HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-04-12, Page 8o.1111111100 M I1v$+'l'LE� 2. FOR• r r . r ...,�'.e� •l.. .., , s s.f .•r i t .+. T rR , R.,wmi'r 1P7.ESAijC1S,.i AOR' , .:, • , : , -22 , ED .P�`IMl'SIN>,' 2 P41i * � OWE' Q'UAItITX CORN and TOMATOES, 2 • I! AR, '1144B, SOhA ' 11ISCUITS ., , ,,.. ,`. , . : , . , :PKU:. S094. , 'BISCUfTS & `....K -G. C CHEESE.. 4 2 � lz. � _ ., CLA S TOMATO 0. P 3 ►. SOVs. • LIRBY'S PORK BLAHS 2`''41f . x r o . :. 5c _ ; ! UE.14ift M/v_�+, 3'�'iA�.�1►�i,r , ,:!.'R .s,:,': ,. ;-, t•.,..:, '25c , :�•F ,..;Qy !/U..V�I � ;CiA+�l►�lf.•, .,,..., , t. ,.'.. T �:!:, b::!•`• ��c. L+ �•' Iii 1Q5c. ,., ..,.,.. Qs1P,. .:BARS,,•« ..,..,:, ,..,,, .':.,,. , ,,.:.;. 3 GR,l1PE FRUIT 5 :FOR .:, . . , , , ..: ::., . . , , : 25c 1AL 4R9 1a, L S C 1 EXTRA.. •.. .C$QCOLATE PUFF}s and BRWGE CREAMS,' LB. ,,. ,15e: • unite YOU _tow 000 over our "hue 'o :FORDS for 'SPRING 1n ostr eatie. op�8e, think; they are knockouts and- priced,' suit every , purse. tar 'range includes several new RICHMOND Lines„ priced at snappy linesat. er,.� $4.95,3.95: 2:9 e can; save you money on, Work Shoes. ;Seem Priced at 2.25, $2.50 ,believing, DIES'' 11.1T: DETROIT ' ., t • ` Dr. Frank' Hackett of Detroit,'son on of Dr. and .Mrs Will Hackett of that city and nephew of;, James R. Hack- ett of 'Asti ield, passed away on Tues dap. He. was ;about,,'thirty-five years of ' age.- • His ;illness became'. critical t!aore' than "a month ' ago, ' w hen ,. his' death was looked for at the: time; Since 'then •he had put up a: remark :able 'Sght against las 'illness, `which vvaa caused by high 'hloed ;pressure; kidney; trouble and' "resultant compli- catioris; ;Word Which was'received recently was•:'to'the ,,ef ect;'thaat the .• end'co id not` be: far•distant ,,aiid was n followed shortly by:, the sad word • ef:;hisl untimely, death, which'•leaves bereaved his , parents and ' young evife . SALE • ONE CENTS Thursday; Ptiday and : Saturday at McK•IM'S DRt1G:, STORE.- en' TOREr. en:, ora -SWEATER TIME BUT' ITS NO PROBLEM 'WHEN ' YOU HAVE • THE "BOYS'; 'AND MEN'S WEAR STORK TO' VISIT ' GOLF',IIOSE aitd SWEATERS 'ARE MADE FOR WEAR AND TEAR (3F" BOYS' SPORTS 'ANti 'GAMES. AMES. OUTFI 10t It BOYS ' FOit SMARTNESS AN1. • D'IfiRAf3ILITY wed1 �� I K ,ixtit NOW ' ONTARIO. • ,Card e of Thanks The brother,s, and d sisters of the late Sarah Cameron, -desire to' ex- press, their sincere thanks to friend' and neighbors for;'their kindness and expressions' of sympathy during their recent bereavement. . Smith, ,Family I eft On Tuesday 'Departing : Cordite ''1'resen d $y Clti • zees Of Lizcknorr ::and. Vicinityo • y 'and r - Mr• and' Mrs. 'R. E. S'in' mDo a n ld. and' ' Arthur ' •bade ' farewell tothe villFgeon,24'.1', aesdny •nd.:, set lout late that .afternoon •;fpr their new:':home t in :Prescott, a' move{ necessitated by :: Smith's appointment to the Bank. o <, U ntrea1 s taff `.there: •Prominent in the ' . bu i b u sin ess -and ,social life of the village for the •past. seven years,: it was:<withr'•genuine ,regret that this 'transfer took , place. An 'expression of the. respect :of eitit' zens ' of 'the village and 'ydistriet' wa's evidenced in. -an , informal, presents- tion ,to: the Smiths, ' shortly "'•before` their.. departure; when a. !�, oup , of citiiens,gathered in. the .,Office . of 1VIr: G. H Smith, to where• they, •sum moned Mr: and ,Mrs.,(Smith, and pre seated . thein, with 'a fear=hundred •day, clock-and a purae,'of -money. The. following address' was read`, Tb T: n., J.