HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-03-15, Page 7.04'7 • • vely Lines' orMatrons , , By BBILIBONVIT41,44140t 1144,0(00d eeartaking Lcagon ttfelted TYRA Every Pattern. . • ." • •GraPelfriilt:•Cerleerk, • •-Hero aroStiMe•intereatIO *erietiOna • In the JelIy 0044. 1410, For thls .,POP.,eery'e: the iggrodient*,,called for ,are1. inninde 44;1..004 iu,gart 1¼ cora yrup cifok.:ooOked.. carrots ancf.mix • wtth the finely sliced; fruit. Add Anger • ann. 4/7.40,•.1,144: leek Until fruit; IS clear ; and inixture. thickens, Peer intoSteil,-;; otae.see and seal. Peach .and-bratige.. • • reciPOS' are Blinote to Melte and the results' fio' delicious that It Is welt worth the time taken,:to. r prepare theni.. . This Combination ot trnitvie beth Iie1u1 and sepiilies",:tlif tamtly With. .tie neCesserY..ecid Con- tent: in 'their diet. . Ingredients • nfedittra; ;Sian& 0Pncnea, 2¼- pounds 'ventilated- _sugar,. ,2 ,cup. water, Medium ':sized oisages.„ 2.3 enp corn• • • sYrup,' pound blanched, • shredded .pice peeled Peaches and • add to the grated rind of 44 oranges andthe alined pulp of slx.' '.Boil all ' 7-75-0 ' thick and .clear and abont'ilfteenuilnw When you •he'Wlinleiled.• *r. Pe oft • Utes befOre, renibiing from . fire. add surplus ,cream and go to 'bed . the s4red4A4-',41410nde. The above • Dedi.'elia.usnally aro slightly about-, should ail 10' 'Jelly gla,Ssas, ed. When. you have taken your bath. • • • - • . , The Art of CarVing afid. dried Yourself with a tough towel, .,,,. • . • • • - • Massage body oil into your skin. It •: gOW- Many.701ing'husbands View the will eliminate that tough; .unconifort-. first ,"bird".. Waiting for the .earving. ablefeelthg whiehdry skins •haVa'ef- ,,,,,_: knife .: With a troubled. anddoubtful' terthey hare been washed With seep qe7 A'greet uninber'! I'll wager, ri,o and water.s' • 4.• foiloWhig, instructions are Well worth Modern bath•oilii' are a far' cry •[ram ' cutting out. and keeping for future •re - 'the oils With wilehthe'ancient Greeks formica: , • :•• • • • • • . and, Romans used to •annoint them - First of all, the Platter , Should be selves,' but the, result is about the large 'enough so • that there will he samo. OIls do' help "dry ' Skin.. • . plenty of room to carve and the knife: • . •• •. . • , •Siliduld be carefully sharpened and tie •• For Thlh Faceis.. . , . choice Of the knife considered'. Three If your ,face is long and thin try , put,. . OSA Of' carvers are almost .a nocessity. ting e Ilttle reline. on the enter _cheek A email pair. for ;Owl.. or steak, longer hones and Millie •ellin ThigL willniako': :1144,,larger''..for 'roasts .and a fish set iappear breederan t ' dehOrtet. . , , . . thispreferably:. of ..silver. • • ' Pen% .Wear & high.'.orown or,..large • hrimnied hat. Around beret -shape Or. over lemon 6_11ing'., Pat in a POI oven for for fifteen minutes to Puff • and eehn the meringue. Serve cold • • • :•• : The meringue will not 1"-Wf3.9"'l if 4te•filling is cool before covering.•, • Lubricate Dry 'Skin • BOY 011a 4.04499t CrOanIS have the sansachenf)ilciat effect .on your .feet and body as xiOurlshing. creams: have On your neck and fdee:.They help to: lubricate a Oil ;condition`of 'the skin. If You.,:liavern't•a:foot'cFeani; ti*Y. .14% your ,tiestie create .en yeur,,feet once a week. ',You'll be'' mirprised at the difference,in the way they feel ot- ter about three or fent such treat- ments .• When yourfeet have lbeen ;bathed and scrubbed with Plenty of soap Olds' and a sinall'hrush, dry them, thorough- ly. Then, wlth foe,t. cream: or tissue cream " in the palms of .-your-bands,- massage the cream . into your ' feet from the tips of the toes up to the ._ . , ankles. If there are little callouses t on the backs •of your heels, rub in • , ..• g . • ,11 !". • 091' esson. „ Lessen XL-.