The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-04-19, Page 17 7' -Top" 7%7' r .. .. . .... ..... AWGIZ. C PM lw�w, VW '1954, AaM VA;NCN., $2.;* 0 ''A Y U113DAY, S 01 7A -[�.,�'The-Bread:-- 6a t 1,%g GRASS or rent.— U$e D* re. ont Of �JPCUXP your, trailer license from Arx D� R, 01ations. D VPM1RS,YRACrU0$,D. if' Apply 'Oro , d H I 'it' 'UALWY RVICF� �qUg 'M Ab'"t A AND S9 ItoAs -4 Consiqu trio, reapo on, ot e- so. ect f Ap IFOR sgt-4wod , is "Var. �io on- hTo -or, A. Satutday. Maio Concerning goora Ftr p 306red, W.w� *a4. $0ii T V Seed per us e Ispolial, of., Gao3i amea Mr. 1 814es" W10 'DA SANDWICHES er �TARTLETS. b.-�-,Rusgel. n R. 1,'5. Dr cas . , . ., -, his Wif : '" - . I 11 . � oil TIK 0 'east of, the C. X. k. ROLLS 7 ;ELLY EL$PA W ore on �bf U NUTS, EA ED� ping'. 1,;R "Utter'dsie'gard: in -many insop, of t i'lli �DO GH Ito IT BISCUITS, Ouse h work. Apply. a g rbogo" Oould,'bo plic4 "In is e4hty-thm 7464' of . Agi and',hif, ijx,..:KinIds1i Township faim- LAYER KE I -ROLLS t; SontineIr e Of r I Oewof this the Office the. Municipal duuMing -ground has Is the mor�, qa aa. means i4f, collecting 4 dim'- forced" the' village serious,'. T colinc to - restiiet OUR WHOLK WHEA DR AD, IS: j0p%, WH W ­:.-W6odw'Qrk1ng hyAn R� - �E W, d, extension somOssmen OLE HgAT, ND',HEALTHFUJ�-: PATFww-- Drivin' li DELICIOUS,A aorse; to Uzi. Ro " 0, ii, 'a. -.head if the property J '-kept� froin takep mvch,� delight - and HOLL '.S, QUALITY, ed jad w, ich tel�� may re- Y MAN jhro ar 1111; lie eyesore and a '' 4, ­ , : . I many h 'plote,', out�m- a to be' Toet, ft a been , hangin Mecormick.,'Deering 16- h , V 0 g fire for w- dit h attraetkVq aVe'roau, a row, near y new� ace' to health 'from his a6ility'Lin" thi* .1ii Y �p S%j t,, � in an action being � bi Andrew. The' it ich 0 inatilied, and Inlaid, -116o h oe:'36 uc now., property WAS purchased, - aj� One ren I at.,, the corp ration, -b ught WAS dispj4ed these at. WING,,- MACHINFS,'for­sale-�� -tbe,,Yijlage, 'at zelakning., dot ges.'. r adston SL fU tU ginger Rotarii W-00; ite and 1t was'' on ered that r aif gar- tni re, o"I jw.� Y, Ito 14''in S rp ee!e. w",ng a Be zure,.* tar long ibut-- a h a t�, ge and reftiae was: disposed'6f in T, rd -the troublw d , ovelo'ped over ah�' 01� DBRSONSL' an i 'Conlinun . a qoI �,OPZRATR in the Longsi ld be kept in o er,and .e eralli. AN . WILL' lie; W. TWU it ft .0 S LP choice P. TATOAS' FOR entl� H %AX MjLj;� 4rain; *hich No, UP-TO�DATE -f �AXOTK yeai, old 7 '' ­-, evid : �I quality, slnjli� bag $1.75; 5 bagAots go*eVer, fh*, iprin' refus bi fUne E JUST ;RECEIVED 'A NFW A g, e 4*4 ex, -*as com- ven ten, $1.60 Hav�kert,.,, �e6h. Aunped - almost 'it � ratdom,`e 6 not tidning satisfacidiril :,W0 an Pbrebase: S*Wor&' Projw�r. Wherie, zie CHILDREN hat fOije�. ''O on the driveway, 'and'. c uncil the extension 'oik. As THAT )VILL B SOLD.AT CLOSE::PRICE pera �tak PS, O* tio" en the on Y ate W me: As CUrb this ooAS, ftW understand. It, ere ALE res, .,bel eve, ji t�idl be, effo6tive to' h ere those POfti*jjL of e!