HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-03-08, Page 1If' • $240 PER YEAE-IN ADVANCE; $5.50 OTUERWISE .• FOR SAE -4 ittacks Of choice hay, 2. 8tack0 aliags• g stack 5 Mixed bay. -,-,airs. Jacob *Miller.' .LOST -In LueknOw, 'on"PridaY• a red toPped leather1 mitt, good as new: Finder please return , to 'Sentinel fifilee• WINDMILLS ANDREPAIRS • • .The Brantford' SeIf Oiling Wind- ,. milli,* insinufictv red n .by the. Goold Shapley ' and Muir Co., are soldby W. G. 'ANDREW, and repairs re- quired for their older stYles. of Mills will be ordered. promptly. , • AUCTION SALE Norman 'Whitehead) lot 3; On. 7, Culross Twp. (3.miles east, of Tees - water) will hold a' clearing -out A • CIENOV4/, cONT.. THURSDAY, March lIth. 1954 SINGLI COPIES 5 CIMIS •••• Lopal. couple • 09' Years 111040. r.,' and Hrei *abed MullIa'Observe „ 59th 'Wedding'/ AnniVereary • Qu Siiturday-.•;-' Many Friends- Extend • Gieeting14-': , , , Failing health 'Confines :Mr. Robert Mullin to his home And t� , his hed• for a goat!: deal of the time,: but it could not rob him of the, 'Ipleasure that was his and Mrs. Mullin's, when on Saturday - they quietly -observed their 50th Wedding -anniv'emary., *any friends Called during the. day and numerous were, the .remem- brances in the. form Of; flowers and gifti received: by Mr. and Mrs., Mul- auction Sale •-'ef. Farm Stock ; and on, esteemed residents of thevillage Implements_ on Friday, *arch 9th, where. they .inive -,resi4e4 for more . . • • .• • t. A , -rms an t pee bills. , Well. Henderson Auc • TEN ERS 'Tenders Will' bf received by tini Undersigned for village work,:name- ly: Gravel, 'screened and unscreeped, per yard; Day wOrk, man aid team; bonr un to 12 o'clock noon. oni.Sat., • Local Relief Costs Increased This Winter Council Checks UP On Rellef Ordera- -Believes One Party Is Laying in A -Store 't . • Accounts as presented' at Tuesday night's colincil meeting,: by inerch. ants dispensing -local relief,-..amourit- ed, to 'approximately $85.001 Of this, amotint $18.39 was - for outstanding January accounts, $55.60 for Feb- ruary relief and, $3.79 fol: relief orders during the. first few days of March. With the exception'i of two• Orders„ ameunting. to '$5.66 received jbLatiivno4e: Pr arwtiae; • ndiovivideodff: earnonfg, six ;families. Three.' of these .families Local & G enerai have received provisions ainemiting, , - to 'Over $20. each, the •largest Mrs.. Roderick Campbell,' who has , . , , cunt ./or family of three, been quite ill of late, is in -a, critical The Bread The Bread of Health 'of, Health 'AruAtxry AND SERVICE OUR, MOTTO P . . LAYHIt...,AIS:ES . .., ..., , FiG..14.,,APPLIE. SQUARES • JELLY aomo : DATE ."&,.0ATMEAL,.$14cES ., ' SHORTBREAD:. ,' ' i , DOUGHNUTS ' fIlklEAPPI.,/ Szf: icggoig* BUNS , . C OURIOU *SW, .4%.11 Ni TD$: :44AIID1 ': jFROMV" I tT1111,11' ii• P X.' Nn I ERSE' Ir INGREDIENTS 'AREI;IEI - OUR "WHOLEWHEAT .BREAD IS • ' 4.00% '...WHOX.E.WIEIHAT:; LLYMAN''..,QUALITY BAKERY Phone 36 Lucknow Mrs, Mullin still enjoys -01,r measure of health. and continues to ably conduct, her boarding house. Mr.. , however, is in poor health,, *bleb' confines him • to, his room and which forced him to