HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-03-22, Page 3LINiMENT
.(No; l?eraonal; Liabiiitli)
,43 Acres: Atli014 np ,Adahrto.. Gold Minis In 11o4.n,, Quebec,;
'Send'. For Map and F411 :Particulars,. . •
' unlisted Securities Cor,R ol"ation Ltd'. ,300. Bay: •St,, Toronto •
A l M Pfd 55te•N S°
Windmill's' •Wooden :Shoes and,Vyater
•' Holland is not a big cpUntry-less
1,114,.34,0,9q• square lx%ilee in area -441
.' to and has been" in . the. "past, .a very
•impprtant country„ Situated, on. the
' Nor h sea;^the'NethArliands--another
' name for thecountry-form,: the most
characteristic. portion et • the great
plain of Northern and:'Western Eur
. r.
-- ;AP is-the_lowest patf_tbi' - , o s plain,.
some : portions o1 'it being from 16 to
ZO feet below the level of the -sea, and
nearly,,. all parts of it are `too Iow for
natural: drainage. Consequently, water
• Thane' 019141014.,
This is a: tltle.,;whlch has • been•
given to Great Britain and. Ireland;
Thw.'"higsp". i
is _theee;; render_
!ul ' islands .'ore to: be .visited this
summer by a select•party under the
'Capable • guidance of: Capt. E. I.
Reid, whose "Travel Impressions"'
_.have ,appeared in this 'Paper for
many weeks' past, Thia year is :a
good year to `see' the British Isles;
travelling ' by motor- makes' your;
land journey, one continuous round,
•: pie and the, history of they country hae
been affectedly the•constant effort to
• Preserve the 'land by means '1;f• lines;
of dunes=--Iow hills of sand' onthe sea-'
• coast—and .by artificial dykes. The.
celebrated Zuyder Zee: hae'.been form='
ed• by; the . breaking through •of 'the
duneline •b'ut, by an Act in 1918, this
suberged ••,area Is being ',reclaimed
and the work is expected to' :be com,
tfeted by 1sas:. So It Will he ",good-
he'•'•• to. ' thea picturesque fishing vil-•
. 'ages.. on . the ,Zuyder. ,Zee=Volendani,.
• Monnikendam, Marken,etc : To•day,
i e you drive from Amsterdam td_theae:
quaint~~villages; with:their even more
:quaintly•dressed,•inhabitants y',on'will
see the reclaiming, work .in: progress.
Long strips o!' wood 'are', woven' .tn
' tether as in basket. 'work; • these. are
used 'to hold'; • the earth, . which.. is.
brought:tor the refilling; 'comparative-
' .Somali sections of .,the. work :are finish-
ed at a-time;:but ,the undertaking ,has,
been steadily proceeding until .•at the
time of writing,,there .is 'quite a• large
irrea'recovered'andunlder; cultivation.,
So much for. the :water" :and 'nothing
has' -been said -about-='the-network of-
• e#4als`f'dr',wh 01. the auii'try- Er' a e=
brated.' Now for the w-indmillsi .These
• ;iiingularStructures: have; somehow, be-
'. some identified witli. Holland;, althoush.
they have been ',evidence in• many
• other •,.countries as well, they. are; by
-tto' means, peculiar to this.;interesting
•'country- However; when:one-thinks
'efeHolland the mind's eye` pictures • a
landedape •on whicli; there is, at least,
• one .riin.dmill, and 'wheli we. see a re
• D
resentation of :a.'w,iniimill swe. instinc
' lively think of"holland Isn't it so?
These:towers; 'witb•their four huge :re-
'volving sails, :fit into the scene and:
would . be quite • out-of•place •:in, this
country'; •even the .occasional one • we
See. used ' for -advertising purposes;
iteems • so utterly :incongruous . that the becomea:'an. eyesore, ,rather '• than the
• thing of beauty it is in the Dutch conn=
pry. Some of them are artistic, others
ire• rudely built, tut all are pic-
turesque. p
'Ev.en though; in 'inany dist cte, the,
distinctive eoatllmes' of the natives `is.
•heing `repilaced ':modern garb,.!' the.