�cost,'� who t after big� PrA's with good 'brick; .bousd and, ded ROL ��olt 4itch -.,had he� exte -ME ank, Stable,. jus north .of C.N R, be, kept t The� entrance gate. fiii k wee, 'a $44fatth Zxposi Apply W fbdl�e4k, eXe 'pt roportS,.the� Sale of jbe.' m jw4s,'nee6ssai�y. A'beated ,e on 'Mo day of eatli pro_ '6 n to in. - MacKenzie,* ofitrovetiy over this- matter, &vel- -made 'of T, Box 201, 'Lue b C t e 'week, owicillot. D Of that town to,- r. J. G. Azir. .kn onald FiN' "per I tit . & inatiOn meeting, in Sh6e Solid Leather at:t e nom* (U , - C.)' L "' ,)W I h &=on be; on hand tioni, i on of Luck� S A.^ perapp ;f N;.L_ a rs p6kvise, -the .,di$ ;4L - , . e'b Valentine 'to, 4 1 .1 . . I I . .. Yr -L& . L ' 'fL. I L refu OAIS FOR.'SA -Car �su SRIL'to- pay, the saSeqgMont.L , O*. Work will December and was followed u b, I p,mi to Polial. j�f. the building iM ke your dbl i go fartlier ink ?akbes,: mad 2' entj4 of StL sses an I btOL co' :U6 Aqw 'I Tiell A a 's 0 iC rim. S, at iC6 W ree, ea. *t:,All* otherAlmes' in r4idine S and opeiiAonfi,�� a lber6 Oat re 'ex 41th the reap tgnt'.1 s6izur6 And' notice Sal 4 I Od a e &a the Tice cap on y. Arranged by pected niftellCe of the respktive s: of at, Ack�rt. 1�u&noi arrangem, n eq e t:,,wi ur�:- -F uipment-haii-teen tiirr-3. �Ludknow.:,or ed , a coif orW. 40� ltijeb�'-23r& I . L . . -L. . L "T the A er on Ill At4iichell, .19- ­ I -will - , .. I I na if 4 diteir''asseSisments vary from MAILING LIST,CORRECTED 'lie franst�rr O' e e eof kOPERTY, Ft L9 SA V.IN to the highest, A u'' w coveting '''ale good 0 se, ith it6ne, qedsir,. -Our. 'list has corrected -The - 4 t greeipen soi�pt�d by the seizu"ie ..are 'John: Oepient'atable'­Close�.to s - chool. and- ' ibr, , up, t6 I an& h0udiug Of , !Set the Expo'stot�,,r!�portsi-.,.-ttils, h, ymen Rioardson Wpindell iy�lbr,'Wni. A h,bf Lucknow, w �k. Thoge'.L Who' ave., renewed th fr total'pa OW.LVMd On6wn,.4s, tlie Fie er prop pji ohn Waddell A]e3e amer0n, subser onsAuring t e past several' 40iount 7$260.6o i's t6,bi I A e e t of1$666.160, i0f. this, : IL, h erty)' Carter, , 4, , R. 6, l�eknow. *eek'g uest6dAo,uote'the date tbe­bal� e­Arg-rpq nee, spread two, eart, y Ot er, �WuOes in t a 9, 4 c n their'�a e a ]a of and.� ment are b'L ;.1 gr" ION: 'credit ha- 'age - -Qu BOW14CRS TTEL Aft`16r Pint'UTILAP'. " h U-4QTIOX ZALE=df. farniLL'Sibe ej Fe�"Jyo!C - ii, e - -th'at7onLILY,-Idi&l�labi6r-,*Il�-be--.t�lle"na ,A L, NT _proper piqrc t ne oaf -Lot 21, 4utchasiis re operate .'tbp of I ete of an errorj, not Us ot; it. �a 0 e L w inj 0 mll during P34-35-86. an u nireart hos' i* Club - -for 'org iiation � 1'rp"4es wil uxon Tw Wqdnesdgy�, Apri'U.Subseribers in a bel,leld. -in the Council ChAniber 011 Arlrin are The- Anders O', have purch" ed t give " this Monday 'it 8 Pi X. Notices The 23rd, 'Wo matter your,�atte e n�.T* -0 41 obi d a, in I belvi SOW to 4261i Ait 30C 26tli� it o1C1ock.'No':r'esbry6 as fa newal s due Ong, as , and list. M"' GAYhor� ut To" Itting ­ 6 amount or 6d to'� their c, Min OThe' . . . ... it tdd A Ir it. Thank eted "no meeting, th 9, CAN deal Aft 1 thia� WaS t 6M pl tbeft JSL� ere",;idll e fib mQb. R FREE.;BRUSH WITH L RdEi &b6i 1hij to a C t t. six weeks Only One'-Sd us Omer.:;-!