HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-02-22, Page 8ft:
"L°4 'Or '51i Pxiee.te and '1?**;Ple.
At."CroYdon aeredrome, Glynn, gllinian; Zook -upon TO ineip hearken unki My
. ellet. of the Indian, Air WI liner, meets ,,
• .Norah PeaMsn..At the last minute Gavin VWCO that so, ye rimy' know me. Behold:
la *ordered, to -stand: 131r-fer• a epee/al Jel>. *me and hear ire making PrOalarnatien
he Prince or Napatals ist ill to -London
and in haste to return to India. Whek'e within tkl0 lawful .B#TO4tY di3rit, is
. Na father has died. He nitlat be Pres-. .\Teigio.pg Prince and Rajah of Napi,o,
.• exit, t4. 'claim the throne, whiCli his tolif-
brother. "The..Yulture." ;dots to neize. , lata___, Mead of: nitY Reuse • . -. ,"' •'
., "Glyn receives secret ordere at the of. ,„'„ He went on to take the oath of Pre -
Aldo of AirWaYet and. at __!rinee'p
,hoose he gets instructions tO tlY -a hew ' elernetilm .in the PreWihed 'forieP fle`a
the,Pri ce's use. Agentik'Of ,f,he: Vultnre
. rnachini to London from the,factory for at ;the, end of it. the fsecretary and
, in T.,„n on,i,t,racie Glypn tO the faCtory.. ,t'eAulti7 '11e?.4r. out to hite':tlfo Mlle' .°1-
• The ;doctors' refuse to. anew .the .Prinee their swords which •he.toncli0 ill 'turd
' to' fly to Ilid44. Aa &last resort.. Ond in...ri.,:th .the- formili words of ,of the NA.:keeh
',the hone. it too tide over. tne eituatiori ,.
*Ante,. can travel; thSPrince decides to arict,Yentit4 accerttance Of •IS;lt5,i 'eltd;
, . have a" short talking film insde.• of him, , ,,,,...,.;coi,.
•self rending tliriPreelarnation'af Inherit:7 ..v. v.
• ' 4' Next inOrniOgi the story ,WAS' blazed
4„ .4,114,,.. ,. .
over : all .the' 1 ing ..pieturea.'"*.lth• •
,„,,,,,,,‘„'''..,,,-•Pirt, ly.. ;p1s..riteena inn rations and elicit be-
.wro:110•Tqr; .-4-47',.....1.,Too-,I1p,-;--r-, ,.`-`4', ' ;'.4. ,had 'flashed • over the
' '"---""-: ''''' ' -7---- ..s. ...,..,PrineLe.S
.i'Y unusual event took Once. The :Federal and Provincial 14* il
, . ,. ,
._ ....1.::.-Mri:A0d-ta.* -John ' r *OrrtSe.a! :Steely 13ranehee'ire"egaiiii.-atieritioring e
celebrated , ini,la quiet Way their: 'a Spring' Series Bacon Litter Cont -
Golden , Wedding -, Anniversary. cja petition for sows farrowing. between- '
Monday, February 1.2tb, ',at. ,nine February -14th -and' April 36th An .
' . c11
1)rineelli niFkgi: an4 wei
*- whether it- Wag to alt
141,11 tOflv-tbe: Prince •
h11*(11.714 'PealladtP°"474ited:' He :''14146.°24
hiinself and the euin the hanar. • td on ois,
'The, Alm- PY0(1,1,*11
dio pro1eetiol.toaarting' the nanie, Of
toiwa:othrtd of oo. 41.934 be
WA the secretarY. ehtb•40 Attendance
cbuld not . .hetter., NOi,
face and Yeleei," .we •"rer
eadk 'mei-101'0g
across.. ,We brought duplicating to
and,- as Y.914 HigneSS.
Tho eqllerrY held oilt,W0 sA.1' eh'a
it goes pocke4"'4.: That thOse
japlet PockeVIled 41' Extension
slipped: one .44-,-,3sesmente the
"Gvt..' rebated their
'yr) sahnacIrethal
hose who paid by takingDebentOre5
aye„ their! Debenturei" paid to the
ictent- cif: the Grant , and -Sti"t•Pli.iii'-
'oney • coming, to them.
