HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-04-05, Page 341t14".".1.
,r •
c1 -14m0
.'W0ATI*141 40044
• • •
• 40140 'gown. • P0004
•',Nil% an 40.00..rfli their .4WR and
*1194, lierY0.'OPInt hot with saus-
age, bacon or tanOla' arrp• there „are.
:beati4 to, be 1:1o.t..le'ft-Olierti. Iterd are
OhMe!' h*C'eth,t1Ptried,•iii4he-h140....
cipes:— ; •••• 7:* •
• Q0044 q4e., ',P4*Pr.P001`,1 i7P;tfitt'
lidteWaytn.viater4..3. Mote cups:
.1V-prec.water,.. ,
teaspoon 'aa1ti.2 IPOSPPOlia,:caugart.#;
teaspoon ao44, , : ;.`:' •
WOO. yeast: PAO In %,
-eOliteff add ,s*.i angar. and. 2%' pupa
:Weria Water.", 'Add hnelcivheat float'
and mix Until Perfectly:* Smooth"-
, cover and letstand ;ie. a, Wetzu Place
Oci,'night,'Ins ;the • rnorolAg .dissolve
Iieda' in rentaininglialr. Teti, ,of water
and beat into batter.' Let stand for
hot, Welggriesed, griddle. ,, The better
• Shenld. be quite:thin. and ittn4Y..
• " ' tter
• gtidole than cornmeal,. or Wlieat:Cake4
. Some' of thehatter niay be ..Savect
. and used as a "starter" for another
' baking', instead of „USing a:tresh. yeast,
'They are .even better afterthe
first day as the."Seed".-seeins•to ripen.
and produces a bettef,-calge;
One and One-half cups buckwheat
flour, 'Weup Wheat flour, 1/3 teaspoon
Salt • teaspoons baking Powder,
: ,teaspoon , sugar, 1•:. tablespoon melted
;shortening*, 'I egg, ..2Vi cups. sweet
„ •
• Mix' dry, ingredients. . Add ;Milk
•,slowly, stirring ti 'make smooth. , Add
• .beatenegg and, beat. until .antoath...
• Add.' melted •shortening and beat one•,
. •minute. Bake ort a hot, ''well -greased.
griddle.' ' • '
'.Three. Piths flonr, • 4,34''tablearleMIS•
' biking • powder, 1 te4spcon.‘sult; •114• .
euis sugar, 2 MIPS. 'milk,. 1 egg.' 2 table-
: Spoons.' nielted.•butter., .
t. Mix .andsift'"dry. ingredients; beat•
egg, add,:miiit and Pout sloWly776-n
Met nificture, Peat thoroughly And 'add•.
hot getddle,, Zook on oue side. When,
puffed Nil of babbles ting". cooked: 'on
• -edges; turn.. and cook oilier side.
; Serve With 'butter and 'maPle syrup. •. . .
- . cortN cgtu-A5LE CAKIS•
1,2/6.'"tablesnotitis. baking. powder,
' teatiPPeni, salt, 1/3, pup • sugar, 1½
•• .cups boiling water; 114 cups;
egg 2 tabiespetnno melted buttes.'
Add .ineat to belling 'water and boil
.minutes; 'turn:Into • howl , add milk•
• ind remaining dry Angreclienta mixed
then :the egg' Well beaten
-ann.buttet--77Cm-i. samet--fljc
• • :SOUB--MILK • CAKES • • • •
...Two and half cups flour, teaSPOOn
Salt, • 2 . cups sour niuik, 114 teaaPPont!
soda, 1 egg. •••. •
MIx and •sift,.11our., 'salt and, Soda;
add, 'soar.. milk ..:Eind egg well 'beaten..
