HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-04-19, Page 6e EM Ire'sh WOrIct . ..,„ - An od,ustoil The Ningli interest j typewrning 400400, as QUecO, Vietorla, 1U- 1494, was he first ruler to.',adrolt the:mach; ..hitst..tosa.r0Y4,11011.0f1bold"vben:On-In-`7_ 'lre4.044- One St%..'W,illilsOr caStle;;r. 1,401#164; Pally ,„; • - 'Biggest, Bonk: • The• world*" biggeSt bet* Is. In the Brttlsh IusetUn it is agaseteet"'and atles. of ,thn''wOrld; ,printed in Amater-; ...dal,tn 000; and Is:alit feetshighs four feet 'wide; .aitd SiftICbCB thleL Itlias • 4 .w.411,'SPace,IPs'ithelf • aed•-•:Stutletits 'hare to consult it as it'atlludOsIntaat pOhltion: The BritishWee* aisokae: some of theworld* sinhfiest health. :Sonic) are slightlytialler in Oisethan a•ptistagesetasisp----ThereSves---ii• greet • . , , . Vogue for these 'tiny liooks,;,e Century back and they were etirded In the ishistcoit, ,pocket.:--Londen. Express, gietistSegasDhing.,.to the Dogs Pa Part4 CO • Whet a man 'take'shit tabte'-khife 0,44 --stersast0Otk•Pletk-sitstakes--.0r4Y-stbst trigta fornia1ty v411411 •ktdebff24.1464d . Plant dinner6714 -Vgenera l Way We da 1.41t 4PProlre,Of t00; many ruleeWe ;Ike to see tolk havthg- 47 -pod "tilue.'=-= ,Stratford ' - • • E4sY '• - eafilefiLVtitY to :W•tite; 11Cad4* Ij te,-,depide.;*Itat; Slienld, ho a1d in .; Petit andOen, sethetWordajo iexPreaa V1,0 14414 he aui.9-llAt-,-ot 0PaCe 010.74.10t104.tOO.t.. tha Zoo . • . --Many peoplocoudemn 'aeo1og1thisiir7 _ dens for -their' erns:lit-Yin .lechigg epIn eta:tripod epticeri".ailiMal.S.whiC4 '11.11tars' Uy roam the woods,find' their Piihr 400d sled sleep•hndertithrri• aides", But. ;jtsish't Such a. had life;:belpg '4,.-•:zeo .mal atter 81L NaturaliStsnais:tthat 'Most animate , only live ,ttied 'end Sieep;`'eli4J that it is the.,:tieceefiltif, Cif finclirig. fOo4,-40t; ,lireY.,eifthentaallar*i'ultn*1840,00ii allimalai`theY 64Y; are flalte haPPY 134.- ..1.0nO'saSstliey gets toed ohd.Can'eleep4n ,Oiercise. Indaed.'anYona whO,hati;tratehed, aids ..shaltislita„seed,'';Will.11iarti.:Petided: that they: docnot lun,...arotuid:f4heit.:•encles- UKOS:.'verY2'.,0004_;41;tak -are f content to • liesnil".094i1(yitk:theo It they were in their natural habi . , tete' they ,would have to'hint, for their' fOodistifimi.git hungry; an in:Whiter go • without fetid for:long :Periocls, either MeherTleaven or ',1ichetiSt.TtiOnias. Thee,s4Ohraha1:. ••' .Nothing's as Irritating:in a ;factory. eWe ,h5". .iinaolce nuisance ',unless its not having :a melte ;''ntilsence.'-'--Klik • etee WhIg-Sthndhid; The :CollittrY:Mtietor . The \prorinettil Minister of Health . „ , . 401411O.4. h. questlhii 'that i.Of •; rowing,. 1M13°rtanes • n g ss' medie, 111e4 are Ile when he Sas country districts- It Is needed in the understand,why",s, physician easy to - s s- Octs'isies ti 13hhe°11Adpiefer' t e e long drives and other. difficulties 'fry, districts, some' 'of • them ' od news sinn p.ses°suely settled ; buted , the need itof 1 • Cal care is obvious, and,iis g - that the health department i trying , City life, Pampering and 4inek breed - Ing are, ruining dogs, destroying their essential • stleggineeit; and :,reducieg, ' en-- -14,1-t_shs,dostellpf-stheir-snablis 0111CesterELs LoeltsatSthe Twire-hair 'terrier: I:ltieel he lied the heart- of a `lien and thegapienese, of ,is bulldog; toditsf,-cepilied, talcumed, and seented; he is i headeir ,c nam'ent: :Se ,..,with many. ether .pteeds. Dog -breeders' now 'blame -Women; who, they,' say, pet looks beforehetree doggy virtue. A dad Alaing has happened to 'th, world el -,Ifsmhn--khelest- the-sliest:1n:1i Et beat, friend.