HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-03-08, Page 7C Apple Custard 'dere is' an interesting variation. of -the; custard, pie; Ingredients--2;,cups • unsweetened apple sauce, M. cup: sugar, 1.:tablesppon ,c' rr. syrup, i/L, teaspoon ginger, 2 , ,.eggs, 1 tablespoon cord starch;' .1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 pinch; salt , Add ,well=beaten yolks ie strr.ined. apple sauce and beat well .•: Add sugar• make, a • ee. ..: n • - • move': meat,' iron bones, and ma_, . 1;11endecl. with conn starch, •thel+s9ruP, li'clten atoele:` 'Line a and, a good :pinch of, gravy a the, c i ciz?nainpn,,, ginger is di h•with a inch baking lel deep tai ng.. s salt. Pour the iruxture ?nto a part,,, B By Mair' M. Morgan. • Ham and Ghlcken Pie. ,, I'n place • of a '"weal • and 'am" pie of San Weller fame try ham 'and chicken pie for your next !Sunday's dinner. -An oldish chicken: may be used,, the haih acting as an, extender. In ,case You." have sone left -over eald 'boiled, or baked hain.;en hand; the pie 'u 'sts:asplendid way to use it up. : s g6'e , Boil.rthe 'chicken inti}; tender. Re - baked; crust and euole th a moderate von until firm, •then,. -when cool, cover oven. >`owu i n the an b the, oven. e d - "th mere . 1Nontgomery pie • 'Ingredients: Juice. and gratI. ed rind 'sof 2 lemons, % cups�.gar, •?z teaspoon ,salt, 1 cup shortening, 1 cup sour milk, % ''cup :corn syrup, ' cup cold water, 1% cups sugar, 2 ,eggs, .1 tea- apoon baking 'soda; 3 cups flour.• • Line tiro pie tins `Nith rich 'crust. and' fill. with the .cdgrn. syrup Mixed with the • cup sugar, the,salt and the -cold water. Cream, the 1% cup's sugar, with the shortening and then beat in the 2 eggs'. • . • Sift •,the • flour with the°'baking • soda • and then' alternate it with the.liquid. • Peas the batter thus made over the lemon •filling in.the,pie sheli.,and bake ,in a moderate oven. • powder biscuit crust rolled about: one- half nch''thiek 'lace thinly,, sliced Cold • boiled !ham in 'alternating layers k with chicken. in the pantry lined. .ba lc.-. dish Fill with 'gravy and. cover with crust; Bake in a hot oven until the crust is done; Serve from baking. dish. to Steam'' Velvet.. Lesson X..-- March. 11, :Parables .pf .the. • Kingdom -Matt. 21-33. 4452. • Golden Text!—Of the lnc,reale of his govert}ment '40d., of peace ,there; shall be..'Ino bad.--Isa. 9,7. • TI IVME-Autumn,; A D , 28, in . the second year of Christ's ln;inistry,, PLACE -By the Sea; of Galilee.. PARALLEL PASSAG'IS T. -Mark 4: 1-34. Luke': 4-18 • • • "Another pereble 'set . he . before thein.". We are to think, of Christ as, using these and otter • parables: often in -his preaching. , An, truth needs con- ant; repitition and reviewing. ,•Say- st rePi. irg, The`;kingtloni `of, heaven " . ',These• eight parables, all •relating to this one then, ere called';."the; •parables of the ,kingdom;" that .is, the 'reign of right eousness, :peace, and. by . which Christ earl;.. to establish opa rthl, tIs ;like ,unto. a, rain of nustard'sseed.. .The likeness. is in the smallness of theseed as contrasted with the size•of'the,plant; ,� t..am i_t a aXi: .