. :Drop by spoonfuls on; hot griddle and
proceed as for Sweet milk' eakeS.:-. ;
• Thesagriddle :takes use :state bread/
.,,cruntbs to athantagc...n. "'
One and ..cnitAialt cups ; fine. Stale
• breed ern:nibs; 2 Cups: hot • milk, • 2
tablespoons „butter,: 2 :eggs,„.14 etigt I
powder. • •
poinbino cetintbs and milk and beat
•'untit'stitooth. Mix and:.sitt tleur,, Salt
snit baking powder aad Add With. 're-,
.Maitiing:.ingredienta:; •Beat .eg.g. until 't
' Bake on it het griddle and. Servo hot.
Two ciips,gratedraW•potato; 2 'eggs, .1
,.'1•2 'cut: ,iictur, '1 teaspoon salt, 1.*teit.' .11
tpoon. baking' powder; tablesPoons s
By Mair MMq,'gan'
. .
;1,i1 .OPP4, MA; 11 egg* 4. -4
spoona Polt.04 Pg.t„tor. .
411;; 004 lolft.. .10grodto14.84_,:, vr0rk,
490 w41411144. 4r; lIggog.;: 444
ovigi*,:ponf: ,Noteti -Cook sa
as 04or Orldale
European7,PPUP#A.P.4. "1.3.04494
".0.4Qt10 Altet,.,444#
meal .1log0t0IA0.4;, ihange th
from, ',a' breed. sueStittite: tO'L'a hea
.'eeticOcti.O4' to §q1;Ye , *44
.' rg134gTIMPgfti
• Late aUPPer4 .710y, lpOP',414r
the -Winter„ after; alti-ieg, SMT011,91
or,.plOggamt0q, anAilte more infot
they 4rolke!'sinaliertkar:rnaia-thi
is food and, frtPlUillaPfuit and it .t
former .is right the other tikes ..c
,of itself. One or the nicest and east
thingS, you Can Serve afper, outd
SpOrta,orfot.afte.rthe game or thO4
etiPPer. tninenicecrThey.- ar*,01.1§,
ann. quickly made and ' may he Seri
in a.'variety of cielicions• ways ,tc:
the.,eccaltin •or to add 'variety, •
serve Pancakes. for supper ,
sprinklo. the hot 'paticalteil With.grat
cheese, 'which will melt ..„ and '01
them :044000- Bette wi
jelly. They may also be Served-wi,
trait. saaciiiii,:breserved or fresh On
or inthegood old.theltiOned*O" WI
thaple syrup, or •combleed; with eau
ages.-ot-baeon.- ' •
• .
Tho ingliSh • Method, ' of • .serving
Plain • wheat. cakeii.. adds • interest, to a
'cOmpany breakfast Sunday even-
aupper.- The cakes aro baked as
htrge,as 'EAupper plates and are Spread
as they are ' baked with. butter ..ancl,
.jefly or butter,and'sitgar Or : hatter
and marmalade and are 'piled ' one
above the other,. They, must be kept
wann ,until all are 'Igi,-k-ia-7-7-ciir7ht
wedge-shaped ,Piecei,.. pie 'fashion ; to
serve.. '
French .nanpalteS are ,spread wlth
butter and Jelly 'eretgitad together and
'Tened quickly 'Ike n jelly roll. Bach
roll Is dredged with powdered sugar.
The'finishing toneh ii•added,by.eCtir-
ing the .sugar by rod -
:-IyichsetiedteatefUlly.' the7.,0#08--.2ar
quite' as, geed without thlic last pro-
cedure, but -they look•Onite intriguing.
and. tinning. . •
-.-blisinesi girl' has -beanty
• hleme that ihe woman of leisure never
has td -Meet. When •ood 'grooniing is
urged upon her she likely •, say,
"Yea, but -I ,go to work In' the rain
• many • niernings • and -arrive at, the
office with gloves and stockings', cover-
ed with Mud and water',stahui. What
4f • 1 'ad, waSh-,avargr4hittgL.L.eut.,...,,that.
night/ No 'one Mier: would . knew. it1.7
It's a handiCap, but a ,little in:gennitY
and foresight Will Oveiconte. it.
Keep Mitre Delta of clean gloves,
:11080‘ and one or, two 'fresh liandlterl
chiefs. in the dtek, drawer;:•aleng with'
cleansing' ' thtion; • thundation •.dream,.
cotton Pads and a bit Of povader and
rouge: A Clothes brush MICA .brush'
'for Shade, shoes urn other convent..
()noes to add tn.. the • freshening -up
• When it 'Conies; to whitecollars and
Offs, the problem ,is harder.,'Certain.
ly .it :weakd seea little inConienletit.
_10 keep. an entire wardrobe at the
office in •Order"; appear g OW -SYS 704,7
fectlY 'gtoOrned.; 1-1OWever,' there's
nothing to,prevent.carrying these
ceSiories it a; Paper bag ..and. pint i.o.`g
hem on .after arrival; • • . • • •
New! Spring.,Slides, by all- appear.;
noes,. have Mune, .,•cleWn to, 'earth:
934's Easter . boatel y •i•!, ilia res. lower
eels ,forwhich most of us' Will offer
Mcere 'thanks ,the fashion. ,giids:
tioW eau we Wear the preselif 'et:11,es
gracefullyit our 'walk is itnpeded'ht
.totterting high !Weis?' Conitortable
,ceet .Meate. at -ease , Carriage, .
,: ,Color$ in talitieS ai:O. the il'ex,,,Itetti.
et. importance. Navy bze, yelidiViSh
brown; Prints andtaleleys,',depending
�n the,".cOStume to be inalched.•.
Palm Beach :Cloth,
Crepesand tWeedleh unetta 'ter street
and ,afternoon she kot eyetitfig
there Etre, satins; baud-pahlted linens
and oriens,130cause- t4e fabrkia have
• Pare potatoes end' let:etand in cold -
water fer• several 'hours. Drath • and
rate Beat eggs. Weil, and add 'stated
potato. Mix .and • sift , float, salt and
baking powder and add to 'drat nIX-
aire and acid, milk grid-eat-
ly Drop froni, .tip of•SpOOp. Onto Welt
..treaseclitiddlee Eakenntil brown thst
lia.and sidearid pen on the other..
,3erve • •, . • • ,
RICE ORM= .0Axzs
Two and hatups 11our, cup cold
toelied ASS, 0610E3000a bahihg
Iwiidere 4:teaspoon: Salt, 14. infi: ad;
, that ,certain something ' h cl tt I ng
murk AND 13v.13111),1:1SHER
.ttf youlze APRAI b
.You're Mtn the,,huna-,
6 6.11-1Wiet,, tOtT4Itierr'"
'Wettach, . hal•been de-
legiate WoMea's 'rifle „ohs:pinion.
Lows, Ithckles and gadgets have been.
dispensed with.. . • • . • •
1t sounds and.tholts'like we:have at
last simplIeity pins comfort
and that is the Secret of 'charm and
WhaC,Say, ?oil? •
FavorabJeBaJane,of $143;-
• 4;1,473 5hoWn.By .
, ott4w.a.—Lcatiada ,b4d a • favorable
12 -month eriod "en ing witkianuary
AS cempared With; $51,000,000 in -the:
preceding 12 'months, ;t was 'reported
reeently' by the, Department:of Trade
and Commerce,
' -.Total, trade was $96L630,&77, :as
against $937,117,202:. Exports in-
• creased /torn $494,000,000 to 6552,-
090;000., while.imports decreased &rani
$422;000,0,90 tp $408,000000 in the
12 -month period reviewed. .•
• ,The -trade -figures continue to show a
more rapid increase in trade with tfic
fBritish tintriretitatitioreigureOw
tries. ... Sales to the Empire were nearly
$42,000,000: more than in the twelve
.inontlis ended January 31, 1938, while
puielieses.irom --the ,Empire inereased
by Only $7;860,000.
