HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-03-01, Page 8• "A,.
.. •
for March 1st, 2nd and 3
0,0 TIN • • • • • / * • ;*! • • t,/ t •lOc
1fAccARONI‘Filt•TtIc-,;.5; 1,4lS• , ••• • ;,•••'.4, ...'• • ; .• •,‘• • • • • ••‘; 4.44e-
"Ourr.s. I'ORK AND BEANS,.LB. CAN 2' FiOlt
1111. M.T4 '4)9W& BEANS,. „MO.**. 2. CANS. '
HEINTZ. 'CATSUP, -1440g ; ' .•: , •••• ••••••
-pER1014,4 • •:•,•49p,
, 1415; ••• "' 25c'
GSA:MAU, .0?R***.09u*N".i$Alk coEt4i,
-.VAACY• .24 to.Z,' 'JAR.' PEANUT. BuTT4'.,E* , ,•; 4 .
27 '0,4. 44.1l,..4WPArt MIXED PICKLES• xo'c
GOOp, • cooKm..p. RICE, 4;..B% ,.„ .25c
OCcok•-*Illi*,. .2 ; LB.% • • • .• • • • • • • • • • t't t
BARs, cAarrita SO» • 25;
• 8.,49114140:1fOILE:s.7,1941PiER. • ; • ; •••*• . • • • 4.:.• • .25c,
• ,
• The first meeting of unemployed
to be held- in this' town, says a press
report from Goderiel, was called, but
310,4 what, occii,red, if- an/thing, is
not definitely known, for reporters
Were asked to leave. the hall before
Langaide WoMen'S Prasby•
terien MissionarY Society held their
February meeting at the, tome �i
MS ' Mary Strome.•
Mrs. J. B. Morrison spent Sunday
with,. Mr. and Mrs R. Tiffin.,, •
he ineetitig Vie -ter
• Before the••:Seetlog was pilled o.
dozen', Or ;it: o":,:Sat..14.ro.'0a47. they said
y they Were ',WstiOnlefor ChOle*Teinin
: ley,: , Bruen." stfeat,, , who. .. preauntablY
had oilled,-.the,'":7'Meetine: There. was
,‘ "O. printed adverUsing distributed.
the' reper*raAo' leave. • '
• ,
,.?,441.1qtea: just what was up, one:
„ .
explained thatr /rood, rations : being
inattect by the welfare !. board' lackcd
In gualfty .an Miantitythe latter.
.In• *OW: of ..'itise• in Pod, prices.
Which resy be aired before" the wel-
fare board Monday
Welfare said. ,t Mt.
¶L'waniley had :been
notified thikt,".he
wu to'bn,:;en
tanite "he did not have residenee
Otialitletitiene .'Aer,O.:"Dificiali-l.did not
take tngseriously.
• . , .
ntotreimd-F'ebrutity ••
3r 1V-Mry Reynolds 7&87
**.#01';,'.Carratheitei,', ;, George jr4.,
'• Jr. •iirt•lintitir. Carte 55
• •
•••'•***Lilliatt-", tartuthera'
• . • , .„ ..„„. •
Parke* 04d6, Lave,ie fair
Thole ..marked"",Witit;:tan:;eateris,k, have
_ ,
heen,4liserit jor.an, eXaminatiOn...
on, rid'. .
'Lettere E. MacDonald
"-What's the ideal of the Cheens
iaving}eii-1essonsV' '
`"TheY'vedadoPted a French baby,
tnd ; they -Want to understand what
it says when it • -begins to talk.
and George spent Sunday'Avith
ross friends.
Lktre*Nalv sititirt NAL
rosbytortim. Y. W.
T4e, YW4. 7,r. as lloct.*• t't40 tioOi„e
of thrl• :Jewitt 'With a,• geed atten-
dance., The 'MPOifig Opened . with
bYinO: 197 nd 10s. Mili led in
ing. ,Bpsinese. was then transactet
and * hymn, -.bong, The Bible atudy
. •
was 'conducted by ,Mrs. C. Mac,
Donald „.
and ifiSs.: Vera '.Sherriff, coo -7:
tritboted a solo:with Mrs, Jack ,Se,
Kendrick, at the: piano. The topic by
Miss=Fern Reid and a ,,reading tr;
Mrs. Jewitt was Much .appreciated.