-, For One Week Only Fraser"I deolta,: TENDERS INATING `C&ON C re.r Lktu ?�PM TION Pr -6- minent"' 7'7 TE T 0 ])$AS WAN ED' es W hho ,-.Tho- Lt I-Cionseria4ve �aominat- e W111'. Sbeak Here WMI". XUR-D in the, To 6 8b Parents Hie Of Sou's Huj6 JIL 'be LUCKN Wnihip re. Receive. Wo n-Bruco., -i .Aeld e 2 hJC.Soj&ndt� Of Wide am, 11. "Wing awill, b' received Y' the undersigned toim bin' Death A, Few, Hdur$L 'Up to 12.:o clock On . PKII 80th, noon A eeceiving.Woroprof is Maess ida,:April 27th, %,.rloct: x can- Will, Addkess� eW$ 1934. Tehoers,.muSt'r state per - ',LL. r I I 1, . I I ., .. _1% 'JA iff L r �inlow On Sund After� hL f didate for the lip% provincial L. ay P or'drag k h E pd' sion came nessag" of tions . Noni -CharlA.Uc�*ez: kin' .',A1OOn6 J prit. 29t, BETTER T LIE HONE SERVICE-' equipment- as supplied, by the t 61 Mr. and''Mr BY - MAIC M. -Of iptir �f Mines Ge6. Sootton .P. -UNDER DISCUSSION TONIGHT 'lownship; and4niho'ut.' All tenders �th'� '11' ConVen_ Dr-,', Dr. U'r S indt of 'Toronto ed- D.T�j UZEDC 6n,,aykd and. ot 'the 01 at.., e ace'' e. I ness, oft Will -Att b ompainied' by it','niarkQ I .' ­'. L � 4 , , r IFE ir son Fraser, tion. aid, e n in' dcftflonaligt� " moralist co o is Pubfic Aieeting, .10itight (T ursd then :the death,,r OfAhe' h ay)� . or, any cbeqiie for $76.00. Lowest which 'occurred Mond6y', evening. In will be the guwt,0eaker at a. men's In Town, 'Ha'11-:-Vi lago Dis-� 6t ii'ece`ssarily� iceepte tal, WI the �erder,`n d. mass meeting 'in Town Hall' -ALL: ARANDS IN, 'STOCK . ricordis - . pi nnipieg, P trid Residents U'urged to Attend. Jaines, 0. - Purdon',- luck"w,',v und afte*noon,'April L it, AY pk OW. . ........... te, de�i, where, -he had. be7n, "attent., s'44r. V R.'%�tu n Fami Y 't ni: CKN n P �th ri LU OW WREHOUSE. Ing ftth.�, The meeting which W1 :q.om- th Bi What. steps,11111Y �0 tako"n to estab- ence at 3.00', is" Open to' all men and Wkltg; 'WAN' The' first, intimation iaser'� .V OlpTkgr men' and, neigh- e 'ce his ps�ntff tter tel _ph6 ne. servi be-� TV TEW ka rthday of the di lish a be ha 1. 87 'or ing owns, an nnouftcdmdnt§`1df " t NJ K;;0 hor� on, Mond ,noon. at paut� Y en Lur cknow and, the ad'a en n1be T ll en ers, U Ing r , e Mri. Reed 116kd��e B she ebra wil be outlined it "ar �Phpne� 106, the 4*eii �b f the'. eient areboing sent to !-ural�vi6in riceiVed- �by. thel'undrsiined, pirening word., was to I t at UP".. Co' ting Nit.,"th--Or�WaiV he clergy- ity, .1 ri t es. e to,' be hold of, the CommUnitY �hlui.Ch o.� 2 -.30tb 6clock mon"0ii April tiorn was so, out a public me'ting u inegs a --Hall o . n S4. aight age t 19 . Tender$ MUSt�'Stra price. p sday mornin rrOtiiided by meniber of her, Town t a od-,th 4 -f'6rn' b eedom4er 'eu ic Yard, jiiri—m ii—e-(9-1) onsidere o, coul" turi and Life!, d Will, Ill h friends, Sun. leictixre 'vd ge) and MU'tL '�bc accompanied. occurred at ten o'clock The 'thLr, Ian an miles Monday night, as, ther relative, Ad tern by'Fr"6r, who wmjn-his 46th�yoatr. day 'Was appy oc�czzlo 7for Mrs., speaker t/ 'dely 'trav, "'Y'po.r ance. 