-Lendon gituday'ehron Cle. , tion. -Saint AInkn mset ltht situa- ;to do what Jtcan raph4 to Te eg Lord Aberdeen , A Scot cif the Spots, 1.the gentler eualitles. of his race were doniinent in, character. It is, eoteriotittlY easy to htidereatimate the force of ishelt,a,ritan. Quiet'rather than assertive eonfidence, they do not commonly appear as dkha-. ceinmand. effectien, but Yet ' theY. may. .more mehntainse' and a long, happy; tied 'devoted 'life the .Marquis of 'Aberdeen; ,was the -constant servant of good , „ causes; and his :work is- nteatis hied a,noble record:will Stand against his narts77--dliiegtivi" Herald.' , .:,,The..:Dominiemne.a.raknecti the firlish.“. ' . • . This •cOuptryTissitet in "a positiehte jeontrel • Deminin. 'imports •befike next 'iteie: The ' whOle, agricultural posititin, I s ,already. under review:with' titel-l)o- , .,.. , • „minion u-overtinients.;There is •thus ''ii prospect of ,h scomprehensive "°fsettiel- e HasstOBe= s meet ,bk inutual,conent The 'isituation s'ssaresis,,m,asS:ssis. : ,.,ici'eniist',., ,,,. at the. Mement, however, IS thorough . nidehniOrnactiVe than his iirehisierie': 17 titig4t1t3fact"7' At :a "864 wli6i1 •strideatore: It is, or "conrser Much more `PYI°Os are ''SI)°t° to 't:ts° they' have • ,aiilkquitte,dodge'..a,Motor 'cdn' than a', have tended'. to; fall,' and:farmers are .."..111rtintoAtti-tid'.-tottawa 'journal. losing as 'SIS.'ell a'S' 5 'Ptnini14' ' °Stist , • , * • „. . . :The retrietions, on .Canadiari and Irish • , Earth Adopting ,Daylight Saving ° • Prot. Harlan Shapley, o" Harvard • Observatory makes the annotincement 'thatowing to changes la the moon the ehrth is gradually revolving , more alowly'and,the length of our (ley is be- ing -InCielssedsone-thouaandth of a is.7 ' cond: per century.- Just, a • 'little more than. 720,000,000 years,we'll • • have an extra hour 'of daylight with- out resorting to Daylight Saist1ngi-- 13order Cities Star; •'• ' ' :I PeopheeY .4%. Smithsonian scieetiat sayi he can, • kredict :weather isrenty-threa' ,yetirs f. tiliead..' And its ,a 'safe' bet 014t he ,la out th e ram Rho t ' " hi 6 1 ou • n u • B. rub umbrella. -Brentford . , • .• *litter, • 'S.' • -„Divinity Course. fbe woroin ',It Issinnoeticed thatlinron.C011ege, ,an...Anglicansinstitution-, situated' - in ,London, Ont., and affiliated' With the 1-Iniversitk Of Western •,CnithriO,',•purs poses, " adinittieg, women as divinity .atudents and next OctoberWill, enable '• theta to, register 4or • a,si*-year course, presumably Withah sapPronelate de- gyea, to , be. tenterred at ,itd 'close.- BtoCkville tteCOtder. •. an44 imp,orts have -proved- insufficient. Chil- led: andSfrOzenshietit •freixt the Austral- asihrt, DOWIU,iOns arrived in .record ;quantities last. Month '.` . It will be laeiehtahl6 -if, under the Pressure, of the ethergeneY, this 'country makes 'drastic nse •of.,,t,e • freedemof.; action which' iihis•will enjess next June „ . Port8 4c*n -then be cut off ; -prides can then :bs foreed up; butlt Was to avoid evelopments as this that the, Ot- tawa Conference was held. Since then' events have Moved faster than-diSellS-• .anct it May be that conditions P - Princeas -Maddevi-Tukanthor- o • Cambodia starred • recently at Theatre de Paris. ,„ She ,is eight years old. ' POW /Ocurred by th,,e't/a,464 Kingdom'taiPaYer, keeplas;„aach pawn, In Idleness at home. - * • N[i.v W.Ieo1m MacDonald,-14iijors, seqr.OFY Of State IOT Pondnion.14- oZpte•48ed tt,iiifeite4,834)1pitky -with the phjecta in -view.On the other- 4414 be aald that:7100a per- sonal oP„ 1111014;1 tallltratiess In .pie, ins° tway,0461.d.abate,- ro,t'eAlly0,C4t1,1014,..T.' 