•''G. Anderson, to which w,ar afii'aded a ' long, ° list of.. names' '' of - those who, had contributed . toward the eaopression . of esteem and,' best Wishes Dear Friends -4e-r-the` undersigned `,:,citizens of Lucknow and vicinity -'dee l .re regret; Vicinity,' deeply g that ' you are ,about, to. removye ' to another oche r field of activity. If we had any 'say` in: the'. matters .we would have kept you here indefinitely, ' hut' unfortunately; our Ways' are not the Bank's- ways;• and we ,must ,bow do the will of the powers that he. During 'your:, stay amongst 'us you have made a host of •friends; both in connection ' with your duties in the bank and .also in connection 'with, the social life of the village. ,We shall' not soon' forget; your unfailing tour,,' esy and 'gentlemanly- ,manner r whish has added 'so greatly to the pleasure 4f our • 1 usiness and social,, relation- t ship. .• ' In appreciation on 'of the • ,17py�, lationships that'have existed•.between tis and ort the eveof, :your 'departure fromOur midst ".,ive._ask',yeti to acj cepa .these 'small tokens: as' express. ins 'in a.' 'Slight • degree, o'ur. feelings at this time. r M• ` s . - . and MOS. Smith each eitlirrssed: their 'sincere thanks and regrets , in ieavin behind 'many ,,friends, whom they had, made 'Lue now, }which they had' come to consider r'ho me and Where they had seen trerr two boy s grow, froth ehildreno .'the : thresh hehl tit rltathii . d od. Vi ibl -affected,' a. X„. s Y t d, fidisanrtl • x'chaitge' of farewells and solid' tvishc followed „a id.'the' Smith's were soon` oti their way ;,' d Ten "Q} sunday •$ra, ,Pia geed "Will. Observe 9 h' i Qt $, , rthday 'OWx Sunday -Her Niece Dedicatee,- Appropriate Poem Ori Sunday, ,, April •`15tand Mrs.; Raul heed'' n esteemed. a ,• si a d aged. resident dent Of Lucknow,, will observe her 90th birthday lr; deed; epirtriues ' io- inarkahly active :and mentally. a1ort and' in her 'Honour :ter, niece 'in Shelr ton,: Washington, pens the following peen' which, she' dedicates , to •her beloved ' aunt' :ands "which reaches ,us. through Mrs.: Tainea' Sproat. of R.' 3 Sea forth, who : is ' a sister , of Mrs.. Reed: -- There; is a lady in our town,. `}Rebecca" .is her name, She comes" of good • old Irish stock, For: that=she's . not::to blame! A little' •lady;;every inch, • With smile "of 'kindly:mirtt;`; Her. life's .a lesson to. us all , Of pluck and h9nest worth. ` In -Huron_. County she was, reared She neverwished .to stra+l_ 41. Huronite, ahs 'pioneered, we jinn or_her this, day, 'Twas ,many,' many years ago, A young -arid happy bride She helped. to:: build a Cozy'lnonte, Her loved; onea by her.side. Thatf- ohundornsw ' 'as one where neighbors A welcome, warm and gay, ,And always.._niusic,..aife andjun,' To cheer them; on their way, But that was in the ., long ago, And many' friends have. gone, tut still Durr little lady , smiles, And.:bravely carries:on. Each Sabbath finds'her at her chureh, Her faith 'tis Balm, :sincere, • Her ' friends , "'neigiubors `wait around To chat, •from far and near. 'Tis• whispered: -she ii •,fourscore tens, The likes we've 'never heard, She is so very young and ;smart, 1' So ':don't believe a . wor ! 