HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-03-01, Page 5• Rotio; btRcri at, 194 e growl 134 theti say, well after all, fair play is fkir' play; ..aOtt tt'o- • clnIy fair .that the Pablisbela should give ,Ufff a Iifle reminder once a in 'a', while ' to remind u that we, haire--just nee:post, • 'what, we: egoOld, have • • Look al tie la:b1 efl. your paper. It -fella its, 'own idorY. You „ shintla not.'be,reanired to do any more enquiry:: We would hate " • to think a, regular 'aabaealber .and reader of the rjuekee* Sen- tineI-won1 deliberately -nealect an . evident obligatipn, sue/I as an'eveiclurrsubacriptienaa- • • We Miglit Pend You, a personal 'notice but that costa money,• and we have none to. Spare just now. :There is a lot of money due pa ,fer subseripticins. We never needed the money more than we do now The amount to each indivitlaal erahseriher is small., but to the puhlisher' the amount -‘reacla in four Agiires., ,• , So ' We. ask you to come aareaa like 'a true soldier and bel the ' gra, .Par)e ttodglas, :mica S,airlea lit,!ttectArs.' Xlite:•94...mhht eceiiti Quito 4numb,. fto* 'het.e4tteO(1.7 ed. Ott Migrant and. ilaiice at 'Lang, :side,. on..Frlilay 410* 00 repot• :X.o04..#140';!: • • • • ' $4•0•wirt..•:of.c.otl, 8.t.gtoloso -to: 'not. eo- 'wen' *A .140' ma#37. 0408 1041' iiire;: " ." • gr, Wat,41offat i�7oPotte4 to be a little better this weck..•-•• Xra, WATT. .014. hahe 'are apending a fen",a,Lgaia', With. 'her per, ont:eOict:Wo. ;On,: Roes:, Mr, and ;welter alien't „. 1 4 t• anafternoon the week welting. Mr, • _ ' i'anwhlin and, WWI Amile 'Tee Waif *Ud. SIM Edgar are busy ' ,aaawhigalogs• .th Porn** this;eek. ,,O9rne. .of th6•!Poits ;attending ,tlie dance at i'angside. i?n Friday night, ieReit 010,r:were almost .fris., Mia and. Mrs. jaaiePh Heclgiatr arisitedlaisel-Annie-andaMia-Leughlia 'McKenzie tine week... •• ' • , Mr: and Mrs, Attliur Preenavir1itea. the .foriner's :deter, Mrs.' Thanias Caslicit,"; eon. 1.4,; Calrose; • one... .day. this week,- • • Sri. John 'Neabitt and Vivian ha0 returned. to our ..midat after a .fev •weeks' Viait With friends 'aad•ralar We ' sirnply appeal' to your 'arianhotal, to your .'conscience, to I' Your own ' ense' ofwhat as „fair. and `right If you cannot 'pay 'all, that 1 Ile, pay what .. you • ean. ' . ., . . . .. • . .. That's all. Consult aoua. label.' Consult • your ' sense of fair play,' 14krid,,.11,t, _I4 .: once and :save .fiather • aiscussibn. .. 0 , 4tii•CON. . THERE: 7 Misa. Winnie Thoinsen • returned hem.; last Vyenesday 'froni Wingharn hoSpital; where . she Underwent an oaeratfon fpr-apaendiaitia; We 'are glad to.report that—Wipnie is get- ViiitedaalaStaweekaavith-aMrs. GinaM ttilg fay r 11 1TijjiIton' ' ' ious illness and operation • (wm. 'martin and son Goldie, : Mr Jack . Button made a trip • . of Paramount, spent an .61/ening hist with a lead. of flour Formosa laat weekawith' Mr, and Masa-lta-Maitiii. Fridaya-faa---. W -.--E. Trele-avo-aa--Fla-11- Miss . Thention, who .under- went an opeaation Winghara hos- is • able'ld' be at borne. afrsa- Morrison Langaiae,„ •.13.411ARAgittcr f". . ,1tieTehrOot.7 Pieettog'.ot the' f.Ore., 'W0a %held- at :91:e home .of Ms, grant 'VOPiaralid, The :Meeting opened: y ainginia aae• verlat' Amt. the .ehoros ,of: the, : Maple eg• 'atter. Wldeh- the Lord's, prayer -was. repeated, In tirdatin: The minates, f• the lest meeting wpte ;PO 'APO: 'actOPte4;: the. tolt -eel!. -Woo ''thei.'an;, .0Wered' br "advantages. our Grand- mothers ', ha(L" 74PitgrS, thanks Were • ,. . read train -these.