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Send us flour •nalne and•°address to ,,receive our semi-weekly
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Northern Spain., • He was' very peAei
mistic, when speaking about the re-
volution, and ,said that everything was
"confusion." This priest. had Jived in
hiezico: and; when the clergy had been
expelled from there, he had moved to
the United States fora while. .74e
~apologized tor his English, .which 'we
thought. was fiery good indeed,. An
other gentleman, whom 1 met jin ,the
•corridor of the train, was interested
'In _Mining and was then, ,going to in.
spect some properties in which lie was
interested. Asking; him ' what . he.
: thought oY conditions, he answered;
"If the, country Is allowed to develop
and,'the.• government is 'given 'a free
hand; you will not know Srain to be
the same country in ten years." • He
gaveme some information: about -the
natural ,mineralwealth of the „part of
the country through which:, we were
travelling, and one could :well • credit
his statements, as the `r,Qck; fotniatiern
w.ere.very similar', to many .parts'of
Northern Ontario ', ,
We did see a monument pulled off
its base' in Madrid ;• we saw:the, black-
tined: walls ,of one or two convents; w.e.
saw "the new flag; ( changed' from 'hori-
zontal. esti ipes.:-of -red,. ;yellow'jetnd red_
.to red, ,yellow and•blue; we heard ;the
•song that was becoming• a national
anthem} -Hymn, de Reigo-being sung
and played everywhere., Perhaps the
most interesting sight; in.:connection
with , this revolution, was' the gather-;
Virg "of the first delegates to the new
• •Republican., Parliament. They inet on
the Roof Garden•of•the hotel Nacional
:; BY. "CAPT..4. H. REID '
The. Aftermath `of a.`. Revolution'.
.Revolutions seem t. the order of
.theo be
e times; perhaps: the 'world is, going
• through a cycle,, •accounting for the
1du` mfr of: dictators w ho"have jsprung
rip;'out of:obscurity,• within the'. past
• few years,: Examine, the map of Eur-
ope., and count the small. number',of
• • countries that . are actually. practising
democrat to -day. If'you 'were to'
• 'visit the countries that are under dit i
ferent governmental conditions, : you
would', probably find that the •lifet,of
`. tbe.,people;has not•noticeably changed
!f l efr 'probleins are the•'same--food;
,halter and clothing •are. their • basic
need's• •and they ;are.' continuing to
strive for these in .the same manner
' as when under the: government that
las •been deposed. •
We went into, Spain in the Summer
of 1031, less• than three years .ago.;1.
bad planned the programme,, •for, that •
Dear; , in January- send, at -that time,
ere• wasno' thought"'of revolution
rit ibast, net. in the -minds -'of the gen •
• . eral public In ,April theworld was
•startled by the news' that King
yhonso XIII; had made a` fast night
OAP, by motor, from his palace in
drid, had .hoarded., a • warship,
wat the; as
sea -cot' in readi s,: and
ba left' his country; for N`.r be Queen:
• victoria who was` for rly the Bri
Iish.Pri,ncess Ena'oT attenburg--and.
bier family followed/a: day,--or—se. later.
•• There was no eaorit, made to .impede
their departhre,, although the King, in
, itis fare •ell: message did; not •.resin•'
quiah.' Claim ..to the throne whibli
be ' ad ••occupied --from the day he was
ern. , His ,father, .Alphonso XIX:, had;
died,before"rhis birth,..'•
T1ie 'possibilities. of a Spanish ,trip
did not'Iook.too.briglitthe •press:was'
:featuring any disorders. that ,had ne
carred and 1 wasynot•.particularly anxi-
ous,to take, any'ehances, especially.
when women '4ere going, with the
primerty.,tidjOirin • 'sties producer'
,, in& has heretofore. been privately in- •
. 110 ;MOKinnon Building,. Toronto
Look tor-Acie*Stoinach
after eating; And Another • :
•' Phillips! Milk of Magnesia :
Tablets. - One tablet for
each .teaspOonful as •
rectal above, -
, lets .af„:once tit neutralize the arida'. '
oitid distrosn,' Try it, You'll'
reel like a nevi porton:
litittikeetti.ti it;
• Phillips! Milk. of Mag -
every morning when yob ;
teaspoonfUl 30 minutes
!' "Travel ,Impressions" 3 • have .beenr
coming to us each week These'
articles are a feature of this' paper;
and are taken. from. the experience!)
