HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-03-01, Page 1. 02.09 .PER,JI ;DV ANC.14; , . $2.54 oTgERwIsE, LitICKNOW WIT; THURSDAY :11/areh 1st1 1934 sgiout comma s cons 1'OR SALE—A, Coal :Oil Heater and a Ciatera Pump., Apply- at The Sentinel (Mice. • " • Pall SALTP.:7-7b7oun-year-oldAyr,. •shiie co*:. and 'her three men,th'ef old - ca1f.:•7-4, R. ..Finlayson., - Will anYone holdiag .tivo . library , hooka,"' numbered; F-16,0,; and. F-2*18, j •.• . lOncilY return 'thern. to. the.1.4ihrarY.at ,tbe ' earliest piraible date:. FOR SALE—Frame house in good condition' and 5 - acres of land -114- miles north of LiteknoW?: the proper- ty ' of the:: late Margaret; 0=001. -- Apply to: Wm. MacKenzie, 'Box. 20.1; Lucktiow. WINDMILLS AND REPAIRS The Brantford, Self Oiling Wind- mills, manufactuied by the Goold . • " W..- G.. ANDREW, and repairs ,re - Timed for., their' Older styles of mills will ordered promPily; • a AUCTION. SALE' Norman ' Whitehead, lot 3; con. Culross Twp. (3 miles east of Tees - water), will • hold a . clearing out —attetion-•tale--- of --Parer- Stock and Implements on ;Friday; March 9th, .., commencing at One o'clock.. For '.'teritia and list: see :hills.' • Well. Henderson A.tie: • NOTICE TO :c0EpiTORs 1NoticE is '• hereby 'given to fill" porsOnS • having.; anY,'":e.litn"" • ,ag4iti'st the estate of William J. Hogan, late " Of the TOW:pship, Of' Aihfield, farmer, who '! died on Or ahont the '8th .dak "Of ',Tannery A1:11; •19,3i, to .[send, to tbe.'underaigned, -or to, Mrs, :Val. ',1-illeirevirs.'•11"X• No. 7; on e • .before the 10th daY ;of Mar h. 11•Ookey010.•*.$p,OnOrS; Itlasjuer44:C0011.141 Viltage. ,Merchants To dantribute PriOs Roc' Nufnerens COteteetSr-,- ; Committee Anticipate Large At tendance. • • - ;„..„; " Rills are out 'annoiniciing a mas- querade carnival to be , held in the local rink , to -morrow night, .:Fitday?.. March 2nd. The -Lucknow , hockey club .is sponsoring the event and, anr. tictpates..a larger, attendance of spectators; as well as those in Cos- tume. .;'There will be Worthwhile prizes 'for cantie and. - fancy •dress costumes for boys, girl*, men and, women, ..as, well as the winners . of • musical chai s There will be $ii prize for ,the oldest person 9n „skates_ and also for the youngest child on skates The prizes ;will he donated by the business,- men of Lucknow, and al- though at this firne we ar�. unable to State what prizes will be offered for each event, it goes without say- ing that there will be many valuable avverds; :It is hoped that • the prizes. 'can' be secured in time to go On lis ' Judging will cOrainence at. eight p aY n McK s window. o'cclock;• the Citizen's' Band an I be in , attendance " andthere will he slatting at ;the conclusion) 'Of the carnival Plan to attend and enjoy the evening at the reasonable achnis- sion fae'iof 25c for adults and 15e for children as well as those in cos - tame. •. 194-, as on 'Pq.. Otter- that ..date the - MARRIED IN TORONTO - Adriginistratrix, ; of the . said estate"' • Procked to, Makedistribution. At Victoria ChurehToronten thereof :•• irOth- . I ' . • • • . . • . • claims she then ha a notice of. • . McKerrol o eiated. et . the marriage Dated'. at Goclerieh this 19th d43' .of Albert 'Rosa, onlY SOn:ef'Mt.• and , , • or ,February. A.D., 1934. • " Mrs .George Harlmess. Langside . „. '..HitSts,• and,-Heys-;,..,GecletOi;:'0i.46illo.,. T:3 :bonne, eldest- dinghter' of' 144...and , ... herein:, • . • oronto,* Solicitors---'for----the—AdminiStrat-nx-• 1VHK-19I-cliiiiil, 228 .LarighteiAve., • ,NOTICE TO :CREDITORS ° . In: the; .metter , of the Estate Of New Cretons and ... other Quilting Margaret •CaMpbell, late .of the` Materials, and also laree and email TownShip of: Kinloss in th e County l3atting. THE . MARKET STORE..