HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-03-01, Page 8• "A,. .. • for March 1st, 2nd and 3 0,0 TIN • • • • • / * • ;*! • • t,/ t •lOc 1fAccARONI‘Filt•TtIc-,;.5; 1,4lS• , ••• • ;,•••'.4, ...'• • ; .• •,‘• • • • • ••‘; 4.44e- "Ourr.s. I'ORK AND BEANS,.LB. CAN 2' FiOlt 1111. M.T4 '4)9W& BEANS,. „MO.**. 2. CANS. ' HEINTZ. 'CATSUP, -1440g ; ' .•: , •••• •••••• -pER1014,4 • •:•,•49p, , 1415; ••• "' 25c' GSA:MAU, .0?R***.09u*N".i$Alk coEt4i, -.VAACY• .24 to.Z,' 'JAR.' PEANUT. BuTT4'.,E* , ,•; 4 . 27 '0,4. 44.1l,..4WPArt MIXED PICKLES• xo'c GOOp, • cooKm..p. RICE, 4;..B% ,.„ .25c OCcok•-*Illi*,. .2 ; LB.% • • • .• • • • • • • • • • t't t BARs, cAarrita SO» • 25; • 8.,49114140:1fOILE:s.7,1941PiER. • ; • ; •••*• . • • • 4.:.• • .25c, • IGiODBRICH UNEMPLOYED 4 -HOLD 'FIRST -MEETING • , • The first meeting of unemployed to be held- in this' town, says a press report from Goderiel, was called, but 310,4 what, occii,red, if- an/thing, is not definitely known, for reporters Were asked to leave. the hall before LANGSIDA.. Langaide WoMen'S Prasby• terien MissionarY Society held their February meeting at the, tome �i MS ' Mary Strome.• Mrs. J. B. Morrison spent Sunday with,. Mr. and Mrs R. Tiffin.,, • he ineetitig Vie -ter • Before the••:Seetlog was pilled o. dozen', Or ;it: o":,:Sat..14.ro.'0a47. they said y they Were ',WstiOnlefor ChOle*Teinin : ley,: , Bruen." stfeat,, , who. .. preauntablY • had oilled,-.the,'":7'Meetine: There. was ,‘ "O. printed adverUsing distributed. •Vt!bia:11f*taraMley7arrived-'hei•-asked the' reper*raAo' leave. • ' • , ,.?,441.1qtea: just what was up, one: man' „ . explained thatr /rood, rations : being inattect by the welfare !. board' lackcd In gualfty .an Miantitythe latter. .In• *OW: of ..'itise• in Pod, prices. Which resy be aired before" the wel- fare board Monday • „ Welfare said. ,t Mt. , ¶L'waniley had :been notified thikt,".he wu to'bn,:;en tanite "he did not have residenee - Otialitletitiene .'Aer,O.:"Dificiali-l.did not take tngseriously. • . , . t, ast ntotreimd-F'ebrutity •• 'Pairtitheret69.fitt're ; 3r 1V-Mry Reynolds 7&87 ,•• **.#01';,'.Carratheitei,', ;, George jr4., - '• Jr. •iirt•lintitir. Carte 55 • • •••'•***Lilliatt-", tartuthera' • . • , .„ ..„„. • ..Arthttr---:tWiteeleit:Ls.80.6.6.;L41,‘,Roliert Parke* 04d6, Lave,ie fair Thole ..marked"",Witit;:tan:;eateris,k, have _ , heen,4liserit jor.an, eXaminatiOn... on, rid'. . . 'Lettere E. MacDonald "-What's the ideal of the Cheens iaving}eii-1essonsV' ' `"TheY'vedadoPted a French baby, tnd ; they -Want to understand what it says when it • -begins to talk. • and George spent Sunday'Avith ross friends. Lktre*Nalv sititirt NAL rosbytortim. Y. W. T4e, YW4. 7,r. as lloct.*• t't40 tioOi„e of thrl• :Jewitt 'With a,• geed atten- dance., The 'MPOifig Opened . with bYinO: 197 nd 10s. Mili led in 13Wgri ing. ,Bpsinese. was then transactet and * hymn, -.bong, The Bible atudy . • was 'conducted by ,Mrs. C. Mac, Donald „. and ifiSs.: Vera '.Sherriff, coo -7: tritboted a solo:with Mrs, Jack ,Se, Kendrick, at the: piano. The topic by Miss=Fern Reid and a ,,reading tr; Mrs. Jewitt was Much .appreciated. 