HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-03-15, Page 5.A
..11;',V.ItS141% 'AUKS
• • ,
' •
. .,. .
Distributing sign ar nd town
and hiring:a brass': h d dim* up -
.... • cuStomeel." for /Our :be, gains,: : Mr, • .
Merchant •Would` not brit' ' one-third •.'
the results that 'could' he Obtained
.with a. few_ dollars my_ested „for '•
• Advertising, in .
Peo le .look to our columns for
"news"' of the diStriet and tn. our
• •ad: Columns for "neits''' of ?ten'.
, . • .
• bargains,. So • whi not, 'Makel The • ..
. Sentinel your. • "Public.: Information,
• ' Dnreau?.".
r a
Faster. ifeWitt'a. ;Play.,Ey. trio AO-
cgtott .44.4, COast To coa0
"."230 Pliel:e4 Par
• 11ralUka0.
11W 914)01 -
-144rch: •pth,
POg4O4 met On t'ibeYte clAtet Alt
!,141,0ent Opppt. goqnct4Or. larriah,,_$-
Ainatear*Rarir To44.
And apProve on nintien• of 40..n and
'tlehnst.011, ' '
The ;90 BliPt• was instructed to
Big /jig .104gne basba* by radio bas '4.meild the boundary aeeanat with
)000,nia aT. national 'Pastime. A- censusEluron Townshp and send It. to them
radiCOieteners acraell the Moved by Johnston :and 4SherW9Od.
;on aheWn• 110 decreaset in the nureheY, and .reselVed• that cenneil! send 41ind
vho, tune in each Saturday night •en• superintendent .to :to • ,CnUilty Centers
.he NILL. 110ekey 'broadcasts. Be- ,ence at London,, Feb. 21st and ggra,
twecn Charlettestown and victot;14; govedby pherwood. and Johnston
mid"hete and: there from the ;Arctic:, 401d carried 'that a new -bond for
to -the Onli of MeXico?, Foster TISW' 48000, be furnished by the treasurer.
3tt's'weekly.•PudiOna. ' nam.) -3P."4 • ,MoyeY hl Zinn and Johnston:and
nonserllatiVS.IY.: at a Million; Start .of;carried Ah4t all eheilliea, in eonnee-
the broadcast at 9 P.M., Ei5:7% (to :!,101, with the -,railway coupons he
p.X...paeific. Time) enahlea.`thk down igned by the Reeve and Treasurer,
...easter§ to in lleelceY as a.. bed- I - - •••
time story, while on the'pacifie Coast The following bills and accounts
it is an aperitif :before 'dinner.. Were,:ordered, paid on motion of Zinn
. content to follow the ;fortunes eni; Sherwood:
of their favorites in the hiF league. Thos. Drennan, snow .$2;00;''Milton
and delighted with Foster Hewitt' Kilpatrick; . snow $3:601/4, Geo. 3,
graphiC 'recital of the: incidents of;Drennan, Anew', -$5.00;• Herbert Cur -
play, ' few • of these: listeners.... salary Art Courtney,
the ' Magnitude' of the • OPorf41.011 elief supplies $6.19; Roy. Petrie, re-
hwoellikeheyhtrihnrigisbcthAe.owrecieiLlY, '.ott?Oucoptie 7:ff ,.Iiienfs'i.;_foiliprpilottlt $.246:20,..7 5 ;Lncelliernokw,s
• ..
te 1 ..1.6
Matheson, Pt.. "Liars' 0...I0;
lliehard 'Jnlinitnn, Pt. salary $15:00;ii
Frvin Zinn, pt. Salary $15.00; Sam -
lel Sherwood, pt. salary $15.00:
Wilfred Fairish pe. salary $15.00.
Kenneth Farrish, pt. salary $51.65.
