The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-03-08, Page 5THURSDAY, MAW/ Sth, 1934 01 Tos tavettow-ONsiltil • , • , • : lath ,ottik.E • . • r MO •Ir. • • •••,.• • . • 4 Commercial kiatis in Canada,. it 'is sometimes iuggened, hsve,shOWD *- declining trend through restriction rit credit by the chartered hooka. The , • ••_i_t__,•• . 0 ‘•; Rural Seho,01. Reports 5, *Afield , • ,S W-^-44arle '9,Prdn,F 87%1 Ellen Andrew 80; JIIPMke Aeid 62. J„V,-Bena _Hunter 64; -Billy Drtnnaii. 00.. -i'Sr III..-4unmie Hunter 74 Eldon Ritchie 73. Jr. III -Lorna Reid 42; NatblOe° Gibson, 67; Kathleen Gardner 61; • PAP P,101 NEWS AND; INFOgMA.TION FOR. THE BUSY-. FARMER .(Pu4shed'by the .94ailo Department of Agriculture) Straw ais atm Ahsorbt• Straw wh.eriSO as bedding, for lives stock will Abeerh from two to three tiniesits weight of liquidnild if finely cut Wirt soak up, about Doris Rejd. 8„ II elassRustgi h' '77 Kath -three times as much liquid as yawn cap Teen geld 71; *Pith • Hackett 64; uncut' Further' the abssrPtive. Keith. Ritchte neitY of drY sawdliat and Ane $.11SV- . . - ,8;etic ProOrnni„ inapeetien, , #44140of f.,APT1, ProduCts, -Of e341i' sion: of Mtitifili Markets 'and' :of ncreasing domestie eonsiiinption „ , „:of OntariA •prOduCts.: As ,•forecast in the Speech from the' ',Throne,. , Col, • Kennedy proposes. 'measures to assist in more careful... • QQLyoJl 15. Ave: att. 14.g. • . atioxisprevctiat fodr 18 fr°111 tSVC°1'k°."411e1*.i1114 '1•1'n4pbedoiiii/PsrtOdcliketsst; ' '7' - 9f ordinary stravr. ••• - . .:Isas:roci.partoiodnufisfoni:eicll'onitoc f'potir'telgic;, • Ada ,1'11.Web•ste, .'Spring Seed The • S. Ylavitiliosh.' • . • ' • mark t • •••-• • .Freitmers who ',desire",t,9 assure• . • jiAili4arr' aticl •.k.,ehrnarY • their, eeed• supplY 'at mitilineei cos,t „ • . ,7 For Pupils'rtee4e4- *4" -G6°,g'z'aPhYi 1118-7 are already taking 'Stock so:, twilit' •Ginraaiiiii.:grF.114e,,iiig. tort!, 'Arithmetic, .s/ielling, coroposi., trecmireraentS., Agrieultnre. ' ' ' ing steps aVe Ple.Per T -O eane • ' Sr. 1V -Helen Dui,,4,dn'' 8274. ••• gradedt1311fore.,t.th.e. cpril ngl rnahd., n° OirOninstancei be used •• in, the is an ;expensive one and can under. it 'Must- kept ot 9rs,less ortuna e, 1,11 ,or_.finishing of 19W grade Jr.' W. -Harold 70;' "4-Xliner h -11---b 11 -•-•-e vise is year pa len yv, indiff,errtly bred animali. Not ,only Foran 68 srigiiam. • • d 'th• rf 1 1 td secure whet they .reqUire as' soon as M118b thea•nn°11° be of OPProved prin Con; Literatsito 11(0017 Work, have seed of their own will beta'- "ind. that the product being need Sr. III -Bobbie ,Jr TTT--Mary Feran. 72;•Leiti For- p s mail.,ing sure that they are tYP6s,. but experience has clearly. • •getting'..varietie,s which are inost Sr, II -Gene Smith. '85; ',Nerine highly recommended- for 'C•onditiens. •-•Nills 83; Normai Foran 80. . such as theirs.. • Jr. -II-tileen F,oran 70;'. Gordon • enterpriseare able or viilling to employ. . This . bank has not, in the past, and does not today, WithhC•ki dedit for legitimate and sound purposes r kis hail; and :it has:today, ame.Ple resources finis irhIch,7 it is prepaxed to make4naiis. ,• • , • Enciniries are inted at any one..Of its 564 oifices'shroughont Canada. . • . • Eitablislied:•1147. AL ASSETS4IN .EXCESS, OF $ 'T''.'S'•; kg O 0:: 0.0. 