- who reeetVed re Meilihraile.Ca. and ;Parde of sympathy .trion.:' the., c110;.• in the rot A. few:,.':44,0tes epeo •ie- coni- • ,.- • • • onlo$ty singing; after, ly13tell the questions in the ,:TanOiitty .pe0rwere read 41n0 'euolereit'' by Ethel :Mortin, .4U:eileepO read :1* 'very beneficial. Paper. Aplano. aele by Miss Evelyii Reid, a •solo by attar J. Webster, anti . a reaciqlg, by Mrs, mogul:11Y comi)lete4. :the program, mt.'s; 'McGill then ',eondUcted a'siell" ing .matcla 'after ; which lunah; was served hy .the hostess.,:- • . IcheaMarch meeting •wilibe held: at the lietne ' of Mks.' Wm. 'McGill. The roll ',call will. be ananoredba .ways to make tOuseeleatiing' easier. Pregrare Pore, Mrs, Prank Maechartes, Mrs.. Gordon Jamieion. • • D INFORMATION OR TBE BUSY FARMJ Furnished hutie opted! biped, NINO of 4i1culti*0 Huge ' Mariet.-- Reaaited. • for- Ontario Soya Beau'!" . . , • - Canadian SeYabeana opt.,. reaerts to.. the :Ontario Marketing; 00.4a4' that theraid (a Qo :44:c1.0ee0:141_- ya ,h3n7giel .t?mb, ed: eft). Much n0; bwr ksuienehaxil rates .aosesaefe doQ:pfl aril. he rr Ale" eeAg for • . , 'seeding are general .reeommendaa tions bast(' on experiments hy, the Field Husbandry Dlvisi� Of the Domini on •• Experimental Farms Branch: -,Oats 21/4 'bushels, fall and spring ',wheat'. lig bushels,'. barley 2 bushels, • • mixed grain,, barley '1 bushel, Oats '1 'shel, peas large ize 2 th, 01/4 'bitshe s, buckwheat to 11/4 bushels' corn la bushels' po- tatoes' 18 to 29 bushels, 'mangles, 6 ta 8 pounds, .torniPs pounds, .rape 3 to 4 peunds: Oft, hog., reteere themselves: and the .0- geoWttion• .1he: ent•lreii !Ia.,' the • lianda •Ok the farmers , •:Aims of the, astiociation are la 'eneourege• the • 'Predoetton high •" ivarket hogs: to eiicieav9T to ,stabillie production 'owl', 4tatitet, ing thaeughaut.the.:Yar and- .over aeriathf.... of; .v,cors AWL;to Ol'argPt better lnarketing',eanditiods. , • Mr W, P Watson liVeatock;, .renek4a8 been leaned to the ki3- sogiagon to 40 -organizatt0O:-. work., planned to hold Meetings in '. each., hug' Predueig county for Ihe neraase of farming local . associaa 1 • . • Reorganize Cheese Production ' Anneuncenient., hag recently been: made hy Hon, T. • L. • Kennedy, leter Of Agriculture for. Ontario, ; that a general Ontario Cheese Fac- tory Petrone' Association is , now . being foamed a which ,"promises to restore our- cheese , exp.) s DUNGANNON , PROGNOSTICATOR FORSEES., CONTINUED COLD Dungannen--T"--6-hemail couriers and • all whose mama ealls upon them to travel the roads -daily, despite -star.- weat,her conditiona and exceed- ingly lew teninekatures; ;have .' had many nerd' trips tto melte daring the past few week's; and those -who can sit, by their own, fireside,. sould.- ap_ areeiate . the regiilarity With. which these services have been rentleaed, with but few intearaptions. -Mr atchert Armstrong; mai!' carrieir, Who at the beginning' Of this winter aet- son wasmaking some weather, fore-, casts, which, failed eventuate, his eaven tine' duty Of Weather prognos: tications Over to the •-more, , Capable (,beige of Walter Dickaion,awko; . thinks has more tit/4 iiit disposal to Make.'a study- of • such Matters and alito-ala CoMingeloser :,td- the aWataie s foredasts, there is. very little , ProsPeet 0 nu wea er un- til ;after the third wee arc ; conscious on the couch, At st . it eggs. By testing out the unfertde AleiCafeNiiirand Norma Andersen. • A request has been made'for ell menabers. to kindly pay their. fees as ioon,„ai