HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-04-12, Page 16,, .04 PER ..'ILEAR IN ADVANCE; ;2.50 OTHERWISE: i��JfwK1"�Q1V;, a RSD,A,Y, Agrjl 1^t4; 1934,. SINGLE COMAIF .0 uvacs,,. FOR SALE Sted.tired buggy in bliss Sarah I r° •, l! :good repa;�t Apply_ at; SentinbyQtilce ,. C`�• er��i. leS L . T LochaiSh FOR 4ALE=r2 good young Dur- ham Cows, both due to freslieziNin May.' fames' Forster, R. 1 Luckno.�W. 1 ,, WANTED—A sets of iron. 'hoops. for a Silo. 'State pride: ' eor : Keinned G ge Y, lt: •1; %ucknQw HAY''`FOR $AL1--Secon; cut al falfa, .limited!' rluantity„ ,Apply at remises.—J. M. Greer' R•.1. 'uc n':'. p , ,L k ow •WQRfi;;-,WANTED Y-oungLedy- desl desires s hopseWork:'•Apply M Sentinel Office: (10-4-10 r . _ :FOR SALE71 Driving horse; 1 McCormick - Deering 16 -plate, ; out- throw disc harrow, nearly •new.L-= W. G., Andrew. quality,, single bag $1.75; fir bag`lots . .$1.60. Harvey Ackert, 'Phone 29-w, Lucknow. (19-4-p:) FOR SALE OR fRENT—I0 acres of land with good 'brick house and. • bank Stable, just north 61.V. N. R. `;Station -- Apply to 'Wm. 'MacKenzie, Box. 201, Lucknow. 2 AUCTION SALE of '':,Implements, stock, etc., of the Estate' ;of; Jacob. Miller, at - the residence tof ' Mrs, Miller;, Havelock'.St., :Lueknow,i on Saturday, April`I4th at 1'.30 .o'clock. See bills. x I12att. Gaynor,' Auc .1 .OATS 'EOR.•.SALE--Car of NO. 2. C, W.—recleaned: Alberta ,gats, •now • unloading' at Ripley. `Ernest Ackert;` L,'eknow. Phones -'.'101-r=3- Lucknow of 24 28 Ripley 1?tOFERTY FOR SALE -•r-9' acres, good. raMe,house `with :stop cellar, cement .stable Close to''achool and chtifrcli� 1 miles `north,.of Lucknow (known, as';the. Fisher pro),erty). PeterT..'Carter.' $ ,R,: •Lucknow. (19 4. AUCTION SALE 19 ahead;" of; hors.w,,.- Johnston', B$rzi - L iiiow, Wednesday, April `' 18th. Horses are quiet .,sound,' ,well broken,, 3 to < 8 ye rs s•• ' 1300'" to 1600 lbs. - Terms, • Carib , unless otherwise arranged. s ; Matt.aynor, Ambo._ Ingl .s H. Patterson,' Pro e n Q► : h omin Events: F.,Irat..Insertion,, 50c. Subsequent Insertions, -25c. DANCE IN •ST-AUGUSTINE Don't forget the dance in St. Au- gustine on•Monday, April 16th, Music by Arthur's.. Radio ` Orchestra. BAKING, SALE South Kinloss Ladies' Aid are hold fag, their seini-annual sale in., the rear. of Tenipleton's Store, -next.'Sat- urday' . A' r 1 14th at, 2 Pall Please' t• P ,' �� e rims dostions`.early. Vis?E our , "Tea Room". Candy a. specialty. I�'•r PLAY AND DANCE "The Misadventures of 'Jimmie", ,+ a farce in 3 acts, will ..be presented, "under ` Lucknow-Joint "Club'- auspice- the Teeswater Presbyterian' Dra- ;niatic Club in the Town Hall, Luck nqw, -Friday, April 13th. Dance after, Sepoy Orchestra. Admission, ` includ Avg, dance and • concert 25c. CIIAN'GE IN OWNERSHIP OF VILLAGE RESIDENCE ` On ,Saturday :evening :the transac- tion was ,completed whereby Mr, and .Mrs..Charles Steward disposed o£ their' residence ' and property to .Mr. and' Mrs. Fred °Emberlin; young newlyweds: Negotiations for • the' pur- chase-...of ur- chase<of this property were carried ,'on quietly and the announcement ,of the sale carie .es quite a surprise. Mr.' and, Mrs.. Eniiberliri - will take possession the fi at of May. • ' • 'Mr. and Mrs:, Steward .have rented the :borne of Mrs..,;Stothers,' the lat- ter having spent the :winter, with her sister,. Mrs; henry Mullin, during - Wh%li' time her honie has a been •un-. occupied. Mr., and Mrs, Steward -have been 'village residents for .practically twenty years, 18 of 'which have been