HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-03-29, Page 6automobilista whilst driving* is that
en, drink • would be One tor nianY.--4
Montreal Getette, •
•" General Idea
Ilener'J.uage McLean of
ton, likes a g004 joke. He tells. the
ne on the f Rreigner who recentlY
arnc before him for his nateraliza,
0e•- papers. , When -asked Who was
the Premier, of Canada, the man
Neeeed that it was Bennett. TO the
414.e&tiOn. who Was Premier of 044.44;
• Athenian said Henry. But when ask,
ed who was the King qf Great Britain;
Pie -sImPrisiog reply was Tergueon.--
frienton, Courier-AdvoCate.
• 7• 'Essential to Prosperity .
, .
, -Commodityprices are, going up
and you don't hear even a whimper
• from the ConsUmer:I. They all realize
:that if the country is to be prosper -
'bus the greatest producer of all -,
the farmer must get a, fair price
or his produce. --Chatham Newe.
' • , ••••• '
Sottish courts seem to depend to
quite ,An. extent on. the cancellation
of the license to drive1 and the'knowl-
'edge that an accident 'or a Charge in
• CQUIt IS liable to result' in. the car
being made uselesa for a .term of
YeiM$ undoubtedly has an .effect ; in
producing caution in. drivera.-Straf-
ford BeaconMerald.
two! . • . • I Liberty
-"There are two kinds of liberty
`..-the liberty of _anarchy, whieh is
death, and true Aibee0, which alone
Ls vvortli a we man's caring for, the
liberty which is niade possible by o-
bedience to nationartapthority." The
quotation is front 'Ilroude's "Shmit
Sliudies." Liberty should..not be _ _
fused With license.
CanAda shut off nickel from all
The , Empire
Nickel' and . War
the world, every nation: would be..
• the saute footing arid the danger
.'Lwar not, lessened, for if .history is
berbelieved; men fought when 'ern'
;could be saiefof-preserving our nickel
,resources for "Empire use; but ' this
,4yould require joint Eniliire -action.-
tIoneton Transcript.;
Won't ,be, Seen
.-01kt in. Provo, Utah, Mary .Mirth
Dahlquist has never missed.heing at
, Sunday school for eleven: years. Now
If she had•killed-ter- husband and been
'acquitted, she would have been offered
fat vitudeifild contract, but it will
be •waste Of time to watch the electric
lights to see the name of Mary from
Vtale-e;Niagara Falls -Review. *
"' '170/C.E l'HE PRESS: -..-CONT
A Scathing Letter
to • -0.
. let* :Writ* b3T.James Watt
father-1n-law in the eourse of which
a Seething reference is made to Rich-
ard Arkwright, the famous textile
machine inventor, -has been "gifted to
Glasgow University. The letter is
belietednot to have been previously
Published. ,
In his:reference to Arkwright;Watt
• Paper Money , •
• erChineie ard given credit:far
Inventing .Many .things .centuriee„,-be-
fore they Were discovered in the Oc-
cidental world, such, for eample, as
chinaware, 'gunpeyder. And, printing.
But very few .people know, that the
Chinese were the first to use paper
money.. Authorities on Chinese his-
tory' believe' that paper money, was-
cureent in China al the beginning of
the ninth century A:1).-,--Lonc1on, Free
,Worth While
-1n reaid to niothers' allowance,
the general Verdict in Ontario wil be
that they,haVe been Well Worth *bile,
th*tthey have mated 'in lesser de-
" niait40.';;ite"en,,,pilblie :institutions, and
thatttheY;atake it petaible for widowe
totakee'eare Of,their children in their
owirlietridxe:A7niest decided advantagefrom mc.re than '
one point of view.
Peterhtit*eiigli Ekaniiner. • ,"
• Time and 'Money •
-Man, 'arranged the clock to. suit
• himself. Perhaps some, day he will
:Oleo the .•Rirwi can be. done with cur-
rency which, in itself,:is neither•half
•:lso Cornplicated Or' nearly So service-
able as the tince,Plece Was. It has
been 'drone with tined; let es hope for
the day When it done with rneney.