'We've, e. n wn and l her' e Many Y • years, '1 rorn' happy 'days • of yore, Yiay heaven :fie kind to her ',an hers AndAlessher,,_ evermore! • L, 0: L. DANCE "The, Sepoy Trio" wi11 again furn- sh, ruutic for'. the L. O. L. ;dance-<ir; the Orange''`Hall, •Thursday, .April 19th. Lunch served.Gents'25c '•Ladies 10c.' Don't `miss these dances? !'BELFAST, GENTLEIIjAN •`PASSE 9TBIRTHDAY S 4 II On Thursday, April 5, Mr. 'Ralph Nrirmi -vem able ander-aged- si- dent -of the 'B'fast communit mark - ,ed Y. .ed his ;94th', birthday. Mr.'. Nixon• has Y et o rem a arks I b e record" in h vin e•, g lived onhis farm for: upwards ,to ,83 years, being beloved ,and esteemed by those with w hm he , came in con- tact. Mrs. Emerson and firs.:Whitley two daughters, of Mr, Nixon spent' the day „with `their ,.father,. when ie observed this 'Fmemorable event' Dr. Calder Dies • Dr 'Calder, a • prominent •, lady doctor-- and-ph'y-sician---of Winghamr passed away on,Tuesday following lingering illness. Dalmage.. Connell Wi11 Show No Leniency' Tc those WhoPersist,' P tars t In Letting Poultry Run. -.At a` special, ineetin of the viI- -'age----Council Win--Saturday-afternoon- the claim of Victor Whitley was or-• 'tiered, filed. The -advice. of a solicitor had o” s uglit on.•this matter and his :opinion was 'that the village Was not "liable for the damage for, which, recomrpense , was being.. asked claim presented ' .'at the regular' meeting : of 'council on Tuesday of last , week, 'He soughtdamages' of $50.• done,to his, house during, .the spring thw, , and, 415' damage • done to a rug, the"property' of the tenant Of his house,,, Mrs. Robert Webster, The claim was'' investigated the next, day, and 4, •lawyer's advice -received with the. result the' claim was',ordered filed,=,when,,.,dealt with by the Board at this special session.: • h' • Poultry Must Be Confined, At 'this' session, also,' a complaint. was made through ,a member of `the Board, regarding poultry, .running at arge, and. ,causing a - iisanc'e in . the neighborhood. This condition. Is 'hired alfrnost arinually`and `Council :decided Oral • this, "year, 'Constablee' -1Vieore sliould be given power' to act, on eeipt of caniplaintg: in` this •connec- ,tion. A notice to this effect appears elsewhere, inatrueting parries' who a o re, bothered) eyed. by ptStiltry ,ruining . at' In:rge, -te lay ',their ,complaint with Constable! Moore, ivho has'•iteen' int structed: to take, the necessary"'Steps to • enforce 'the ..°conf�inin � g• o -such f polIlty." ...:t oca 0 e.ldrs ,.RQbt, a and, Margit uisited la0t�• 'week: with; trion Stratford.• ' 'Mr, and, Mrs. Garold;' Alun. Nr►d children spent Fasterweek- with rel- at0ea in Detroit ' A display and's* a of Ladies' Drea- se$, Coats 'and , Suite, Friday P*'il r 'A 13th. -41t ;EM,PL T N'S>-. AB ain i r. , ars s in Hos � Y , and Gloves. for ;'every neni!ber . Of the, family.== TiI,E I44RKSTORE.,: :Durin . ;.EasteET a .. e s. T•, Tucker attended a -ministerial• retreat dt Ontario Ladies' 'College, Whitby: Mrss.M Ro os „R,el `ad three ehildxen Of Grand Rapids are, visiting with >the former's sister, Mrs. Matthew ;Byron' Louise and ,•Grace.Campbell ''of Lanes, spent last week ::,With their grandfather, Johnston Roulston, near Ripley:, •' ,.• Miss Gladys Tucker Jing returned home: after a two -'week& visit with friends in Crunilik. Dorcheater:_, and. Toronto, FGRMALDE13YDE for the pre sc ,` snsiat aai . " ii G �3" � eta=sroeic just in. 20e .a` pound'„ at • 'McK1M'S DRUG STORE. Miss Bessie Jean Cheanut,•'Reg,,N.