re- linquish his 'Ake, the , first of the Per. hour; Grading tuna dragging;per -year,- as -iv-Municipal_ councillor in which capacity he faithfully „and efficiently served the villagefor man* years. • • • That his health be restored and th'itt Mrs. Mullin continues to, enjoy good • health is the Wish if, their many 'friends, Po that when another year rolls round, ,this resnected couple may celebrate their diamond, wedding anniversary. • urday, March' 17th, 1934. • The lowest , or any tender not necepsarily accepted. JOSEPH, AGNEW, Clerk of the Village .of Lucknow. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' NOTICE is hereby' given to all • persons having any, claim against •the. estate of William 3. .Hogan, late 'of the Townsiiip of Ashfield; farmer, • . - who died on or about the .8th day M ,'J'anuary A.D.•1934; to. send „same to the underagued, or to Mrs..Win. ' Jlogan,., LuOlinow R.R. No. 7, on or before - the-4.0th. --1934 as on and after that date' the •A,dnianistratrixi of the- said estate will • proceed . to. *Ake distributiOn thereof,' .having regard only to the • claims 'she then has notice of. Datedn---at--Goderielt__this_19th- 'day of February A.D., 1934. • Hays and Hays,' Goderich; Ontario. Solicitors for, the Administratrix 110.0° - 'ff•; Mr: and Mrs. George Gillies Who , Observed Their 67th Wedding Anni- versary. in January And Were Part- ed By The Death of Mr. Gillies On • •Sunday. DIE§, IN *INGHAM -HOSPITAL . . • , • , . -There passed away Wingliam Hognital. early Monday morning, ..Thompson' farmer and fish coming Events. Flint Insertion, 50e. Subsequent Insertions, 25c -LiesHelpless As 11 !rein in front of the business Places ' _. onto the street, and, With quite mild, •, weather and showers•it Wini rapidly,' . . . 'Melting. However the teinperature .drepped., Monday night, . leaving the ' el ron h . and diffiCult , ' , :.126.58.. ounci spen m3 tO , P1496e.44 over. ..r I scanning these accounts and in the street: 'atter caSe, it was revealed that.this, . SATISFIED . AND HAPPY that's. Nephew 'SetiOnslY 111.• family had 'received two Shiocired how you'll feel when yeti use Cress . Mr. .Tannee R. Haeliett. of Ashfield ronn4a of ,floini: in fortif-two, days, Corn. ,Salve. Sold . at: MeltIMiS DRUG 'and Mrs, Will Lane , of Ripley, lett? r)n, Wednesday for, Detroit,. liailifir wthbisi,,n'alrett.'twbea.sB,e'leary4ingto inbe7liaiveaOPtliPalYt. STORE' ' ' received word \of the, critical Miles's. ' ' in view. of_ relief ceasing the let. Of ' Mrs. Harry ,Ackert and young 'of their nephew, Dr. Frank Hackett Fall Fractures Two . , AtPril. A: 'di -sir —ivieviiti on these nr:71.107°.'-ePent.,--the:-.-PliSt---2-110—C ' 11, -onqafit.,,,,,,,:04,...311,ii....,,,,wilLEack.ett of orders will be 'Made and . it. w ''' -- the )1.9'4 of. Mr. Fr.14ti cu, Fil.i'W, .'e°,21..!' : that city. 'The. Message received -as as in . • . •• • •• • timated that when fall arrives, Mon-. ' ' .'' ' • .. -•• 10 the. effect that Frank who is Arms And One Leg teipal relief may be furnished Only Miss, IVillena Chesnut, who 'Ihita 'about '34 years of age. and inarried,... ' In eases of dire need. usell RitChie, 9 -Year -Old san_ots. . Transient, ' relief centhinCa , e to be aPh'S: goSPitiily Igadaav is a '. Visitor Continues ,To improve .. .. • .