•"• ofiuce,, Spinster; deceased.. „ 4 'Ake is hereby giVen, . that. a I, .TAX ._COLLECT-OR---;-Ap.P.oi ns eying any claims Or •e- anditngainst Attn:.- late "•"Margarei Caniphelk Who died; On;:.iii.litiout: the 13th flay of •Neveinber Al). 193'at the Township 'of Kinlosa in the .COuntY, 'of. Bruce, :are. ;recittired to , send '19if,- pOsi prepaid cr'',"tO deliver to the undersigned, executer of the eitate.", Of the said .c,Margaret Camp- - their nOmes' andaddiessealard. full particulars in.. writiag, . of ; their elaims: and statement ' ftheir ':adcOinits and the nature ,'•of the. se- , LeuritieS, if . anY,. held ;.by them. duly' verified by affidavit, , And, take notice that -.after ,3rd day of • March A.D. 1934, the Said.exectitor will Proi;c-a.: to: • tribute" the aiSets. of 'd el ' - ceased:, among the' persons entitled ther having regard ' cab" to the clai Of ,waklf he Shall, then have , had hetice, and that the said execii, • tor; will not ` be liable' for the. ' Aid Osseta or any part 'thereof to any person' of- whose claim he 'shall no then boye received notice, : • This noti'ce is given putting/it , to • Ike, statute .in that :behalf., Dated at' Likelcriewi. Ontario' this twelfth day of Pebruer ‘' :.D.19-34 MacKaniie. Box 201, L o °ming Events First Insertion,, ' uhsecieent insertions, 25e. .41.41•1110111A L. DANCE • taickikow .L.O.L. "dance in the*'0,tange Hall; on Thursday •evening. neif,.;;Mareh-8,fil,. GO'oeinttaie, ,and a...good lunch served.. Gents 25c; Ladies 10e. , . " REBEKAH, 'SOCIAL Jewel 'Rebekah -.Lodge' Will bold e ; -euchre ..nmi deruic in the Alf 0; 0, V. . rail? TUC ad aY?.. Mateli• ,eat•ds" , 01'.0f); • or . friends; Oddfellows and .a4their' •", wives Are invited. Vi4lotv U. F. O. Joint •01-ub s101.1. 16$3, ThomhOra, • ' and" theft' and. those.pnying .for 1.044, in th brongo eit:'1PriclaY eveititiki,Sioreh lent§".190, ndies with lutiO, free. A' PROLIFIC EWE With ;dock prices. on the up -grade, -Mr. Wm. Statt•ers, 10th concession of Kinross, has 'a Ulster ewe that evidently Is trying to make hp for the lean years,. and •on February 20, presented its owner- with ;four Iamb. TWO of these. are •in average size, while the the other two are alight- ly smaller, ,Init all are smart and doing Well. .Since then -Mr. Stattera has had another sheep present him with.trjp1eth. Mr. Statters: no doubt feels quite proud of the achievement of these'. two sheep, one lin 4.particu- jar, and has reason to ' itsk,-"Have any of the readers of the Sentinel, a ewe, that can beat this?" WATER MAIN FROZEP1-- • Presentations Made 4 Departing, Young Women Miss Helen MacLeod ' and. Mien ) Mat - i ote Ilenderion Remembered fly . • : • - Church Organizitiinut. Miss Helen MacLeod, daughter of , Mr.. and ,Mrs. Will ' MacLeod, and Miss •Marjorie genderaon, daughter of kr. and Mrs Wellington-Hendei,-, son, both of' Lucknow, left on Tins - day for Stratford to enter •the Gen- eral Hospital as student nurses. Both' attended the Lueknow T.Tnitee ,Church and organizations' within' the church made appropriate presenta • tions,,to the departing young ladies. 'Miss MacLeod has been a faithful Lt AlasP held this district' in its grip during fellewing' the. morning . service, she the entire moth A has gradually was the recipient of an attractive driven the frost into the earth until l'iftp in the •fernf of a Pen. AS Well, last Week, the Council faced,, fir the Helen has seldom 'missed, a Sunday firsttime, theT",prohreln of :a frozen as teacher of a Sunday. School 'class water Main: This, 'Main is of email and ,teachers and officers' of this de- Allaineter on the north side of . the Pertinent of the church gathered on street, and is used -in 'auPplying do- SundaY_ afterneon. to •_present her ?nestle 'water users only and not for , Are' protection • purposes. Failure to be. able to, .secure water at the Bank of Montreal, .led to the dis- 'with the eustomary -letter of iiPPre-: elation and introduction, ' Following the Sunday. school ses:-, sion, a„representative group of 'menkr cowry .of .