• of-Rhester, N Y:� rie' me.• Iasi •weekoc' on account the serihoous ill; Hess of• her' mother Mr Roy Lightfoot, now ,of the Bank of Commerce staff in Niagara Falls, 'is' holidaying at the 'home : of Drs 'and Mrs.:eddes > Mrs A.: E. ,Traplin who underwent art operation in 'London' 1recently, •has so 'fay ' recovered .to 'be , able " to', re- turn hom•e on'Sunday. `' Mr anih. Mrs.' Frank ;'Tyler• and: daughter ' -'of Listowel,••were visitors' Last week with Mrs• ' Tyler's sisters; Misses Maud' and Dorothy .'Cook.,, The . Y.P.S. of the • United Church will r take charge the .: Sunday "ev- ening .service] ,of April 15th• Friends interested -in.., young ' people's :work Willi enjoy • this, Mrs R. E. Smith f was the guest of .honor at numerous ;bridge': parties held last week,.'prior to her departure and -',was ' the 'recipient of attractive reMembrances from her friends.- Mr. • Aiex 'Sutherland, whofor many,weeks- has been ' a patient at; Victoria- ' Hospital, London; ;w a s'. brought home last.week and is much: improved'; in health, it is reported.. The infant. of` Mir.and Mrs. Eddie _Joltnstsm.-..�(nee_�/innifr�d `�ebster is` ill' at the . home of the latter's ae s' p r nt Mr, and Mrs::; James Web-; st'er ' with the dual mala d "of ' neu= y P i Monhop anw b ad :c in .Cough. h. oP g. The"April Meeting •of the Women's institute will be.:held' at the :horse Of Mrs. 'Ira Campbell ':on 'Friday, Aprllr: 13th; 'at ,2.29 o'clock, featured: by'an 'auction sale of articles donat- .pd ,by tbe'merabers.' Visitors welcome Wednesday morning •, saw, the •ground' covered with 'Tsnow; _ with the i.. entire landscape undergoing a magic txransforniationwith; ,`Tne'Beautiful'' clinging to trees' and wires'', everything - upon., which it: fell. : Dr W. `V. Johnston . was appointed mittee of .the Alps Golf ' and Country Club: at their -annual Meeting .last week in Wingham: This Culross: -club comprises members from' ' Lucknow, *Ingham and Teeswater.(• Albert L.. -$runner -of ,Ruthven..was elected president of the Rural, -Trus- tees' , section Of . the , 0..E. A, at, the con ventron:''n Toronto,. last week succeeding Mrs. :Robert Davidson of ,Dunganno i,' who had the distinction of being the first -woman 'to, hold this , Mr. W. ). Floyd of London, who re - nieces. Mr. R, E. Smith 'on thea Bank If 'Montreal" stall'', "accompanied .by his wifeand twio "sons, arrived here, this 'week to take over his, duties;' ,We understand -this family will, oc- "-u'PY the house vacated :by,Mr. -rarid Mrs. 'Smith. Cyril 'Campbell': had the misfortune to,' loose a 'three-year-old.'h'orse 'last week. Mil' Campbell was working in the li ash ,, ,s k riding wood. at ,thetime,, assisted by neighbors,', 'lien the:, ,young' horse appeared to he ill, and Within, a very rev+► moments Was dead: With "horses Much in . demand at present, their (value has increased and the toss .to • .Mr.'CampP bell;:' will be considerable, Underwent Operation . 14ia& 'Phyllis ` MacDonald• • udder• went an , operation , In Woodstock General o G ial H it sp aI on Thursday rot+ the removal " of her apl endiar :,'and gall bladder; which 'vas : successfully ne'rforn'iedy • and 'since' then'the` pa ient t,, been -F -es: weir •as• can' -be. expected :following- suchf-aLL-eeriotfaL operat#ori. 4 ' as Vfiyy API* .yyq �iw' • Aq,� IID�Ait,, ' AP One a a1 ; OPI: NEV OUTSTANDING SPIONGt' u .oatsi resses Nwif fS BAND P CKEi CO ,.f0 i RItIVING F R O<M r'4 ONTO FO$.T$E CffsT "L,'O,AT 4$1) IS SOLD .TO. YOU „, ..ry • I ' OURRACKS -_--NOTMYN�UT-TBEIE�IS�IN- -TEIS_AL._Be ourcore .