HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-04-26, Page 6MIA -0 Ponce Js Ila
vaVell and "the, Ithe, 049rWo alf-brotber In
on '4V *fore
"Ing,juade of 41
qi)ilee th� Attache
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i ' Art ',dt.op� ss they go. I
R, I Next V
I. )06 WA* a morst.- b* stIll'bad. bit, hand. ih b 0i'D ;c6t yin, rest Iknovam.t t, .*nYr. a 14, x y hh 9, it, used to'be el �Ilo went opL. Glyn "there will* be * $hQUI&jj't0forcq a way through the elling. as OC spec, qe�thm* mob, 10 1,,Pt thTgu h gl pMsi: A :vi6ldnt,'squ4bbl0 '6 Air M4il td: 14'? dto� to.: tbe,b�t 'erp, we: the. U tW' ges, of ii '.I t At'. tb �()v,, NiPAIL�ATA Ond the were, and Ims puhngnenj� shaii xeac pl�k-�,oc4ets.L.ai4,"":tulg�..;.thqjr Ah,d. 'centre 6 a � iiiu gli� skIn' ris from 'tob i6 And trowd,: (if men itriking�, anil'clawirt Path i'tive. ondci,4 r . I I I__ I I C I I I I 1 S timO` 64' lin g -itlik � is., sent * to t t you. A R�OX machine bptll. it w t ji liner, rav, With'", amjgbt-,hav6 a -bomb und6r.-i qr� slri�7 ferociously. Glnxipaw q, knife, po; t ty he, idt feak! I I .1 . I glini n ,qn, 0 t rudiihn bacp t LIFAN, MAX Xd �en't yo.� t'' h PPS And prqVen. UP
.maijr orce bu his wag Pari6nage. t e .0 e '53.'Eigs. Lai stretc.b "'be Aske er ,ca jng�. d vulture," `dete� ing. Itl 6harice , Of 11 . ij bet of, anyonevrec. ing,pne,ot Or ,'bilt at. -4s. pretty thin;!!� rQug W "ManAld galar. Wers b, R �store In 154 Oaks, e W X le in win 46 n. n Vvei kno"Viij. Me eai ana OW14 Haworth;.,, Eng.. I ite A ,�t!c� Whistled-, Pa#:r�i&'L -N _,Bakr16ter,,. Olefi.fr him. Y Oe you f�Di4 , " � I wllestoration of its Agass.lh, record' f " * I i � ..
hum d �. 11 ., . - � , I I 1. � I I b. re. d_G he4vi y, r rhf �lof fa6sinalle While �1, shi, .04 AS � r1i som Q n 1,53 ggs! in;. pannic y, over s origirial�:.ptate of. the W or wi 69 the Brent s t barred,"Plymovtil ft,OC e And Aim, ove nothing." 4 Tiioiauf�4ij� no"w', 'a omaiia, from. the j� Mikigijqf: Cn*ng, �,Of Edmonton, rticipa in ip. e annual s I So- plillets pal jing.'shbrtly- "No,* nor over a -lot �i, said Jpe,* h"W ilanned. y', g f aft r out,l iom. under Af4� s t of a)Ileej .-Ste an, and its he You 4y the Dopiinion_ "The j1d ciety.. For SoMe.L g� qont1b
-ars the ri pe air. The, at] paj�pna ri a ,b fV k yt in i6tiin by t irthat-liwo, oples � 7 . arol 'fell 'b wh4re the* famous. �Iste3rs vi '-the! t by the D�It aeiqd I to apk. a,,.p4qe,, %, r PUlle 'No. qWed tj,6: �qourf ri. assio,worlis, has b dQn. in the. pos- Lafid Company of 'Van., nisth town s d
With 'we r couver la!4 15Q by hob 44, th th� Pn� Just as 'Noiah. to the door Of .a io, of the' Bront�. Society,. which days, She, ,niss, liner. but the, machine here placed himself' befdre� ei) gull- in, gg in 'eOnsqCUti:V�' J�h tbe seared to 5tick i1i d t.' can, and It t and ti -d with" wi I H' rp, o and. Pblide,,u If iired''sud- Possibl�the, younges maintains it as a ni,iseom,.-an Its i��ing on the 151st, day, lils, plaper develOPs, Wilgiiie, trouble 4ve� you anyw n ormg.,appe I��V_ s 'draw, denlyi and in aii. elected. alderman tt oK4, f o ned by 9. Wit)hout'him'. hilel in all Canada; -,,*St treattiiep'. a rji t to 'A f A
Y' going in' mer;' NO. nn intton instant', thet uproa; V? s rangil of,� jD' r' .. -BuCnow, off- jlar!ea witli;-th�--emptybinoe, se." -dilld �the fighter -scii ed -and' rargaret,�Tr3rpbi3n4--,,F�rineI C U Opei 'H' r 'CHAPT ID _X-,CoXTj gei.'. of EdiabntO W%e pregMqut of the so NUED Mr4
Ai it aop.ens,", said" hp "Yflot V opew.o, , i -cl� y 0 remove 'i -aimfVt t�o' alfe,';L 1001 ov t?' &i arah 'dnii t1 . Ode k - "Are a ie bar., #i . rin 'addi e hoose, and then. to toL m le, pd et lienig Qllr _N� I _ --- ou,hui e4,N to hie venly. f' WILP � 7 . , ' t ' -nn, W * L iitl� Vmnk koid' In' _:�eb* Mr. Ju e ..