By-law 'number 2, to provide for
men employed as announcers, num-
expenditure_onL.township ,'reads_yr3,
cians, production men,. proditi,er duty passed. 7 ,
Moved by Sherwood and Zinn and
resolved that tax ,,,collector be , in-
structed to, -take legal stens to ol-
- . . ,
leet all taxes outstanding by ;March
tOUTIC11 ictiOUrned on inetton by
.Johnston ',end :Sherwood. • ,
C. E.-1WcDONAGH, Clerk.
n inel
Mr.. and . Mrs; Fred • Freherlin,
• .1,uplinOW, 'visited with and
end, tvtta
Jehe ,-.MSCInte;sh recently..1 .•
- SP -0W it,4ew'f.days 1a6t eek, '.With,
Iirand Mrs : Qtarit .MacDiaranid:
I. Mr," . :attended the
. . • • ., . .
.• funeralof a ceusin at Pniple Creic'
' lest :Thursday, • .
Mrs:: MecAUley has rettiined to her
• borne after '.spenciing'. a.' • few Avecks.
at.: ',Mr. •Frank. Herallto.n's, Loehalsh,,
retnrned. home
n . Saturtiay night -fer' a week's," visit
. • . . •.
'1714. has
sent the the: peat two Months
lecturing in the iiteres, of the
in the . southern.. counties of
ntario •. ast Wel attended attended •; the
Econornic' Training Course held in
..the young nn• of the .CotrununitY.
nrac,tising 'far a. t'lViOck Parlia-
ment" to be presented .at :their'13
social. Theproceeds areto,gko for
good luck to J. MneKendrick.;• 'Onee
comrade here, • ' "
Mr. . R. losci •Vnln-
able 'horse last Week.
„ .
• • a
• 'W.e-elei.'glad to report Mrs. 'whit -
ley who has been) ill is itntiroving,
• 'nini-..nieLliope.,..04.,:will.LIse...1ri-be.,,abl
t and. •around • as psiial.
Mr. Clifford 'CrOzior and 'iSpencet
Ervin • Were ,Gqderich visitors on
' Thursday..
Mt. derdon, 13all spent Siinday
-with"his -daughter Vern et Mi.
cliftowg near LueknoW.
•Mra: Otorlier is visiting her
norents, :Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm..
bell, neat' tnnYbrOoke,• •
and ' Mrs, :Wilfred Dreimin
vieited Lucknew friends on Saturday
Mr„.. Reit • And Miss Mebel, Reed
stient' a Any recently with' ,Mr..- arid
Mrs. Mason McAllister.
• ,'Mra. Willa." Reed and Jackie were,
, ;recent Visitors' with, friends in, We: -
"14+7 wanosli:
Mr. Jim. Curren- of Mafeking and
8tuart DaWson ' LiieknoW, .Spent,
•Saturdax...:.*Ltir: Mr, Jack Curran.
rs. Jas: ',Flopd •and lour. chffdren
,•; ...
,ot nttended the funeral -6f
her. father; Mr. Robert.Thompson On
Wednesday of lest .week:'
Mr. and -Mts. ',Itichard--,-Thempson
of Welland,' attended the, funeral of
the iferther'e father, Mr. Robert
„ .
We .are,; pleased. • to 'report. Mr.
• George .Ross_whe-was
tripia: in Wingliarn; returned horn
last week. -
; Mr.; Rdddie Inglia took.. advaritAge•
hOckeybroaderists, each program .re -
'wires 25,000, miles of ',copper wire
• for its transinissien to• stations on
the network, and. the army of' Pier-
sonnel employed, on each ,broadcairt
reaches the astonishing' total of 232.
This group' is made up of full-timc
. • .
engineers, l'ne- companies' engineers,
'station 1 engineers, and station . an-
nonncers. • - •' •'
' The heart �f. the,big hookup .is in
'the' broadcasting' gondola above. the
ice of the' Maple:, Leaf Gardens in
Toronto., it is from:here that Foster
:Hewitt; conceded' to be. the. hest
sports announcer .the-7-.7-ctinitirient,
sends the excitement of the centestr
pulsing • oyer, the ether, The , whole
• mechardeal . arrangement, , •IniWever,
inarvellOns-niselmnitailligenniOlnit A-WM]: bers;Lopening-cliorus,....0_,Crinada,;
by -Plait •descrilition. but also
skill in production,thatAbia program:. sais.--41.,__F
is..essential to the production
- . _
smooth and entertaining _ program.
and it is due not only to thekb V
' f' ' 'meeting'.t b
t'cii 1,4,...tal.,;;' Althieshplendid -:progtani 'was, presented
o a The. Literary a Holyr od
on Friday evening evening was Well .attended
, ran ' . , • .. ,
consisted • Of the f011owirig
has, brought.; fame', to • Canada and-Mr-`addrems
Mr.. LeviLeiii Eckenswiller; duet; Widow
laurels to itself. ,, .
