HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-03-08, Page 2Inni* an e• Orr a' • CANADA , • 'rho .Pendulum,..Avoluot . ThedePreaStetf"i reaPonalble for ..rai4Sr*Praetihel,P.Wect..1eaecna. It hai • shown the, defects of over -centralizer "tiOn, ef ton intettaive development of Vrb'41,. .eki!elise or ifiro,. Iste, Tho cities, higO, AS they art-hey:a:be, come overcrowded" and the natural movement is aWnY. froin7theM., But. the process will tie doubt begin •ali pver again. --the ferin, the trek' from the -Jetta to tile,pity,,back to -the faint again: Ender present conditions , -the • fields certainly leek turitingly --green to thosewho. have • Viand diaillueio* meld befwen, CIO Walla The divine injunction to till the soil and ,earn one's ' 'In thesweat of One's lace" Still hold's good. . There is no • other recipe. 1:for" economic stability, notwithstanding . all the Progress of the Octal., and industrial !spieucelf.--- 7clainilten Spectator. . , . In toyfietie . , • -...• • 4T4rooto Paper reproduces an 1830 pietere. Of that :place in ; which traffic' on. the main atreeku .represented by a pah f oxen. It is•it•far niere,Placlit , . 4 s - +eyed by Watching the'present,red. and :greenjtornerlights.4trantfOrd , --;,-ifositor., • . ."We' Must Mildly Protest" . • „. When • error .gets e stark itolpersiste. Several..dayeago there Was an article _on this pagewhich.saidAhnee 'Semple •lived iti'Stratfordavabrider-and--that- •, the betiding theupstairs of Whielt was the home of her and her .husband - is • still 'hero, Siiice then We have seen •-• that ::item in 'the WoOdsteek•SeRtinel-: -Review :arid: The :Ottawa Journal; and• ; in each. cape. ' the heading'. z reeds; "Aimee Lived InSt. Mamie,' and the story hi credited to . the St.. Thomas •Oiir idee7Wee 'toolefin' a iittle t",Pah, Betty ..for 'Stretford,' and not without' 'Mild pretest, or .e. IlttIe striiggle.',Will we allow„thes,e.,...other Piper* to take, away from us whatever.*abie , there, may he in the fact that:Aimee came to Stratford aS•a bride. Slneo theu?„ She has , two other Ilusbende,cbat aCcerding.to 'belief :and ___.,...sitettatiett,Ahe: first ,;Was,, inucli: better , then thoPe*lie-folle-WeViithyrwitke•-• •---Stratfordeacon:Heraid , . ' _ Another,:.Definition , wkwp,:o, o. man (h•tiak?, '..That. Is an old questlon and4theraleave been all '..tiOrte of tests from ,wallcing;..4:70411 '• line' to Prenouneing, difficultsentences. Sort 'et teat. Is suggested in(ho Virginia Legislature , • • • / aff' ,4:4„nY,,pereti,'Who,..lnes.'diatiVenongh.ali •.":doleolinlipierageii-te-soeffect'his mak Per, disposition, ,speech, muscular movements, general appearance or beiViciritia to be .apparent to 'o13,servit:tionhall ' — • . • , , • Rfvloit: Dirty. Markers. 0.•.• „ • , Autemobile:nierkera are carried not only, as . an indication,,that the regis- tration te.e' hes been nald but also a! I • reedy °means of identification.'For thi- s it is 'essential that the ,,dgureatliallbe legible at, all times.. 4, car with dirty •markers Is iti the Sante category es -a .nien wearing a mask. • .tbO. frequently when it Car, has • sped. • 4.awaY4f.rein'the scene Of an; accident or of u Crime., it :has: been %liaptitisible' for bystainierS to Secitte Its ettini)Or.• •Atthotio Who PurptieblY obscure their , 'Markers areto bo detected, it iti.necea- itarY:;_thnt.:fa*,01100g •xn.qtcos.t.i.3 , keep their,' own ,inatliera clean..; And itis eisier to do that than', to get the tar out of the average.:g.aragelsoronto . .