The Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-03-01, Page 2IR 77 4114 t, WIth, hab," 9 ied IM ,,q lid, rve heard of 'but ii Y01 think, t 4l, beitsiAhan the 010-fioh-% WOKM191 . F or4U 0, shoot. OkOIC MAKtS (K 10M ; -_ - 7', -the Slid '-Off,' ilato I al�t ICA P"Y9.14 teis� of parrying and u6i�g. w na with. aBIQA Into, tb, r volvel to G -our P", A, . npu&' my Pok gun 40wo -Y torki of gIL Si a Or leave Jidw Ul ler Gillett fire sk. tl. a Ad pn reg shippi* qui, 1011f thh* At #ip., any GICIC MA'sk, wift u'd; do 4o test6d w h Mote Mb Md ubt- " LLot 0. . I . I .. . ofh ft w,ere.,r p vil*s* Vow4er? B WI Se . . ­ '­ . Ill 11 '', , 't, ' I in lary A A" a x,119n 4UM'014tput' y, qui4oi6nt tbAhO 1p0_ )e e Bell torBjdjh;:_WWr LA. Fmdm It t of-, IaUri �q$tima e4 At -4,009, 10 t- our on,,o re, In an 'e iffy tl� is, y the, equ` r tol "I"Butyp orld 11� , e! Ones, 'd drop 0 fifi4.,16r.st�r pne 0 �,Ope, you �'WOTI C 4,niever -,lavI urple Sttlt; and" Hibbert Ilun 9 eB, on And I'd,, 'w carry it q te th t A60i:, B= U pur le" energy Iva- Jheii I d1i & - Us- About 1,800 b.4-_nqpq�,at_.the..cen re, W 0 know", �M.AGJ1­..­ Iiiiawder W OC ery quickly- on the hieels'bf Ithat lent to' I C, W. the' o a eoah*, —Rullisiatiss--- tio t -Ad for. I " 4'. �Ugo.. SUIY""to ,W- ' ­ ' ­tJ ' 'dates Sahara 14 InUi glassbad ricurred'in, -.014b,.thatit,had been mes more. ieport!frovi'the arIn Ing ess P had" iota found, that: 014 -Sy't4 'had n -tain- than jIB contained 1A the, Coal niiiied. plant.+ Th W 11 1�a,44 Watei- bee;i.. 'lveii to the World. I 's !ii-,th6 courie;.of'a y iL Bura,j00 9 per vnth� that a wheel of the-'Umder- e coal And- you unlock qme,� fortk. with Sugarless sugar -can CA careft y I e a,con. erenco which was 'held in �million qno� Of to -amoont. of, solar . -energy ;lt at'.9a- And. Oro iliq -in Washihgto.if 1884 'and,. -at whic, h teinless *Jicalt? not have "or on' land 92 twenty -Ave buotries Were Ives Single day. 9 What iise ''therg; may be for the _repres.ent- re0 It to IS nee is a trap to. catch the S, h �arehless pqtata..Vienialn id, deol eut What d'' be ae ni. 40lie eli-. The, eiia d r, reck east 'sun. The first man,to 10ent.og I 'd Ocibhi' e'j, dediLto'Ialfoot thei prei was et nature of the Pulp W onlp& longitude er 6oill. th6 merldiaii of Green. Ids Wit iblEi k r WooMethO 01 n gr y., Vw�starch has, still and Wee nglaild: Birury YNO"I$r which'refteted and coiic6ntraied the tieen. at such opeed 40 Counted and eant hours of thd day 'Wou be lightful dinner of, Indian corries broke� away, at'it wou d, have In4i�ail, "ju waich.'dials sun's rays on'a';black e"nW.Is, the 4eligbt of �JBOL_ tbat_,the, ened boiler. At Xv. III 'AtCro d' Glynn Ellimam, and bAd CrAisih' and." a", the Ipd! of gossiping .1, L I I I M�I, t_e.focus, nit'rw-hich-warlmee placeS �_of ' Ill - hanical -an embilembf the, pIl 66L IY age; it Seems 0 t! Wdrah Seaman, 7 At. �'the eIV 'k �f prop e-seien "Glynn, Ili �6rdiired, to, a oW wree 1 '01'', turned to f6.11oW the sun; Erl CON, ClosusIt '9 Y,'in' and "PiM.," inet With, es- 0 pfiaold ved_V ry the� impress,61! Its, great The Frindo ably,'aitybody,,"boaz�d. her.:, generate& otqn sue ild` in. a to,, r 0661all J��English-ilpeakiu� countries in, in eran - and lrl� London, ..