Siintikine and Mr. Bodkins (Winni-
Weer. You Hate Heard , ,
From Toronto the dominant • vOice Messrs. • David ',Carruthers, Lloyd
fred and Raynard Ackert; quartette
la that of: Foster Hewitt:Wiun MaCtiougall; Claire,',McDongs11,7deo.
.his.'hIgh observation, Post are 'ger-, Carruth. -
'don Castle and Production Men; 6,4i solo, , Mi. Fred. Jackson, charle
Luigi Romanelli • and „his General • •Nelson ;Snider; orchestra,
. Motors Orchestra, and Bob McIntyre McDougall, McMillan and , Caritith.-
of• the week -end. cxcursion to visit. amrseraiai announcer, : are -.seine-4r"; 'finitnalil 'in choral' 'farinby r
in .°Kingston with his sister, Mrs. ,
. distance away in the studio of CFRR, .number Of .boys,:and.girls,;, quartette,
Jack .Finnigan. '
::MOTWIFIT -Tier-sister--Mrs. Neil
McCallum of Langside: .•
Iltisses Olive Farrier of Stretford
1\1c,rinal and Winnifred. Farrier' of
Ripley, visite d recently with .their
'orients; Mr. and Mrs. Far-
rie$;. . „
Mr. Wallace Conn shad his tonsils.
Sreat-u9t.7deadY:;!1 ''W;i7g41•7.7.:hPspit/l. 1)!I
Miss Vary 'Wraith • •Of Langside.
0, bleat is be who does • nut
, .
.fliP , •
When he• reee(veS"
us • _
134 prOintli" iende it the
• arnetilit,
And' dotibli hieSt -is th4,t7: goo:a
• •
V116 Welts' net fit a; "w
Ont kno*ing well hta Oes aro
• .4 '
8eticiA „Lei rrirtov
(Furnished by the Ontario DePartaleat of Agrlealtire$)
After . ^oose ' tWO eaaaatial objets: first; to train •
'At tbis time of ,the year a`fariner 1 I.he; .4Pe nt growth of the tree iz &;
sPeOfie way,, and: second,, to nifillen,ce
the .production and quality ' ofthe
-When sPeabirig of training a'frait .
tree,the purpose isnot to plonid a
eautifuI shapelyob'ect but
rather 'a, tree that .iacommereial1y
lirofitahle 'end' capable o earrYing.,.
crop Without, :breakage of l!mbs
Fiirtherniere; the prOper.;,pung of •
tree will facilitate ,pthet.$Prehatd
Operations such as sPraYing.' • and
Priming May he 'done' ,nt any time
"iiiring the derinant iteason but late,
!vinter. whit .41 ,PrPfCrabif:'_,
over, . •the amount and: type of'
pruning is far More important than ,
the time at whieh it is dime. .
• • -
•Cirrent :Report
Parts of Ontario . are rinw •
ning to -feel. the pinch of short, sup-.
ollee of both hay and grain :due to
00414 .thoroligillY inspect, his, iee
.hcniSe. Repair any little job- before
;t ireomeS a big,• and costly, jol?. Tf$
fOr insta.nee, a :batten Tlibb.e4 pff
•tbc:ice house by live fitock rain. will
et ..bebiild, tile 'studding, • and , de-
r"rease. Vaq, value of *he insulation
and 'start 7rot,.iii tb.e, studs and
ebootbim :* • -
w4vy. cttl� in Detnattd• • •
At present, egeo,rding., to :the Onterin
Marketing' -Beard; there. is ai'de,finite
demand at. •the 'Union %Stook , Yards.
for. top. •, cattle, ...with
-,StiOng prices evaiuing, 77'. • .
Keently1i choice' lot of -this class
.sold at six and one-half cents, •a.