McDougall -Elliott. That we tie-
ept the. Auidtors' report for 1933
'id they be paid their salary, alao
that the treasurer have 3 copies
typed for Connell use.
McKenzie -,Elliott. That. the • tire
_ o ec„ or s ro
be • :.extended to: the *1st day of April
1934, and that „the, icollectoi4 be in-
structed to hive his l collections. and
roll ; completed bv. that date., .
l'ileXellSie-7-Mepougall. That : we
do now adjourn to 'meet, again' on
Tuesday the 2fitli, day 9f...Marh.: a
eusual time and',,plaee:
knOvS cal
ing, was. closed with prayer,
•Ur0e4 'church W,
size: monthlY, 'Meeting •of the
Ilqited 'Church W!M,,Sr.- met o.n Wea-
need,er 'the Sandal?' :School'
roeni. with the •PresOlent,
Callum preeiditig. After:: the devo-
tional exercise's, .the Program 'was
charge of: Mrs.): Robertson's
'group.. „Eighte-ledies read interesting
papers the OrganisatiOn Prierd,-
ship. Ileuse in London, 'and the work,
'done there. Puring- the program,
'suffiCient"erint. bloelcs were pieced by
the ladies. A ,chorUO by.the 'gronp
was a pleasing 'feat-ure, -The 111,Set-'
a.m. In the Sacred • HeartChnrch, bona fide ..farmer maY, nui.ltp'•entry
winghami thsr renewed their mar" thiscbmpetitiori and centeatants:Will.
rine 'VMS, :Of fifty years 'ago,,, and
High Masi Was sung by Rev. Father b.° eleselfid 1611°‘,
4.• 41411•44
• IlY 'Le .lfaches •Mass for: the
!wards; ati their home,: a
dinner was, eieryed to him-
frienthi., A. toast ,Was pro-
posed by Father Paquette and re-
sponded to by Mr! George ;tvilsori.
The duiing room: was. decorated record _of,..-the-,,amountsi kinds1.--and-
inners"• w �se
litters have acored over 175 .points.
(b) 'All other contestants,' inelud
ing those who are entering for 'the
, -
first time. '
' Zilch farmer entering a • litter is
expected to keep an • approxixnate
wiliga:voeis'nirredd' 7w1?-1.1ttwi't'h' WhiIe thetc7abicl_ee :eriseteicotfioxfiesedosn ubSuet otfilearneyarfeeen'd'o
as to
ore. ZillfteY'Peltai:nidorie.gwiaPo dmecaqtreahtinedg OF ledizig methods. Litters may re
• daffodils and •chrysanthemums.
The bride •and groom ' of fifty
years received ilian,Y nieSsages" of
, congratulations; besides Se v e r
beautiful gift* and remembrances.
Mr. ,and Mrs: Morruion , was 1.inar-
, ,
'ed .in'Teesivater in. 1884 by Rev.
be marketed at any -age hut all pigs
in the litter must be, marketed ;at
one :time. In order to qualify -there
Must he at least' eight pigs In th,P
litter, raised,,to, marketing age and
et least 30%',�f thelitter must grade
'as select; bacon. . .
eques issued. Stuart
Suo; 'Peter. Jollaston,..
rit ,$15.00; Joseph ,Agnew, „Kinlos
are' Div. Court .il'eeS 1928.4933
$130.00; 'Kenneth. Gelian, reliefsu
seasor's box $3:00; Donald MC-Failan
or $8.00; Rtibert Malcohn, audi
WOmen's Association Group Meets
''The first "meeting of Mrs. R.3.
•Cameron's greup of the 'WoMeliCs'
NaSociation-of the United Church
net at• her home on Tuesday after,
•noon, ,with a' large attendence. The
„ ,
sInging of a hyrnn follewed by
prayer by -Mrs. Tucker ' opened the
'meeting. It -being the -initial -meeting
•diedussion on -the work` of the group,
and 'election of officers were the
chief' matters' dealt with. A ^delicious
lunch was 'served. -The •following are
the offilera: Captain, Mrs, -R.' J.