0 . , Ltic6icriv:firanCli: - .D W14.40, - - , 'ho n, that certain kinds of.'•ferin animas greatly- excel others in their ability to utilize the feeds pro-' vided: Especially is this true , in "onnectiOn with the feeding of grains r14 No..j. on roll.. 11.. , HaCkett, .1); 'not And ourselfwith it 4 -told-, , . . brick": .feed, money spent and no S.'S.' No. 11;"•Huren. Value in return::Oit feeds. analysed V Class -- Donalda. MacC'harles in, -the, laboratories' of the Dominion 70.5'%;' Marion Hamilton 68; Gordon Experimental Farms have had -a McGuire •. • • . , range from 4 to 14 per cent. of Sr, IV-D'orothy McGuire, absent. protein and from '102 to 30 per cent. III ..---Charlis Ro.ulstbn fibre,.meat. meals of from '46 to Sandy MacCharles • 81; Mae 'Barkwell, 66 per cent. protein and phosphoric 78. Mary McGuire 6Jk Roulstn acid front io• to 29 per cent. There - !'7• Gordon. Brooks •54; Eileen, Griffin fore .do not buy your: fee s. , ou try- in this regard, with the pig ;tend- ing o close Second in its ability to, Manufacture feed grains into .ineat • ,economicallY. • The • dairy cow, be-: 'tense of her ability 'to, give off from her body ininiense, quantities of nilic during'a long lactation period, 401ild third,. felloWed bY beef -tattle and sheep i;ac ., . , teed analyses Weeds :in er.eal,.and :(ress 'Seetis, 44*;• Gordon Irwin 25.. . Imt study the , . McGuire. mi. 'Evelyn !is piinted ' hag*. or other con- frwin 72;• Frank Barkwell 5291.. tainers so that you know Of what ...edoke's (absent); Rae value the ' feeds are -for yenr" SPC - Cooke '(-abgent)ii, ' -,•"`"7"-- rifieL-0rpose, ,and also • as. compared . Sr: Pr-.--Rodclie .MacCharles; -Jack With 'other feeds Of ,the.S10-V,781aSs., Barkiveil; '• Margaret. MacCharles. ' , !Aeolian) Griffin: • • I • . 'Help to Mike Canada • 'Jr. Pr:••Arirehe Finlayson. .• • •' • ' More Deintiful ? denotes . absence for examination the' unlovely. ,things and emit- ist` - t' o. on ro 22, Ave Att. 16 4 tractive places in Canada ,• a is-. M. Campbell. 'Pleats the 'eye are made, by ?nen% • ' It i tine he' set out to Undo some TWO FIREMEN LOSE ' • • , LIVES -IN -LONDON -BLAZE • On Saturday.night, thei Second ' time in nine years, 'the Hunt...Flour ., in London, was the scene a a major .cenflagrntion, On :this. occasion two firemen, Deputy .c hief • Seruby iptey and Distric Huron Star Rebekah Loaga held their annual birthday Party on Wed- nesday -eireniorm-s- Progressive euchre `was played , until y Midnight, . wlie,n limeh was served, each. guest being . . • WHITECHURC . S. No. 9;:••AsitSeld' Sr TV-ViO1f With',re erenee to weed .classifi- ^ation• and seed', grades under , the geeds 'Act, Pals are classified into Three groups according to . the seri. , . • --insness of-, -their character. 12The list group -consists of priniarY nox- pus .weds, the, "nine .ineinhers, , of' ' 'which. are cc:melt grass, bladder 'cam - lion; ,dodder, field' bindweed, J�hn- on grass, ox -eye .daisy, perennial so*. thistle, white.' cockle, and 'NON mustard:: The second group is known• si the secondary noxious, Which I d s ball Mustard blue • weed, • •'111 of: ill 'd:arna !. that. has 13een clone, . th-g-for all t -o e .._toore_or3, prirrpsp eiiieoTy't ffield-pePPOr—.., • reml-F--wh,oLeare-totmaWithein.. An • , , TAW... do ckle;,Adarri.01, deek$,,' IV -Bertram ,Curran 76; ph3rl• amount of worry C41. be - ". • -- 11 • Ii s :Blake. 