• join*. These „cattle,. wWe sinobth,and„
wel1. finisbed, weighing., upwards of
fifteen hundred pounds : • :
•:With' the • surplus relieved as a
result of last 'year's..'-expert...trade,
feeders should iofi b a •
.proper e .cattle of this
Se* Thistle Menace
Determined .that • sow thistle be'
Staniped Out within the 'confines Of
its: area, the Council of., the, county
Hon': T.: L. ICennedy, ef
Agrictiltnre. • • - •
Colonel Kennedy has.offered
assistance, and has promised to pre
flare revisiona, te.. The Weed. Act,
abling local weed' inspectors to ,act
minister 'weed control measures /noir
, 'A definite 'organized
oarnpaign is, now • being -T, prepared
--:cinsisting of newspaper ,publieity.
Iljecial 'sow • thistle. lessons in • all
sehoolS ef, the .cOunty, and a. stringent
-.eari-up of: all waste .and '61tiv4te
land during the :growing season.
Henhouse Ventilation
Poultry have no 1,Swat glands, lint
they:give off relatWely large amounts
•of vapour in respiration land thrn
the skin. It was found at one eineri,
• . . •
mental station that maximum egg
production ,was. obtained when tem-;
peratures were not permitted' to
fluctuate Widely.A henhouse' teinper-
nitrite at :60 degrees F. too high to
be --niaintained7-en, most farina, -1a
winter without artificial heat Hence
a• lower 'teinperatnie held, nofnivily
• the key station of the chain From , missas_maietrasiiirepeegaid-Etw• . ,
t• -.--° -,would be desirable. ;IncreasingiiMini
there -the. broadcast. is Icarrted......to ...diar: Robertson, Alma- Carruthers, -.--Lenore hers of 'poultrymen have , had sue.
tent "redid- stations --hy telephone and McDonald; reading, Annie -Colwell. ,
duet, :miss. Blanche . and mr. Lloyd cess with s; artificial' heat properly
telegraph ecmipment, . . .
tegulated, out failure .4tas commonly
.0ecasiontilly,••eariations in , cDougalIi; . du t Duncan iSttatv
• e resulted when , empera res were
program have been :PePelar With (Mess"- David Carruthers and Claire alltawed to ne too high or flue-
listenerg. CelebritieS, of \state, the McDougall; two
world, of sport, and stage .and ,setien bee of young peodpialelogfruoems Iltinalonuugnih;
have spoken to •Canadians at various campfire, a 'number of boys and girls
times over these networks. The from the 6th and 4th, sonv,
.naMes recalled include , Lord Bess.' around the cOnttfire. Meeting closed
hGoerooruggeb ,R a Lester t aerndF, amtriayeokr, AsetenwBa 17rt;. 0fiiftit oAdt ksearvto, and
-sn6nt the---week--.-exid-with-lier--,conSitfa Toro
Misses Agnes and •Catherine Nati-11141Y tileSe ViSitoi'S' did ir
sbn. , all $ ellinb to i',,the perilous "pinnacle
from which 'Hewitt views the games
guff° e number of relative's from
MicropliOnes ore opened in. the 'eon-
plisr conimunity attended the funeral
of mr; George Gimes is • Laekeevo, trol 'mem, at the rail of the ie sur-' .lisit'ar at 11.11“." T11'6'14 Harris
Mrs.' Thos wet.; d' t
• ' faenAL'atipoints . far -distant from
. A 'number ,from here 'attended the he Gardens, and hhe. eaiiaeaie and -114driaIem-77cder, 1:12fantr)ii-i;h:arolafra6c1::rrilia;
,finierei of Mr, Aabert,. Thompaaa. 'production 'Men; by' -uSirig.-'!a': little Amosrom Mt. Currie's :undertaking par; magic:. aa4:•aaearate. are able his leg
!ors' lest ',Wednesday. • . intioduce, the guest speakers Was; Catherine '4.aherta6a. 9Pent
, lressrs. Jack : dillies and '' Peter -without second's interruption the wesientilitliir. slisinn'rn Ripley
Tlfe,honeld., attended :a Wedding AT- We are pleased report that Algr.
e.cotion on Thursday of last week At ILINL.OUGH Elliott. is able to be out of
the liOrne of Mr. Jag: • LeitCh Of Bel • -
when his youngest daughter
married *`tO Mr.: Logan.
