HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-03-22, Page 5:
[�Jit�DA,Yi; 'A�IARt
22 d• 19$4,.
Tom. '$,#0,EK•O'W eZNT3. f=,' ,• •
When you: deposit your savings in thisbank, you crow;;_
tat: you Will get our: money. back, dollar' for dollar
plus interest. A savings' deposit 'has proved- to be the;
safest form of investmept for hundreds of thousands of
thrifty,self-reliant Canadians.' It remains at par through
good times and bad: It yyields a sure and stead . return.
' It is an . investment . that .can j,e"decreased or increased'to
suit' the individual,' financial .ci' - tang s
. � l scums e_.
,Ripley and District
Mr,, Dan C. McKinnon ' is verb ill
at his home in the .villager
Many Huron farmers have begun
to, tap: their maple treeat :and report
a good run ' of sap.,
'Mrs, ',rank '1Mills attended > the
convention of the Women's Mission-
ary Society held .i. Waterloo, and
also visited; with Mrs. Kenneth Mc-
Allister at Bloomingdale., 1 '
•; • Huron Township's oldest' resident
in the, person 'of Mrs Angus McLeod
In her 95th, year, passet•,away at.the
home' of her son-in"law, 'John Nes--
bitt, con/2: : Huron,. on `Saturday,
March 1:00;'.
The fii'neral of�'the late Neil 'Me-:
Callum was held from'Knox Presby-
terian Church -on' Saturday, March
10th, . with Rev. Hanna in: charge,
sssisted• by Rev. G• N. MacKenzie
-Interment-Twits-made in- Ripley- cem
etery.; Surviving` : are . his widow,.
formerly Emina 'Jane •' Marshall, and
four :small children.,
• , A little • daughter arrived at, the
borne of Mr.; and Mrs:Edwin"Iarri-
son, •con.10,•on Friday, •March 16th.,
Nurse, Miriam Sturgeon is -in' atten-
Established, i$i?
ASSETS IN EXCESS •O,P $7.50;00.0:.0:00
Ludknow Branch: 'S. D. • \ HALEY, Maas er
1�Q , ,.
.:.. ;1he Outcome o • .iz6 :Years': Success ul ;O eratsott•
f' f:� p
r" -sense's"'
of e h a
s� cal c se s t ,
:� The c n
�o - o' Precious.,
h '-
• hearing. � r r 1 st
•'a e y
I1 P P•
sisal' .possessions: Whit we•. have to
.;..say, ,is'. fol the parents of:y.otilg.
• children as. it 'lies "to'•do with ;action
e:xl In life -t0' Sd t Grin•
1 ter :" `urs
.h ai•,, off.
order i. sav "°th e r I
In rde to e e eg
t'o avoid deafness, we inu'st .. proceed
• alo noun lin ; of prevent'n
:mow ng_ the _.-;_-d _CS. -._..:.1? ._ ..._ . �'
`'hose- ••conditi.ois `ti;•'h ch • arE p
lead • to • 'deafness A .common :, cause
Of deafness is':infection .of th'e''mid-
ear,**-, which passes ..from • ."the
throat 1.0 .:the 'eu teehian tube" con-
Op, s.. ,
netting the:'` throat 'And ° the . .riddle
ear. The, most; con iron . t'y. e • of, -such
.,, P
a. ,r
iirCe n < Is- tkie-� to ns ail
infection y
+.io - . _childre
'�n o so 1 u5
• .Co 'are i r r I
. s h •tu; e
I t tan
• than in: •adult -S: `rmie.-era Ac. h
i, a •of
",t:tht. •,
"of;.the ohl d. as' colrtp�c.d o
•':. the 'adult, Is; 'short; 'Straight .and
0hviousl this renders Infects 5n ::of
'': • .
