HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-03-15, Page 48
, . .11,411q5I4
,fili.ov xus.gicroog? ; .,, .,.,,„,,„.„ ,
.. .(4itende4• for Last Wee)
(. wr4 4,4114 , :Atats,./Ipkix ) • • , ., it Q 04, rwilg. : Ttrt,t.T
v4 .
mi iiiti ; , - - - -
Th.• Editor oP.4, PolAisher, an out- and Dau'ORO :$,Vil'14g',' ‘vitil; gr, 411
standing: ' trade magazine, ; pablisbed `, ,rS, ,4014. Afgalles, ,
in . , OW,T.t:0,,..carries 44 iPr4t,1118. ''', Mi and Mrs, 19.m. DaNsAnt'' gild:
xl.c O41.*-' c111)*(11.4A anb(Plleirient.: con"? spent SuYt.#4 *1•t•4. ;‘ir,' 4--K 4.0s;
It rillkirt4 'the' T, Eaton QQ, and the W.°°°1''Tliri.'' * • ' • ' ' ' ' '. '
: The w)otrLiohoTa. W011le#ii. I*5tA.-
'. )04., .P.iMpfiga : Co "Pf •TEM:074O use tate will hol,fl-the Nareh laleetlaF this
:inal'a,i lieWS1:413'er 'advertising annual- Friday at 2.,13,6'.1?,M,ii*helS IfisS'',VaZ,- ,
1*:',t4211 SO otIzer Stare •Olt;the ",cnn-i, •rick will give the tOrac. •• „ oWmd6w. OM BaChaaan:". §9.,- •
' MAS.14.?• `11,1,i'tt.i.Ol''''PeealNInlea between Boces d ?erennial, B d s" It 11 Daily plus test marks
,•tIlein- need:1,2428 529 -lines in the call th 13 aniviereCby, Trish <Token , ••11,-rMad'McDonahl. 1.053- Margaret'
. . • . .• • • - • " . 8,•-• Aitchts ii 101, P • Helen eno aM* 80S
1 PO '',' Tctrollta.. '11wP‘poI3er : in cipg.. '14r, •ahci, • Igts.,:' Wan. Brown ' s•pent - • - 9 , „, 'a - • Af . -. ..
inir their 'daily, average 'in itiae"' ell,' Fifill4'1Pvepiiii. Nyitb,. Mr. and Mrs,: :4"f"ie .SWan*. 8..;',-. •41111/1".•cranOon*..
36 Ross Gammet 274
ealtag:.aeWspapers. .alone 'being.' .tlikli., 1°119 , 1,1 '• ..,' h.' 'i'-'..,.* ' ''', r: -,--•t )114rra.- '''' ..)r.'WH' ilkilaftba:`•"1,-LY.22' ; :•Mar• le
a one half ' inn- pages ' lot ; each Wk. and 'MI's- J•• 1-3- e'rr;s° • Pgni' iet h• L,O
I7 D * th '
'...etora for: • ev,ery-.. pal:Am boa day ",,arr - .:.•.,. .; • ' - -: .Plb,-.041010r., ,SI•a
• ''' • • ; : . ' .
:Sunday eveping With.' 'Mrs., geOrgehYs
, - .. -, •I -. ' - • • : W • . , ' : 7 ' • '.•
' • - ' . , ‘. ' ' ^^ Kingn4ganuty;' " • Prfinethirley..:,Ilachalian*:.' 711;:.
' tbi: year ,4' : .,,' ett.... - . 1.- *- : .:', The, ladled"' of the• 20 01.4 4th CA:in Bart' MCIIntillre 044. _."