possible so that the iear",s progaani may be arranged; • Rev, Wilkinson's Father 'Has Nara - • • •- • • row. Escape From Death—Young People's Society Afield Successful , ,1 1934, nonfat Match Aceeptine the invitation 'of York County plowmen, the recent conyen- tion of the Ontario Plowmen's As- sociatjon decided to hold it annual match at Mify,vale .next, October.' It was :stated ' that the • first Plowing anatelLan,_,,thea_Yorli_district_atesiteld :exactly one. htindred "aeiaa ago. Jam Site will be • . the . a59 -acre farm, ".1VIaryvalea;, owned ay F. P. O'Can- Iiiindreaa of plowmen including many with international reputations, wifl participate. in . the . contesta which. incluae every class, of _araiatoe.,ancl-tema-plevang.- • , . Care the Hen tu St Heleng—Rev. T. C. Wilkinsan , 'Natural incubation is. 'still used received in urgent call to Blyth late extenaively on the farm, for the Friday afternoon, owing to the ill- aen 'ean do. good if she is properly nese of his father there. Mr. Winn- "aoked after. However, if the hen son Sr, who had spent the winter la to be used for ineubationa see here had gone to s home at h that she gets a fair chance._ Set on Thursday, for a few dais' seaerat at a time- clean nests; aleighbois, on seeing • the lighte preferably in a separate room or burning ni_hia home__a1L-day__Friday,---colony-house-See-that-they-are-fre 'became alarmed and on. entering ,froni. lice, put feed and water in. the • • k of March • • • • . . , un n p , • give. em • we ae ec e _ ,Through_the co th house fo d Mr, Willa son • nn- ens an urtetiy_0r. -th tabe-haili-suffered-a- -eggii-it•amayabeaptisaible -to -transfer- , a-aneld id; Vokes, naiv Medical 'arae- stioke,'.bUt later it was learnedahat 'the :remaindei aront three ens to • Mr. Hera .minea.,..a'Fig home from the .Mill,, with his tem and , West ta ,.attend the' •funeral of his 'Mr, -Will Gardner of Zion called . father, Mr. Jacob: Millet., ,-Who died oi. friends here •last week. • titionet; in Dungannon; and formeala he tiled' been. ayereome with conl_gas.: two and I•eturn the third to the medical ' inissitmary in India, the He had evidently'llt--tfia- coal' laying quarters. When the chicks _ are -hatched -it -may -be that one alien - can take care of' thein all. Keep the mother 'and'. her brood away, from the rest „ of the flock,„ in a' ;sanitary coop, on clean ground. i • SundaY school ;of Ersithie Presbater, , aa,,_ hiskItome-in..._-Lucknow,__ afterasev,-- - mra -Ca-Thotri son --held-a--'-very-------stic- i an ..Churefal was grain an education- „chimney was . plugged with snow eral weeas'. illness. _ ' Cessfui wood bee last •Thursday . af'-; al 'treat at its Session On • Sunday .cansin Mr. 'George, Irwin is ill in the ternoon, .. - :- .• the gas escape into the deeae t sanipathy tO mrs. .inoh made. 'Yhe .exhibit .accemparacd 0 , , • , afternoon, when " 6 Or Ochibit' of many ropm. Medical aid- was called in time . hospital in Toiento.. We h pe . to m , . *he 'entire community extend their articles of interest -from:Chinn, was and he, Was revived: hear of. an improverneta soon.- ' an.d_ha2cLlain atiwn.-„ta_aleep.--,The I 1 • dal' last week with 'the latter's parents. Ma.: and. Mia.. McDonald oT.Laeaside.• • 1 -Mr. 'Ale a S'atherlana, who • ii , in ' Vitoria llosirital is nitteh imairo‘a, recehtla„,., We are glad -to bear.: , . : • •• " Successful Banquet Held ler-aand-faitii rent-beteavement Mrs. . Bucliannen and Mrs. W. J. McNalla sae still 'sarietia ill, ;also MeNall's infant baby. We hope to see them all better, soon. aamemommammaa, 4111M11111111111, THE COW WAS S0LD TEE .