ea]' via :ilk?". ,(; i
.: the middle ,
il:e] � o
1 ' -an
tube,'.rrluch `Prose . y, !;and
. t 1
,.;� o�d e
•. creases ,the ,ch. nc cs , f . ; g,
r -trades . wh c -h . often
he ' hearing ;n la
fo lie
Ilows. m do I
, a. -
• "'Ca aril n. cans a ' ehionic"" sofa m
an 'e tient cause',af..na°sal
_ at�i . A f. ,
....'fl- Dial i : of-.+' he se
:..-catarrh-..as .thy ef_ n v t
trim, whlcl' divides ' the nose into
are told •that:''.. e
•two arts ,'GVe.•
e musics concer g en o
choir 'of St, ,Andrew's. United Church
on Friday evening, March 16th, was
Well attended, and' much enjoyed , by
all present? -Rev. Walter B. Craw'. of
Kincardine, the guest artist, :de-
lighted the, audience; with his 'read
Mr. Thomas Kempton ; motored' 'to
•Sarnia on Wednesday. .'.
Mrs. John A. Farrell:: visited With
her eousin ,rt Munn e r s .obe •duri
`Mr .
.the 'past. month.
Miss' Jean Lindsay has returned
from ':a twoweeks' visit at the home
= off -es• --uncle;- -George-•r-Lindsay •-of
Smithr"` torr
•B m
Mrs. (Di.) f a
( ) o p
'attended the fu neral of her' . sister-
in-'Iaw, the late Mrs. • ;Prank Tout
iJf •'nbt. infrequently put ,out treatinerit. Fella and 'c
blows 'orithe
iproper' :place iy falls the faceshould. 4i.4 :�be,'neglected, and
hc _when the '.. child
diet,tons is andadenoids
h 'uld
learning to Walk., 'receive consi er tion:Tere ".are' ;
.who P
assed.• Away
A.. groat has beeniiitten and ler e 'ieasons endnng tothese.0nder o'mgan..'o operation n in Tanga?'
,aarpilt tons and. adenoids., Wo .eondton • but' not the, edat .im._ dine General HosP t,al:
portant hat. to do with.,the reser-
rio::not , su .•est; ; . that::: all tonsils. hP .._
h .nth, 1 , removed . ., ..... + vation of -the sense. =of --hearing:-:----
uestions eco cernin - e ith ad
dressed to the Canadian ;Medical
184• College':street Ton:
onto :will be' answered ersonally b'
, P y Y
letter:; {.
11 e found to ale , . iseasecl; 'rtlrexe _i�:
no 'doubt • but'• that: they'should Come
out' ' ileiroi s houl removed
. A ds d'lie,
,The dei;ision `as to the `need•' for-•re-
ni wi1 ln- env phrti`cular-=child-•should.
re ni:Drl'e by the doctor 'wbb examines
;the' cthild• and so. knows', the actual'
.tory ]tion of the. • nese. and throat: •
When ;•adenoidsinterfere with
ic,athinM 'on when either: tonsils. "or
not i•g neral. ca-.
;!dc clds.,�r� pert o f,a•:gg
LYu'r.,lt co.iil
al' rtlon-':.of the nose' and:
c -
t:hi'oat :they • play a.n''impo an '•gip
'; r:1 . �lgien:
,, bo-t hearing. ,
irhybe of the impso-
le Iry-balanced diet or the particular
i _1:;1;4 of diet which 'causes the
res up nose, .: In such eases •• at-;•
tuft ion, to :,the lief. ;i •. indicate&
n s ti . u' , we would sa that; Vi a
r ,. y
i ..h.. i It h
l s earn
• n i+c ci ve
a t to•.It, g,
r G =•c:"ii,al than. duffing. the...earlier
I c ''tits of • life, ,'ttte•ntion'be given, to nn eux�ntion' of 'infections, auch•. as
th4'' c.orrlrloil cold; and the ordinary,
eoininnniealile.diseases;• 'or, if:theme';-ing at --present with Mr. -Jerome-
e cur - n
do o', their .: rem t:'`and proper.: Valad: :
H .,otiY ',� ;
Miss : Marion Middleton of Goder-
ick- township, '':?pent„ the week -end•
with friends here:
MiseIsaber Mitcan has `returned.
to • i le • after sen'ding last week
at her home here.
