HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-02-22, Page 5rElnitTAR , 22, ).9347
Bcowl a hit!
Then grew), ',a
• .
then say, well After 'all fair 'Play, j8- fair lilar andit
. only fair that . the publigher' Should 'g11/9 us a little-Orninder
once in..a Whiter to rep:and...its.' :that We hit.yeA-ltuit neglected'.
, .
what ''we shotild'haVe...donei
_ .
I„.eok at -the label, on your paner. It tells"its own story:, You .
should- not be ,required to do ;any nbre enquiry. ;We would hate .
. to ',think a regular; stibseribei and reader (.4 the Lucknbw Sen.
tinel weuld 'deliberately ne.ilect an evident obligation, such As,
, paying an overdue, subseriptiOn.:
• •
' .
We might' send you A bers9na1 notice:, but that costs money,
and we have one ..to spare just: now. There is :a lot. of Money •
due us .for subseriptions. We 'never needed the money more:
; than we do. new, The. amount t� each individual subscriber is
but to the publisher the amount reads. in four figures. :
SO we ask :you to come across like a' true ;soldier • and ,help • the
..0140u14'be TWAT. If...4#07ut,.• The
eiigtbening,'. 14..00 intervals 1)0t.w0on
"Nr lettorr-isliggPstia, .1i#14.,we are
310,4'414 down, but you inal•••, think
'that it is our e!;"rre.!504.4,ntgC,"who
ftY,9 to practise patience. But we aie
friend', In at w,e
,niwaVA happy to get letter from
b9k* that ' fhia, .19.#0 lnay WPOI
ignie expect0at. and 00410 uu041N4.00
anSWqrs,/ ' • .; *. 4
Mary ,Ny,eirlPacli.1.* his ,lett
!Me to fic01.1b,e! her, but 1 am not
an iii.ibieged. observer. : • Plii,g0.3.r0,us
,the 849e1c, of our ,113,00-.• .1?$'"weighing
only six pounds *theil• she was born,
but now ,at Six:",weeka, she Weighs
almost 'eight -Pounds, and ,is a very,
ph e Iooks like her
ld,makes him tool
alt :7( p'wee inite. thatt31"
modest to -408013)0 hail; has. • • • . • .
lots. of dark brown hair whieh is
g-.out in front; making the re-
aemblanpa :Still more , striking. • She:
TaIiite. chit* blue eyes; and ,
sweet; little. month; Her, nose and'
chin.' look hetter ""liend 9n" than' 'in' ' A 7,11FIE!.#1) triaTE,S:
•PrOfile..Finalin she, is for the -Most
Mrs 4:41i104 Sherwood- ad )ghiripy,
returned hOnie after. !Pending' . the
"P".49t Plontil With bOr
Mr:: and ,Mre. VFilfred 'Drennan
4c1 bi1 ef visited Saturday With
40rh. -Steth0rSk,
_ and. .Mrs .TOhn And
Keith •spent •the Toreelc-reuit,wiK
leeu§in 'MiSgs Andrews
• • • . .„ .
Mrs. Sam. Shirwoort vieitecl' her
friends at /3elgrave." -
"lit,Me 4nd,:7rn.' flullgan spent
011n,d4Y With, his Mather; MrS:,'ItFtht.!
4, • -
which was
held On Friday.:eyelimg was' well
,,,..attended and 4•ko9d. time was,:allent
sh8Y.91;1:1, Pte.sent,;,liroceade .41.119PUted4„.9.
part a good-tempered „, wee thing,
and very little trbuble.• Robert is
very fond of ,her,.. and only. too ;an-
xious to,assiet in her care..
. .
Chinese Wedding
. •
We simply appeal. to your -manhood, to your 'conscience, to
your own sense of what is C.' in and right If you canna pay
, all that' is dile, pay „what .you can,
That's all,...Consult your label. 'Consult..your Sense. of, fair play,
and act at (Mee and 'save further' discuesion.
