- is stinct advantages gainea of' n0i" less 'than . it in W,eaqi. 0 yards, %P=tes�l -per )rhediatelv--'. ------ bY=the-Y-6unk­Men?s--0Ia­s Kepr(ed_.siating_,_thatV- _ing_1%emo4 per, cu, ic d ' Variant7and ',difficult-� str United ,Churell Th i4d left a month ,pr6 .Yar,. rue urgle; th OW.L 4ou e e meeting ho, ld advise that you make an, ali- Ie, ar 'his isappeirance'�. His '*here- po, as en e,,were noti- T king; to' o',Ile.t at red 'brother, and sister enominitionai, iiid for�Luckn fittment earl !c.e per clIhii d bIoi)& spattd t O aven is. -und r�i ie0T sof sah Syr IdUring per mile, haul. yechedr the.9' OP Vthe staiiway.alid, And - womn., of the - community 'are about,,,fiowver,� ets, to be.,bu te �ln 9 f a, r.ernained 4 mystbry r y nderer'L" wu�t be prepa d' ew Moments, Mrs., tarra r 'be, Iva . . re to.: give ee invited;.. - The e will Ite stit 1% swi . ulritil the aruesohie, discover markedt;, cMque niusica, prograsn a itch lb6nd, or was wakin� his. " 6mf6rtable as. n&*' male' choir body latt wqek. ..Y 61 his w I : t h,,us 10% of, possible . oil the k fo r 119% of, itender. tth an en: ou awal - rupoied'of choir'�iiaenibers o the co RoNr.' e� owest ndoctor MAT PICTURES t showing the,;' three 10 cil ',chuichi& ill At .. �­ ccep e y rJous pr? necessarily The 'pa JQnt! Was, :a1low d oesseg of tifactuie and or Y qnder IT e to take it AGE.D, VILLAGE 'RESIDENT manq fttu f Li It e%y s ep YL11sterd �'N GE CY PAS c!evek fitting eAievemen" -to nei, 2,.1191 od� Ont. atten aY: and 'his 'wedical _yjo 19W CAR SED,, 4WAY . . a,. feature of �Mg- Bygsh4�ls vWt Ki�loss fil dant advises him��heljl -haV ownshi and tw& urge 0, T: i 12th of all' the ladies ae Shape'foe.'thg wh a d "' July .,',Eiiewhot�-,-in---this-is�ue- mrs'.4blift, fack4t -,Passed peacefully Sibly h aL ­,eelabiatibit: wbich,_ Opears Djn�'Moitday E,_- ge- Ot, t I venerab 'this an, a4veftising, -the "ty I Veuing7�- g A to er*l to: 1 7 ORS le�old:Lfitan has. x9rely missed �popular �-�T4rraplane- mo r cat._ A r. _-,Keld`__Yest6rday. -'-L 6AMportunity Pp�p ment. ooeasii) S rove Ire conAiltation- N THE, E TATE:— OF .'ELIZA-� More than, A #Y-fivie,yOars. eXe,nzie is, 04 I -agent fti 96YLE uti e Ie,of the villag `Of and of' B Ohas one of -these smart: 'new ,,.Death came to Mrs.-,4o'hn' Hackett wy A ��C w in the �Cou t -" T H014r, 'on 'haqd� and: Whichi in i the 'On Monday, night, wthin a few days SEOAL models wi eceased, NJOYABLE e her 37 d' .:W.ido AN !Ow priced field, compar klivoribly SHOWING o .0 EVENT th aniiiver-' in Reildy-to-*ear.--t I tN in REBY Ms� Hackett had' -bee _h a i's performance with"L:higher eiced qary.� ii� -Thuisdayto- at Jill, 'g� Gath6iing� Well Enteita ears.:,Thiw car U 'modern' every spit health for a . period of, tVi perso aving claims' pr ned--�. 'Dance F`6110wid. Program.,.., detail� an"A upwards IRresses-Milli s striking, in oile to'three Years�, and of Ate aralice, ,,the er con- and Fm Neck' 4em, &.,.,,*g �o it, in the pas You are. in c4r./ W k, the ehdr­'_,�jg looked-, f lizLabeth afor, id T Mas '6A r esai ,who died rh,e annual 0 beld th,6 onic t Ro;nlje� or, auand her pqaceful, death the 22nd�'day. of. 