HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-04-12, Page 2• 40..444. •'" • .80ring-eel ,hi .Viineouver • ,. , , Iteienis. te. Use thit': very ApPra, , , , riate lorlijoct to editorial comment •0004- Seell a '1410t10,11if ,oethla rO0r11-, Olg ia Ont current and 1oa.v./.010.491% :Sntlett, is here,. a menth. or. mOre • head- of itenernial: eellt011.1410-,,Weep- lug ,leat'tka " blossom 01 the: Atpaneee phut' ' Is, out4.,tlik dew Is Oh, 0641, OW gralhO per Vancouver ,gerdene, Spring, is :here, heautifel aseve and*-more:,weir ' Om° that sb9isan eeri3i*eie,,1 i. 1.4d. daps,' are, nnd lianignant,'* gth,111Ok !int to :opalescent sunsets that aeeM ioteeelt: the ancient Coven ant' willx.rti,eauty Of :earth and shi end attee--YalleOnver rrovineie '• Newspaper Wiles Communications -made- AO. ' tented by a newnPaper In eon:edema wfl1„alwaye be 'respected; proveeithil ''`wild horses” being 'insufficient to • .. :drag the 'lathes of those. „making iem from .newspapermen. '.:47Atittele 4.401.R*Or.ta;I:e011i7 -adaiveiabla• ',Witat;it,prilits,and is aliVitWviille ng to accept respon.IblUty but we .',.0,14611.07.17,111t:P: iucceed In1140' lug -a-univeliaper man to betray ,the cods ; :of' ethic*.ot hia prefe.ssIon.;-: 'Quebee.: Clitontele-TelegraPIL ' , Back to the 'Perin , , , . It 13 good to note that in highly .1iiilitetr1a1iged Ontario :the Cites are „ -; loans' Snake, o'f' their population- . -Oirldnal'ttitt-bsick-te-the-land:Tble is an eiCellent .inovenierit „which:. it would pay Pay '`Glevertimenta to .foster 13 the Most- practical manner.-Ylcterin "Times. : A. Tribute . • . „. .Beeinisleefl.WhatIt has :been, what, • 7..iae:410:4:::::$04.'it,','PreMitiiiii • The,`:-.6ilolifes.,nlietietinliiii*firearY IS, ,.0,11 '1704 13 Caneflittn,',1ottralitsnL ThrongbAliese' ninety'. years; it has been steadfast for .00 441.*:.02 iti ' great fitUnder, "loyal In the belt ttae -;.of -levies's; ::untianiinelled presife,''V'itierenis for. 'patties' ,that,i have dvanced Canada..pot..theteite0eiii qbeeilenej.:-`The,:.'"Olebels.;..treditiOnO' and 4it,i'S'tliiiigi,,,;Prediants to n., free' tinge .litiff.,)i:liee7:Orikii;:the'46nrnit4.: •''''f:•:.,ark. 02forty-nine years, Is proud to *lit long continue to fionrish . with ,the.';Yestre!.hrinithig.lt, OW and even greeter", •-opportunitiea tor tiehlevee .:,4imentS.O.t.tawa Journal.. , , • ,„. Dress Up retid.:„-Dettbin Five :,years the biggeit Whole - bale har iss ,tlealere, Saskatoon Sold., just, $000. weteli of. harness 13 ' !Whole, iear Lant aring, the same seeltifitintsoldl30.000 , Worth of 'flier- litTene-,Of the lietideliitek to Lgroaperity.,,, Droste My Dobbin and: vet,* blanket - !Rime „of , thttse, ,,tency, povier„.mitchineef:" •' keredity.' . •Anion,g:hamen ..beleee the proverb*, Las ItIthat fitolif Will not learn in Any school 'hate that :of . experience sootihin4 .s00410, •• .tegentlY, i1. is cOetendedthat child; ;Eren. beitelit tile training: :Which `their,' Parente and gean0p,arente, had throtegle the ilhird and fourth-geetee .4,eotie.-Thereiti.lieliriet *report. of ...the' • ;*eSultei Of the examinationof MOD •:IrePreieittritile , gifted 'Children, -With •::the Senimarizing Statement-. by the , peyoliologist,''FrOfesisor' Ternian,'..that! , . lehildren. 'et". so Many sIlperIorttieL �u d 'not have ';'acquired theni all litough-eireffOniiient-inflitence alone ot Only are theffe,ehildien' theinset: eesinterior, :but -.their ;heredity- Is ."demonstrably '• superior.' -.