-Mareh_ 4eaqa Re - •ponds to Falth..--Matt: 1.8:2141. Golden Text. -.-Ask and It shall be ,filYen and ye shall Old; • knock, and end Shalt be !Versed ante Yeue-rMatL - • TIMP"Sininf and fiulanier of A.D. 20 the third year of Christ's * • • . 'PLACE: --,The Sea of Galilee and fis nottnern. Shores. On 'het 'Odell.; • •!];' e,' Minn .ef TY* and Siclen•in Vhcenicia.. 'PARALLET.. P4SSAGD-rMark 6; 47.; 8 81: . • • ' • Matt. 15: "And Jesus Went out lc thence:' Matthew .speas of hint 14, In the land of GenneSaret northwest of the Sea of region which gave to . the sea one of its fOur. names (Matt. 14:, 34)% - ""And withdrew."Again he sought rest from the crowds. ."Into the Parts'.of Tyro and Sidon." This was Christ' s only excursion into • heathen territory(eXcept that he was -talceirtb-Egypt when an lident). "And behold; a'"Caimanitisk woman, came out from those borders." ' Some of the ancient Canaanites had been driven northward into 'Phoenicia, and this woman was of that stock. Mark, calls her "a ' Greek, Syroplicenician by race," Phcenicia 'being part of It Syria. "And cried, saying, em mercy ,me, 0 Lord, thou Son of David."e theoniracleirof Fla .. For baked haddock cut down centre. il', ., '. The 'Up -to -the -throat: fiishion it. t,- ' small brini suits' Yeti better. ,.... from liackbone,lifting off. 'mien, po.r- tering to thin .necks and taCeS. . Al- - ' tion ri to prevent breaking, :For sat' ways % ch:068e p, roiled ileeic! 1 pre. , men, .'Slide .fish, knife ftlewn the , hack ference to, the ' .1 fromthebone-and,litt,Off- in • 'Wien?. . , , .,. :- ,In %Jean White Fur.' .-÷, Plecefi. ' • :j'.. ,, : . „. the 644reeein th1 case is 04.,'Tect 0,44 .• ':,0,A14 *ern; ,Canak zntp hjhl great t.rao. .frant.I.,*00100, Publishing .14, ,faMe by the Walrg"HaYihir. With 'theit0. the 'iam01100,,.4atilb;'.14anned,, an • teeny, otifetrare.Some tike: tsk0.10...rk.10.41* ' lated "Maimed, as meaning Inteie who 'had loatliMbsw which Christ restored; 1?1# there is no . definite account of such miracle. 47,1441. they 0,at them down at Itia,; toot!: very strong. word, ,110Mthem Clowi,V not eitrelefielY,,h0t in haatO, !became .go Many were coming mons -had gone far and wide: "My daughter is,.grieireusly vexed with a demon." The mother, a& a 'mother • would; made her child's case her, own, Lin?: prayed the Lord., "Hae mercy, on ine." . , "BLit he answered her net a woycl." Whosoever would trust God must trust' his. silence, "And hiatslisciples came and besought, him, saying, Send her away; for she criethafter us." Probably they-rneant, Send her away with her desire granted and her daughter healed', so that she may cease • bothering us, witli her clamor.' • A glance at this effective dress and ' ' "But he answered and Said; I was its "just rightness" for matrons or heavier., `figures is immediately real - 'This very charming model shown for today's Pattern is in printed crepe silk in navy and white with navy bodice and sleeves. , Theflattering cowl neck is accented by a white gay- dehia. The soft neelcline, V -bodice lines and skirt panels are very slender - While, extremely attractive carried -• -out-in-contrasting-effects, inertia ma- Triminings of white fur on frocks not. sent`but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." It is that he antici pated a Ministry that should be wider than these Jewish And one of the eventsthat'makes this clear is the event we are now studying. ' "But She came and worshipped saying,. Lord, help me". She , had not heard Christ's 'parable ;of the impor tunate widow, but she ,proved its um, versalitk of • truth by leting' it. sent in a iheathen land.: • he answered and said:" This AVas....the.