-from .x,•..:;. - hich r -in s Wh w sP. g took, and sowed in -his field " The_king- dam though it comes II f�� rom' heaven, �•b 'The pile ,.of a velvet frock which has become' flattened with much wear" may. be restored 'as follows: ,Place a damp cloth sec irely:round.an 'upturn - of the velvet across the iron. The. pile will �almoat immediately stand up as fresh as new again. Another way is. to' hold the velvet .over: the steamof a boiling kettle. ' ' , If' •,one -lives in • a' house- which: 'is equipped with a hot=air, furnace, •'a very simple 'method of steaniing. the • Sii odel BY I1EL1 1 ft Lt�►M8 Illustrated zDress am k•}19 1.e8eof4 lfrr. niched With Every Patter'; Puffed `•••-Rice^Grisps:, • -- -whole-dress-is-to-sponge •; thoroughly ' the children .dei nand something with, a damp cloth on the wrong side, If weet• andyou feel in a candy -making' then ;tam dressr•ight side out, and sus-• s Y mood °the following recipe is bound to pend 'on, a ,hanger over. the hot-air angles.' In a-• radiator. fill from :all . g gi' '.''lie success iter 'su. ' ar: Vii. cup Filled Potato,• Cups � ` tsi' 1' cupWhite , cl en , ''er, 2( 'ables ns;. - vinegar,; 1 box e u andpeel eight- uniforin size • '; 'tvate .i= Pae , : S,cr b ,•Mice g . . • ice Lir corn syrup%' - . Slice• off• top and 'puffed vice) '� P , white potatoes 1 tables .non butter.i�:' Boil ' ' of inside,making a . •spoon :salt, P scoop out partinch ed ' redients . exec t the. puffOne-quarter'inch thick;. Soak' all tl a .eras , . p, cup .about .rice;•.to 40'•degrees onthe: sager ther- in- •cold 'galted-water.fifteen. minutes. •little ' ;would be lel ' With a ' nometer or .until a,,.. , r. Drain_and dry: thoroug y brittle when ,dropped into ,cold 'wate towel•.. Drop in deep, hot.fat, frying Mix v: ith the" puffedriee and pour into golden brown all over. Drain.':, Just arae 'to''esti. Cut in squares: rvi ._ = fill' the cups'with; ,..:::oiled P , , ., before ser tvg hefOre`quite 'cold creamed 'mushrooms and ,peas : Bacon -and potato Pie. Setting, �;.• • Informal 'Table 5e. rap, `of fat bacon and Chop�haIf:a ound P. cannot be; sown' on ..ea h except by • "Which indeed is .less ,than all seeds. • The smallest of the` seeds in common use, • the smallest commercial. seed,: "But when it is grown, it is' greater than the herbs;" •Larger than any other garden, plant. "And bee -mi' eth.,a • tree." • • As, tall 'as a .small tree, "Seo than the birds of the heaven come std lodge. • in . the branches thereof.'' The passage indicates- the 'rest, food;, shelter .end enoyment .of the kingdom. • ' "Another" -parable 'peke :he unto them." The, analogy which appealed to his mind :might not'appeal` to.,an •other,, so he tried another comparison. "The kingdom `of, heav' n is like unto, :k'aven." In Bibld- tiinesjhe Jewsused for yeast a little old do.gh, highly:` fei-menting, 'which gave' the bread a sour taste. •Elsewhere, ;therefore, .1ea vsn is a . symbol•'of ;oil, but here of nod . influences :. .."Which 'a • woman good " ei ' 's took:'. Bread- making , bc..ng . �coman work as'seed sowing-was••man s. :And hidin three neasures of meal." Three' seahs', `:or about three •pecks *and five • • qua s offrineal, the custoima y ttne.l rat • fora. household.—"Til11_it wt s all lead±:- 'tined;" ,- The • point is thelarge amount that was raised by the small• bf meal. . `amount 'of yeas. ' The .kmgdoii , of hi. von• i:.: like,: unto .�;btrac'tive- luncheon cloths .. niay be peel_a;nd:sliee two pounds of potatoes. r the breakfast�iook by Trade fo Well -grease a `fireproof ; °dish and make•la ers.of otato.and::baeon,.:sea, Y p each layer : well, sprinkling lightly,witli..flour, and finishing with potato. 