HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-04-19, Page 8-234 , :Y,ARS .•. • ..,,.,,• ..4'4;:• , ..k •,:, ... ,'.,:. 25c-.` 14 ' P` i FMALL, ; a EQXES • , , .. ..,.25c ,`L,AKES, BULK, 3 LBS,. :.,., ,,.,. -.,'. •.,,.2$c . ' ACK TEA, LB, ... , . ,,, . , , , , ' ', :: 43c ' a„,,....0,,,,,,,,,,,,i',COCOA, 1 -IB.'JiN , .,; , , •. ; • .:23c BUIL COCOA• , . Po ilii. to c oat;. hose 4Z 'OZ. AR..ARANCE MARMALADE .., .... , ...' . 30 RFD: I I'TE Pi ., ti , . c , � UM ..TAM,.,.., .,�•. ,..., � 240 •, DRIED PEACHES,' LW-, :,.,,, A ;,,.O0,.,. .'.....,. .',. 18c, DRIELt APItICQT$, LO. r.;,..'. ........ . + • 2,3a... •.....'.....; • ..,.,.,:• ,,.•, i',••••••., FANCY 7APAN RICE, 4 LBS . , • 2f; CO. JAR PEANUT EVTTER, . •.. • FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS:.ON; HAND omen IN BLACK L BROWN,. BLUE, GREY and ' BEIGE COMBINA TION,; in width .AA "to �r�iced front, �ty N UGGER HOSIERY THE NEWEST SPRING SHADES. Sizes 81i. to 1.0%2.' CHIFFON. OR SERVICE WEIGHT; • per 9 pair oin',Our ' Hosiery Club and •KED '.+HALL'''BREETS. TEESWATER PLAYERS r -and: Dance`° On :Friday . `Night' Attracted =Bumper Crowd " Misadventures of Jimmie" a t ee-'act 'farce presented in -the 8a own:': ` l ida i' i ht - lon...Fr y. ,night by the eeswater - Presbyterian Drainatie Cluwb, was veil received by an; and -fence that: comfortably filled the hall. 'One of ;the leading Iadies of • the cast' was Miss;; ;Katherine Mackenzie', ' of Lucknow, ::;who 4 teaches ;''school near Teeswatera ,';,�{ `zThe play' and dance which followed �, � wail sponsored qty the �Lu ,w, who offered h •V exceptional vaIne of. the' entire• •, ev- niusement for% 5c. each. The a " „ for �° „ r Sepoy Trio :'furnis ,.., the, dance,which needless to say was well attended and hed music capped • a nigbt's en' • 1' THE 'NEW ARRIVAL- -IS • A GOOD :ASSORTMENT.., SOMETHING TO ..MATCH THAT LEI TRA COAT} OR`- BETTER STILL TO WEAR .WITH•' A PULLOVER.. OR SLEEVEbESS $WEATER.. PRICED FROM . . 95to5 BOiYS GOO OOME IN LIGHT GREY, DARK GREY. AND FROWN TWEED ALSO NAVY BLUE FOX • SERGE, ALL ; SIZES. �PitickD FROM • o ..1. uswe1 1 UCKNOW O TTA1 IO. rt entertainment ' tat was a bargain indeed„,„ and at the same time. ,profit- able for the dub which •sponsored it: Mrs.:Connell .'s Sister res, ulteSli ..; ;.� Q ddenly H . e er D at •: h Recalls . 1 Is The Heroic Role she Played In The Haileybury ' ai Vbury Fire Of '1922 Mrs: '(Dr:) ,Wm: Cannel" has been at •her.former,,home, in •Tlaessalon° for the past' several''days having been •:unexpectedly'',called there' on •account of the,' sudden death of her` "'sister, 4i--Josephine=-Kennedy, :who passed away; unexpectedly; as-ebe .was 'about to • „undergo' ' an appendicitis, • , op- elation:. Miss ' Kennedy, as ,.a visitor `here,: on different occasions, was Well known b ' y a number..of LucknoWites.. Miss , Kennedy 'vas inspector .:Of mothers' allowances" in, -her district, and .her untimely, death recalls --the heroic part she' played during the Haileybury fire' of • 1922, which was recorded in th' Globe in .4 ,press .re. port from rTorthern, Ontario as :fol- lows: "Amid the terror;:_ anc} confusion that -'prevail &-during this kiploesu"st, Miss