1ymn...294, Was Anng, and the 'meeting.; clesedt Ivith Prayer by biro., Harry' Anderson. s' " • PresbYterian Guild 'The 'reader meeting of, the Guild was opened with the usual exercises, the scripture being read by Miss Rena MacDonald; A, solo' by Miss Winnifred Johnston followed,. • and Helen MacDonald gave a short read- ing. • Messrs, Frank MacKenzie and BexfOrd Ostrander gave an instrii- nental duet.' • Following the •duet, iffelea Orr gave a, recitation., The ▪ at her - riff; Mr. ALTO..rr and Mir.' '5-77.: worth played a Wind 'instrument duet ,accompanied by Miss Smith on the Plane. The collection -.was, taken , up at.td hymn number 666Y brought the meeting to a close. , Last., Monday evening the opm meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the hall. The program. I A IIDINE WI OUP Lockenw Fails. To Keep UP WW1" eiing Pace That PO Them In The Lead In First Period-"•HinCardinc ..„ Scored Si, ,Goals In "Second Period . • • • • 'In, a, andden death 'game Aipley, on Tharsdarnight; Kincardine hand4' ed .the LacknOvi-squad an 11 to, 4 ( beating and. )3y virtue of .their; captured', groan ' hoaork.,`` and :the right to 'continue on 'in the fiemi:l• aals for; the ,Bruce 'League ehanj- pionship exeePt for. Pr9-1.7 bahlg` ayi ,odd, exhibition 2garne,. can now hang,ap the: skates for the Sea- son:, ".- .• ' - '...0Perting upIrt•-the first Period' the local- • squad ,Set 4 a' withering Pace With fast Combination Plays'leatur. „ing• their. attack, which. time, and again beat the Kincardine defensive and Carried' the play' right in on:top, of Pord who gave' a brilliant dis- play and although only three :goals were scOred against him, in this, period, he 'turned' -aside.. 4 d0 -en mere threats from close in that 15, Two -of the t ree goals were the 'result, of combination'. plays with Kenny Cameron, • " laying ; over neat passes on 'both Occasioni. to .DThug. Notice,. who netted . the' rubber.. The 'hilt :gear clone from' Bill • 70o• ,s, stick, who picked: ap the disc • 'Slie stepped out Of the penalty' box ,and-' skated' in to rifle a 'shot Oast Fotd..tucknow had.easily mei cent." of the -play in this per-- 'od nd' had an easy time -rf it in the net, Kincardine's only I ' , gorl• in this period •• Was. .an- easy one, ikhich . 'was'scored On shot -consisted of songs, musical numbers ande. debate "Which Makes the best housekeeper or homemaker, the. lin; tidy „good" natured, - woman •o the particular'tidy ',Crank: The:allirin.„Nvis Swirling and Miisa Orace- Ri•chardson.::' give the -Paper prepared by Mrs 'V h was unable to be present -The ner, -tive :wag upheld- by Miss, Merle • and Misa-"Mite: Wightnian • , gave tb Paper , prepared. Terriftr...B.N.,. 'Wile', was 'unable to be present -The judges; Miss Olive .:Kennerly„ •'Watt and ,-Mrs; Charlie Cillesnii, gave tlie r decision , • after.' inadh 'Consideration to the 'affir- , mative side The ieinainder Of • the evening was spent in dancing. : • and • rs.• George . Harkness and....Reeba ' anent Sunday with lir .11,m0,trs. :Victor -Emerson:" • At Vietoria Chtirelt,. • corner of Midland' slid' Annette -Sts Trott, '�nSetuiday, 1FebruarytlOth, Albert only amt.' Or ItIr; rs;-.Ge°- •flerkneSa,;-tangaide; t� : Jeanne, • eld- est :'"daughter, of Ur.'and Mro. Mer. bOugal 22[4 Laughton Aire. ...T_oron- to, by/rev: Dr 11/Icnittel• - -•ASHFIELD. CIRCUIT:: fervices next Sunday,are .•e's; 1,1'. a.m.; Ilacketts; Zion 4.06. p.m. Subject ."THE -MIR- ROR OFTHE. CROSS"., -CRAZY WATER CBYSTALS-aI new Price of $1.0 at F. PA.TERSON'S DRUG STORE. W.