Tile Y. p,.s. Of ' the Preshyterian
•elpirrli "are having 4 St. Patrick's
mo,.,1,a1 in• the -basenient on Friday,
1(1141, LmiCh of ries and sand -
Many friends wish to See her
wieliesi will ho'' served.. EVeritbodY
Mr. and Mrs..Tas; Hodgitit, visited •MiSs Jean Piltdon„ and Mro ill
• purdon , of, West Witwanosh,
Dairy Cattle Rings
•' A 'coinmon affectien of cattle at
this. time: of the.", yea i is ringworni
This 'can be easily controlled if,,ta-
Thmsiii and -en•nritiine;.:Wash; the part with-Stra
wiuI be.the committee : in charge for ainngd if
a.rteeresticia-irye,mtZen.. cdrruyst;,hesc:rspapo-t,
the next three weeks.
• -• and airit With tincture iodine
Mrs. Chas. Congram was a recent P • •
repeating the treatment; daily until
• Mrs. J.. B..Hodgkinson is visiting,
vvith lier daughter,, Mrs. Gerald Mc-
Iver, nbrth Kincardine. • • .
We ate sotry'te report that, Mrs,
John McFarlin is, riot as Well as lier BELFAST
• Mrs. Joseph Ganible Winghani
porit the weelc-end at Mr. Thos may may be staved Nath If ,weds are
White's, •Holyrciod. .
• present allow the Manure to remain
in the, pile for at least One menth
before siireading and therebY avoid
the danger, 'of • increasing weed in-
festation.! • ' ' '
cured. ointment or any gorid
'Sripthering ointment • if tiSed eon,
scientionsly will also give 'too('
BeNvere' of 'Weed Seeds • in Manure
Weed. seeds. find their *ay to the
manure ,pile through the • digestiVe
System, of, animals. and in bedding.
When fresh Mannre' is hauled out and
. .
spread on the land. viable, Weed seeds
”eporte from agricnIttrat represen-
'atiies, . it Was indicated • that the •
lictreme severity of the present le
:vinter, couPlekfith dwindling feed
vapplies, Was lowering the Vitality
if • stock. • Bruce county mentions
Many oases... of pneiimenia: among
ttl, due id the cold, and Muskoka
Ind Parry Sound indieetee that the •
live 'Steck of the 'district. arre in pOOr
londitiOni, dne to, the :long,. cold winter
Peel and Dufferiri report grain and
• 'lay scarce and many dairYrilen -net.
feeding for Maximum production,
tlecause. of, 'the high price of Mill
feeds. In Prince Edward.' county and
*Kate' further east, there, is every
"ndication that 'a great deal of hay
b'e needed by cattle fe4clers and :
dairymen before the is thin.
•• Practically all counties mention ,.
that any surpluses of hay are being
readily:an:aimed up by neighbors who-,
are short and that:prices range. from •
810 pet ton in the western end .Of.: the
-proinric-O,....to._416 and -$13' en the,;0t- •
tawa market for loose hay, :„.;••••
nulless, Oats
• Haldiinand county .farillers
• •
been looking O. 'specialty ..r;f'
.:nterest 'in this new grain, all thin
..Ontatis. • Poultrymen ' seein be :
,especially interested as they can
feed ' :the grain „Whole ' without
Illy tolling Whatever and of course,
there it no danger from hulls' and ,
worry about excess finre. HTliey •
Teiicly=rbade rpoultty feed,".
,•tateS, Bruce Mehlenhacber, one :of
• , I
he largest growers in Cayuga:- Hog
,.oe,ders`'. who also „ be .Carefii,
•if: fibre . are finding :xnore use for the
new oats, particularly for,•yoUrig is
!qrawers' in. the Halcliniarid • , district
”eport. gOO4 yields ;for Liberty hulle,ss. •
Though last season was by no mein*
favorable for " any kind of 4Pring
train,,Stephen -Culver. ..Of Reinharri.