• lompleted her training in St. J,. wa : , , • ,s_ sinking . ra,Pi IY., . Fred Ritchie, suffers trio. of. 84,......: a comparatively small item, totalling 'lore with her mother. .• - ,ikeit !,,,cui___,,,u; ti„ii Fall At .seii.,..:ei : ...:r84:0e'aiins,r: tebsronearakndWhil4ehbreedPsre:ten4toecd: *r; -.John Darrow,: who ba,„_a bee3..••••;:ye eernequPilreianaged' ftrlenrdes17,7:h that : Mil II's: , • .."."'"'"---7* ' • • . , ' ' 1 11 failing health l for some tulle,' is • !obi' Joynt continiiii`te '..inakefavor- 4 'HOUR -I'HIP TO 110SpiTAi, .,..:, tr,,,,,,i.....,... ,,........* ....° - L.„,%-...' : -riteallY ill this week, With little • able..: progress although Plowly, to- t . ... veui . .....,,....._ , . 1 hecouniitLy, ,littroewunghn,wouri,,hoei, I<:_i hope •hoevId9. or, his recovery. .- • ward recovery and is able to Walk A fall 'Of about Ave feei and.er' levy opened theilieut•hii .room With the aid Of eines. ) ,1 while„‘ playing at mon. school, on'iliireeistiepOo•s•ituatt.,,ti ji7cLelley.w,i'*. :fssiPsikii toad 13etiN17:111ne.Pwt iuPgbamgiu4pielt- We' negleFted YU' mention '' a short Natty afternoon,' left • Youni bonnY PilePlierd 'dog wai .lost Ong tliiiirw''Oo ,InesdaY,' passing down time., ago,. the. return to. kimono:AK .Yvt,, main street..heren and.. returning. to 4 4° 1Wrg JOYS.° Nbightinv ' • ”: • Who 'Wei with 'her father for 'several' sel Ritchie 9 -year-old so Of.. Fred his owners and then car n der,yi...,at the: Division Line, near w b t ,. , , • ,-. -, a- :GRAND, -SUPERINTENDENT - - --.- - Ritchie -and- .a pupil of Miss , Ad •-salesmintrwhOz-resided .on, bWehaiitthechfizch,s7,0nillee-'thimat bseuefrneriinn'gfifiliioning, jUrPle-c5rewrItill7t11:e"'ts.soFres_d2 .nP-..abinoIttl,13_'a.;::' .,„'_ .OF 'HURON DISTRICT -------- .. . ,.. a 'Malignant' Stomach . aftlietiOn. Be.and his right hip fractured.. , , At the annual convocation of the was.a Member- of Whitechirich Uni- That evening, While strapped , to Grand Chapter of •Ontarlo •:Royal tea, church:Ale...4e .epirvived_by_f our a_m---attrosa_. orLa'...._sieigh-L-the .3;oung- Arch *Leona; held in BroCbvilk last dark..., sons -anti two,. claughters,....Ralnli and. hid, ',was taken to Guderieli .15,-opi,ini ....v4sw_mr..__Johnvesiey:.....401.nt hrolight . 1 , • - -marline maivseivicixontinnig,-- •Weelts Awing% hi° eritial 4innefsg, • , , until such time • as -road 'conditiOns - ' • .7iiiin,:,L0.4..,tiektiiii,oWornWhiligl: wethe-r--4t.,11.mes,liis--life-waa.i,.:di_ope_iret... Peritea"-i-theett:irts routes ATTI •r permit .afternoon delivery ' before • • :' Mrs. Flood of, New Ontario, Richard, ,. . over ' ' roads that were deep with snow lio!"*.:til himself'.and his mother The regular meetingof-the viro; Institute Will be held at. the .41_ _ _, it lioine--. and, klre. Noble- Steele - -0,f that was literally' ba.,44;!mies,1 (hie to of • Grand 'Superintendent of 4Iiiiiiin home , of Mrs- tinier ', Johnston on Mr.', George angles .Talcen By :Death., of Sea,forth, Stanley. and 'Nathaniel ---,_ ,. . lodge bvreceiving the eppoininient men's Port, Hiiron:'. Mrs. Thompseit died- a. ,rain'atia mild weather. Thelifiir.to7olr 4iitriet nungietaix. -- .' . _:•... Friday. March 9th at 2130 'o'clock. , As (He Nears' 911st IlirthdaY-Mr. •• . . Visitors •Welceme. Moll call "An Irish and Mrs. Gillies-Were-671,Years:_4.f.