• Grout, 'Meets t. " • The • first meeting Of Mrs. Tnri er's group of the . Vivo/Dews Asset- iietion of the 'United Church, ":r- et if her IreMe on Thursday s;:afterrOan wit a 'splendid 'attendance DiSetii-# a�n ort.' the work 'ef the. group an(3 the election', of. officers, constituted the chief :matters: •dealt ynth. The following officeits were •. elected; ;Lender,. "Mrs. . Turner! AsS't. lender: Mrs. 'W. ',Henderson; Sec'y., .Mrs.. R. E. „Smith; :Treas., :14rs: Burps; Visit- itg Com:, Mrs, Jack • Ilendersort 4-rs.. McCann*, Mrs McInnes; • Re Misa. McGregor, Mrs. Grant McDiarmkL,Mrs. RicharcIS,. Mrs.. Harver,Acicert, :Mrs: W. L. ,Mc- ArnizieLProgr_ar,n....som.,_ Mrs:, Free,-,,, James Webster (Ashfield!. Mrs. W. ..iferiderSion%1VIrs.'Trelea- ven, pianist, Mi • Martha 1000iill :Press. ,rePor ' , Mrs. .. R. , ThornpacM: A .debcsoidItmch was served by th hostess.' . next-,--,meetitig111--; be- hold at Mrs. R. E. &kith's. on M • 27t14 United, Church Y P 8• • The 'Young, People's meeting held _on' Motiday:-evening with MisS *Iola ,prosidine-Th-e'opining hymn was 2•followed • by --the Lord'. prayer in Unison. character_ "Samuel" was taken 133.1 Bob 14aeltenzie and • the • Scripture readint--Wee:tgiVen_lby-41ildred chie. ReV, S. 'T Tucker led in Prayer after which., the Devotional period concluded .With .hymn 162...Margarnt Vitehie, then • took • Charge of the meeting and the following prOgra ,was preaented; piano Sole; Donald Thompson violin solo, Nellie • MSc:. accoManpied by Misii tiVr• Johnston at the piano; •tonie •"pow,. theLiCsiler Line?", :Miss 'Kerry, and. read 'by Hanle TbOmPSOO and Katherine MaeKenzie. The Meeting. closed singing-hyr r reAsating_ahe.4MizPa diction.' The Christian: Vellowshi ;Com.. are arranging. a tong service to he held next -Sunday after the everting service;'' to which 'everyon; is ,invited. , I Ai. , *1'r4.10t, lvtAIten tot, 1W.: Teinpletons,eolebrAte. the, goo . presenting savings in a 1ass by thc.msOrc,!' ..p01.41.$,...•• for.' MEN' $ BROADCLOTH SHIRTS • •'Only a few timesa, year are the Jantour Forsyth Shirts oir, ered at reduced PriceO, these ,smartly "tailorid English Breed- : clOth Shirts, Sanforized shnink. Collar. attacked, Plain White ENGLISH' BROADCLOTH HOLEI'ROOF HOSE • Val 2 nePat'ate-• Collars. Reg, $2.00 . .. 'nOr., 1hadekl••,-Sorri.paCei.NaTridED•CkirGffEeacorterGeig4tT.,77eiat 467" NY*, season's riVegt. Pattql19 t t • • • * • • • • • 89c A " F4 With every dress C aE;1 ,:00. or ovr, A Simplicity Pattern will:be give free yoiir oWik, hOicer and size• 10% DISCOT.ifsif On 011 'Codi noi'adiertised'• 'peCial A Saving - ,On every iiiotel#se•-• e:Tn.'p leton Cent a Mile --Round Trip--Bajain Fares OM LUCKNONV, from the blue line. , The second • period was .only a ,9Ouple of minutes old, when , Clarke 'Arld Ti10111pSpn .ciditijAnetl; With' the latter. scoring, to ''put the locals three, goals. OP arid give -t em looked like a. • corninanding, lead. From, ,then on, imwever, the story ,wal different :•Before the period bad ended, 'Kincardine had "rfln in Six qoa1s:antl1ie-score.