• sr:JED .wAs SOUGHT ly#E notsE, WAS RENTED TRE: sA A.'. CROWD: • • •• • • . •• • • • ,. THE FARM WAS sHeilitHir •••• . .• • ' • , .11:11d a hundred and 'Oise „ business transactiOne • have all been, 'coniPletedthroagli the insertion of a aniall Adam- .tiseinenta in those little Want Ads,: hi' THE LUCKNOW'' SENTINEL ,' There is no need of Searching ail over the , conatra to bring buyer and seller, landlord and tenant, or loser , and finder together : . The; modern ,,.and efficient. , way ie to insert an advertisement , in THE SENTINEL and apcomplish the object ' in lase time and, with. leas! • , effort than , by any other known method. . • . , • , HE 'COST IS .SMALL" .1 p,a • : • • • . . . . . reit ean insert an advertiaement in this colunin at a very IOW cost Along the readers of THE SENTINEL you • will.be alnidst'' Sare-to . find the other kilo*to complete the deal. Theve the -business of these adeertisenierits4e • bring ,bitypr,and setkr%together. Thaa. are delfig this service each, week of disposing of many itenisor cum- pletieg tralisaetiene and you many thingn. that • aemehtitly, else Wants Via a little eaah.- AdVerthie tbem a,. 1 1 amain whichwan. the 'picture a) little !Chinese ',gill, • Peach. Blessetai datighter *of .arealthY Chinese fam- ily, •with :her little. girl playniates. 'A pretta, Steiy. Was woven • about the • little girl and. was read Donalae, ionea; descriptive of .the various euriee, eahibited. Needless to sea., tke' demonstration was miieb • appreciated by all' sew and heard'jt and. the, thanks of the • day schopt 'are'(Joe tor. yokes his loan of the , itaticles. • A successful &nation_ Sale of'farin -stock and-iniplements .was -held ba Fdwin and 'llert Mills,' hrothers,. and farmers of "%reit ,Wativenosh.' it WaS • Ch"ii]e, and prices aer- wera very geed considering that. 'The cows' sold for .famn' $30 to .$40. •A teem of horses 'belonging to Bert :Mills hatiught• $210. Bert Mille and family will an.oae to •Gederich where Mr.' Mills 7-lias iedUred, a Position in ' the :"Big Mill". Mk. arid Mrs. Edwin MilIg [are moving o, Tdionto,„s4lied • Mk. Miils has *secured:a •, and' Mia. :Everett:Errington who have been residing , in. Ashfield • 'roaneshiP,.. will. Mead'. to tae • farm .vacated by Bert Mills on .etin.. seven, • *est Wiaaninesh,. .aind Owned ' *than $tirling 1 toibo Twp.: . • . • Stanley Hayden has rented the farm helong ng- .,to Mrs, )Robing 'Vagina, on ton. 5; ,Ashfield, and • recently occapied hyalite. and . Mrs. Wilbur 'StaWart.. and Mrs.' WM. ,Nivina,„fatin. 5; Weit Witaiandah; Win • iiiiiVe tothe feaM ..Ellen'iCluff.: on con, 5, Athaeld; aviten it is Vaeeted by Frederick Memo., who luta leased the "l'arni on . sante ,concession, owned gra; NV,: 11, Maise.• • .• rs,tavid S4ri1ntoi,, Weta yita*anosh; i visiting bet slater Mrs Wililam • 3. '' Saheb, alruasels; who is seriously / titingtoo :Jo tia oweek 0 , a white ' Variant' CeW ;Which tecentla , • , • . Presented him with twin eahses, hoth • .; tea enirwhite,tOth• calves' ate tlitiVo Plf0fit: 35 , n spite of the unpleasant aeridi-, Cleaniag 'and • Grading Fibre • tion Of weather and roads, about - Flax Seed For Export seventy-five persons ' :attended the -When cleaning the fibre fax seed banquet held under, the auspices of for export the ,greatest care should the Young People's Society of the he taken.. to -sae, that the seed is not United Church on Friday ' eveninaonly cleaned' up, to ,standard. grade The basement of the church was but is entirely free from noxious blight and' cheery , With many lights, weed Seeds. The elimination of bro- gan! Well-ladentables With beautiful ken; shrunken and &witched seeds , flowers and rose and mallet decora- greatly., increases the germination Mons.