'othi"aii*P" co,mMiinity settlement to promote, those largo•scalo. moveraent‘Ot popu- lation that are so much 'tube:desired. s a tv ar ke!Bourstisz se Industries reReca11ingFor-• : mer.EmphVe.s*ti, SOMe: Are Alressik • Ovcrtinie . • Oshawa, One.-7.--Enip1okment In Osh- awa is rapidly iMprOving with some bhstness , ,eatheiish*ents Working .e.rertitiheand reealling termer eniploy, tees.' Condit -Wild are ::dase-ribeds"the bet; ter than- In the last two 'years. •i• * large number of employees laId off ft:or sometime h'avo been recalled , at- the7General 'Meters! of Canada plant.. Some divisions 'Of the .factory • are working 12 hours a day, and S.n virtually all Prodact1On2depall11ePt4 oempleyees aro:. werishig .three nights' Birjtain'i . . . • Chains of Villages EOUnded By Company on Govern- rn0.0Guara-ritee .,,Londore-A..inerement ,tifeet Brithie to repeat in the, enipty= Speeds or the British Empire. sechmass sdt - tlement -Veritures.:Its,,those.4lietebyAn the pee( i•Teir -England, Virglnla, Ne* Brunswick and Zealand, received SoMeorthe 'forhetirasof theirpreSent inhibitants., • • •• • ASnon-politiehr. association :calling itself. the British EMplre' Develon- Meet and 'Settlement Research: Ceps! ..mIttee 1145 been, ''forined,-,swith (Sir, Henry Page :croft • as c,hafrihatsIto :pronicitethii, object. ,Nearly 'half .'s.of 'the 615 mei:abets' Of the British :House' ,•451- Commons have hgreeds to: ,Stup,pert ow e 'World's Largost, Air Monster Nearing: COMPletinn • GO,ririani,rtlot: • Cold NVitir FriedliChehafenF.'essengers 'on the tch:pii Pio) Mile night sRguIar Trig' • 4 P), 7:1:00 cC' 14.. 04r I" 8.YitroP i*gy ton for East 1-)14ie8 SerlriCe 4 • Ainster6col, - The ,dPuhle Teee,rd new Zeppelin, 14.Z: 109 now nearing flight (,)i the Dutch mail plane Pelican *rem Alroter4um to Baravla and -hick sometime- ago has fecused attefition :• iere to go far toWard turning the 'record " dash. inte.ts scheduled pasienOr 40, egmPlett94 14 4 114figar not .rat from thas•ahores ssf.Isalte peppiness will. have, Many comforts. that have neverboon -Provided, hithertp on any ZepPeliii. The L.Z. 1,0; Is bigger' and better :relater, Shirt Pf- the; Graf Zeppelin; the dfrlgllle that7hes worked.service the p§fith Atlantic to' South Ani, ,clociltwOrit regularity.-. Thurn1dd c,cflOn 01 010' nPVF. atr- liIp tensIstiOg et eight male and .363 feet; was flnishedaS • tar baek 'es At .,iptroc.o e.senmtpiol'ac' lzieath,eoes feerrwrigs...Lelp04troaa i : •tiiii'vrentainasto ',Without the Stern Section, the .shiP •Meharires •367 -feet but -the 'conip1etes1 length,' will• be 744 feet--ssonie 40, feet lengerthan the Graf ZePpelin, • 'Despite' the ;only slighter' -greater , • lengti, „ 'hoWever..: the • L.Z. 129,, :have almeat deuble the gee capacity of 'the'gral zePPeliO• 1 . its _dre.,,nmfereneewilLbo 41.20 met7 i es (1.3-410Wrintrthesierairi-thrp-W: , parry -200,000 euhie Metres of gas emn-, pared ,witk ..theGrard 195,0,00 pubic ,inetres., The new airship will be the 'largest In the -World • Nearly Finished . ,•-p-fprti*O,,Oto • •is "peing”, worked at tkq.