(Prom • Mie RepOrter). • ' ', Decision A 12111 can't spend all his time mak-. Ing 'up .his Mind 'what to do. Life is - , abort and the time a man takes to ' make up his mind whet to do is filth - erected :from the -time helms to do it In. Itls to sign of great intelligence •„eo, be forever hesitating and swing, lug from one feet to the other with. • Out taking a Al;fip forward. Sometime, /and the sooner the better, • a man iteeds to start for one goal, ,needs to ave one perPose big enough to make eitey to let 'go all the rest. -From Ithe Halifax Chro,nicle. • '•., . „ It :Can Be Dene • ..— Iteihictiph in the, accident toll can he effected' if. the moterfsts, reallx •int their respOnelhilltY, eiefejee, 'eV, iOry .feassible 'precaution to safeguard • eheir lives ane the lives of their fel•' eitV-travellers: op the 'highweys, , This •pee can da'by stricti observing the 'egulationa enacted Tor their safety, refraining from speeding and by iv hig :thought end' Care to their., die. einterally.--.,From the, Giteieli • 'Mercury.• - But They,1.1 .r'fry With, streainfinedleegines,. as welt ao. ceiieheeyeen: t3te railieede, ttticket kiod. au,teiniebIlek-Will;:have a harder. •itl`me than deer tryleg' to Stop :trains: 1 at :eriffellegilee-FroM the St,: Thetette ;Tilt deletireal. • ;,1,ButedaY 1.,,etne Pena Muslo *or ;Mini: time; the Wiatithete, Ition7'Deehestre-411e'VerY teeetene lthet-hate.' been gleing Sunday gint: cert!, which :have no detibt been rauCh appreciated" by Waite who Joie glicid music. Bet the Atteregy.Oenerel ot Mattitehlt, kas Peahlhited anYIedra on the ground' that ;it le a.. violation, ot the Lortre Day At to tn. eluiree rot*, Obviously the cenicerte could not be given 'far nothing. Solltat: pUta the ;id On-that,-.-Irrom, the ,Ptrntferd:Beacon,Herald. •:„ - 'Regulating, pellets.: Doge . Blyth'•haff joined other .plagee In •potting:it heavier tat ,on pollce dogs, thefee: there ,new Iteieg-;1000. Other Saaas We 'hey° notteed It hs been, 'Put at liigh ea Ube The idea is to discOurage -people:: from, keeping or ...breeding_these dogs.e7Stratf6r,d_411.0ite. ten4ierald, Man's, Dead14 enemy. •, • moistdiseases • mOdern' 'medical .eirenci hate goligeerea; SMillpet . Ore”: "Cee'S.Weit over. theenatiens,roday it, 'at 'Ore lsease & few decade Wei tuberoulOste Was • celled' the ' White , , , , _ , hAen'itPligneil The death rate in re -7 -flatrelietenieffiflidddirde-Olintififr TePhoid nittrcliiihtheria, are., nh er the • dread diaealies- of, formerly: Bult: gio.'deat4i-tate from cancer keeps: .inersasing. ''.11oday' :next 'to litatrt disease 'in Ontar1� It. ittands higheiff Itt niortaiity. :It is estimated' that at least one. in every ten eerienis in Ontario: dies cancer.-Lek. den Free Preis; • , - ; • :Keeping It Dark • , , • , • Someone has said. that doing bugle , . noes- without' -advertising- is -like win- king.at i-alrl„in the dark: You Know, 'Yon are depg,it, but no one elite dome • Cenviesational ' State• . A min Mai'• be a finie,in itushiees; 'in :finance: Or in0tintry, but it is: very , rarely that he -cannot' participate, la a discussion as. 