• Tour • 'Geeti4e' tfernard .Shaw bat sailed On a 'Visit to IkieW 'Zealand. he ffniii that the %aorta. have never even, heard —0t..ht_se_40 t4. tako.14„tieli boat. itek home.—Brantford Expositor. What Is Needed :. • , , What is needed teddy is not new things, but true. ,things. it is an oid •'Weiriti, and a geed woad. There is enough 'dr happiness and. progress in the world, just for the bringing out; It •otearni hard octeiik, not big, talk, It M eve t of the .0.1 truths, :the. new .truths, • the everlasting ,trutbs,',that. there are to abort...elite to things worth. while. Th.o8e wheyrodlishiy,imagthe that they • have some tie* Way to change the or, the pert: Of the mitt& they adotn',., are siMply sefling theintieiveti false' thoughts..., by, high-pressure ifYi31 nOriSin; The world CO -OM -ties to melte progress: to l'ietter things, not In ilie* ways, or .by lead mouthing, bat; ly and' surely, through effbre and thount and labor, td- v:ano, • • , • Ativide, it .ifovel? :pays te stitk yentr-intigne ()tit. 0.reatit.at :rthe doetof's, refitleste A .• you lady.ctild so at Lotiden," Oat., and had ft frozen on a steett -Tfinnins•tinnist,liturnal, • „ . I:loutses of the Future ti4t; .t ahihtt tt Yield lit the nein. .fort an& Onveftlente, shalt' oripi greio tOWard EW 706 :bf , *fifth 'will be worthy a theigd,Ii *ilia We live, Then t, hotrie -..fe Atindlog designed trori-tileinilidow, ,carefuily planned • to ProVide riSerY • ; enrefert And PORVenienCeit .the ineat efficient .V.farYtAnd'i .W14: he. 1)40alb19 to have all-thia, at a lower cost than, the pld • tYpe of Ineffie"ent„dwelling•-,-- Edmonton Journal.' ' ,Tmg' EMPIRE ' .Lord Willingdon,: on ludla'e Future The. YinereY'e •eenittlenee that a great ,and brillMot future ilea beforo India will be,-WidelY. 'Shared. The ecOn,4 omie b4rentieter'is sat 'tali here.' as iz other quarters, ; subject to no 'Morin .Olenfle :140,Winik oVer.from the Ilnited Statps.••,. There is another proviso; as stressed. by the :IrigereY.!. • •:•00,-0.Pere, tion, peace aad,.' good Triii''..nAns also be inaintalapci.,, With theln' tansa•41.40i4 tWiffingdont phrase, "prosperity will sooncoma to all Who are ,141.1toOlY , working for thewellare.of.Indle end, her Peeple.";-;-•SOmbay, Tiines of •, . . . T11110omplex World -There. Waft *time when governMent 1! not airaffie, at least -Ping* strand, '.;Three hundred; years age Cromwell could wait upon'yenta he - 'lore acting, but to -day the. affairs of 'ken will Wait Of no maii and no Gov, • bow cannot bo 'solved by: a stroke theeword, and the 'Walls ot Jericho no Ur •.T. logger collapse before a flourish .Of • , trumpets.—Aberdeen Weekly ;fele.. • ' ' •”' A Business Whale , •',"'Whaleti'' are • the' b. Si n 044. men. .of 1the,marine,:Averld "' "...states aLwriter.• The whale: that ' sWailOwed. Jenah, cer- tainly believed in a small prophet and -4.ondon Sunday ' Plc .quick returnnorthland, 'front...the fringe of the Are_ .1' •-". • , • , . • •• ••• through the barren lands and the• .torial., • ' Wooded countrY, farther south 'the tin . • . • . booming..• .r• trade is • • rr, • 'The- outetanding feature of:British. Northern traders reaching'-*iiiiti- „ • ...British Guiana's:Trade peg 'fro'ni frontier points declare the galena's import trade during"1933.lias • • - • r h pro- beezi,the,,,conti4upuit4er6st .sheweln greatest fur cath history is Japaneee iMportatieas...'' Stittietieally; 7g1"Ff'''''Fig)nt'*clelY7satt'IP.red•-P°44t8 ing, tbi-Eitereigii...letnintries: frenn 611.