'Jiine� Town'Hall 6n­Frid leaves iller �HEADQI CTION . . . .4( . , . 1� " � . FU A.D.,.,1933P are' requ' It ay DAMAGE' A bereaved. to 'the USE RXT§l� NG$. �red to. fo"' Pig t was a ple'9smg,,event and .husband . iec ARTERS for no atte was, onciled n ed% by. � memb'fi_ oi ease Ow's Ute im a N`eed. Them eir largely d e RESULTS JFROM LARRY f �-t that death was arhappy rel: e. YO claims, duly proven to Ross H; N Old IJkht Lodge,, their!- f row "her ivordl Martyn or ady 461tNST6N, W afflictioits. S, ACCIDENT was� fo . the friends'..'And, sif6is. Mr. Roy,McG',, uneral held iiat IS,, .''undersigned Executor I v! Tbb -on r i6sider,ide r a noonj', conduct e First 'day of sided, the�Jollowing t a %. Lad ed by er s or; :Rev .or before Worshipful Master of. Old,Likht.,,pre� Permanent 'I Jury To, Y6un' Le he' �K NG 934. in cresting , 1, Ground On WhicfiL,$ th nKest 25�00 9 proo in AND HERE was, prejen d. _,_T rGreenhill cemetery. 'Th a agcompaniment-`bk "N-Wa—tah—eriie R;; I carer's e dersighed 'E . L .. I ­ ikeireL-Meisrsi---A-Iex�--,.Toin;-,�-J-ame's: and un I xecutor', * ill 'pr and `-I In d6fiiie flar, Y accOmpg niment -71 oc6ed qjis Robertson,, 'to the $25i 00 supreme ry Hacketti Thomas..Henr and court action � bkoitilif'4gainst Ji;ues e r*im � - 1: ­ , ' - , Deceased,, Who 'was in:, her 72nd Newt6n;''sol6s bY- W John Donaldson. Lon' 6 distribute 1 th e 'among,' the by lVin, I McGee, rsong entiiied ­_ pininient bY`:Mrs. Me that Pe having (Ion, maintain, thereto., illy rto Ir Year,, was, .,.re S. solos bY', Orah �Qra*fojd. the accident in. Which young Larry �ormcrly: Mary Ke&Oat, gard Suebclabils:as he, hall, ih Johnston, grandson of 11igh rick,,dallkliter of, the, late 'Alexandei wast. bad, and Agn"es'Kerkpatiiek, whose -home land . Fling, -� danced. by Mark r McKim and:Helen Micl)o iuxed by ihe owing er MY 'Pranta 'wil p 'th-e' Executoi Will .� nof 6nipanimeipt by " Win. - Leonard'; y The- R Ad, �to� the, iti eh' have. -received. ,notice and" that High Constable Arthur 'Wh0ton -be liable fo three. was,neaf the, Nile. Poll h nald: Saile, cs A. 4 -Act, com ef Or's Year-61d'ehild :. . 111. , .. L 11 Hornpipe danced )1111113elfo marriage tcl John Hackett, over. resented 'by said: assets', or any. part � thereo by SEL Any person ose'LAI" sg10 ey farmed :�OF.tOCAL PLAYER Connell and' an -'Irish 'dine The' boy thii -six yeirs th C e by -Etta to 'the defence, .tY ir of years, o of wh was,bihincr- one-� pf�,t6 Kiiders ow the aim a numbt -ba ire received :notice. 'Teesi otirt'�. the' her -Belle r McDonald. for a a all not then. Ldk n of n con. 11. Rid str0et--bridge. _hI n- � _�t _ - ir N"T A L -ID t oputY�� r0m, -7 _U_ C IP ey, this 23rd ister' d I - I 1. I . a 4resse out:, N -_ V ea, 'd' -Grand- ddin, -f �al I tay of, w N2 - e arted ed: 0 Luckho-Ar,'.where they have ie A April, A,D. �J,934.. I The. Presbyterian Chuich orchestra 10liddenly in front of the*. car -rand since. resided,.' , . I I (I .. . .1� Under Played numerous was, ttrli& down. The drier claims' As mewb�rs of , Hackett's Metho- W ;Rg Clib uspiies tuckrkbq'� F �i p:i durin " :- . , , tank 26Yle", ey, 'Ont, g, to hive. stopped his.'ear almost ino diitr,-Church, 'Mi. and :,I%lr the evening- After'lunch S., Hackett had'. be t aims rebponsi f the xbcutor. 