- After all had partaken. 'of the ,percentage ' and :improves the , art delicions supper, cOnarinnity singing 'pearanae sp that .a much better was enjOyea. In the absence of Revprice is received on - the export Wilkinson, the president, Mr. -Wallace Miller; saga a ,itaist inaster. fura, theLfollowing toasts were given. _Ontario Pastures • TWO to. "Our King" was responded ' Over twenty-three per Ont., or toal1Ylatlie-rainging-aok7the*rNational--ane acre out . of every four • of the Afitheni. •Mr. McIntyre Proposed the improved lands in Ontario, is in paithri, says Prof. N. J. Thomas Of •0, A. C. The estimated total:, re- turns on pasture •in the forni or Lae 'stock and their products froin and-aeanonded to by Mr-Stanleythe month a of -:Junea-to-aOctobet -. 10 approxiniately $40;000,000. .' Of this; $34,00.0,000 is • '• derived from dairy produee, • Results- 'of .experiments have shewe that by proper :manage- ment: andimproving the -fertility of th5 soil, raterns Can be increased from10 to 200 percent on a very ,Ruth Ramage' and Misa Greta Webb; large proportion of pastures. . impromptu, speeches given by .' Abortion . In Cattle toast to ."Our Country", while Mr. McKinley Ramage replied. That ato "Our Young People's Satiety"- was proposed by Mrs.'Wallace,.Miller Todd, Mr. Mitchell propesed the thait. to "The Ladies" and ' Mae. Stuart replied. ,Thatie toasts', were in- terspersed with • other numbets: solos ,by Mr. Andre*. Gaunt , and Miss,. Greta, Webb; 'Violin 1music by Mr. 'George Stuart; readinaa •by MiSa Mr. Ted:Face; Mk. Wilson Woods and Mr. Durnin• Phillips, and Mr: lanais Weatherhead ; sang a song,, The enjoyable, evening was closed by the pronotincement of the benediction by; Mrs. 'Wilkinson. ; Mr, Jas. McParlene of Bluevale is, visitor with his ,daughter, Mrs. Gordon' Merherson. Miss Ethel Robertson has rettwited after a four weeks?, Visit in Lucknow . . Owing t�' the absence • of Ilea, T. G, Wilkinson, there was no serVice ifi the ..'United •Church on Sunday morning. . . Mr,• Weeds was honie front , ., ....was n E . e , ' inloyer —al i ain old you Pitt •, .. ..., . • ' aoarn oar 'pencil , 'on the 'atinka of ,. ' five 6"diee1i; Oen; if you are Just ad,, ding, na a .epluitral,' , Iltiolikeabeta4-'flia lan't• trah, ... r 'rt It Is' Oa .•neet :0: -0"•dioeit, t: .,Alever ft itart tAdcitne- ' ,,,L.,, ' ' c It is • possible that .sonie farmers are 'having trouble , about this sea. - Son wait 'cases of bovine • infectious abortion' in their herds; If so' they eaonld'. Write , to the Health. Of Ani - male l3ranch, -Departnient, of Agri- culture, 'Ottawa, for . Bulletin 414.a.,,.. on this Object, ' Which' giVes the 'latest information regard- ing :. the :disease „aria offers arnis- tanee :of the Departiniene in its _era- DeMinien Experimental :horde ire. !OW:" pfacticalla ftee. of wiison this clidett-disende -and Oleo, tretiblen 6upipit tot,,a few days. es. a tatinit of the. application " of tioti 14.1.0„ v6bh.tot, were the aided, teat'. and ilOktitni or et-' rodent,visitoa with Mr. iand: ,z)a,a; r-eeetere. reeeine)elti." IPT-2.".1 Cif k : " " Mts. Oliffe, IVItirtaa arid Murray's niother, Mrs. Reed of Ash- Represontative swine maisers from ;ttnny actenaa are "iaga an. ahaata- Otni • Addington' Met. hi *Onto tat that