�.nd peed r . n India,' Wherer,- his 1111ther halo' die4%. ,4 'V aIt melanst" the -kCw tber� is troiij ']no ment In avld''othr h"t etxirn' list, such'Wk he baA 11318.1 job. his b6l) d M You' see, vie ed', in diivi g bumps Creator Admil'6d.upon .It;-- it i Ile : had evi-, lngs�*over tho'grave, Vnd' Most �e piesei�t, to, ioldim: the,, throne; v6r. 6f, thts� iwonii--foui-ho Jtg'quI,6t w, thoUght of or qUite, often i'di . lig ur system, of i"Th reckoning In'Qreat Britainj "The 8 that -All shall -,:,be' to 'tL. ose ho Pkt Frank Shuman modified seems. ot Ouse, p9A wes', Jat,e, to, prom e At,the,'PrInCets �h uorIt gots, iniStrUptl6nfi�tp�fty anew I ma.-�, t( _Plaw_ y. causing mater -td- peagie pp'. naliefitiy.��aI16 _,byutbe_ b h You-, in' y' Tinc Jn a' hin.,layer'l Vii 1 Ajent long glass - s, of, The, VU1tUT- Armyt. navy and Air n a j7 n( ... track eentied by"th ery st'jict the Jnachiii,'they 'still abtiout st6nift I hever 'to mir- Ao onie'sRself on V covered troug 'on, w London, of thIs , apd.� him hAve to the British h hich b lfv� 'Ab'factory. The doetors ire, pse -tie likely 'fo� have marlied "Youi lays. Thus to lW6 Wilfred Gr#nfell. t �to kee the' Are f dur-libur, rof. donebIatriied the'sun'ti, �'j jre.�; proposed a .1 week Xatur6, -the, iwelliti- India. nd 'did ii'61; seeL how who ave, beexi'seen'with it,and'LA�Iing` -to AM n �L, " , -a I) film C he E I . . ump..'And.: a sykeni wag. ie6bniiiiendell, naniijed 0 for .,offtcla S made� of im"If mBSW'nK- the rr,&ma,� p-'wM:to,avOId Wll g",'ber something 'it iLt-'th,e-'C1 lirlg�atiqLjand'_ In': tgypt.. What the in havi:told Ili 191 by�,w,Home' SCm SARNP R 44,0# it ejeept by1ying figtly. e,- theJull, story. of'the,, it May S: AND - COLIA, 0fJCiS:'V0MmJttte. the 'necessary, SOT t Scientists ed I Y S umas �old. �FahnerS 'Y'Cr legisla ive ae on 'taken."'Tile but'. be &-aessed Ing' w 4' 4id not , fancy doing "t, and been :CHAPTER -W. thbrief6ie; noth' Aft�ntlb. ti t'of aVolr sayIng anythingi h and 1611,Qw.ed ' hey.Q.- -Consult your HarnesS even'_Ave,' Sin hAS­a ways And- tlili,pn a -very. modest: scale., h611 Prinoe,s�j serT OV6.; Of his attitude jJr "of But'noi oi 8� pf about, Stace, to this 164 pit se. The �Sta ch.ses IF0067-4,ataljiI ill r' eielecti&,of aJitache r, . ; ' �6ali fat expressed ky the Ogg -yo as oodz�only-thr� Ur:�jn' .7. your tb,come- ex e, "I eI� jh' 'fect, of; En4 w4 fof� India,, 'h '-e 1632 e Ho b cc Ot tflat Ltican;. jiirhq,, I rQq ZiL US at er Some I., thr6 be GI a -h a, on .eget her, even "Don't ,JGoqd one V word' -to say as the,ilebrisntative and r. so.4,�Are 01A sery id les 4gh.t word Sguringly -111f,J. ca�iit of Urdis !the gio6dai� are� right, contwner ifor the, fi In. sprin ...Carry oi�Ahe Home 0., 'It" c Dr. 11arob Wei� n YnIi ELI�lr po that eL Ubil , lanuf4dure -Ili our ao- roug t 'back ha ftoni Which tSt of., the:,wor - #oll h6r he'd% siMple �Attache: q6iiiii With, i- 660e has not sh0*11 that'.71t. wants! S: torl6i:-4tarfiess, 116rate'.Colli � Sr !to. ra we& hifit6 versity,'foun, It Olt enzyme vea. pe- romr 6, seeretAry ehere to India cliange." �4s Itthe uWle would ever' R e oIx sue a Jo as h ns in, I Pads,. orse Blanke 0, W"�r Pull d might a little i n �starblies and'-cellulo4e,, r SeL t e resl by,- t Traveling Gbodg.. .