� .:�. ..,. N °FWedn a Onl Q 9. -NW SPRINGTIME H RING Ii1'IE,: DRESSES 'COATS FAR SP14G, 1934' 7. ... . NEW' SPRING SUITS ,'.:,• QQ V: r�I 1 , 2.95. up .95. ,,,$8 up,.•: 9 u A. **bat will be. is atendauce''to` assist YfiiR *with your-;. ssle1,•.140, . SttJOJ' REMEMBER THE DATE, - WEDNESDAY, APRIL' 18. •. 1 eto, Impiements and Se McCORMICK-DEERING •= Plows; 'Harrows, Drills and Spreaders, J.' FLEURY Bc, SONS-- NO. 13, 21, '.dt 77 'Walking ' Plough. and Sulky Ploughs: T. E. ;BISSELL . CO - Disc iHarrow0 ' and' Land Bailers GOOLD,. SHAPLEEY & ' UIIt.. CO - . M ' Double Geared `' Self-Oilin!I Windmills. FROST, STEEL, & WIRECO...;-', ^ �. >-;'Zinc Bonded Fcmeing, Coiled and Barbed Wire and Gates. • TIMOTHY and CLOVER SEED•— ' No; I.; Alfalfa, `: Alsike `Mammoth,' Rejd, White and Yellow ►Sweet Clovers or _ Sale ate - S Values u es saextraordinary . _ � :�..::that we can onl affor d t 0 ......offer them : for F,. ar Q�iB � • QURI While theylast!.ThurSda ;1 Q... `' 11a ET `,- 'p. :� ��T Bit , n SBA Y FLA Take these .pleasant, 'debitterized yeast: flakes es for 'that. run- ' down wn ,c ondition, `civ - new� �' ee pep and vigor. Reg. 75c--6 oz. Tsa REGULAR L 1 TINS OR F , s.5 ONLY ONE SALE' TO , A CUSTOO ER they last. ;!r Ida 0 t0: 1.1 a.m.. got. ;of so A. S.' A. TABLETS For relief of headache, . neuralgia and in : They ey work quickly • and do' not 'depress theheart e- ',.,. . r% ' Reg. ape ech, -�, REGULAR c7 T x,1.17• BQ TLES � ��^C ,� 4/1GCiE . .ONLY ONE STALE TO -A CUSTOMER. W;: ilethe:yaast-t'Satir-4y: 2- o- 3 $1.00 Box JASMINE'FACE POWDER In ;tle' Beautiful: Chromium Plated `Boal �+ 50e far JASMINE ' COLD CREAM and a 5Oc ,Jar JASMINE,; VANISHING CREAM AM—THREE -IOU967-REGULAR $2.00 • 'kA1.Ui: ONLY •ONE SALE TO A CUSTOMER •. NO PHONE .ORDERS `FOR HOURLYPE S CIAI,S • TH E, REXALh 'STORE LUCKNOW, , J 'PHONE 32 SaleTHUR$ FBI' ., . and SAT. • ONTARIO PI EK • Miss "MacDonald was a recent grad. uat' of Woodstock Respital where" since .her graduation 'she- has been engaged as a meniber of the staff* of *bat hospital. , Takes Over ,Car• Agency Mr, Trimble Bailey.°of Cargill ,has severed his connection. with; ;Silver- wood's• Dairies .•:Ltd.,...and - has taken: overn ' General Motors ear sgone . , m . 'Bank as •a 'the bet. ,o f . the ' of .Montreal staffo wsisr well-known here,' where' he later•Jiecamo.. ".mein - her of the : of ce staff • at Silerwood's local plan . Fr�� here lit ',.went to Cargill, .where 'With now he contir}ued in Silverwoods employ. Mt*: Ballet'. �vad,• formerly Mlds-.Frances llmont-T iiiiblt'iI frst;cMr deals l'ae the selling of ant, Oldsmobile to J. C.: MeNab, Jack. -trading ' ` ng in his -Cher. in they transaction;: • ' ROADS HOLD'. U With frost ,, I? . WELI, during the Severe winter penetrating far , into.. ground roa tgo ads 'were expected ' to 'ygo to pieces'; when the frost ,e To date, how ae 'out, x every road's • a're - in :i surprisingly: good condition With the, ' four main highways leading into; tha�villa a beingin excetlent: shape ,to permit ,speedy travel. ,. ' Sidetoads are also, holdiiig u 'well -i P With i:- imun't" • of da'ttta .a nt n .g'e and in iio case are' 1 Dads ' lenblocked' or Motorists . rix r sing guy p artieu� • 2m • .: p. tar • , trpublct .., . fn traversing 'therm: