HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-03-29, Page 81 u1r• o s 'Young: Man Gu' .:Shot 'icth 1<s Discovered- 'Dead- #iy'•Eather Mon,. day Night After ?Th•ree Hours .Absence Ivan 'Steele, Sth eoncessioan. of` Culross, waste fou4id dead, ba Mdnday flight about ten; o'clock, the:. victim of a ,gunshot Wound -Which' • )141 .en- tered his . right lop and Massed up into his ,body- ivan,- who is, aboa 'years' of age, is the 'sen of Mr..4and Mra,: Gear e.•Steel 'the latter:being a" cousin ;of s R'. Cameron of—town..: The'.D ori g who ftequent ' at- tended 'dances here, was-knohvn . by, several Of the younger folk:, of this village ;and wase" highly r'espected.:in lipiti'S:.40 OZ. RASPBERitY and STRAW;, JAM' P'ON'S, '40 OZ; ORANGE MARMALADE ' ]?EAS PORN. TOTOTQES, BEETS, CARROTS. -GREEN " ` " s►ae YELLQW :STRING BEANS; SPINASUI,. PUMPKIN,' ALITY• :25 ALL CHOICE +QU 2, FOR '. , . .. . ...:..... , . �. e • , SW EH" • J IXED' PICKLE5. , . , , . , . ,. ,:; + , . 25c SWEl 'r' 1dIDGET GIRKENS;. ,, . ,t.. , , . HE! ,CATStXP, LARGE ' r ,19e HENT, •FANCY OLIVES , , , ; ,, . 27c �QFF1_EE° :I 1..,,C'AN'• ., „ , . . ,. ,; s .i... w 39c MOM, � LI;CAN , .; ,. ,, •, 25c_ • BULK COCOA, 2 LBS. , •. , , .. •,. . , 19c'• FRESH, FRUITS AND V:EGFTABLES,'ALWAYS .ON},,HAND ` Why not step' out,in a pair of L .I UGLIER DRESS Shoes' Symbo•is of Style an� Cor•fort for • eaY' MAY WE BANE THE PLEASURE, OF SHOWING' YOU .THIS' ' 'DEI%IGHTFUL , NEW -• SHOE BY . MURRAY. Priced at ' $7,50 'e have other New Lines for _Spring_ ranging in price from $2.75 to ;$6.00: 1 3°a NOTICE `TO CREDITORS In the matter of.' the. estate of Willie -in' • Amos" Taylor , late • of the Township of West Wawanosh in -the 'County 7: of • Huron. , Fernier,' deceased Notice ias,hereby given that • all pera�ons;rhavtng any 'claims" or "de minds against" the _late William Amos. Taylor' who died ori or about the . thirteenth' day' of September, A.D.. 1933 at.•'the Township :of West 'Wawanosh xn „the 'County. of Huron, are •Teiquired ;to send by• post pre- paid: or `to deliver to ;'the ,undersigned, Solicitor .'herein •. for. the - executors ;under, the Will of, :the,.sail . William :Amos Taylor,: their ;xian es • and -.a&- dresses ad=dresses< and full particulars ;an., writ jng of y•their• elatilns ;and statements of •.their, accounts an&' the • natilre of the 'securities;'if-any; ;held ;by then'., duly :verified',by affidavit. And ; take notice that after • the Men's -S'PECIA'LS F ssartecie 12; Doz. to, Choose .,'From ,'One P'r1ce arsted ' ''oo`' `eater Coats (Sire' 38,.40,.42;.44). ine Shirts •Full Assortment ots are invited to the en's it boy's Store • . ONTARIO. h a, Aw;n• Ca111111. ;4 1. :It' sreenis tl':iaty t a weasel had been. playing havoc, with .the poultry - at• 'the 'Steele farm and on i Monday night about seven ._o'clock; Ivan took his. shot gun and ;set ,out, to the barn- .to try and shoot: the marauder. As' does much shooting ,and'trapping his three -hours, absence did not' cau r, t thought he•' might be shooting Tab:- bits ab-bits in the moonlight. ' ,About' ten- o'clock When his father so'fght his whereabouts, he made the shocking , discover of 'findings his • son; Inv—Idled in the fence 'corner, ,and evidently, had :. passed away some time—before: !it -is thought' that --the unfortunate youth' either ' fell in climbing' over the fence or • slip, C t? ori ,Some ice nearby with : tragic re- sults, when the gun was accidently,! discharged. 