HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-05-03, Page 4C I
� ..
Jest the `;;Ghing:'to' 'decorate`'
pour home' grounds ` with,
finer,: it s the 'very
I have' a large' variety shipped:'
from, Holland,',end suitable for
imarediate:'planting..All: foreign
I have also a supply, of IL B.
Thrip' Killer for, fumigating_
Gladioli bulbs before planting
it is ,the safest' and easiest
to handle Also furnish ` the,:
fin .in- floral work on short
notice..F.O.B. Lucknow.
Men's and Boys'Qx%rds.of Goold +Qoajity
and Goodyear Welt Sole .
18' PAIIt MEN'S BRAWN TAly OXFORDS itt following, sizes,
6-i-7-8--9-93/--1O-4O,'1 n,BoYs'.sizes •3-G-TSIz.,
FOR ' $1,00 PER PAJR'
KINDLY' NATE -No•ne of above w11 be' sold laud, by or; promised'
before, 8" P,M. • Satursyn. next:^
Best' Shoe .tore-ngliaiu
-Spring is here in earnest and
it's `: eight: now you need new'.':
o wear. --..a
». ; ' We have a fine" stock
of 'New Dresses; New ;Coats;
Kn tted-Ensem lea• Box 'Neck
h :
Pie eS; •Kayser ' Stockings;
Kayser ' Lingerie.
and `a complete.- stock of fine
NEM l"
0- LEX, and Gf[lSSA„RD
in the.' latest ,silhouette. styles.
Personal • fittings by Graduate
Corsetierte at'no ` extra charge
aloin sand Misses
Ni!;11r9. Sults
at .8 ' 9 �;'
n.e♦ Od Cos 6.
e. d is •at : $ OQ °+
Silk :bresses;`at. 9.85,
a '=sho
It to ':KING'S,
s a
where the chole •'_ is .beet
STORE,- W1N•'�
(Continued'from Page ,1).•
there a ' well equipped library in.
practicaljy"`every home, ` but there
are close to- 800' rural libraries: out -
side the urban centtes.
The farmers cg4operate,'wisely:'the
speaker said, an _as •a result . they
-gm %ruinIxi y° ta' seven ytr"
CG,Oderich; -Ont.-
'Phone 105,
Visit Goderich Lodge
'An echo -of the presentatien ",
Lucluiew 'I. IX OJP, Lodge hy Heron
beara 4.11 the'. tetiirie vialt Made. by
hers. Probablf:'the.. highlight Of the
• evening nes the' ekeinplifying of the
'.-.Fitet Degree, by the Goderich team)
the candidate.'
bountiful lunch wee Served. in the
'ers. were Mr. [D, 'Ci• Taylor and. ter.
. lipon ' and 'spoke briefly were
, .Waltet MacKenzie. Mid \ L. CI :Theme-
, see of,'LecknoW ledge; GeOrge
erscie and 1. MoOre
The evening, .both pleasant and , pre- •
Mable, Was brought te, a close, aboot;
cent. of 'what . the.. congunier�l'aY s for
their produce: The "middle -man" is.
done ' away ,.,with ' to ' large,
a ge, extent.
"Skyscrapers" • are ',lacking Qbecause-
companies : do not accumulate suffi-
cient profits for their erection, ::Den
mark's systematiccontrol of market-
ing,- by
arket-ing,-by which they:'"s t"the standards
of the' - work,clearly
d, was, •
.outlined :by
the ,sereen' illustrations.
Old .Age pensions,: accident insur-
ance, 'sick' benefit's and unemploy-
meet' insurance -ar o
, e n w •'accomplish-;
ed -facts in.'Deninark,' and which' still
1411 JI c ig etF7 'fie
The funeral , of Mrs' •Ralph Niai`Qn
was larger, attended on . Thursday
last. FollGwiflg' a short, service" at
the - house, :the funeral -:service' was
-held in Hackett's Chureh.A.:duet.was
sung by Mr. and :Mrs, Horton, "The THURSDAY,- MAY 3r 1934.
Citp Four Square",-14Irs. Nixon was
a lifelong:' member and a' faithful
workeia•'.of' Hackett's rchur0, being, a
Sunday. 'School teacher and a ment
Ger of,. the 'Women's;, Missionary .,S4-
e sty. `•Not' only in° ,the crouch c' will
.she: be greatly'' missed, ibut, in her ;,'
home where she incessantly worked
for her devoted;' family. The :deceased.