spent in their: present home,• wliiich they will vacate very linrtly, During their residence there, Mr. :and Mrs I Steward have zn>ade""'thllofe'C rmd surroundings: 'quite •attractive, The property, *Vail ,lies 'at the eictre' ie south-east of .tho village,' contains Death Causes "First: Break In Fam l* Of° '1'�hi ' 'n, hi >< C ldren,in There Were •Two ... . .,. Nam'ed. John'a' 4d Two'Namd Donald: : .. ; he-death'an Sunda .of r y .._�Sa ah MCam- eron,. removed ,a -beloved' :and 'leng- th/le, resident of the Lochgl*h •conn' munity, M _ M t.iss Cameron wsa .in__.:)?er, 54th, resit and with -the exeeptlon.:`of about' fifteen years spent inA.etroj t• has !acid e all her life on.'the >liisi' stead' on •the;boundary••east of:." ash; :now•ioccupied' i y .her. two b ro - b,bh. ers, Duncan ' and Jim ' Miss • Cameron was One of, thirteen ,children of the • late Roderick CatR- is the, first break 'in the family of seven boys -andsix girls. In~ this 'family two ~boys were each ' nanied Ta hn and two o they" sna rn edD 0 Wald Miss Cameron's• illness' dates' back. about seven years,, when she, was Psr ia llY invalidede d by aaxaI i p yt c s o tx ke.:Recprrenee:of this trouble -at intervals during: the succeedin years g �y. has at times - confined her to bed lilt for the greater part: of.,the ;time she has, been able to.be. ebout, Anti soliie fife . weeks ago, when' a devel opei��ent of complications•` caused n serious illness, which ,terminated'' her. death The funeral service"was held, from her• -Tete, r,esidenco on Tuesdav, eon ducted by Rev. J. K. 1V(acGil';vary f Ashfield Presbyterian Church, `'of, which deceased . was a memlier.:.•In 'tern'ent 'was in I.ochalsii cemetery. The palllkiearers . were. Donald, and ;Duncan MacKenzie;, • .: Duncan ,,'::and MaTj�olm%> Finlayson, :,;;%oho Cathcart, and Fra ,1vMaet0114in. '; Survivi g ' hrotherg , and • »'resent' at the 'funeral were: Dunean and Jarnes at, home; 'Mrs. A. R. Fin• layson ;(Mary °,Ann)... of •Lucknow; John Goderich; Roderick;of Palmy ;srsl;4p . Mrs. Jennie Browi, Detroit}' Mrs.' Peter Murdoch (Kate) 'Detroit• WILL EXPLAIN BOYS • R AND CALF °•,, • AND G .�1IN CLUB Mr. Fred Forsythe, agricujture►I re- presentative, of Walkerton,::y411 n Lucknow this Saturday fi.fternOon. ;o' explain 'full to in `eB Y. , rel' ted' !part�eR fetalis of 'the :Calf Club aid. Grain flub sponsored .by the . As.Iocal Agrieul- oci tural Set' pointed ° w + y 4 �, out �.it: veek;_these clubs are: '' 'Open'. oto n.) "arm boys -between ; the ages, of 12 ind 20. Fifteen 'entries are necessary toor' f;an' e }z a 'slab, and ranch of + roposed •Fire'Truck Disposed, O f Elsewhere Petition. Was Being Circulated' En- dorsing, ,Purchase ' n ,Learned That Proposed Fire Truck Was Sold Elsewhere -Village Will Be ' On' Alert. For Another' uch Barl3an : ' A : petition ;which- was being en- .- na r inal valuetainted on ;Monday endorsingthe is taught to 6 n . these ,res esti y rurch'ase of a..proposed fire en ine P • veiubjects, with 'worth!. • [; while , prizes, donated for ,exhibits o, this; nature at the Fall Fair. Mr..Fe aytbe°;will: meet: alta -the interested at ;the, Town Hall on Sit urday at two o'clock: ' It. is not ne" essary to join the 'Clubs ;unless one uides1='_ilaterc�� Lt�=l3ik ties, are. urged oto 'be •presentt 'so they may. have- a full ' understanding of A the 'Was being so readily' 'signed, that Oke. purchase J was : ;almost assured, vhen Reeve Hamilton, in communi cation :with"" "the: "Company,. 