• third: test of the inether'S, ' • gatnienta -May be aa,,,I or inatance, in either -plain- 7'falttlf,-and the most severe. testof ete:7- - - . . Insert carving fork firmly across • or iai n nprinted crepe 't is also I ' Unless as-WM-very likely the ease,it • . ' dered starch without troubling to re- iatyie No. 2544 is designe' for sizes was mollified and interpreted to her most successfully cleaned witli pow- breastbone•- cut ihroueh skin at leg wing- Cilt breast --------- in slices, move the fur from t.n-e articles. It the 36, 40., 42, 4.4, 46 and 48 inches by a loving Countenance. "It is not meet to take smile on the Saviour's Bend ieg and cut at jointscut *off - • carving one side of bird at time. cut 'the, children's bread." Christ's mil-- „. -fur-trims-a black--garment,_such...as_ • /4, leg meat in sinell portions. - • • • Inc print ,with 1%..Yards of 9 -inch, ac e-wor ing power, thetgliouldlie-re. should be well protected before begin. ' hmng. , dogs." To the miseroble,half-starved, ' ' • • •' • velvet ' the surrounding Material 4 reffultifs--2 7Yarda--of-39-' ping the cleaning process. *Sprinkle the starch over the 'fur. and rub,.it in lightly., Leave on for a time and then Shake, Out thoroughly. This cleaning. method, will be found most effective. Household Hints Lettuee will keep lies.t, in the elec- tric refrigerator if 'it ' is washed, dried, then placed, in" ‘a widemouthed 'Jar With the lid' screwed on 'securely and ItePt thete until ready for use. , Pour boiling Water into the bowl, let stand for a fest minute, then pour out, Now put the butter and sugar that are to' be creamed together. into served for the children:of Israel, God's Duck, Goose, etc. plain material and .% yard of .35 -inch chosen people. "And cast it te the , thit meat:horizontally at eack side, 011 Oe seine. errand. "And he ;healed. 'them"? That. Was what they- Wanted*. "Insomuch that the multituda'. won- dered." .What Must it 'have been to be an eire-witneWof'enc.li a ngelle of healing and ef worship. ,`‘WhP.nthcy. snW. the dumb speaking, the' maime4 v.:hole, and the lame walking, and the blind. agile' When thy saw ' applies t. the entire, se4ne; "And they glori- sieitinaY indicate heathen eXcw.d.'nh. the eastern Aide of ;the lake., --They know that there was .sonie sPeetai'rP,.- lationship • between - God and the elnr- dzin of Israeli ••; Someone Due Credit ----:Yeast-or-Bread-Maker?l fid' -the God. of ,i, • Ecir partridge. er, ,etc.; cut down HOW To oRbEit,.PATTtltkIS. filthy degS that Prewled: inaiterleas,• cut off wings and. legs,,carving latter( the breastbone; lifting meat off; serie y. iwgeit ygoiltiuninabt%re and address 7:siaze,r7sofpisa4..ai aarnodunlarteli: ssyntreeditymts offoErasaltel r:lh.'atot wwasns -et-6,•-ser-v-e-ons-blrd te each oerien. , 'Patterns as you vranLDrieloael5c in ____Bde,s,Pietible • •,, With ine-halfk-to :each person. For pigesM, Ont rhubarb into tiny .plecei, cover address your order to Wilson Pattern words and tossed then' back at him . . . • oven. Linea ;fiat lin with .pastry 'and Service, 7_3 West Adelaide St,', Termite. Winning at •arginne,nt out of his 'very vritli sugar ' and dock sloWly. in .fhe . 7 Candy Pie_ ' '"For even:the d6go! Christ stamps et coin (coin preferred; wrap mother'a ready wit, With the• A earefullY) far eaCh zininher; and, reaS of des -Parr, fshe seized -' Christ's , quick Oven.,..1‘Then done,•eover thickly • ., hid used the .word .dogs, the fill with cooked rhubarb. . Cook in with brown migarnndalSo place clots . if ' th h useheld do s the butterto thicken.. Serve'very hot. .nautic Association of the, ijnifed pieees Of bread which Were broken off, High Honor Conferred . diniinutive, and she . appropriated' it , . fansily pets. "Eat Of the crumbs which fsHeturn-te oven and elloW sugs:i and the National Aero., fall from their Masters' table." The' priSed how., quickly, they Will blend.' • of butter on top. , • , On.Anne Lindbergh as sign yinge, o g , this, heated. howl. You will be sur- conomical Recipe for Lemon Pie States has conferred its highest"honor And;, in the absence of na‘pkins, W•ere honorarY, Memliership en Anne used tti wipe" the handa, and , Oen Lenton pie is always a Ponidat des - Lindbergh'. Mrs. Lindbergh, 'because thrown, under the table to ,be appro.., British. Tram Alien Airmen London.