• 1. ,
(Continued from rage 1)
eiiher! .I Must confess, thet
.eodiparing :the civilians. and officers TUbliC :spirit. for ever,! • .
-f-in---cdnfiectirin tfiii 'affair; D u ri n -rale •:—• Electric wodric•-r
- , „. • 'pi :.a' -Young. People's --donference:
• • '
filoy. wouldn't .-let the PowaCompany
Croes their lines; tilt they got What'
they . wanted: Now it is said to be
=the Government: TelegraPhs- Adininis-
Aratic n that doing the same thing.
that. tho'ariny' seemed.,.tri Me...either
:.;tri :have, attracted or 'developeid " theThe;e . hasn't, been One of tlieSe
better ;quality . of man as regards
. , ,
mental ,n1tertness. and decisien. , '
•• That leads...Me to remark, tee, -on.
the ..eliatige .'the :kind et' troops . We..
. • • . 'about two thirds that nnmber. They
4 '6 ani not intimate •
.* , , • ' • didn't. knew how., to ' have :'a diseus-
' :any:of .,hent, .secing, •sion.--fellowship „ conference, •but • :the
on the street • and.'a • drill I 'notice fact that our rneetinge weie. ont.,en
• ai'd,iee.L4teinr,-7,-t-hiieeealltig
.• . • • . .
.The el:Unison soldier -Ttene014 stea1 '-of' the 'usual ..placei,.'helpe4:to
• •
• • • . , •
neater in person than: he- was a few -.:'Irreale down . reseryes,,.. ancr think.
Years ago ,and some . Of: the oflic'ers. the next.. Conferenee . do, mOre.
. ,
Jdot ..reat_sixappy in '.their. dniforni the . Young 'Folks,' ...What it did
apd carriage. The :privates,,, too, for rn.6,, though, . was co7give nie two
seem to be•PhySi•c'ellt better Men; good frietolg,, One. 'of. the leaders :Who,
drill' has 'taught, then some PreciiiOn .one. finest.typesOf....iervane
• • Of .moVemerit: 1.."-dOn't krioW of 'Christ, the • second a • student - who
• • . . . • . . . , , .
::..Mental. food they are, getting; bid. the 1•11 . as ,to:. whit Chinesc
durnb:Vacantnesshes . left yob ,••• 'folks :are thinking:. about: • • ,
iitinTher of thei.t.-. faces, .and they sepm.. thie, excitement name.
to • be .4-• different , callibre ..nf ',Seine:thing; Mere, \ our daughter at,
•. • , • .. • .
than the '.fellows i...iiSed to sit. be...ide riverL „to. 'Chinese reekon-,
• .
en the •freight....trains...justj'tF,o 'Years_ lug We. are mew' "coniplete"!,-.fartuly
_ „ . • ,• . ••
Our en/miler rgthqr
dislocated . by tfig ...TarianeS6, "Pence";
moVenienti. in North ;China,
iny-liolidaYS during.. the fl•IrSt
• the'. e-undiner; and havi;1* 'delayed
,..t.W:o.•••-weeks:theyriiid. what' wei--'expeet:ed
•• Went.: ,far as ' when baby,' but 'the.. -Mother __ do ;that,
• • •
tbere seemed
,to be. softie," 'ho mucti 'better, , than , en' • read her
'getting to Peitailie.' When that as letter.
• npoesible • got. Mile books from, This letter should, have got off „a
Langqi ag S cheol: library; „arid north 'u?, hut When the , lights
got nlY year's :history 'reeding done. going. in the poticpettnd•
• •,veIltUally, our tribe,.grand,,,parcuts •returtied to my Chinese 'study:' Exams
: And all got to Peiteilio,4 three dift-., two 'Weeks: I won't really be
ernt:fiartfoS. found it -pOu:c9for them, hop:inct.,
and , abnast ;Strinty, ..to get by On therif,AVen though soine.