__ . : —AFTERNOON -TE* -- You are invited to an Afternoon Tea, 3 -6, at the home of Mrs. W. V. Johnston, on Wednesday, March.14th, under auspices of Wornen's Institute. • Silver collection. 3 -ACT 'COMEDY 4 '4 You will ,want to hear "The Path Across the , Hill", a 3 -act Comedy given by the Y. of _;Lucknow, , • *United Church. The date is March 23rd. Keep thiS date- free. 1 Admission 25g. • •. OLD-TIME DANCE Iternemher the old-time dance in the Town Hall, Lucknow • on Friday, Marcht 9th,, tinder 'Fire Co. auspices. ,Good Music, lunch will be served. Prizes, for the hest' old-time dancers and kicky number dance. Admission, 'everybody -25c. •- • ARTS • Married On irtest=7one--avni.-on-ifiitgrday_Lmornips ew Curt. ins and Dra ery iit the', !T4154". . iannary:715th and-Vrit-Steele in -Lucknow,• number of 'years ago at the 2 home More than 'four hours and it :wiz where she Was 'AA invalid •for, long before the -Ea-spits' was rtached. old low MA . • • • , • . . ' . ' RKET --IteAH7S;1"411-acker The fractured ,Iirabs Were set STORE. . 'speaker at the annual banquet of Mic•Theninspn was laid to rest Sunday and the unfortunate Youni- '• the rip e Bible CI sii•of Wingliam , MericldPrior to her death. . in Winghain; ceMetery following the ster ,is 'Testing as comfortably AIS can 'held on , Friday evening, and apoilm • fun nal service held at Currie's Un- 1- ue expected Both bones in the aim On the subject "The Allusion Of Prii= taking-Iparlers: , were--badly—fractured=-,abeie . wnsts and . -goes without saying Daughter.,• . :gre.ser. .,.. . ........- . .., .. .. . .niarked, their 67th wedding Miniver-- . the it ._'Pibri-Or Ilini*tei• s . . . An oenjoyable , eodai,,,,evnIng Ava's .-Paryr•-*r. 3, ies-w-onld-hata„Attpined. . . . that the , hip.. fracture was also A se-••• A. . is. 91st - rthdaY On, April lat. :Mrs. ., held under auspices of .Jewel Reb ,'Mle. . ' .1 ' '''•'.' ' '-: ,, Death' .. Of Daughter Of ',tate Bev. ,ah- Lodge on• Tuesday evening. prize, 'Gillies was 87 years Of age. on De - it was one of the ,few., daysilio. a ' .Plineen'' Cameroir'Recalls " Earlywinners' for •euchre • playing. 'ivere. ceinher''Stli:. '';''',--..• • it niild enough 4,0 eniOY .thelne4vP-g'. Ceiiiiiiiiniti. Leading ul) 7° '.E!'eF.; Month, that ' the school children found. . . Days Of ,:Presbyterranasin n . . ' . . ' • ' . - '• Mrs., HoraCe.' .AitehiiOn. and . ',kr: years, with the infirmities . of 614.. In 'feeble' health • for the past few . • -6tit of doors OA ilie ,.boits., wer.e.. t, a. lc: '.tionj..be.• Cifru.l'ertesaii n,t.o'f.C.77:11,micih:i. • Isabella :-):;h,tilo7t,...7,ti.er's,„,,l'e'd'' .., log' e .reeie .,..ef. tigaeto;',I,Mdtri,.....Gaiil.dli!s;tatititift.deireadivait3•if,4.1hreekeiexn;•..• , ing imuch fiiii in jumping the roof Of an:. Outhouse into ..a. deep ..; batoti'kleall,:!hneo.71..:42;thAttll'ed9.6fe°1r1;'i474.11:4.401-imie:Iiil ISatteeli:,agre'Cli7::::'''t:Trialleg)19171."WASI, '..h.tellIde .:iTGni,,FrgeieedY'saitS;dlifi?iitireerFeednieniVn.g.S:.:W:t.ber, 1..st;!;(1.A.S.T;kili;d' 311.1Pel!IN'411.illt°tile..., • , : v. and thiiii 'tailed to reach ' the : Snow 4 Oakville on Tuesday of last week: ... NEW SPRING :SAMPLES . of suit- .e.'