-the Irozen. 'main. It .4. 1;ferf; of the Young People's' Sdqpt• ' between that :"Polat :and. the Pest gathered to present both Helen and Office corner ,- that the trouble' ler Marjorie :with a gift and extend bet thought to be, and fortunately :there Jet, shes- for success and happiness. in are. few in that section Who are in7 their new field of 'endeavor. convemenced by the freeze ' uP. A sPecial Meeting of the council was 'held Saturday afterntiOn, regarding this: matter, and two' workmen .eom- meneed oh`Monday,:tolai open the main, but • found' the ground 80 solid- lv frozen that any Progress with , .,•• LIFELONG RmaIDENT, ' ,11 . II. LAID. TO REST . ' __ The funeral of .Tacoh miller,. aged '78 years, and a lifelong resident of . - _ Kinloss Township. and Lucknow,,, was nick end. shovel was almost tmpos held at reeidene-Or Havelock This main:_ii_buried„af., hisLdePth of sible, and the work was abandoned. l. , T., on ,Priany, with 1 -4 -interment . in Kinloss•eimitery. Rev. J. L. Burgess about 3% feet and is' one • of the •. r - i ,,, DaStOr . of south zichiloas Pi,asbyter- shallaw. laid Mains. The larger ma_n, Ian Church, of which..Mr. Miller, has ore buried at a depth of about five ,,,,._ feet. . -- tong been a faithful attendant, eon- . tirta_the_ae.tvice'Z' • 00.....,13:00)( gook • iqe.t.S*Pfr.skMOV:e Tom Henry,'Menther, Of .tocal Bank Staff, 'Goes By PromotiOn To Leantingtore. This .Week. statement of tax arrears at the Febrinary meeting 'of ' theVillage revealed as isre have - Pre- vieuSly recorded, outstanding ;taxes amounting 'te„ $3411.,05. ' Of this amount $2724.60 was ..1933 taxes un - Pohl at that date and $686.45, tax arrdare Of 1932: The appointment of a tax .eolleetOr was then discussed and .couneil has ,since • approved." of P! enema ent, of 'Mr. A. E. Bus - w( -1l,-. whose cominissien as. tax col e. or will e based on a, sliding scale of 5%, 7%% .and 11%, accord- ing. to:the aMetiat of :arrears coll., leoted.. 'With ; the epmpletion Of, and- itini ,the accouhts• a fiat Of mquent. tax .payera • he pre- pared for the collector. , Although ,1933 •taxes an- aieara considerable, payment of this einount continues slowly during ;the ;Veer aini--Wtheyektr-efid,--ei0 be ex: .pccted to be reduced to 16Wer Tax 'arrears in the '.,do not, appear to be alarkning eapecially, comparison with these the town of .Hanover popu- lation . approximately "three ,tinleti 1hnt of this age • . Th? Hanover .Post. has been urg- ink the appointment of a tax epliee- ter. in. 'that. •IipWn, as ;tax arrears loritliMe. :to pile tin from year to Year, ane'now with arrears previous .o 1933 .artiouating *. 'to $17,824.58, c'h an. official, is, to be appointed. at the March meeting. the Peat. reveals tax arrears in Hanover as :follows: !‘At the end , of 1931, there was. Owing the' sum ot'-.$28,817.8, ninde "la of $19;006.38. in 1931 takes and 39.310,30 arrearmAt .the - ond of 1932 the -total pinned gist rter thensand dellars to $39,311.1 53;.7heina $23,507.25 for 1933 taxes mid $15,784.28 for previous , years. At the ..end of 1933 another sub- stantial inerease.of ktVer" six' thous-;: and, . &toilers Was recorded,, the ,tOtiti 11Cillt• $.4$i912,1k); made i -r771-433-;• Tom. Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert' Henry, WM; reside --on cthe Gravel • Road , five miles , south of iiiicknow,,leaves this week for Leam- ington,: Tom joined the stiff of the local branch of the Bank ..of '.Mon- treal over three and. a 'half,' years ago and, the latter part of last :week was notified of his transfer to the Leamington branch. Tom leaves this week. and incidentally his move .takes him: within a few miles of Mr. C. L. Merle,' Who as a fernier manager of the local'. branch Was, transfered. to -Kingsville the first of the year. , On TaesdaY, evening . the youngl folk of the village held "a: dance .in the Orange .Hall and, after lunch was Served, 'Toni was called to the. plat- form when - he was . presented ' with bedroom slippprs and .socks by Alex Andrew, on behalf of the groin, after Gerald Rathwell had read:. the farovving address. " - Dear Tom, Tom; , We are pleased that, yain -hurried departure from Luelmow' has been delayed long enough to, permit, tis. Fathering here, to -night "to spend a pleasant: social evening. • The Occas ion canna Us to. look hack to the Year 'When You left school and as an shy little freckled face boV became the 'junior 'member of the Bank., of Montreal staff. Shyness, if mit'. the freckle's soon vanished, and you have become one of the popular young folk of the village. Your , advance- ment is Natty • earned we believe itad we congratulate. You; But regret that this promotion requires YoP' severing your association With .your friends here. 'Mr. 'Miller's , death occurred the previous • ;Wednesday, : following; two months' illness, which, contemn- ced wbeii he was 'seized with a Para- lytic , stroke at Christmas time: His death removes, 'a well-known resi- dent of tbe community, and ' one whose life has been marked- 'by in- dustriousnees_ and ,..bard work. or. Tile 'Bread • of -Health LAYER 'CAKES .JELLY..ROLLS. DOEGENITTS , ICED Roma, mrc„ Whole' The Bread ° of Health ' MINCE PD3S _ . APPLE PIES CHELSEA- litTNS The Finest White -eat Ilread HOLLYMAN'S QUAL.I.Ty BAKERY ockitow Phone 36 AC a Miss Jean Durnin, R.N: of Toronto spent the ,week -end here ;with her ,unde. ' • ' Mr. J.; B. Leggett is. a Visitor‘here with his daughter, Mrs. Sockett and Mr. SOckett. . . , New Overalls, Sox, Mits and Work Clothing: for inen and Lido. —THE MARKET STORE : • . • DR. HESS PRODUCTS=a : new shipment of Hog Special in different sizes. -_F. M. • Mr, Harold •Stitith-of—ieniii1Si tlfiVil.8 Sproul '0 Pekin% 7Mirtahhisi Mc- Caul. • • Mrs. James Geddes; 'is in.'Huretn .IloN,:vnshtp , this week at.the e •ef her mother is 'ill; haVing Suffered •.1 slight stroke: ' Mrs Mary'. Jane :'kunroe and : land :Miller ciU London- who attendee the funeraloflhe. Rite Jacolf-Miller, returned on Saturday. Hall of -Harrison. 'sPent the week -end here with her :ion Kenneth: of--the-Mentreal---BankTataffrat-the home .of Mr; and Mrs. W. J. Todd; • FREE Ever -Ready. rarer • and blade With each large 00etithe of Ever-ReadyLahaving'cream,-7- • F. M. PATERSON. RawlingsForest, ; re- places • TOm, 'Henry- on the Think of -Mentreal..Latalf-jagre--Tont 7goes tiorroiving community at Cross - hill on Friday,- paid its final tribute to the- memory Of Leonard knight, 21, ,who 'met . death . at the Avalon Fabric!: plant in Stratford. on :Wed- nesday last. By his _untimely., and _. tragic death he leaves 'to; mOurn his twenty-two year old wife, a bride of but seven' weeks j; formerly Miss An- netta Fisher of , near' 'Luckriow.. A private. service wee held at the resi- dence .e"f :William' Knight, father' of. the victim, after ::Which ; a pablie service: tocik Place at Boyd United .‘ eh; .avaa- filled with earners. The Service was in charge Of Rev. mi. Lang, pastor of I Beyd. Church, and during the. 