'sevedi-daiipTimg to music stan ly ithil' disil 'attendants o roerri'r"brou e. p supplied -by for, the� Accident. ted Church in the village. th *"S poy rio bility bve been faithful a E en, Uni .�..Ffiday, �'y btjo F Be, th a' conclusion, an. ide oiI. several' weeks .,the. Johnston side's :her sorrowing Misbandi .who" mouins`her-loi� -bOY;--whose-father--iB�EdwarQ James � Were-,-- -,- - --� �-! d! - � - � 'r.- ' 4. '.' lay commenecJs �af� h rp, Johniton of Striti�rd,` and formerly Aitoir, MrS. Medd f Auburn AI4 -one n L1 Vent$ .44,: or., H M 1* -E f Sil brother. Alexander ., untor and Pathos this plai gives prom IAN' CHURCH v61rWood's . staff Iii Lucknow, of Vancouver., Hit 6f . J�qe'of. being the 'Seaso �Orqt .Insertion 56i was in -the hovital, lying unconscious the, TO , MARK'. MARY with�`eevere' head nJu but ub- TENNIS'' MEETING PRESBYTER AN� ANNIV This Sundayi.,May I ; Subseque ries, nt Insertiong,r 25 'ATTENDANCE 3th, anniver-' se(juentl ,0RCHESTftA,1,N sary Y rklNed., -. ,Damages '61 -The, Tennis 'Club will hold an' ill -be' held 'in the �$2 'being sought, 'On I a -'be- or services w 5,00Q are, rat ibe - ADMI$Sl Lucicnow'. reftterian church, �,fth, hi 9ahizati6n wee ing tonight- (Thurs- GE.N.ERAL ehalf on, the.groundAhat.. his- iiIjurW Aayy at h anL MU SICAL, ItSTIVAL,'r Rev.� E. *.-Thowso 'intly " eiii* -Bank of 'Mon al at ave perm led, him '�fnd 1.36 'o'clock All "thos Itre BruC6 'County' Musical Festival guest speaker ­at'?'bpth morning u 0 nter�sted ft 4 -IM e rge4 III -he held in and h' father asks $1 29 damages r in the sport'are to- attend.,. so congrega�, ex . penses. Dc TeesWater oil ThUrs- evening services. tarke 5 id i -h 0' r xlay Mid 'an e plans way e ht the' season's gridAy, MAY 17th d. 19th. ItiOns '40''look6d "for tobear his mes- or mUSi r , b , Entries received at,�.,County sag.es of 8pifituall U,plift, and ivities',, Sepoy act C y .. ..... OrChO.Stia in ion 26c ltui4, office, Walkerton. choir. .61r.HURON Pk9SBY'fHRIAI; MEETS the, L 0 I L. DANCE Ge6ige Litne­of Aslifleld"WAB' gennethlboMpSon he, Ot St elected, 91h& VIcelpresiaent Another - of popular 1:0.'L: A tery Pr Pre' of . the Aances."will"be held in the Orange e S Hur6nr' Presbyterial Of the w. -m. s. 19 turesn''Osteo'Pathy T. W. SMITH-' HAS Hill, Lucknow,,ou Thursday evening UQ ' of the United Churck. at the eighth DIES AT� THE, - SO& i RAL MOTOR AGENCY 'hektj � May 11th.' Music by -�%elw,y L*q rLeghsladon annua �-.meetint. held in Clinton oil GENE' ii�eth T]h Orchestra,,. Lunch .served. Gehts 25c, Tuesday of lak eeki iethe,W ' I oinp.bo Last i#.eekr Word r Ma r es ey n Due for Piomo- was received political' chine, A Wim To 'C4enS, Wife, W, D. hicago . Osteopathic 116s'- a s relatives of he Willis Chuich. Mrs. (Rdy,) tion At - C That Gener I Motors sale oi com- here, pitil-Lecturid. Alton of death of Henry,, of 'the �On Saturday At lneiclal'.cars �dnd, tocks in -Canada, �!HERE COMES CHARL IEVI '�ru`0 �Revreqeitt ited, At convention thtirch, gave the, address: '98tePat ion, * . 