Cameron; president, Mrs. S. T. Tuck=
er; seeretanr, •Mrs. Robt. Fisher;
reporter, Miss Arahelle :Cameron;
benevolence. corn., Mrs. McKim, con-
vener; Mrs. O. Allin, Mrs'. P. J.
McMillan T. Alton, Mrs. M.
Snroul; ,com., Mrs.. Richard
Webster Mrs' W. J. Davison Mrs
Sidney Decker •and Mrs. •Leith.
' This group will meet' the--aecond-
Tvesday of, each month, with thP
next Meeting to .be held at •the
'hom0rs. m
e .urdie f W M • on Mrch
;DoMinion. .
Pether Corcoran. They settled' •-first The Ontario Mitt De-
partments of Agriculture r offer -
n the farm then owned b M
Johnson, , the .next "farm eatt.• :of:
Where , they now reside Living ,there
twTears th.eileoved to.:Wawtineah,'
residing there, till , they Moved • to
To them were born eight child;
renl, 'four dattiliteri and -four Boni.
• The, eldest girt ' Ntorgoof, ',died fif'.
teen \ *ears age; (Mae)' `Mit. .1 1,n
Maafillon, 1,PeimOw; (Anne) • rs.
Ing $200:00 in prize money in • each
zone to be, 'divided as follows:
•1st, $20.00; 2nd, $19.00; 3rd. $18.;
4th, :317.0Q; 5th, $16.00; ` 6th, $15.00;
7th;'$15.00;„ 3th, $14.00; 9th, $13.00f
10tht n e
w4 i.th, 0.1.00;‘, 12th,
•forms may be -sedured
from the Ontario I Department ' of
Agricultie at Clinton, or from the
J. P. Lyons' ' _ Chic., '(Catharin ) Ontario Live Stock Branch,Parlia,
Chicago; e TorontS Completed
• applications forms forentry must
he mailed to R. W. Wade, Live Stock
Branch, Parliament" Buildings, Tor-
onto within • 14 days after 'tile date
of farrowing Of the litter.. "
Mrs. 'Cletus .Rettinger, Wingbam;
Aloysius, Grand Valley; .Angus,:
John and Ernest at home. '
Mrs. Morrison is still in -"good
health And deing her own work
despite the- fact that she suffered a
. • . . • , . r
strokefiv some a 0
' e Years g • Mr• Xer.- We wish ' them -many 1oore-4e5ra
xsonattooug in al mg, _ealth for of, married life and good health.-,.--,
e- Pa# yeaW, is still 'quite active.' 2 ' ' ;•Advance -Ties.
cardi—ne. cemetery. ,The funeral ser-
Munieipal WOrld •supplies
Porpous; as
refund dog tax $2.06; J. R. Lane, reg..
, •
B. -M. -D. 1933'$11.50;" -J.,R. lane,
.postage $3.00; a J. .MeCharles, ,re -
lief supplies $30.00; "A. E. Thomo.-
ten, caretaking $4.25; Thos. Gaunt.
preParing and selling C., Deli:
$10.00;3 E. Lane,' ,reoaring- B.; C.
reeft.„.7.;,,d$1.- G0.r0a6n; t Tanrdeas.Cusu;piulsrososn,TEw: pc...
Exterision $280.14:,
Highway Cheques: W. J. Scott.
paylist 5, $14.70; ,Peter. Moffat, P.L.
6, 81.9.10; 7, $8.25!
Tif.fin, P.L. 8, $3.3.81 J.
Ireilderson &
Fisher, 1).L. 10, $39.40; Alex'Mac-
Leod, P.L. 11, $9.80.
• J. R. LANE,, Clerk'
,7-Felirtiery- 5th, 1934.