ft0in: us "thg;"conntrk PePPle. (*)+:•. iTIV:1?614k •%.141,1. ririt 1."11 of "the, nnal.:
3hg•A Aniserable time,. Stone ; qv would like to Ateer.-tho'se
being: .:looted- three 'One •lot1110. • . ket. thrOurh.
aumrner, ' ,• • ••• ;•*7 all :right, think t really count as ..e
Getting .1';nek here 'the. etid,of nropor .member Of the Attssfoi.t. fot
I,,,,1)4,611pd into. the .j.bb the the, first tinie...4:ank rate. My .real:
tlectrie 'tight 'nlout •pui ork 4•!st tegttming then'
,tegether; en'gine' having, arr'.V1 so Please :excuse Me if: there, isn't
.ifie• clay ' twft*Ii .fqr in y hOlir oi;ong:112goSsin in.;t1tia, May ltaVO:
, daysl took.'.us, about wpoleg to smile real'. in aterial„ future issues,:
got. temerete , . hist:11feet •:' idhgeria.' ;
, And turthint. W,e' have bad' .lights'. nt, ps..Lttelen: lost .' her 'self-control;
nighti..but the•.terao buttories have' ,:ve.bonghf motorcyCle, the lightest
/nit arriVed, !to ,. the,. sez..vioe.. cheapest that'. we ever heaeci, of...
24 hr, :,yet: there tire 'a0n1f4,:0Pgti011 Tioth* *cif US'. ride it.,.. So .50 Mile trips
Of .• the water 'sujinly ead Winds. won't he' as.
tTOSpital: 'tbitt 'wHied .things .theY, ',used .to be,
'oeinpleted, but :they. 'are- Ontier ;•%,;•,;,,11 Old ptishAil(e, •
.8r1fin. ,
, .
the• WeSt COM,PMind gett*g lightS ppm,- Friend,.
, Made .US•etiiiiptiS eV& .hpre. Tt aeen18' 'batO to : helieve that we
When 'we,. thei-,9 'elect,40: ve 116* heen Over' three y6arft in
ebinTlitiY WAS plittmg in P )1f4. enA 06 had .ada'non self es
te:"' -t•Attallitgat
-1.rtstitife,.1 -e
trOti if Aurine's' Porollt Y1e. b'6 is. nettrait. pot
Able' ‘trbt '•EC 61c6Tet6li' ''Oavf 64' ,if.b.f;• Very' Angli • the
.6nr• goninOnnit time . the neW :0,rendratinif)f • and it 'seons
bre.oeSs,.' tot petieticie ' a
, 'flak had 'been. .„6.006,7„
. the ;thing - Ord Wet Sti`u",t, It.)t it ,t,ni.tht .cliitfilt, When: Me
May Nit bk-'
• , •
things in recent: .Years in Our Ss
so when we. started: out with an
ideal , of thirty: Students we, didn"-
know what we wOuld get. • We got
ious, guests at:it, wedding, and ince
listWriting 1 iiave attended • a
Chinese • :Christtanweddink, Oqr
'garj,Plier 'Wits to he married, /rav-
ing consented to marryl the gi
chosen his parent's for hint yenta
ago. • This little • girre 'mpther, °led
when sheiv,as "Yen'- .LY-"ning,-..and she
Was ppit tp the lunre of her. pro-
spective: mother-i»,law:I. sOtne.
cases when the ,faMily 4,0f•OlalTlifia0;
to -he are peer in' everything except
daugthers this nrringentenf it .2alse
,made, and the. lot of the little,: un-
mhyried daughter:740a*is often
bard,: as she ,beeomesi the fanily
diiige Th ts Custeni fortunately is
gradually disappearing, hut in our
district: (notice . to the Laymen's, For-
eign Misaiena Enquiry) the parents
still .4O the choosing. of ''the I .bride:
and tbe inother-in-.1aW rules'atipreinc
.had been invited for noon, 'Ane,.