The article' also .: coMmenta on the- of the i,'f 3.1, S of the United 'Ohara 'irhOse' marked .* *: aniSSed, one, Or
• fact that the two Tonng to evening " ' • ' ' ..;
.„ • . , • • will hod a -tea at the home of ..inrssix• ''' '
rp-e- receilt1Y-ISsiledraltill t,een vac , ,,4,41,ss 43,n....,,rh, 1.1,..s---,4y-„,a. fwrnppn., ' el. r.e days:, . Pr' e7raP14' • '
; . ' ' " •• ' ' ' ' Mr John MeInnes...intendi :helding • 1:i.e4tWe•-•14Q1iillin
page section' for oile of these stOres
the largest: adirertisemerit published . • . • .
S*. •S; No 10; ,-4Shfieldby '-'
any , one , stare in ani daily news- an•.auCic'n..4`le of.. farm '."''ek. and- . .... . . • ..
:. .._ ,p1.„ple."1„.", in ...he . near future, as -
..... e For January and
paper in the United tiltesqv :Canada •
• is going to assist Mr Neil MacDon- ' ' -•
. TO"'the Man.:co/Ito does not believe ,,,,' ' • ;' ' • ' ' • * ..°-F,-,Tim Nelson 16%; *Ale* :Par-
rish 62 ' '' • .
i it Pays to advertise this'inust seem ..149. wit farm fatrTa "4: t'llia 'Year'
. • , . • .•
a colloaar Wast.o • of menebut does : y, ' Si IV ---jean Nelson 0•13-' Eileen.
there_e" .i. . .,•• Campbell 65• ralilia Sucha•nan? It a ., •
-,-_-•;,-...-- ------- _-_ . .1...•,...,-___ .. _"
r4i1. 0
Onnler 49.91A)„
Test 7ktirlW •
IIT,4.94101Y Pritel4r4 ?S.*,
68; 'Ausseit. VireW
06.; AngcS lifeTtomthr 4,10 0.4.3icr•
ACT*: . ,4?; 'Oirdorr; WRonahi*•
F.larnI4'W004Ss'.16 1
NVilkjognit N.41.
.• •
'seems quite .appirent age
and lucceseful. business carried on
by these tivo stores, s due to their
and,: Misi.stent use adver-
*lag slinee• In the !figures, quoted
' there is•'a lesson for the man who is
..iitting on. the 'sidelines; waiting. for
1?uSinessto come to 'him; People buY
--, new ;wbere tiiey- are inyited •.te
The.merelaant who,.,doei not ; ask theni.
,to buy at ;his store by advertising
bis local newspaper, Sliouldr:hakre
, •
no criticilm to Make of 'those Who
shop elsewbere.;, • 0
in,4onnari 1934. 500' commer- •
elal iisitels • pissed tbiotigh • the
Ps.skstk canal;PaTIng
.11913 in 'tolls, ac•Cordlne',ti.'*.iA
annonneement:• b*.•• the. 'United •
States' War'„OcPartMent: In the.
same Month of 1933. 416 COmmer- •
dal lyaksals 'Passed• 'thrOugh the •••
1114:-Canstatan canals are ope.r- .
ed--ht-thettoYferninent, free 0!
toll; .and ,thO' cost' Of "Operation "
bane bg die Canadian Taxpayer.
,Itt.''Hett. W. L. Mackenzie king
• grsedson of Wlfliam Lyort• Mac'.
, Unite; 'first ntaYor •• f tororito,,
tnT1hJcarill•'' be ttie • speaker -at: tha-rent"
-dinner tahe &Oen-by the. '
'Varna° IAyon: hhtaltenele C4alger.
the Royal York Hetet,'
!Toronto; Mardi -6.. He' Will be in- ,
Stnileced by ex7'MayOr •Thomas .L..