'Exports to. the . United Kingdom ,were
$2/5,422,193; an •increase of abut
$34,500,060 Over the PtiviOus • twelve
inatiths, .and itntiorts front the United
:KitigdOm anidunted th $100,032,820,
an incrase.ef $1,541,875.
Trade relapons wiIJl the Antipodes
§itow, a notable iinprovement. • Export's.
to Australia ,Were' $10,805,07,5, .an in-
_trease.„..df„.$2,576,66,4„. while -purchases.
'from' Australia were $5;226,234,. a de-
cline of only $576,875.,:. Sales' to New
Zealand were $3,883,177; an inerease-
of $531,599, and Purchases Joni Istevi?
Zealand were $2,055,157; ag 'compared
months. MuCh of this increase.lwas
*counted .fer by large butter inipOrts:
Exports.to Hritish South Africa,tinder
• the stimulus -Of the conference agree-.
Merit; increased lu• nearly; $2;000,000;
and sales to the Itiih.Free State show-
ed,an advance of $800,000.1; • •
'An increase' in experts to, and fur-
ther decline in impOrts frOmthe United
Statesproduced a net ithpr�vernentjj
Canada's trade relations with that coati -
try of nearly $60,000,000. Exports to
the United States Were $178 844,057.
ci nore se:o $23.,492,161, while pur-
chases. from'the United' States' Were
$2211844,310, a droPtif.$35M0,603,,'
Exports to the 'Netherlands incteas,
ed by $2,006060: ,td. Japan, they in-
creased by, 41;00,000 r and to Ger-
5TiZA1667 J4 tme EYE
LOOK' STERN • - 1ig6RE's *104
V/ACtett Act
e t a Great ResPonsibilitY ili
atural Sweetness al! act
Pttle..41ildreti re• CharMln$: „charm
Isehlatila are dein nothing 010r.0 t4In
•frying tO feStOre the PeConselOUS graee
naivetethat Most of lis lost
.1)etWeeallle ages Of JOT.. and fe.nrteeh,,
PlulInttiCA:f`c:ch°allrrtn4e., haVe
•taught 1.4 i0 later years ia OtM•e, or less
4 49uriOuS •article.: •Merel7 top
*Ort144.: •"'„' 7 ' •
'.710Wt114011. 130tter It VV. °tilt! 1100 been
ha(I we ,been e094raged threugh
hoq4 those that, ..viere
Toe Manx Rejtrietions.
Take 'ISPY child Who, not CiaiY Chas
te.elbOw his WAY With:bis';'44bOdintates,
bilt has a ioh;,on hands",at. Iteme
With his or her Parents; and, hciw• much
time hs hefor 'pleasantness and kind.,
ness and reef mannrs?
_Everywhere he torni seems- be is
confronted with a "Don't" or. some
order or other that affronts everf sl:ton- aches, but ;this sharm, Charm,
talleons urge in Ms system., We call has .to. be inhis be*t.. A girl can
it chinning him course-, we have courtesy and whistle • up smile for
to do it to prepare him- for social life effect, but this isn't charm, if here are
He can't ,grow, up -and be a savage. • • a hundred. hates ia her, soul. The.boy'
'Neverthelesi it is -true' that our and the td: people, ";.*the3;
overly artificial system with 'children must feel that the world is a decent
, does destroy as Well as build.; If we "place, not something to fight. And 64
• kliw,„„to en_j_pttri_.•
1 .
Whicll Of Os would think it 'worth
*bile ba be Pleasant in a Menagerie?