The friends of Mr. Ewan 4MacBean
, A ,number' from' around" the: burg will:lease to know - e isle
.;:, be P : d. • . h, aibl
,took , of the: ice ''on the t .' after being c
advantageo be, out again' e ng confined,
flooded area east of ,H olyrood and t
,(Furnished by 'the, Ontario.: Department of Agriculture).
/n40).4t004a1. Plowing; Mak is carried' on. Not only is, rt recog
The •,P 1 o w m e n's,. ,international: nized, as a • necessary department: , of
Plowing, Match and }'arm Machinery
Demonstration will ibe;.lteld on 'Mary,
Vale ' Farm, • the property • of, Mr.
Frank P. O'Connor,' York.,County,
Wexford Eost Office, Ontario, a few
miles ' outside the• ' city ' of, Toronto,
October 9 IQ, 11 and .12,' •1934,
In '1834 the first' 'Plower g°, Match:
was held in York County, :?rear this
farm... ' •
-Care . of 'the ' Farrowing Sow
A .little "extra care at farrowing
will often save 'a greater percentage
the meal ration toprevent' a fever-
ish . condition. :A week or ten •'days
""fore farrowing place the ,:sow in :a
farrowing ,pen that ls: dry, clean and
free from •draughts:, . Bed tile pen
with short, straw. Keep a watchRful
'eye • on.•the sow at farrowing •tini
but •:do not disturb ar- <assist her nn
.. - ,:.-tir.•��:. .��.•o cam^
warm '•bran slop. for the sow a few
hours after farrowing.
Sheep Killing , Costs.
The :damage done •by marauding.
dogs'. to sheep flocks in Old '.Ontario
has been estimated 7by; R W. Wade,
Provincial ' Live`•St'odk .'Commissioner,
as. at'., least :; $20,000. This, ` is the
amount of money ;which "municipals-
ties throughout the: province have.
had ,to: pay otit' in compensation for.
'1'eep killed. Provincial' .„and rnunici-
al, `rrgulationa ,perinOt :the ' farmer
«hose hocks have been 'ravaged tot
Ip.ply"_for ,compensation and • settle=
orient-rs ri ate -by mutual agreeinent:
ar through a:'provincial. .expert.
:'•There is little 'that' "can '�he, d
au hters au..
,preventing :such • sl, g , -
`horities• agree, - The.:'vicious, sheep-
•' 1'ers .; have . found.': 'access :' • to : the:
i�htl:•• enclosed' ,pens and •. :pasture
.at ,night, work;.noiseless-
They work.
`cave'. aril' a-7short •trail .. of
. r,
Harrison, Ont.; ` took: ' one p
step. •When they •passed.;`& Y
'law last•: week raising the license tee'
?','Asti •g�..
for' • e ma'arit �'pf slaughters,
th , ] .Y
to •17 hoping. to. reduce. the
number' in, the"township ''.'•
had a''s'kating•party.. o11. Monday ev- kq,'
n elder in ,the Presbyterian, church..
farm, work •but more and; more farm-
ers ;are coming to realize: that for
the •capital invested ,and labor in-
volved there are few if any depart.,'
ments, that give" '„a high returns.. Foz•;
the 'mixed. farm, . general . purpose
breeds such, as the Plymouth ,Rocks,'
which' are good both for laying aril
for the 'production. of `market 'pout--
•;try, are ,recommended., A f1ook . of a.
hundred suchibirds carefully n anag
ed '`are returning, to. •many a farmer'
a profit oyer cost. r,of feed... from' '$20
to $600 a year, which is: something,' ,:'
not „o be, disdained .by even the ,host.. •
afithe- litter: -"--Include- some,-ssfu
bran -in: 1 -'farmers
Driver o>n;' Warble Fly. Planned . In'.