• Churth' and a outnbei-offlormer" •
.niayors of Toroutor Will be' prea-
• tut at the function..: , •
ice4,-rri Sertylcs
cd,kNAcuAi.4 MEDiCAt.
apssua,kNce comdorES.•
' •0.1CiA '
Many. a' woman, when. ' pregnant,
needleSsly_ suffers hours • of worry
liecause, of 'her igaorance. Her
worry is to be increased by
the silly'but frightening stories that
She -will hear from her -friends and
rieighbnrs.' Worry' is bW eriongh,-,13g- -
it is not ,the worst result of .ignOr-•
'twee; or ,thewoinara's ignorance
may be the chreet cause of disaster,
and,, in such • cased' her' very life :is
'endangered."' ,
Any 'healthy woman,. -rth,a ,.nor-
peiVis,'.'WhOSd• 'heart, ' lungs and
kidneys groin. good. condition, -.can
ekpecf--t6-1-Pass—through -pregriancy•
With , SafetyL_She- will need to pre-
pare. her becly for 0 this particular,
phySicalt. strain, •and he Will need to
have•-hdr doctor makesure, from
time, to .time, that her body. 'main-
tain • its healthy condtiOn
:Unfortunately; -all--wennen.. are, ;tot
healthk. •The heart latOs 6r -kid-
neys may be diseased,' -or. damaged
'from. ,,,som8 • Other, previous disease.:
,A.•,.•pre,rnatitel' ekarninaticin • • wotild
for •warnineihete. women*, as
fa lre1i ,:ability tell go through- nreg-
nair,Y. :•MOst 'of' them can , dor. so
provided they are 'able t� haveextrs
P10.111110.ever Y 'f.flwrod0Y.'nlQrning
nt'toucicflgw., P4t4r.fq:,;
're!, p. magis04407-Proptietor
Uan1131)04 ThliPSOn—PabliSher
!rittp$0.•4i,i(*VA,Reg lSth,1934
Convenes At Wgham
C. R. 14;ic,Plinad To Represent
INxibytery At 50t4 Atedyeisary
IX The PrenhYterlat •
• •
...Thc Presbytery at IgnitlaAd.
Presbyterian thereli in Canada, Met
in St, Andrew's treShiterfan :Church
Wirighem on Irtiesday oflast week: :
Rev C. IL • Mac•Painald .of Lucknow
was 'appointed to represent the Fres-
byterkat the Presbyterial :when. it
inets:„.in Kincardine on May .8th, te
Celebrate its 50thanniversrY:'. •
By Mr Justice • N. A. MacDonald In
• •
And lLruce
Mecling -.
• .
4,Shfield. friends .of M. m
"Wjnterested in the .fo11owin
renailliPP•et. ad.q.eas,..4ellYc'red to 1!
Victoria audience. Mr., justiee Ma -
"John MaePOn1l;(1, of. conces.-
gon. '127r. Ashfield,, Asited..lagte anti
, , . , . •
in.:"ASh6elif hist. •stiannagi.
".4The old settlers 'etittid• 'tench
many' -lessons,".ri
A. ,111aeDon410,,,.speakingbefgre.,0
audience2.ar •.-gnon :.and,
Orqco. Counties A:aaaeiation.
A. 0, • E.1a11, B. ,`
"They. Were frag-ailr W-6•••..haveTIOny
since for4otten the 'ilart, w1th.terriblc,
.committee to •Presbytery was results 'both :TerSouttllY.,, rifttWoallY
riven. authority.tg'_expler.e..the.,;poSti4..Eind internationally. They ..Werg
11:41itY. Of 'ceaineeting' ,.the Belnagre less happy • by...their frugality. 'Thep
congregation •• with the charge Blue,were ',also: honest and. hard-working.'
Yale 40d. which ,May sgen. Mr. Juatice MacDonald,' who i•
in a position to Cell • honorary vice-Pteaident of. the ••ax•
Miller 57;- , Watt '51;j Bola
Fairish t •
in—peitil Jamieson 68 Louise':
Campbell 54; 'AlVin,''brenean 20.
II4oh4 Austin, 81;5 Dorothy Dren-
nan 68; Vincent •Austin., 58; *Grant
Farrish so•• ° ••!