• And some boMes' are just about that -n -
the V40011S mernbera, Of tbe _familY
gar; longiiaiai4led,:04maral intiyg 4antiniaeacib, Otjltilemr Almost
apy animal has his egunterPart in the
-human. The lion who roars, hit rights,
the dattgerOUSIY cunning tiger; the
latighing- hYetts• whom We fear more
-even th44 the,others. The lumbering
but itse1 - The
bleating° sheep that can't stand up fop
itself and Whe Manages,•as..4 has done
through hIStOry, to get 'everybody else
into a tight plaCe. , •
•, Cultivating Char,m'
' -A child loses siveetnesvin honse-
• hold that has. f,orgotteti the Word. •T�
tell him. to mind his manners and, be-
• A boy cari.tip ltat oritil his arm
conventions foreign to our nathres as
children .do; it would 'Sap all theisweet-
ness out of US. We would liire in a Per-
petual state of chafing and resenttnerit
We would shout, "To heck With obarIT.L'
have ,enough to remember without
• trying to be a sugar plum,: too."'
"There is another' thing that ruins the
little child's charm early. :This the
example of older people about -11M.
fetAk41114:-" -
people. just as other people' cou.nt with
.No one wan t's% a grinning nit'wit
around, muttering to, himself, "I must(• •
• be charming." Heaven, forbid! But
,we clo peed more genuine, likeable boys
anegirls who think this:world is a
Food place and show it.
•Then'watch rudeness vanish and na-
tural manners .grow.
many by $200,006. .Sales to France
dropped by, $2,009,000, 'to Belgium by
;80,0,000.: As agOnst.expOrts td Rus;.
sia in the..previous 12 months
815$i000, in the list -year they almost
disappeared. ".• . ' • •
As an indication of -the exteial to
'which -the, lifting of the United Stataes
of :etidia restrictions Upon Canadian,
.Products has stimulated the, direct flew
of liquor 'across •the border, the 'move-
mentof spirits ' to St, Pierre and Mique-
lon, the French colonies in the Gulf of
St;s1.,awrence, has declined by one-half.
Fel.: the year ended January 31 last
they 'totalled, $4,670,000, as compared
ith $J,70,000 in the previoni 12
• taith ,unto them." We can alitront note
,th e Panting 'eXciternent of her speech.'
•"They have taken away.,t,he Lord out
of the Wild)." She inferred this frOm
the open door for What other purpoee
Would it !Olio been opened? •"They"
. means .of Course- Chriat's foes.; • his
• friends would ,tiever • have committed
:such an act df. sacrilege.• "And we
know. net Where they have laid hint."
`.`We".-meatis Mary and the 'Othei wo-
men WhOM she had -left behind. "Peter
therefore went forth, and the ,ether
disciple:" John still ,careftilly•• pre, c
serves his allenyliiity.. ;And ' ;they
went thward the_toMb."}: We May lin-
BOth being eager te'lie-evbit--iiiir
rage had been perpetrated ,agains
their. beloved Lord. "And' the othe
• disciple outran. Peter, and came firs
-to the toink.",z-JEelngzko_much. th
yciunger, Sohn Odd ran much -faster
"And, stooping and looking in." Fo
the door of .the cave-toinb was. tow
•"He seeth, the linen. cloths lying." •Th
ClOths readily • recognized as hein
Christ's grave cloths. "Yet entere
be not". This was characteristic
John In his .PrOfound, reverence h
hesitated • to 'break' •the peace, of th
Sacred place. . • , '
?.`Somen, Peter therefore :else c,cinn
following him, . and entered ' into
the torinb:" There Was. no °beep -Oita
tionin the conduct of: the, bold and
decisive disciple. "And he belioldeth
the linen cloths lying," The cerements
Were .folded up carefully..
• Sunday School
THE FilSEN„ .146.
•.Gbiden Text.—it ye wereralsed With
'Phrist, seek- the. ,•things, that „are
above, Where Christ is, seated en
the Hight' hand of God.1,--dOk 3:•'1. •
TIME -,-Sunday, April 94.1-.0.. 30.
ARAILLEL' PA -SS -ATS -=7 -Matt:
28?„1-15; 'Mark -16; :•1-11.; Luke. 24;:'
' (Peter dad Jelin' at the:Tomb,) vs.