-Inilat on e same., me�Ssenger Std- bed �.off . regOila, the Ai,MAil, hn'ndt fit and. clamor. toir the th h th cullar`&Sct�c r: on Ott' Masse e :woo y par of plant$. nzymes All thi y -in, e- Ouse. Brand Trade;'�Xiirked,'Goods, .. And YOU- duty to take. on--4he'tesing'Of a new to qlariy a handbag from 111 17 '-t(i ab+olftlon 16t ;1A,9; a 1 .1 ad are chiemi�0 I type !of' Mae on a Ido�' Ni ermeuts which e '04 Y.L; Y s., The catp bank genriilbu lie' �`polnt- 'that YtiLC L4 get �'satlsfiertlou d the t in 11Y14 t6s ine an- reporting upon e St was,' e're' iya�li Call 'ter I ir - e _ding. venarWa e Vor h fiecW,7fhii� ohe's, just abo4t'as safe,as the other tiiVial li, h 0 Up or,c emical appenings �As li-e- al'so 10ame da&'get­6n'knOW the_ attempt on,,,the AboJJS Ing'tne PreBont. �Ki Ail Tyrd. n'to' ng- need 'b ."Ln" t;6r being _8en whet.'jej, jt,� h oY. -Princ� int e­'proce ual�.j_puroos'bs-there.. Et F -X-LOQUO' d4e 46i, -sy1t6nI,;­--For�-ordI was -t 'e- yin Of the Syntax, I ed b dFt CA+ self 'rgffial 'Un PC trenesand eel u, ang Cl to bring bFk, a to NapalatA`! a d.dlynii Ili ed 'relte d compouild reet oi two abou toof, thod-1ouseho car '.and �P.M. -it- isgari_ que ion 0 �Baga�s Ap PLO,SSI.b y gtay�the, night In. t�$ fish .4bich mik be c M as clocks 'by ha tk-&Ur-hour glass vessel., ".Would same,�ffect` ailditmi f mean. lying. like a,fla� ht r to. r U e v ng: an e R �t6,,put he . i B yIng a , twen the from 12 of Ing r�s, d t* C dy'", A, ne,, A0 _09 W he torila,, Melanin or' ly: 1hav g eel Out, co dn' -resist t] h to- -ttssl _A#14 �ge, he, dr6 Ili 4�7SO d i�ngi;i'mo It �Xacdoiiald aOurr eM r. ere are, publi$ Ore 11001 1 lit sy' the e ice, but'firA went the Mice h' t" qUerry,,r,if­h In 9 1 ed n,. cience, report 4f .thiLs :was',iIi.Stefn hee St 0 ese gr'. to Send rs. AM 6, �off a, number, let letterg', and t weir, ' leci6ld for tbe.ie' and. on pern`11�41911* a d Dr I s. po h f e Ili 6"0j.es ih 1seWo'hwithin.'an our he few, telegrams to riends n C I-Sult'and'Hibbertbut off the stemi With- the warning 'proviso that -the'.)I�els of it caMd ain�tber from Max, . h L lesi t 6 f the. plants -and"' th,eii pqrIodIC411y tdlc�a.L Ili if ta 0 tt'-t e . a6rodroni4l tha. herr-h I" "of gein ue again w h sbiould nthiiIg about Sot Ing- t At would,b �y for a tim�-Y had jea" L� ­ ­,_ lay a. n)d.r�.d Tan .�d r YataX! t .1 h h r act fj the Ackieoealen -the mg t where he was, nor oilisjourno 1y edi)L_� e a that : aLb the.Ain (To'be, tofitinfi ea E'arth. Undercarriage in� taking off -but tfiat. 06 P66 L enzymes. When.. 44S At 'ObOrvatpry of 'A Bstry + e nright beidde I�i '..he said'in thadju�t'been driven 4 Tashkdnt.4 Uzbekistan, the. theP_ ri Coriiider ans' rei nd Londo, y, to tbij '%t n tie nUS1 IWhich., ri" �'p YOU for him. But.; itS Only, A!4jjl is he4tid by o. flat "Uem the,sun.