eeme peopi 6111 4 . I .. hig the bus',atPAgd". his hand th 6rs; 'Gratifyi*ng, i hold of.!! ve It. lidilla*i, icb the -sist e inid, to se�d your, pac lid dangling low and, 119 90 wb � th --b-- th- gues 4aVe'satlate, ifitti. the. nigh k in e It hung' 14igh Prices.., Itook"L swinging. by i one, strip.' Th 'the bath Of '�ajlegia Said' fodt_long,C 6a;CUt Joe "Old T It ere was,, w. 'n S MW that I" said, the P110 �'Aha thO, woxi%. orget that; I in, the side,: of hit, ajesty the Kirig, ere considerig the �pjbt�, Of their Greenwood, apparently, ottori prices in novels,,, 'It will :ease I jac pt, -one, si Glyn inply� my inind k df the, xidin" this occiAdn becomes''. %whiefi. hits, - got it, atGa'liiee n, 6r'�proiesgion' .suspe 9; ingi A. lot of 24.0 of long, ap er..,
he Brontd Bockty, T strap had,,b 'n -cut �right- througb:* "and �at'tlme' goes oil,!" Ve �ottbn *as.di, raGlyn.n. spo,*d of here,at a price Not all of� it, celebiited,jts: fortieth annivei- .. ce, an tOore Ijust L tj46y�t eyve, g "Theies: R w 'the 6iher;just short bf compjetely,,,sev� ruessed,so sin d gd;id ahqd,'!' as. all mar:Q his as W sary, the�Vildt ahswere ered'. . . . . . . . . . . me',agairi- 1,6&,.here�- 6'ers. many 'Of 'the f 17' ceng a poun(. -a mattei of satisfactioi W ii& This wa5 the -highest price, obtain gr ostAistingpished., authors among I s bd l6t of this_s1z&on-the_Grccn- binocul�r-dase, and fla -n Jsighi,', T7 eat xin -:.his--pistol-ou . ....... �places with� -for a, OU 00 'Second again, lea Ing his cig Fette, .�,, t1s. mem ere. tib igaretteAin:Whc, JV110 Le ketit of he're and',fin� acifib w6oUrrarket'in �,the!past'thr'ee',years. L' '' r. , -P I . Elected, ap Alderman," 4tat, or., s4id,and the tj�O.Lmade haste'' to fil f ar, ad6 a ome4tj "rid. then, hithe'Pilot's locker, and Adjstinj� be, dotto.n fdd6i I L I I ta i�hdd' herself 1n A firm of Lt'r�hei4�;'ak6,in"Wih�'thid,bri(�f coni-. befoije t�,,v&ile She, first 6s bi tlig%� . reen� get 6leak. of, ibe narrow,stree the We t4 a 'm6mbdr of' G the strap. 9joesn "u. ing �so. The case wits.. -now slun in I-t,look ltra;iial i wit4 the poiice ere. still public ey6�lii'Ed ''onton when'sho r", T4611L Pui)il Wood.:iOotton� �Exftnke-: 'for al&fifriin in the,��6v6mbejr, 1943,. [:' k afid,Short� ""This'is getting- �erlous,,?', thought'.. :.Aimls- of Leag i the sk etj Ue 50 W01, . � . t. �. a! b1petion;'and �despit6 head blialt- -b Ur C. D; Farqqhars rontb.- S. ed'dp�;solhiit the easel, al! Glynn,' *heix they -had reached- fb�i 91A 'dro I " y Now you C44 co, e et L , aiincrS who'l To up, iqn' i P-,-