-Ottawa Citizen.,
• • •
Canada Will .finte Through
-Canada .and the Province of On-
tario have their preblenia;• plenty of
.theni,' but Our general .position is
etrOng and when .-Contraita are 'made
with niany countries that rnlght be
1•nained, our •country „ataxia out as a
roek. of, towering. strength. • 'Never
fear, Canada_avill....conie-threiWwith
colours •flying.-Wiritlsor ' ,Border
Ci -
tie S Star. •'
• .. • „
•11141th_*,..LM_Lotkaolis.,, •
eisumstanCos :,•eliniinat'‘. a.
'blacksmjth•shop It: is 'replaced: by a
garage or a service:Station-employing
. ntUre: men; the tradition Of the croaa-
• • roada earriageShep i continued in the
, automobile factorY, and so on • down
the roll of •industry. AMeng them
the engineer, the inventor, the Soleil;
list; it appears abundantly 'preyed;
have • inade far eiore jobs than they
have destroyed, and In addition they'
have added eriertiously to the demi.'
'forts and ;tern:lee available to tbe
rnaSses of the people,,,,Ottavra
• '
• Not in the .Curriculum
many quarter's there Will be
hgreeinent wit,h •Pi -of. Stpheu tes.4
ehtle5. 'statement before. the McGill
Society of Teri:into-to the eifffect, that
, if a•UniverSity .datittet get along these
. daya...,without n Imbue feethall team
it aught to ,get mit of the ,ed
, • ;
.§,pee.in'Russia . • •
-SeViet freiretit • train:4; it is eat:-
• tended, de' not travel et a faater tate
..Ot'spccd thpiv'avO or three eillet an
• liner *dile to Ohaelete telling -stock snud'.
faulty ioanageinent. At that;raie, ths,
inietle-celebrated miiie•d• train fronl
Brockville te• Westport is pOSitiVS
" Recorder,:.
One Drink too' Many.
• -4.1ilentreat tudgo has ruled that
.4. Man can WM three or fear drinks
and, ; atilt rental:1in notriplete .pessese
Sio,ri 'et his faCultleeIge the Wheel. Of.
-ane•antentobile Stich. k tdie 'might
• 'e1)plY4:1 One, instance and be invalid
. it .others, 'idea rulo. for. all.
1 6!
“Aa .to. Mr. Ark -right, he i, to
say no,,werse, one of the most self-
sufficient ignorant men I have ever
met with., Yet by ,all •,I.can.„learn he
is eertainiy a Matrof,merit in his way,
and one be Whom "Britain la Much in-
debted: -And Whom* she,•ShOuld honor
and reward, for, whoever invented -the
sninning;Arkterighteertainly had the
tmerit OL performing; the Moit.difficult
part,' whieli was theinalcini it:useful.
• "Some, years Ago he .'applied to es
at two different thries ,for our advice
which we tools,,the trenble•te give him
in one ormore long letters, which he
never had the Manners tO anawer, but
followed his 'OVen,Whims, till he threw
away several thorisand;pontids and ex-
posed his ignorance to .all the world,
andthee ni disgust gave up the
s'ehetife.-'1*.have heafd'nothing..of hitt"
since lie returned frfitiir Scotland; and
Edinburgh. Scotsnfan:
.Books by the Yard,
-Art!ficial °books for -*Oration
are now sold made t Order with any
kind of Paper "binding'? reqUired. to
match- a romix,', the hangings or car-
pet. The hooks are joined to a strip
of' cardboard With real titles and au,
thors'• names on the With', just for
swank. --London Sunda y Express.
Aims for India
speech delivered by Lord Wil-
lingdon in Calcutta put the three ne.
eessary 'aims di the government ,in
their right perepective. The task of
the .administratioe, said .the viceroy, -
;Was to. insizt. on law and :eider; to
Push on with -the constitutional •; re-
forms, and to ,...xleveloP the went:Mile
future of India. -,-London Spectator.