of one 'who has' seen what he writes•
about. We have been asked`to bring
'to- your attention a '.;unique' trip'.
which .Captain Reid. Is organizing
d *WO lie' Will. perannally. 'direct .•
]s'coming !Summer. If' you have
•no defineite .". F , la ntruiddesfre-to-take
'advantage' of a. real' opportunity to'
:'see the Old. Land under Ideal •aus:
vices' this selected motor; party
.should appeal to you ,
' Here.'are• but a few ';of theefea•.
tires:.. Lakeland - -*Lake•Winder
mere, Loch Lomond aril tire: Lakes.
of .Killarney; the Wel l .'Mountaitas.
and the. Highlan of Scotland,'_':
Cathedral Citic . Salisbury York;
Oh .
este�,Du` m, Wells; EIy�,re--
ford I In;--peterborough, iu •
c�heste etc ; ' Castles `A- Warwick',
•Blaney, • Carnarvon Edinburgh,
Shakespeare,. Scott, Words-
.Wertlii Moore' and Handy Country;..'
'The_1♦ ens; The •:Dukeries;. Glorious
• Devon;; 'Cornish `Riviera; The Troa-'
:sachs. and the. Garden.~ of-rIreland;-
Giants'. Causeway t.rely roads
beautisful•;"scenery. • London, ':Edin,.:
bnrgh,. Belfast' Dublin., DouglasH
all in one glorious holiday
•: For fn.rthP.r 'infornia-tion regard;.;•.
leg this' or • any other,holiday: you
;contelnplate, ,address Capt F. IL
$x $OO More a Year
�' Heirs
Children of Late .La
dy Decies
„:;•Cla>iin £2,500 is• Not ,
'Enough, .
London -The .children of Lord 'De -
cies .--his heir, the Hon Arthur George
Marcus Douglas dela Poer. Beresford,.
aged 18, and, his younger daughter, the
Hon.. Catherine '.:Moya de la Poer;
Beresford,, ore •suffering from the Dol•.
lar Doldrums - • •
They: have. been drawing an allow,.
ance from' the 'American estate of
their• mother, the••late Lady. Decies, a.
daughter; of • the , late : 0. J. •Goukld,
which, in the halcyon days B.D. (13e -
fore Depression) brought them• in
£3,000 a.year each,
But Mr. Roosevelt's !Cheer" dollar
'reduced' theft incoine by £500' a year
So. they .applied to the court, in •New
'York for a- little more money to •,make •
up the differ@nee.00l- ..-.
IThe ,ehurt wanted to know whether
they'ac#tiahy needed the'money. "•The
court wondered whether they were ex:
travagant. `
This is the budget they , each •' cub.--
• putted: '
Rent , £450 "
' Housekeeping expenses 650 ;.4:.,
Servants" wages , .•250 •
Tuition ,,,... ,:, .....,.. . , 6.50
For .economy and satisfaction,,
choose the tobacco that burns------
longer In your Pipe. and: that
you,. can, cut coarse, .or flakey to;
sultyour own particular taste.•
about 260,• sat down to .dinner ---,Most
of., thein men' but there .were a foci'
women also. The astonishing, thing
was, the gravityand silence
which .characterized this large party.
We have heard: a,great deal: about the,
Latin 'temperament and have experi-
enced the fact that. they, are noisy, ;et
Clothing .. 250
Income tax (Hrithh) i;.c.; •600'-
- £3,000-'
And, the court having come' to the
conclusion that the •figures. "were. note
extravagant, Surrogate • Jame; A,
Foley said "Q K." to the request for
gatherings. This one -was.' different. anotber,•£1,000;a year. to be paid.
Doubtless it:was dueto the knowledge
of the importance that was attached• 's •• _ ok
Gems from :Life s. Scrap Bio
assified- Advertising
to their meeting hut -excepting when
someone of.note arrived and there was
a buzz Of welcome, this was,.'•undoubt-
edly,, thequietest dinner asseinbly I
have ever seen.
There was • a• strike of telephone
operator in -Madrid' and the main
r er
` ' 'n�. he highest `'sl sc a in.
burld3 g t g y. P
roes s,
', t' The essence. of, true uobility I's. the•
neglect ot seiflr Froude.`
"No man . is 'more cheated than the
selfish map," H+. W Beecher.