, Sr: I—Warren. Zinn, Evelyn. tittle
"(ilenors); Billies Hogan. Pass: '
Pr.—Marguerite Jamieson,. Rena
Miller, Teresa •Anstia,"‘Exeellent.
No. On te11.20. :•Aye. •att. 18.
Pliese.,, marked, '*. missed 'exams... •
. ac once, .
Mrs. Huston .' lag
week With .her father, Mr. JaMez
Robertson. • es. 00• ,
Miss McDonald : is: spend,
ing'a. feW, days at lttpley. • . •
and•-MrS::.Clarenee Cam.pbell
rind' babe spent Saturday at :James
Poliock's. 9,, •
MI and 11/I:AzLIrivin...:6f7.Mknew
.viSited, with the latters" pareots_4DnKineardine" Lucknow and W.Iricthain
. • ' ' •
tondanolpea, nominate*gS'Illodera.tor
ei the St nbd liantilion 'and Lon -
•don, i:dneaofineet in, ,Listirwet. in Aprit
ne*t. The Rev.'Dr. Jams Sherd; of
Barrie,,, was .:nominated as 'Moderator
'of the General. Ass,eanhly:' which meets
Totimito on the .first'' Wednesday
Of •• June. The Rev.. J L. 'Burgess of eountieS to be found in the wt, hr.
outh''',Kinfoss and ReV... ,.McLean,„ said, that all progress.VWed
of Winiliam; were: appointed /Gem- It Was, purely. Sentimentality' which
rgi•i,ioners' to the 'General A'isemblv, had caused them to gather "togethe-
'1111. 'elders from thee-hargeS‘ IT:i7the ineeting.••"' We must not laual
.Nrclnqviorth,..' Gerrie, • Litcknow and
bri7ranneit: . '
T. D.. McCullough, '�f 1in-
cardie reported on the budget show-.
e that .the, Ptesbytervof Maitland
• . .-
AccOr4,10;• 'W wof4 '.tecelved, ,1*
friViit,ls..heroi.. 1Yr. IN"Pip.: P,40110,
gip011t the post: •,m0Otb.S.
TQrPntP 10t. On -March' 00.4 fQr biti•
r.Oit,I.:Ot • home ln:
MOTs, PCrothy WPIAt.gr.ot
and D�ri:ie 4.,C4.e.owi Mere Week^.
.end• :Visitors at ;their Ilorrg
7114.ro, ww3 large attendance • at •
'the RomP g,i.y iy .thS'IrteMber$::'
o tha" W0Illen'e,•Inatitaie n the •
lnonitL1IOn Frfday elkening., The
prograni, was. oienerl 1 comniunity,
,the f,0110,11rilm
P14.110erg .10.17q• ' c.110riapp;....by.
'Messrs.:, G. MerntY:re Gailati••
WO.04S; eerc.t T. I'041t;:'`....'•
viOlin:.nmsici. Mr, O. 'BteWartr Musid. •,'
Qn the accordian by Mr Ahrin MU,
on the MoutlOwgcn` ,
0,011in.O. piano: '64 h Yiasaa,1?prn;
UT • and: Lanrinc Miller; a; •ClanCe • by',
0, •IlIclilieraon • aacts•4•..
:byMr, 7- 7 • • •
•IYIre'•• W. j, l'InfaPhreg •.-is
, .
the decteiN, •care following: a Severe .
-heart .attagk.' on Saturday..