--stood-1--,16-4-in f-beifavor. :The locals Wbo a per- iod.befere had literally .skatedc,,thei'r- opPonente into the jeep in this period -. reLackoemsip.dleetrsel_y. disorgani,s:ed, and ',looked hdpiess againat • the 'attack * ' • • .This• scoring bee in, -the econd neried and the ultirna co Oshawa, -Kingsionortisbarg,,'Li ' dsay,. "l'eterboto, Newniair- ket. ' ' , M,id I,a n d, Gravenhurst; ' Bracebridge; See • Hand • bills .for complete details. To'Toronto 'andmany lo - a1 points east • north or •• west - of Lticknbr.,. T)eketS,-. farcS,,-return-litnits,-trein•-serviee and-7all -Information:- , • from Agents. •. CANADIAN' NATIONAL ous 60 -minute hockey Match; the ., :.. • • • . -outcome of. -which was not- enhanced 1)y an 11 to 4 defeat, . in thead- 'death group • championship . garlic 'tkith Kincardine, . ' - .,..'• ' • ":. , .• It, mins. like ..this. ' The . financial standing ,Of.,_the focal clab, did' no permit making the. trip to. Ripe '\ by.: train i'''which entails' .the' • ekneose. of bf)tel; Meals a a .sleeping 'quarters. '6:n.d., •thu.s.' it • Wasaecessary„ for. the . , . . secolktinr thiS Season; to make the • 4nil ,,sleightt-over"roads-,---that;•iare4ile'd FAIL. With ' 'snoW,,..Whi CR, made'progresS slower than penal at the best. .,••, , It is ...no • easy „Matter to secure ,a teamster. Willing tneonvey a loid; -rnitriberu,,,ing'716 iternile'eFtliatTdiStatICe- ' and return, but '..t. was Bill- L3.',911s , who consented toMake, the,,trin last ' k .,TheYnl yers arrived m.,.Rip, y after 'a, two it -C-4. and.1,..0. half- tri p • eliteani tha Was plainly tired at, ...was a -.resplt1.• eoinhination iatrs was, aQcrdingto then,,'dn:e to. the following :: Failure • of jlle fet- -wOr4a__19L40.11 hack7tathert-4hao j.o,rnF.rt •,•kfter • lOoing, the: play;: one lone defense nian'on rpard on numerousoccasions ; a ,few easy goals; and :last ',,blitrot least, -minute Penalties 'which. were . hand- out,..for. no7-apparerit.relson, witli , OW of fOot;toolo being scoted ',One tueknOW,plaYor's were :,ser;ving tirne•' .GOing 'into the thIrd'' peried;:• the. .• tO'calle -staged a 'Persistent ,attack !ori the Kincardine...net', but stv•ithoUt re- --tilt's., Kincardine "managed to seore Another: goal: .-1Irr the , ..dyttig mtio4tds:: 0. 'the tr,e; with the en- 1t:f0Jteltnas;r-ternsidyinenv;--Ki 7 'ardin broke away` 'On three.,,oeca, giant. in •rapict muticasaien and had when 'right in on the,.:net: :-Cal7S1Prc •,ie"ofred.... feint goils, , I Nactoonald and Bennett 2 each; .'ond • 8,, IlilieDepald; .McGaw -"and ,BirtroWs;' '1, 00h. ,BoWera handled: the . game and nanee4 out thirteen • 'Penalties:, the' teed's drawing eight, .:Agnew ettitig 'three; Thompson 'and. Bill Henderson two each ,and MacDeriald one. With. few excentiOns-did any .of these Penalties apPeat .tri :de, , • • • . ierVed.: It is not Our intefltio t� make. ilibis fet ;the.'defeat., 'Kincardine .haa i,.trneioth !Working tenni' and 'a Well Salm-iced :Squad fromy the vialtender tfy thelr seCond' forward - line. :AS 'a ,v-holeHhey are a ''''sttonger,,.tealp,•"and Won what, they, rightly; deservedto; the Orono honers, and. , thote'§. not' plan on the' tern* who` doee- ti't wish them ,SuCeess in their (pest. fOri thel Bruce League cheinpionshipt •"LelinOW -,Goal--yinlaySon; • de- fense --Agnew, Thomption rind '.; Xe-- Ceriney' centie..