•, Everywhere
-As.' jay -walking is one of , the
gravest •faults Of the „pedestriaita in
Hong: Kent, we are :given to Wider-.
stand..that the :policewill he striving
Wardit itaeeSeation. Ohmage are notthe ony ffeiidersln this ,
respect, as
at:y(4M citri.sealor himself ot.' here
self: •;:-. for tha_trauble-of-•-fivo-inin-
utes observation at the intersection Of
or at *Pedder, street, where Big; Ben
Used to be:LT-Hong Kong Press:'•
:.0The Jugular Vein
ii-41rie Suez Canal is of Vital concern
to India. Of ' late the strategical
portancoof the Canal to 'India, Aus-
tralia and NOW:Zealand and the Far
East ha indeod, in contritit*With the
apathy of severity or eighty years ago
been 'fully. realized by :imperial stra-
•tegists and stateettien. Tte •ffefetlee
'hes` figured in All the ...British dieeile-
aloha .forith .Egypt airkee the•Vitri• and
13 now, whatever quobe the
cal status ,of Egypt in the future, re-
garded as a major British interest. •
Dining .Creat ',War Germany de-
scribed it, AS the '".jtigtilice; .of
theErnpir.-(;ih'i,tt11 Statet-
thAn. • ' •
,• Drifting to the Cities
" .-There has been a perSistent drift,
of peoplicfrein the country to.the
especjally since thLWat. T. 'Wailes,
thestatistiiati, has remarked
melt trent time: to time In his "Year
Rook", and Lit is. 'reflected in the die-
tribution of seats, in the' House of
Representatives! At eirery, rearrange-
• inetil'of eleetekiel,boutelaeleS since the
CerintionWealtli vvas "...established, the
have gained seats at the ex-
• pense of the interior, and the size of
doentry electorate a haa Swelled to such
an ,egteitt, that Many 'oil tbaele people'
Otter §te their ineitther -frdin one
Yttra'Pond to another. Kalgoorlie,
for example, Spreads OVor More nhati
900,000 aqua,eO.itilles, Meraneeis
three tlnles the area of Victoria,. Ma-
rayietolif. t� he enlarged kale, and
Auattillia b
•tk a Out to is
• •The ilrat .phothgraph together of their majesties Xing Leopold.
_ •
ind-Queeri .Astridot the Belgians, line° their 'accession to the throne
est month.
. „
,73f, Menibee, is all an effect
. a‘eaberate
centraljzatjon Witten. has
Sydney, N.S.W.
ly. Injured, • altlimigh palaftely briars:,
.921 and - shaken . up.- .• ' • ,
"rose uneicled 'after his mount
fell at few ma4ftesnseueo. banrvdis adaf taeiraineksetminegn taa
_ :ra•410-144.t.theelit..se-f
badly hurt; Spills :are not new to
the DU1C9, )4.0le. considered a: splen
, 4
did horsemaiL, ' ,.•
Ihj LP. Liu°
1)epresiort's H.ardshins
- The demand for Reno divorce s is
diminishing. In their presentfinan-
cial condition, many gentlemen have
been forced to keepthe old models'for
another , year or twp.7---Iqew York'
, Fair Warning,
one of the diiiie.: stores last
week a "spieler selling Amen -
tan ,tiaamorids, • He ended , his appeal'
to the prospective buyers with the
sentence, '"You'll have to, hurry to get
yours., , Sellirig there .to -day only.
To -night I'm leaviag.teWn."--:-Topelia,
Kits Capital ' '
Clean Hotels
For Tourists
,, • .. , ;
•Canada Week by Week.. •
In ite lateat issue. of "The Teurist
• .
Issued by Provincial
emphasis*:Is again pleee,d, ::epon.* the
need efia..,::highLetandaidot.--eleanM
province. Al-
though a :7hhili att.triiiiiid, has 'already
been 'attaineil,,it Is otiklaus,• that .pres-
sute:WIll be eoatinued to raise it .even
k. • - .
bigher.. ..„
.'11103elletlii'aaya in part: '"A great
display of hnury is .noe seitable in a
sniall hotel, but,•cleanliness should:. be.
found',..in'large and sinall lititele; bo
Ing at the hese ot, the .good repine-.
thin, , of ali ,astablialineitte, receiving
.greing ahelte, and feed to travellers.
We believe: taLxcesLyejeanJJjiezq
teduliVadliantageously:' take .the ,pfaee.
„Of luxury, e'Ven;in'large,hoie scalled
''palaces' In Europe.'
It is added that all haela 'and. lnns
.in the 'province shmild.haVe•an alveaf-
knee' Of tdiuess that Will bo ; ,
ing With the beautifal and goOd.rela.ds,•
so: as to give '' to the • ProVinde. of
Quebec 'a reputation Of neatness in
accordance With the numerous attrae,
thitti: it . offers to•tourtsta and .traVel-
!Os.'" '
Hurt in Steeplechase
ohipping-hurit, England. -.7 -The Dake`
of Gloucester, 1 third son- of 'King
eleorgoliad-. A faxitY_SP11.4-1.a.::tk. 6-71111"--
nation race tor the Oxfordeliir,e• point-
to.point SfeeliteehaSe, but was not bitd-
-' --'. .• , .