„..counf47tonatot,liring egrapaa5.,- plating.. and: assembly, ,insits. This 11FM ban the largest'worlqng. since 85 -inceetion :here 'three years' --(tgoss-Stiteley .•wok :las been found- teceSeary...in sonie' cases. to keep en with ordera.. .., , . It is exPected the huMbiar of fam- `flies:Ton' relief' Will besgreatlysrtidueed: by: the- end of dila month ifs inipreved cent:Wiens continue; • Heavy tnereate. ' .Dtiring the eeriod •Senteniber 1 '• ,to Merck S,S; .102-33,, a total or 93/489,1, gross fsts of :deal Whs .ShiPPed from the Cape' Breten. Mines et • the- D003,111 - ion tIteel CorpOration.. •. Bitritig*the Shine' period: -in' ,1933734 n total of 1,677;56b gross toe§ Watt Shipped froth the; Same:Mines; Or an increa; this season againstiest; Of 73,675 tons. • . The 'figures speak. for themselves.---, 'Halifax' Herald. Without 'Street A0081604 , r $6 444suiti 1$ it. to hare' a rio-hcele7 `seat year -on .streets ef large, centres ,Belleville's ' record,; Without •ti • fatality ,°, th 1033 thised-Ctitthts and liretaglit7e, request for ' check-up to Oief Richt for 'verificatitni Of the re'- Fortunately'li Was true The .chief :Constable ,was 'able- 'to .nOtity. the. re, gistrar of: the, Motor,. 'vehicles, it Ont.' ;Arlo...that there were no .tetifor, falali as e r,quSt eMe Owtfter machinery of ac- tionsthaff-thas-psssided by conaultft larg0s-Islow',' SO' hard:has become the lot of I the producers sif, primary coins modities everywhere that „for, two years past more people have returne'd to Britain than have gone out froth its shores. • ; Parliament.hei passed, a, unanimous resollation declaring :that he, time -14-,sseem-e-1eTstlies-Britislis-Goy'erliaten to "get in: touch the' Govern- ments Of the Dominions with a 'view to putting forward a scheme for the •voluntary redistribution of the white peoples.of the Empire and the stiinu- • latioe of, shipping and trade under The difficulties to be. Oresedene, it Is : recognised, are great, The World slump has reversed:. the ,tide of emi- gration. This, tide -s0 long, as times were good --flowed- continuously out- ward from, overcrowded Britain: into the less: COmpletely peopled'world at tiOpe.hdyreen•,Governments. But .n the endit is -by the . system Ofecitiela- ,tion,. which orderly marketing implies', and CPA establish that . the r:eqiiire- ments of both. conaumer and producer seansliesitet.-sgseilden DhilysTelegripla. thiS City, 10331.-1101e. LC Ville Intelligencer, , — Worst. ci,t, the 'Let.. • ; Ati „orator stty,sr‘tve mud get •,f(d%0 radiceisin, soeislisin„ bo alievism :doteintinisni. add. loig WIY3r .dito* 10 • PliO it •%Ina tehder'Peat.' 17he'Oroblem7of.Spare,-rime pisii the cohreieiohf -- sneht, inte leisure, how is' isure AO be• „used? Sureiythe essence of it is that the, spare, time Which 'science and technientimprOyensenteprovidetthoold be used for 'the. thiisget a•infin Wishes, to'd6;.Alid the tragedy of It IS • that Mass has not yet:learned:what he :teany to spare time,-Loedon Dhily Heraldi ' • Wines arer the ' . ' • . . . „While American, and Itrittsh lnter- ost are together Malleably considering the • North ..Atlantic.creseing by air,' it is .ts ,different story cloWit hrotind the FquetOr. Justine* the 'South. Atlantic Is the wee offintetise rivalry between ...Germany :and France to! eittablish the first, transsAtlantle. airmail. linking, ,Htirope and South Ainerich by *ay of Mricas 130th Countries .haire; already' Made tritchessfuls eiceerithenta 1 flights - with theirneWest tyPe • flyintrhorifia, find befit ate expectieg to launch te4, "Oar servleeS in the near future., It is A race tit,' see whioli Will bathe :firat to ,do. ,56.