• koaden'shoes, semi to hold' their own
'beaten track are Included in.:the
itinerary and you will have an op-
portunity , oto' familiarize"yoursell
with the Homeland in aunique and..
glorious summer ' vacation., The
The Cathedral ,cities; the lakes .of
England, Scot'land,'and;lreland and
Wales;' '.the homes 'land haunts of
famous ;writers:; castles; scenery,
that you can`' see nowhere- else -a11
these ,and•,much more; is .included.,
All .:the "ravel". ,taken; out . o1 ".tra•.
vel";' congenial companionship' ell
inclusive cost; finest accommoda-
•tion; a• real chance, to realize 'the
'longings and 'ambition of years.
Why not do' it this summer? "An
other year never comes." Such •. a
vacation Will onlargeibur horizons,
make your' reading . more pleasant
and; above.'alh.,it will build.,happy.
memories that can never be taken
away from .you,' • Write' to Captain
Reid at .710 C P.reBuilding, Tor*
o n�'•
;it will Best :you n thing to e.
quire and, you will find .that he will
be glad to 'help, you 'In this, or.' any
other. travel `plans yo meq conem•.
,'plate.: •
h.of a pia() lase window
-• .. :. :: 'the
ci�.��s pla�be g
,neirer seen; 44440,0 g9110;41;* In tho;i
Winter, tb.,e'09;711.41.70 stabled Under,:
• the same roof • wit>. the, family, except"
•ing :the larger herds pt Bourse- O. rze, of
'144 :meet interesting •places to 11r4.1e.
a 04eese •feetgry, where thn living
''oemss, stables,-,eheese-pressee:: and
•curdling vats are ;8i4 by ,side, •every -
their Tieing kept :ecxupu ee.e.ly clean.
and, he .ihhabitazitsappearing none
the; worse.•.for the, close proximity of
the_ ani0a10 and factory,, In some of
444.10440S 4.10uses; the 004 409 built into the
wall; like• •a horizontal cupboard'•andk
in some places, these be4 are in'tiers,
as are, sleeping'berths in a ship •
Holland is 'the place, where 'they
•teed: you well.. Th'e Continental break
fast,;conaisting of rolls; putter (some
times 10m.). and .`coffee,, . ,chocolate or
tea,' is `,a igi ited by. thin elieE+a • Ot,
creamy• ' Dutch cheese,-.zweibaeh (I
think that; 10 the, .correct'spehing for.
it he,.crisp,'bread-like biscuits'of.Hoh
land) and ,elicee .o#-e'ookced ham. I as -
sire you tl}at ,this: make a delicious•'
'meal, The other "meal6., are wonder,
fully good,, the •ice-cream,`.is. mor•e,like.
our:, own i'than any you 'get, ; in. •other
'countries— not • even excepting, , the
omens Work Has
Really Just Begun;
Institute .of',w9nnen',a Profess,
sional Relation Di$cyss
Plans, for Prpmotin :.
,Occ ip><onal In-
Wash ngton.—A new age in women's
work -74h°. age of speciaiization�haa.
r"0111y just begun.
So said Mrs, Catherine Filen :
Shouse: in presiding,.as•,chairman• of
the board of, directors; of 'the: instit
ute' of .Women"s, . Professional tela
'tions, akra.• dfseussion of •'plams•tor
promoting occupatiafial int'orelatlon
for women
"lbIany.:additions' occupations have
;developed' for::wonien. in ;v.•arious •nevi';
;gelds ,o1 work • during the,•last 10:
years.'. ;she ' sai4, ", majority: of
thein .call, for ,special—training: Some:
of tiho older fields .'to which: women
British Isles; the inevitable .dish of in large numbers have• devoted their
cheese; • fowl served ' .as., a separate .eaiorgies such' as teacliiing,_ _far ezr:
course from the meat course and gen- ample„ are overcrowded. :The age.
eraily •accompanied by' a preserved o! epecialization'•has really, just be •
fruit, ., . gun.. •• The prow}ace of'the 'Institute
My party. always like Holland, Its peo of . Women's Profeesionai , Relations
18, .its,-peaceful.:atmosphere and the is , to. •asssisb .as fully ,as .possibl,e
P • .
courtesy one meets everywhere; The preparation for this new age."
language is Low J3utch, as distinguish
ed from the literary language of Ger-
many,' which is High -Dutch.. , Closely
Flemish tongue, •which,, together with.
French, ts• one of the' official languages
of Belgium,' the country that• we will
disucsein ,our article of next week..