'Pour'over`: enough milk ; nearly to - cover', the contents of the dish, dab Nwr h butter, and,bake for three-quarr ters of'. an ;hour: (moderate. oven). , - Any' Meal .-. Any Day, There isnt'': a meal of• the day when ham can't be' used to advantage. For a Sunday` morning breakfast, lerhen the family' have titne.'to"enjoy it, try creamed ham on'toast. ., Creamed Ha ,• a tr'eas'ure hidden 'in the field” In those days when -such hanks. and_:de• posit ,vaults .as we have were ,unknown w a. 'or. ; the of'gardeners: Spring bheT,hLenrdaon thlikyhaer . Athenians ove Sone newehil,mWts they have found in thior catalogue a greater than usual numberof novel- ties;; not, of course, in speciea,- but 1a varieties, The sweet pea hashad' a quiescent period for several years. There: have been plenty of new sweet peas, but none. very~new.. The most conei'derable addition . •was perhaps the Sestet, een, Aso white vardety • that was: me ' apt than others to haye: six So77. e to a m. evon when the-euitivat. was more or loss perfunt tory. " This year, though'•'other• novelties are. perhaps• morebrilliant there1s- a new bluer ca11•ed; iuyosotis, which.is a distinct. advance. in: a• , colo; of •which'the ,tribe. Is rather hy, and •to 'my thine%the most.useful of all Sweet' peas are 't'hoso 'with an inclination to- wards. 'blueness; . such as- tie;: very pnes.. . claopular Gssleneaglof,es. ,"">There.,Is also a : variety° ,; christened fantasy,!, which rims. '9414161001y through a wide range of ,tints.,, thou h ,d• tli ,•tandard is . said 'to,. be. l - se' for :• Y o e c. , Another'" novelty' Pei',t cps • . worth, some • special eniphasis ; is a bright' red olerkia, named: by Carter'e Olori- ous. • .This , annual 'continues to 'grow in favor' because: ;;of its super -excel- lence for ;picking. When really , we,11 grown it. has ' shoots, that 'suggest a bush rather than a bedding plant, and - even the leaser,.buds open complete;' ieone tO h .. r Dinh. Heiress Has Waited So Long;... For• the Money That it • Doesn't Mean ;Minh. to Her Ban 'Francisco.-So(ueone to hell ,' her with the dishes, a week or do ' reating,' a short sea voyage. That':. what a 50 per cent share of morethalt .. $1,000,000 means to .Mrs Consianci May, Gafin, wife of ,a: Las "Angeles. bat* teller. • •'• +• Speaking publicly last week atbt the, pet, dine since her attorneys and: counsel ._ t e;,; heirs, of the late. • for' h., James L : Flood agreed, on 'atentaa; Live settlement 'of' about•$1,200.000 .oi• her. claim , to 'a daughter's share et 'the bonanza king's. estate, lam .Gavin•, said.sh.e had ::'waited so. ,.long the money •doesn't• ;mean much:, I sues s I',ve ,sited for the money; ., , 'W. . too long," ,she roinarked. °Oh,,,1 might buy a new dress. • Servantst Y I d.. like . have.. someone help: ' Yes; 'to inti -particularly; with ; the dishesi ' 1Vlaybe-though I I haven't thoughk, much about it -,my. 'husba'nd •and. 1' will take a short sea voyage." Although. Mrs. Gavin .will, emerg('.•.__ financially. victorious:. in the •seven,. year legal battle, one of the provisions '. of the tentative.settlement'is that tlh:; .••. court records` will show she' is not, Flood's daughter. • Liechtenstein: Joins ' World' Brotherhood' London. -New Scout troops' of 'the 'little independent State' of Liechten- stela are ono of. the. latest additions :to the membership, of the ; World. o is B Cher f ' Boy: SORB." ".. h ,._ro h,od o Y G. Z_ brings the; number • of countries in'; .the world•whicl ,have Soy Scouts: up Ltechteutein lies. on • Iihe right .g. bank of ,the'Rhine, opposite Switzer- land, and•• has an • area• -of under ,70 ,square miles.