der'the inside"of the)aekk nto, whlehb� hi ings., v eTan,caml linj made is, cab, drive � "L ' ' ' ' - � 1 :, -:::: .1 , . I .1 I :141C. ,erle, 1W. 0 m M of' s, &i. WhOsori speaking be Eore,, 'the t "' ' j I . The�,,dam'e1oomin'gjn over Bagdad Aralilit. ��T 4, as U.:pu,-,up Ob inthe _:and -Ac hooLoo4wi-ok —the Qn-- 13GA. $Iioo iler on ec- ya, sec'o-nd -fr'oi tchin'' � ir ce�s,�,-tbr li& -in:�,,the-eiirl�-6,ffertioon,'-ca -t�gtie-e.t.-th;6i-o,-,-tn-d�tWi67: mp W Itional, " A��6ciati r wn'�: glimpse Of t e,gold"i the hud� I)Un'el ks e m head 9 the: p toirid Educ. We � . 'C en' domes� :as 6it1j,' 4ld-',he'r hearers 33MAties -you to ;a , ew; narrow ..streets and,,roof iopq Wong thf route!:has','�,'4 a, 11 b tliat, :, free Adv C rre Qon4u tations ld consi er ir., one of
lqay-� , 0, I'd t
dle of. cd , , J her ftlends like, t6i66r6.sh&u r, utieS� �peacd te0. Free Seeds oi� Free Shurbs.,Peren
promote or�Roek,Plants. d the, grepn, gak-, throuts, Waiting f or, me; unassudiinjo,, but forep-, t pjgph" of dat -yp densi' Quiet �:and 81 own on cofor�_, before droppin' 4' Jul personality,for-all that,1his'jirl throuj�' teaching tMilr pupili� it g boiit 40%,pl�.couf'on A)l Purchasolt li�' drome. #Aye t 'Wal,an t e r CHAPTE XI; Full Particul0s rite Club won for' -herself -the distinction of the Mims.' and acdbhi�ljshments OLlth am" L .0 I nf"'Nat* ns. nak the,," V-qr F P d vhy_,,�, RIV if, we r quick lunch G1, t" .Ao, be �,League p. D 1' co GRAB-4ND-RPX ing younge'p .,,Yvoman e lect6d.,� an, a mo lor,g'last: and'last: an� just, have time Ed "Mri.--4ii-rquharson 'Is: -chairman o to�i oi, ii0m: Bagdad: "llast."33, Coliorm Wheri� they, . to see 1 some Of the ingsw y Nurieries for �i6undm " noo, gi far'.,as.,can. W, learned,,;%- the 1�agu c, mmittee of, b, set- ore Ebw agahi,,.� Glynn himself, to -rest 'the e of'Nati6ns o" Jik�. tfi�.'� az'aar and'mosques - h qv_t for that c vi, Ora :to',A c Aimer frame 14of mind, N home section' and e, J�jg, waV r ot Party th":,
Ai-"y_n.�hA& iApected,,Atl�e_r� k W. Fr u SI t ir., "Only tha Grangi ve ere on -the en nb�t Li6 +h6*�fatjiejrL jDr. Fran I foot h I t atee here �p;:.sc 00,� Kul Way. to, M: 9tel, where unch, waited is closei y b -whose, fotste'pi r of eint f� s in t e wa ja and --hi tem,�- Aiiw Etys n Post, 'Offi O' b1i L s I s rang , is a stitunch In C e 66 fell d osed, som W� Vineno be ib -or �of ft,�Wjjft f f a shot in the air, naier the, wthe,num. r:,o V!Lmpno receivng rehe anS 4 di ipo ice �alo"g� in i2ritish Columbia 4n Imixed swarm;o t e LOCaL' inna f b lorn in Ednlon6ho�'�;she mat February'com aarriva, E r1cu apparent y, regarding� the ilated from Stratlicinia High Sch �amd month IaA,year'
"d e me, w 0 P�red "with r'. Vn '61i Lt6 �i'jej ()f:,fhi liTier-hs a weekly e t, 61LI, thig in4ans she said earneAly. Igthlylild , -in, igures issued by the. U" was shown 16 fi'L Col'i-b. . of,.'a 'hut-, "Vm a raid. Th6e,'Att4ck 6i. a um in Mel DepArtmen their plan r� - -At' jjjVe B'"