"Love redolent, with 'unselfishness
bathes; all. In beauty and •]ight -Mary`
Europe. was guarded' by t . p , a Baker, Eddy.'
:the strikers erhad taken'•: evenge:on the "Theindul ence of.pas'sion: destr.OYs;
k s � .-. E .. - --
i/lobs ermine& :ft-IX:Ohre:1Y those
of Otif9r countries And we, had a geod
: • LIst of wanted inventions and fill
Information ' 'cent free. The sam/Ry Coit►
paiy, Wend 'Patent Attorneys, 273 jBank :•
Street,~ Ottawa; Canada..
r quilts, eto. ;Write Newbol'd's, York •
Street,- Toronto
'Salt Makes Travel
Ajr Safer
reparation of Iron Filings
An interesting.P•oirit has been raised
piii-o-wv-013,:Microscolite De-
man sdys Shia Is, giving when .she
'Mechanical "Failure ;
.prOVerbial !Salt oti,the bird's tail was',
described to the Inititute of' the' Are.0-:
*rites ,of ler .relief. from neuri:484—
neuritis. to my. arm; And: tt,1 the'
eat two weekrhave had •to tea
party. bad eien gone-so:far as to damages because of' the-unauthoTized (Med My sting, AM ta sleep MIMS.
ebMige-the itinerary, "Iirken."1- le.araed, publication of hia caricature in an ath thrbed, and' can perform hpusehold
nautical Scrences annual meeting here
,frOm anthoritative sources, Oat the Veatiaginent for a.'parficular brand of. dirties that previouSly I *mild not
Eleetrie'Rearing Ald. Operates entire-.
,ly without the use of' batterins.''Lasts:
"Marriage is 'a greto;.iiaptitution, but
And 'that COnditions'irl SPalii were as • Captain Hawks, Who: has.. always 'metallic salt reveals Cracks :in
trY. , . :the ;type of Man whir is" depidedly not
• So we 'went. Oar first stop in Spain teinDei-'amenta,l, Alleges that this pubic-
Wanin San Sebastian, a beaatiftil city, 'catkin Caused' him "great"humiliation"
Situated on tr.3•Curving harbour' On the 'because he •was• made the Subje' ct Of
BaY Of BlicaY.' It had teen the favorite Scoffe, :jeers '.a.nd Snubs ,Sod 'his good
SuMmer Tedert.of Spanish royalty end ..narne. waa' nttaeked: alsO, says, he...
,cit Eurepe, ."The. first ' sign tit aaY atedi" - • .'; • '
.chAnge of: governntqut !Las theLpost- • i.khe prineitile. has been genii allY ac -
:hex at the station. It -was,sininonnted ,cepted that ,anybody's face. is copy7
by a eroWn.bat, when. We were there; 'righted so: far ai Dahlia use of 'It 'in
the erdWn had been•covered• over. wiff photographic. •citTieetnre form' 'is,
a- dirtl-Pieee 'of newsp_ker: In .other concerned. But very. few peoPle eVer
bilt:the iretid -Still adorned. the 'craze for publicity 'WO led, nattier te
postage and -COlin, although; at that a seeking after -Teproduttion' of lea.
tiine, the peSeth (the Spanish miiiie7 tures than a Concealment or a 'refusal
tarY • . was .ently :half ita trine' Or--a-pintest It seems rather, tinter
sopable Audeed,. :Before leaving San
au article of its' owe -I mint mentien
it conversation I had with, Seine young
Men, who were sitting natter thetam.
rank trees, the: feathery foliage itliat
enough' to ihink that.„•in an,
Other .fortnight sfipa,
bye Icrneurifis. Once. titi$71 for
MO' it is token 'of gratificatipn."