Kennedy delivered :a:ibaby''in an.:; empty house, ' which the'flames threatened to 'devour, •, She had; -spent a whole night in: Lake Temislcaming when through the smoke- she heard',a'• voice crying from the shore, . "My God,, will no one do something foimYwife? Miss' Ken- nedy; 4 ennedy;.a nurse .With a war, record, went to' , the woman's side;: Si ;the flames rackled;'iierely, and`gave all th assistance si stance 'possible. Hr.lf way through the ordeal, Miss Kennedy glanced through a window and hope replaced`` the despair in, het heart, for the flames ,•of , a • burning telegraph:, pole . just outside,. were blowing away from the house.; The Wind had changed and: the new-born' baby, it mother and (the heroie'nurse were, safe. So . grateful . was , the mother ,that she 'called' her baby\boy Kennedy' 1 dwa'rdson, . ',The courage with Which, Miss, Ken- nedy carried on in her difficult posi- tion n •. with the`- 7not hers alto waii'c. e hoard for the •Sudbury, Thunder BayJ and Sturgeon Palls district 'and the. 'hardships which ,she, encountered, were, perhaps less well-known since the nu " rse: was prone to minimise tl e, arduous features ' of her work." Card Of ' Thanks ` Fred Ritchie and family wish :to'. thank 'their many friends and' neigh- bors, alio all those . who contributed for their help and kindness' during the illness. Of Russel. ASIIFIELI) CIRCUIT 1 Service next Sunday, April 22M, at Zion, 11 a.m.;, Hacketts, 3 peri, i3lakes,, 7.30 ,p.m. Subject, "CHRIST: YS' 'Pith PATH AND CHRIST Tilt PRIZE," • ORMER ':ir., JcKNOW GIRL . IS k $DLJ., BEI J AXEl;? Bertraas, 'Hurd leg In Montreal .:a. Bereaved Tee Was Formerly. "Clrrio". Lawrence By the, death. in Montreal. of Bert- ram Hurd, .a former Luckuiow girl, "Carrie" Lawrence, •is. 'bereft .'or her husband: and her • bereaveinerit is learned of with regret' by, her older frierldA Here:' Mrs.; Burd, was ,former ly ,Caroline. Lawrence, a :daughtter• of the late Mr. a' •Mrs, Thonfas: Law rence of Luck,.. The' courtship of M ss Lawrence .and Mr. (Hard' began while he wasa esident of the, v;l, lags for, a, short period, as a:: clerk in: one of the 'business establishments of that. time. It:;is thought, .to be about foriiyybairs` sinice they 'left Lucknow.' Mr. "Hurd was a commercial..trav-. yeller--and=proinWPFM-such' clic es; as well' as a lover, of golf. His death leaves ibereaved, his wife and two daughters,, one in Winnipeg, and, one. in Montreal.. The remains were taken from Montreal ,:to Port •,Hope, for; burial: • New. Curtains. Curtain Materials and Cretons at new ]ow, prices: THE. 'MARKET`'! STORE., ' c' New Factory iCottons, 'new Sheet- lings, ,new white 'Pillow Cotton, etc.- THE MARKET •;STORE. ' YOUNG PEOPLE_ CONDUCT +EVENING ;CHURCH SERVICE Alex Smith : Delivers !rtnncipal Ad-; ess-.Choir Of Young People FFurn `ish Special Music A: _church service, unique: and ,wor- thy • of''credit, 'was conducted' by. • 'embers ''oi; the, Young People's So- iety in the United {Church on Sunday evening.:' Alex ...Smith addressed the congregation, , dealing 'ably -7. ' and it some; length .with, his subject, the thenie.'of . which was.''a' challenge to ill "To Live .Creatively". The ills that beset the .world, 'from• Which 'results much lcuman misery ere in_ many uses vividly portrayed: Information nd then .action_asneeded-to-correct. '.hese: 'ills' and in sogw d e oiri ' wool d be ;diving creatively, he pointed' out.: The choir • of thirty' voices; was composed -Of members of the Society and two anthems, which . were;>sung were well received:' Seated in the Mil; nit with Rev.. S:. T. Tucker, 1: were. Clarence Greer, Miss, Lila 'Richards, Art' Andrew,' Miss Viola, Kerry' and Alex'�Smith, Miss ;Kerry had charge ,•the; opening exercises and also offered,. the offertory ,• prayer. Miss Richards led in' prayer, Clarence Greer 'read the'Scripture and • Art. Andrew spoke on' the "New Order of Knighthood"." The' ushersere Edw qq�� 11 win, Buswell, Bob .MacKenzie,. libb Thomp- son and Cecil Armstrong. '" A ' business ' man can. get : along without advertising. So can a wagon without ,grease; but it isostially hard going. The best part' of a day ofpleasure is -the -beginning. The mostalld'ring time in a day's,; work is when it is well. finished. .Brothers= -Wil Both Minister: Iri G,oderch Rei'., W. P. Lance Accepts Call To North Street United Church, .Coderic .:, h With Rev. W. P. Lane's' acceptance of the •call extended to him by.; the congregation of North, Street' !kited; Church, Goderieb,, two ,brothers , will be ministering 'to .the: spiritual needs of' two different. congregations. in the same town, Rev:. D: J, Lape is minister of! Knox Piiesbyterian Church; . Goderich. • 'B'ath., these ,clergyman were - Ash- •fielda boys,, the sons off one of • the. pioneer families iof ' the Lanesvill( ,community: ' They, are,brothers of J it, Hugh and Malcolm • Lane lough • and Mrs..P.' vf-- K.,. Webster' 'of Luekno`w. , • Rev. W. P, Lane hadbeen in Sea - forth foP the past. eight years,' ane aecoi panied by his, wife,n ,daugh- ter, tidos ter, `Miss,Helen, *ilk some to .Godes- ieh to take'' over his duties on "Judy Ist:, Rev: ' Lane has just'• completed twenty-five years in, the' •ministry;. 'and in that period ,hat had only three charges. f • The 'Seaferth E"icpeisitor. says: "Since, comirig.ta Seaforth in. June, i026 Mt; and: Mrs, lane and Misv Helen . Lane Have been active in all causes having, to do'with , the ,Welfare of 'the Church and town'. Their de- nairture will be sincerely regretted, not only iby the congregation of Nort}iside !Church, ,but, by ; citiiens generally", , . w ILcat Linoleum and-Congoleun> agnaree at Bargain Prices, -'• *E.. MARKET STOR; Miss Helen;, Ratcliffe _of;:. London,,' spent a few days q!ith Mr. and Mrs.', Chester, Lees., L. DANCE;. tq night in the, Orange Ilall; .;Sepoy: 'Trip Orchestra: Aan't jrniss.� Buy your Men'a Women's • Children's Life Buoy Outing Shoes, at'. W,M1 J,`; LITTLE'$ SHOE, .STORE.'• Miss' Delight ,Scratch, R. N:,' ' of. 