Hero 14 . Shows
-I.. -
the Girls
I Wish, Anyway; p,
Would Let ° Me :• Alone;'
`1=le• `Declares'
hem 14. ear=old Jin>a'ii
Chicago.—When y Y
Gallagher : walked into his' 'eighth
grade cl m . the ether day, 'little
'i mal acquaint,
girls sznaled .at hun,.h�s q
amoes showed a new respect and even
the teacher oonveyed.'approbation.
It in •ha�ppeated :because Jimmy be-
came a hero.vrhile.his classmates were
still in bed.
Jimmy ,had 'been a firing, spending`
mon by helping: on a „milk ttru ak. ' "o , a e r-
'ey. don woollen stockings f good pP a
Triumph of Silken Hose
a supply o! woollen •stockings when
:below zero , weather ,showed r some.re.
gularity., early this 'Winter, ,find that
they have;not had .the anticipated'de
mand. ' Women have retained their
;sf 1k hose even to : the :•extremity .of
frozen legs.' : 'They. will -not , abandon
io 1s
�th`ea>;i•'under any, hardship;: ;.wb. h
a hint '-that ..the inventor__'0! .4silk
stockings hada find that proved a
tremendous . . •: uaoney-maker'., for ,the
trade. .
Surprise' is expressed• by men.' that,
women have t'he. •.endurnce' to .defy
the;weather ..with only. silk covering
their limbs. ,Of course'',there are
eases bf 'frostbite,: but ,seems to, be
a matter.'of only serious discomfort.
'Unless. there shuid be a •second• frees*
ing the results are :not dangerous.• •
physician says ' that ' a second freez
ing. of the. lege might necessitate ekiri
The women' are• not:at.all dismayed.
by the: 'severe- Weather,'? ..They -could
'One ,morning•;;he was waiting in the 'ance:and .be comfortable. but; they are
• office: of the Lakeview' Pavy for has not doing it: • Silk maintains its;
db+fiver:' A �eo7iversation: with ;taro em; restige-cruder. tl, e-most-sevei:e_teatis.-
ployes-was_ bnakem.,n.sibarstlinglx, lav the—j3ralitford-,-ford
tourist•. trade. I, found •a card, the f fell tFiree,.sticl{s of
At Jaminy a eet
other."'day, which'reads like. this
dy'nam+ite,''a fuse: smouldering at the •AUTHORESS DIES.
S. Tel Volendam : et,') New York: -Lola. Jean' Simpson, no=
to my 'Prices ; m : calml s,toopedy` picked the ex-: ""tried `.at the age of 50 "recently after.
ay. your'special' attention : The Mien fled precipitately,but Jim=,.veltst...and former:'• niagazine•_.eiliter,
Thhev,are_eheaper plosive; _carried __it to the; deer said a long illness. __Her best known,, books_
were "Treadmill” and • "Backfire."
For several years.•she was. editor .of
"Children," a ` magazine,.for parents.
She was; born in Woodland; Cal; •
I: don't give 40 -to -60 procen
commission to the guides.