72; Elmira Alton '71; , false flax,'forked- catch y, a. es • oar mustard, 'night -flowering Cateh- fiy, cockle,' ragweed ,,(Common .rea.'t and. perennial), rihgrikes; rhir"' ,spitilett tunder .along, those paths in :a "'Ili° a • Y bright spring afterneOn. Since ,Adain • Sr. HI -Mary Horton 83.; ' tille-iu the first garden manY Pastimes • visited last '• • - Mr. • Wesley . ,III -Russel Alton 70; -Freda,- --b-V-11if--e , •• . Phill_ips 63. ,.; hav•"e: coy* to Amin their ,thousan . . • . 5n .stakeweed, stink -weed,' tumbling -mustard,- carrot, , • - • .Mina Lannan • 73; Eda week' with her cealdn' Miss Saunders 70; 'Lorne. Phillips' '84; Ivumle b stood 'through Weeks of ,TeesWattr, *be was.. lairt .*Bernice Murphy.62; 'Clare. Lanittin some,. Oats : i,md• ra0!ebl, The third • ' eentnriew. 'pares mu'st be . it.' Buy some, flower seeds,. , ui with a -sprained s'inlite; ; • ••• .group Contains, a long list of lesseri .• • Weeds. su,ch -as, catsmp lamb's• quer- • • 'Miss Ida IVIcQuoid Visited a • daY • II --Gordon Saunders 83. • • . prant •some flowers or Art lbs • ters, cinque \fOiL, ate.," , • served with a piece birthday :cake It week with Mrs. D.. Paterson o i-Class-Examinations--LYal Lau- coming Spring. Help to make Callade f • • • rimary, 94. Rose Marie. Layman 91: ' r beautiful. ' , No seeds 0 group one, P made' for the occasion. Dancing flan , mo e bira,..1thy Patthn 0 Dican istient Reward Blake 85; Elva Moran 84. an ie' - lives when. • trapped -on the:•--sixtb„ fleer of the building by dust'ei- ploition, While they were ,fighting the flames Firemen Wight •and Walters reach - id' a •window and leaped 90 •ft to a- life net. The two victims of • • hlaze, failed in their' attempt to es, • • -"taper throiaghind-o-wantl- toppled back „' into :the: aniolto ,, And flames The••bodies,' both' badly. Tskirli- ed; were found 1ater and it WAS be-. •-,:---11evedr-they :were overcoMeT by ,the, smoke before the ilamea . enveloped • thein. 'Another firentati..tilin e sixth the fifth " to, if window; and unseen leaped and etnight an aerial ladder as it passed • • , .•Windevy'' and esetiled un'harmed. ha noxious,• weeds; are allowed. in •rradei No..1 and No. 2 for seeds • of-ilie sudden: death a Archibald 'A- Fog. . 7 , 2fllo'cwearenacle grad. moathelr mfielgrd aereoPS; • but Ripley 'friend learned /wit regret h her• Ilvatherv-ht-r-a---11a•Mood-atur•Pke--134--T• om Inoculating, Legume Crops , • • • .. . • . hen... legume crops are . Thonipsen of Brussels, formerly. of itev.- Robert • Baih011r who•was Daiir Markst POsSible total '318 planned for spring -seeding, of cereal and fidd CTAP:. leas. for Con. 4. Huron. • ' visiting • with Mr. Andersen of Wa-',IliEworcri3lake 35; •-or ' Marie Lan- • . d • • to the. ques- • . • itratlun shobl ;given . . gye lipmarY noxious weed, seeds, or osh took a' heart s'-ittaelE, last min '348; Lyal Lamian .333; Tom lion' of inocuiatien. This is. 15 prim y ar and secondary weed Tr John Beatty of Pine, River , , undrrWent a sectuid operation. with- Week and was -taken to Wirighana Phillips 2p47 Elva Moran 262;' a -month 'it. Kincardine General FlosPital. He is a brothel' of kr, mo d M rat 185 ' Ray- lady recomniended for .. e9a „ 'Misses . Victoria Campbell. and .. Mrs. • Leonard Knight, formerly Saunders.; • Gorden . Hackett. .: L tio.yci as alfalfa„,,,.sweet, . clover.' 