'London", visited over the-.' week -end'. with her friend, Misa Pearle,Nixon: This. ' anonth's Star. .Special liver ,at .F; T. AI%MSTRONG'S as. a $10:00 twenty-six piece cabinet ; of _Silver_for_45;85. Mr.. Johnston Roulston of neair, Ripley„ spent, a couple' . of '. days ,last: week at the home of his. daughter, Mrs. Cyriil 'Campbell. Mies :Muriel 'Cole, "W o has • spent the ;past five, weeks with her {'rand•-` parent's, Mr -.7 --and' Mrs. Frank Cole, his left o et° r :jiry-ki r ,Sauk Mrs. ,Walter Hajnilton• -and Mrs. Charles • Cook as representativesof 'Jewel Rebekah Lodger attended . tliei' district"; meeting in'Kincardine 'en . Wednesday. The "Canadian Cowboys"- will 'pro - for the Rebekah dance in, the' Town Hall -''next" _Thursday night.:.Admission ;Ladies 26c; Gents' 46c;'plus tax. ` "Members of " the " Fire Company, -using two 'lines of hose, washed off the main street on'Vionday evening and-imprgvedi - ts ' appearance ---to a in degree. Mr; and Mrs. Ernie. Aitchison,; daughters :Josephine an& Mary 'and Mr:Morris Morris of'garrisiton, were visit - ; last :week with,,•Mr - and. Mrs. Thomas Aitchison.. L__Mr._ and `Mrs. Richard Solomon Stratford,,- spent part of, last as the , guests of Mr. and • Mrs. ,Cyril -Cam�ptielI` of AshfielT` rs..', olomon: and 'Mrs: •Campbelll are. sisters. M s MacConnell, who 'has spent. an extended visit with her- : brother, :Mr,:",„ Will .• Lockhart, prior to and, since the' death.' of their ' mother, 're- turned to her home :inDauphin, Man., litat week Underwent :Operation .• •Tom-iaeDonald; ,son -of -;41 -arid Mrs.John MacDonald of. town, :Underwent .,aherniaoperation' 1 , •, .• in Win ham General` g Hospital on Thurs= day :and is progressing favorably. • ',Miss.; Margaret McQuillan received word yesterday . that. her ':application to •enter' Niagara Falls hospital as nurse -in -training had been accepted,: and she waS instructed' to report there early .next : week to commence. herduties tRememr ,the Jelly. Server o : in- tyoduee thebenew King. Cedric .desigtn, .NAw tointroduce-.the=neves-M.ADELON design -in Tudor%Plate, we' are offer - ink; Four 1 Salad Forks i , special Gift Box for ' only ._41.00;,,, regular price 435. F. T. ARMSTRONG. Rev. J. H. Geoghegan .conducted ,a baptismal service on Sunday morning 'when . three . children were ` baptized.. They •were' Doris Evelgn,< daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Lloyd;' Doris Patricia, daughter , of Mr. and Mrs, Charles." Thoth o »and' -Lorne" Clair: son •of '- Mr, and. Mrs. Elmer Sockett. A road- grader,' the property, of the late Jacob ;Miller, and said to be among one of the" first graders . in' this locality,' Was. disposed ' of at air auction"sale en ,Stiturday afternoon at Mr, ;Miller's late residence. The grader was purchased by the Reeve of .Huron Township,' the • 'purchase price .being $50;00. S. pr .i. ng Returns' Monday, for. the .first time since exaetly a week `before, did it 'appear an d feel that SPring was he e' A t er experiencing;' delightful wveather the first of last •'week, ' Old,' Mari Winter chased'',Old • Sol and since Tuesday, Snow, rain and general disagreeable and chilling .weather •Vprevailed until Monday of "this , week. Snowfall dur- ing' the week :Was sufficient ,to mace fair ,sleighing. on the .'aideroads and concessions in s e~loca ities,. The e 'unfavorable elements have; 'delayed seeding operation and it will be Seine little time yet before this .work' Will • be generally underway. The, Sap- run has been extremely