°Elileellrta,IC',hiep0149pre. Japan Is definitelY themost"Ititereat:. 411'''the i***teti,i0ieFi°.f came word of whlch BritiShi, galena iniportti.' Ing the timertitoree;actt where; 7a1i4it.dy. has. 3;000 skins end :nem; find': that ..British Guiana mor than 111 -•.-Oat• .04144 have 41145 than 1,000 0011101,Ita reputation• be . • stirlii!"Birtltls1;e°uii otflte.totaiviae"(7,333;l. ,.• the 90 items Of inverts; BritiS Ackert, Mrs. W. L. Me- ••ricleffiea -erfe}-Fire'httlifilritisir:GitianaitH trfrOgrant:±Orn. 10416',1-65',"H4a7-:::109.131-•-•""lbe fiAaines7Webster-=(-Ailiffeld-)'- Pie; KitigdOln; $4412,998; 'canncia $9 other 'British' ,pOsSeeelene -'$348;91.1. Predictir.l.g2.theL,00.mqacm.. :This represents an InareaSe was over, had .ne fearar0garding.:fhe 772 on the•preihiiii3, year (1932) in Enil; Price of fore.' -Nem were they worried ,pirelipportationa7_Georgetown..gom-..,abonAlinarkefiti,.• If demand lagged in znertial,'Review. • • • - Canada,the liffiirttliies-andrurope • ' • afforded an 'outlet. • Australia L.Oaks at iff34 'The 4401° vtOrY'.',w tOld:' 411 N"t'll There are n'ee eseril • -• 41 ern Ontarioi.11aniteba;,,Baskiteliewan, „e , 7 ,na. tireAlberta and Brith.h Columbiu. Every ups anil downs. heat is up; -gold is fr»tier trading post )lad the saine up. I3ut butter bad been Up for several - years. aa(lf.:the ,good dalrYing seasinas tale a plenty • • had •helped us to „,weather. the :storm. lartrahleireduct,„ -led; and, although ..tlits Is .an ephemeral: benefit,: it hie' been Of service in giv- ing . •some pr,olitable' 'Kansas. • Olt*, ;:::Mo.—After having time of stress, For .wheat, little can driven. lox. '251 'Years Jwithout..tin. tied- • . • , be •hoped. Or at Meek Another Setisini• dent • bk.'HOrri,'S. Lane 'bought a new Ferliaps, *hereit, is possible, wheat autornobite And, Within 24 hours it was farmers will rolit by their experience. wrecked by an ancient ear Werth $0,.. and net rely soleiY. Upon 'wheat. • A de., the driver of Which'earriedne, insur- plorahle feet is thet,..:sonie Of oar con- an. Undaunted, Dr. 1.4n1e bought eiderghle..priniary indtiStries. yield. no ,"another car; '.and within" a month it, not 'MOO to, ,the .ConiltionWeelth. On teie;' was wrecked•• by . an uninsured' the ' WhOle,bowever; the outlook for driver, Who said he had 'just .paid $3'.• the toenail the land. has .brightened.-..... for his,vAio,e; , • - Idelboarna.Auetrelasiat:',/ • • • . One .Iew.of Nova. Sletia-• • , .• •• .„ WoOleiiallorkers GeV • Nova Scotia in certain respect re- BilMilECS• in England Teelle-ancient:Greecaj. Both are ..• sul6S;. insignificant in area •coMpared. ea?, the -wages ' has been Intuit). to .550' with the gruat continentsfrotn•which. ernployeei by. 4esstg, J. ',0;: 5. Rhodes, 'they 'project; but .beth' believe:in the iinhare three nortance of 'their centriblition to woolen manufacturers, Wtiei :milis here. their 'Coltetri" in Fhl rat;a46)r glit1 1616 this firin ba s -pa14. fluenCe," :DOA lit.iVe tiiln soll, Uusultcd ,000 in :Profitabaiiing bonuses, . •Dur to .the inere' Opulent forms 'of ,agricul.' ing 1853 niiles of Cloth ture;, thotigh the little Canadian Pre- 4rill)eadSlet.."Yatient 300,000 pounds of Vince would ppiadly claim that She is • o • 4.14, • ...Vv. Paintings and, art objects, valued at thenAttnde..of pounds, were lost when tire swept and :destroyed the hhitorteiinansien of Sir jerercialt Ceierean. belraan' the mnstard.millionaire, pear Redhill Surrey; Eng.