Really though;. the English spoken
by the Dutch people is very 'good in-
deed; 'some.'of the villagers .have even
copied some of .our slang1 greeting?;',
such as "He11o, Baby! "Wooden shoes
are Worn ;• on bicycles, of which there' -youthful come
are .more, ; according to• population, "I wish 'anyway,,, the gar s'ou e
than possibly ' in any ether country., mei aloi:e,"" he: protieested; •
And.they wear out in' the ; soles;: just:
as our shoes' de:- It is ,interesting to •
Glias Chaplin'
see: 'the clii°ldmen:..at .play;' clattering •
along thecobbled streets: with incred
rale speed, When; they enter . the h urns ' Author
house,, the :shoes` are removed and 1
t=hrew it'into :the street. Tlie. subse-
q'ent•explesion shafitered wialdo'wis-for
a • block,. Land blew the doom at. whlich
Jimmy stood off ;its hinges
Jimmy, uninjured, waked his;-ioute-
az usual and , was :more .embarrassed
'the -n• pleased;' at the adulation, ofhis
placed neatlY in a row.'at the door;
'sometimes. one 'can- judge the size, of
a family PY the; •' shoes
ranged' alongside. one ancitherthe
4gainst the eneroaches of standardized large clogs of the Parents and the
tmaller places: • 'this clumsy looking
with primitive tools and can be ,pur-
' thaied! for very sinail slime, even at
places Which papecially. cater to the
Dairying is one of the principal. in-
dustries 'or the N.etherlamls.. 'The
green fields; are relieVed bY herds of
black and White •HOIstehia_or the- dis-
tinctive belted.•.cattle, which ;butt
The' Sine of ...perSeiferance witlr
• rhenmatism, preyed bY this' in MN
. sad *hen .teturned I, began to get
ententnatismt•partidularly .in the• feet
':10"att SiVontUally taken' into. :hospital;
(rheumatic:An got- ntudlt worse, and
NA, .left the hospital ' after:two MOWS, •
• A 'When I. Was. somewhat .better, I .Was • •
Tare Of the Ingredients of Kruschen
Since then t have gradually. got rid Of •
Airely free of thoSe awful Pains. •
ternedy tan bring petmaitent' re -
Are, (a) disSOlutiol Of . the needle -
the pahil, (b)- thd expulsion Of. theSe
-,tion or a, further aecitmulation 'of title
try neW et our ex pense„?' We
'have, , -great many Spertiar
';750 bottle togethet_tvith a separate trial
Ottleatifildient toe About.. One ,Week,
' nen the trial bettle firaff ntlt it to tire
Pens Short StorY ,and Give It
to Friend to Publish Free
HollyWood. -- Charles chaplin's
:name appeared, recently for the first
'Which carried into print the fantasy
•ef his 6.eative works on the ,screen.
' national magazines, Chap -
'gratis to Rob/ Wagner, Hollywood
E. eritie7atOaeoatenc,„on
•niversary. of Wagner's- ScriPti.
conipletect effort put as the .outline of'
a: story that never be written,"
told of a sdientiit 'who had dissoverY
As the mYriads Of afflicted floek
chooso Whom he shill . treat ,first;
many . at 'die. before !he' ean ethisid-
whimsical' eOnverstition with at asals-
"Becanse they 0604 •are the
sotiree' and .spring of all inspiration,"
the high priests, ',of stmt. ivho
write. titteo• text ;hooks 'et ciViliza-
tieni and 13t. -feundationa if Sour
Salts effeetnally dull: tho Sharp, edges
ef the' painful uric acid crylititla
Other ingredients of. these Salt4 hive
a stimulating effect Upon the ' kidneYs,
and, aSSist theiti to: expel the urid
There ate still dater .ealts in krusclien
which Prevent food fermentation' tale,
inglilaCe in` the ilit.estine,./ and thereby
Check the Nigher tormation Of
Kitisdhen Salta, is- obtainable' at ail
brag 'Stores' at '45e, and `7•Sd. 'Per betf14.
that' KruSelieli doss everythirie Ws chitin
it kb db, the reaillai hettie IS Still as, geed
as newt, Talte ft bap, 'Your druggist Is
authorized to return your 186 inimediate-
iy and without ouestfon. You have tried
could be iatterl ,
Classified Advertising
List of wanted Inventions and :' -full
Information 'sent free. The Ramsay Com-
pany; World Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank
Street. Ottawa. Canada.
Wyandottes,, 9pt Red .and White
balance C.C):TX" 'Varna City Dia tphery,
f. ygu , want a handy _0197 -get
Yor *mite" and Ctent •uien.
–Do -You - Deere --A- ,Life__--;
whom you were unable..to. meet-.thru9,
any ,reason whatwer? • It: so --do. not
fail. to answer this..Encloee• 10 cents,':
*fl udl1 , ant '
"The Coru h'Blacksnkith"
"Ex 'erience has .given me, .conn-.
P it It'. excels as a
e a.0.
•deuce in:Om g
freshener and strengthener. ,pf the;,
muse• • e;
„; . ng Pamoua for t
.,_Bob Fitzsimmo,• ., .,,.
power of::.his' punch, ";found,.. that;
'Uig gees""deeper .I a arhouse--
Omega: '• =mea 'Oil is: ~.in-.
hold.. Uniment -, O _ , g • .. .. the.'
valuable.: It may: be, rubbed into
re•' aching . uiusclea• without 'blist-
80 ,
ering the 'skin. Yet it is stronger, and
more ,penetrating than ordinary
`encs. All druggists have :Omega 011
can. easily get it for you. 35. and!