u";1Pi;‘t4:eitsta:_1 forrnntloi 6to00,4ii with thi aid of of an Ontatin iitrt ntndetn4 As, Onnd ;61at:0 the organ. ltiittoi: Is putelgfo fehOL bohitt''Qf • •4, 4 •ifice8 C WTI neon and productien." Mr. Kennedy said that the . new • arganization ,has the ,support �f. the . floverzinient; which will aid finall • in its early stages. The move- nent, he ' added, would be backeci ')Y the, whole energy of' the, 'Ontario Marketing aBoard—and----tha Dairy-‘, Irariali of .the Department. . • Central „daces of the association, '• 'ie said, would be .•established , in.: 3, elleville. ' Be declared, that about, 'a:1 Ontario ' counties have eoinznit- ted „themselves to the 'seheme. ' -7eeding-Oppartniiity • According ; to -A... A. MacMillan, Dominion Live' Stock: Branch;:there is an :eicellent togporbunity SM. aroupi. �f farmers in the vicinity .of • Toronto„ Montreal, Ottawa, Winni- neg„ Meese :Jaw,' Sislcatoen, Regina, Prince Albert, Calgary and Eamon- " ton; 'At -they Colild be intereated lamb feeding.. ' • —At-theie=points-a,-supply-of-feedi1aiibs' is a readily available each year. If groups of 'farmers undertook Iamb feeding,. the 'freight from stock- yard or abbattoir :to .the feed. let iilFb tie eaay; and each group of 'fanners carlOadS ef.-`..finished lambs, would amata bennfit. by the experience Of ' aieighblaal.-Thousandia:Tf 'sheep mis- ers, in • both ' eastern and rovestein Canada; could increase returns from ...1,.ea,rrrmiba,,fhosebeaYo4rin6ghsotprtit:hog.:7:oiiic4iaredef-aul -nedezalecf-- "lesirsiale Weight, and putting the -a-7- aalance into the feed lot for a abeit • tam weening4. time; Marketing ••.! • FROM: THE EDITOR'S, STANDPOINT A characteristic feature of aural 'weekly newspapers is the detailed obituaries that we publish when a 1, respected citizen passes •on. In the larger" centres the deathcif a citizen as -not .se-anuch aaaliaticed an --the , news columns unlesabe, is a leader „ - in business, Society, or Puhlie•seraice. -re- in spite, o the, space and'. at-. tention that Weekly papers give to ' the .passing of local figuea,atne items are teo often lacking in es,Ontipl. details through tie fault of the tie - porter. • " . . It IS sieprising -stimetinats how itt1e the children; of an .aged Parent know as in Where and when . their 'father or ino aer ;was 'born the date and plate Of Marriage Mid Other Vt. points �f 'fact whichfigure in : the career of the' eceaiied. . . In tae inter of accuracy and as a matter of, Mformation ,t� those, Who' 'came after, *a, Oink it Vionld, 'be a • aootiidep lea citizens. , te doily and then Put avaiy for autare reference, aeme essential 'facts and' .' dates regarding their lives and Per- haps aeane ancidents'"that thy wotild like to ,.have .aemembez. '`by thoee' who ,dotne Another thing.,that a Ideal taper.- ter'dnde out In hin'AnilY: rounds is that ccannaaatiaely , fen Men hiaie datitagrapliaaaa thernaelves, :beyend perhaps at baby picture and a maim', Shot or two that warli'• talten by miaibeia Of the family ent:belaind the garage One can :aatinPatiiitaa With ninti Who 'Mita te get dolled up, and -411601t pleasant Please" an a: . photo 'studie. Most Of US, tWe that way Outsded. tut We worniet,,441 a paia-ouran-a-tevrie* ness'. piss' frOn t1e •eurth even.' theit 6NOit' giandchiltiren - never know' what' 'they And .• with no phOtotttlintt 'Of VOtto tnekikt: -be ableattia shays..., Seetaitd hatbanit'how Ado you r• ivo.e. totter ""sntritige tor eittlug ' tOda1t'.411t, litakki-Igt0144444, t• • , 1.4,4 ' • !e'S • ; 444444.44414- 44