‘;ptii.pv . The funeral service ' %phi '. .• . . . 4_residence,o0Wednesday„; i.tj ..4tlieafternoon,n:t t it h c . oe et the ii. ie. ,...... , ;J., • bank; and dropped' , AO* .4,ie feet following her death 'N,,,,,hicii, oecorred, §Ty,!, x , and a. P . R Ek E Cii.tT,T,4;,VnIoTit,_•,4tuucrtege4s, by i:nht:irm. :xelanst_to'Nor,:Lteti.r7sCo. ,,,u00,1,_. • ' ,MaeDenald,. :isolated° ., by ..Rev. .7.. L., -6-tirer.,_yeer ....e.,„0,00,,,_,y____tx ilta-Saturday prior , . •GUARANTEED. . _ ' ' — - • • !. • •-r,--7-Miss-,-,Canteron_.„ - _..• __.,.., theb 'Win and the drift. - • .c...' , Mercha - • , ••emen.,.xige ...tNrobetoi reached :the. is Survived hY One brother, . .V.---0. -TEmrxr 9,A=tii-E--, hai .ah. realized that: there , was .,a. Oar-orrott4 K. C. of', onhVilie.. , Mr.. WM:MacDonald,. veteran edi- illrtiE-'-e"-er-e-i tl .rY. • . ' „ . , least :,:ttr.(;.,,frit,ettiro,d, ii,inbs.. and ,.iri.,1,.:. , The late ..' Rev. Duncan Cameron tor 'of the :Cheidey . Enterprise, and '. lgr•'. O'lliesTWAIS' truly ,- one Of . the , eiedietoi 04. w.,0, sought and 1,16cii who, ;died: in .1316' at the .iiic., of 1,95. father of Mrs. f(Dr.) Finlayson• of, nitilleCt's. of 'ItirileSic .0f.. Scotch birth' years, will be ',,reineratered by' ' Older •Ill'PleY; who Suffered.* .serintia Strike be ..came to Canada at the Age , Of . doctor tirtii entoCit!illli- 6Plidic eett,and who h6'liildltbedrolaycle. .,resicie4e, ,as iPae. Of the pioneer grp- about three weeks . age, was reported :nine, , ,..4.thi„ itig,illaretite,.. who, oat . oyterian • Ministers in. LuCknoW- and last weektoShownl,littie-change settled, near 'Guelph and. Tater.mide ' there 'himself On :Sunday 'When the •South .: Kinloss 'churches. 'Rev; car*1 in his .celiditiOn: ' their' Way to • the Queen's -htiali, fractured. bones were r4et• ! eron was inducted into '•Kinloss in , There • were nine t hi a of ladies ienrneST Whichat:that,time teokthein .; It was exactly i Sig yearS to the 1372, where he '`.nreiched .in 'both ., days. They settled on the botin- WdenYs 'tittriccielddeanttelYs!!Ikeielledllubeeyi!!i,ithnle•e-idiliesr,• .f:71°i* i'llia ' aelit'' and. fOr: the ' ' - ' ” ' ' • ' • ' &Arr. east; 0 ' Liickiiew,:' Where Mr. - • - in attendance at the Charity bridge Keeltidz•;itiet, on thholitintesd,oafv.*:er,ienWint..„•,i,hee,', • oolies ;.grew to teeeheed .iii.d. eilFt,yr Pbhearr. gi,ne . threprii. i, calletibcotiTviruisewill:sic.'h;ostit'lriig;Ice benefit of village '..:Yeilleautret.'68eirtinecs'll.eii4 , c6thil-e 'It :quilt •which 'Wes raffled othe Pirdo..; 1..tvri,n9l,lernet;riksbliat.6, Nvi.liillt,S):011kisuiiptiftetin".: ainn:' , brothtt , by. a year, suffered :a, .,:fii,c.7, mfirLteniatie?ets, itiwgi.wpgitiocne,boitn:. over Chas. °,.il'e'115.tst', Ceeda ',being 1pr beneVolent. MirpeSei, tured limb last year. . on • the .2ria :concession of Kinloss. : Year, in 1373, "The ' Tittle Frame. 74'1... 4,'il• b. 17,- Mr7. 'NYni'' P4tte°1is` .' ' There they lived Until about thirty . .. .