What Does Your Handwritin
reaetved. •
All right
, •
Note:--el.etere are covnin
their writing. some delay 1. enavold
able, eie.peeh, letter requires garefu
as eieekly potalete ie0Ii
sem:tiny; but rerillee are, being malle
yourhandwrItine analyzed,:stie..the..eln
nom:cement at tho:Oee of *hie, artIcie)
WAn7-, "Pei4lintlga ;tk• a4Icleilittear, s 4441 ePrn eriltoali
,speeimen. or the ,writiegr:.- of her
Sweetheart. part of her: letter foliated;
.44filad'''d'aeni$40filgthyaote,..ptni yrilei,wnsizettdhwcrritt.ingi
would like' you to advise, pls.:I. am
vely:'Worried-andnnhappy. 1 loye. rn
Sweetheart very 'dearly, and l have
always thought • he reciprocated my
affection. But lam beginning' to won-
der 1? if 110. does, and l'hetbei he
Is the [r4ht: type nt Man for 'line.' I
ikee him. very in:4N but _Would far
Tither • finish thinge with :Mtn' 'now
than to: have a lot more trouble and
eahePPinesir later cn. We are engaged
to .,be;.zziarrieti; but he keeps putting
Oft Making.a date ferthJ wedding.
.And.'khave beenteld•that110'goes out'
:with other girls. He adinits, this..hat
begs me to forgive him,and assures
me that when, we are married,. he will
At the Sa,"0 time, he "pats 010
oft by telling" me that hie', busineOls is
Mueh toe Inseeere fOr us ta eel:heat.
plate -marriage •eow; 'plextee advise
me." : • • - • . • .. I •
sorry Per my., correspondent,
but AM, in.clined-to believe that she is
seneihld enough to•realiZe; as alie says
in her lettere that It Is better to effect
ci deal More trouble' and iiiiiiallidaeSa .
rs a ei . .
Her 'own handWriting"` 0DPWA• a
warm; ardent fiatnre that afteplY Oust.
have the affeetiop. of Others., She Is
lionest. and. trustworthy, end"'
good deal of natural pride„ Het writ-
ing. shoe's that she would 10 miff!
a home of- her own:, and that fam;IY,
life Would. b7e her metre''.
On the ether hand; of
her friend not tie geed:. It ahoivi
unreliability and a preditectIon for .
,00. 18. e'eeeler ...Olio; than tily.
correspondent, net nattirally 'affection- :
ate in , kindly.. geae,e, its'
rather "physical" type. • •
..„ My Advice to the Youliglady*104•that-
„the yotiag 'mei'. rie not the one,•rieet
Milted for her. saf., marpea lilin, hi
Fill deceive, her just xrieba•le deeply
ing her now, beeause Ala his nature
'• And, there.„10 a'strea'Irot disheneste
In Win This coupled with the vere
d,eilnite, indicatiens'ef deceit, tells Me
that She will only be- unhaety if she
contin•uee• to go with -him., '
MA: Slie"Olting:O° the practical, she
is not ,getting am: younger. She fo,
•losing herepPortunitlea or making the
Jacquainta ce of man who ;ma
e on ..o ,er, ;and -Ale e•
geod blighting?, •.;
•Do you leant y!eux.... •handWritIng
H RickabrGiven
Qeologist's Post
5r'Burrows in
_Lee •,
Mines Pepartnie t'offi
:•Member of :Staff:
Toronto, March lb -Announcement•
was made over the . week -end_ by .
Charles. 'McCrea," Mini:her of .MI/108,
that; the 'Poet .of •Previneiel,Geelogist,:
Made ...Vacant' :by the death the late
.1".*..A.,-,di.:DurroWs;-.4S•beentrillieti by
the,,,appeintinent...freee the ceoicigtegi
sfaff... of 4133;04 ' oeiMeu itickabY
;miler pre -Cambrian geologist 1 With
the Mines ,Bepartnient.- „
.1, •
The •appointment was . tattled.... by
•order-iii,Ceuncil .of the • Henry!”. Cab-
inet,on Saturday.," ' •
;gr.: tilociv la an honor graduate
In Cheniletry and xineraloi,Y Of, the;
:universitY Of TorontaLin....19g2;_and
also a Master of 'Arta gradaate In
1923. He Was: Research Asitatent • in:
-,tliti-Departittent of 141nera1ogy •from
1924 to i1926; Incluslve, and ;:joined
the, "Provincial „Mines' Department in
1927:••••While• he has •.been associated •
.With the department Iii geeloglial
,studies since 1920 1118 *ark :e1n0e b.