01" , 1. 0 1 . pioneer Ch b 400k, Viol pastor of t6 the �&6, He Wat hit� Convent' f West WAwan6sh, going-. the irst three mont�s of this the Soo� V -here he hac 'live atir ,, to Here Comes Presbytery Meetini In tucknow�_ of welcome. hit aie it scream edy,,will': 14- vre- in'.',Murdie Lay'Ai3s year, showed. a.1i 'increase of 77�/v the eddl id, many'. fwated' by the' Lochalsh- Dramatic i . dent., wing I e, .which, will cars, He *its est son 'of the be of,much interest to our read6is over.the samp period o'f,1933, speaks late Are i'Ah -and Mary -Alton and INJ IE: 'Club ift'the T6wil'Aall, LticknBw, -onr is produced asit Was -sufi t 11 for the, popul4rity-of their, !in: �is.' survived by 'his wif Friday, , -may .18i under'. Lucknow mi ted by we e: and.ja ilyr e cai, D014ring,"that'both �polit T 6 Ray G."Hulburt, D.O., of ifie Arn _rl- 'of s. Mr. T. W. mith of the M dahce Oma Joint Club auspices. A . idil part ' h ' atiley, of Goderie'h. willes ihad, told Out to'ihe brtwerg.- shi MOTHigRS- DAY SEttVTCg ield residenti and r Bon' .0 e�.' of' LU k Central Garage' 6here hag' recentl a can Osteopathic Association, f6llb* the' playi Admission including hat he �ri ay h t' Y d lay, g5c, 4ve 0 dAme, out as' a. dry -young men Mothers' 'Day. wilf�bo li-i' n c now s. Dt, b�en.anpdinted.loda agent for Pon� n te tp' r. Ainid, ftrs�� Thomas tCh�rch :,t e late,' can d himself' and4'that it wa III kenneth R. X-Thompgon, was Z 1 BOLD RO'NT -fall, at GtihawW lc� Route At, Wiscnfin State orhjnjr* s rvict, , when 't e' the .fogu r F I 4ilno fdt'the,church to, take -at, ln&- dl6d from injuries received ptograw of. "the conention' of the tiac.- and' Bdi k day. wi P'qndent stand onAheliq 0 Ia -Osteopathic ji8o­ dia, hi§ The in�Atsikal cii�e'dk "A "told. nor queition" e,,, oderic' In4he fail, Which , Pontiac 8edan'­'oh display Prbstribed . program Will 'be followed 4r( . Rev. D. A. :Cow -i.46n,',May 5, as one of a team I df six attracting 'much Rev. 4 ng infi"' presented ), thr6 I' "tini an,, chiirman'6f -'the Mr., Paul S. T, Tucker delive es in Y's skull- *111 be staked,W: Lueyhow tbry, WA'S 'fractured faculty ' members' the Chicago comment 'by tbose viewing it. Mi. thei'addriss, Th''Vi6ne 6f,the ser -i. anaft,comment on 'he '4ixed ifi thi has his 'already vice Will b� "Living Life, JoJously". �and on Tues4ay; May' 29nd,,,.,.1by` the the report ol'tbe Social Servic Ithibulance en Colfege, of 'Osteopathy, who dis�ds§ed Smith dded, 'to 9valikelism �Cdmr Iblus -Am, . Draw ittee *Whon'brought ih�h'19`4 rd �.ear and. d' by; from Ifie''­ArIgle, Which- he has studied makes:' I'tr possible'to do e pert ser- choir. atic :Cltl'b� -tindei"ifi; and otife, to "was and 'dontonstrated "Posture" modern, rd-p'ar %bop, equipment. 'that 8,O,e c ia,'l b 'off red by -a, ingh 6 rvve x W* -by Rev. A,. 8, Trueblood,' at the big; 4116 hnd'one diughter., in th a uugpice$� of 1jfie,,Citizen0§ Band. Thii nWilliam, parti6Uffafly" Dri. T6mpson talked vlcing� f Geneial ostutd 'And Respiratory th. Lorne Mae- p1dy is bighlyr apel 's §Pi:ifi9t ii�eeiing Oi Bruce Pre4b Giulej,, Mrs M66t.4. 