Centre reporti an average Of 25
'lushels•frOinliia 'ten - acre fieleVhile
•e. neighbor, Wilfred Loucks. of Smith
Cayrigit. the saline yield fiethl. •
acrqs.:Thee growers explain that
the' .hulless weighed over l*.t Pounds
'o the bushell,..therefore . giving s ro-
ner acre:When the $0 to _35:per cent '
hull of. the Ordinary Oat ;is deduCted
and ' the •• differenee :Sin weight per
blishel Aiken into consideration these
vields• are equal to 50 birshels per
acre, for Benner Halilimand grnwera
ttisti, claim that the ',hulloes oat hein'g
,eArlier than Banner is less affected "
Aly dry ' summer
1Virs. 'las. Irwin and son
spent Sunday with :Mr. Wm. Woods
of .S.t. illelens. •
On Saturday afternoon with Mrs. W. : ' ' ' - '
Armstrong,Iminediate. Action. Advised . Mil., ShOrtt .'' of Kincardine • and
kinkiii. ._
UndaY at
,S.'Mt' T,: -A.1 daarnerinks '
litiiiitiryg sr. si.,,A:el:wohtmr.he.e4.7iisittes,91:eirte,,311.0,:rfdstc, rimag.i. tyrnite,siirst.I.jairii,. .:..),,..leitit..op. rt..i. yseiii.P..tiilitorityt. 'ato.,m:ii.tiit.:eie..tyer.r:wfttaeOttih.h.e0.:,,,pilein:;:oisr, d6..6Eti,tte.0,114,:g,...li.:61:.,allty f wise
et biti.t vitita:.. ily
,. Jack . Johnston,, spent a. fey . . vir
„ their reemitements of seed grain to:
To -farmers who ;have not secured Illea .a a Zaa e from the Durham
o ;• won say .. a ; imme late • • •
. . . 'Road Spent the week -end with Mr.
lui. lild' elV:grrs; . .3611blia;SolTrialt`h, CtItetaitii9n and8. . .•
with her 'parents, ,ifi: and Mts. JnO, .-MiA Pale. .Vint aiient,a few days soessaryne ,• . ' ' • ROberti'ilarkneas spent Saturday eir.'•
,. , . .„ , ,
1:t9ss; . Con. .1.0., .. , , ', r.-1:iv Agog 1a. Pt.,11.43Fd 'recently. . ' .. This viiii'. the recent: stateinent Of ening at, the home' :of Donald Mae;
. Mi. and Mtg. Chas. ;Gillespie and ' Mr. lathe§ Hackett ' tetarael i'..onl. .Artbur, H. Martin, Assistant Direr- Charles near' OliVet.',, ' ' ' ' ' ' '
. , ,
• . . tor, . tops, and Markets. Branch., Mt, , and ' Mrs. Wesley Hudson, • xi%
. , .
fainilY spent Outidity• at Jas. .1tOdt Detroit iiiii,, Satin. 5r•' .
''° ' ' ' ' ' ' ` ':SetiOol re -opened ' at . Belfast last The 'shortage Of': seed gr and George• Murray ' OE Latigeile$ and: ...
Mrs.,. II, A. Otahani and 'Kathleen iieek; ;ajar'. being cl°i1,• t.,Y. 6 . /!e..eks . ' the 'fact ,that many registered tr:OIX!- ,NI,, and Mtg,Pritolc1VITet and Betty
and MIS, Levi-Eekeristriller' Were .on :iltednilt iik' sdAtiit, ..e‘./er'.,i!i'' the erg, have,. exhausted their surplus, jean were visitors at .,W. ,T,, •Iiivin's
. .