:roolniiig a •pertnaneat member of the
stat hag; been principally In• Ban-
•Sudbury and • Swayze
Mr. Riekaby was overseas . froar
1010 to ISO,' in • active aerVierie, With.
the,Prineess•Patricia'i Canadian Light
111 fantry.
, .
"Student. Prince
Authoris Dead,
Berlin, .March Meyer;
reerster;, anther of the world's great
'oat stege•h#;,"Alf known
to Canada as "The Student -Priebe"
died to -day after a long Illness. tin
Was 72. • :t
"Alt Heidelberg", .clarined the big,.
gest'' stage success of all time. It was
a dramatized, version of it short 'story
"Karl. Heinrich?" This -attained. 4 -
sale of .30000 copies within two- years.
Its sueceila • Induced ,'the author to
rewrite It as, a.• play. The , WRY 'has
been...itranalated-litte.• every inedefir
language, and at present is being prce'
-thiced4n-l'eltie.*:Ixt•rjapairese and in
Johannesburg, Union:of •Sofith 'Africa,
111 English.
analyzed? ' 'Do you .wrah'io knew thi,"
character that Is 'shown In It? *6'414 -
:a letterin your Otvn handwriting, itelfa
'10c coin and a itannPed (3c) addreead',
• .
envelope to: Geoffrey St.:. Glair, Root*
r 421, 73 Adelaide 'atwest; toreetkr.....
-Oar-TE,:e-fers, are ',confide:Mini.
Restocking Methods
Preying Successful
Distribution of TrO0t-tri;:,ige_r.,
1400;000 Anrthally'
We ,in,.. Southern 'Ontario, -Are veer
apt to overloOk. • the rerstodieg"
qui1'ement of northeru •districts,
where :there are**Itinemerable,..abee
slble and -.heavily fished water, s
mach' so' that additional protection 'b
closure has been necessary: Does..th
reader • recall - that,',Thundee-Bar-eo
tides ,certain.'tiout 'waters of outete,
ding_..intimitanee on•Lthe,tiOntirient-Fair
as7a, Matter of fact, in world?
The large distributions of trout
Algoma and: Thunder Bay are: the 're
stilt of the establishmeat, of, A leig
trout -tearing station In each. 'district
. .
each capable of dlstribiitfng annuall
1,500,000, fingerlings. From• -the :eco
Oleic and biological standpoints, the
pepartMeat , has ,been :more then jus-
tified in these .coirenittMente.
At least 89 per Centi-- of the
trout. eggs -distributed" liter as fry,'
:fingerlings,: yearlings, • etc, ' the
waters. of , Soirthern. Ontario,' originate
trek, breeders, at the ,Ncirthern On -
Jeri°. trout-rearieg " statiens•! and the
fleld station On. Lake .gitdgen•
were not for these sources 0! supply,
re,stOchini:in Southern•Cntario *Mild
be,..greatly curtailed! • " .
, .
often' resort; "Under permit;" to speed
ier, methods• of capturing 'fish.' The,
investigator, if questioned,moult
probably admitthat in his 'attempt te•
obtain' spectra:dee, of ,brovn. trout trope.
_Big Clear. Lake; he did,. net Irk th.a
pioyed by the folloWeraot,isaile.' Wet
:ton -
Practically ,One :hundred per cent; . •
of.. the ;Maskinotige "dietrieUted.. :fro* •:.
hatcheries on this COntinent aro fry.
E;PariPientai work oxi :the, either') O1..
inaskinonge ilagerliagtrhas been 'are;
dertaken,•:hut the •reautte ace:emelt*.
...ext.',to • datO:re:-.InsIgniiieant; - in IfaCt
, .
,practieally nothing is definitely knoWa
'of the actual requirements to ; _eat •
n. :this species eaccessfully. It is, 'Wet.
d -lineviaLthat-jt4hettee io.pittat eager.