' All over Ontario -farmers. are
;eking steps .to eliminate 'the Warble ..;
F1y,`,report, Officials', of the. Canadlen. .`
- • Co-operative:. Wool Growers, who' are-,:
n- ' workin • with on 's;' of live stock
-nen ' "gym an" a or ' a :cE k'm �.,,._.
nest, •.w thigh. is, responsible; 'for a. • loss
lf half a million 'dollalrs inhides
lone. • and',' probably, Ave
much in'- retarding milk and beef
'Iroduction. •
After successfully de°enonstrating
`hat 'Warbles. could be ' definitely con-
'Canadian ;'Grain' 'Successes
Inforniaition• ;recently secured 'f .rom
'the prize winners- at the Internation
aviiss Margaret .Caskinette`returned. et the '.mormng'. service on Marcli
to her ho' `e hiveradale 'on Tues
e m at llth..'Mr.',bathcart .was appointed .to
fill thevacancy in
`th • session. .caiis' ee
day. .
n � �a o ' ,. spentthe
Miss Le r cD .nal tie`=
s e ,M . dby the death •of � �ri ' bi�ican •1VI
week -e her me inHuron. , '
week:end at ho e Lerman. ;
•' owag M = Thos. Robbof Am elle
Mr. T b , The.' W.M.S. of the.Presbyterian'
.y , wy .a.
a..ee 'leic•: Ear_
recent cal r at 'Mr: Richard hard church;nretat. the home of .Miss
ii , tt' s.. � ,. Mamie Johnston. on. March 14t1i:-: The
B.•room was• ,' r. ecent nresident r. es dedaad'a very
visitor -at Mr. Thos.Hawkley's.
eating •prograrn was ,carried 'out. •
GuasidY of Rive,sdale is visit- The` Triangle 'Pa-emeticSociety
oresen etheit � lY-The_Q1d_Hnrne
ousters `Trovel
• A
oadtcd with a l•tirre l,;tphi` bad,
lull Ia
;five' 0.. Mr.; '`'nnit�lil;i'1. `,`„yi Y•alcort.s,�'
'�IY V•: :•�Vf • ,Y Y
.. .
.ui (f> . t��.'�ntri, ,,;
l,loriti �.,tl . it tir.r o y
C.fieirrte tlrrfl:Y1.'Ct•c'c^"l tl l:a.il , t"v':+1 ift;y •.
fol, tlttt trYtitli 1!i' i:ik 1 inctil; 1.4
0ac'ifio info? `ISticclleo�
j•' ':.`nrl .rson 14,and: his• four
t;wi l:tt tri right above, End;
1:tanilho .Qi etil; ancl. Gwen: Grata;
;40 i1 t; t TJ 614 iX.
'ei. y ittttl;�sters'..of• hes ago are
�. r
;,t�ei� ~ititllctl il>rtitt iv chaperone
'r••nt turfs �Sistclrs'oll'ti'5;000 mile
,. lx
,irJiitli6y,' Ifit .,l#II.i sI1ouldered his
responsirtitieft Bete it,peane • 1-10
censu-akerhis.hts.'httle flock..
The chil'd'ren; are going to. live •
With 'their 'grated-1ratents.• at1 P'ur-.,
ley, near London.,; Canadian Pact
e presentatives' 'and the Tra
velier'a Aid Societycared
Dara 'the D
them en'rbute.; On b u, •
chess •ot.York tlitti 'little gfirls Were e
t y 4.4ti
looked. ofr tharl...,h•ad- o�y o Y
Yorlt' and EnSlkiidi' ''they are was shdj�tloi'ilt tildd laid toga nt atowargos
Place" -iii Kintail hall on Friday
:evening.' The hall. `was. packed ta'the
'door in spite' of the • bad • coridition;
of the roads,. Those taking part were
Grant Farrow; an elderly:; gentleman,.
11+11711rr3i`ilrlsbont; Dr.-�VEfill M s' ,
prominent i physician Mn. Jack Mac=
I.ennan;: Vesta 'Mason, his former
wife, Miss Margaret • MacKenzie;",
Helen • Mason, their daughter,' little
Miss, Marion Cowan;' .Reginald. Van
Noy, a snob, ilii".' Kenneth ;�Tlain;
'Hankins, 'man of all work; Mr., Alain
Collinson;.' 'Matilda, his wife, ;Miss
Isabel Grant; Policeman, Mr R.
West.. The • players • 'all • ,took their
parts •well - and' • ' special, mention
might be made''of Miss Marion ;Cow-
an, a little girl.of twelve years who
plays the' leading:"part. After`• the
play, the remainder 'of • the evening
was spent in dancing 'Mr. R. Dalton
Jane a solo'' , between' , the first - and
second act,and Mrs.Robt.Scott sang
between the „second and •third: act.