1ymn...294, Was Anng, and the 'meeting.;
clesedt Ivith Prayer by biro., Harry'
Anderson. s' " •
PresbYterian Guild
'The 'reader meeting of, the Guild
was opened with the usual exercises,
the scripture being read by Miss
Rena MacDonald; A, solo' by Miss
Winnifred Johnston followed,. • and
Helen MacDonald gave a short read-
ing. • Messrs, Frank MacKenzie and
BexfOrd Ostrander gave an instrii-
nental duet.' • Following the •duet,
iffelea Orr gave a, recitation., The
▪ at her -
riff; Mr. ALTO..rr and Mir.' '5-77.:
worth played a Wind 'instrument duet
,accompanied by Miss Smith on the
Plane. The collection -.was, taken , up
at.td hymn number 666Y brought the
meeting to a close.
, Last., Monday evening the opm
meeting of the Women's Institute
was held in the hall. The program.
Lockenw Fails. To Keep UP WW1"
eiing Pace That PO Them In The
Lead In First Period-"•HinCardinc
..„ Scored Si, ,Goals In "Second Period
. •
• •
• 'In, a, andden death 'game Aipley,
on Tharsdarnight; Kincardine hand4'
ed .the LacknOvi-squad an 11 to, 4 (
beating and. )3y virtue of .their;
captured', groan ' hoaork.,`` and :the
right to 'continue on 'in the fiemi:l•
aals for; the ,Bruce 'League ehanj-
pionship exeePt for. Pr9-1.7
bahlg` ayi ,odd, exhibition 2garne,. can
now hang,ap the: skates for the Sea-
son:, ".- .• ' -
'...0Perting upIrt•-the first Period' the
local- • squad ,Set 4 a' withering Pace
With fast Combination Plays'leatur.
„ing• their. attack, which. time, and
again beat the Kincardine defensive
and Carried' the play' right in on:top,
of Pord who gave' a brilliant dis-
play and although only three :goals
were scOred against him, in this,
period, he 'turned' -aside.. 4 d0 -en
mere threats from close in that
15, Two
-of the t ree goals were the
'result, of combination'. plays with
Kenny Cameron, • " laying ; over neat
passes on 'both Occasioni. to .DThug.
Notice,. who netted . the' rubber.. The
'hilt :gear clone from' Bill
70o• ,s, stick, who picked: ap the disc
• 'Slie stepped out Of the penalty'
box ,and-' skated' in to rifle a 'shot
Oast Fotd..tucknow had.easily
mei cent." of the -play in this per--
'od nd' had an easy time
-rf it in the net, Kincardine's only
I ' ,
gorl• in this period •• Was. .an- easy
one, ikhich . 'was'scored On shot
-consisted of songs, musical numbers
ande. debate "Which Makes the best
housekeeper or homemaker, the. lin;
tidy „good" natured, - woman •o the
particular'tidy ',Crank: The:allirin.„Nvis
Swirling and Miisa
Orace- Ri•chardson.::' give the -Paper
prepared by Mrs 'V h
was unable to be present -The ner,
-tive :wag upheld- by Miss, Merle
• and Misa-"Mite: Wightnian
• ,
gave tb Paper , prepared.
Terriftr...B.N.,. 'Wile', was 'unable
to be present -The judges; Miss Olive
.:Kennerly„ •'Watt and ,-Mrs;
Charlie Cillesnii, gave tlie r decision
, •
after.' inadh 'Consideration to the 'affir-
mative side The ieinainder Of • the
evening was spent in dancing. :
• and • rs.• George . Harkness
and....Reeba ' anent Sunday with lir
.11,m0,trs. :Victor -Emerson:" •
At Vietoria Chtirelt,. • corner of
Midland' slid' Annette -Sts Trott,
'�nSetuiday, 1FebruarytlOth, Albert
only amt.' Or ItIr; rs;-.Ge°-
•flerkneSa,;-tangaide; t� : Jeanne, • eld-
est :'"daughter, of Ur.'and Mro. Mer.
bOugal 22[4 Laughton Aire. ...T_oron-
to, by/rev: Dr 11/Icnittel• -
fervices next Sunday,are
.•e's; 1,1'. a.m.; Ilacketts;
Zion 4.06. p.m. Subject ."THE -MIR-
-CRAZY WATER CBYSTALS-aI new Price of $1.0 at F.