'in t nity, 'd mar h' it t:promfnen, ,w he commu., 4% 6heque or $75.00i. 1owi I �Iaj Crcoming ­tc- Paul ke4d,, -when thl'i Venej&blor.: Id With iftdrked interest,. s orn; elled'' and *el should ost or�any.tender wa atL Ai lecturer 8, PeClifly tbks community- with whic can' best evi A cepted. his.,paients as colobiated hej; ilrthd in Clle ea�, -by a Y Ay. or Wo ,year -9 h d� ced 1.4 I r r . I . I .. WALLPAPER i he .1. .:.. oad 'S140orinteh w ere e be. 'Still inetitittly and "Physically -aleit 'h WAS secretary of d e nit',', It'.: 2, Luek lad St. t e Age, GeneVa, Ow. 0 arge an( representative gathering, of , isrs. keea enjoys health, 'dinidisi -Divigio Sole' Agent :For the, ]I., 'it is seldom, The '''aAer been 'under consid- 'the villa' 'He clerked: e ��hl 1, -th� -4 We --is ' ' in go. A Orm ts her N engage n i7 taad ji 6 cration io � " 4 �01 i I-, 0, t i �rne -ex. -ST-Al T L6061A' in the , enip*ee of Mr. duties inAnd' about;' her, hoin -APEP TICE 'god to heir j6 aj- e, nd Privile pe WALLI :a as bL "', I' . I ndeni f njkg'e r. So andt. N repUied to- pect af iniorffiation will be laid r6 tilitions having.been 'dis- 10� D. ; MetenhAn'r and -on, coming to genft*ll* indepe so ed,th' P .500 samples &it asonable: poncerning. erg. be And -his' 'Visit L here is- expect# to before the. audience that Wi 44ogarded the dumpinj; the, villag�,'.*Orkod for a.timo In.the tba';&Idai,6mpanY of Oth il. outline Frioe6. To Choose rem. ag. of refus6'an4' debris at the' Munici- 'furniture. factory -before" leaving, for 1jeed'Ister at�ri Ct A'' large 'gatber'i,n Clearly wbat ac Ion, -is - necessary,.. in lived near.,Set orthi. beforj� Young' s better tele hone ser-; i1s: Th6 i e. p r in charge of NZO groUil' he. Counalf -the *eat, at the age .' ineteen, -ItL ij.&t the requesitof the p4 d of f T' companiedr,by th #Ptchtr MC- Ito Con. 9, Alshfield, mwheri,shc ?&On e United,,Cbitreh,, W, that yi�e is Under present in thl' 'district. 'r pc Y PAINTING, PAPERHANGIXG�' 'Ferguson, Who will Cales�And her liustiiid r6tired to,lAicin Dr# *. Solafidt, coffies,'.to L-uckrlo*l 6onditions, teteph6ne' patrons have it fac�j 'Class of P 16r j iald C, opn�il Ok be, 0 Jan M do only, each Fraser,1ound,eMployinent.in A I n I d on on of where his occu'ried ie being bne' 4 the. two; pib m'inent AND GRAINING' e -to a' ev-0ted And "I iaid be" . in very. restricted fre6' ser�ide and'. the week, fr'oTh 9 am. to, 4 :p.m. for't�e, nipdg with th T. Eaton Co. And v#p� Mrs. Reed d faithful speakers � Who wil , e he re WhDner erviCe"L a a Low Cost ViL t tab t' .' hat� jnAructinj *hekd dump- c'jited WIjh'thj$ unily.tho R)"'Mbor-� of the tynijed' h ourse of tho'. n few :weeks. terid"Ibefte 8 purpose ok Church.' In t e ext 0 �qs . iishinig. a �YS eM ,W when lie httAinln j�' this 're hablo aje Mri. T.n securing iiiieso speakers; the -Class i. 11 offer a much wider area 'of Ing.can be'made t all ther times outbreak of the dreit WirL' in& gaf6 will. be. 