Was born tri Thornbury,:' being- a
daughter •of the late', Mr, and Mrs.
Witham Isaa1c. Fifty-•deven" yearp`
ago she Wail, united'in marriag a 'to -
Mr. Ralph Nixon, who still' survives
her. The union was (blessed with a
family o five,daughter r and._ four'
sons, ,She also. leaves to .mourn her
joss, ,twenty-six grandchildren. The
pall -bearers • were• . Messrs. Joseph;
'Hackett, Albert Alton, James Hack-
ett John =Campbell,: Joseph. Irvin
and: 11 Lane. - The 'floratributes tet
were • contributed by the family,''Mr.
and • Mrs. Albertson, Regina; Mr and
l r t -Hann . Brtmt ainilieg; --
and, Mrs- John 'Emerson• Kiniough,•
Mr. Whitley,
M . and'Mrs ; Crewe; "Mrs:'
A. McKay and the Women's. Mis-
sionary sionar Society.; . ,.
c*NOW SE1 zr EL
"Pqbiiehed- every; Thursday .morning.
at Lucknow, Ontario.
Aire. A, D. MacKenzie :y- Proprietor
C unpbell Tbompa on -Publisher
If proper adjustinents . ` area : neo
made: Eby. the present generation,
what will•°be the state,' of 'civilization
fifty 'years •:from ;now?
Whe, e ,,does Cali ,ads •
stand regard-
ing• ,war? If .Great ,Britain -should go
to ®war, would'we'-be 'obliged to;: fol-
IOW hex.'without question; as'we' did
in .1914? •
Three' Horses Reclaimed
VPhen Payment Defaulted
Gederich Hewers Unable To Pay For
Quartette OfHorses P'Urehahed
At Patterson's •. Sale.
Three of .the four horses bought
by 'Goderich buyers ;at, Ingles Pat
terson's: sale here. two weeks ago,
were ,brousht. back• to' Lucknow last
weekend stabled at the, ,barn of
Pattgrason"s •brotalier•an-Iasi, Archie
MacDonald, •where they will, be ofF-
ered for; sale;'
• Accepting cheques in payment' of
tie four, heroes purchased by a.' tris
'Goderich buy..ers, Patterson found
on presenting • gthe ;cheques' a ' few
days after • the sale'that the_ funds to
the 'credit of these buyers were 'not
ample to meetthe-amounts the
cheques ' Making., a trip,- .to Goderich:.
which • delayed his plans for return
ing. to his home in the West, Ingles
after' being. put to a• good deal ;Iof
inconvenience, brought three : of " the
horses back to, .Lucknow. The •fourtl
hoh 'n•^
.time and it t
wi was reluctan ce that
the buyers agreed; before, 14fagistrati
ear �_ ,o, endo hi amens'
would be `made •,within, thirty days
Mr Patterson to em to • the
. had p Y
' , a' vetinar ' •
ervice's.. of :a' lawyer,the Y .
nolice and, the ,Magistrate, before 'the
affair oras settled . to hie satisfac-
tion,• 'without, the .necessity of a'
tame • being laid by
ree 11ll•.
Followingg Polg
ice Iivesti ation Into
Nome - '
roue Reports .Of •Thieving' •
wor : n
nlost in need of, scientific or socia
These and
,.,._,many other questions
were ;•: asked at the enthusiastic- New
Canada, Movement meeting at the
'home of Mr. X:D. Ross on Monday
-night. Despite the fact that Monday
vas':' the first good, day for seeding
and: everyone was, busy, the second
concession: was .'well represented.
The Movement Further`
S. AgrcuItu a
andi agriculture •eris es
Ho 1RoOD
Don't forget the;, dance in.the
Township Hall, :Holyrood,; 'on' Friday
auspice 4th, � h � ' s ee
evening, May under t e• au p
.o 'baseball team.