:Mr Nikbbd
'Harvey ehad an
•,... , .; ; , • "
•qpnt experience tecentlY,.. ,when
Toing 'tO *town, with .,a can: Of ..cree .
be.. metthe'..Goverinnent sntow. plow 0,
eariy ,deYs „in Ontario by a, series. of
aneCdotes ,and comthenta,: most ,o1
tbein connected with his peraonai
Oxperience. -
Trend. Westward -
Expressing surpriseat the ' larg(
number's of ,formtr inhabitant's th
at sentimentality; as potent,. • am
Bilks ns, to from •.Which.Wi,,,
sprang: SentiMentality- is the ,impuls
. •
iftoerinth.e.'ibtesits....d4eadisbritnlIdal.nt amt.daonli.coafnpt
had contributed '8'0 'per •cent ; of it:if. riOti'srn, the Inspiration •to nehle. ac
budget and Iiiiirth'e.Pres- tirog, . Anatelik flees before' it.".
hyterian :Church :in Canada as a •• :10ferring to two rtableaux • whicl•
'whok•, had a , deficit in • budget 07: had been presented' by memiliers , 0
penditnres• for the 1983 of less 't the association ...before his adclresS
..25,0.0.0- the Presbytery Of ;the "sneaker- said 'that. , they recalle(
Mflit1111111 four conOreg,a'ti0OS him 'the incidents ofl,
.cootrihoted,' n'Ore• than their AUfIT,44 boyhood.' The first, which,' Was ..en
,eut,ete, , he said, by the .1.01.7h' -el.
These graces !iv re' said
'Gaelic. He'sreetilled one fit the coursf
of 'Which a dog came in, stole; 'Or:
meat of the stove, and ,,got ,
i'efore the saying' of. it :Was ended:
Loig ••••Se-riaiias- , : •
Tiie :sonnets in, the, churchea• o
•early settlements were even o..g • ,
than theLgraCes in, the 'feria houses
Tie speaker ;iecalled occasion Or
which -a: visitor had come into claureb
shortly , after ,tlie beginning and. sat
e-rmen had gone on :fer;446-410LITr:
Ole re•WCOIngt: .14aileit. across, •.anci
O'sked for how lend tile:preacher had
:htVe.-efiri4P,'?ekariPs'7'.;. hOellaipteoiPieg
liastily an'
. • •
d'eaiarted.• ' •
• "They *.were grand sermons,. fitted,
for a stein 'arid : controversial
rrid ws,eie. in no 'Way seeond to. thbs,
of the „Present' clay; They were a•
intellectual treat,- in ,cernpatison•
ratlrr innocuous affair: • •
, The early dayS of the settlers Were
-The luneral of the 'late Miss Sadie
Cityler Was largely attended .'
Thursday: , z,- •
'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Emerson visitf,
with -the latter'S7 parents at Beffasf
, •
. . ' • .
" Rey. • K....MacLean of St. Andrew's
':Pr.e,sl‘yterian. Church; Wingharn,,, was
ointed. budget' convener for ',the'
(current lyear. The Presbytery ,dee147'
Pd.,:to urge 'apon " the Skim& and 'As•L.
Wilaly • necessity of bringing
,home to , the congregation the; , re-
SPonsihility ''•Of; Maintaining . *. the
MAIL cotikrgies general Work of the Chnich 'la:Cho:Me
, „ . , . • • , •
-----NOILAN",-,EN-vmD•7-ONE :and "..abread: It-,;Was-,Aecided that the
t t' te.' •
• ,• c011, p ions e genoca • vol.
folleking artiele APPearinc. !should .beat some • relation to. the
, .
. , .... •
• ,Bringing :back 4.1Inited States ,P. ' baite to mai' couriers Who bave,frided,•'Of :The , congregation itself,'; The Pres -
sped 'shating --taxe's,-: -ittss :Ediq'--- • metliC• al-Thi.FwFaiien • and 'to'- carry much • 'hardship in :the performance -10rtery • decided" that its .. next :meet-
.' Kiligr4414 was greeted bP:a large • • out the Anstractions ' received ' can- Of their:duties:this Winter, A: 're -• in'* wM:ild: be held in Knox 6•riircli,
'. ertaird
ianFeTirsg of e0art eathusiaste• at• the . . • 1°Ii,,,,,er 7. - . -' sw3,.4e .ot the 'weather record, piiblish- *•.:•';','-e:7rditle on TUesday," 3r5y. 8th, 'Lt
vinad*.Pacifit railway station. . ..g --t periods, . oir s, • i (lief!
at, Winizipeg IrecentlY, on, her 4- et ceteil. ' .. . ed in these coluinria last week .: -gives IO::a.M..