We set out on fooi,,.fer thegroom's
ho.mei2takingmii_Victrela withis
as we ,had been • 'requested to de:
T_Wheift.N4e arrjVdT1 vas
the ,roOrn which Was, to be the young
*people's private apartment, and,
there admired , the fine quilts- tiliOd.
hicrli at "one end of the big bric
bed, the carved -wooden chest,: and
other • household. equipment. - The
bancie.et, t� • the". women' guests was
.be periled ona 1ovtab1e,on the
brick bed, and. also on 'a bigger.
alile in. an adjeiningLroinie'-:L4AS
asked if Mr. MitOell and J
eat. together; ;but we chcise to. f011oW
Chinese custom ,.and .;eat. With mir
°WTI sex. It :Was, a.. good feast and
felt very full afterwards We then.
:maYed out into tIe 'courtyard to
make ..rooni 'for the: next relay of
guests. Neither Of the .principals had
yet been seen, tut vife learned that
the groom,
had gone to: ftch the
• _
Mr. and. Mrs, OW. McDonald.pent
Friday afternoon with mi.: and MrS.
Robt,- Nelson, • ,
•Mr and Mit. jno. Jamieson, and
daughter, ,Mrs: E. . Wilson, visited
with a J o. Helm • on
Sund.aiy. • • •
, Messrs. • Less., J. G. and Andrew
Ritchie are busily engaged, .,
lax from Kingsbridge. to I,Aicknow
these days. • '
Mr. and . Mrs. ,Gordon Ritchie and
farhily spent an " evening at Albert.
41elm'a-last week.
r4GE Jim
.(Furnii by. the 0.11taritil .flePartMent . of Agricniltate)-' •
g„?0,7. Ca,04F.e.
garly Cabbage is 4 yg)ri",fJI
olOpey. gtop. Ker.e, N'41145 9b
tat* trg*, an, gp:e 0.4.4 .typ; •r9re
he PalnesniXeg COe
`..eligl.d.4 be; .den
• M h "the4rantdirovvn
The heeP,
, • The .prOductiOn Alas. •
iOrgely & question at PArilisl'h
io„inbs to the Markets., 4if in beef,
or • Pork, the demands og the market,
call,. for S'Qlleo. p_w4t ee;UPeri-
e .tisreiSr. light„ Weights in ',carcass.- The
prIium p4i4 for 'baby 'beef, ' 4n4
in',41a.ts Qr thumb ••Ilot4, and iatOr pu
, -
44'foer inch pine: Hardening, off. he
fore n1antjn in 'the Oniff' "
t "b46°,11 1108n 41),Plies.7with-eV.en: greater .,
'force 'to, s'eep. Thick flesh'hut
- rather 1iht jointa'. Are' w.1:Int 'the-
important. This will make- 'tile' Plants
:frost •hardy. As aeon .z.as the- Plants
i'ho; "nfglls (Ten
Acid, apply a side dressing ef' nitrate
Tune to Castrate!"Pigs
'The early castration 0!
shoUld, net be overlOokeil by breeders.
• Young Pigu;' are. easlly., handle'di
,suffer verylittle.' and 'heat ,quicisik,,
with a sthrill, percentage .Qt. Ipsseq,
if the ,ppe_ia. tfo
•Cook""calls for whether:fey .the bbme
table • or the restaurant : The4tastesof „
the consumer 10,,ve lee.1.1-eultiVatr •
tol•diserifninate in ',fliyour of the
tasty; fender, iamb .rnitU we :And
that from 70, to 80 Per• dent, of the
sheep ...*that '-4•04.11-' !the Market are
less than; one year old. The age of
hears. mutton i palSed—'a condition'
wno,is '.,simbloct to reap quick: :
retur.ne from his flOelt.' The iocras7
ing demand or Iamb matton 'this
tieason• augursiguis well , fOr the future
of the indu. stry,provided' care is .
-favorable to ti
, 'sheer)
grandparents on both .sides, all
1.,rothers., ',and sisters living; and
of either sexil. Either One of us
,pbuld ' beallovved to Eel!) at f any
wedding noW,.sympathetic magic
You ".
