The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-03-08, Page 441� -7 7. �A Y 00 7 A C 0 ma &�v 0 4N TIN x b PAO. ..... ............. fS I IFRACI'Ul�� 4 Tak p e. a hat" Y'Ou . . . . . . . .71 FA 14U 0 fN. 301� "77 for 111, Wwa;d, Frell,barger,, �Ag6d, ..91 WHAT, YO "At eve ]EX fit Publlih�e rY, �Tbur§4117, mOTAIII U PE T� FJ�QN liary Ari A 0,01 t�(pn ftiversd�le,_ Ils Seri ii� State Firoill, at, JW-0—MMA W pect, frolil. 0 OptArlo do you qx W Bao, Aceldent. Abcqvery- Ailtici- D: A `4��,qnqzie home newspaper, 00 ox "EH top ietq 1,� C TbqnjP oni more, oor, ow" YOU ,her eor r yo 0101 n; dwa in. thetusll.'On igmm!_ w 24; -w�as wOTl;inl eq Al., ublic, h-if�w_,. worth '?I� 7m7 the ie en. f fat gr, 004 bf b!M W A;ldre*' . 9041, on vuirs&y, N'. M4 ilp Qt� t bot:. q date e 3r, gifid., 5, On Youjeft� t6ide of , tile - e 1p"S91P tpl;q tile. :10q. t -; ' ' ' � ' ` bi 1inon yq� and mpp orw arf oard 0 e t k e 04 timb�r bill rs oh an a t T,6WOPA 488' In he- contr oUt e t n. lour qtqTjp&,4. ver�. yoa eXpec, crushing and -7 1 - tile 'jlicQmPetpnCe­ pting . Id fra t h 0 And 1yq',u, �XP'ebt. tebrt,Lle Of tiler, L The Injure man 'was placed in - a ry ef.. Own efor C ni�oneys; One on .,spirieli on ri y.�p ;p oAhat Pt, �And, O'F live spen Tqn, publiq f V, - ta� IN k aet, acebuilts of yolk as a� eing:, ma P 01 __'� r PeWSP4 C Vier 6n� iiioil6ii by S�4er*WqQd� prd.Zi pef t - o� n 1viIi any de� twound Ateal Ely for, number one', iha�e __pilp fo- ity- 4 ej, things -.tb other- te4 ti and, cond'em lighin,12, hpaper. c6in-1 *as pomp.. etO n at' q wrong. e it. Is ^,.,ex be eff ectt- d vet man el d ins., ec 01. b Tec6V.e,7y. un hinips as, 'us t be oT . poderich, you 6?cpect your, Hogpjtgj for " per to t464 -that e, ob yrinlin -time A� tbeve, 6 tj o: -the , 1. 1 : I ndv r sets th ptieni an T, ei io; Ap,en., a c P1 ons. 'by Z� n nd in Old. 0itil, to .,eppre a I n a ecillnuh.; qf er in tlie��Hogy e, �&ertiser pay 4. 'Crawford a Support s., r0- colunin, dl—W ette fi Cha )f prQPagalj.nd dxpenge q ent.. and, n tu .4'.the baK�- share� of, the r yewwsp ccupiod' by i.e.or 1119 ton oV* t ion er' publis t ink- bal team,' the'li9okey S left for nex -P 0- t C 11 Y a es school: high school ou betwt u t CHURCHI Ire r N'O �61ved t EL - back m*- the.r Offer -eq 41 Or nbh,-ad`vert.13eriJ1^! tor all. -ee ertailling It Y P: S 69 ;alent d. t6r' valuegv- thail :bd 4uj�k, Viiited-, Chur�p arM hundn c t,or eip All ! ' ­ 1. a 0 s 0 eopt Th%, regu Ar oung, theyearst 102 e -you, Mr t fel�phone 7j 1928,1929 f $uch.e lises. and � Veri s )iik a It �you.- think t1 -view, q aMonday' eVen Wr�; jo r personal nie.sSe;iger.at ofi. �yqu �peet your'ndWspaper to don held4. 