4 ..soiyoa beans t,sircially, . when seeding proper jlospital last week. ' , • . Wm. Barbour..^ . . ' .' Pr..•:7-Marairet , ' ?billing; Ett their '"i4SPECtiit'' Iforait7here'''re- eturntd ---luive`=.1atit--Tv• /eek.,:.:vitlilien * ' ' '• - . • Glive L. Ander, s.....,on. „ - . • . , „ . .. afladstingrtiamee culture .COTISIS__t_S tilt of the pro .Amelia, Martyn (if Termite, visited Miss 'Annetta Fisher, of Stratford. • . denotes absence. o. on you 23. in.a elltlY• • ' father, str. 'win., 3;2 pio.er; _ : , ,, ‘,.,.. . . : , ., .,soawrteiniiia. ,:iittoistheet.t..ssvee.d.tor`at4tiiie :ti'ut.mt,a.,n. tii. Mrs. Jaine's Thornton : had as he' . .., sir. Jai. 3/Wilma.' of Teeawater,.- # s g11P8t8 •Ia't NeelF-ena' her sister, Mee' 'visited Mr; Duncan : Kennedy - en..- V_E• 141..L°_CK .FREED . OF AS§AuttjeitAitGE4-cr'nn- -• • •• ' helps ' to insure suCcens" with the ,Rattershell 'and.: daughter of Branip- .Tohn . Munn bo ' was,: taken • ., , , i . • - ' .fless_trap4.te, Sarnia last: week. .......„..A.ft_Jury 'Brings In "Net Guilty" Verdict Ontario Swine. to be Tested 6n• ' '''• : • ' ' ' Mr. Jas. Wilson Sr., Made a bu'si- The sympathy of the communi y , . , i An Hour's Deliberation ,.. On the Basis of Market •Tylie, r' ' ' "----7"----7-7-It"--;-4-r-treided ' atitlie••;••-altuual. -0...ximis......w.eviOgbii_ael_z_L —,.... . was e ---1 i . , , critidally ill during the past .weelt-is• . , , ,, , _ , .t , .., 'iloeiv. • somewhat improved. •seedi Combined, 100 •weed seeds of Lill kinds and 300 seeds' of Other nUltiVated plants Per Ourid- No. 1 grade for Seed :of clo•Ver4 . ind '.;:kraSses' ,alkiwa no seeds •of riritnary_no,xioni . .Weeds. No. 2,'grede alloWs five' .?i-OZOLTI-OF iteecis per ounce of '20 .:primary and ,s-econdarynoicietitf•weed seeds • 'lined per ounce( while No. 3 grade -11,10Wa 25 -primary' , nexieus • weed Aeedg''; Or 80 primer*. and Seeendary. ot guilty' was the verdict..an- meetine,of .the Ontario, Wine Breed- Foto]. of • 500 . weed seeds per ounce. • • is extended to 'the relatives of the .„ giN • • . . • ' d• ..1:101NROODT late -RObert ThOmpson: • flounced by -'4u after little Over ers' A.Ssociation 'that a Series: • lof The use of seed grain that has -not _ • an'hoUr's„deliberation. Wednesday feeding stations •sholild estab- 'been:wen cleaned 'is' 'responst.ble ?or ' f -(1 • b t 11 • • 'd • " ' • morning o the evi ence pre en, in lished 'throughout t e provi ce, a t e intro netion, of many new weeds PARA •.. ,Almer ' on ThursdaY; hich the .Progeny. cif breeding.08's mid, the .Speranse • of those already' • , • •ten-hAur 1'0;44 in the Supreine been a est fear years in the bank _ • , is that of • bringing. Ontartd bacon up., .foloontha infrsing 1,,ucknow, Pesoiirces anti where . they tire de- Govenloek, twenty;, three • year- old to •the; level of civality. obtaining in • The 'dande whieh"the 2nd and .4tli , • .; • Of Montreal, •Lu'eknoW, Wati proinoted • • ' ' .. The Nkri f. yi,,et; et, pie :bailie• :of•MAFtitING, .. • • • Aket • • • , March The second quilt'.fie- Toro ••••nenry youngest son of mi. Court on Tuesdallief(Tre Mr. lUati,ce shall be tested on -the basis of mark- Tn ,thi land " ' de- -ma otiject in mind . q011 t OF MISSIONARY: „ the charge'. of in. et type. The pri ry . the husiness ,pa . • e arid