. f the. -6th and•. >#th b ball.,
'Admission'o coins
26c,�. Everyb dy'wel
perishing f
provide problems`; ; •wit .. *Inch , . 'the 13 � 1!
h e
. Pleadin . Can„ � _
g- oil Y before -Ma istrate ads riches. Saw r = ` ons
:majority."of other. countries are tr ., .• , g - a g , .. Pe e ,Agrcltlture Mr., . and Mrsr ,-�o!b�ert-MacD , lr-
. ` Reid' in';`Goderich` „to_the charge::of ;•-Save..'Canada -is' therefore 'the, were'. recent, visitors at Mr.' John
leg' to cope..: specessfully,: •The'. health - . _, , ., � �, visitors
breakin �,r'and entering-. and .Movements sloan. " - , ;r
of the.people of Denmark, .is 'very g g to the,g Save Agricul ,Barrs.
theft of rain and .chick tore -.Save -Canada!'
important,' g ens`,.froni sums upthe Mrs. Almer Ackertand Miss Cath
and this phase .of . social
the ' o n ..,Movement's -: reaso i
• premises o „ l; Zi n, of Ashfield n ng .and' ' ..the. Brine' silent . Monda •. even -
that f y ,Robinson, P Y
-service , _has been • : so develo 'ed '.
P ' „: •Caswell• . Hackett'Movement's : ossi •
the'°ib st hospital ' ' . • .,..,, young.farmer sof p bilities:Canada in ;at Rip.Iey:
e sprtal service is. provided , .•". fee. thirty that townshied - e cannot'1 a<'save
for: thirt cents". - `, •., .:: , , p ,was last Wednesday...., .' . 'saved until the,;�future Viand ' `:,Mrs. 'Thos, Harris and firs. � How=
.�'a day...
remanded.. nro eri r �uri 1,
Dr.' Solandt.rreco to .fail .to be sentenced, &p tY of AgricultureIs-:<ssnred 3rd Harris,_ Were' recent..visitors- a
mmelided the en: • ,.. - • . .:
Rhen he a ea a :before,The` future and' 1 os
cnuragemen't` �of,'.the � ; PP r dMagistrate Pr .perity , of :Agri -.Kincardine.. ; •, - • ; ;
...New Canada � , •.': _,_
.Rei .ye terda : - „ .. , culture will.never.•, . _ • : _ , . •
Movement, '::'which 1 is founded: ; . d •- yea ., Y.-. He :was sentenced. . __ , - ...be.:,assureclw�until..--,=.Everybody :welepme -at• the Pancake
,ended ,on a , . , ., jail
,.: Canadian . ,.
.;,y -;;Which,--' • • : to three '• Months' in•. ail on 'each; silty, is :based :. socia to, h` ...' .. ..
discussion roe s J e ofP primarily. 1 be eld at. the Anglican
_ g' P. _ Ysteni : to promote.... • : �
barges, with seintences to run upon . the t eeds attd-interest af' Chute it #this -'Thur , ay evening.. Sup-;
agricultural` interests•, an eight,, c
d has 'a,' fol• -
lowing of.youthful enthusi -oncurrently.'.and eighteen 'months ,Agriculture,, and' -this will never;' be' per' served .from .5.30 to 00 o'clock:
t acts
The, meeting
Yr; the United
tb •
1 f Aslifi fa , build a program for -,Can- _ Mr; and ;Mrs::.Joseph '::Culbert;.a-ent
� r a �, _..daughter
�'. ear t i we' is the the a ori returned Class choir of thin male PP s. wee also. Mr-. Whitle>f job w .Canada a, ed home on -Sunday=,
y ale' voices was _ ,•., wr,..-----� ,-- . undertaken _ after
and u ti ,.
t rm'
i a 1 w
e n to ba ' t Fan
Th n e d o ca o'
e a fon eth s k a'
d e a e fl ti
was: sponsored by `•the Y llowing ; „ n g r s ng in '.maple syrup;
Men'' - Hackett's' remand, Victor s'Whitle farmers, ;and as 'Canadians, examine Admission 25c;
g, s Class of Y,
Chi;rch, with sacred music a so o eta, ,was taken -intp
b provided custody on a , similar.; char e , and
y the Sunday School orchestra while g-'' -
+ a ro ra
r t
n e fr p g Mrs
d a
he audience ather Ills eedom on bale h to Ch .les Sheill and
g ed„ The � Triple ,
hi S h' N D i r
Ode Snd'•having support ' that'
task -to be undertaken. It '• built
worthy, Of the beat 'effort§ of every
rural youth, indeed- Of 'eire Cana -
Te be Continued ',next week.