;Itls In The total 'this M enl.Ho dd, 'exit �stiaight t& O., �gradqiied 'in, arts '_jjOIjjL it'W of Alberta phl I j310:coni- 4_1400; Al� ey Wt, all, bd.� - J�qiit �r chan d ce� ajjL tW.0 year was 1 1 ace Tie, pie -look'roun e nearer Tberb'g, smeth�,ng, deliNiabe 'about it� j1930 J933 d- h' i yearsjaterixeceived'h�y 'With,128,54,6 out, 'to':, have iL r - shb 're- -ai, Ithe iLL.B. ;The 'following 'yba� 51g y Ciin't I knolw What, [�_teij_�YOU er_111 diiik_- dlki—nj with couple burl" Basra io-night" safe Y, lawyer hat csThe' young had th-for beardea, Jio' ,weve`,st:ooping there any,howi. so let"s men w, BURG
�a616 piactical-eiipeii60co. In; 4liei 16a&,Lso' at't t1urbans'nw y'hid get: about,.It.,,�ook.: d6W r' nA el ANP e= the 's�rn t1heir. faces as� 'the. 1(w )ut,the -magnificent �arcb' profession,' too. 1f6',;p'oinW 4 sh�e spived in, '6ifi' of Varlee,, -Freeman, Smith, of wekq, skimming, ce e over are,poste'd,ln' th mOFe �h ',Of quickly.'. "Our me� And. -,Massie,. 6toFe,recep te to go e - renches A�ar she has beeh in,t) 1 f t are sin fiet �Opl the ruins of- th �itori�.dO. L L N i6es.of N AL thefe,- a We'follow, parke h A MA d t e -place of Gelneral, ',:iT,EU R OR- PRQFE"IO,N Lindsay,,.9 ery -fighting and'ifiall.ten4:4 W.when,w6 have nsexid's �iroop,s' gallabil Tow a andjtold her sine of the story o -th, i the'. p o'�elid:-siainpcd hdilressed.-en. b6yond, he The:, t d wo'. move ofr,, following, velop� o'Informati6l) on N' h pofnted- out ag ' ain' a regular . patfern H Glynn and Ora wit out doming tod, of ff buI eleirly, �rharked" 'lines holes 14o.w - 0 �ej it . ;ust ration's- and. -bu fig� them, o hem, i t,'keepi' Ontly l,dentl L �: �an' -fied. thA an
iii . sight. Lvi y knew" his 4nd squares, d. expldi econ0ml d cal: table y fin Child Xpecid �'�f 'those ��jj fro way,an j.. cbuld�t� in the Truro.,& -Th to*n fathers' ie` .8 hbrt e' I ty ij I &, , ., y r.0 ren OVO he a:.,Va o rid, 'aithotig th arked, Okjlid. ief,, A, .1 I . 4 , n0 11,,tridrize y It' made f B kar �and led ,.ey in ious, ng, of.,Oi4 term thr6ug itsdrowded system. of-,canalsf and irkigAt on!,'ditth; begioni Norah �wanderingL a ad act as ageri.ts "es--buri6d under desert`, san'A lii�,kf O'jA, narrow streets A�d litile . shOps. . �hey, L. biiin4..iin6king . dur, -RCH CO, LIMMMMONTREAC t7 CAN'�DASTA Ifor a sniall som. A ' 'ing at the,:work: tbousarids Oflyears bdfore., Zfd f'il'ie'e"il , . . , T I WZ.' a 0 v r gd, Th: It id, g�griq i "l hd��.icouncigo e wllen s ad, qdidi�.ned ers mear. normat, t -a a agilin,, aps With� -hii '� ,al , n, to r n0. n.LtIllid R-TAIT-Ek- clanki d n- O'Lsfeivard, -bring _te'a_V___ d go oil r ecently W d hen. es- ng. an anging an bit.foil gi f 1he'old sffko 0 With hird', a ciga�ett�.., it irhj-t�g i,6i,-th6,�'uirent,.year'w.er.e Will VICE a 'd t' )n; thp hen: lekt, bet, to, o nd hav W, the' iantly."colored to k, e �'SER, p r and't 9 b Carpets and, Wks spread "L I " t L a a 8 e a 'deir'vonst, erg q mayor set as