,•The West :TiiraVraziosh 'council net
O n the •abovedate With all.,mernbers
present:, The Miniites of last' meet
ing were read; and' accepted., The
Council decided on motion ef,eoim
teraTAitehison . and .McQuillin to
have gr..purdon. 'attend i the c'ooveiv•
tion for" road. SUPOrintendanta 'at
.The ;Clerk"' WaS instructed'to der
100 pouujdsf Warble'Fbr Powder;
50 • pounds r" to., be eV-enableto the
ratepayers ;' at St..1Ielens. and 'St,
-Augustine- stores, at boit.:::The tender
, ,
.qf theSignaL..Pr,intirigi-Company--"for"
the year's printing was accepted: It
wes mewed ,councillor Aitchisen
and seconded by councillor Ganiinie
• that no action ;
grants to libraries be -taken. • An
amendment by ;councillors , Smyth
and MCQU'illin ,,,that a -grail of: $1-0"::,
to- St...Helens library and_i$5 OA -each -
Auburn and ',,Duligannon,,libre,lr' ies
be paid Was carried.%.There -were, nine
applicatione .-for •„.the. position. of
Township, Treasnrer , and :that ;a
Mr. A. ney1.6 ,was • aenti,4 on
motion . eouncillors, Sinyth_.•• and
Aifehison. The engineer's. report :op
the ',repair ,of thP. J. It' 'Voting drain.
will he read at the. next Meeting of
puncil. •The :council ' adjourned' to
Clerk Of. West WaWanosh Twp:
Meet o.n Monday, Marcb 'th, at. 1,0
. The funeral of the late Mrs--; Rowe
of, Teeswater, fOrnierly et •Kilo
' ss.',..
was- held Thursday afternoon to
maimimm"..'" viceheld in Kinloss United Church
• was conducted by Rev. W. G:
)14 •
,SALE .:IXAD A ttl.O*13
ron of Bervie. The late Mrs. Rowe
• died fellowing an illness of four
months'. duration at the , home of
her daughter, Mrs. McKay. One son
Lawrence, of Starrier, and •one"
daughter, Mrs :' McKay of Teedwater
and three daughters in the We:s.1
survive. Mao two .sisters,' Mrs. Johr
Hocizins of Kinloss and Mrs: Johr
Taylor of Hanover, and one bother
,Mr., J; :Harrison, also{ PurYive. Tp
these the sympathy. of many is ex
And a hundred and . business transactions have all .
been conipieted •througb the insertion .ef a' Small AdVer-..
tisements those little Want Ads, in THE LUCKNOW
SENTINEL There is no need of searching all over the
country, to bring buyer and seller; landlord and tenant,
or , loser and finder together., The' niodern and efficient
Way -is • to insert advertisement in. TIIE SINTINEL
and; aceornplieh the object in tinie and With: less '
effort than, by, any other known method.
You an jo,sert advertisemetit in this column at a very
low, emit., Among the readers ni .THE SENTINEL You
; will be almost sere' rO find the other fellow to complete
;the ,deal. ;That's the. business of these JidVertisemeotto,
*bring buyer and Seiler together. They ,:are ?doing , this
serviee each Week of 'disposixig of inanY item or '.com,
pleting transaitions and you twill find many things that
• sontehodp .Wants for-a:little cash:'AdVertiiiS them.
With 'a'. thrilling *sprint, in the lar,'
Princeton' IlniVersity ; beet ': Glenn •
fiunningbain. of Kanaaa dii SaturdeN
• evening in the 13axter. Mile fea.tni,
Of the: New, :York Athletic' Club
deor getups, • 'as: a crowd bf 1,00
fans Went 'wild., Bonthron, thus nrov
his.'right to be called Antericai:,
greatest miler, •although ' Clocked p'
4 wintites, ' 14 seconds,,, "fully
-,seconds. shbyt Of his record 'Set" thil.
which was' '4.'ininutes„.,aly"
seconda. The slower' TeCe was 70
,tribvteclfto be. due elitirely. to. thy
• waititie 'tactics of the twin, faVcir,7'
ites; was, Wary of th,e Other,'
.erach, anxious to save • all- Poisihje.
stamina- ,for -the final driye and thei!
'early tactics froin ncn
acing the World Mark.; During tfr,
first- half mile neither- could he'
intc;following the fast berly *ice of
Dawson. The first': half mile Wpr
clecked •2.14, but:: in....tik) last hall!.
niile Borithron and, Cunningham' le,'
, , - •
loe'se ;and.""iihowed .What. they' conic'
do When the.steam was finally' turn
ed- on,' and' did the7temaiiiing„ ds
tence in 2 iniOntee ;
• of• W.. D.. Bonthron ortefroit, whr.