...Over the.; system and
can'bea these. excruciating
•Kruachen.Saita can •be trusted'
needs ; te perSUade ,,your.:htternal or- hiewhite salt over. a..)) ece, 'a ight tap,.
gine. back o ..a healthy, 'normal' and passed it • abOnt•
steel If ot ierwise invisible and fore,
/3-11S the ai,disatert3,41tIo to' craCk-np
or ,"failare" Op: engine and ..other` parts
. '114' ia gehig:.ta seem like Pilling.
rabbits mit Of hat," said -Alfred V., de,
Eorest,..•;NeW 'York .engineet',Who 'in-
vented the salt, as he.lifted: a shaker-.
fillt of if lief -ore the' diatinguished'
Me spread :out iteel aeroplane Parts,
mich as valve sliringi, •piPes; reds .end
letal straps. They ePtierired to he
the 'Steel: ; The moit remarkable •of
•MT. FOreet,' explained' that the.
nal„. is . finely grolind :pieces ".tif iron,
nitrite the& and to slip easily,
It: you have never. tried. Kruschen7-try it new
NT 'Packages which make '
coffee hi 19,2Z:rind. also lta.46 carried, a .• kik your druggist for the new ':' WANT t 7.5c.
*gee on'ho mils or the airplane .d'en-1 hags,
'* In the .eiroulliSta.beeft, Ills.' present In" week' Oren the- triai b9ttle Pu' HA°.
tile consists of otir regular 75e. bottle iodet her
cribing that coffee. • ,' • ; with a separate tflel:bottle-sufficient for Abotit.
the test, awl hen, If not entirely convinded. that
giVes shade .to the park, op the ..shor e "gre,ttt hurniliatioti" •Will be rather WC; 1 /rued= does everything we clahn it to do, the
- •regulat bottle fo as good it'll pew Tale it •
'back. Your druggist 1s authdrlied :to .
You hays trled•Xruschen fre,e at our expenso!
What conld he fairer Mannfictured 11y
E. Griffiths Hughes, Ltd., Mani•hester, Vint
(Web. 1756), Importers ; McGillivray 10011:;'
or the They ;leaked st. me With,
interest, to .1: took my .PtiesPortil one
and •ShoWed them "danada",,P.dii 'The
cover Mach ticitement,i,atid
forthepeople,.in this part„.of 'Strain; as
as 'their neighbors, hninediately
:the eentUrien and. Is ' air ;distinctive
from that pf &Most. any other/ rice
, 011414.Y. brings
itiAttor. The Scenic. 'heathy
.41& thlis journey. hi 'indescribable and
More titan made up fel' the' TOrtglineSS,
it.'grouri:bl :young the WhO seemed le
be. delighted siog soitisfi
fi.cult for. h Jur)? to comprehend. Per-
haPs the coffee did 00 And he•
haVe a- double, Isar all he knoWe.. Mast
People haveL--and. deal eggis-,--MOnt
'Kitchener, Orit-A Airy recent)),
Kitchener $5,000 in hie atilt' against
Peter N...,charbOnnetiii of Montreal,
bad' sought. $10,000 against, the mati;.
wist), lie Maimed; alienated his,ritets
nongitior , Their leader had" lived
int*O.11 Una.
played ,Styie of bagPlOne,
vehatiott With nit. Old v060;019-'440
head Of gitteatierral: Inirtithfien In,
• Ynt Stoic id feel haelrhy. aid hippy,' your
ehetotng On; of roughage? Thty dote
„Yen steed ,Cirter's 1:411A t;IVef.,Pitii,;Ptitely
vagetable,'141.1.. and,kilfsi V5.11114, A54,
1933 Crop ProdUction .,. ,. Thii, dangerous tracics, it vas stated;
' Poor Throughout Canada I '1,:hini „1,); (iii'eiv6tilloeposrilokwiniay.i.dpItireeinegours,,nett4ai!.,
,,,,.,„,:,, :danger stage. All' thaf.time they are
ourahle• kir crop production, •
:1228, rop i'leids 'of each year 1104 • .one•e, (h.ey• . ere rilagheoz,ea the 1-0.T.
erahle 'ariatkeh.iti 'its effeets th ugh.- "Silence is an alipOSI MIDI Ognable
IMO Eastern. Canada, ail the' Mari=
irs tlid-i.acerbrtlior*eselit
• D.
tion, ma e arid guaranteed y the
rnakerS of Catstearta's Bairn.
Trial bottle 33c at your, druggist. t a
Co .S C C 450
aist whisker'
oldie slassiple'swertweat if .11.
lasioatt. IV, sari ram ma..
At "these thetecritical periods
a woman needs a medicine
,ho. can tlepend altattg
*by so Many take Lydia,
&Slit NO,