'The funeral will• be helrl on ,Saturday as a sister of- the de- ceased; who lives iri the West, is coining~ home ,to attend the.,funeral and be with tier parents in ttheir. sad twenty-first' day of April At.,y134; the'. said executors will proceed to. distribute; the, assets of: ;the said •de= ceased • among the ,persons • entitled thereto,- ]raving' regard only to-, the claims :Of - which they: shall • then. have received notice and that the said`"executors` will riot .be liable, for, the .'said 'assets or any part thereof,, to an'y', person` of',whose >claim they shalt, not•• then have received notice: This, notice is` given pursuant; to. the statute in that :.behalf.; • Dated at Lucknow, Ontario, this' -26th:. clay: 'of: March A.D. J H. Crawford', Barrister, &e., ?Solicitor for the said executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ,All persons having claims against the -estate of HENRY PATTERSON 'late: .of the •,Township •of West, Wa wanosh in the, Coulnty: 'of Iluren Farmer, deceased, 'who' died 'on en about the 8th day of February, A.D. 1934, are hereby .notified -to send on or before the 12th ,day of. April, 1934, to Mrs..' Henry Patterson, Lucknow, ' Ontarie, or Rey. John Pollock, Whitechnrch;M Ontario, the executors Of 'the ,said 'estate. or .to the undersigned Solicitor, names and addresses, full :,Partici' lars`�oi'•their claims ai1tL'.tlie' .nature of their ':securities,' if any, heldby them' and verified by statutory dee- . ' • ' • Immediately after such ladt men= tinned date the assets . of the estate "ah he said` deceased will be . ,distri- buted' amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard` ";only to 'the claims properly, filed. ` DATED at ,Wingham the 20th: day of March, A.D.:• 1934. " 8:.. S. HETHERINGTON, Winghn:my. Ontario. Solicitor herein, MORTGA6E SALE' , Of Valnable Farm Property' Huder-an& by ‘r.,,irtile of. the Powers Of Sale -contained' in det,tain" molt- frages-,. which be produced at tbe time of Sale, 'there will ,be offCr- ed for sale by 'public .auctionoat the hereinafter described preperty, on Monday,. the 1fitn, 'lair of April, 1934, at the' lionr- of 2 o'clock in the afternee'n," the following -property, 11.11,1e1V, Lot Number 1; • in the 12th Concession, Eastern, Division, Town; ship of) Ashficld, Cotinty Of Huron. On the said prbportiri there is" a. plentiful supply. of 'Vvp.f.e' and about Sale •subject to a reserVe id And other conditions Of 'aide; •further par - from the undersigned Solicitor. 'Solicitor -for the 'Mortgagee; • • bereavement."• PAGE :BOYS BUSY WHEN' JACK, :COOK'S- IN 'TOWN Flocks of New Spring House Dres- ses,. colorful as :the spring flowers. Extra 'style; washable at, •69c. and $1.0(). THE: MARKFT-STARE _" -- FFET WERE' AMESS` before she used': Cress. ,•Corn, ISalve.-. '• It's :good:. Recommended bythousands. , Sold At VIc&IM'S DRUG STORE Jewel Rebekah :''Lodge" aril] `hold` a dance in the _ Town Hall, 'Friday,; April° Stli Carr's. 8 -piece, orchestra. General, admission_ 25c. Lunch coun- ter. Poor T, : Boggs' surely rues the . day. he gambled • his liberty away. and George -B. ',learns: that' the servant pro ,letn is. a reality m of Si> e8» , neral, ax To norrow. is �Gaod Fuidar and 'a I aNIa; holiday,, " If . you thought :".Pegg'a Pouible". funnyi„ yPli'll find,,a, "Fair 'of, Sixes" funni'ert ' ' Sale of • Misses and Children's solid, Leather 'Sheaf! at • . W. J. LITTLE'S. SHOE S't'QR ;, • 1Bargains,:..11 lE osiery; •'.and Gloves fpr every meinber of ....Ole, fami4r.:- T13E MA-ItItrET STORE, 112iss' Joy If enderson has . an far recovereit-from a recent illness xo, be mile to be out again "this' week. Mr.'Llo 'd Eildr i and d Audreyof B b ervie spent: a',few days The fora er's; parents, Mr. and'Mxm. Frank Cole. , . Mr. ' Cecil `:Mullin,; mail', , courigr • on Route 2; Lucknow, won' a' merchan- dise prize. in the Family -Herald sub. scrlption contest. Mrs. A E Traplin, who. was •taken sprite i11 ,the :latter: part of the week, was ` 'removed- to -' the • .hospital' in London on Sunday. --onc ash,e • •'fir•.• er e • Shirts•Ties Socks. Int r Cap. e 'rt ose fo` .Chi ci'r{er A...FINE' CASHMERE G01.D `LOSE FOR' BOY' oR";GIRL• Tweed Cars for Boys FULL RANGE OF THESE CAN BE om' • NE AT "Mrs—Ala, Sound.. hasbeen visiting•. with here sisters ip•laar, Mrs., Paul. •and Mot;. Wm. Reed .of ..Lncknow.'' .. Mr., andMrs. Fred Price and : son • Jack of "Goderich, were recent' vis; tors' here• With Mrs. -Price's parents, Mr,. and, 'Mrs. Wm..: Jshpsten ,.