- Fire 1;brigades were 'seriollaIi "haiRpered.= by Aftek '.ot, Northland Dealers Reveal • .Optimism—Catch is.: ' • , , Large • Winmpeg.—.Across Canada's vast -atlEtacIALiick After 25, Yeari :rich -7-10 fesourees77-fisherles,.'.4uMber;4 ' • geld and emit and apple orchards. Vet her Scanty population Is •dWindling.,, And arhY?.` liecauee• her assets are net stillie Lenny developed, not • Well -enough Managed, to 'find•Occepatien for her Sens and 'daughters. Hence; jest as in ,Greece; her children have, gene to richer ittadis.-,7-14. A. Ward in The Era, pire, 'Review (London •:' , , •• • ;Might IOC* 11: teach' thenien 'Whe tited-to.kistv me at a party, rites nmodern sm. tut 1 dent:aupPeee. he'd. •Wittif.nitieh. Within .4itin den , Sunday 'PI otoriel; ••'.. "' • • ' Midden Riches Of Cyprus • , :It israstoniehing" that We' should have had to walt till 1934 before there should he a beginning or an Adequate Orkariftatibii for. niataiairiing .tinit plerlagthoi aa''yet'Autultutabte riches. of 'Cyprus in itheiletir`ihestiltiehta Of: many oerlikda and 'ioanY .c10114110iih. Villeh good Work ,WaS denn by exCit. Vatin'S In 'the .setotid half 'olf"laq. teit+ ttirk, but snide ,1.205 the doyettlittent or .CyDrffif hasbeen lett to 'Oiieinifitga *litik'researeh .It ,eciald, With limited. 'funds. At Met PoWerfur Othninitte* ander Lord Merseyta chalrmarislilp -4.01f,.t(LetreVinAltlidid 'lel iLy 0 It itition.. tynraff Was , tit thei•,:siory 'dilater or, the world et ikte.Ytec and:0114' tants inoutriritintS, .n1ti1V; , pf" thetaof great.beaut7, and Mere Windt Win COO* !Adige tie* adotes .Ofttln<61,1t ,64he Siidetaterr.; /1,. GEOFFREY ST. CLAIR' (Grapho-Analyst„) • All "-rigida reserved. 00s4SinheeB.,Py.. Dogs iieff.Estinlaie Of,1404$9fier : •.ed by Ontario Post .y Toroto,--7144rwipLe left; flegs? Priv/ling Ontario' v .fartnla04 by nofighvn%atilitleoftY.ipogoch4elli, Ilad4h:14:,,tolvraitt onuirflolOttidanitises20t,hoortgh:at,theprovinae ri This was the eatifna0 macre R. 'Wade, director ,of the liyestbek branch ofthe Ontario DePartnient :P Agriculture? to 'commentingupon mt. cent' .0/parts of wholesale • sheep; Slaughter by prowling killer •eaninear , For all.:SheeP by 'dogs; - • e•gly,P11• restitution by the- mini:, 1, et.iif>Pna'oli'-tft:Cestuittutwiol:tiOret4nesetMte4PtedPli,iil -b.etosemies:a the thiptieion7price,8,.ofthe-ariPdrOovigna t : yseauchr: calrese*reeir:h'tell°epPeta duringiePlin'eaet int _an, petiolate(' five per cent. of all restitutions; totalled more than $1,000, indicating the total loss to inuniciPaii- ties giotild lie in the vicinity of $20,000 • or more. , "Settlement is uenally made by the Munieipalities without protest," ex- Plailled Director Wade, "but there he untold damage done te• flecks which: Is not'cOvered by restitution, Beyond - flocks; correspondent,senda me saniploa, Iu music and is, pe- ot the writing 0f..e0erar hall's, • his first choice . of expresplon'..,. PeePle,and asks we to ana1ye the - writing •,for 'hex, ; Thai's la so .rnudh :of siiitoi•bat., in these .analyses that 'ant niakint,.tbem ,the Pubjebt 'Pt Perhap you have wondered why many 'Men have :been led Into the different pursuits they. have 'ability .. in , .Po 'many • lines -Loretta?, :gained 'fa*e. and 4'.4fOrtaite. •and the sculptural arts. •"teniely-interesting-Ao-•-think-og.,,what, 3:Ohu -Eight have been if; different indlyt: 'Boles; another 'Star.Thellosaiseat ifitata had been hero. WIth,..traita •of trait in. his. ' ehara•bter Is MS tielf.re Charaeter•ifhat;*ere entirely' 'different liailek this IS. the quality that lakes front the, real chereetertstiee of. their bins depend only on .hinieelf for any nature. • . • • •thing tihe.t. he ' Wants done. ' He 'is, not, „ Men ' and wetnen are bein late -this ..surly/. Wide' the%. 