140. (No*,1;t1 the first day of the
week.) Our Sunday, which hai!. be-
come a 'Standing :memorial and proof
of this .eventns the Christians,
te, celebrate the sad day 'o11.
which' their .Savieur'laY iz the:gravel
gradually transferred that • Sabbath
from the Jewish last day of .the week
(Saturday),, te' the , first day of the
week. "Cometh Mary Magdalene ear -
She came With the other' Women,
as .related above, but idatitatly
i'td -When-Abe saw_whai
had happened, being a N‘,:oiniatear qOals
action. and perhans:runger than ,the
• rest and ,more agile. "White it was
yet dark." This,exPaiiis why she did.
-tat enter the toinh; .4%41_1, otLierLdistt
"Unto the tomb, and seeth the stone
taken, away :from the tenih.". That
Was,: enoUgh to suggest ,to her that:
coMethint momentous had occurred,
• omethhig about which the apostles
•ohotild :knoW, at once. ':, •
, ,
"Slie-runnetirlberefore, and conietli
to Simon Peter."...- Probably the old,
eat 'of the 'apostles, ',One, *Mom Christ
bad especially honored, and, one Who
by his: decisiVeneSS of charaCter .(Mark
Probably • knew uothini' 1/4thecit his de'
nisi of his Lord) Was Most fitted to
take 'the lead at this Stincttiter 'And,
to the other disciple 'wheal Jesus Telt-
ed.". John never nanies, himself, ot
relativeS in 'his Gospel, being far 16,2o
Modest, • but this description' Of the
relation between .hinSelf and hi S Sas-
Tour ib' a biography in iteelf; "And
tliolgh,J0),xn, tol4'a'ho.0a0
.teIoy :citr (I0114.444:47.),..
cop* ,by • OA fact ',rov010zieg gurrownar
plAgAt 0$);. 0'40. wok, Ph
Nytatr4:131,Ti atif:rt!1,1511111'tj:Ao; pt4174',10!4':F:-
f she b,OhPldgtb.
'whlte.1-..P10(1in 4aa41.Ing Plge, ra
mit; !ugh .S.s 004, 4rp. ug403,,, rorge
the body h'ed"°1:71.:13:
•t1i.P -hea0i 01.10 000• .47,09; PO: Wheat..
'ov"ip 1„74.43ii!0tiiintg;9040t#"1018Pt.°14t41:0,401abil 43410gYfatit.4
MOM:Tienof ;all that the..Son 0 Vild
4041:40407for'tha 'world'4And they ; -
'40.0d-W4th tiOrrOvi 441 lc* -oPes, .Ari
selfish, s. 9' aAt o'clw:Vechee7itt. dri 1:bi in
With. *Qiittl-Os.s.i 'and ,hot:With the -gain-
Of dear
.Because thqY 11,4*0.1t24cellawa
thy ,rierk and now net Wker
IMO Azad SIM," ' d .r.reiniPed ,
'the • heinorable bu'rial *corded Christ111
Viour'§ body had l*Ienr cast out., ,
"When. she had thus .said, she turfl..,
ed herself back." .13edorning conseiimio
as one. will of. the presence of sOnig •
.One, whom. 40 .:had not ."A4 :
•13e:1e1deth 'Jesus 1,standing,
int that it was Jesus.", Death had I. •
seine .way ttansformed our Lordl •
49esus seith unto !Noma*
why weePest 'then?' yvhom . seekeli
thou?" We have here ' the.: 'first .ra.
in tihheere.s.t:gr
Sir„if_thou hest' borne hi*
hence:" Mary' maY have thought
the gardener :regarded...the. bevii- ton*
as Machtoo good for a cincified crim
:hiaLa.`n`dreIll irnrii:wtahkeerehtinhoulAvhia,s,st.0'1:alAil
hard task for a Woman to. undertalce1' '
but love shrinks at 'n�' hardship. .