-< t • Mrs. Clarence Irwin' and children of • Lucknow,. visited with'Mro Ir win's mother, Mrs. I.. Stanley, over the 'eek-end,--Ernssels .Post. . , J. W. Joynt and Alex ' Andrew at. •tended the ,annual; meeting • of thee, Huron County . Fruit Growers' • . As- sociation • in. Clinton last Saturday. • '-, L-eave'� it. to the women to find out things when their 'curiosity „is'arous ed;; and Florence ;Cole is no excep- tion, to the rula'in "A Fair of:.,Sixes." The'. following , article, •we copy from--a:-February-issue =af-itie Dl:��° ,Merchandising..magazitie77-107,-WincIF it appeared,, after Mr, Cook, an Ash- field :boy, ' now, of 'Winnipeg, • had ,made 'a business -trip, to Toronto. •P -A A -G -I -N -G.' Mr. Cook! Fag ing,Mr:. Cool d"• -dozens of tines daily for several days. recent y:this call., resounded through the rotunda, dinirg rooms', and corgi ,yrs of the Royal" YorkFIote1,✓'Toronto But. only infrequently%was it answered. Mr. Cook `for the greater' part o each day -7-• nil . quite often In::tli:r evenings-was'"das iwg a'R-Ond- city . on - bt}siness;. in connection with his firm. • The.. ,Mr. Cook" was, of course, John F.' Cook, manager of .the •drug department of 'the Hudson's Bay Co; Winnipeg, .Man., and "holder down'; of one' of the'• biggest. jobs in' the .re tail drug business in this country, There is not a traveller who covers Western Canada' nor a manufactur- er • nor • 'air ' executive, who • visits , the SV'est_ who .•.does_ net,..knovp .„,b.W •. . is there. one: -'who will not readil admit that "lack",Cook. is one of, the whitest men •with` whom theydo business. No matter how busy 'hr.,• -may be -and when be comes' east hp; certainly is�a busy-ra?� n Jack-inak� :Mrs (Di' )- A`rii3st bug rid "1VIis" it a ,point to .give every rrien -who Leslife of .',Toronto, attended the has, anything to sell a chance This funeral of their uncle, Robert Mullin is one: of the reasons for .:the gentle- oil Monday,: and remained with .their man s . popularity, aunt until Wduesday. • On his trips to the • East Jack never, fails to dash up to , Lucknow., • -where his ',mother resides. Since the ,death of .Mr. Cook. Sr..' there are only the littler old lady in Lucknow • and ' the ' big - sjen in the West, But so';•pressing• were the de• mends on' hr's time On this.,last trip that: it was ,impossible' to'make' the, trip: to the' home town. The difficulty wag solved,. `however, by ` Mother Cook' taking' the train to Toronto, ]':earning that it Would: help o f, l',ohn by going to him, the little old lady obtained, permission from her:. physician andlost no • time 'lin head, ing for, Toronto, it was •just some-. 'thing she could ;do for her '•'busy boy. -end-glad, and proud slid was to do it.. , A graduate of the O. all, in 1921 with the, "Over -the --Top" eldest, '►nckf'Singing Solo:,Performer. -COok was with, the T, Eaten Co.• for nine years. He' started in. as ; Mose Martha..'14CacCallunl, Wno extra help ;hut ;wound ,14 p as manager to haver played the leading rale in of the' drug'ilepartnient lI► May; 1b31'the 4i',I'ztS�"play, staged ..an 'Friday, when: be left to take 'aver the ,pan •has' seized * with ' an acute attack, d agement, of the: drug departrnant; of appendicitis the previous Saturday the AI-ludson's Bay Co, in Winnipeg. evening, ,a`t 'the ,home' of 1)r.. an 13efdre going to Ea+bn's he" had Mrs:. `Win.,Connell,NMisa MaeCailum's dut'ed .:. ehid• own business• in Secon- aver Condition was serious fdrit .fear days ton until'.this health broke down.. Ile knit sire is now recotrering', from the' gv• iered . leis ' apprenticeship with d, r. attack, aIthdugli 'stili quite hrnistrong in" Lucknow and With Vie 9careq Winning, Goal iScwycr on- Danforth., AVe ve, mor^ In the- annual gportsi' encounters; mite , 1}T4 also, wvtts in tbd'' ei4hplo�t. of kietWeen • London' aiid Stitatford Nor G, iniblyn Ltd, fer'a *Wei 414 gtulettts, the liockey 'teams fiat - Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Clutton of GOderich [visited Monday • with Mrs. Chesnut. Mrs. Clutton is 'Staying for the -week with 'her mother who is quite ill. If you .have an Easter visitor or all suchlittins. if you are ,planning ,,on' visiting dUt Sentinel know about it. We welcOme of toWn during the holidays let the - Miss Muriel tole, whose. home is in Saskatchewan, and who has, been taking a business couise in Detroit is visiting with her ,grandparents, Mr. nnd Mrs., Frank Cole. JOhn lgoohMesi who held stiecesSinl sale lai3t Week; his now 'vacated his 'farm' 'and ,commeneed. work with Mr. ' Neil McDonald of • ifaVe resided, -for the, past' eonple .Of Years • just' south of the ,Big Chiirch, hove , returned to take Up, reSidence Ware there about twO weeks • ago.. , Obtains Honors-4Iisa Helen Land of. Seaforth-, has . now CoMple,ted all the requirements fiat' Ihe following -examinations a the: TOrdrito serVatery of Miele and has achieved ' Pianoforte Teacher; AA.C.M., ',SE,1V1I-TRIIMME D' ' 'RESISTOLITE' 'SUN WORTHY! • Choose yOur 'Wallpaper with .our .New v WALLPAPER, HARMONY.SELECTOR bor,der and walls,, and' be positively " Sure de 6110W they will pear in Your hme. Our new -Wallpaper 'Harmony Selector takes 'all guesswork' ant Of- ehooSing wallpaper. COME IN AND' SEE IT TO -DAY. You'll appreciate the way° it siniPlifies the choice- of wallpapers for every room in the • . FLEURY & SONS - Disc, Harrows; and Land ,Rollera; Double Geared Self -Oiling WindMilla. FROST, STEEL. & WIRE Zinc Bonded- Fencing, Coiled and Rarbe Wire 'TIMOTHY and CLOVER SEED - Na. 1 Alfalfa,' Alsike, Sfanuitoth,' Rad, White and Yellow Swedt Clovers Sale and Gates. . tled to a draw at full time. A renprt _Get the Men's First Quality Long from London reads "In the overtime Rubber Boots for $2.50 at W. J. Thompson, (Andir, we presume) LITTLE'S SHOE STORE ' Stratford' forward, who played well • Ihroughont„ scored on nice • 'pass from ,Matthews". Incidentally it •weS the ,winning goal. • Held .qreivell On' Tuesday- kit at the home :of Mrs., Ida Sills, many neighbors gath- ered, to take part" a quilting bee and that evening the men folk gath- ered and en , enjoyable ,dance was held; which was in' reality', a fare- well party. Mr. Hirani Bloom' and his sister, Mrs. Allis, have for . some years 'condutted a .market garden small f'ruits and' all Manner of veg- etables ,,,v1iich the* suPplied to local merchants and the .eilmmuniy. They have preyed quite honorable in their "business dealings inct ;merchants generally will miss the many, pro - duets *which they , supplied and which could "be conyeniently, Re- enred, with assurance Of thein being fresh. .Mr. Bloom . has a fruit ferin near Hamilton, and this honsehold is awaiting suitable weather to Make their ,departure from the Village Which was planned• for, thia'Week. INMEMORIAIVI Meniery ter oi kr. 'and Mrs. Untold...Ian- anjealied. her home' Irst otlioi,ovity so -Soon'. :AGED, MAi•I ROAMS ABOUT 'SUNDAY holies on Station Street 'had :I/ Oen • disturbed :bY. nuin who sought' ad. mittance, Upen locating the man, Mr. Moore took him te his home: Here he ;found thet,hey was an aged Colborne be eighty-two Yeara old and, at Siderable sum of 'Money. • It seen-la:That he •'had. Come fib ,the village ,Sattirday,.,. after leaving the home a it ifeice in Colborne, and he was 'spending, the week;erid at' the .MCGuire boarding house; , It so happened' that friends .of McGuire'S frOm the same diefrict as this, man; Caine to Spenct the week -end, with them and it is' thought that the Old Wan., believed that his twhereabOtats -Was; being traced,. and With thia lop etrnost in' his Mind; led • to bis aimless , Wandering Suaday' - • He hid retired' early that evening • but , arosc, -tabout 'eleven, o'clock and left, the boarding lionse. This, aod Conatable,, Moore,. 'aiid alter le 'was agitatiOn Of inind adorned. 'to (Boar tInRliant, and, planned 0,n returning to; his piaci of taaidonet