Mit ' Robert ' Henri* Who had ICingOtOne, On 111 velopecl, was given .by Mrs, llowerd • • • -,.. , • • • , •. , - ' • : ,• • , Lamliten &mint' schOel-te--e' 6-- by ' ' ' '' ' ' con, :was putt4ig on , In'st rriday in lrarr11,•:.. . t t • • • and uransferred, to the , 4eamington Y•;. ... ,, • ' , , • • ' :Denmar • . „iscpssing, thia, .questien, ,. . , also an ins immen al duet Y branch of the same bin*, . and., left .'Nfurinel _Fjunigan, ' seventeen-'57e,ar-old.:, .GeoTge )3.. ROthwell;: live' stock e9r1-, ..yeetbet; conditione until a ' later date:: 4,1) ' '11 ,L' eh ' .i ' served b the gratulete, toin„ on his prinnotieil and previoUslY reported by the grand, jury ;-; Iv- missithier • 01: tiailida,,,.SOid that the the ,ball, Was postponed,. OWink to 1, iQvcS V,t,inniTred !Atitert end 131anche' ' , Or Leatningten. lait week. We eon,- ,• F Oridville :giii. NO bill", , Os ant( ' • ' ' ./aites Italie set the 'style. ' ' ' 't 11,1 ''J'' li j 'infest iS spending r ; r. o n :a P - • • lietess mid co ` waled 'ii charge ' ' On ' M '' - ' ' - ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ioiroin to long in his hoine th' Steek .of hieen. hoge by iinport. s'a P.M Of coUntry to rebuild ni , • ,.., ' • ' - " -, -1 ,IdS0 ' on the. fact, • that 'he Wit pe , $ r_ , , e .serions. charge also pre- erred..agamst the 3joung Manx ' a or • . . t „meeting a paper on the Natural , ' • cent assault IPdged against Thomas •• . • • ' to her home, after vp• eridhig•tlie,pasi., 'afte• r , . ' Wifigs• IVIinnie.'llichards has returned et'ett, ..Telinaton were e . • ... • '1' • • • ten I oehalsh. • where a le gill A • ' • • erich their automobile. and, their "T' ral4ed, tbe.Prisoner at Some length ' , • , • n, ring g e verdict of ‘,not I 'strains btit quttlity and tovnl• Luc now. , e ing sp , . hes riot been keePitig as well as her . pets at tie progresWe ete re. on Ur. kts: ITornion taiing; Ar, gPiltY, the JUT,' was apParently lit le uniformitY p d et, and • f llgS • tqatherme Robertson. spent osehala and other ;tette hirAttiek and .referred, to the "degraded state outlook ,Brfihter • Many friends *mild like, . ., rt.iday , tight. , ., ,., • . • Olive': and. jean Lang, .'.tiovea'. fret', ',affected., 1.3Y ' 13jii Lordship'S address stant'..arid assured, volume, were 'o,. .. ifti; e0iile to atity. , ' :,','' ' ' . ' . • tlio. Weelt...end` tit tipley. . , , -ile•Oii ;Ohm 'bad:. i..t. tta0,00,1, op Itt,(,. ,dotl't lijatie rt* editor, rthoat „Ithk ti'!t.)6eicr.teoliods'IcteL.,ir pt:citile'eedi.:hoiiR4tlitelr4i#eti:**6 . lif,leatv,e' pittirtoicriadi'eatirlty°' iteitPbeeil ir.liigreepesitileate . 0ilf. ttnietCs::lnif°:r''tet'•a'i'tr9n48ii'6:T;4rrt'tt'..i.s:jasf,;'obtrtoih‘,geihti.ie'eSitail'htiiee5'n The teetehete ,,tit the Iiiirruount: ti .,./r. 66. j,tiotvi i.i •searee .thit took; .As•tlie' ;roads ,itortb of Goderich, were, Of iiiind'. and MOralau a person' iiiitat, , ...ere`being atocie• for thrit obrit01 T§Ottt, : .1§14AME0 IN WILL , 'ulaaager 9f 'bit firm' 8 .bere,' and. Will .. The...alleged asisaultAirtta, &Militated . . Mr, S. H. Stethers• of, '.• Arthur. aS 'the 1 ".ease.• . ' • • • ' ' ....- • of 'field erePS• juniped• K3'71,660 • in -41.iiittedlY in nn°y', year sinee :1028. 'T'Cital. valite • ' clef : night, :and at the Ift,t..)1r11"'.. wenther, ' ` * ' is engaged by is, third person, as *4.0' • a , , , , •they ettjoYed an oyster: stipiler, rinn5 , ., .