--TherstOn ,IVIheatiley In , the; Forittightly Berle* (torooh), •,Cassada Needs FarMees. • °•NevertheleSs • the Same urge, s re - Mains to Wed .• ' hands to land. . Canada has need, :ets, fairinere to . develop the Mighty resources. of Ito great, Northwest., pevi Would, dis, 'tete that the Peace Itiver Country it ,were fully' peOPled ,---, „Would .afford , a; , rnarket--7ter7Caiiadian----And, "United States :goods . comparable with -Ontario, er Nes*: York State :itself. ,Northerm.: Atistralia, are fertile area a's-big as France: and Gerinahy .combined that are still alitioat ;einpty cif people. A British . (4iverinnetitreport on the cpiestio,n, its shortly, to appear. McanWhile a'statenterit' by Sir •litnry Page Croft's eominittea discloties :,the main lines on Which hie'organization Propehea: to Act; • The' intentioti is to pioniete Chains of ifillhges • of say .50 'settlers, -.each in 'areah that *mild :hot OtherWitie,he developed. Per thie taupe's° a, cern- panY would be 'ferinisd • to 'raitio *50,- Q00,000' On a:British 'Government gInit- tintees This OOlOpaiq would 'take up block a of heittiltio land ;for which it weitid 'PrOride Coranineitatien- by road • end, tail, So .-tts to contieet -t11/ • propesed settlements :With existing Form' Farming ,Groups. ' ;Farming 'groiiPs would be thee „for- Potiu ar Medi e,a.ch one' -with Nentrally'plaeed iet Theory Ma Man Longer Life rn • , Scientist Voilld Devera giens to Conform • Different Sizes bf. Visc.era - Si, Paul -A new, way of stoking the human boiler may keep the body's Ma - Rea.; h chinery clicking for five years beyond the plesent nornial life' spin, Was told The new "Method eririsioned by Prof' C. H. hicCloy, is based On the, size of the "boiler" -,or viseera-nian's digest- ive system. By developing diets to fit various sizes of viscera, he forsees a possibility of increased , health and longevitY. McCloy, On the faculty .01 the 'Uni- versity of Iowa, is a Professor of sci- ence of atithrepomethy (man measure- ments.): For purposes of comparison, he divided man into two broad classi- fications, 'long lean" and "short stock - TV A- •I. Obesity Theory ''"Thes. opg. ean snan c is -eat mos thah „t ' •fib rt stecky One without '-gettiiii fit," itaid,."heehusalie has a small boiler" 'and does _not', absorb 'so Much of hiS food intake. "Oh 'the other hand, the ahort Man With the big trunk ihrger viscera., -and absorbs a great.deal more Of what he eats. This absorption Contribute -it to fat in middle age. "in older .years, the long lean grout/ tend toward diseases, of the digestive and pulmonary , systems the. short stock group 'finds its troubles in the.kidneys heart and circulatory hys- tera." , • , . , I 4. , .„ Prospects haro:'beell opened 'up' ,ot. ' .. 'n' daily . set -Flee,' In. the -near- 11411170 7 .linking;:western.FUrOpe.,and We Hhit , Indies With -British and Freneh, eiffen-, : tions, to 'etiin4 and Australia. • • 'The .Felican, , or •Fokker F..1:3, Cut by..mare °than, .,50 Per cent -the,- nermal flying tinte rfOrsthes 18,0007mlie trip trem here to the.Dutch ,gast ' ludies. and back. .4 The 'actual times were .4Ldays'44tontS,.,.4(tininntest_for the out*ard Journey : and 10 •ndeutes10511; -9n:the hotneward'half: .' .._... I A f nothble' aspect ..ot this flight, Is - that :it. was achieved by * three-year- old' tYPS of plane •Which: was not iii, tended- for