'learned that the fire truck had been disposed of elsewhere.' However, so .far as the petition went; it was apparent that wadi a purchase was 'deemed' adv�s pble by the ratepayers, and 'it. is ;:al functioning of :,these • oganizat=ons together likely that if another such r,■----�. bargain is offered the village, it will 3h res i ' , e - -,d ly..sna ed .. : P•UBLIC I C -MEET r PP. trP , , . • � .. ��v U�'. ,Mx, .G; H.� Smith,' on •hiehalf of the A. Public- •meeting will be heldiri .Fire Co, Cwho out '� in th ed ,Proposed Town Hall, Ld ko c n w on Tliurs i e the .T o n arch ' as to h e the Village l e Council '' ay the,,19th. Inst: at . 8 $0 1° M t g at the matter of este: gu ar meeting on • .Tuesday _, R e�heir,..re .1____ consider ' - a hotter "Telephone service, between 'night, again waited on' the Council , the Village of .Lucknow` and the a :at a' special ,meetingon Saturda jacent rural '. vicinity 'to' .'which :! tilt . e 1 councils of Kinloss, 'Ashfield, ' Wear afternoon. He explaingd that the Wawanosh`,and :all person's , interested mpa ny was willing to pay . $300: are ' cordially invited to attend. Yward the purchase of the :truck,' ' • J. Agnew Clerk, ' Lucknow:' 'which was ' offered the: village for APPOINTED MANAGER OF CARGILL. BRANCH Mr. J. C. McNab, who .succeeded his father „as manager. of. Silver wood's Creamery here 'a year age last January, .recently received word •from • headoffice' in London,;. of .his\ aprointn'ient as ....manlier of the Car-. enli; branch as well. daek::' officially took- over . his additional 'duties on Monday. Mr. Dave Stobie, who ha. 'been in charge :of the . Cargill branch. does to London as. a 'memberof the staff ,of.' accountants t .-ere. Ir. Ben McClure Celebrates 82nd Birthday ; Mr. McClure, A Resident Of Luclrnow. For :58 Years, Was 82 Years Young On Friday. : - A familiar figure in the` 'village for almost three score years, Mr Ben .McClure" celebrated his 82nd birthday on ' Friday.'. Mr. McClure enjoys spendid health, and in fact `article is simply a give. away of his age, for, unless one knew, 'they !mould judge this'esteemed resident. •a.,tnan much younger in years - His two daughter, Jean and Mabel as Easter visitors, were , with their. father on ''this' happy Occasion, with Rev. and 'Mrs. MacDonald, and Mr: and Mrs, Janles Smith also pre sent for dinner that evening, after w\l ich a pleasant social time :wac 'Mr. McClure came to Lueknow'from Georgetown .558 years ago • and .here he: and ' his brother W. I. operated the Dominion 'Mout Mills., Later he. ,engaged in' tine grocerybusines?. arid for eleven years was engineer at the Lueknow Furniture Factory., At the. age of . seventy -'six, , he re- tiredi from this position, at the tim' ' f the illness of 112rs.'11feClur'e,. whose deatth oceurred six years` ago today. The .'villagers in general wilt loin in. extending feliciiations' to•.this be, loved` resident, and best- wishes'' that continued . health 'ma'y, permit the' ob- sarvaneo° on -many mo e'• ,birthday -ani. n1vei'4a00. Wawanosh and :Kinloss ' and this limited' area has long been a con- tentious subjeet among telephone patrons. Any action in the past' to, remedy the condition has so' far been. without results. . In- calling . this . meeting; Reeve H$miiton hue the sanction.' of the village council. What developments may result cannot be definitely,' tort-, east, but the matter'; has' been taken up. with, several prominent men in the district, who Will cometo the Meeting prepared to 'offer . some con structive suggestions; whish, it liiaped, will •lead