The Hogan `Orchestra furnished mus-
'c throughout.
There was al� g . 'representation
.from our,?burg '.at .tire St, Patricles.
concert in the ttnited Church, under
the leadership of 4.M •Greerfs group
The .concert was composed of Irish
songs and stories, ending with an
Irish.' play,' being very much enjoyed;
by' all Thethe' lactieS''of••tlie' group serv,.
ed1 a yery tasty lunch; After the. pro'
Miss , Winnifret1 Haynes of Fordyce
visited'.qii Wednesday last with 11fn•
and Nits.. .. s,.; Alex Havens,
Mia..' Malcolm Stewart ' and Mrs.
Mervin Reeves visited ;with "`friends
on :obi. line'., ast_:wcolt,
1 r Wellitietnn Nixon of 'Et. An..
gustlne renewed old s€egi]aintance i
her.. ' s. `Wednesda
4 •i$ t z
n1 3' Ha " and; ram s ow, • `e%dn
' ecember last .: reveals
rhicag'o •in D ,
the striking fact that, in; the hard
red spring wheat class, the ',;Post
rut octant class: in. the 'show, sIl
the 'prizes were won with varieties
Of wheat • originat'ed and' developed
by the' Dominion 1Experiment'al•Fari s
There were thirty-five'; awards. in`all'.
t = i •ht • exhibitors won '.:with
Twin y e g
leeward, .six with. Marquis" and n .
•, Canada's Proud,
crit :Gar et, Tlius`�i.n P, ..
,h n
exhibition successes
record of . grain
a'o noteworthy
manta teed, .
'o inion' Ex ere
In that; the-,, in. .. _......... P . _..
indeed,. h
mental` Farnns ;have : ':contributed: `so
inaterially,towards this outstanding
triumph. ' '
ors Supplyrng-the-British-market
,'The -.steady job of 'providing food•
for ,tile : Britis`h market; depends upon,
supplying that market withwhat
it requires and a regular supply of
nliallity products. Where. Can da has
fallen• down in the• Past is probably
not'so 'muck• in the matter of nud-
ity, although there is still .room• for
improvement, but. more particularly
in the lack of a regular supply.. For
a country 'producing a. surplus' of
farm products, it `is a source
satisfaction torementber that there
is. still ,available a"• market: which
spends' .daily "around ' five million
dollars on imported 'food.
Early Tomato Production ,
The best prices. for• tomatoes' are
paid'for early;, ripe fruit, .but, the
grower, must not make the 'mistake
of having, the plants cost more than
,is reasonable: "'•
The Dominion Hortictiltttrist I sec=
nlnmends early, sowing coupled with
the use. of early inaturinu',.good' ,vnr-
'ie'ties. The, sowing ' "should be n%ade
just early enough to have stocky,
Well -grown plants in ' bloom ' and
ready •for planting ' out at the ', sign
of settled Weather : '
lolled following •'the original 'project
In Barrie Island' last' year, • groups ..:
if fainters. in Carlton, _Perth, •Lincoln
'Intario, •Haldiu ni"l, Middlesex, .Bruce
`-Iuron, Elgin,. Oxford :.and Norfolk
ook`'up. the work this winter. ' Can
!asses.are'being niade'in these .conn-
:1.es,..._•ititde: ••th'e•,,„ leadership of ..Dr
r ionel ,. Ste nson, Provincial ?:ool
and: the coi+city agricitdr'l
~'epresentative, ', and •' ✓ the , m
If March the first of the' three . an
noel' treatments will . be made. A . •
l. powder,, investigated and ap
,nrove:d by; the' :official's of. the
diem "Co operative,:will •be •use:d. T i
' , :w ick, 's• ru
bbed •
's '.made into a. , -wash *which r ..
into .the 'hacks' of .all • cattle The • cost "
titan fiire. -
ne' lilt �''61e;:'•probaL`ly less
cents per a'niinal• where.large' groups.' •
are •treated:.= •
talk isconsiderable: tai
'•:Already the , e.,
re atm
• ;"com ulcer. --:province wide: t e
'.nt •si sear to::, measures � adopted :.
n ..D'ennierk, where • the; warble fly'
`•been . almost
Se4. of the ' extent of
n' is indicate
a.l.paig' . , ..