`' . The inhabitants are `German-speaking, Liechtenstein;.• Mon - 'ace and San Marino are the 'amallest- i'ndePendent .states in.Europe. You'll want this stunning little shirtwaist • dress as soon .a<s you•-see'it• ' •• Plaits: lend youthful Swish '•to'the ` The" yoked.' bodice .gives hemline, id'.a . tunity' for chever'-:man- splemd? _ .opportunity i ulatiofl Of the fabric. P ,, moat', flattering '.Greyis�h� blue, �, , necktie silk=made the: original. c�haile: n race • i, r', ',Short "• 'Tlie.pattern'also, provides ' •„fq , ,s plaited :sleeves , ' - . 1"liin silks, striped cottons, .plaided pique 1 print, it wasnot uncommon former to bury seersucker, pig nautica . r corn and .ether valuables in the linencrsiali `'leektie' print in •oetten thee buy- ground. "Which a 'man• found, and' ti lest titre in ..rix '•it a a so min • colorf-wl=-eheaked pi�icloth..andw r _: ,1i�.. He : hr�'" i;,, ,; , ` else ht. find, it, and so Salle islimg•the •edge by -cutting •out'eveiy ,, , g washing,ave are :might, purchase the fieldand se gain -other .cheek. sinaley meals and an be title to its .rich contents: If''the gospel. pretty •for 'informs .,. :Obtained in'any, color: that willhelp of ld •b n t&t` to brighten' lip 'the' kitchen. Uses=of• Lacquer.-, , • rs.:Coalidge's Recipe .q For Vegetable ; Stew, .To raise;• 'funds for the. • Ediva d i. -• Congregational' ' ' Church' Woman. •Union 'o! Nortpiampton, ,Mass., ' Mrs, ; Calvin Coolidge„ widow of .the forme, er President, a. of the •,United States, . -permitted-her-favor-ite.-reelPe-for New-_;. .Orleans, stew, uautographed, tio be sold • for ,50. cents a c4.op•y. Here's,..'tths• lent ark . two •tables ns , • -Ingred s e Pone o!' butter, three onions, three ! peppers tthree.' ears' of. corn;; �r;:tint ' ean•':,of,'eornthree. tomatoes or oa<:. • can.' of• tome tines ' and salt, and peppei.+: , .. n tomatoee to;'taste, Ii.'fresh.cora ad ,.. „ , are ,used, •add •'one•• oup of water.'.,. the 'onitias' thin .and fry ia, • butter.• Ohop he peppers- and add. t4,. • t'he .`onions, ,:frying. ; `gently; for , flv( minutes Cut the scrapping•the milk'tiloii-what remal� Ott ;the: cob; •Sliee the, tomatoes ' after; •peeling them. i (Miens Put 'bh ' fr neons 1 1 .: Addthe.. � be boxer . •into•: a do u and tomato a. so he .trateer 1! fres -....ar �vegetables , , e ui�ed s_t"t1t .e. mm o ether tor one ih�our, . 'Add. Sag z Ideal.. om ` �• � • . a an 1 M were otic Within Home' ' t the Ho ' ; -challis, etc, are other interesting, sig Outside It She, Is , Merely " y Sts a Manes tire' ` e estions' g g Und r. `''the g,• ' •ice .. fors � Vii. ed es �- �Y 3 is d S. i6 , .- Direction • of ..a. New -: 8 a rad 0 • 3 3. s. 14, X16, 18s.2.0 3+eai.., ,.. 0 re a uire for 10;11g • Retie. Type,i,of': Man `'nc 'es • st. � Size X a s inches b p • material,:, 4'i(a ',yards Berlin Woman "is' the stag man ager. and man the general. director in the drama o! ii e," Dr.' Paul Goebbels, �'m'ister off-PropagTanda`- and"Enlight- eitment, `told a; eeting of Nazi women recently. i� Under the past system, he'declared women• had, entered public life becaus manly.:.