'contrary to Ms World.' With' .definite • %Mute and OW mau friends, but, at ,the: same time, ifies phdt.,.•tliojr, Must .learn in. 'order When ,die wants a cortain thing,.te .to take full advantage et'..them;,..Some, Rieke to one titan only. to .get go;thrOugh lite, 4.0...fieverlearnt.h, etr: • " preper,'Wentic-,-VibliSTothers-'ilarland,-'--.:1,:•Zolin,LBelestilL'4,nAtk be' • Init.*** -deyelop7Aein-earlY4In41.0._'.,, • ! is an:iiiitte, ' fi•Remen .XliVerro. the 'prOMinent:ffint'-;‘,Midence-..,Wtheitglit-t ith i•-•-•trattion,that • „ , • „ 'Star, particularlyfortunate;mill, not nini •• toLthink 'of , too 'ing his ,talent and making it thedriv-twhen he his ,ii-,,Prohluni':te face...! He ,Ing• force ot hle 'lite., • His Writing. Is close-mouthed abent: liis personal elloitiV•es.:_ail 'these ..iviie,'.have seep 'affairs; and will nauelly.'"fieVe 'Mena' lila' films „kat* ..tbat'' he . a grail '"aiiiierbefere*ther-Peoplalliairirheard dramatic' tteter=4.liathe can interpret „about them. ..,Decteive; iquick think 'a rale in a Way' thatfevi.,..ietiple can Man: of -actiont.John . Boles, . feven 'approach, but 'lie has •altio: other. ability ancl another .' 'very Readers of titia newspaper. are In - standing talent7vitii which he bas it !tett tosend samples -of: hand, Wee. recognitiohle ability...in , waneritisf.hfsgis..to...tbseen.-dats:athie"ri:no.al character as possible,Clair, 0 ..4:dsmite :Yewbanal' aarliiti. -Addreia, your letters "in' Geoffrey, 4t, Toronto, and enclose 10 cent.:000,..ant stamped ddiessed• .Let- ters,,stif. course, are confldentlal. He has • still. another ' chatacteris- Ale. 'another LLbilit. His writing show's.. an ability'. to use.'his 'hands in creative way --perhaps in. '0,1411ig, , sculpture, or some other meads, of artistic expression. Fe* . men i.re born "•arith' such pronounced ,artistie The rhythm • and break's' in hiCwrit- ing shows immediately to hand- wrlting fit.the_Musical arta • 1 As an operatie• Singer, Remo!' .Novarre. , , that IP not often given to a Man His talent • . • • British .Revenue • Exceeds Outlays • -,the first ',thee In a ,de; .cade, the total 'nattOnal, revenue ....tor the: year shows a -Surp'fis Over elt. • . . . penditare,.. -•"" --41.-AlwatfiLuityL reVenue :Wae.,-423527,.82,41:.111"Contrest-TOT ordinity.•expendittire hp., one 'day of £9,791,033,. • . ,t,!..the..re5340t,:offthis.. excess Is .„tijat not: WO. has the ,seasonal deficit for tifte , y'ear. been Wiped .ont, but 'a iiiirphie: of £1,39,8;291 has been es, s'evi,t. 'Propensihy 6e. the ,humen ;heart Is So:powerful that, it niay no •stibdiupl-by.-dlielplIne.-:-.-Sene'ea, CaII spttietil'ent • For Lois Booth Montreal .—A new settlement near "Taicherisin; Abitibi; Que., lies' been named -Lois—for Lois Beath, formerly of Ottawa, and now Princess Erik •nt p9nnaar1c,-.41dennen Leon' Srepaniet., city councir Porter of the back-to-We:lend 'move' Ment itiforined the eon/Mil here recent- ",--li,=----Mnrithicitare. already establish- -.ed., at Lois and I:5 'more heads of fam- ilies will. travel to the settlement shortly, he ,said. • t • .1400 .rules : over:film:thirds:lit the, universe, the, Past and the future,' 41ifle: reality is •minfined • to ', •pret. . . . , sent.