,. •
bride from her, •'..Father's home, to
Which She had returned esPeCiallY
for the Welding. The:return journey
'involved 'a slow Procession, through
the ,,city streets. • .• • :
The Ion* interval et., waiting fqi.
•the arrival of the bride' and groom
was'broken by tea and. convereation
and .Victrblan musac About ,twe
.._120ive' bundles wrapped : in, pretty,
.gay • Cloth. They were shOwn th'6
.women: gtiests; :.and . theught:. the
gownsi. were: Very :pretty and L neatly.,
Made: ,About 4:30 , Word 'Came, 'that
the bridal procession
and, we *mit' outsioe h0 gate
to meet it. It k wqm led by bblis: 'walk-
ing in pairs .:carrying .gay silk ban-
nerdand followedby"a,band T
bride's Sedan chair WAS carried, by
fonr.'men, and'was eovered
Onbroidered si1k. The gropn).
'rode, In -a 'more nibriest green COYer-
Mr. hips. Helm .who ima.been con;
fined to* bed most of .1he Winter is
gradually improVing :in health. ,
.Mr.‘ and Mrs. • Ernie Wilson off
Saskatoon returned. Tuesday 'after
visiting Mrs.,Wilson's parents for
the; past" three Mentbs. • :
Ath: CON.4 ,
•Mrs. A. . Ackert -entertained '. the
ladies of ' the , cairstiea Club, • on
Thursday last:, Despite, the cold .day
:there wae. good attendance.. Mrs.
Dan ''MeKinnori, presided,.; by reading
the Creed _and- the. „Ebrd's :_pisYer.
Was. repeated in unison. Miss. Kath -
last, 'meeting, Oen letter
of' ap-
nreciation %rem, Mies Mae McInnes:
. After eommunitY singing, the: rill
Twister" . During the.!'busines •
iod, it • was' decided, to have an
auction ' sale next month, when
every Member is ;to donate :*hat
ever they wish teivaide it:. A splen-
clidprograny followed, which .iniiid
ed ,reading' _by . Mies Col -
is efl selo by Ackert,•and
a recitatien.' by , Leonard Legg. "
Oranizing work, beYte:M:,rNsvasA"VeAr;keirrit-'".
treStirig. .Little Donaida Valad de
lighted .the . audience With two
arous ''.Songs,'. and ' Miss-;; Jean • -,Mac...
played very sweetly 'on. the
picturestudy ' by: Mrs. A.
IsTnglies wa,s given. A ddet by
Mr4,1 A. Ackert and Mies Katherine
Robertson brOught , the;„ Prograin' •to
close,•, all Of whiCh was mueb', en-
joyed. After. singing the. NatiOnal
t ern And a vote o thanks to the.
hosteSS, refreshment s Were served
tuia a 'Pleasant hour sPertt.
Both' Chairs Were: , ifithiediately,
Surrounded by a mob 'it clitiotut
,adults, and noisy ' children,. and t
felt ,..eorry, for ',the little •bride as
she 'stepped "mit sUppOrted: by •-'twa
•older wOnien.::She Win*. ati•'.'enihrOld-
erect. red.' gown; and a length of
pink satin Wad tied,. in 4t.. treMen7,
.0in 'bow on; the--,:topofilier head.
filling down over her shoulders .and
hid)ng most of1her face. The grootr
waS inore• SebrelY cladbit black, but Wits ,coroniending is life work Which
he wore a brewn felt hat gaily 'de- Ale, had Coritedrated.td Christ; ,
b�wing to the: Patents, . suppotting.