W.• Grout, 'Meets
" • The • first meeting Of Mrs. Tnri
er's group of the . Vivo/Dews Asset-
iietion of the 'United Church, ":r- et
if her IreMe on Thursday s;:afterrOan
wit a 'splendid 'attendance DiSetii-#
a�n ort.' the work 'ef the. group an(3
the election', of. officers, constituted
the chief :matters: •dealt ynth. The
following officeits were •. elected;
;Lender,. "Mrs. . Turner! AsS't. lender:
Mrs. 'W. ',Henderson; Sec'y., .Mrs.. R.
E. „Smith; :Treas., :14rs: Burps; Visit-
itg Com:, Mrs, Jack • Ilendersort
4-rs.. McCann*, Mrs McInnes; • Re
Misa. McGregor, Mrs. Grant
McDiarmkL,Mrs. RicharcIS,. Mrs..
Harver,Acicert, :Mrs: W. L. ,Mc-
ArnizieLProgr_ar,n....som.,_ Mrs:, Free,-,,,
James Webster (Ashfield!.
Mrs. W. ..iferiderSion%1VIrs.'Trelea-
ven, pianist, Mi • Martha 1000iill
:Press. ,rePor ' , Mrs. .. R. , ThornpacM:
A .debcsoidItmch was served by th
hostess.' . next-,--,meetitig111--; be-
hold at Mrs. R. E. &kith's. on M •
United, Church Y P 8• •
The 'Young, People's meeting
held _on' Motiday:-evening with MisS
*Iola ,prosidine-Th-e'opining
hymn was 2•followed • by --the
Lord'. prayer in Unison.
character_ "Samuel" was taken 133.1
Bob 14aeltenzie and • the • Scripture
chie. ReV, S. 'T Tucker led in Prayer
after which., the Devotional period
concluded .With .hymn 162...Margarnt
Vitehie, then • took • Charge of the
meeting and the following prOgra
,was preaented; piano Sole; Donald
Thompson violin solo, Nellie • MSc:.
accoManpied by Misii tiVr•
Johnston at the piano; •tonie •"pow,.
theLiCsiler Line?",
:Miss 'Kerry, and. read 'by Hanle
TbOmPSOO and Katherine MaeKenzie.
The Meeting. closed singing-hyr r
diction.' The Christian: Vellowshi
;Com.. are arranging. a tong service
to he held next -Sunday after the
everting service;'' to which 'everyon;
is ,invited.
I Ai.
*1'r4.10t, lvtAIten tot, 1W.:
Teinpletons,eolebrAte. the, goo .
presenting savings in a 1ass by thc.msOrc,!'
..p01.41.$,...•• for.'
•'Only a few timesa, year are the Jantour Forsyth Shirts oir,
ered at reduced PriceO, these ,smartly "tailorid English Breed-
: clOth Shirts, Sanforized shnink. Collar. attacked, Plain White
Val 2 nePat'ate-• Collars. Reg, $2.00 . ..
'nOr., 1hadekl••,-Sorri.paCei.NaTridED•CkirGffEeacorterGeig4tT.,77eiat
467" NY*, season's riVegt. Pattql19 t t • • • * • • • • • 89c
A "
With every dress C
,:00. or ovr, A Simplicity
Pattern will:be give free yoiir oWik, hOicer and size•
10% DISCOT.ifsif On 011 'Codi noi'adiertised'• 'peCial A Saving
- ,On every iiiotel#se•-•
e:Tn.'p leton
Cent a Mile --Round Trip--Bajain Fares
from the blue line. ,
The second • period was .only a
,9Ouple of minutes old, when , Clarke
'Arld Ti10111pSpn .ciditijAnetl; With' the
latter. scoring, to ''put the locals
three, goals. OP arid give -t em
looked like a. • corninanding, lead.