$r,rays. I_1. Want' 'Ion 'in_+-�'determine fom_theo le necagrre tevn0,,, and, As, I ve only. I `d '.to lgr' the luell �d"i s, rpo J�oxfdbn­ -fi nW E URG�;.:­ herl once, I d t s-co'un- for,., n0nimous, y eel ed. d' d2t' Aafter inyseli,- be, 96� U I ' dlng,� fiiefid4 erecton of an or. an air t e apparatus serves.,.tne r s c, port inter�AeIi in 1;iAerd I'm Sta * '' 'or purpose o e a e conclusi id :ake ta 'Horner, whoi, biought fo'rr la iliias t t b Where', or, wfien� I'm ]But i0hri "a.f6 outdoor bathtu I �n to Concl h�'propo,Bal foiIwaidj declared- thittiii, t k it p w her a wee prOM' a 'year or wo any.city,or, MI The'underly ng:. prineiRlt . of Alitis a-correc one,, and I . L L , I , L' :r - ", , , . . . I t ariding-stAie,-0i hiteiift J�Oii m6thod "of har outhe Sun pro.Ves usions fitted to bid'. ill,,,bi like a it, thivil. with b' i: Alec' vel Act' all the � broad ess6iiiii Aber a h0gL n imade polite out, ir AdIr 6t t'd way, The w4ter,tric es, in -a -thin film mider. *47 -And ey il, statioin , Thie,near�stjand%g kI vito the 'At bVese" From tile Ilboller I. -it :flows into', TIO,�,pilot was'td be'b" M- the eqUerr -place to Undon ni ii,at:Croy-: &la� f, cu. in 0 Ile of I watei '66aidly itay there Ight, �y need,',fo, �§ay 111VJL Firince!s'� house, iO mi from, the r Centre . .... 4�id 'a:re. Thoere's the lihofie,* and of the eity�L One'suggostion is th, at, a oe expocte y'p"t' it IS* Nvai 'roy Third you. d r,.n '61i Ugh, sly driven'to be The -w-MIn or Could be, -.erected over, or hoon -kt day. 1w" �Satur� excuse The t,& two, �while you lftding-�taje' Ipurpose'. The ne A, Conoinjc:;al. UJ the �Ou of day; llinA' 12.30'' use it. -the "Thames. IA-twe'-eh,' 'SoUthWard'.and, p.0ints,1 ate by! the I b noiiiii of ir -Tuau's se ed W br!dges, the. sitinosplie At h' dei.- Oorry,'. but just on xCu Blao-WriarSL here, the, river and delido the Indian. A ifled is us ia tur it waS noj'diffi�41f10 �on-� so -giptly� "Fcin�alei; feet WIde­ Weei r e dprbi �'%Jf this %yel wate boIN at 2i� de&eLe- F., but 'table sy 1) I faMi 600 clude thal ';�ai to, -be seA on a a t ool, qUeZti Would be on, top';of'.ia' V ....... .. ... b, the pjlct�r that 6digon, were. ukli, "theiie' cry high iiiountalh at '80, N S whole t to.' A f swer I 16w- la�46niperatur'e that itAx! !Mpos- ICANADASTAR ihe �Air: Mail, norr-Wat,if Ibis, were SO; stt hat not 'toL� one or .4 qUXr hiliq dowhi alld a. a ge TTH E sible to,cok food proper y-wit'hout the WAHTEE.- -Q-TREAI -you ,ke would tAkiIig','tho fili�'with'him., wonIt spill thi -4 list. stand bk; Co6ld'be �la&d in , one, span. higeStISe TJ applaratfi$' W 'I SAV, a side' to j04 hL wor _t L At It would:. not atAeros"he k y 7lo gh dAil of'thi6JUSt-bought' esate Ca�`CL Al n I heed: f4e'' with nd. tit e f Idsid 7ind-in A"11T. Inte 'ed p. -b 4iie . perx,, to -then be&'deemed, be., and � iberefoi ti turs' can be raj�ied.. + Jiliough L' the tit, hi elabo�ate recau iong p0v- 'Always, the real, hlag �,beieh in vain.. He rAng ill Aicti: t Watetrth gh of he� Ma9d, -Vut.Abe e� r th be ettirely. joba- ell heater 1s bly no to Carty the film, to India, what -more, the liumber Norlih' 86aman'bad,giv6ii lidvei of', the ibw.�.'�-Harry . Erneron . I . I "I Wa§ , f L " I r. . I ­,., BL, �V 'i2 Atb:' 0 degree it, 'Coula, b dr be given got'ah, gnswer, an 'Fosd cki more an d found it A case -car and seal, rJ mai or r Ouse_ h �fi, natural ti th Separatel� Id 'hd ,fieVerth6lesg run' a, i 10*-pre'"urie qi!4� iy it� f DM ine,, an enkine w.' I d, of, ho cc _CCe w iss "The. U Ssful zi�an' ed up so As: to obviate' bothe at the �c uld only i4y that Ali seld6m,has would caAise?f�e iyater ajon Shot,: 8ea+ 'it is, on f t rjous,Cijetoms. It man was not inj,:and'fba�t- She had, he va wa. mijeh imaglhitt].OM, left.tL