to the establishimr: of, a' better telephone ; service. The Project will no' doubt take some time hilt it is felt that in event of the hearty_ support of those •'who -feel that a" better 'service' is inoperative: that progress'.. sari be made. $950.. to be paid in two equal instal-. KF.NNEDY''S =HERD. , rnents, one when the. truck was de HAS FIVE RE ACTERS' ivered ' and the other. a year •hence. The 'Board gave Mr Smith f" Herefords Are All Free' From Thi; bercular -Infection- Re-Acters ;Are All Found: 'Among. Grade: •Cattle. ,, George Kennedy, 'Hereford ,breed,: • a fa nrable hearing, but: were doubtful as `o how this .-expenditure ` Might be viewed by the ratepayers, while there emains a considerable amount, o f npaid taxes, altho personally, the oard appeared'; to ,regard the truck as a '.necessity'to give the village an_ adequate. fire protection' system..` •.`An ' expression of the • feeling of the ratepayers, through a petition wasu.suggested g gested by Mr. Smith and pproved, and. on Monday horning the ` etition had t'' bee P nr'+ c4i`atsed. to a: gree'to show that ' erp generally approved of the;. purchase, when word was:: received that .the truck was no longer available:• er, . cast • of Lucknow„,:had, entire ;`B herd' -of for y -two'`' cattle';`submitte Co the tubercular -teat, ,esp, perform by . Dr. Tory last Thursday,; When -the' ?3r. returned':on Monday of this• :week he picked out five a i"Fiats"•naafi'' n�► , which •wereade° cattle,-- which -ha qtr ef7 s,G fanfi°« ;y a n ' sh' George's herd of"herefords "showed' no sign.of the infection, but ` as it showed in .: the others, it will,•.: be another . year at least ,before George. will have an: Jiccredited herd. Eldon Henderson, we -understand. has' now an ` 'accredited herd':of Hol- steins, his'• cattle having underwent the final test :necessary•..in securing these" credentials, without;• a reactor appearing.- -Mrs. John Murdoch ,(Belle) Detroit. Those ;unable' to attend were Donald and John D. of Alberta; Donald of Detroit and Mf Donald : Gillies .i'ece (Anne) Detroit..ii, Mr`s, Rich- ard, Hocking and`son ' Richard•,of Detroit', also 'attended".; the funeral... • eCt t0 �. W0 x4' jNC y: a ht ered. ., Better Telephone Sertrice Purpose Of Public Meeting Serelsereemserro -Meeting.•To' ;Se - Next Be Next Thursday. Evening --A11 In= terested ,Parties Asked 'To Attend With a 'view, to establishing a better telel Bode, service (between Lucknow and' the surrounding,.corn munity, a public meeting has been called for next Thursday evening in Lucknow, at which the "`. I adjacent Township .Councils and all interested rural: ani village residents. are urged to be 'present, Locally, there is a very restricted rural area to which calls may be made without paying a, toll :charge. The .free radius', represents roughly a portion, of . the Township of 'West NOTICE All residenta 'Of the Village of Lucknew, who Iteepl. Poultry, are hereby nOtified not t 'permit, them to run, at larke, anSt Persona, In, the Village - having a complaint in neotify the Conatable, Who has been inStru9ted 10 het.