From, ,then on, imwever, the story
,wal different :•Before the period bad
ended, 'Kincardine had "rfln in Six
f-beifavor. :The locals Wbo a per-
iod.befere had literally .skatedc,,thei'r-
opPonente into the jeep in this period -.
reLackoemsip.dleetrsel_y. disorgani,s:ed, and
',looked hdpiess againat • the 'attack
* ' • •
.This• scoring bee in, -the econd
neried and the ultirna
co Oshawa,
dsay,. "l'eterboto, Newniair-
ket. '
, M,id I,a n d, Gravenhurst; '
See • Hand
bills .for
'andmany lo -
a1 points east
• north or •• west -
of Lticknbr.,.
T)eketS,-. farcS,,-return-litnits,-trein•-serviee and-7all -Information:-
, • from Agents. •.
60 -minute hockey Match; the
., :.. • • • .
-outcome of. -which was not- enhanced
1)y an 11 to 4 defeat, . in thead-
'death group • championship . garlic
'tkith Kincardine, . ' - .,..'• ' • ":. ,
.• It, mins. like ..this. ' The . financial
standing ,Of.,_the focal clab, did' no
permit making the. trip to. Ripe
by.: train i'''which entails' .the' • ekneose.
of bf)tel; Meals a a .sleeping 'quarters.
'6:n.d., •thu.s.' it • Wasaecessary„ for. the
. , . .
secolktinr thiS Season; to make the
4nil ,,sleightt-over"roads-,---that;•iare4ile'd
FAIL. With ' 'snoW,,..Whi CR, made'progresS
slower than penal at the best. .,••,
It is ...no • easy „Matter to secure ,a
teamster. Willing tneonvey a loid;
-rnitriberu,,,ing'716 iternile'eFtliatTdiStatICe-
and return, but '..t. was Bill- L3.',911s
who consented toMake, the,,trin last
' k .,TheYnl yers arrived m.,.Rip, y
after 'a, two it -C-4. and.1,..0. half- tri p
• eliteani tha Was plainly tired
at, ...was
a -.resplt1.• eoinhination
iatrs was, aQcrdingto then,,'dn:e
to. the following :: Failure • of jlle fet-
-wOr4a__19L40.11 hack7tathert-4hao
j.o,rnF.rt •,•kfter • lOoing,
the: play;: one lone defense nian'on
rpard on numerousoccasions ; a ,few
easy goals; and :last ',,blitrot least,
-minute Penalties 'which. were . hand-
out,..for. no7-apparerit.relson, witli
, OW of fOot;toolo being scoted
',One tueknOW,plaYor's were :,ser;ving
.GOing 'into the thIrd'' peried;:• the.
tO'calle -staged a 'Persistent ,attack !ori
the Kincardine...net', but stv•ithoUt re-
--tilt's., Kincardine "managed to
seore Another: goal: .-1Irr the , ..dyttig
mtio4tds:: 0. 'the tr,e; with the en-
1t:f0Jteltnas;r-ternsidyinenv;--Ki 7
'ardin broke away` 'On three.,,oeca,
giant. in •rapict muticasaien and had
when 'right in on the,.:net: :-Cal7S1Prc
•,ie"ofred.... feint goils, , I Nactoonald and
Bennett 2 each; .'ond • 8,, IlilieDepald;
.McGaw -"and ,BirtroWs;' '1, 00h.
,BoWera handled: the . game
and nanee4 out thirteen • 'Penalties:,
the' teed's drawing eight, .:Agnew
ettitig 'three; Thompson 'and. Bill
Henderson two each ,and MacDeriald
one. With. few excentiOns-did any .of
these Penalties apPeat .tri :de,
, • • • .
It is not Our intefltio t� make.
ilibis fet ;the.'defeat., 'Kincardine .haa
i,.trneioth !Working tenni' and 'a Well
Salm-iced :Squad fromy the vialtender
tfy thelr seCond' forward - line. :AS 'a
,v-holeHhey are a ''''sttonger,,.tealp,•"and
Won what, they, rightly; deservedto;
the Orono honers, and. , thote'§. not'
plan on the' tern* who` doee-
ti't wish them ,SuCeess in their (pest.
fOri thel Bruce League cheinpionshipt
•"LelinOW -,Goal--yinlaySon; • de-
fense --Agnew, Thomption rind '.; Xe--
Ceriney' centie..---MCDOMildt• *fife
_Campton And Clarke; a :=4-M•
Benderson,• genderson • and St
. . •
' Kinearditie..Goal. , Ford; 'defense,
rhirrows, MCGAT, Grahain: 'forwarrip
,Intherkind. .Canktick: S. ManDonahl.