- ritaufs ` University" --the big .fiyink Scheel at Hamble, on Southampton water-4set new reCetds in 1933. Flying hours accomplished 13,, the fleet of 21 aeroplane§ 'aggre- gated 6,428 (equivalent, to some 600,-. in 194 In one month alone --August -74,646 hours were logged, ' : AIR 0AREtRS. The aereptanes the school fleet range krona the light training 'plane to amphibious craft, and a multi- Nationali of 12 countries,made up the 8/ civilians And officers of foreign. air forces -who tended- the School ' during the 'year: Austria, Canada, ' •Denniark, ; Great Britain, India, Iraq, the Irish Free btate, Norway, Peru,:, South Africa, Sweden and the United ,States. Twenty. of Inc 46' divilian pupils, Under training At, the end! of the year v,Tere "long course" btudents Who in- tend to make their, 'career in aviatitni. and whosi,stay at 'the school will last' three or four years. ,sert and. can be Varied in so many] • of unusual and 'outstanding contribu priated by the dogs. The poor woman • 'Ways that:it may be served often With- , might be only a Gentile dog: .. Very , cut becoming inonotblious-;-It's ' a-tPar- tidos to. aviation," becomes the eighth well; she asked only for a dog's ,por- , . liiring membero[ thisselectf . gl erm--° ' tion for -:Ire ' tictilarly` happy, choice,just at this sea rHchild. • .' ' Pon of the Year When pis "timber ' This MFPres-- Inverness.n "Feb: 9th the, morn- ing' Hoiner. liorne was burn- ed. ...Mrs. Fisher had mixed some bread leaving it beside the store to riSaw. 'When fireWas discovered; among .thei„artleles that. war4i1,104- ,tri a near -by shed. .was this bread mixer: On' Feb. 16th • just one Week 4494, Vr.,...ank.14r,s._ !licher . „inoved red for them, Mrs'. ".Fg- er en must get thie dough out of 'the' Pan; so placed it nearthe heat, to thaw, out, (as it was frozen:as hard. as 'stone)", as It began to thaw, it began. :to rise.:. Curious as to the result,' when had riseisnificiently,„ she put It in pans and milted as ustal.. The bread Was .as right as any . She had evef-baked; • atd-,:shr ta-,:oneTot-- : the best bread.. makers . In the ' valley., a Do Not Believe ,in T Vows,They May Not Ale to Fulfill Per, manentlY. . Ann Arbor, Mich.-,firides hoe!. • -hoen known tcitiolote•the., wort •"obey", . 'frOin *Or nugrin6,'310*.a,"_410 Hnitton, University of *ichigan' co-ed, wents OPP further 'and: devined, .* trend new gereMeny. _Mrs. P11,40/1, and her husband, who .niko is 4,-;sta4iOnt at theUniversity returned retinlied te their' oitta* bora WednO, Any, 'Theo.. 1.11;xten& eXPlalltad. that• their wedding, ceremony embodied' .their own ideas ideas ot What' Olederni *PP .• . leek .'shenki be. . ' The: phrases ‘f.t.n, obey" and end f`till'd*atli die* part" were. ' among those eliminated from the con- • rentlenal. SeriPe,e- Rev., :Mien of ,Detroit,. oftiOt.ted,rendinit the regular Methodist, marriage - ser-; .Vice Which was 'auPplemented yews „selected by the bride. --Tho serviee opened-witlitatshoii,-Out ,line of the duties' and responsibilities •of rnarriage, reed by Sr; Allen; "'hide.' included, among 'other • things, assertion 'that '''inarriage s no 'reel . -union established by a •vow." "Marriage." the service continued, is a relationship between two .conalities 'functioning together in pro, gressive, intergration." not beIleVe we should 'take any vows We might not be able tel ulfill penman. .entli,” Mrs, Buxton explained. , , Pollac.,BrOaCicastina • The ' carainisaien has •reconi- •ineided the adoption'. of :a liyateni which .has, been. employed tor • some: years peat intinyeities and found be of great 'advantage to the police forces in the apprehension Of :criittini- 'all,. • especially at the inament, when crime is ",eoniinitted-tor-diseoirerect. ob- serves the Hamilton Herald. it Is the radio broadcasting system which en; ableathe.eentral pollee station to Com,' 'initnicate at once to. ,the pollee cars 'touring' the City throughout its. area, 'and thus puts ;Officers' in .possessien'of inforniation 'which ,may be of the immediate Value • in ,.asaisting. - . them in the arteit.of Fairbanks Divorce • • Delay indiaated wItMdon..7-The tivoree snit of 'Lord Ashley against, is actress,...wlfe, the former Sylvia HawkeS,: May be; dew, layed until Slimmer , probably "autunin, . it. wag'. indicated last week: Detigla,s ,Faitbanke, Sr.; screen star; is named 'co ,r e$pondent ' Lerd AehleVs . ,Gordon .D.adds • & Co., consen -;cittion of an extensien-ot time in ' and Lady- linhley legally are ,,entitled .flle answer' , , „. to 'the:Suit., , • , , 200 Golfers Out On Calgary Course Calgary.-Belleyed" to have „set. el, ;record' for high, February tenipera- 'titres; the Mercury above here recently More than 200 goit- 'ers Made their aPpearance, the Mtinicipal course: ' Women in, Business Must Be: Twice Efficient As en -That nis `Pftve Equal --'--Chance; Say* , MacDonald. BowroAn. New York; Teaching, 'nursing, 4ibrary!..Werk_and officiLavorILare.:_tha_ soc,etiriatioris'Most overcrowded for .V/0-: • nie214.' atailY Made .hir the -national federatiOn' of business.. and profession!. al .Women's in the United 'Sind*. •. has revealed. Medicine, .retail'..iner thandieingt- credit in.finagenaent l' and the exeentive. 'gide Of .sticial. Werk ars the least-cro . • Macdonald BOWSISa. of Richmond,inesident of :the fee eration;linnounced thi-resUlts-7of-tio sutve_—M . Bowman said womes were ; • sometimes prejudiced. agitimel their own sex in, bUsinesS:stnd.the pro- fessions. "Women_inust_,;realize," she aaid, "that the Value theyput on, them- selves ;Value the world Pubs on them. ',Today, particularly,', in order to have an equal Chance; woman ' Must be JiWiee as good as a man, and other women need noe'donbt-her 1 65-,01:10-1CarTrape , : . But NO Cheelie..... New York -Because , New, yoile City .has 65,000 rat - tea* but fie money for Cheese,' one of the most. ingenious of the federal relief projects faces defeat:: That t•rejeci was to at- tack with cheese -baited traps the mil- lions of rats on Ricer's Island, in ail East River,: Previous attempts to rout them by pellee dogs. and 'Chem - are 'reputed tobe-thoughno one )iis ;eels have failed linorriinyuslY. There conifted -them-1.2,000,000 rats. . The honor places her along'with Or- h • "Then JQ$US answered and said unto dyers: 'begins to be scarce end you may want " She had hown the quality a change ; from spicy steained Dud ville Wright, her husband, Col. Charles which , lw y won most ardent a a s • A. "Lindbergh, Rear Admiral •Richard adinitation. '`.`0 woinatf.g'reat is .thji• , . . , . .. , , , , E. Byrd, Di, Hugo. Ecicner, Hareld, gat- faith." ' Christ. m, aryelled also 'at 'ire Lemcin Meringue. pie is a Uniiersal ty,,,,NYlley'ls..ost and Ainglia ,Darhart.. ' great. 'faith, . of another !Gentile, ;he . , • . 100 1nilejon), comparedth 4,80 . • extra'Abick meringue' is liked uge two '•• centuiicin_of,„C.;aper•_aaL_m aver' t-e-Ttird7"ety7easy to make It, -air eggs in ,IpIace'sif One eit suggested in. He does. net say ,Great' is ihY71-6ile.71-ir the. recipe:. . . ;• , , • Unt0.. thee, 'even as ' thou Wilt.." Faith says Great is. di.. faith. .. Be it done • LemOri Meriogile-,pie. is the'•'OppertiinitY, of. God1. our .faith, . One clip granulated. Sugar, lia• POPS enables hint to do for us wisely what • . • i. , ii ' boning' water, .4, lableSpoons corn- 'his love is longing to do. i And her . 