't0, whether" his part- ner' bit his' hand 'proPerly, ok.,Whether, should . or ' should not "have taken ii:"certain ,:finesse. In feet, •can .think of ..notliing',so productiTee: of var. ied-.and' Animated conversation as a gime or bridge. -Toronto ..Telegram. The-Empire- WNW" Start ef-1,)4--atie ..13, aciheneblenteher Brown ,olt-HourffOn Tates wed this heat. , na'on,t;he twenty;third. The prices :of food: and fuel are Mill controlled by .the GovernOvin-CinteelLt- .COmneseee lel ,tteV16,0i. f • ' •:Arms Smtigellng in India -,,,,A-newepaper--in-Bengiff-whieh-faithe' 'fully `: records.' facto :e441PrefictrTsa. a careful library' of 'cuttings• Will no* adays, 'die:cover that one of 'the fat- te8t files- in Re library concern, .the seizure by police be -Mile PrOrtme of • hidden f,stereit Ot amine, amnintittion, and .StpllOeiVes; , the amifffeliaer Of anis and Ammunition* triale -in'Oen- nection-With-these 'Offences, sunk in 'genera), the .eeaneless Warfare 'Of the police; aided by 'the Customs; against • the: forces Of .the nideriverld.,`Inthis fact the justffIcation, and 'id:plena- Om of the nit*. Bengal Smuggling of Arnis Bill which 'the 'Government of -Bengal, are introducing. in the Legis- lative Colleen at its , when •least,sitspected. occasions and '-Letieon',•Goisse"Pink" Revotetien in 'London. : PraPah#' yo q 04:net...notice It -but is was ,nee thirerelite.-'.',After twenty...n*3*On years: Ae--comierva,ti*ee 'lose .-co#tft#,*‘ttie The, -CILPitel Is inthe:henee 02 the Saeltdisileaden tal;:etif It OitO,'011nly.'go•barbee' Wire is ell 'le the streets. There.' are no' machine gime le the basements of ,Karl. Matt Houses. :.S9e.in -Siediar municIpal electiondrove :out iltenninarehy. ,In • Ametiett bombs biirst in -the pelting booths. .Iiondon -we 'say !4Tlint'e that."4-,London. Sunday, 'Express. •, ,'Leopold - Long; liye Leopold III of BelbiuM. May he be as manly a king, and as kindly a man as his father Was. Ile ascends the throne at a .criticarmo. went in Europe's. history, -with neigh. boring' republics in turmoil 'and re- maining kingdoms torn, by strife. His country, like ours, stands firm &peace fut island in an angry flood. Loyalty to the throne in Relent°, as in, Bri- tain, is If personal thing: Albert held his people's affection because he 'de- eereed and Won it. His -qualities and hie 'example, -more needed now than eVer, are Leopold's inheritance. -Lon, • don Sunday: Chronicle. Playing Fields -----To---wagt3--war is not natural anY- more 'than playing football. But' foot- ball isa reasonable Means of emploY- ing, ones fighting instincts; -anti kilt. ing one's fellow men is not.-Man- cheeter Guardian. •• • -An -Affectation It gives some sort, Of morbid pride to confess that the English are not. musical and cannot paint pic.ures, though srts of that endure were WI very weil for the charming but rath- er, childish •Centinental but must be forgone by grown-up, busy men such as themselves. It is an innocent at, fection, -The English have painted better sporting:pictures ,than anyone else,'. and hold their ,own very ade- quately indeed in .Painting country scenes. About MUS.i, there' may be doubt as to the quality ef It, but no one sings with more zest than the Eneffshuitie.• The village hall 'may' dis- play a notice. "Singing- and Dancing not Allowed," but singing, at least, there will be, There la never a dinner ore party witheut a eong.--The Spec- ' • 3ehious Leities, • . Tvienty-eight filches ef' 'rainfall -have. eeeii recorded for the month of January at the gauge, in ,the Botanic Gardens, and of this, 18.07 inches fell from larmary, 1 to on January 7, when 7.16 inehes fell between .8.16 p.m, and, 7.16 a.m.