week -end visitors': :at tist9Wel. .....”, §eetlea.. :., ''.. ', .. ' .,. . : , . are clearly indicated by OgnteS In- on 'Sunday, ; ,
. , IsTe are sorry to report the illneas. • .,Mrz. W 1 en IrW,Iri and Mr.r eluded in a survey -made ..,by .this ., ,
:it ‘,,'..w.,,i,,,, fx§,;,,,,,Itteit:hru6leiu);_oieey,::eolitifeytn; aielitbeiarott:: vittl d ., ‘ ,.: Mrs. a.S..Sie't.*O.nid f.diilisil.:salip..tle6' iitl;ifil gM,t,:a., :2e:40e:d::t.,,.:gcetatcri'acii..,.nto,g' pt.:rat:4i as rovfey-r... 0.bo,r4aa..ivryi :,ve. Mr. and
gr' 71.4di. t.: 1q7;:, l'ivtiltel'31.- ::::twliid.9.;'C4"1PDoris":
' ' ' 0 ' in • "6'6 few days With he ,
Irwin ttended, . the , , , , . ., ' ()mop"! of the Department. , • and Mi, Lorne .Hamilidri, spent Oh. -,
Mr. end Mrs. tire°. COlWell, Berrie; ten. Anderson .1,1 s it. or,. , Available aupp ie .. of „ registered
rVilli,ti' iti (!ay liiit,,,eek i., t ,A,, iii.fiirii§. 6. ,t,c,ii,.,,, .• , t , wheat. . , , ..: ' '' 7 4.1i.'t::::sop.',E.:.:tif:114.3:n:edd:4i:1.‘ McDougalliinctay.,..4, .i.it .ttt:S,,,'tion D. ,
vieviiiiiff:;iiiiitbil'-IikliVM:OctrerV.tnt:404Trift*Iitt44:444.:50c'• ' ..1.44,414.13An: ,y,...:.:.141.1. ,,,,A.,,,,,, , , ,,,• --1.- ,..,,,,:% ,,,,.... ,
pen -
' tfr;(4 .j: t0111§iiii . ti, na tattleti7.10' . ttii ; Alvin tlieti.WIA4 'AOttet ' , barter some 8;8 a ,bushels; ,and,s e- , ', '''' AL - ' t
Vill-gli4?1'•!#3fid.''''O''' :$tititYik -,1"ta' lAlt,10.0"..than :606;bnahets,•--Of -Siring '..1.tiel .faahelle and Mr.Jack Mac-
Murray's._,.., ',".„..„-...'„,...,2i.,•-irehelter..,-*hen,,,the4:2101t1cWs.„, ::,.' ..„,.........,.„—...–,. .. :-.: ... .,.;,.-- :.-----,- !:747';.t.7;
Ott . a raaa. ;wants te,:!," Wiwi*, be ,What .0:OeS the steam 4601 • PriMing, $hontd, lle 10016 •
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',4i,60(1'llialie a little„, illoila:Y, ilist;" ithe 'Snout . for? ' : y , 1, ,,, • riiittair- tha . 1504,ou. t ,§404 . tii. . 1 t 13 . •. ,, 1 0 . ,.:. :
'SAYS, a•,..ipagistrate;, Afterwards.:.44'll, tlati..,,,e'leot',te'tliitatb. et, iLio:,,,tbitet, i.tdo.tit1.-iliolietiioil , Pruning, as .#. ttaetised 6,y7.01a „ilir,:, 101,0.1ed.rn.':%:,,,,y :,' glasseseah'°,0,1)tilit4tiltitotiitiir‘
, , ....,„„- „...„... 4
; s't1.49 0 10 'ffialtE.:'' a, httle iriaaaP" lat. . • (t. , 4' 4 , ,f, , A o!{r10.1 . iFtli...04:k.4 ., : 4604 .4ittit tl)kttuolgi :.,„
- •. , — ..
• Mrs. W!, .0, Reed ', of Rapid,' Ci1
kimited, with her' sister, Mr.
Crerchier on Sunday. • ' •"
. • .
, MISS Filline lil'obonakh �f London,
Spent the week -end' at her litiniebere
-," Mr, Fred.. Ritchie: Visited 'IttiSsell
AleXatidtle 'Hosnftal, aode%riell; clri
ROSSell, iS' Making „Si
'ernoel nrwrrassi.: as inInlit be e'igieCted
ier"siigiiiinsitelilt:teriona fret,
itin'e. 'of ; the thigh, • . '
6"#endCt th' the
i140.14$ .end..re18tb7es At the 1atoMi
Thith tgrvis$ 'VAIO 'IMSSed ftt
been, ' , .of our
'co'nniunity ,ttild'e inking .110eiciondo
datighter leW Yeata ;age
Inl's been 'fitilitiginJierittlfleiirIeVerill
meinfli.S; bedeMing; Winch Werilien Of
tr40, •Ea thAt- 'bet 4041§6, thee 4Orne'`,
t; iineX-