*Ord!. "She ,:turneth herself,and saitik
Unto him in IlehrOWfi That Is, in Ark: .
*die the current' form'; of ,Hebrell.
used by Christ. "Rahhoni• :which is tir
say, Teicher."Lite'riillY, "My Rabbi.‘
-"More exactly, ‘,/tabbtini.' . This. pr.' •
iseforni Occurs alsoin 'Mark 16.; 514 '
Book Published in 1573
Shows -1t—liad- Been —
Washington.—Long 'before 61410 '
John' Sniith, and • his ..!amestoWn pion.
eers digrovered Forn:_on.:Ahe Cob, .
Chinese Mandarinswere eating.it,‘•And -
several years.before Miles Standish atc.'
succotash; the combinatiOn had a filar(
on the Oriental:Menu. !
Indian, maize, although' a native:.61
• the western world, was -pro inent
the 'agricuftut4lof the East many year!
before English settlerattempted ti`
,!'And thenapkiii, that Was upon his.
head, not lying .ivith the linen cloths,.
'but rolled up in' a Plate. by itself."
This description . conveys Irresistibly
to the minds of sonia scholarsthe im-
presaion Of a Chrysalis, from which
the body beS. removed itielf,. leaving
the nieletS Ailrit-the shape, of7thobody. '-
. , ,
"Then entered,in, therefore the oth-
er, disciPle, also, who came first to
the •tonib.".. John, of ourse, who' will
'persoeaVpronout, ."And he aiv;-',and'
believed," That Christ' had, risen frent
the deed; as', the next verse shows.
as yet they knew net the
scripture, that he Must' • ,rise an
hem the, dead." The Old, Testament
says little iiboat-Iiiiiiroitality, hardly
enousb to mike it a cenvic-
thin in Jewish minds. .PS: .16 : 10 de -
dare's that' 'the' Messiah was not . to
remain inthe graVe, and Christ had
:repeatedly fOrhistoldresurrection on
e third day; but the...propheey seents
have made a greatter.inipresdiori on
e mind3 o Chris's foes than on the
nds of 'the dlstiples.
,,so the disciples Wet away again
to their own home." to , Peter's
ging 'in jerusaleni (Luke '24i12);
According .to a, Photostatic copy ol , •
an aneient ChinegiSook, published ist
1510,- received by .De, Walter .rf
,Swingle of the Agriculture Departriten(
;from the Chinese National Library in
Peiping, corn had at that time been ,.•
grown in China ler years. .
Dr, Swingle, Who is conducting R.
study of maize culture for the Library.
of' Congress,- said, the boek revealed
maize as the "imperial grain of China.4
Evidence, he added, POinted to its
!I 4*
trOduclf from the west through Tin.
Icestan Tibet, . • •. !
It is likely, theefficlal•disclosed, that
-5Paniar4s .distevirectniaizein_theSew
• World, Probably . South and Central '
Altierca,. and carried it back tO Spain.
Arabs then carried- the grain to Afeeray
from where it 'apparently spread. east!
ward through Central Asia to China. •
-Oshami's Power.ailt:
Credit of $7,091
OSItaWa.=7--The 13th power .bill fot
• Oshawa P.V.C. hrings, a credit of
000..37 trm tile* Ontario Hydro Cons:
znission;' Local commissioners breath
ed, a sigh •01 relief when the:hill was
received; , for , last Year the, 13th bill -
Was la the form of a debit of over
$9000. The committee, however, hit
a 'urge deficit'An the electrical 'de '
pertinent which win be. reduced tc
slightly over $21;000.• - •
If focl has be' Oversalted brOwl
sugar *should he- added, to the dish ti
torre:et the '
"t•Atoi Ti4E • '
Wrditt •
, • 130W VCrockyl What A Master: Milk Is!.
• , HEY -
'LET 646A 'NAT
r1. ,111,4
I t , 11111, k r
1 11