• The diSastrotts et. fects of ,this extraordinary rainfall has. altered the immediate ,Outloolt for.ntir thief agr,lcultural itidestries, and It is unlikely that: :later in the t YOr the ger1P1'41 buileese .and trade of the eoldny will escape the,repei, ceaslone, The .i-*.portritfrip of,rice,Was eitsperided between Jannery 13 and . 47, ifie ba 1)01g ai'st partialivlifet The Calcutta Statesman. ".kneei 'ehangteg a *ton& into, a, statue. •Minister, Pt.tiefiete..hy watched; the Werker fern. While. "I ,wlith,"' :laid the- miniiiter, "that 1 Conte deal such :tell- ing .bleWs uponittony 'hearts!" ' : ""Neyhe' you could,". •replied the stone -cutter; "If.yew worked more an Your kneea 048 AND 'VOICE , • The -news pages -are. the eyee of it piper. They ,chroniele whit it sees the World over. • The editorial' page it the paper's voice, It :tells what the paper thinks of whet itsees. It rimy be'fairly ,eald7that the newel columns aerie particularly per knowledge and the editorial 'page our intelligence. - Christian Science Monitor. • It is with jealOusy as with the geld. When 'ouch• distempers , are in the blood„ there is never any security' against. their bieaking 'out, and, that often on the s g htes t ShortsfOr-S o s May Bring, ac -Brief-Skirt-StYte All-SUccesaftd• Styles Are 1n tei4Rellited Look for Abbreviated' Silhouette • New Yoek.7-The growing if not ful- • ly grain- vOgee ,fer shorts May have a _far-reaching effecteen:rwetnant;e-etyleft. :Mrs. Mice Perkins, Pitris faehein ,edi- ter . ofWomen's Weer Daily, who is here on a. Visit, told 7300 -membeta.ef the faehion'grouir at a luncheon meet. Ing heio. Expressingthe belief . that. all eucceiefulfashions are - inte0.fe Perins fetid that if Wallil011 are ping to wear shorts all morning long �n the beach, their eyes Will he - come accustomed to a shorter silhon eite, and they, will want fairly short skirtsfot the 'afternoon when ..r*heyI. play golf.• Mrs. • Perins: also pciletee .out that hiasniuch aC thevery high Waistline and the. ;'fitted bodies did not leek' -welt With "shorts, their ,"PoPtilailtyinfitY have a good -deal. Of infittence On -spells eletheicrienerelly, 'and this in' tarn May reflect itselfin` evening geWite If .ivoitten ae golng bach to looking like eltl1deen-eirtheAteach;-.--44do-not knave if they Will Cantinue to *Iali to look' like ,Eitiffele and romentig.iadiee In the.everiing,,e-e in :which: Case there teak be al)**ei.0427 stilts like thenavy taffeta ()nee iliet Ludilbe Paray,:'eliewed."' ,"Ossitp '11MatitilteZte IN MAO Aftlitia two-year citi#gbtee. •of an4lArti. Carl Heeney, West Oft; Oz - ford, Ont., ,and. theft :only. child:, plOt a tragic: death holt...Monday . 'evening 'When she fell head foremost -into a. barrel . Of beet- Mesh in her father's' stable. The child' had accompanied aecompanied the parents to the bite and tinoheeev- ect, had 'climbed, up son8 bag on :the. side of the barrel containing Losing her /balance, she toppled Ovet into the mitee head foremost and *as etifiacitted, The ehild.hed Only been inissed a feW, minutes- when the tee-, rifled Parente found her. in the barrel:- . . 45 AN .11.1110111141131NT Straw when used as bedding for live stock will absorb freer: two to three, times its weight of liquid, end:le-finely tut Will soak up about three as 'Much nn when anent. Further' 'the abiorptfie eapaeityotdry fittWall t and 'fine oha.vings . 