` er '20.0`000 cat
ov ,
d this 's ring In
e. ,p
1 be •.treat
v, d •County ,
lone;,' where Agriculture epre n
:i char e of' •
•,;" a _`,•s g
r en i
R.. G n
atic.e G 4
re an%zation 600,000 head n ill:' be
' ro " and El in
weaned" lip;''and in Fiur. n g . .
• following ]oral ;farivers' meetings,.
another 80'000 will. receive treatment •
t : su: 'mer months..? •tlie' ,
• Prising he, ni. the
. ,
tittle are' stung 1y the• warble, fiv,•'.
•and as. a'. - result.. stampedes,. , with
much loss', of ".meat or mill: flow, , i
t s
•{oitnron. 'Tire,, eggs: ;hatch an: d:.gr ,;.
into •the"•back of, the .'.
rage" their � way .
1. :forms•
from 'which' the fly „ , , .
animal f .
in, .the.
.r ;Abe,: bide„
^m'er' In.� th ough
•It has ben found:hat"
the backs: 'with'.this .special ,
troy s the . rids ' and. cons°::
•'vas' des y g ,
'ou'ently the fly, thus , saving the hide •
sad preventing furth•
er infestation In
-'he . sttnrmer»
three years" will' clean up the; : pest
either on • individual "farms: , or; iri
'area, districts;.:.
Soil's• Ytniluly rich • in nitrogen, . tends
to-Preinote rank wood growth and a
snieill amount of fruit. ILow nitrogen,
high phosphoric acid •and,8 medium
amount ...of potash. are esaentia1, to
g ood results:::
The Farm Poultry Flock
roultr v._.Is. at last deft rmite 1sr , co !~
itlzed'<as' one of the essentilf",'de'pir+
ever ti Y-eto-date farts
, of y l
where : , 'pro itatii 'of muted 14104.
• Mr.:.11. .MeFarlan was,• a recent '•
visitor ',,With his daughter, : Mrs..
Osboti'rne, Hurgrl. , '
Mr; W., Boyle vislted last wee], ,
Retl relatives. at , Clandeboye •,: and.
London ..�
CIngr'ttulations to Mrs and , lairs
,Gerald 112el:ver ('nee Tillie ilodglan
' the arrival Of' girl
Mrs,. Lorne•• Sanderson ,and:„Infant!
son' of Wing'han' are ,•visiting 'with: ;
her f th'er, • Mr. •Harry Pinnell
Mt 1 rHodgins ,•is visite]
with hiVes auntne, • Mrs. John : Hodaginfi .; ....
'Mx, 'Levi .Boyle is in Toronto ,.this;.
weep' attending, , the' eotiventio r ' of
the° Fire •Insurance Co`: °
Mrs: 1VI. Mcl an'and Mrs,- It ,A:,
Graham,' spent• ;Thursday' afterneoli
with Mrs,, A: E. Halaefiby
Mr. Jas. 1?e1 S+'' of Ituron 'ettllrcd
on "friends here. Frmday...y
',Mr, ' and, Mss': t'ltiinso ,rl tirrl) y
Veronica and .'Eleanor Spent tltbnday
evening :at W: 13oyle'sv ; .M,
Miss.+elyri ' fit can is n rc+t�ttlity
visitor•with frs:' f1 Tl ti it,tisbn, l in'' -
less.: , , , i
1+"ither- 'My sell; .1. !titin'' l kh W t f•'
tt •nt,, .,0.1..
t111n1C rata? you ;°atr4y at tli�e ijo �,
,o class]
Sf►n,1-. 'a11.t.....,0e.,.%not i.t-_.Ai ?furca-., -
r Y ..
a lr 'the 'st1111c . tTiillgs tit
1'< 'lclle , t c
Y.: 4' wr 1
•1�itl s`
,ilii .