'service a heautifulieolci,wai. rendered by Mies .Jeati"'Rennie of _Kitchener. The re- mains were laid to rest in Rushes' Cemetery, near Crosshilt Friends Ind:. relatives ;were present from Stratford; London, Kitchener, Gnelph--, - Linwood, .Lueknow;, Wellesley and the 7'itintO4nding7C-OnlniiiTOY; • , CASWELLS 11N HISTORICAL_SOCIET 'The babe of the Globe or,Wednes- • , 4 , &iv" carried a repfiii- of • the annual meeting- of -the York Pioneer and., lbastorical Society and was ac- companied by a picture of -oificers.,._, of, the society, 'among whom there' 9 ' appeared F. and S. E. Caswell, -----f--former--reshients—Of .-Liteltnow, and Kinloss, there.. .Mri Miller grew .: to place this week:. manhood and married :Elizahetti, Jana, , Mr., N. D. Maelf,,enzie, retained ' , , . . • • .cenceSsion‘`-.-of Leanlhigton and the , tranSfers. ta6, !lie aims of. "'$k.. liVeoster re -anion here last saMMer .. Bern on • the , 4th: Pioneer : :Methodist:: alaister 'a • LacknOw ..and Aelifield. Wallcer,nlah, a . resident . bi that spnit. help teiente.. on Saturday, ininroVed nunlitY and. later they. moved to the, in. 'health, from the 'fiiiir ...weeks. f Where -they .are Well and, favorably . !fain: on ,the second ' concession, now reit .and treatment he .receiVed tis.ba-, .reinemi.beZeLdk by .2.1c.g(*).d. nian3C ' ilid occupied: by their son Frank. % :Mr. Patient ' in General 'Hospital there. .. nOlAiedliel4a7r,!on;;Ienetea4rePjanti.-fhot7e .EPlenentinneedi; Milkr at :hie death, .:.oWned. Several ; . farms in the° community. He Is said Miss -Mary Struthers has returned readers, . ,.. . .in the eprm,o,ini,t4r, and spent muchtende; visit in the eitY: and plans On . heine..trom London 'following .an ex-. , Mr; N. F. :Caswell is secretary. of the. York Society and _Edward .p. the, to 'have owned -the first road: grader a Ocap in this. line of work, Since InoVf• ,14.t.rinF for Acton A.,497:,.ael7; ili'endini a .}.iatta,rearni%e7evtihnag,.)vgase elbeliirtheired.asPpeaankee: ' Ing to the village, he has onnduetcd feY41.'daYS In the. village. . • , , • These two gent1en4n attended the ' anE. extensive wood business. Rey. and Mrs, O. Gallagher .of on'Toronto Mechanics! Institut Surviving besides his Veref&ed.Owen Sound and . formerlyof Luck- Ludt, which Was -the' 'forerunner of "'the, ; i '• ' widow L 'are two daughters, Mrs. Andrew (Minnie) of Fielding; Sask. Eno', at hOme., and five sons, Frank of Kinloss, Sam and John of Field- ing, tom of Battleford and Herb lof Winnipeg. now, "have adopted a two -weeks' old Airs. , Gallagher adopted.. :an infant boy, Lionel, who has now grown to be a rugged little lid. . • Toronto Pubixe Libiary. yr. E. S. daiwell. is secretary-treasnieLOtthe Toronto •Pubite .tibritri at College and St, George Streeta. ' 'Both services in St Peter's Church Card Of ,Thanks were withdrawn on' Sunday, dtke Mit.. Jacob Miller. arid 'fam• ily ;wish . REEVt.. A. W. liAMMTON' t'±;, .Rev,;1.:: H.' Geoghegan, tu.i.tha• nk'an--thai-e-Who: were awkind-T • SPEAKS AT -LITERARY MEETING being °palled. to Owen ,ONye.n Sound,',; IIIS and offered -help and for the . aym- .. ' --------: : e • former charge, to conduct a funeral. pathy shown during the illness and , . Students of the', Lucknow. Contirm-. }kV... .GeoghegaaHleft by traria'. ne .death'. of , 'a loving• husband „..aild ation school ' held . an open , literary 'Saturday, aud. returned,. Monday. father, ale° the kind attention of . afriwfetiieeiltrinn9gEorliii,n;ette:aetNt,divWaiiion..Hwapelrille,seitindti;Fe.g.nrid7ad:rt. ; ,i ,triatiAdi/nr.,,tHoer:h.eiVI,i bileldersidoer Wofiniinisipefgaiwheh,ro, Rev. J. L. 'largess. hurried. trip by bus' and the: Piano the :;meeting opened Nita enniterieed:,:the return trip on Sat- , the . singing . of 'uThe Maple Leaf.". 