„ . • MUSICAL FESTIVAL IN . .. , Csetiaireaht"Ritt'":011fu.ilttheian 7.Ceee:iiegSr!g. atTiet '.$ .r)RiIIN'i Gft'I'Sd.,A1‘41°P.°1-'icS°•ve'rhr eY°71.1r6 MW :‘i'inuetsl'ksiratsg!). ' when Ilteitne tlivieY11 nigeend. northof'11.'ef'• . / MAY AT TEESWATES ErOnl Kinloss followed in 1881 and .:fioti:lulteciseqvEula7iiiititstYu.se.,:io.twtsieAub.,Nibuee.,t;ucizpailh...rei,1°/..t,h,:rehn.l.e: tr,..1.1es:Tec!-'1,1.,4:i'tb:e'deril!i'air.:-'1r;IL,8- 'o,ot theire ' . , ,,,,, . . • • • • %,.,4. N. It. depot, wriere they since • .0 ,,,......_.: „ • . , heCaine. known as Knox Chtirch,. with Festival Will . this year be .' lield in • 'HON4Ver At 04.. time there was ,i .. • • TE,AtirL.E..ciL, i,,RKE.., ;gi,,, onteti *as's. faithful MeMber • The annual; Bruce CotintY,MUSieal ReV".•,tainertin'the 'Pastor. , inY iii. Teelliatei%':At'A recent meet- 'St .. AP'dreNirIS •P0411iSterinn •C°I.'gie'''. The CitiZens'tSand provided Music of,the'LueknOW 'Presbyterian church. . ing of '-'.tbe.'eormilittee in charge, the 'gatien, Wit* was organized, in 187.1for lir, aid7timeshate in .Ripley" on and,Matil it heart condition2prevented syllitiMs. Of tea .idekesi .Was tili.Ongod ahd whose hieniberi • worshipped . in wednegdai last. .Bove4eCn ,a1USicians hint, he. arid Mrs.. dillies :were ever , , and may • now be had litiiri ',. fi,ie ,. be- 'the Temperance Hall,until the eree- and two ,:taniotergi ,o4ide the .trip hi utaseilt 'at the morning Service. set - choirs, r'urall Iclitirall choirs, • ‘;41114COr Knox congregatiOn Was organiZed,` nearin,,,.:- four A.M.when they arrived tier which haVe never been reco ded, ranged for town ,and Village church .McNahb. the paStOr, itt• the tinie the drift; oh the ret.urn 'journey. It was of his, experiences as n' Pliineer get - town - and rural'. school choruses, and 'Realizing. that the ex st nee . f Partment of .Agrioiiiture. at 'Walker. don.: bt.' .:"The Steno' Church", now the tomtit,- aria ,*igh , and .struck. heavy. ,`..' Tints, in hia passing another link ten: Spedial elartSes ' hare ,beeti. ", sr: Catholic ' Church, With ' R. John -roads, ,ao the resnit of it Freund with the .Past is seVered. and, InanY, , , .... . , . , will go with him to the grave. . , • 'Clioruses, . ,. , ' Otiittefition,,,,lield. here, stsi 'MebItili.,.iin . Could not continue*. the Pastors 'MeS- Stitees6014 Piano ' ill4eiii.. ' : • children*. seven Of ' whom Survive ' , ittog Misa. Jame MacKenz, a Studen.t 1 with their itied ail," ,sorisi4to moti; , ,„ the Village. , .TIOPPitatittj. one „daughter, Mrs. , .Moore;‘,',,_oft To 'tliia.' 'union' Were liOrn' . eleven : • Junior Fanner and junior institute two • Congregations in •-,. the; villag9e, bock' ill: ''':' .' '''' - -4' 1.0,4' ".41,, p v,i, , ' • Death on Sunday ,eame '•t° : . • . .. • Mr. George Gillies, and parted he nd his aged wife, who just a few 7 -Weeks before, 'on.. JanUary.'1.5t1i, had. . New •Spring,',Undergarmentsfor Woren end children, THE MARKET: STORE, WILL TAKE PARIS� . 