!rine as soon as this-, was . Over,
.while Bili stayed', to act • as Photo-.
grapher. • '
And now , having talked , of .a.; ne-w
baby and °a wedding I Will
, with the third great avant inhuman
life --:a "White Occasion" (unlicippY)
as the 'Chinese say in contrast to: a
"Red", (hanny), affair spell as a
Wedding: The disease tnyhtis is very
prevalent in. :our district, The: young
Chinese 'pharmacist' in one - of out
hospitals died recently of this tteaL
cherOnd diease: Ile' .Was an only son
one .of the 'mint brilliant Students
(libelee University ever had in 'his
(tOurae; and , aincera Christian, In
China grown • sons , a. often
imly,instrance against sioknest.
eident,,, olcl age and to , the non-
rIbristian they ere the �nIy Ossur-
anee of it (.11,aPp3 'hereafter. •ThiS
Mdn's , father has &ken: his ,tragje
toes :bravely, and regretting,
only ;that his win *aa, taken jpst. 86,
he lad '• finigheci his training -and
erated with ,sniall, gilt OrnaMents.' '1ie, death - rate from. typhus.
The ,serVice *as in a COUrtyard, 'among foi.eigners in -China is very
and was -rather spoilt frit its -by but: we are rejtmenig, ,bere
rowdy crowd who forced ' their -way the ..recoVerY of One: of our number
to gee 'what Alley could:, l'he 'pas- Mr: Ildn Faris,: t Infected
tor' carried6on witti.dignity in splie
Wiian .ant. no intr. ther
• • • •
togiateo, hotto, Atter' the,' •01,05, 010 -0Knit4tiOn .,‘",thetter Tti
pastOr afbnoniiii.O4 -f the siline ditW Will be 'Used te, '
hynin singing' art 1,00 Conditisons,'are the Weanbili Which
• ,
t,otiold,„'nod One Old OhirieS6 aiintOin otit beie ifl if hai.:heen" *004 blit
ii•• 6h6tV6A; '
:drank Wfne,',..froni NOW t' WiSh YOU VerY
. ,
"were eXehantied after ' he `p,rdt: sin ,
TOR 0)0,1'91.9vpitl
. Oteit
ed4 and necessary precautions
talcen to, prevent infection. ,
At 'the Dominion Experimental
Farm,: Indian Head, .Pigs for Market
purposes are, castrated Previous t�
weaning time. Pigs to be weaned at
ix weeks are castrated at, one month
.weeks they are castrated when about
6 weeks old. Experience at this Farm
has Shown , that nursing pigs 'suffer
es 'aa,r; coeltd-. ;Id heal more rapidly;
with a smaller 'percentage Of losses;
eilt:2110g •COstv. •
^ L -Z
rad Of.,). the
• 's
Prospects Bright. 'For . •
k Ontario IloneY Trade
"1924 ,should he a prosperous sea-
oir•lor ;Ontario, - honey prbduCers",
gays Dr; E. J: Dyce,head,.....of :the
nept. Of An-ilture A. C. ai•-id
'ecretary . of the: Ontario,. Beekeepers'
Association, and be emitinnes.--,,
• '"Canada' is new a'" large ,.exporter •
honey,', :stanclink Second: in amount
to the British 'market; It
is net Many .yeare,-. since Canada'S
honey export ' was practically nil, but
cent". h :Winn ed to
stroil, position" and all 'signs Point .
1-a still further. increase ,in ,tracte.
,.con't#rio!§' lieneY e;.0.ort for the
-ast Year amounted . to 'about,' bne-
lnarter of her total:production' and '
'ler ?Money' is. ,advancing
in poular-
ty , on the British 'market The '.
ex -
'rt demand together ''•with the . high •
rhkieni:aiiii. h -of‘ pe; is -'at---.
'Ind 'dearer's , than the porMal.. •
',mount for this seaSen, of the yenr...
-.71-48,these-:ismall-stricke,on--hand i
:likely that' all hcineir Will be, Sold
befre the: 1934 -Crop eoines on t� ,the
t_Then too,.....recent reports of .
Ir,weather in New. Zealand :indieate
i..h:4t the honey crop. at Pfesent .