the ,:rederd,breaking . tempt. ' It,:liad 'Originally' been plan- ned that a new Fokker three-euginee . machine, F. XXsshoeld make the dash : tii-lifitaWlif-Sfitli1schristmavimill-----', ' dii;03iP4 motor •blOcke4 this Plan' '• 'hat . • . .. , ..: I.n' -•the 'Pelican carriea o. - ., . I ' And 'IOW' enters the 10 X4XXVI; _th, e largest aircraft , ever. built, In the 'Netherlands. It is a .very 'advanced type, litiVingi;'it is. claimed, the piost, favorable aerodynamic shape,:' namely' that of a; drop of water. •: ,This maphine has four 'Wright Cyblone.engines. Of - - -. - - ---..................„-________ . " 700 :horsepower :ehch, h *dal weight of -162-ltone h•maximini speed of 110 • milesan hour end a cruising speed of, 130 . Miles Stin hour.' ., ., - , . , .. ` ;The Machine will .have a, ote* Of,. • '-•,--- - .f011i; naMOly...t170:pilotO, one 'tnechatile.7 ; :steward . and one wireless operator( while being -able . to Carry 32 paSsen- -, ".' .. • .. ...- • ,. . . • Isere in .Europe. 'On the India -lied; - It Will etirri 16, Phiseigers, each hair, s ...- ..•ing. 4 sleept40 sberth. ..,,Aa '„long ,itlis- • . tanee ti.'iriatioti is more and imole de-. : .vetoPing in the non-stop direction, ' fly- • ing,niglit find' day, there are also tWo' ' .., • sleeping lierflie for -the ere*.. •I1: , The Machine. Is :tirstile cantilever. s• •nulnoPlane tyPe. The wings 18, placed • . on the .fuselage. . The plyWood. cover; . , • ingzOn the under surface Of the Wing : has been removed from. the , center .. . w .section, and the hollow ',enact) ',:thtiss`..,,,,, , . . , . . exposed• forms:. thetuppersp_art ots_the. _I_ ••cabih. The Wing has O. Width Of 110 ' feet. • The cableis dividedinto four - )compartments each for) • eight , pee- • •sengers.' , -,,- , . , . . , . in -eotistrecting this -linge ',Anne, 'wide% Carries' every' peasible con- .. v'eliiehce for ;long, distatice flights and,, the latest:" mitemhtiesitilothig device, the designers - had in view -the ' ex-: pected. rapid•deVelopinnt of lopg-diss thrice flying,' reducing' the AmSterdefn- •, 'Bet5ria flying dine gradually „ fleet. e'le• . • . •• 1 ' da, s ' sifter' which two departures each week from each • side are centeniplalted, in 'Which:114- ' ish IMPerial. Mitrays and the- French . ;Air:Orient are expected to join. ' Meanwhile. the interior constrnetion is progressing rapfdly The passenger cabins are hearty finished. They .Will Cthifirtiet--- tied cold-, water pities, which are, now being laid,. The smite Water will not he discharged, but run into' a special' tank t� serve as ballast. Other innovatiohs to be insfailed in the airship, will bp an electric lift to facilitate loading and unloading car- ,. . ,aeit'huge heels' fixed- to -the 'pilot goridola and. the lower to assist laiiiiing-4-effititine7T iss-wh e els Can- . . • lie- turned in any direction -The airship -will b,e the first Geis ;manstirship on -which smoking_will Perinit,teds This hie beeh inade•POB- SibleoWing to the -use in the airship Of helium gas, hitherto' used Only .in Americah' airships. ' The Zeppeline works have specifically ve of -Quebec May Inherit Many MillionsofDoIIar$ Nits., Jane Fewer, Now. Living ' in .Vancouirer is Grand- . daughter of Late ...jarnekkluclsop Vancouver -An '82 -year-old Vaticou- , ctii4.ify„,,:_giiiiitif;4t,in,,t..01,,iite.ditittitia„. Village provided With 'stored, -sehool, Ise sesussi is sse.'isses.isses. and , the, Ideeting .' hall cinema • ODA .00*iket, :bo7itiitiol iditto bth (4, ohne had the, 'Ft rni rand wanild ,rtiditite Outwadd . ilrainatis clubsiap et lig rapidiy, , from, this ceetre, The Setflere 'would kee;isrdoltt. to. p.m:wit ilvvey ait),, it be` tie ,ted families. 