0 aimed 'As'the I`P� Unitbd Church Canada, JA ItM' G. F. �oh 111?' roducts. Wi s Iiiat' performances' in, Whigham luck Benk i annon;' agent' for D now, on Tuesda b an and NX8, Beft �Stoke.s ard eases". xnvit 6f DiIng Ili, CULoSS ers a would' �jr I , i�diciit;6. The, adhilission'is 26c, nd sisters 'of the docense I', �a: n of A,dance will followthe arlSeAr When Dr. Tho psono, w o a so Chevrolft � And other This, stat�rnent had' -611eral, Motors iepresented' Th oldy. Reserve the Aft. and ,Mr . D� M, Thonip:§Oh, W .4 n is W611 r oWilliam Graham, section � three n cars, the firt thitt date. 4 %rp born, gfew went to 8efidol 'and b� . these -tww, ajents in thii dis. Moffat, iii his 78th Year, 6�6tirrcd af *6 plate, ourselves WIE DD BEL ed in 0ntij-'­Unt1Ir abou OW oil keedrdr As being oppited''to, the in. 2LS ifict; Whost bondrabld bustn6si. degln his home, con, 8, Culros 8,n3�r eheroachfnerits­'6n'�� the, o�Ttje'Sday� Ing prov) es many laughs crea U Judh" ix, years' Agoi : ��ben'- -he 4s are Otiiughout the, entire, terforli u era e uneral will be held dont, �ur keptgentativies. Tho L6T#j_,.SC0 Chicago'' to,maltf�6tllit.e 'at t h Ch` m'qld be iwell",idvi'se today. to Teeswater eeMetery.-,.Mt; o, d to, the"City ,,d'to, inspect and. Of R a bag6 Colleje�.of car- -before flut-vived,-,by�,�,liis.-Iv�,if��i�, 'machine,, Is* the enn�;Y­ O�A' que 0 nt and �T: truq, ieoriisefltativ goveklifile t. W d htr' took Place On a: graduatb", 'of, the, CoAtInuatioll Purdb-13ftl k. Crl.,� Catharin -Ann , Melfityj6 f the U Ashfield and his ated brother Ge6ige' $It Xelv'Ille Lucknd* and 0 over ly daukh- ter ' lhsfitdtlon;�,: bd was active in V LOWER L g, O�rtgg �fdrwdrly eldrk,'of Xinlost-to 0 haink hdermines the m6i,41 inteirity'Alid w&180'r BrAjBSela, when Miss 86661 at whighAille Ont, At,,tbe lat- a SaturdilY "taftefriloon own 'to ,exprejg_, 'ends Addkdgping' the pre3b�tery on bd-, s Wi h u� ag4' Mr and Mrs 6bn 'Murdoch', wish' political ftbedont of out. Mary Withelmina Scottj_o 'sincere thahkg,,to fri n we , as wo sis �rs n Te'etwatek,� tef,*of k� and ic *I! n- Mr, Moffitt -was.wdll known h n& neighbors for thelt, kindncgst Chri liarn. Scott bakeball and V reminder of the ella, Y atith tom. soccer, and wag it happ, tidr �Oxprosions of SyMprilthy ;-Wt �idot� of the ntudient lif� 61,der, re6idents, o. -having ,clerked m6 dqHKIT Ij d I I td mar- At th 'Chi6ago, College of their' '�er�aVem6nt I ee wU4rcb1i!N"w6rAA ulnjiteA In Lofk46t� In her very vjgok6l1s,1 A, n, ApA 'go we 6�t(ifla 4 cordial Invi t Donald 'tit' t e v 0 t v e t 0 Phu A acDona F Lucknow M K ze tepil y h 1�7��Vro6Wd th 0 11 , d n a 'he .lv The '16r6de IC 06infortinig iiiisia"d "d plan 6k' leq, 'h6, gav 'thank tv, 0. Hk MAebonald r 6filight6ping remarks, It" William Moore 001clitted, phthyo he became A werdb6i r't. 16h to 69ch' And' 6vdry one to g a in ift Ile Atlito �'O Iteopithic fratorfift0j' I'tr L w pro But � ' - lub: (ot -Tit to- bare, 6n Tx' ness-men an Ben di -1 E I a�, t& ai6 otir, Al. cUt r sW-i Otted pan Ouse r lot� Mr. stnd MrA. Lo 0 foo 61'rIg -and' WO wa 'Phone 88, I ffi`0111' �At, tvi tb� : t ew of r 116wer pag'dw. Eact10,...