�irtue: disappeared. from it °•Bu now that "a news heroic•type"•ofiman hood has arisen. it -was meant that .wo •man should be. relegated to•the. home, New fab'ri'cs`for ring. are Prin'teq were so Obvious that, no one could miss.one 'the-pssession :' i .cou'e o-:-- it,sleeve dress, o I Lori sleeve'yaess, thing but a, mockery.. 39 inch materia . g r•in collar • and wrist -band, 6/4"' - d:-in�.his''o : hey ae�bh_and selhe�tkcoii'trasti g , _ .An. JY g� all that:he"hath .and buyeththat field." yards. of 39 -inch, material, 3'e Yard -of It rs ,wiorth far snore than• all he 'has. •39 -inch, coirtrasting. • "Again, , the kingdom of •,heaven is HOW'' •O ORDER 'PATTERNS. 'chant ddress lain- tman that'is . a neer '- : ur name and a p like. 'unto a' Write y� n .. seeking goodly; pearls." : `.Oise of the ly ' giving..numberr .: and;'size of :such r' u' ant.: ;Enclose.15c :in ' :patterns' as Yo went. , . stamps: or,coin''(coin preferred,; ;wrap it carefullyi for :each. riember, • and . - ;p177' hTY1f�T' �9 1! 1�� rn:. ;A coat of Japanese :lam* ` when applied to Wood • or metal is • proof. . against. alcohol, -against. boiling water, against almost ''all• known agencies. The lacquer -•tree'of Japan is. very tiavellin Jewish •-mer-chants _-so cam' lar a and is cut. down at the: age of; neon in the East', dealing ;especially in, forty years, pins and jewelry because :t ey,_are so f '•an. is made' to The Sick..doom; easily transported. M• Two cups finely chopped colli •eked A srek;room shoo :airy an we •ham,: 4;cup; minced celery, 2 table 'ventilate with •�,windows• that •neem spoons buttery 2 .tablespoons flour, 2 wcthout difficulty: No; article of un= •cups•rilk, 6• -splices bread. •necessary•fuiniture should be; Melt Mittel.. irt saUce :pan; Add* p�erixuit- Apar •ted' to remain `i...the room; ,.and all , Film Croquettes. • . nothing' nicer' than him croquettes. In'recognitiori ef her research Work: - :Mrs. M. E. 136yjanit, the 267year-old daughter of lifijor-General sir Fred- eriek and Lady Manske, has. ,been Fulham road; S.W.., London., , • She took an' honors :stience degree ail(' went tn study , Heidelberg. There she met Mr. Eric Boyland; who TWO. years ago they marr.ied,:, and. ed her hushed:in :the 14boratory et • • :broVened 'pineapple' With relishes' apd ' • One and three-fourths :cups finely Make sauce , Of huttet; flout , and - :milk,' • When ihiek and orneoth add eke, slightly beaten; ham' and , season- ' ings, MiX, therOughii end spread 'op Platter te 'cool. Shape in • Sinall • Cones, roil in fine dried !breed. crumbs, SPooneold water, roll again in crunibe ;should be het entiegh to brown an inch OW of • bread 'in .40 „sebOtids et :390 degrees 'V: on a fat thernionieter. • • 111,0 hoblest thinga, the highest things., "Arid hairing toned one pearl of great Price." Suck, pearl • is the kingdoina,put together, "He Went and sold all -Oat' he had, and bonght: Alertness, method, deciSien„ mirage'. These Are sOme 'of •the. qualitieS that. aretieeded by tile citizen of the ICiag-; dom as by the Maw of „worldlY busi- neso, With these silendid business in- stincts' he will do,'fine :bargaining; and becoMe rich in faith and: hope and, like unto. a net.", The large operations tured. !"rhat vita cast into the tea, and gathered of eVery kind." The church a mixed-cempany. The Word Of invitation addressed, to all sorts • ddress there, t'FFegii:Tig Service, 73 Wept Adelaide, St4..TerotLe, 7he Nazi, ititris to create a new "ideal wentan".as•A coutterpart of the ideat,tnan's