151 a COUsin. of p. C.,.-rifd4ortah
tht village:,the' young' Star's' ,OrSUil.
;thotli6t, Mrs, • Rbbe.rt.: TiOnthrott.
• 1
- •
NwIy Married Couple Receive Beat
Wishes Of Their. -Friends At 'A
• Party.' In Their New Home -Mrs.
Sherwin Was Formerly Both Alton
•• A very pleasant evening was spent
it .the beautiful new hone .0 'Mr.
,Arid, Mrs. -Wilfred Sherwin; (he .13e-
" •ng the sole architect and builder)
• hi.: Thursday evening - of last Week
yhen about 40 of their Clarke Unien
ieighhbis and frien s gathered , t�
,ipend 'a social` evening' and present
;hem .with a beautiful "Aladdin lanip
When 'ell- had asSembledi the" gat -
:ring was called to order by Mr.
Naishall'ChatteriOnin was ay-
-minted •Cliairrilan, and Who- after a,
teW Words Palled on' Mr: John Berry
read the following 'addreas. Me's-
n.s. ,Rainey and plinoneliiiiP
lck made the presentation,:
"Dear Mr. 'and- Mrs. Wilfred Sher.,
win i..7.-We;1 your 'Clarlte*,Unionneighr,
tiara • and 'iriencle gather , here.' in
your new home to -night with a .two
fold ptirpose.' Firiti to .welPoine f:111
into our reidst;',...and we ' oinCerelY
.tru'st' the fellowship of. your daysin
ourlocality mak be long and .pres-
nerOW. Sceond,. to wish: 'you -bon
Y.P.Yage'--on the ..matrimonial :sea el
sh"±1Thjt may grows tweeter ak
the ds go by, and then, when Yonr,
task on earth is Over, May Yell
,nter -the eternal' harbor of peace
rair r
rest. --As for-- you;-Wiltred;
iltve alwais fotuitt yeit . we
be a
Tanana -PE, 4,0041
purildation_Gariie t
With Easter only a few weeks away, -
Women are platitning their' Easter attire
Ne*, FOtiwnditahtiaonneGwa. gromwenntosrieasuivit ea. 90a„tial:
'THE ALL ELASTIC GIRDLE for .the Slender -or ' AreratO"
figures, well 'made, -lip boning. Step-in, at, ....,••••• • • • • fifir:
OXDE PASTENINO GIADLE, mode moion figured material,
elastic: 8oree give extra ; • . • ;
'or ,Tall and Medium figurerk FASTENINg GIRDLE,
well booed and. re-inforeed to restrain hive, -and ,
-flatten, 'abdomen' ' . 1" $225
FOR THE STOUT FIGURE *a corset designed to give Slender "
,hips and. firM, abdOMInal SuPPort with inner belt .1
BRASSIERES and `BANDEAUS; Priced .,...... oP.
— -
Township of Kinloss Abstract Stateinen
Arrears' in Ta 157.87
Resident Taxes • of 1933 '21028.33
Redemption of Taxes
School Purposes Pees, Rents and 'Fines .... 73.00
Premium on Taxes -'141-83. '
Debentures; ace value '1966.56:
„Int_erest_Lon...aCCount,:r. .. 1.2010.."
kise,ofane'ous ' 16.98
Highway . Purposes• '2084.8Q •
Prainage Purposes 144.732.
Balance on hand, Jam 1, .1933, 4889:73
, Total $ 38271.67
Salaries and Anima' nces .... 76847,
Printing; Postage and Stationery; 23(1.46
Superintendent's salary, 267.70W
Roads and Bridges 4810.45 •,
Relief '72.58
- School Purposes ' • 7874.87
Debentures :Principal 2038.48
Debentures Interest ^ 796.48
belientures . Interest (School) 146.71
DraelSge -• Purpose's. 5869.87;
,..Sheep and Dogs
Boad of Health...- 86'710.70
Tax Arrears -22671...2-17.2*•:
County Rates 13137.10
Telephone : Rates 1191.57,..„-
-:- Tile Drainage 176.66
Total $ 37863.69
Balance on. hand • . 407.99
1933• ; Asset: -
Balanceon' hand' ...............................--.......,......--...-............ ...,..,-......... 407.98
UnCollected Taxes .........,.. ... .....,...................,,......... - " 686140
Tax Arrears in Co. Treas. office. .........L.............:.:_.:....... , 315.36
_ Ilikhway .' Grant tapprok.)