1 front two tb tour times quit, of' Ordinery straw. ' . , BOCIWIEZANG When a, eft of sunshine 'hits •Sre After pasfing 'bf • a cloud; Wh�na ilt oelaughtee gift:" Ye, , And your your gpine is feeling prOud, Dint't forget to up' and fling it ' At a; soul thet'efeeling blue, , 'Pee the minute,,that yotj etiee it tt'ek boomorang t� you. - A‘smartiort xx 4110T • A Marble, :cutter wai. working or his ' • '1467,GOireininent;:ini-MOre-tinitren .str,illIong be reepeeted with - (int being truly respeetal31eMadisOn. What is the vvorthifif all these things,- • a day ' Spent in. a, little town -a night of rain, A .ecore of footprints stamped in Sus- •• A word gesture.-- ,burnt into the brain; cr• youth up -leaping. to a golden :Mood' •'Which 'crushes : many lives ,13 One hoUr;..• - • Softie iffy o'Ortakee overlong , piirstied ;A' kiss, a close emliriiee, a tear, a flower?' • ::' • Grave Judges , heitvy-flugered, these ' light things Of air how shall you weigh them?" In your scales , ' Ileap your sad Wealth against a little upt • Fallen . upon C rose frOra a 'mOth'it •, And watch your vaunted : • Wisdoni • tow .it falla•. ,Before delight which thrives' upon: tra crust! ' • Lady' MargaretSackville. • arvested C...nada'S,First Wheat 'rop of • 193 Season is Threshed:. Ottawa -Canada has iv,rvetited her first wheat et the 1934.season. Per- fectiy ripe with long straight Armes, • the national grain of the Dominion was cut and threshed in the cereal .411vision "building tit the Central Ex- perimental ,Farra. •, But it was no ordinary gral.n. Soln • •on , Oct. 16, in the Cereal greenhouse • sample plots, 'the *heat was 'treated with care. • Bathed (hong, the dig in sunlight Which' filteredthrough' the glass - windows . and Walls; it was the target, at night for artificial raYs:'Bet- teriers at ,highlieweredelectric lamps were switched on every day at sunset and blared evet`.the slender' green stalks .until Midnight, while °tibiae temperature's, togeit down/ to 40 de - :greets below zero. . ' '• Eyesight Causes Most Accidents Survey Reveals Fifty'Percento Due t6 Defective Vituctn. that 509ptjt4ertit.A' Ofeutile 'aE!dY- dtmaa8eliti°t%V.aworO !ic dee to detective oYett, as COMpared With 26 percent, • due to sPeed reckleseydriving,. and only , eight per. Cent leroad' conditione:' • ' 'Dithring an *auto With fietectiVe eyesight Was like ,,htt,ong.; Shield With the wiper �tit Of Order, 'A rodent test had ShoWn hat ten percent, elf motorists had ,, defective vision In one eye, and '26 _percent, 'in .the other. -Locomotive " drivers' were everypr6,(lichrtl'iticirilidewitiarwerOnit:11,0ye,araeheeas:free,'4.thilioed. eu. y et eariy. de .-feete might meanranch to them . 'in . . . after 'years. ' • • Toil of 21 Deaths Over Week -End Tor yo:tuong Mwaonis Killed man Near Welland ONE BOY' DROWNED Welland, April 1st. -One man was killed and a,• young woman was • injured when an automobile crashed into the ditch' near -here-today; Ar- -thur Henry Downs, 26; of 780 Logan 'Airenue, Toronto, was -killed instantly and Miss Iso`bel Kingston.„of , Port Colborne, suffered serioue• lifjnries. The accident occurred on the Wel- Colborne highway. The car,' driven by Downs, • apparently skidded ,,onc the highway,,,cro.shing to the ditch and striking a culvert. Passing • motorists discovered •the wrecked car. The man had been kill- ed instantly and the girl was seini- conscious when found. She was rush- ed to hespital at Welland• . Downs' neck was broken in- the crash, An inquest has beep orderd. Miss Kingston le a nurse in the of- fice of Dr. W. W. Moffat at Port Col- • Downs had been secretary' of the Socialist party of Toronto' for the past year, and WAS activein the labor, section of the C.,C.P. • • -• •. Oner Killed, One Injured • Colbourg,' April letH,Tarfies Mac- Donald, ..Colborne, was killed Sib. 