'Faeli, Village` .. . S t.' 'all ' ' :ses .-es; 0..,...,,,,,_1stf :lc,,ti.„,,,...::t i.'6,,5 • to.oughottt would 1)e tilled wile people trent smile stie.)sss • s ..,.t „,,,' ..s.S.1-,.•:cj„: ,,,,,,ssoifitoci., otie Stielgitherhoett. In Brithitt. The shoe. sips ...3.,,A,.. .6•,41,h15. nei i t....t 1., 4.541,00a,00.0, ',it' le •reatithateili l.-Weitid res. e strsos sif.is. 'sees flthlr elly'her.Y„, provide for 40,000 settlers. w.ho, With iteehef4iej.. , ,, • , ! . . , • • lie ' ii,' notAthpesiiiiile,, proPesition for , their families, Would 'constitute 1.00,--• i.i6i.riftt;:'‘‘',11.11e' "1" ihg 000 peeple, T 8 it :is cla men, Wottld 0'1(111 as •clu its me p y•nii area -greater • barred silk or wool as covering mater- ial. Long, -eXperience has -shown .that silk Or., artifidal silk is net sufficient- lf,waterproet,'while,wool is Okiring in elasticity.' ',it • Englirs of the Zeppelin Welts claim that rarnishing the .L.Z: 129, they have greatly improved on the mixture used • for- the. Graf Zeppelin. ovies Safe -for For Children -Motion Pi-cture ,ReseaiGh, Council Seek 'to' Provide Satisfactory Films 'NeteYork-:-Of the current motion picture productioni in the -United Statefrabout 25 per cent. are a menace to America's youth and a blot on American character in the eyes of the people of Other countries, Mrs, -August Belmont stated at a luncheon of the IVIotion Picture Research Council here. - The occasion was the public launch- ing of the council program for better - trent of films, with specialsrelatien to entertainment -for -address ver.tvoman is not thelealit bit excited about her, prospect5, of inheriting, rainy' inillfeas or dollars: She is Mrs. Jane Peever, grandaughter of the. late 10,01. Htidsmi, fur -trader, whops vast,. for- tune is urnierstood to be in chancery in England. • • • • ,hirs. Heaver, andher brother, Mose Free, 92, Of Port Arthur, are, the lead - .Ing claimants to the ,fortune. • "; "I have; known of the estate • for years and everylende in a while there has beezi some talk of its being- dis- bursed". Mrs, Peever Said today. "If I inhetit the money that will be line. 11 ,not; it won't Worry mo. There • 11. no doubt, however, thar, Mr. Frost 'and Myself are the only direct descendants "Forty-seven years ago the •; estate was said to be worth $30,p00,00o," she • added. "Goodness'enly knows what it would ,be valued at now; • Mrs. *ever was beim in Fort 'Cou- longe,'-Quebec, and was Married there to. John. Peever, who died 36 years ago; After his death she came vest and new lives with her son•here.' 'Record Fruit Crop The colleen now starts -a nation- wide movement in which all friends Of an imProvement of Social values in filins are asked. to join: Aniong,,those ....present Was Mrs. James Roosevelt 'and an honorary Vice-president of the couneil. Mrs. lielinont stated that the move- ment was, not undertahing anything in the way of censorship., The intent- ion was to -seek the co-Opectition of _the',film industry carrYipg,, out these three objectivs Of the council. , 1. To decrease the amount ObjeCtr jonible material in filnis. 2. TO further the production Of films that shall be entertaining' to children and where, pol3sible educa- tional 'in value. 3: To pronioth new tyPes of edn- cation's' tikes with the ;e -operation of the: industry and the public school system. , , • Some 38,000,006 minors attend the motIon Picture' theaters every week in the United -States, said Para.. Bel. vision Of the Highway Code and. the • mtboantti.ii4hnft. remieruetntin oifisrint;:iirttitaiinmaez enforcetnent of "certain Simple .ruies which 'make for safety and which are • : 16i14.4,1110, Nova Scothei3 tam - o u fruit . belt, the Annapolis'. Vallesf, lifts dome. though with' a record' otit- Out kit seasem The aPpitix, itnee apple croP totate 2;150,000 'bit, British 'Walkers ...§e_ek.fOotpa.ths. • L,ndoh; ,Elig. TillOvision 'of foot- •`' paths. alongside . all Main Britislatik& ways' Was demanded by the British Pedehtrians' .Assoeiation . memo= ' randum,sent to the Miaistry of Trans- port:s. ' „ -• The high speed,. of motor: Valle was ,citeCas , the most prolific cause of accidents. For the checititig of ex- ., 'ces.sive :speeds by Vehicles subject to statutory it was 'suggested that -sil device visible to • any ..pasEer-1Y, ' • which either records the actual speed • at any •moment or gives audiblh or • visit:de .notice when the limit is . be- ; . . 'ins exceeded. s ' A second 'suggestion' Was that the -ItigliWay -Cede be, revised and made more . Widely known. Safety rules' whicliare Observed .by careful drivers , • should. be; enforceable swith a.: penalty for, their infringement, it was stated. • Bepresentatives, of . the pedestrians declared hal' been shown the , Ma- jority,. of fatal accidents took . place , in .built-up areas,: and the asseciation submitted as a first sten In a' national• ) Policy, of . speed.: contrel that there , should be a speed limit applicable• to towns find •villages. • ; In the course' of ife, case for a\ re- eitietiOnal effect should atolitied be- cause of its degradineeirecti. Dr:Frederick Peterson, 'fernier pre- sident of the New Neurological Society, declared that the sensitiorials dritnintil and "vulgar seggetthist of, the Many questionable motion , pietures teitcle, to predate :urierv011e disorders and metal disintegration." Mr: Her- - bed f °liner • peblisher. • , of World's Worlc; 'Mr. William' 11. Short, director 0, the and lit. John IT. Finley., d: 114 ":14441rOitt • §01te. observ.ed . by careful drivers, the ass, sedation litlitet Abet the :offence, tif "carelette`driring" should besibolished... It had the efiect of rendering mugs: tory the severer. penalties .which can be iinPotied.fer'"datgerotis driving." ' order to 'enable. petiestrittits cress ,streeqt, in safetythere wits heed areas,, the inemOrandtini stated, tot' many niers' refuges, and the provialoii itt' Suitable pla,cee of . •well -marked, cite -sings where the sate - 01 pedeStriana, would be • assured. -Flittilly; the' assoeldtion recorded, its strong opinlini that Much might .ho done, teriards increasing . the safety, ef the roads by' h Stricter lhdreini, A splash et Illite•Water tintidentaliy :stration Of tho:cistilig mW, taftin" hitting the., by vcdetr-• ..e7t....ercisp Of; the_ - h 20 year-old einpley sef an plawer of (11Sriitairicatien , Of driVerdi, • . •te figUrek.released ,bY Elgin restered" Sight tl• View' te . from the wii the DOMIfii0, 11 Atlantic '11:0-1111saY, Which after twelVe :ears Of ,blirmin sO, A .rends ,1>i•oir,e Ol'Ongeiveg ,doied,14:Ntpple._,ohipplpg )16.0107 ott epeoialitiCattitias that.:thet1rn h!1rn 1 to be chat‘ge of atiettir--77; takleg'. into accOunt the Moat. 81ot • ,°'Inele "21