'cl a 'ked end I wish (!'onildei. -"thOmselVLa fortunate W.11 b -n q , e r vfho' wil Camo i;�ed rid � loc ., .qnlistod and saw.'4e'raeas e tot Reed atfri ' and ntran,LL Mr;tO "WTI �ee, sery C and t�king in mueli .R�r JS e can Only: ty fbrc� years. '*bn 'hit, Mu C -be made her prolonged health, ihit,'her even- 7bere ill 'be,iko migsiow bi 'I Of ept community w lei 'MAIN ST.,' `L15CXN0W al 41+ ge ent Perm nipeg;, esight trouble,'foiced hini be full 'for thix'lietu're. the a1djac Ci an in with Mr. in'g Of, 11 46 may cont noe, to . I V can, on y now be' 0 Paying 6 'to T ple Class gut on. inI relinquish big, "dOclition.with the of happiness and c�miort. e, of WinghaL -toll charge. Bert' of IS L t" #V order .of the Village �C4unell. Eatb�� Firm, and. until his death Afri, iteed hit 164 $Ong" '"t class perating with" WinglIpm elf! ;1 11eCn m the: h b 'r 11) bominio# oYed Y th n this - �ccasio Ashfield, Ton 9 C 0 0 or or 6-- n, Saskittlio'Wan a�d Wfil it, , the is - ekpected - t. be here fifiY r r �t years 1� years ago here wo-Thomas 1tront and' w be a6cbnip, le Y fiL IVin, t I ieiir Ale, cho . fr., 0 On that b� the'� rfit,tjj�C,L e md,Evion 'And rs6h Ashileld. '"a ring is H ere a el, Godde C inOm h �Io6l gtjnj'� sinc6 06 I to Sp First Insertion,' 50' Y, parted e6mpony 'in the Sin orjbilgary. "pichestr, also, exfIect�(� q Test, he. and Potchef McCharleg Immediate ,jol sit assfat'in'the pi6gr&M� Sqbs�406nt, InOettionso CHILDREN'S n Sunday� t! n' ettint is undtziomfft� 6 priAeg4d, to' to' Ow their early the. 1imirly '$atheri* k This me 'Spring and, :Summer LojM ar , *1 L, � 'in r e lriendsbiji� Sadly.' �onough extend c6ligratulio4ps wtre- Rz &tI6h*V.And1 extended WES. RMTONS NOV CEr OP 1914Y DAN 0 1 ' '' ti$ hXVe Skqat'ihd Jackl6i .,*rx. Jhn to�- men of the entlrO'L dxstrk�*t tit- COATS, & SUITS of h r wht 'and �vlll futnis now paO94 the prime, of, anit'Mri �a '-Ot, Sea- Und giyeg these. hums- of 'b 0 Jack' Carr B fumusic for, a noelty 'dinee 'In the I'f Lucknow- 'Well. Spent 'Afteft6dn�, eat' In nt to Te' Age I 01 foiitb,�, !1irn. Wftjj �1�oo; a en 'the b f idii6litionsl Town ]!all, �iida,'Apkil 0 spon- 6dy i6t,being bibiigbt� to L, �fr, anii Mrs'r 1Acob1,Re6d,',Annsi And and much o nrsOrd Med 'Prompity .P sh. u dzillft' 'Sorpd r by ge, Go the young noAlvl' of D Thu &O A 26' villa hrdral'adhi ssioo,,2 c, Vlff4ay, 'The funbiill #of- fth ndf I from 'tta t 'd 4 Mrs. 366 e r e. �`modwglrs to kn'tl Are hir - I Y It DANCE home, n' Saturday aftern6on, with, Jack &M b6tiald.of Duginh6h, bby notified, tbit ER SWEATER P E RIK A X ET Ana gumm .9. Dort t4id *and main street )h6l tordotts, Canadian' Cbwboyd, internieni-In: lb th� New Pookg 6. mu0 -a All 'd6 ekly'- .-Mr. Vildolfti aa An 'And, Pojftald,� in'ttrAettioft e, This, with, Latest st, WAVIX0. Wh eav4,.tvn ilmoir� 6'hut�cbi an -It' r 'A, 'T J I's, the a6dond, -50 'i�adly 41 -06r on atj 'to con nue isre a I g, a a fAi�j T dors000 01 voi Harvey apri'Man eer becoming a men B OF $t, 7 7- I------- -- - -----