§tewart, C MacDonald"' end
Benue* .
.. •
DiStrihuting signs, Viten* town
and ltiring.tt. brass band to .drum up '
. CustOMeis ,far, •,your bargains, ,Mr.
Merchant,. Weald not bring one-third
the 'results that ',cttutslbe, obtained
wlth a .4w dollar? invested for
ucknow Spnt ine
People look to oar cOltimaa fOr
• „ ,
."nrews", of the district and to our •
ad coliintna yotir,,„ ,
introit*. SO why' not ,,make
:Sentinel yoar. 4%6 riaotmatiOtt
, • .
, Mr. Thos. Johnston of :0Wet
Sound was in town last: Week • lo'
eating. ,,ex-..-neeiribers• of ,the 1.500
Brace Battalion. A re -union' IS beim'
plannedfor next" Jab?. Walk .•
ertrni and .a 'Anal edition of. "Bruer:i.
in-4thaki" therrnagazine. nabliShee
in DnOand, will be "'published.
book will be Of very treat 'inter's'
t� .the pe,O.ole Irttoec000tit. • I
will contain, a histork:of the.: Bat
talion up util the' time , it.. way
broken !up in England, a comPletE
'nominal toll Of those ''who were
killed in action, wornided and those
'AO Were fortunate enough to to •
"ttirn, There' Will also he ,Photos':01
iicrest. to every one and
Other features. • Mr.' Johnston Nv4i-,
editor of'•'""Bruce:-/in-Khaki"' -• over-
seas and 'the. 'final edition" is beim.
looked ,forward to with intuit.' inter,
est. 4.1,1 ex-ineinbers ..if .the, -Irak?)
h4ave,:ti. been bjteim
14,4,,ve ' Oita'
41144th St Wst, t)Wen SoUnd •
tOakirt46 AIWA n
II6Wer until the seoblid year:
1., took that into tonsiderati,
They 'are left iear's seeds."
Tvvil hear§ te.travel 'Sixmi1ec, the
reninial:110' flv nii1c eeVe):ed o1n feet,
iSeS 'the retarn .trip Of the LUClino:W,
boeltey .toain fttOmEl ploy 'lest
Thursday night; StrOotr,-
d one horse Ian -4 However, with a
ree' hour rest an plenty of oats,
the horses Started' :herneWar-d as
tucks it under his pillow before re=
. •
tiring, and lands it i‘afely ,back •to,
town again:
The stidico did yeturn-l-part, of -
them. 15 of thein „landed back in
town, on Tuesday via ,express col-
lect, the charges amounting to '55c.'
-With-rifincardine-Carrhonors aid_ the yinw-e-kfonp
hockey. for the• -present is -,•
cidfor ex.-
edly a 'dead issue, except •
olalaing'..tbe last: defeat, and
Wng,hoW the OA ;:is going to raise •
-sornec-funda7"to--keep, Out Of theTred.
At the start Of the -Seasorithe
club '.had difilcaltSe• in...securing •a
manager, and at last, ',fell: hack?' `on
of. the •squad 'and in the ..past';:sekidial
weeks has devoted Much ti'sein
7ornot•ing—the4aest—let-erests• ;of the
midnight aPproached with t eir load
reduced to, eleyen- persons, the rc.
mainder a the, party, considering
etionLwai_the better_part
of \valour, remained over to vim:
. .