, . _ • ,
!Oro from Chicago where she had A recent "%tudy .of maternal mort- 'some idea of the low temperatiires"
, . .
1"s1.111* 440 YArd:, sPeed__skiting' Edify. in New YOrk • City, covering a• the local 'couriers face(' in :this •;dis.:. ," -A Cliinese.' in •New York, :entered
,_,,,,,_ _iii, .
, •Amrrecord. •
taieekin t°1711°1!4en''bu""'"4157 '''' period' a three years; ma e by the hid during the month of • Febriiarg. the office : of 'a...lawyer and asked.
, . .
. • , Academy Of Medicine, , shows that. Net only , Was sub,aero".weather e*- 'the fee rectirire4 to get him' freed on.
. Mies Dorothy Standish; Of santf, abon't, two-thirds* of the deaths whiPir •perienced :. by these • couriers . almost a 'charge of murder:
, know "Queen porothe' 'Of 'OP, occur Were preventable This con- daili, but heavy snowfalls ..1.led reads r LaWYer—"Oh' S5,006.00, 1 guess"
193,6 Banff 'Winter .Carnival. She .. - ; ,. \. • , • • • i • . : 7.,.... . ___ ..„, .. , ,_.: ' ' • .............,••• t , , ._ ,,. ___ . ,, y _ ...
• iiie, 'Wilke= ' where the fueetieg ex:m*102'662i, of &aal -case, and. the drifts reduced the a eed • Of travel t'-:!`Yellee. good. ::'•New •: 1 go. killee
. escorted-- - ---•-towitoy •7W46 -.7 -act--,- ,,c1;4ipir-.-was-;reachecl ar.ter.47-.0arsar deep 'w,ith •srirrrd.- requent gron-nd• : --,t-5-nmese---treoar.m.ing-Tout----cie-TroneY-f-
.' 'took Plaint- knelt at the feet of :146 ' decision • was ' Marge on tiractieal,.,Iiiiit to almost "a• snail's page. , ' . '..'• -Men."'
t '110 (lust's. Miss VioletDavi-S. •• of.thedreticAll gro-unds.:: ' „ . • ' — ". • " Diming a recent spell of zero
. . ,
Edamoktani Ana was craWaed 'Thifs stud); Corifirms the findings -Weather, while -standing at the post
bei Qieen Dorottit, thanked her • , ,
subjects ,apid expressed the hope of others made elsewhete. The 5C-, offiee When the mail men left to de,
• ahe Weil& mike as' good a' Queen
•••• Sionething 'de* . has
beett:•eioired• in ,the '14turentitts..
elders' Paradise, to the north of
XlIonireal.,, This . Is., the "Flying
clainaed to be the flint
.time ever otit on the Am,
`,••• "dean .centinent. • Enfrazt071--rore
Crash beIrSets: and rein the rate-
• 'ttgarn prepared 3, de-
gree. Mot*: A , Speed' of 63 tailet
' in'hatir!fias retarded. ;.'••
•The,4togs, like aftitinle.;„" N613
the coranient. Of Tom Wheeler,
• -knora mite* Canada
masher, as his team of huskies,
sWept ov•er Montreal In a six-,
paisereger Plaine -ticadin• g , for „the, •
New Main' Pshire,, Dog. •
• Derby • at a test , for the '..Quebec,
internatienal Dog Derby 111 ',which'
he is engaged.• • • ' ,
, • , . • • . , • • . ••
' Walesa *rand for being a trifle
tu' el figures, ,raiy ',vary a little,•' iAlt.
the: general conclusion Is that two•
Oat of, every three maternal • deaths
could...be . prevented if proper ' use
were Made 4 ,. hat we . know •cori,
cerping• the' proper care of :the ex..