---MCDOMildt• *fife _Campton And Clarke; a :=4-M• Benderson,• genderson • and St . . • • ' Kinearditie..Goal. , Ford; 'defense, rhirrows, MCGAT, Grahain: 'forwarrip ,Intherkind. .Canktick: S. ManDonahl. §tewart, C MacDonald"' end Benue* . .. • DiStrihuting signs, Viten* town and ltiring.tt. brass band to .drum up ' . CustOMeis ,far, •,your bargains, ,Mr. Merchant,. Weald not bring one-third the 'results that ',cttutslbe, obtained wlth a .4w dollar? invested for .AdVertuung ucknow Spnt ine People look to oar cOltimaa fOr • „ , ."nrews", of the district and to our • ad coliintna yotir,,„ , introit*. SO why' not ,,make :Sentinel yoar. 4%6 riaotmatiOtt , • . ,Itareaut" - EX -MEMBERS OF 160111 • BATTALION PLAN 'REUNIOT!' , Mr. Thos. Johnston of :0Wet Sound was in town last: Week • lo' eating. ,,ex-..-neeiribers• of ,the 1.500 Brace Battalion. A re -union' IS beim' plannedfor next" Jab?. Walk .• ertrni and .a 'Anal edition of. "Bruer:i. in-4thaki" therrnagazine. nabliShee in DnOand, will be "'published. book will be Of very treat 'inter's' t� .the pe,O.ole Irttoec000tit. • I will contain, a histork:of the.: Bat talion up util the' time , it.. way broken !up in England, a comPletE 'nominal toll Of those ''who were killed in action, wornided and those 'AO Were fortunate enough to to • "ttirn, There' Will also he ,Photos':01 iicrest. to every one and Other features. • Mr.' Johnston Nv4i-, editor of'•'""Bruce:-/in-Khaki"' -• over- seas and 'the. 'final edition" is beim. looked ,forward to with intuit.' inter, est. 4.1,1 ex-ineinbers ..if .the, -Irak?) h4ave,:ti. been bjteim 14,4,,ve ' Oita' 41144th St Wst, t)Wen SoUnd • tOakirt46 AIWA n --tlfieike-seeds‘ II6Wer until the seoblid year: 1., took that into tonsiderati, They 'are left iear's seeds." eve Tvvil hear§ te.travel 'Sixmi1ec, the reninial:110' flv nii1c eeVe):ed o1n feet, hir iSeS 'the retarn .trip Of the LUClino:W, boeltey .toain fttOmEl ploy 'lest Thursday night; StrOotr,- d one horse Ian -4 However, with a ree' hour rest an plenty of oats, the horses Started' :herneWar-d as tucks it under his pillow before re= . • tiring, and lands it i‘afely ,back •to, town again: The stidico did yeturn-l-part, of - them. 15 of thein „landed back in town, on Tuesday via ,express col- lect, the charges amounting to '55c.' , SCORING SUMMARY -With-rifincardine-Carrhonors aid_ the yinw-e-kfonp ,Luoknovv hockey. for the• -present is -,• cidfor ex.- edly a 'dead issue, except • olalaing'..tbe last: defeat, and Wng,hoW the OA ;:is going to raise • -sornec-funda7"to--keep, Out Of theTred. - At the start Of the -Seasorithe club '.had difilcaltSe• in...securing •a manager, and at last, ',fell: hack?' `on Vio";TOOk-Tiliarge. of. the •squad 'and in the ..past';:sekidial weeks has devoted Much ti'sein 7ornot•ing—the4aest—let-erests• ;of the midnight aPproached with t eir load reduced to, eleyen- persons, the rc. mainder a the, party, considering etionLwai_the better_part of \valour, remained over to vim: . . :hOtrie by. train. , „ In * 'journey that Seemed endles', 'with the horSes, oroWding,. and mak- ing • slow Pr0gresP',.