•. lings.,-an(i larger 'fisle'•and. mitriliarine •
e the bend spaee devoted to bass, cal;
• ture-in .thitario with:that elsewhere
6 it will. bet,found that the quantity of •
bass .fingerlings :distributedbYthe .T).a.
-.paittnent in reeefit yearsle•••
- Pried', eeltare is enly. , one Phase • el,'
:the Subject; -sane creel limits • sulk
t •
„able closed eeiteene, and bass eaecte
tries are to, be .coeaidete'd also. • .•
The -.planting of 'rainbow . trout it, ••
the •French. :River seems -ii,step • it
th6..right direction.' "..lialubontS M
steel -beads run .into:.. A number; of
streeMictritutifirY to flie7fleorgian•Bal
and'Iake'llitronas a result formet. '
• ,
Planta.'in the St. Marlow Rlyei- an
. in streams , 'adjaceat..., to: .the • 'Grew,'
• tikes.• ' • •
.• -
. '
• ...Certain strains :and lakes', in •,On-'
iaria4ave' been iStedited .vvith • brown,
trout On ,an experimeetiii basis, •and
as. a, result : of :additions to the 'Ken,
Ora hatchery ..experinientatiOn•with
the ennui* Of"tbeespeelea .in that die-
trict,. With; restricted distribution of
advanced fry has kolieWed.•',..lt-hi only
-..dnring-tbetnest-tWo-'-or'three -years'
that `, .the`,rpettitttitea has iiented .
and -although the results :of thelilatit':.
Inge titaY be ;krieWri, it is not in :the heat
-fnterests of etinveraAllen,
the details int1l the2.fieli. .hecOnie
'isei'y • s e ,
All a6161806 inen are73•1617"-Kifilerii
in any.sesjfihe word, -and'
. ,
, •
, • ,
, The, textell cif„ Bel Uoatet, 'California; is a pePtilai ,pliolograpiiic..balcgron'od, generally tied by
.111,0,0 attired,.tn brief tatitlngsuteb, ,basking :rii Ate su This pirtkiihi nhologi ttiTh ts tih IY lt#t td t1t'
do.ftgotrifs,to, bippd dtiree'a eautttu1 ltbtb"14- • ", '
Dies.as }le nears
He's Father Of Son
, Wheeling, W. Va.,--Rhyeicians teli :
John ,F. V'ard, 32,- it barber, that • hi '.
was the father ,of • a Son,.
. . .
hi '14e eerritier" of the heapittil..:•Bei',
,tors are Withholding' the news
Mrs --war • ,
. .
. d.
It Hetribt.
• Pauline csernshutlina •
MeleteVr-Pireetor thi
Soviet Cosmetics 'Tibet, makes, veri
good lipatiek and soa
SO • goo
(eentral 'Pied:dive Committee of ih4
soviet Union) Jigs awarded: her the•"•*''
bider of 'Lenin tipt,,."aap:Srins# out hit
production ,plenand iniproVirig'tht
quality" • • .
, Out she does not u . se • cosmetics
;herself. .1. .
TLoaned $2,366,531.
Washingten.--Two additional loail;"
;ea rai r ads retailing • $3,306,5,..1 felt .
Ad* eqiiipment and maintenance. were
• arieetinbetl. recently hy Rareld
• Thilted States public' Werke Adminla-
The Ciiicego„.,Milwatikee, St.` Anti
and Paciflo Was- leaned' $1;036;631 ftie'
building 1g eetit'Aiassenger rats, air..
conditioning Of 22 dieere. ahiliternee
cars and ifistallatiOn ot tOO loading
deVic60 on atilantabile .:CarS:Vhe New
York Ctihl Was leaned "$430,000 to .
pay teeek men An • laYllig 31,000 'rette.
titralV nds.fasteniiigs, '
.. • . . • •
Manitoba TO Observe
•Boxing Day Holiday
„Nreteh .13.- gee:line That
Ode, 23the (lay atibr. Chriatinaa,. will
heeenter ti„;.•,etattifet y, petite bulfilist fo
Alantiebu ip, flitilre it the legiShttihe
itoM'n,V6A-Itt•Liyin ti'y 1n intratinted• nett
ccHitti8.thq, 4 ept,,,Italo .
roidere:01tve ror Awaintholiv