Peg '..ant"mother. 0 '
. . ., • .
,is, tae6lii.,astibegpayitiiiti,i. pr, . 71 oman, -tree#:beatensure the ,deliverV Of the: mii'l''
care: There to , the rural routeS. " Todav in , th.r,
IS no in,)444r3, about Nri3at,„ kirid of rilidat of So ninA., modern luXurY and
gate 'le . needed. • The.. ptoblein. : as,,
Ilo:t-,. are all . woroen to ,Secure soeh
care ?.• :tri '.sone eaies., this is diMerilt,
:and in. 'a ,few, i-npossible.,.• but in: the
vapt! it 41 jerity .of 'ease's, werrEen • : ,ho.
cguld' Secure. adequate gate , fail . t�•
de becatise theiii d�not know, how
impettant • it is .for their 'own. lives .over the • route in COmparativo .ew-.-..
and .health and fc;i: thelife•oindThealth fort . but in midwinter ..stottnt Iv. i 1
61. theiiexleeted hill:v.:that theda •niost take the, sfewer," anethOd.' of i.
1.. ',' !horse-drawn ' vehielet; ' TOO „ often•i:
overdue. 600 whim 51),67.t.sta , .,. time ter • care to: heiin '•iS,' theSe. :receiVing;'ithia• : ti:rk4:0,0 fail
Peg • en ' early •in •preenanct. end if nnist :he; dO. their. Share of, the work ontaile :
liver His..Majestyls to the rural
section, ' leather; coats,' ,ffir nntr
blankets' and eiety aid' to • war”atla
• ,
were in evidence, but we 'could,
but adthire the courage of these,
men .who' day in and day •out,
zero weather; rain, stow, Or terrid
o•••••___. • •
'frightened and results were •rather •
disastroas to .the " harness and the •••(
There was a good attendance at,
'the 'meeting cit the Y. P. S. on' Stinzt.•.:
day • evening. Miss kathleen -Them .
read the Scripture' lessen, The tooic
on:, "Enrichment through Cliiirh;...Re•
lationship'!. was taken •by 1,1r. Stan,
ley Todd.. Rev. T. Wilkinson :1-110
spoken the Subject, .A duet by Mifi- ,
s`t4 Helen and .Isobel 0 Miller, ard'
;•1aflo oles lair' Mrs D
Miss Norma , Weitherhead were ro-
loved, It was -decided,•fe,.hold
ides social , on , :Friday even in 01,
Marcia 16th. •'
'hatd. struggle With: the...land;
qpOalcer said; and ;•everYthing was
hard', with them,' . The sports
epic,, .n h. Mighty .s.torie tbrOwing "
aintestal and: Wrestling.. matches OP
.9 pal ;OlccasiOns'..,.aS: the ,Caled.onion• :
arnes• at. Laidkpew, to s.whigii.1.1161,1,-
11O-Cleci; and Is•trichl-ateit• night
fiften• turned into bloddy battles be, -
ween, the Scots and. the Irish .
Hard' punishinent'
• Punishment lima'. corresponding'.Y
q•el.Tere. The ,mod'erir': ideaS',:of
*nression----for'• the eitild. -Were no-
,•bnnge' for. the 'better, and , ifin•ny,:5•
-a9es especially across •"the • horde3-
',ad , been exploited •cominermally in
sebriols., „ ,
.111.p• Pelitira,. were.: irugged as the
e -1 • 'themselveS„,
7hich was second onlv. 'to the Rifle:
rT rec111ed -one Men who. Said
Tan is a .,Liberpli,who 1.2-'7, 7.