w6r& with''th I ide all idstric wris, eArid. now genja e�gi at-. again. t e b s, IF -of, ialesmert thjustl�nk all in haze TOIRONT n in Glynn'expla`6d'Lwhat had L Ay e so dbunciiQs, *wor�i: � L efforts..' tha �a cu c knifelk 6d. and. showed, him 'tho t OIL h stxiab�l Of ease.- 0 Iad ibe'bi rea�sw'bur- Sev b "a --here- it rarl t mes G1 nn 0.65 d from, -86m6one' aboard,."4dAns.could havo beeh.:XnownL or SU8 Wd ------ S. the case tAXI AND,6 ere," 6 8i d I firmly. I haVe.. ore T an uess 'who the man ISJ . U well on this earth d( . 6s 0 I'VE D.q.VlZiL0,P
' , ' I �L ., , , I I I . RRIBLE � At you aq, 0 g out*-*-il have, o in can charge him -witt t 0 W,ndo TE
d. ,an e ell driAo tel about D th' oihcr�t CK OF 66Nr You rk
jhdjjh and.- tiio� wailAnir I IN L TAja
A15PIR LET%. h. T46Y.UdET" R16 00 gion n on. im in. I"o o e e I n tion YOU EURALGA
P I , , , R" FA i kW MINUTEt' dilt seems t a'a!' �1; :'', AKEYOU LSE agreed 'the pilbi. - "It f�n't Ii,kely, aT. &ole 'm6b wotild. haie 6�en v�aiti�' io , oil "t B 9 r y a ,dad Tiii' f I . TEETH flOL-0;fAc'. Is:. e low, must a had a al oil two, f1i6ie-nd singand Aotif andnevei got theil to hire a �ang to in few em arr6mment.' _yQurjWAe J66thL ing ho, row, Th W L re you go. stick all day long when ydi*� e,8 n" ing to sdofeh,jilor 'of the §6jt,1 on, Dr. 1K t it (To Be. Coritinuod) 1jigly fta Y,woj d. &d�n 8 Preserlbed' b ea&' d ti ti
I-they "dw it's, thb,bestl Pull y uy �For Quick Itolief Sag,, ASPIRIN oil 6il Now tomw amazing jy
from headaches,, rhourntism, neuri— fe rd,ief, %
tig - n6ukalgia ... thefastest sq it' is, said,, get digcov&ed. Wky ASPIRIN' 0 W i Thosd rcAilt'g are due to a icion-: spi v 'k discovery by. which a'a A ORK, S PXST'
irin S 0 T6blet be in- to , diMolic. di Ior is� 1:�rate, anifizing,l6PAco. o. Moo, in � Aspirin f two, A66th Whed Ibis than thred ad go Tabl�et in a glass of It br , Itl a th t�ut�.ing moisture. n the
months 61d, She'-writb--i' "lid Wig , s ar ling glitS. water. NOte,that BE- IS U6*..arj4, 1, cjAh trtithfullk �06y. And hence to start "tiaking.buld' 'FORE iftouchegbot� r Own, T b� Inutes hft6r tfiking� jbif, giVink of pain -0 feW Mi tomi it has started to
',16t§ While d0tt'ii hig xt�dth;Vl)f 'of r glas6�, here disintegrate. the him 'fit, and Nvc"U,� 1`66thi.9 Tho, illtistratioA, What It'does In this, V rbstlo6s, i6verish �tjma toi babice 119 thc Aory,., An M�,i i T bi i 7 ,
4 W glass it does Ih, �6r fbe P starts to disinteqrate hinlogi instant Usl. 18 U
but the little 6nw can alw�$ d' stoinheh. He
Soothed and -1ba fevor'reduodd, bj ly you swallow iti And'Ilt' 11ti f bilfe ftby,�o.- OWh'. to % o Wo a iost in givinit 6we & In V� , th bA- *10 bi If dblet8 h'crk. )FOU Uys
it9p m6ok 1N,C ti u esi o. P alta effeqt ire N , r�ice,250 evT.yw, icra, rd against subs b, si f et AspinIN'S, q he nahie foft f Does Mofl#00tit Ote, ea. st in o. I— -77 Li 6�- evdj� t4l6t ssue" 0,16-34I