60, cts:: . Sole Agent: ..John -,A :Huston_;
e O.
Company, Limited, TOront
IS Oil wholeSale. '100 pee cent. tpure
Pennsylvania, Oil, any ,,grade, :,5,50 'Ver
genet). Alall. your order direct to Pure
Oil Co:, 9 Market _Bt., Hamilton,. Ont. ,
lower *ill Be
Selected rote Ontario
-tidtiltuttil Association has decided, •
mil:Minted at 'the
Wild flower for. the, province, te
used he 'the • maple .,leaf is for the
1)6111016h Pref. R. Thenapson,,
the University. of l'Orento was, :unified
Stereotype 'Pot,'Two r ton capacity, :
Coal Fire, . uipped with: -casting :
pump, .Ful
l bral
equipment and grates in excellent" ••
shePe' .Gestin has: solid cast iron
bale witB :kith pit so as to set on :•
wood floor; .. Al..' equipment ; for r a.:
,email plant. No price.' as -ked. Make
offer. No reasonable offer refu• •
Apply_ : Bella Boom 4$1; 'Z*
� a.
:Adelaide • Street • West,, Toronto.
Wake up your Liver Bile . :
•—No Calomel necessary.
----Xiang people who feel Mawr, sluggish •suds
• generally . yretched-m ake-the. mistake. of_ takinz..••
--salt. -oil,. mineral -water, :laxative candy .,or
chewing 'gum, or roughage which. only'movei
• the bowels and ignore the .liver.. •
. What 'you •need is to wake up 'Your liver
• bile. Start your liver pouring the daily two
pounds of li uid bile into your bowels Geo
:your stomach�annd inteetinee working aek•they •
should, once more.
• Carter'e'.Littlo. Liver •Title will coon bx„you
up. Purely vegetable. Safe; Sure.Quick. .
• Aek : fpr them. by name, ? Refuse, : eubetitntlee..•
gbh. •t' i drugypt t
"Nervousness; Frequent Headaches
Indigestion Sleeplessness . •
Loss of APpetite . Acidity
, Auto -Intoxication
' WHAT TO DO FOlt it
.• TAKE -2 troSpoonfuls Of
Phillips' Milk of Mag- ,
get upe. Take •anothee
teaspoonful 90 rnitiute9
after eating. And another
before you go to bed.
OR—Take the new
_Phiities"Mimot Magnesia
'Tablets oho fabler for
each teaspoonful es ,
you have Acid StOrnach, don't
VOrrY about it: Follow the siniple
directions 'given 'above.. ;This Small
dosao Of Magnesia
and Other 'distress, Try it, Yot1111,
Phillipq: milk Of. Megnestai Or'
Phillins Milled Magnesia Tablets
ALSO ON tAitEt ttaRM
Of .Clenuirig no,
dents, 25 ,Milea .to
Ths morning, -plane „. for /the 'Tiviti
Cities' Will: drop .down, at Ctirtis.Re.
bolds- 'airport, to pick. ep north:.,shere
twoh,Our trip to 'the -city 'airpert:
Wilt alstr at 611'09 -Reynolds' field
On ItS Way stmth.
,She carries us Ott ,„pleaciantly to the
meets abrOad, that .Will not •take
inteteSt it Preclude, iS batirig the drat.
'nail in the gold gtailtiar
or wuss.insont
and 'lletidl Noises, due t6 "6migestion
76 Path Ave.:, NC* York titY
A good application of Min-
, accqrding to ilisections.
iust "hits the szesertiLyou'll
au/Niers have had eauee to be thankful
successful pliracian,pr. Di D. Dennis:
This liqiii'cl.prescriptioni now made arid
endorsed by-eampaines
elanniets, :tiller; irritation almost at:.
troubles as eczeina. lilies acne ring -
worth, dandrug, pimples. and rashes..
,tioni_ .Trial size, 85e: Guaranteed to
giVe instant relief or money fef,thded: a
SCAllp Obi;
111111e.2. Soap 25c. intment c.an 50e:
Most girls in
their teens need
tonle and rept.
lator. :Give your
daughter Lydia E:
, table Compound
for the next fevi
' months:. Teach
heitow to guard
eitatinl'orkihdYiyoat g*:.1.11hodde il,dtlitus.°htegh.esi:so
vegetable. compouta