'dutridvilYn g Fi7lef4etnthTerocealawshhoier11(4hittat:;" :north of:the:highway at',Salem. and Crashed down a steep bank into, a creek'. His companion, ,Patrick Cleat", was badly injured and le in a serlone condition' at ,his home' In Colborne. Dr;74.-'llfe0e113ol. anmquest aeclv:443.ourned `tt pending r , • • According to :F; Morrow, whO saw the car leave the ioad,it had slld- denly swerved .to the westwhile ap- proaching a bridge. ,Marich indicated: that. the *C-tit+toppled-doln„ WO -feet embankinent, rolling :to the bank Of a creek, swollen by recent floods, where It :Was, eeeried •out : In the stream until a bend. in .its •course awept the car up agelnst e tree,'.frorit wheels in .the .air.. • - Rescuers extracted: the two 'min,' crouched in the front: seat, jammed against the .broka` ,body of, the -cat. MacDonald - Was half tinder water, With hia ' neck broken. Cleary Was half drownetfand 'ene'onsciouts.` They were brought Ito •the. bank ef the stream and rushed to Dr.' Pember, whits (mind MacDonald Was , dead. Cleary, suffering.froin laceration s Of the skull,' Was taken tohis hams where he 13 In a Serious condition; '1 .• AfecDfineld who Will be .htitiod on Tuesday, is survived by two brothers,' Dr. Wililant,MacDonald ,and • Alex MacDonald, Det if and by his par- ents 111 Colborrte- ,•Boy Drowned In Creek Maxielle; Ont., April, 1 -Arthur Chenier, 14, was drowned in h small creek here early tonight: the lad, with a ornpanion was playing the ice When it gale way, the \current carryinglini through a euleert and Under the ice for some 'distance when his 'clothing delight in a 't6ie-e, span- I ning the' creek. Searcher's, Who had been called by Chenier's cOmpanion, ' cut threilgh the ,ice and recovered the bed. Creelliell 'SOW, „ 'Strathroy, 4,41, ,lee-Vineent gun , *Hap 14-Yeat•-fgfl on Of Mr. etld :Mr& Wi.1110* 0000 o Str4iiirey4 ,Stiffaritd-litsinftit JejueMethis' letter eon •,Wbeit he *se 'Struck, by a eet; driven 14,r. Alden . Pravino, 'Strit4PY' 'Head' Street n4NtiMber 24 ,` filffh• way, The boy was rettlening-frorn at tehdiele, Sunday sh�oL at S, JAW! Anglican- Church .and.:14 crossieg the 'etreet, be ran'in, the Path of the car, At ,the Strathroy . Hospital, exarnin- atton ohowed..thnt Guenens.is.-suffer In; from. • n fractured . right - •facial injeries. and ;heck! . • Firrn Announces • , Raisei Battro•-Oioek;•gic4,-4..k. Keflog "Preeideat: ef' ;the 1eUog cee3Pnnr', mentifactining 'cereals,annoenced, re. • •• Certtly tiareaeMilit etdoPtion.of the abr..' hour working day after three Tears operation, together- with what, -he de& cribod • as the. highest • wage Agate e paid to the :companY's ,einploYees, • gente, Is 'being lac -reified' to 67 ceete • 'he said., along • with a PropOrtienati • 'increatte in other baffle ratee, Bon . uees,,he Salk will Make it peeeibie fot Worker", to Andreae,' this' riOtr'tti: 11: -Agate • .Ptipit•e. • Intell• igence • • • • • • Windsor-hiseector John E. Bemire. • - of, ,' the : Walkerviffe, . Windsor ant • • Sandwichschtiolie. who belieVek "then -• ortehuedrees Of childrenin our i3Ordet ' Cities, edit:tots who: posits n high intelligence quotient than, teeehent;' : nrgee teachere to ovoid. pver-ereplias. en,,vocatiOnal'edecatten; , Mr. :Beitiou, An an addreas, ,befort :the Men, Teacherie, *adoration of Border Cities, 'mile he proferredntelt to:female' teachers because b� belleie!. that, generallY upeaking,, :men ,haVe `a. hroisAler, outlook:�n life, 'and' are keen • er observers cif a 'wider ,varlety, of Sub , jeetiethanWotnen . ... ,S-,11* I BrutalPersons M Dieu rdei Bloodstained Snit Sent :-tc • Cleaners May, Afford- Clue • 7—Desperate Fight • BreniertefiLWatih.,' April, 1.-A card .slealef%.iecused ' tt-bloed 'isntagin,tehd_e siulaityetro4e_pt staixikoprerfsia9r-cfis,In ieanthinee was questioned' today by police ovate • ransacked Frank Flieder home. • The dealer, deiCribect by anthoritlei as "Murphy,',',,was :taken into cuitodt after Isadore Leachbin,tremertos ;tailor. read,* the killings. ,Lasclatow said Murphy brought the suit to, hile iast /erlday-the day.ifter the. Slaugh tee Apparently, occurred--w1th the ex planation he had suffered a bemore 45-year-oleretired.Bremer -ten grOber,, viairgagged, 'shot ' througb,°. tile base of the Alien iied,..,beiten. al Most beYend.reeeteition; together witir his ;Wife,. 50; Eugene Chenevert, 38:' bialsignwitJordon,,-eeeeggyireCdna h.li9;;m r:E' M and Fred 'paisorn; -a liar,. tender. ' Sheriff D.' kinnkenshlp. said • thi ' killer apparently bound and gagged the Deesens and . then set abOue. ran. pecking ” the house in t1e belief the' Fliedere bed valuables concealed. Chenevett evidently -% Worked • lease,. -eeeee- himself .and ' startedto batt14 the murderer... •• "After- killing the *diger Went 'mad and. ''plaughtered the` house,", the sheriff .said. • One .of CheneVert'S blood-stralned. .hands clasped the leg of in Upturned stool as ,if he made One' last con• tultdve eifort40 get -to his feet. 'A. hammer and. a blackjack,',Used- in , the beatiege, were' near- the bodies:, A , butcher knife , and:carving .,;Itifife • also -used in the intirders wereInthE bedroone • , ', 'Drawere had been pulled out , lit 'all :111,11,otteliox.i.,ii,e_d_the„..conie7ia,sCatterenLci,n_,, T:7 The ,houee shcwed evidence - terrific struggle. tile:kitchen dishes .were overturned,bottles broken : and food scattered ,On .the fiber. ' • -* , His Inc9ine,.Tax • Is '$1;593,633.96 • CHICAGO -An unnamed Chicag.oar .• Is scheduled to pay,titeile0/110 tartlifi year of $1,5.93,633.96, . indicating ' made , from: 14,000000- Le 15,0,00.,000 in 1033; This 'man fyled an tricot -vie tax' ,return off 8308,408.49 -for the 'fleet quarter.. His Was the largeat indlVid, T- ina return to: come: tti the. local office of the coffeetor of' internal revenue; Soczal Killed by Bridge • ; NEW YORK -All the pleasant social lite Of email teWnE3 and cities Of the United StateahaS been snuffed ottt Lj a craze for contract bridge,Octavui Roy Cohen, the, anther, declared re. cently. Cohen, said he spoke at one Who play e a pretty good game of eon'. tniet and Rkeit" It VerY ',much. "But' " resent having 'to play it," he added. "The etaze for coatract," he asserted,"has' done away with'the art of con. versation: knew very 'few cotipletkv wile can enjoy any more what,Wensed to call ytt pleasant 430,611 evening' . Yeti dan'thave any tocial contact in 'a diY unless you are epretty ni4ed" bildge playet:": a