Sunday with, friends in`, London.
present rId ff cl t I • :lams- he is innocent elf the charge.
anthems -with Jeck / Hurd: presiding
at the piano. 'Lloyd Hunkin and Jack
Beavie were soloists. Rev. S. T.
in, prayer. Dr. Solana was
A 'third arr,est,:: was made- op Menr
day -efternOon, , when, Stewart :Me-,
etVe was fated withisix_ek
trerain arid chicken thiseine- He_. was
lodged in the ,cOunty Jail end ap-
a vote Of thaeks to those ' assisting'
:tole 'cliitIcens Valued at -830 from the'
of the 'Wingham Class, sppke briefly that , he , 'did ' break:, and , enter the
the-Pregrarn- Mr: Coneland, leader cern, of wilefain on April .13,
farm buildings of Wm.' Findlay on
KINLOUGH April 8th and stole grain and fowl,
also the farm buildings of Mrs.
We are glad to report that , Mrs. Hogan in March ana steal grain.,
, Bessie ,Carnechan; Roy McInnes
and 'Bob Harkness: haVe charge . ef
the. , next. Raiiid 'City ,disenssion night.
.; You know, a lot of ideas can
pecked into a sheet meeting :
twenty young hiqeiring.
one tinie on Monday. night; it% '160
Koosevelt and his' "brein treat", and
now Opeeriting between the. *second
Mrs. K. Selloff' and Elroy , have
returned to Detroit after visiting
het niOther, Mr§. A. Hodgins,
and. Miss Gertrude ApPleyard.... of
:Seaforth, 'called On friends here, last
reading, Kathleen graham and
Meriden; -` accoMpanied ibY their
the 'former's paients, Mr. and Mrs,
. Mr. Denzil, Stetters spent the week
eed With Ida, brether_end--sistera-terre-
and, kr. Graham of Titia,›were
Cent Visliera with Mr. andlIrs2Legg.
..•,Mr: and. Mrs. Eraefit Ackert and
familY' spent the Week -end With Bev
Harolil:„AckerCand Mei. Ackert:1 at
'Ori •,uesday evening of leit, week
gtiltebeiree7dP71,aet otfhetilTeew2nlietip4.i4liiiiiii:diro617...
Wes Made,. by, Mr., Hugh' Sutherland.
' father; : duet,__:Eeel .PercY -and -Fred ..Fereiet'aireed,-.-.0aAnat-•-hotv.--'1ulatiY feiv.itlieii;": theingliffulpeis in' behalf'
. Thompson else a drawing scerieest, tainlY:a ireat nuMber: UndetibtedlY 'eeineinder .of tlie eyewink 'was spent:
/10:7140,411an: and himself. The
•Ccrel the .evening was draWn to c saeh..iiteehineik le throvolli-g•Plit 'PO hex' dla::ei;ifiee.n,:,1(..c,-til'.,;..,8-0••11. :Ito. a datwl.
then. hiStead . of a blessing 'V' All ter Irvonne,.... spent „ SuadaY 'at ' Mr..
were ; agreed that : MaelunerY Means. Homer Harris% .' • ' -
faesivell;• befote going to their' riew ,that.,:it is 'a geed thing . but that it
TO Me. and. Mrs. Pettigrew & ,fereilY .entil • We have intelligence etioUlgie, es
ifl F 'ends': ; ' it 'nation. arid as a *grid to, adjust
' lt: wag :With a feelieg .0 deep i.e- • t?lrraeiyee .to: it !,,'
Made Mani friends. ' ' ''`YOu Will.: • be
missed' in Our. sociel gatherings where
yen.f.,alWaYs:• took an aetiye part, in
to friehdi • and `,'neiglibets, in, the
you 'and keep. you: '-"We ivish '..tho
' In elating. We,'Alik yen. to' iteeep`
this pur§p, WA `EIS ere, eStimate It'
CenventiOn at, Hanover. on thursaaY
extend, sympatirce'lts Mrs. Jeri.
Colwell in the loss cif her. teethe
'b yipg seen to their new, honie
Weare pleesed repert that Mr.
Wilbert '1Ideigkinion, who underwent
quet of the, 'Venlig 'People's Societies'.
Of bOth, churehtS• hod in the
present. After:a, bountiful Supper,
the, following ratograni giVen,
The . toast master; 'Mr. Earl Percy,
lirolibsed the, toast to the 'Kieg, end
the • National Anthem': was sin*.
Maebonaidi '"And` the' inere.NWO•• get
tog,9thee, Wit Ong. Tdast to the
ehurele Heti.; kr. Hall; renIy, Rev,
,Fininclatiee Was sung., This was
0O the eed..'Margaret
Malcolm 'on, the viplie. •, A ,Ininiordne
.e.loe by' singing-Aeld Lang Syne.
Prienda and peighbors ane
Mrs. George Pettigrew gatheeed
the Oringe-,Hall recently to bid them
"We ere new pcieSing .the inest. Kitehie '61; *Ketlileee Reid 5?. • s*
tin• -you,...knois that Ontario 'has
Christian, .ceininonwealth Youth
Miweinent. 'The, 0, Ca Y.A. has': Part
og page; eaCh Week in ' the' New
Chitleak.: 'The 'Materiel, ii, Well, worth
Cenned the same
PrOblem 'of hew best we, can live, One
Gardner 86; jihainie "Reid .
i*,r. • III -Kathleen Gardner 84;
Lorna R•eid.,81; *Kathleen dtbseii
' (Continued frOM, Page 1)
water, JosePh*MalloUgli of ItiOnOw,'
MOfFat. The. three, .letter tensed sal,:
kneed. their names. to:stand for' the
first ballot. On the 'a`eConcl: ballet Mr.
Maildnilt in, 'responding' to,' his
noteinfition, Stated, he ' was mot a
and, predicted. a:Majority'
.at the conveiitiOn,: lied it he received'
:the nominition,, he: felt sure that he
Opt, tied "Win the election,
Fester' 3Wieritt, 'the ' choiee et the
,ionVention Stated,, that lie lied . not
standing, Ibtit there
had been a* peraistent, aptation ono
The Chief speaker de the after-
;ti(thett4t. that', -06 is hut
4 :$ ,le,COraila 1141
'L• ecu•ThOatr c.
Show Starts 8 , P. M
Thursday, Friday, Saturday'.
Warner Qn►d
'Heather Alhel
'Charlie Clan's
Greatest 'Gass"
two -reel, comedy
arid d FOX NEWS
TO � • E
In, :the Matter' , of the :Es
o .
J h Darrow,. late . o I
John ,. e f t e Village of
Lucknow, in the County of'Br>rce
Gentleman ► deceased.,
Notice' is hereby' given. that . all
persons- havin 'an
g y clams or de-
mands ,against , the., late John Darrow
who died On or about the: eighth
of March AD 1934, at the., Village
of.,L ucknow 'in' the County, .of 'Bruce,
are wired to' send ,bpost,
. 9 Y 'prepaid
oi• :to, . deliver to,.';the, undersi ne'd
� g
executors under the Will '•of'the aid •
•John �Da ow e
parrow, names and. ad
dresses' and full • particular in w it-
in of their -claims
g : arid 'sta'• •
of .their, accounts and the nature.' of
the, securities, if, any,' held :b • 'them
Y ,
'duly, verified affidavit. '
And' take, 'notice •tbiat after the,
Twel. a
fthday_:of MayA; D.:I934,• the`
,said ,executors will proceed to. dis
ribu -Y�.
the assets �of the said ..d =
,, a ..:
ceased_:f.:amon the_. persons eniitl' d
thereto, having • 'regard . only' to : the
s"'of' which ch they shall, there have
• . ,
had notice, and that' the said execu - -
:tors, will not'': be •liable ,for` the' •said
assets: or any ',part "-thereof' to ' ,any
person' of Whine claim thy'shall ;not
then have received ,'notice:: •
as . notice,;is given • pursuant � to,
:the 'statute in that behalf. `•
Dated at: Lucknow, ,Ontario,, alis -
'sixteenth -day of •'April, A,D 1934,
A.' Darrow, Bayfield.' Ont.,
, Joseph Greer, R. R..3, ',Ba•yfield
l ecutors of the estate .of, 'the late
. (COntinnetk.frOM, Page '1)
;he' had re;pect for herself Or
ltherse" sittested :to.' the futility of
sa'nn Salesmen .0*en .$47004,
(Which had.' cosi: 'his job}, , sex'
Wel, been: selved Shute.
fernier Lueknow ; Margaret
, Ides near 8eaforth- The TeaM Was:
ebarge of 'Rev. :Rey "Mess, While
Rev...Mr.: Miller of Palmerston, 'and.'
Mr, itad MM. Jas. Richards, Flesh,
erten, spent the 'week-erid, :with mr.
Mr. and ":Mra, .4a..MneDonald and
and Mrs, ArthUr .Cook. ,
,Mr.. and 'Mrs; 'George Hine and • •
Defireit, visited,
and Mrs., Grant IteDiarmid re4ently.:
:Our einnthunitY, has three menibers-
Henderson, .'and Goldie Martin,