'd . I. I I .. I ing, was 9 r'ices whic t, Ic yotl 60 S4 t: A e 600tw,"Sy.and-,pleasant Q 111 for,. your g( and the njaby So V e pre and" Johnit6n�`an boost� )od -road Ment d' W t1i 'mi.ove I I ;, i dpri�es 110' oftiven. lito.i -as WC., S60 Zinn -or so. 1W I y unt for the' 0 �Ilnorol cr (R7, eng6kercises, easurPTIS ace loo vaes, the Bibie, rotect 'your community s, c4r�ied' 'that- tr on 0 Onion b 'to Ha r n Seri T r grilpip . The.. P;ave their, Te� Th d*tcrr newspaper You,- - e all was motidyi� ved Ypu,e.xpect. y I our prin ing. was yecei on your prt, W ilig, nd a wing ujid up confidenN ernn, ail b in your ome b C IF6110 C"�Your c6mmlil Sherwood.,. �inaking unwise. pe argi,�: YT nvestors rom ay nn6tt to w a G :'She ood'�lld,ah n tofi -,v s p, dvertisiPg ilnd r b ne aper, your e 'b., ineg�tmenl O� ni!p ; tb 6ting. e 'Vr v bg of Surplus' fb Thi first -and help, $1 50 eae Y Ith'�AuditofsLl paper. 9, Ijbills an ur news, a d district. tb I was, h :by, 'MargaTel; I d ac�b*fts y9u xPOCt YO Thejo -bu1d-.0 -t p he v' ge, b This W t�,,-urgd supp r fo loWed by. a 6 t"f6r Tellef ordered' paid ',on: 'Ile ace 10; 13Y i Johnston s s re h a iiis. Havens. ThO Lorne. MC Kenzie, A -H. fdr the. evening XSHFII�LD NOTES in. Dlifigannop to of Stiq!et amy . 1. ,, ; . . . I . .......... through Church Fell.dwsbip.! �ZIONL CRE up: WbOd, dol tags t WE and s Tl'- . - . There was an �at..endaiice Of :3'1. y 'b M' d Mrs. Fra''I an alt,'41th Gla�y,� RN' To d B0 -et a 'the orre, "ly� d6 oc f, H, A I I , 'n :-,.p �es, 46-03i al,, Boar o 16 Ith c:,'Wom6n's- Institute ae6tinj held-'., MMcb Vhe� W. M, h b th Our atL� gi6hdo Aiss . I in A Colitiney; H�miltorj,,on� March 2�d a daut t(r,. S Tueker. 01 1 .. rt onShackieton. on tThursdAy faVoie" with. -a reading.' and.' Piejie," ci party hafsday-. lab -RugiplVi S.I�p '$ �; x , , . . . 6, attended th lie' rou Yternaon, . -everal -attic Ps were Ma& Ist th'" . ri Fellpivship- 1 9 -farry Id in U i C�, . - . ''. . 1 00; G40. W. en by I yeir-old. ad an.vf Mr. Fi d� i, q ie, Raym6nd, Fin., 'I"the %,bbu in he W,ildw ollyi n&Wer, to thi C oil, IIHouge gl s rch -or P n -a ricK ,as nosue gride ay., t ss. �id -'all rgp tall all n eppie 0 PT Xi tail 1101 oil' nn-and:Ah Accident. 3:2th detin 9 cl - P easle �Xrf§" �.j 70C sed colv, j� V flu to e e —T a �lary� $4 0; shoft�� S Seri nture lesson of -iller, �xedd. r 1. U , Instittit6', met �t:- -the - ho'1116 *s Wv A. M g 6nduet0d. -Col ioutned on'mo 'on he. first mild dsk,:I�r aivett set.,: of, slides Avill hn' Thursd n a Nekt �Monjay;a. '' J6 - Cowaii on sent by. her I;S Vill' work aliji, severs, '6 _Zinn'.!, ay., afternoon Were L IS salig in S power". It, vag -,decide& �-to eve A TA(;,, �,Cq' * 61 'S a, so P shown the', 't q u. 1-C E McDOIN wonia t- the bad 0 in ey 14jidi4ns and 6 ladies. :hold �oll Wb rennan urXhutch". ai 0 use, Mrg'. MCWbiliftev, an '4t: Home' d e bearing ndftfdn'�of. II'L Clerl uite. a nurnber. heha-M and. Mrs. eWOO Orn ce- -the- t elrs,� 69 S I -'March Ot �Omvn" pt, MacDonald ri a even!. e 110VIN.CV, 'A ng, ;Lunch 'S builditi!, "1* �)e een, an ladle d 7 r-hil. �fav�red 'th 7ith PresbYteria uild Du A :heikbt�� , tt, ppoars that R05- m6ntal` on' - th U, 'ENVATER H1GT(W was, served. by, the �L : OF ]�L Wa t 'Otgan a Y'o_ ... . - 1'. 