'ENGLAND Advances_ Plan- For Park Improvement Suggests Expenditure Of. $600., TWO • Thirds TO Be Borne BY Govern' nienteUtider4fientP-1-01-m4 n -t - Werke Program •-••••••-•-- 'Mr; Stuart E. .Robertson has , ad- vanced a plan t various organiza- tions in tli4 :town whereby Work of improvement on the Caledonian Park bill. could be accomplished with the Dominion and ProVincial: Monte each bearing one-third of the cost of the. work. Itobertaiti suggests raising $200' 40calIY which would., be aug- nierited by the Government grants to $600. The Fire Cenipany, has expres- sed willingness to Contribute $40 and there are funds to the credit of the extinct • choral societc, which, could, he, used and As Well,: with probable cottributions from other 'local Or- gand it village giant, it , is ,thought little diffictiltY ' be experienced in, .raising"' $200 locally. The fillingof the ,gulley In the' hill and terracingit,iS the proposed work as Well as planting spruce trees, Which are on hand around the top and sides of the hilL.The work Would entail no .expenditure • for •aupnhes or Materiel ,and the *bele Puna Would be spread,ardund., =Ong local team - St andclabererit, taking' in, the he- ' Ernest Hairaa of.Wingbani, has 'resigned as rector of the :Ang- „licaniChureh in that town and sir- •'130aes •.after taster, taking a parish in his nativecountry of. Cheshire, England. This information Mr. • Hari, • himself tenveyed ,to an out.ef-tOWn •readerof the Review., it le* weeks ago, But ,the former iiiiihanri rector also Said that he (tia not plan. to .naake England his permanent .home. He. thought well Of Canada And he Would' likely return, to. active cleri-cal . Werk in this country. ---Durham RevieW:. •' Bargains in Hosiery and Gloves , for men, :women • RUA children -THE 'MARKET STORE.' ' r.? , In 'ClintOn.pUblirjfija.1 -tapi.::_t„---: ---iiii-'-: - v..../firdter--was-. ..„,„ ,• 'Velifilait'.240,,a WM .1*AS horn to 'the' COiiii81 on titeilatiV ittglit; but ' • ,Mi And. Mrs'. ' Wittaoti • Webster .' Of WaS • laid' x.eVer• for ii special..meeng , --'8taiireY-ToWashiP,•,.----tle-jPgaat..liVed .at whiCh Mr. Ittihe*en Will be :ask - only a short time and prised- P;Vai OA ,to'7iitteria:Xiiiirelitibts-lor 00V-- 11,he 'Same day. W, ataon. 'is: 'the:. '8'6 h •O't 'efnirldn t grants': in this` .. regard 'Must . . ' Mr, and Mrs, 'Robert; W.OtitItOt Of be ' :made, ' through, the :IVItinidipal. ,--101iiiteli and fOrinerly i, 'Of' Villa COM.' ' doiiifeil ittid. ' the tettuetit. iiiiist • be. 0 lorwatiei, WItiii#4:14W,, .,, • : • the ITO:heat:Tail Or tem it p -win trophy and. 'else the, Mal church choir shield. Thia'' year with "the, con- test A0-=faliorably:located • aa far a' this ,,toininunity is 'concerned, tobe hoped, thet,Sorne effort is made ort have LuchnOW represented *with in 01. ,!:4t00),,lase'. ••-•.• later the"congregation had erected their new. church as. it stands '.to.:" 1886 after 14,Years of faithful Per, His' wife died a :Short tiin� proF_w,i49 .• 7 1 n erm, Ettiot Withf'firlit Ott ti•triiiiii of ,$2-tyri;'misMacKenrie. was 6 pupil Of MiSJ G. IL Smith. • tE,;,-.14,,114,1- Alec, all Of whomreside In the ,States• „ hi the West!. • One child id in infancY; And' One daughter• -T-rs-.H*M.--;:Vislier.,,aild IWO sons', john. Messrs. W' ere engaged .on Friday and Monday and • George, pred04eased,, 3 el ..aritson$ out ow ;Ao got st‘\thor, " " ;.4171 „ . „ 1 4•••