Dr., Goebbels said: ,He qUalified statement,by adding that women Were not to_ be. forced out, of professions but women's,. sharea 'in' Men's jobs Must be modified. bv. NaSi nace of' fire. • • There comes a time forever' ,b4;: when we Shall " be; ha it were; paSsiye in the grip of, dettiny and disposed of by it, 'end unable' to. resist or alter it; when we phall. fled that' the tithe for chodSing,:ts :past, and that wo Must accept and abide' by the .consequences Of our paSt• choiees.. ye;_uncieset,o_ed •, ail: theSe things'?" A true teaelirT.Will'ilot stop tilt he . is ;sure:the, his teaching '1:1d$ been 'coiriprehendes: by his pupils .erid .fixed in . their niefeory..,! "They say alacrity' which the factS hardly War- ranted; !yea, Lord! TheY , affirmed Mysteries". TheY thought theY'dirth.... "And• he said unto them, Therefore everY .s• Scribe,' who hath been Made h disciple to •the.,4tingdoni ,df heeven."•. lIe said in effect; `YOU are tp beccand the new. edribes; the interpreters of age will know the facts concerning the Man that•is househelder." Christ paints the Christian under the 'sinaili- "So shall it he in the end of the ,ttI PrOvitle ogroinst Possage dOntingn,- ,upon• son's. "The atgels shall Come he, genera articles tied implemenf•s of forth' and seVer the wicked rani hit desetipticniO, arranging' and class-, airiong the righteous." Here the Hying. them. "Whe brit:gab forth Ott emn part c..1 the lesSon, IS, that these of his treaSure thingo tow and . • other were together ih .the church of cial ,attreetion of their Own.' It thUst° Christ upon the 'eartiu • ' be a dill inind6Whith finds no aterae- "And Shall: cast 'theie into the • fin:- tien in things 0144,.. " • ;tense rarely. ehoSee. as•'..a Wader. . False .,truth.s,', but. 'usually quarrel hinong 'theinselqa.s--iDeniel Webster.. hoods ieit oply disagree Mtn'i ' AND JEFF— - when it. was filled, they drew up on the beach.9. very Chris - thin effort Should be brought te a de- conelosiori; that results may be Work Was of vital iniportante and res qUired the most careful consideration. 'And gathered 'he geed, into .vesSels,, bit the bad they caat away." • All 'he edible anti useful fish •Were kept care - felly, but the Useless ones Were dis- 7t Watch 'for the "tag 'End" dresti-'-' heralded a8;an.advanee fashion tit,' • for4 sprite is • to, be used 'Oh hats aid ahoes,:glaves end. purses beth ..daytisne and for evening.. . ac TolAromen's Page .'•Take tor, instance, It has a beneficial effect'en'the health of . the that in: some casts' of anaemia, hither-. • Tri addition tO this Property, the pfh•li fish, birds, or animal*: con. to; lieth of which have, mech. •dc) with growtb in the child,, VitiMin. A ;is else protective againit tronble: obligation, stipends the Wee pf an the mind 1°4e4 16141g: hOnor to Wonien . and nettling. that is Wgt b8eeg dr. fl t7;liV n84d4 oatrthrue:7I4d :appearing on• that ,page." '`" Calls lt a Mirror .• to Refleot ,Faces, Clothes, .Character . longed to father -7 -now Ahe fa2 mily • Share in it -and a -minim, May look at the wethen's page," ;Dr. Helen MaelViurehy told the .Women's 'Cana - :diem Press Olub here. fir; MacMurchy Wei citettqin *the King's New Years ., 'honor list -being •lionored with die ..Lookieg at;the Woman's page was like looking intcs'a mirror. "I see it eh A 'Rumble Seat doer Be Any:More OncOmfortable:Subinergedl YOUR KItitniE.Sg,StiV,"'‘'.44-1-13t•Tob •