1 sAn:'the::dh* an& a very In tqresti e '..:The 'meeting opeP4,VAA �a,,psa 4r t _�yFas off ed,'by, Mrs - :,pe &WmPt jette1% �Lo & prae u rs6w and Miss Greta `Webb. - r .-Ontdiin li Program was c4r-ri -Phillip Archer A e n - drift -of n Ai . 7,- - e ary. :;the., Otudy, . bolc vas ld a 'Beatoh, who Into sn6w :has be.en'vI`§l Ing ed ed g. some. - 4 b wOr r b Miss katherine ftom I'll )f'one "of �6& 1!'ilihigtell of.. Mr. 'Hugh RuthbrfOr4' f 1� .bsse�,-Of the, buijdj� by Mr The J e, hu had b 0 tini- M`rgL- Watt'' I"qt weel; that, 60:1 season. rather, 81N of ro.a re ben.sister Mfg. It.' J;.' n, A' S the lis the Ut ai'biollgiff ad a"few day CanMiant poet P on .Q h t' Mrs. pre ''ra S-11 ciiiif e addv& to'tli, G"dierlc_ o,,spen iltul Not On The meetin ss . .1 C. onald. IS Ill,:, U . . I ,I!, Mrl and rc pared bv� b and lnqtb6r,' M .:Ger) 'GillW9 of �f at jvjyrtle! t ju hread by. f I to m Tbedford to 11 � _h er 'haV.e. 'veli to -Tecg-791- MISS DOto (V t lie S t t. A F artier -Wat�to, 91_ re..J6,ax*� endeavored % the rs presen ;in g, All-; the"TA but owing f ';her.. oine in th _0 EvOlf" L, but beiiig' off b6lan 0, WO day,taftYlt to the., ioa& - Con( I ]on:,.,. or 11, West. ess t to b Miss -Dpnaldv� nine unabl" it s of TlY6 Trianj`j�' braniati e:t6 . a%�."not presdntl 6 the,. e -Society tqe,, Y. P, B. C e a i1a weri�, t Tani ir P).ty 'IT 'e Mt. Durnin Philllps,..ehoo�ing :Douglis',stibstituteit, 10 , k expeet'to- present will be, alAe�41!07 'ot' 16 oil ie. th., ' .'instrillinbtal. Ilar�kl T- IV L aYjngt� he 'Garn6", g -the 9 W1 a �bougjj t1je old. HoTn'e,Plaee'!%,ln Kifit-61 Hall 'on �fPl t a V - e. a e 'the' i b, �b anjr� a: ill, I .dlift ayid`.th� 'Pro March 16th. r, ..nc er 'a the Sol and,. MT!� int. of address. IV's tho.. 1. *, , 6e, ; to' 11 �,j t� Poveng .,onlv. .(.xv.erV ill d S-6rved ll,� 1 )CO, e pne, P D Id iller layed at Mrt�,. Ki ra. - �1119;, in Dun on The people of thl's P'Art Of'Asbfi'lil 'M' e a, readbli. iano Sol are.. Pleased to' le, the' Mirch* �i6cting- of lit V4 -at the . 'ho-ftesss, 'Mi i rfi' ',that the Pro- '*Otdre t d (I' �W ,. III$ rig r t , Me ont t Governie Mi d I. b of Wh- jajjjj2g f6rward, broke both. ney, nd tl it ,of. ndnM. es, Wo I I Tj 'i�, n6eipi aken 6,�er ission Ban . ij. e.. held at ,,r per� vincial ing part,of: lif" has t next., D ;hour'. S, spen ',:?4eiilbers pre- th'L Bl t :, ' . Ibis t half., a- fted ee weatli and, that ni jg,.,at tile, w�ists- r. Johns on witW Myrtle;_ way a n", on Sato �y afternoon M��U_j� ffiles or e 0 Was;` s. uewa er .19 J& 9 ib b kilow; C-1 eve sin tuation� C T6mpgon; 1,ue now. -f<- t gbilitn"'er. T eni Si 'Provin lal, help.to� rq ei;f T)�Ov) 1pq� will ��l d A PIP e _71- .1 11 .. I : .. t,'be l7lne-�s rn nr'with her- daughter, nic fpr t��e Mrs aj' This'shauld* tAl, tile same vening ;fo' a'- X Y, up to ran . : _., h 6 