through mrid bis nee% •• to; ,
•“ihit now. -the eonntry se''
iity;" cd °nal d concluded
"StreAts. that Wore once crOwdcd
-y!iFfroos• and teams,,, where eeiatriic-
"ion ' was ,full Swing, are: Pon,
only a. feW• orthe.4,,,old timers dream.,
ing -of the iist.f ""„ • "
convenience, citizens as well' a, 5
ern•rents, • are ' apt to, forgot ,r4e
mai, who gives us one ."6f the. moSt
important services tinder sorhe of*
the most, dia.reeable condiiibn
1.K, weather the mail man is eh!,
if 'lie ran afford it, .to 'drive a e"
tendered.* beirilitet and. Prestote-, ,, • • ' • '• '
tiOne to the vitiontpeg llugbY :blare • ' t°TELiati-eci e _ tnreughout. an the dlivery eof the mail Tbe In •
"at the Raysf:alesiedts: Hotel In / Thsre s 'other way 13,• whkb
that. city recefltly Tbey were Ifl- health. arid life; mak 'be S. afegUardect
the PlaP•affa for the Dcarl)tilen ' ilregohrity Made safe and 'colt'
Raibir aliatn.i Pl'oashiP• kat tall
; • ,,• ,•• • fortable -,.fot...mother and ,chid,
. It !no, look like a. lit,;tig vrittet, ....otie.g.tiors on, cerping .:riettit,h,, . ad.
•• thil 'tlinei Of Year; but ;A:-.11. Utah.. ,•dieSsed • to ' the Canadian , Sledieat
• cmtuaget ..6f e'n'idlin,_ •I'acItit , .litti'on, g4: CoeerO §tro.et.'Tot,,
•Inettitaiii,-hotelii- iind","•,-Ottogalor :' i5.t
r - • . •• ''' :. ' .
. oaMns.in the Eco .cides states they • oontoWill be answered persiyiaif.
' *ill be opened 'earlier this... year ; by letter, .
,...tot aceOtint ' of large CottventiOnt.
.4os. , ion! tit Was otated. by
ed for the latter Part cif
a� ,?orbs lionernootteli 'at th
Seignior* ' cireoto.. *poi
17. uri, Pnoes Helen.
itObbini4 &tighter Of Ron. War -
till D. Robbitrit. States
.)fitiliter 'to tariade; Ind* relative
'(;- o-reo-orsloi
, prop.] .or of the drY--c palter shOP.: the' box .at, coneirient poin
Prorideo that Of rbrai • c.c..,
nyunities must not only have
1-‘0*os 'v11 lettered,. but' 'Intist ke
,the roads opetv."for the' vasil ;
and if` the's; fail • to do this tbov
not have to deliver the' mail,' Ne..91,
theittS. • the legal tranr..ri.
caSioris•during• the current wintt.
have bad ,t' dig theii Way thr.-01-04,
snew.drifts tO eomplete •their dell
ery. Tie role is that the wail *a-,
delver ,rre
t`A 611111111g' bur: elafie,”: *al 'havifiz the :rpad'S 105-"f„ reAt
is ready
at. • • • •• . . ,
Alletion Sale Mild
Susinietai Catda
• Constitutions k
,L3ws• • ••-••
eh'urch Repiarts •
Conceit Cards
Dodgers •
1 g i
• • ,POiaer' 'aed PragrOlinet
Puntral Circle
'reply, • , • • .'. • • o• , •thoae who 1,eneflt ftdfolttpt.A1
rght" he :said" atter *While; *illt.g4e, tlie' life of.' the' fr.:lift- *oieri
":71gt 001 tine iet �r apene, 5ri1 t.
It54,:e 't.'161 -y, taken ,side" viewrtd 'li'itp inre:1.0,0Ifitii � teS'cr;
Vittg 61''''Ve$ .t6' ti CO2litItiP
instekl" of front."
.Irilvittition, Cards (
Letter licadt4 511/1 Not o Mods .
:more5m4le: uodger5 and Pesters
O;s11;111:aoth'ell.t' 0:atg* Cards
Yereilit 41nd- 'Order •-.Beaks'
o .ers 361.s. 7
• Wimlow Cards
0' 1 •