disap- pointing and is n likely t4,cont#nue Muni! longer Rdads continue to stand up well in' this vicinity and although /Middy diad rough, during the past week, •showfeiv Signs" of `breaking up to any :serious. degree end are now rapidly drying tip,. tln7ii lh4ten'xw • 7SPROM TIME, • , . e��l5e., Cu4rtain' ..Time �» CREA SCRIM. •• With Colored, Rutile; 22" gide. `SpecialF�. Yd. ;,,125/=c `01° MARQUISETTE: Extra Fine. Marquisette.,• Frilled} 32" wide.. Yard '.,'•••••,.,. ...:,;25e FRILLRD "CURTAINS NET CURTAINS, -: SWISS' CURTAINS :., NEWEST DESIGNS' r 98c Pair, UP', • McCORMICK-DEERING • • Plowa, Harrows, ; Drills .and Spreaders: J FLEUSY ;NO. 18, 2.1, &:74 :Walking. Plough ,,,and, T. E. ,BISSELL ' CO--- L .. I Disc, Harrowva and Land Rollers GOOLE);. . SHAPLEY & MUIR CO ` Dou ole Geared Self -Oiling Windmills,' `• FROST, STEEL !& WIRE CO.- _ Zinc ,Bonded, Fendng,>Coiled and Barbed Wire and TIMOTHY:and CLO'VER'SEED' No. •1 Alfalfa, ' Alsike, ,Mammoth, Rod;' White Mid Sweet Clovers Gates. Yehow` For Sale' at-:. See our New :Shipment - Which Arrived This Week Of: it este • - oa RESSES ,_, Different, Materials Such As':•,„ SANDCREPE SHEER L C OT$, • PRINTED, ,CREPES ' sand •POLKADOTS All Sizes and Colors wagger Suits s . Y .Loo$el Fitted E COATS ... , .SPORT COATS. With-orWithout.'Belts DRESSY COATS': In 'Navy, 'Blue•• 1 IRRIVED_._TH'HIS, WEEK,.• A..-I1l.EW ' $110.MENT OF - n S {.�'Ul•t5. 'Why' not pay'this store a eisit.You'll be surprised to see ee the Won derful Styles and Materials of our Line; Phone "' 85' 'earlman-'s yore Lucknow MUSKRAT TRAPPING , IS .`•.PROVING PROFITABLE The 'season far -muskrat. trapping in Bruce his been extended to April 30th according, to information • re- ceived , by Constable • Moore; in a co cat on -froth . /muni i ' the department Of Marine aiid Fisheries. With skins Worth 125 : and nd over, Constable r Moo'e issuer e r'of trapping licenses, estimates the trappers in this , com-. inanity will' realize upwards to a total of $1000:'•' before the 'seaso'n closes. In regards •the' deer skin found ')y Mr. Moore, near Holyrood during the winter, ,;the . letter advises • that this platter wilI 'be take ' ujf by Carne Warden Toole, when he visits thislocality in the ,liar future. "TREADS DANGEROUS • GROUND Elsewhere ,,in 'this 'issue', appears PP ais an article by,,. "The ',Rambler";, is incidentally an Ashfield bo Y , and d in which he eulogizes ' the' French Canadian, Plomen of Northern' tar' io. In -accepting the. article, we, • warned . the writer- that he, might be treading on treacherous ` � • a, g,roue d in - •: view of the fact that he :had not let his wife censor the 'artiele. Howevei ;' ive trust our readers will find it..of� interest wind that hubby won't get • in • wrong with ."The Mrs.": :,TIIIEVINI AT RIPLEY Pottle° 'Hardware store in `Ripley was broken. into on Sunday evening,; when a small qus,llttity of stock, and about ' eleven ' dollars, 'in ,`eaph •were BORN stolen. The thief' or thieves. ov rin, r , �� ...•,,, � e oked LANE--'T'o Mr, and Mrs, Mal olm' a larger sum of o ' ` Lane ' of'"Kinlough, on Monday, April to 'agent sevent'� dollars ams ting •• y So far, 10th, a. non no . r