t 'h' the uhem -no compli MOTORISTS,.: ILITY AIRED.,; in a) ne t sure�'.We. trust t 4 WTI wh nd ,u a nff b f jh6. motorist Who 11" iea(I out. eedy, recovift7t sp, 11 a con -then .:Sued. f up. riq ' 9 lgq: OW I)SIvid And6"On D"10P pkll's d ild 19 Tar.' ofl -the owas: tho was the M W. T.' Gar. Per;, t1it6sbed,ou.t.0 t e, ilild rs d r�­but the bAtile -I�e an was' to I +-Ure, ,yesterdal �'jlt Leebun toll Simday,' en the. topic' but was. lot 'alvair' ind a.' bill 'decision was, no aclosed''-9*10t I)r W; lrnefl at 1. t legl Omni 'y:R, . 3v, M4cDon-a d. dd the lens,. last. ligiii McDo sid nw. t Mr of ffairs"1�7as seni ntin tber, Lh6 correction sleigh load of Zio# young, pe nlie of t, Tb rnbeting'w. '�k S -U. fN li r5day evening. Fo 'dhately , + f -the- for 6,on Thu ill, spogored'bV afI65 A. n -The 'Mission - tit d f t�e er, bad, moderatod; and no *eath XjrtjI jjurojA)01.y)ro in etinr t ver, as experiefted on t. c1l; 4 A. n IV o' dif er. e tbe tr, ver Al )n from t a- 4 " bl tp, sild enjoya even- "The opetn'" hytnii was 'Id e� qtibOct to ac . ....... hi'A,'60 Lord's prayer g Is port Doris eCfL 'd of er of an accl, ent. fdn�r- en, '*nd Xrg. onty: Ga4 6 rer-eated nunie*rous,,,,frJ0`ndS.. Oil ll the niirliuteg� -Andrew- les including 671, ere e the, e, aine&.Mr. J, terta Rich idt? 4 S ''M I hMrs. 11,nd l9n.en' and Vt. and, of b1L d an d' oil:. r, ner' On Gard' ndju8t as inany.y, 0' hhally as it! f;u =er lv� �a il�Wlihjj' Whic And on visitea -it o an r. Fr ers re not 9 1611ouled by study ro, +i Itt on rof-rred :0 th tit, i fea,d' Hn lia '65 D' Y er h , as een, fi who b �ti6n. of' n. 'C ji McCrea min,15- vu .1. k v g S '4ii "Susan, ineeting closed tin par. me �helilth-'40jr the fnat Year tpr,* of� ininegi ropea in ing in, hvr- 3.58, an g f tb WUA ly gr,oing Weg or - m c 40 en6d erve y eds k irp, is gr (6, mes too ai g a a XtNLO9S FARMER er., Mrs, dIrvIn PASSM ira� t�ojjth� �joj ba� been -a her ie;rc 'kitev;0bn Tea of msMis on aehnrEnos s1 9 farm, e�, the' Walkerton Cnitbd hdI(T a veill cr ea Icat 9 ea, e Pf6vinclix fill I r r6sid h on W dngdaY it Elsie Rite le, spe.n. ., aTh de, 'd ig wgyf s r 'th,� in t ro 1h I t, thili 0arenta 6 "t dils ng�:,tblg' 040, A, lity - . adies I It lie Reed Of Rapl �0 0 of the V th� .. . . , . , Prize LiqW 'jjgo '15f t.�e, -to 'Whi - I ire arg, djrr �attirday� othe 11 egatioh w�re in i, .4 Spent Tid Saturaay e. 'On tutimis anit' I rivitte "Post fd,., Fn ay a loin r� T,. o' progral f He 6e in exec en, W, had ana! jVhich lunch *49 Andrerw g peT to withi, m, lew"day$ Of 0�rqd, Shipping ags ission an fk vVee 'k 'k meni, erg o * I 'S low d� - 'k J� ' Con�ett CajdS of Uic. row. Awl mia vitlnfty� nd IF E Mr 'T XP a gtrong) OAt- awl an, 4_0� , MIT avos I ay eaves, ai- burl lOh, a 0 rWas i'tAtiA t ing n Li O'd Vo ld erg� tJ, 1�m r vt le n og'Ang? Y, e Ow li"d Atli ebt he �ald' Ir ine hu aIt 1.� the "p, cdoo, t6dk p a o61; �S, ry 'W 7-' ad ........... ..