:hOtrie by. train. ,
„ In * 'journey that Seemed endles',
'with the horSes, oroWding,. and mak-
ing • slow Pr0gresP',.*:11.9.1Yrood ;Was'
reaChed after a two 'bout trio
the ' remainirig •-five ) - riilleti.' ernis
to take as long' to cover as 'neither
, . . ., , • . •
tearnster not his pessengers were
:Urging on. the ' weary team .. :__, •
A short -..digtance sOtith'df-ip,13,7--
. _.. .. . . .
rood Ai Niqs, alwarentjlnat one horse
eOuld . go no 'farther, and ' .Harvey
ers, returned: to his father's lionie.
for a •fresh • tearn, Bill: unhitched' fillj
took hiS ', team' , to : George White's
baro a: little..fa ther on, Where they
were 'Pat ,' tip f the night.' . The
:UeXt'inOrning •.it'' was, ,plain ' the ; one
herSe had .0 brb en ' leg; and .16 re.,
Illexe-;,the unfortu ate 'beast, it was
Itilled:r. .' "'' ' . " :: '
• ,
While the ' new team was being
sectirett.ieven atthe laid Set ,out On
foot„ four of ivhoto ,reached • tOwn
about three 0,1n. that': inerning; a'
few Minutia ahead, Of the team and
sleigh *ith iks' rernaining load and
the".„three' stragglers who had beer
piked up ..enro fe. •
• ) , ,
iiii'MTP! iioNci S DEIPAR'i'
ATD'pp iv. 8tIcKs
, ...7,-,
Ndt Satisfied 1 with carrYing hOnie
group 'honor e na 4., result of their
oictory over .1.4,13eleno*. in, ,Ripl,r ,y1f,'
ThlitFidok; t:ttineardine players
ltirinorte.rS, it is .claimed, carried oft
LAI eknoles; bundle', , of • hoekeY stickt,,,
which tifirribeitee'sOM6 25 or O. The
Kincardine', Ciith, facing the Bruer.*
SetniLlinit series rather financially,
einbartatiked: .1: Prebably considered
they eouid. \tee, ..te clubs to better
i'di,rtititago;' than thAr ileiektea i'A'V,,,4```‘
11' 44.4..',:, qllei : 6. .',a ' '041143t1, .1?! -Y
t)O• r Urtiedi, an•far.,at time Of writ
Mondar I 1 t111 elnikPient
by ,Ita abiente.% Wellington Me.-
hey:toVe'r. W&It te. the Lalceside
rh1tetigUe Anal genie ilierc‘xd
Wanderifl CY4 m tho
ehISIVe peek." fl so; bereft hoping he
tern)", and the players generally' have
heen wefl satisfied 'with, his manage-
Kincardine proved "tough .e.poosition -
and in two garne jr• that , toWn, •
Lucknow. lt7C-nifThir-s-FS "r"174-77-7-7.-
2 and 2 to 1. They;handed the Like
side 'team a 5 to 3, and an '8 to 6
defeat' in their. two appearances, berO
In the nine leaglie games,: consist7
ing of .8 scheduled gaineS and
playoff • gime; Lucknow',scored • a
foal of 43 koals- and had CI goals
chalked up, against -• them.
The ' Scoring .honors were
115 folle-te-L-D' ritigar141cel2L-79.91-§4',
Kenny. Cameron 8; Archie lVfacDOth-
ald.„ Bill Henderson: 5;4„,...A# •
Cartney 3;, Cam. ' Thortipson •'
-Stewart-C.6'5i' eron
goals. in 5 games; And, Orr, .1 goal,
in 2 gamea "'
-• Ninghara• and Tecswater, tied, for.
roup honors the 'Prato Leagne.:'
. , _
upon . the'of; .• „double
, ,
1;obednle , of games; ceiiimenredribe
'layoff's' .loat.• week, On :ThefidaY; 7
Winghani '• Won at home ,bY 0 ocore
qf: t�2, but defaulted the ,return
frame to be played the !end of: tbe •
Week. Kincardine'now - Meets •Tees-.
water, in the Seini-finals: •
• After hanging 'fire :fdr. nearly a,
month, the assituli• 'Charge against
'Bob Stoddart ,Gederfch hockey plaY-
er, was withdraWri Saturday at the.
request; Of the ' cOmplainant, Arnold ,
Doak, a innier player whe suifered
a doable fracture of the jaw, allege-
dly 'from a blow from Stoddart'S' -fist:
ina gams on January 26.: Magis7,
trate Reid.; eXiilacned that the
cinted had paid, ail eoSts
'few dLyttfter thealle.geitaa.
seta', tin attempt wns' :,in'adb to Settle,'•
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