.. _
Kincardine Boundary acct. ........2.......,-...1......:...,........,...,...:........,. r. 61,69
S, S. No. 4, Trustees Order .......,.,......-....:-. '--:-.,..........................,
,Debentures and Coupons: .4.-...,......,..,:--....;......-..,....,-.4.-...,....:,...
Tile- .pridn' -Coupon Nd. 3 4.......................................,...............,..:.....
' Balance in hand B. C".• Extension -................:: :,...:
Assets over Liabilities
$ 9646.43,
Dec. $0 Cash in bank, and on hand 6253.56
1033 Dec. 30, Cheques uncashed 5845.52
Balance 407.913
". We, the undersigned Auditors have examined the Treasurer's_ books
and accounts Of the Township of Kinloss and report the same eorrect,
according to vouchers submitted to us, and in accordance with' the fore-
- Dgoaitne% -Februarybstraet ' .Sitgatt:ewin19:3:4ti. tAx'
• ,
trim, straightforward, worthy young
man, always' ready to give a help-
ing '..hend, And you, MO, Sherwin,
"although - stranger to: us as yet,
Come,. from Your honie, 'ceniniunity
very. highly thought of- and.a ale=
bers' Workerin', ehilrah •' and social
,circleii: SO we feel We Will be gre4t-
Iy, benefitted.. by their: loss. IsIew as
a ,slight' token of Ouresteem and.
Warin we ask"' you 'to accept
this token Of our love. andbest
wislies., and hope you will be 'Oared
to eniuy,,yetits of haptilneas under
is right rays; , • .
• Signed On behalf el- yOur, friends
gathered: hereLlirtiont Bullock, Neti
Rainey, John. perry,
• Mr. and ..lifire..SherWin, both thank-
ed their 'friends for ." the ,kindness
'shown then. After : singing ,,,!.'FOr
they foly* good fellows," led , by
_Miss Mainde Atelier, the 'remainder
of lithe etening was. Spent in genies,
RAO which an tibunilance of: beatiti=
fut kinoti wag ta,esed:.- riP7s4P.Yot.v7,:
gtoom very Success ond lienninen
l'ft forhoine in 'the Wee:of the Morning. -Orono News 1\1
_ .
*WOMEN'S iNsirtruTE.AigET
-• The- February meeting`, , of • the
L'ucktiovv• tronitenis",Insttute,as
Johnston, With. the preeideot, Mrs.
held at the !wine: Of, , Mrs': W. 'V.
DotighiS in the. chair..
It Was deeided to Ceoperate with
Some, of the 'nearer hranclieS in a
arinriner ,Ineeting to 'be, addreaSed by
special ' speaker sent from the.
department, Mrs. W. 'Johnston
offered' her borne for . a tee, tc$ be
oil. sfor tbe pirpse �frafsfng IneneY'
for Seine 'special Work and the gell-
eral arrangentents ...*.ere, left -in -the •
hands of the executive and dire4tors,
with 'Mrs: W. ,Cpon611ConVen-
Or, In a colateet„ "piees.: Represent
• • ,
book,"r the prize 'went to „Mrs.'
C6110411'. An intereating -paper an
the topic 'Canadian ?Anal:ors," wet
given :hy Mise'A. R Ourex,' Rea&
eocat•Selo b MrS. Itaroiei :Tteleeven'
and'a ,violin 'and piano .:.dnet by Vits,.
L Otinpbell and .Mrs. P, Fteerth ,
were as WP3Jsc
iv. Nr e‘e ,I3eth Alton, !daughter of lorritnunitso alLAging With
Mr, DAM Aion IdocknoWL NivA00 if the Ogee. "