--4lichter. ,••••• ••••./ y rain Crew ,Escapes • rjr.,,?,• / 4 5 tf, are also..termenied to Bueh. an ens , that it ,is often 'indirect slaughter,l especially during lambing season when 1 the.utiborn. animals are affected. • , "An expert sheeliman can usually . , thbedete:rmfdaafte4leagert;IrWecbheYaivt°tesrinextl:Lttiintuag.tflidolwr;k 4414h80411''' ' conr-setins,...m.notalw,sys,..thg-eaae ;the farmer Staffers the le4i, • , 1. ' ' • British -Russian fact TO Cover Five Years London.—"YoU: bUY, my goods: andi ,IY/11 buy . yours," is the principle' • on which Brits.hiAnew trade pact !with -Ruailirier hated. • . This Was brought oaf in a Published text which presented a. schedule' elle* ing ho* a ba'ince, of pitynieRta ha- tWeenthe two natione. wilibe equal- izedlnn the next 'tit° years. ;nay denounce the Set on Ada: ..minitheenotiee,,,'' 4.: • . tiering the present yeaic•Rutisia,Crati. sell Britain £1;700;000 Worth of ,gOOdit ahct hut only *1,06(000 'Werth., •-•Thii ••• yak,. ninet-41-ii L5 b• _ .0od '1946 and 'to 1.2:14%'theend• a 1937., '..Thereafter trader/Ill be Mein* • taiiiedin e.'virtatil'baittlice. • • W�manBeats Off Armed 'Raider A. mitt walked into a inb-post office, in Lybitti R,040, Bhlxton, Englatid,'00- setitedareiolver at Mrs. Crosier, the iMb..PostIniSt6BS, 'and. asked • fori'•-• . a , ykr'etili.i. . great pluck end. Presence of mind Mrs. Cr�sier pickedait from t e pea is an rew it at.,:th* •mates'. heed-;,7'..-11-inleied; but crashed' through the: pf0Oe window. Thlp idarined,the,..man, Who daslied Out.. .• Mrs. Margaret: proster,-statett later that,the 'rnaft'! was young and slightly built.. the reyohTeS'reil-trouthis.hatia. "1 plcked O he caught mY Wrist and took it .fron, i .nianran ,; bli3td. h h Weight through the window and the, ; ..4-4 • * • • --r*morutt _Cau Her to Stab Husband Mrs': Jessie' Bridges,. of ,iIes to xi total' • • .band was going. to strike her ,and so she stabbed ,hini In 'Belf-defense,..'elio told Pollee: ' ' ' • 'When my husband s going .strike ;.:0,e;'' she said, "I ithireYs have Preraonition" • " Women - Receive , I •r Atrts.1-;ws,..•4,,e4 'Morse.; Run:anal, '33.year-old author 1an4 daughtei•! .0t " Satnuel 3? .11. Morselinvehtor-of the ' telegrepli,,lias been madenlCuight 01 thelegien Of liellOr; • •'„: .1 '..• Dorothea 'Robdits,. astronniner,',. also Was knighted, as Was Peter ' Phlllp British heed of the ,gew'Yok Vines Fiala bUreau... IVirS.' Rummel litia,reeided .111 Paris since 1912".", : • ..ExiiOrts to Bristol • Aitiong ;the IMptittod Into Bristol, England, .• from .Canada; are 'grain, .cereal, prodeetect teetilfig etude,. Cheese, lad, tObeeco, • arid weed and timber, An encourag. lag feature- of .0autidien tide •Ifi an IhereaSeof tOtet 300 per tent, h the 'rettirhe,.Of. impertri 'of tobated .frant. . . co'044, quality...of • the, tobacco, nartionitoV ot the, ytiglni.o:tY1)6 11,44- ccikeri" Is:At suponsd by the lJonilnion. highly regarded.: , (qitttfttTIL, robriittyy Afro a,in tkli trticli dor tIO4 on; tirit'io lito.'trottt drow.•effeaned, , •,••` r• 0.1 Grirne Below the'Lle‘e It is hard le inuigftte a Man who *Al tenituit, murder for pay, yet' such , poson do exlst and ply r. taheoottAvvo.il.tiot.vraolis., Tho follnw1,' 111050 o - • V,419 tilrehie.-0:10.1niitU"10 ander arrest liPAndititieptille• elifergeti ,Wiihri the murder at a btiettiodi9t-tiiiiiii4, 'ter thcr *Mob they *tide 0. prat( et Clakly $1,56-4 ' tbb,tio-givetelot the ' deed; $8:rin was 40MA:for a'reVeliier,' rt, r