gJie off Steam, here , the,'dAy"L before, 'andL S e c 0. tin Heat I-roth't I th� , 4 *,hop h S u himself went to Ahe musWnalld III -10 -gs"' (pre- ollat boll, 'Ctu ov hei-e the hid hon' 'bought, and put.jor thib "The murder b cry' has. for7l1ghigh do as it is, -hio, hop6-, ')f Utilizing: saying'he baO.,b�den sent and, holy I purpose, the pios I.fitentioliL L )ossible, a ddoliocath Ofth; 6d, energy. WI nodie.: -The: .dlynR1 gave. bet, hi's ntime, spellffik itr'�of making' the reader 1061 too, iA'tlie askoun& yy, , AM 'to Ask'the Cb eiie IS, i6 'bo"rf6a�,d :4 MesSage. + '011, -A friend of hi§'oiut of hilt-a-doidil amoil t, of - beat that b'bats - up had niastet'�­or� miAtr6ig 'to inform Mis ft C Mfg ty new. era�of rUSI) And disWveJ Asp'irin sent on appr6vil th.�t -s gh JS r 'Se an't at lie w6ul, n M 0 a ni h drop her la:11, permanen -the earth the sun. n 'u in obtaining: i The� posgi C Celv6d, to 21�lets in Couriei.,g�iiig n,the next day, or ttv flunditkegs, �-6derst�h ding, economl elt a tdrrestrial: layer o It w8t,er,, 42t fe CK by t e Air "That's that,'l -be., said, h§. he hung 06iceI ion ural co-diperatibiar and all',, 16 et; thl every ye;i,r;. At,noon k 4 �j., it won't'inattel pl6aged the conspiratofq. It would I'So much Solidarity has.been iijaugtr- on a clear day 4n 4une the sun;1ght SUpp g t 'bout 'ndiSi fallin on :13,;,' square SIMI) per�, om -a B I'l ed `10 to. keep' in ac us, cloo %VTite back "a 111ne fr aJ7 .'��-Cq dell Rull, 7- throw y6tlrt tone with the, I'M'r outward xonal h the Air' Mail to ln�' way,,ana t10 find., it opportun- with la 'and I'll d a tried, I 3r too dispose the\ filM e, C hope tq,-�See' be14 Jh'tWo,.,0 three weeks - the. fil , , t th AndI, it, hi�ed be d - him - iiiid M when I ge Nick We r6 oMniend e parichsi of re cai!_�, "of �out,84, e qqu rry gether.� And notill $laid ifi! o 6061` so I are one -of tied in the new atfaChe much tv i I b 11 lay nior M86 mbu , th. alioW _tOJtU'#JtU(e D:� MINES, LTD' Hot I` A" Temaln on n)ein rithr., i1nd 'the � prier wen on e S�Ptaik; -duplicate. thi's TALISMA 4 GOL But I were *ro�ng,' go. of 0.bu�96. ihe�il on 4s n' outstaild I throq�'(cr, Profonged;e(6�ct hwoulirl quite, siniplV you de bltekbn you Ing With, i eS i7. rutine w6rk n y Wl 6L lappil d IU, a s d full jig echoed, dtfiifi, th iite,; We 01 N *A' 16 (0 fiffilsh 0 i' Addicihe e. OLU'Ve ore The' aH61ps S St;�fafi,. MaXL and Said L on M Ids. I Aln­ - t h6j,*i . Aird now thro�ys tl; separately and'bookc-d places on, the Sroii know, i�had d ie gilthAt Modref�i ddl an ie tradcmd&r r y 3 g Iileth Air Mail Caving or ii ia next da . this; wa MgL 4k� 1 1 B Coln -0 - .1 -1 .. I I . 1 .1 -A hnVery oleasa 11)Vieli "r6U In Wor, �-Iegpef. 'Col rmo a cross wtiy� Pany, Jinited, and the 0 40n- and Ain, rliwneq,; flaine n " 'h L, ern L ayer Inr Oil et v y a' d ­h nt jhtr nji)iUJ�Sf t106 or, th ''thq, Oaq r' n a L A' 'in ;-Ev Q ond lrritmi6n in is, littk a v- 14 'hey IVAN J A U.'Jt� I JgS�, . ......... ..... . is wliy , "P FW AM 11, T L #41k) m %a# U M, I I I m�� that f9t6d on E, 9 0 h a Not jbi ngiet �E-jilve­'Niark t Afanch throughout ing thilr'A" Q SPJFtIN gargle i'j pla& N WZ FIND � TH9, MAUVE 'L . I �J a ___MAR514A]LL r.. - i'llat viii �e 0 Tdrontj)L 0 edrein - I A mohd 014 -N. t Q'i 7