*:11.9.1Yrood ;Was' reaChed after a two 'bout trio the ' remainirig •-five ) - riilleti.' ernis to take as long' to cover as 'neither , . . ., , • . • tearnster not his pessengers were :Urging on. the ' weary team .. :__, • A short -..digtance sOtith'df-ip,13,7-- . _.. .. . . . rood Ai Niqs, alwarentjlnat one horse eOuld . go no 'farther, and ' .Harvey play- ers, returned: to his father's lionie. for a •fresh • tearn, Bill: unhitched' fillj took hiS ', team' , to : George White's baro a: little..fa ther on, Where they were 'Pat ,' tip f the night.' . The :UeXt'inOrning •.it'' was, ,plain ' the ; one herSe had .0 brb en ' leg; and .16 re., Illexe-;,the unfortu ate 'beast, it was Itilled:r. .' "'' ' . " :: ' • , While the ' new team was being sectirett.ieven atthe laid Set ,out On foot„ four of ivhoto ,reached • tOwn about three 0,1n. that': inerning; a' few Minutia ahead, Of the team and sleigh *ith iks' rernaining load and the".„three' stragglers who had beer piked up ..enro fe. • • ) , , iiii'MTP! iioNci S DEIPAR'i' ATD'pp iv. 8tIcKs , ...7,-, Ndt Satisfied 1 with carrYing hOnie group 'honor e na 4., result of their oictory over .1.4,13eleno*. in, ,Ripl,r ,y1f,' ThlitFidok; t:ttineardine players ltirinorte.rS, it is .claimed, carried oft LAI eknoles; bundle', , of • hoekeY stickt,,, which tifirribeitee'sOM6 25 or O. The Kincardine', Ciith, facing the Bruer.* SetniLlinit series rather financially, einbartatiked: .1: Prebably considered they eouid. \tee, ..te clubs to better i'di,rtititago;' than thAr ileiektea i'A'V,,,4```‘ 11' 44.4..',:, qllei : 6. .',a ' '041143t1, .1?! -Y t)O• r Urtiedi, an•far.,at time Of writ lag Mondar I 1 t111 elnikPient Olia• by ,Ita abiente.% Wellington Me.- hey:toVe'r. W&It te. the Lalceside (;r rh1tetigUe Anal genie ilierc‘xd Wanderifl CY4 m tho ehISIVe peek." fl so; bereft hoping he tern)", and the players generally' have heen wefl satisfied 'with, his manage- ment Kincardine proved "tough .e.poosition - and in two garne jr• that , toWn, • • Lucknow. lt7C-nifThir-s-FS "r"174-77-7-7.- 2 and 2 to 1. They;handed the Like - side 'team a 5 to 3, and an '8 to 6 defeat' in their. two appearances, berO In the nine leaglie games,: consist7 ing of .8 scheduled gaineS and playoff • gime; Lucknow',scored • a foal of 43 koals- and had CI goals chalked up, against -• them. The ' Scoring .honors were 115 folle-te-L-D' ritigar141cel2L-79.91-§4', Kenny. Cameron 8; Archie lVfacDOth- ald.„ Bill Henderson: 5;4„,...A# • Cartney 3;, Cam. ' Thortipson •' -Stewart-C.6'5i' eron goals. in 5 games; And, Orr, .1 goal, in 2 gamea "' WINGIIAM DEFAULTS -• Ninghara• and Tecswater, tied, for. roup honors the 'Prato Leagne.:' . , _ upon . the'of; .• „double , , 1;obednle , of games; ceiiimenredribe 'layoff's' .loat.• week, On :ThefidaY; 7 Winghani '• Won at home ,bY 0 ocore qf: t�2, but defaulted the ,return frame to be played the !end of: tbe • Week. Kincardine'now - Meets •Tees-. water, in the Seini-finals: • • StOppAter • After hanging 'fire :fdr. nearly a, month, the assituli• 'Charge against 'Bob Stoddart ,Gederfch hockey plaY- er, was withdraWri Saturday at the. request; Of the ' cOmplainant, Arnold , Doak, a innier player whe suifered a doable fracture of the jaw, allege- dly 'from a blow from Stoddart'S' -fist: ina gams on January 26.: Magis7, trate Reid.; eXiilacned that the cinted had paid, ail eoSts 'few dLyttfter thealle.geitaa. seta', tin attempt wns' :,in'adb to Settle,'• w nitIleent'efo6P4;Oaittsil', bantitiin'Petegtrag4 --11,10 • k, ma ion and thought .14140.*a,S. to ' I "rafre, ,filO•ev, My olin...tlibitts that In the ddrtirrie *. • •