'Herdic': • ;Gree;vice-president lind charge Of themeeting and gave the opening: address. The: minutes ' of 'the: lest meeting were read, by. .,the secretary, Donald Srnith. An itapt- Otirig• program 'included the follow- ing numbers; .chorus by ,the girls'. of Forms one and two; piano, sole by Denalda. titempaorq. violin ; duet by Fraser McKinnon„ and Jack McCall; recitation by j'eali MaeMillani. piano Pleitee'nedept. this, gift as a, slight arc 4 Armstrong; the. school .tdken of good Wishes OfyOur, journal read by the editor Eill Mc, yditthful friends in 'Thieltrietv. • . assistant editors being ' Toni •iriade a 'fitting*, reply;.'; and Peggy McDonald. and Bob Thompson plainly 'visibly affected, thanked:, the and a duet by jean delhert' and gathering and expressed ',regret in Doris Ritchie. • parting with his . friends . here, iteeve A. W. Hamilteki,,. cipait very . JiiTs7iah:leeti 'ath&I he S& b ; for previbua drrears," • . • , 0LD411110 tiientber'.-the'-rtiliktine.,-,ditiaif,---,ift- . they Town 0414 14-neknow on Tiltianyi .111or'eti DOI,: tlei. lre Co atopites. deo& ninite# •Itnielf SerVed, Prizes foe the. hest 1d tin Aeileor4 and ltiky number ihipee/AtthusSkn everybecly reight, C.N.Recion hOSS andprenaier caller -off, put pep into the; aqintre dances at the eld•-: time ,dance Staged by the Vire, Co. on Irtiditv'itig*--'MOCtirtady's- Chestra, with Garnet., Farriiir,, ''id 8eott Paterson, Who , I COnt.riboto.0 ,seteral vocal' numbers, t!t!OvidOq Music -an& entertained the; Itlati..'itt Wears; HarryNixon and geltale furnished violin Maki' . .BIRTHS , kritlity, February ,2rd to Mr Mid Mitt Charlek' 1,t,„ 2ttleli- • now, 'a' Sono. • cAmPOtiLt-ja Aehilelo; on da*; rokiiai-.9." Ord: to Mt. Ayi4 grA. Glen arnpbel1, R. 8; tuekitotv; dattghter4 'follawing , his ;father's" funeral alio passed. away. On Wednesday last. Tvvo SOns of the • deceased Sam and John :ef' returned 'West prior to their iiithe?% death, , • •Yeanit.' Jack .COOk had the ,taisfor.... time to suffer a gash over his eye rhen .hit .With a hockey Stick While the giune • on the ice tinder the . toVm bridge. , Three' stitches were required to croSn'ilie"iliennii: This :expellee ,of zc th Sheltered and clear Of snOw - and is- the :favorite' rendezvous • Of e. ,score ". Of .",yeting, bkidding hockey.' ..playera, • ; Save 'the' Trees ' . , There are th0Oe 1Vh0 S60 uotuirtc bet. fire...WOO it' tree Wail Had Legs Frozen Miss Fiances Thompson.,`had the unpleasant and painful Experience -.0f-haVing both. her legs frozea, solid - while anowshoeing on Tuesday of last 'week. Since that time she has been confined to her home, with her . legs swathed. in . bandages from her ankles to ,her :knees, tevering''evi- dence of the.. freezing, in the form of blisters, in some ,caSea, as large as hen. eggs. On Monday evening she was ,able to walk for the first time, but will net, be Ale 'to' venture 'out of • doors: for some time ',yet,, • . Ne*' Ilueitteen To open . , . It "ta • learned ',Alt Week' that A. E. Euswell., intends opening a Melva and Veer Shan in Likeknew, the litter, pert of 'March: Buswell, who is favorably •)0,1 , ,and 'sirtV, to that end. The cutting will ....epee hie new stand in the 'teat down of w ;roadside -shade, tree In Wing of Johnston's •Purniture' Stere,., tlie rural &immunity, ,, 'has canted and will. reknit In every available en . ardent Aortionitnrist---to.....expresi. -Pioe--6.-ei-;-iiiitineis---on-2-thic'tohlir :Street- regre't at the the no doubt thoughtless -being ee;eqoieii 'with „ the ,ejOept..ion ccttini down .o 081 o tree which of 0Ordall of thn, dailigritin nermenently fliars the of Which was fel:114'14Y' otetiPted: ea,an ,rhandtiYorik Oa which tends implenient tshop, 'office port., 't• rob Our 46,:tilsidee',:iitjlieirt,letinty. 'Aft and: leave.'" ij.wfl,i7A0Lo7p,11,*ttliOot",reta !Mt" • • 7-1