'Starch; .I.,8 teaspoon 'salt,' 1 lemon, 1 daughter was healed .from that hour." nt-egg, baked pie shell. . , . . .Another' case Of •welir Lord',C,. healing .froin a .distence, . . . • starch:. :. Be sgre the. Cotn-statell is . "And :IOUS departed thence" Onee. •. Mix and 'Slit{ sugar 'salt and' Cern- . . • • cenipidtely blended . With the sugar. w , , the sea of. ;Galilee On Which side?: ' and stir midi mixture, is blear. i 'Add 'According' to ,Maik (71 81), thei east- lenton 'juice and yolk of egg. . ' Beat ern •aPprotiched, by:a Circuitous` jour, Well and roMOVe. frein .fife. Let, NMI' Sweeping Generalities . • Never Applicable - Washington; :-•-• Mrs'. IFianklin p, ItooseVelt, who says •vitbinert must keep Fight en,,Proving they aye practiCal until, the World believes it, • is going 'to help find new occupations for meni- ,bers Of the Sex.• ' ' • Mrs. ' Roosevelt said: that time arid again she'had heard people ,say that "Ile woman °Ando" some Speeial thing that 'a woman probablyhas been &ink sUccessfully for years: •;,'"There are still people who feel you, canixerieralize about woiteri,, or ahout-atien," ,,she said. - She dontended, that there'S no suelf. thing. as a sweep- ing, generality on, either of those •sub- jects. . 1 , more, onr Lord's 'desire' for„,rest gni Add, grated rind of lemon; Add boil- for quiet conyersewith was frustrated. "And came 'night o, ; kg Water, Stirring vigorously. Cook' Oh, That We Could All Pay Our Bills In the Sorel Way This Hen Is A Steady Provider The cackle of an Iowa State Col- lege Rhode Island Red hen•ivaii heard 305 times last year, and each *Ia. • meant sonnehtvdrfr-iteakfisiTr-accOr ing to poult7 specialist's at the in• stitution The specialista said that althougli ' this is not a reeerd, it it fo'ainsthins "decidedly .untigual," • The everagi Iowa .tarin hen lays .froin 90 to !of 'eggi per year, :riejtk,throtigh Sidon and Decapolis, And turn•late. abaked shell: Beat :"Arid he Went up into the mountain." white Of egg with 2, teaspoons water Rather', the inountain country, the high and a few grain's Of Salt until stiff 'hut land, as distinguished front the lo* not dry; Fold in 3 tablespoons sifted land, which he had left: '."Aad sat there:" He satdown to teiteh, as be. fere the, Sermon, on the Mount"; but granulated,' Btikar and spread roughly t • P.ainpue, ACU.ett, Sent, a Sigrr. • ta Photograph. Instead of : 4 Signed . Cheque to • "Bemitk,'Surgon „. . . • Paris -Milo, : Cecil,. Soret, 62-3rOar-- 61t1 aeptinattilig.atif C tlio Casino de Peri& Was haled into eonit. .bY a facial snigeon who. 'aging the tam. Ous, actress forget .to' pay her, 10,000. francs for‘ teinoving some Wiligilea• from aratind the, •eyes,'. the lips, •thiti The surgeon,. Helene ASilery; that:they,fiatitine,,stitr,.,Sent her Signed' PhetegraPhrinstead of a Sign- ed cheque for attit wetild-itsainint, AO $045 in Canadian :Inonev. • • , After ittnie. AsderYie, testiniente, the snit. Was adjotirned ter A Weeket. . . • Wolves Driving . . Deer Out: in ()pen • Batchawank Ont, -With a Crust at, the ,steii, ‘whiCh will carry a woll " but not a. deer,' the, kieer are. tiaght ning to haunt the "highways ani al iiiotectio4 'ftob3. the baling; pack.farme in this distrfct, in search The animais areat me,ineret of thi .welyee, in the wood, farmers belie** - . • :MUTT.•AM) • fEr.F • , . • Ati4- . DOI.Pr re:t.444 A-100tr. • 'Purr a.. , EtP,D F1§1-4ER v40 , LAVS.te- A11431•4•1eiz '-niFee • mimurts .RAVE. . .E1-615,SAD.- r-1••••".. ••••!.14,#.44# h drr •-••• woi Oesiiii lea a a Nor> 040i ”*# g • *gig i#faig 114146004 tie ",1 tOsfl�T" 6oNlt-3.fs TAKE, ,Yook Al•Vb titi< On Second , ell•+ Set' FL op:, e••••. /fr • 41.7c 7'7 tt!