% AgAgW 044 `:TORY,,.:' GREGG WILL ° WORK THIS ' DISTRICTc Mervyn ,Floyd "Tory" Gregg, 'stel- lar. right winger of the 'London''Te- eumseh hockey, team, will be a weekly c, alter in this village. during the :next several months. ' "Tory" has been' taken onto the sales staff of Cole man's Meat •Packing Co. of London, and,' Lucknow lies in the •district. which he has been assigned. to work. .The line is somewhat ,new to Tory but we • have no;,' doubt ' he'll make; °Food with-a:vengeance:-•"Tor-y'-will make his headquarters' in Kincardine but informs this paper that he will have- nothing : to:. do 'with managing a !ball teain in; the Lakeside town. as his duties ' will permit him .to spend' only the week end there. ' It will be remembered that two years ago "Tory" piloted' both the Junior and Senior teams . in Kincardine to the championship. Gregg was in town n-etting ` acquainted with his::. trade here on Tuesday: WILL SMITH. PASSED • • AWAY IN THE WEST' Returned To, The West A Year Ago After: Spending Some Time' here *qui Hie Shiter, Mrs. Allan Turner Word has, been receiyed here of the 'death, of ,Smitho occtirred Suddenly at. Assiniboia, Sask. where for. the past year Mr. Smith has been residing, folloWing : his de- narture from the village, where he had made his home for a Year and a half with his , sistero Wks. Allan Turner. , Deceased 'who WAS in *hie. year ',vas a son of the late Sandy Smith of COncession Kinloss. A resident' Bill returned east in failing health .from the ravages • of diabetes. A year ago, nomeWhat inieroved in health; he,‘ returned. to SaskatcheWan. Ile !de, \feeling 'Soffteiently' *ell 'to pursue his duties of 'his farm, at he ' had been engaged the do io to If death The 'funeral Was, held in ASsiniWit. ceased as well, is ',SiirViVed by a a brother , Ja0k. 'just ehet .0i, this • re The BreadH—VIS The Bread o1 Heald r Oof ,,Health U A •. Q LITY AND SERVICE OUR '.MOTTO' Saturday y DATE', ,SANDWICHES JELL'3 , ROLLS ' DO , UG$NUTS LAYER' AYEK CAKES . S ecial-T•: RA SPBERRY TARTLETS: CHELSEA ; TEABUNSi- BI SCUITS, .• ::� ICE DY RQLLS,, • OUR WHOLE' WHEAT BREAD' IS . 100%WHWHEAT ' '., ,• ....OLE WHEAT ; DELICIOUS ANI) HEALTHFUL, ' :HOLL" :. , Y'1VV�1�.N S ; UALITY' 8 K 4 A R Phone:^36:. Lucknow cklnoW One Quarter Pint frit : UTLIA FREE C REE. with'purchase o 2 . - � Sc Brush , . + One 25 c Brush• : :The ' F R' EE •B BRUSH H OneWITH 30 . rH G • . Can i .,•. a .. t lac Tw a LARGER-CAN— Only One: Set to a Customer For Two Weeks ...�V :.Only Luc o' • 4 11 Dr uSt�re 1UR I Y :• . RUBBER GOODS WRITING.' PADS ENVELOPES. PAPETERIES 4 . HOCOL-AE-BARS- TOOTHBRUSHES COMBS AL:L THESE ARTICLES AND BARGAINS ..AT • ane :'Cent a. TOILET GOODS TOOTH PASTE TALCUM 'POWDER': FACE POWDER �� GE EAM COLD CREAM ' SHAVING 'CREAM , MANY , OTHERS ;ARE THE • • • Sale • • • • • S:alb. 'Thugs. :Fri. &Sat. This: Week alrermommummer Highland Park Mayor Native Of Ashfield Joseph M. Hackett Was Elected Mayor , Of Highland park . Last Highland liPark; one of Detroit's major snburbs, eleeted ,former field bey, Joseph M. Hackett, As Mayor' lastc.week.,....Mr. Hackett, Whe has served ',Ter ten ye4S' ae city ,..commiSsioner, oppOsed Mayor N. Say ,Markland Rad.. defeated' him -by Hael*tt polled 4.333 votes--Mark- land 4,222. Mr.; Ilackett",based his campaign on •vvhat he termed "anti4bigotry": In a Itatemcnt made: when 'he was leformed of his eleceion, he said he -planned "te keep Highland ?ark 'a clean city". He said he would supPort "h11 law enforcement agenCies"; and would eoniinue to appose "bigotry". Mr. Hackett's ftiencla here .will , be delighted with 1118 SUCCeg. The neWly elected' mayor is 'a brother of; Jas. R. Haekett of Athfield and „Mrs. W. 1, Lane of' Ripley:, As a gradeate droggiat,:' he Went 'te Detroit *some thirty -Seven yeara ago where he SU- frein which he has to so/no dPgre, ALLPAP Sole Agent -:FOr Now Is The .Time .PAINTING; PAPERHAGING AND dRAINING . bone at 'Low Cost J. Cameron MAIN ST, LUCKNOW