• „ '.' . : ' tn.' a -sleigh; Itt,' Long 4681al-tb. .to *eta' in the- near futtire , 1913 from the 1042 total, ...the final • 'Mrs. 'MacAuloir •illir•anig pen't .-fotg,et thiS Friday evening . d , t God on Wednesday mornin which' he • ' • ' k • g s,eritml on the .Britisb mar et. • iloPle 'of qtr, arid, Mrs. Frank 14'1°113 t the iterarv' 'Ilolvrend; ' ' urs calninr ° ' • • • • STILL CRITICALLY' ILL rornier 'Dungan/len • Minister's ..Son • AInbsclie7SP'iti.• 1 At - Pekin 181ih 13i414 --Wora has been received' froni ,:Rev. T. A. Volker, fernier pastor of Dtin.., 1:inited Chureli, 'no*. a. iris, •ionary'' lit China, of the eriti- Cal illness of Ms 'son, Donald Walker, , .12 ,Years of age, Who ;seine tithe ego , was bitteu by.,a dog affected,.with rabies. He was ti.470 the •• Pasteur' treatment, whieh was effectiVe, Some !line. after Donald eritienily • 01, 4•08 •trobl-le •being diagnosed . itS • aliecess of the brain.' .' . • AccoMpanied .inother; v he: was rushed to ii hospital' in ,Pekin,' a:three-day journey .by tteroPlane,. where an operation *as performed. A recent cable has been received' to • the' ,effect'. that a second operatidii , • thatfft ott i•efeala, Rain a 01-1 6ttott livetaga - or fuel te rb:o8ii;rinlett7 uanada. , • reside rm the +Stet era teadJ in the early mor,ning of November 11 rt shows,and tbis despite a de- •Remeber,; tri4a4 -P11 the will ef aent, rs, ..da• " A *e• WelcOine. and"%Mtii.`,' Long -tiV- ‘,1b31,w_hen,: 6, clatii.e at Eippen report -. ••', creased' acreage sown, and a volume •+,,he &MP in ',the' ,.19erninet'n,11 .7.1°1( llesnwerth Who didd 4 Oed., not taniniaattsr; yr, "tfebri% teed, seaused;' With Muriel PliSiligan and of• field preduetled bidtietra, erio, in Joiniary" of, Tthis 'AA>, „fortiori, of reduced: per Owen accompan- Margaret Montgomery t back . Rervie MI§toritte, receives' talk •041411,41.1., fur , aiter acreage :of 01;114800 in 1933 had v' 'hint to the' 666,per hotise while wag. „ tePaiii4,' • /telt, eat' VI's. Wittitet • . viisict4 • ToWnshend of t ondon, mt. g and wai vatuturt ore . , . • h seat Of his, eat Parked in the lane ' • Field c'ibpd harvested from a total mid a half interest •-in the restdoe Mary left, for London this week eseortInce 'Beatrice . • ' colied Mabel inst nnd more +Inn itisirctri . the door' before 'her. Mother:, asked, %file hiteniiatiSA . , rOt1,1: 'AL "VIM' 4.eti)toa• Oeiti 404 Ohl he "That must have 'emboll'aA ' • Opel. e , ,f; 1.1 • "0.1P-010:pAtitte• egell "(.f fr,°"'"," I where they, vill• mike it ..'etietuteil., .1WC10. al,thot10%,,I.r nitiottf' of the" • Cstitte •16 stothorso visit *tot Uts. uottet*o.trothet, *kr, seta She kiieW GovenlOck was like that", eIt, pot le the Omit the.. repo pr Ii the Ohl And the eolcsideteil Mew of the, tO 6-11,1ett,i,406th her 1929 1`1144' "In4 • tire Oil rat tap t'' t'nuect: fter ttiretatitt-e4Alt year pflS '• • r 1" Sea 'r exPerti'sui lea ea cOrt ; a. • •- , -• • .1.t• th th that ""14r'lTT 001 The in° -weela an '414' ";iliitieted itteuit8 "84 ...fli16"thMttkk. 16‘trit, the 'alleged aatinit took :,•miTheat. the . .6.0ott*ofit 15 sotm viatica, otvierwelit towo et 004040V:6v., Itets wag '106ist 6t Mr'' and , • • ' 00401611 Sinal '1)1, tag tpon WA' ptier eratte# Oliendteitic mL as .0•tuttloti • ., •Art