-itl..e.red' by bees in that, country is
While hogs 'have been ',climbing to
'the beat , reached since 1931.
rark Yeting: •of Ontarib,
boa' been busy: establiShing: a ,world'S
• for cheap production. He re-
ports a hundred . pounds gain for
every,281 pounds of feed, used, which
is eight pounds better than, the re-
eord of Ihe.Inclian„State:College, pre-
yioiis holder of ,the record .' ,Antheri,
-tieit--7at--4th-d---7--Ontario -Agricultural
College' ;consider.: one ' pothid of pork
gain for every four and one ,balf
pounds of feed - decidedly•Athoyeithe,
a-fterage,-.Mr. ...Young gives%his total
,ciSt per Idindred pounds cif Pork for
the entire six Menthe 'feeding period
as $4.78 ,which represents more than
$1100: net profit per 200 .pound, hog
•at „present prices. Not Only .hate
n -re -years as c s,
and rmitkly. --.(they ,Were marke.ted
tsix ,.in.onth,. , 9.
'cor,ding to grading :at: TOrOnto•
nnd the bacO, ..reports.. front ,,:Great
,Britain, Wh'eretbepok.-was-mar1t.
ed,. has been the best., :Young
-figures his 7COsta ' from ., weaning" to
'six months as . 2,050pounds'
of. Mixed; Mine ,,:grewn grain,' • 400
p.unds. Of ,shorts, . 1,650 pounds , of'
special Concentrated. feed, total.. cost
$0157 for bile lot of otebt hogs. .
...Hatching by Inctibiter...,
:.BefOre ''Using the :incubator • cheek.
it.,..for, leaks and breakages and'. test
the thermornetate. Plitce: the:Machine
in a wel,1 Ventilated, 'room or • 'cellar
'which is kept, ata uniforin temper,'
atnres.,. The eggs used .,should he of
n;orni.al' e and appearance and ,at.
Teast 24 'ouncei to the , dozen: ,Contra
. •
the; moiature. accOrding. to, the.. ap-
pearanccof the' eggs. after .they are
set.•,•bn, the •seventh' -day test the,
cell:, should: 'be .about one , eighth
the' size. . Of: 'the. egg: and :en • the
eighteenth day about one; quartei..
The 604 should he turned twice P
day. Test for 'fertility on4he.seVenth
and eighteenth - days, closing tlie
inaehing • on the ei*hteenth: Above 'all,
follow ,the instructions given With'
.the Machine' When Purchased.
ProPer Finishing
Repay • Ontario Stripers
"'The cattle feeder :,,kho ehipsonly
properly -finished 'cattle," said, Garnet
-Duncan; liVestoek. investigator,
Ontario 'Marketing' Board, ols• very
deAn4elyhelping' hinitelf. -• ,
"The. • liquidation of ' unfinished
cattle' will meet a 'poor .sale, ander
Present :.!.ceriditions: This is
to the tagf., that. packers
.liaVe Sikh huge. quantities in storage.
:the other hand Ontario 'hart, cen-
siderahly' less cattld feeding than
nrrnnl Consiittiptienj•deinande. .
ris4 in hog prices Will reL
fleckiterilf n chtfle nrices. and fin -
.the erly. will .repay
eoe rft it and rt7.
ntpresiitwill be
increase in the Stota•ge„ antiniv;,•,„ rut-
ttier. ttiati .this, feeders will find
,thenatetvea with no :gattle to ,ship
*hen.' i$iigga " •
"tn mv epinion, this -W444, 'atiipniq:
A441.1144fliell' atd: t‘t66 Stoiiitsuply 6
• ' 4.e •
lc' I, to •be short'
theseff-and other -,ye'asons.,,, On -
tr.:0 beekeepers •ma7 10.0k fOrwar
If'!th reasonable assUranee of good
”;ires for the coning eeason's Crop
^,roviding-.7they give Close attention
44 hosiness and 'produce high quality
...Mrs. ' Bill. Brewer ,and infant, soh- .
are spending a f4w.. days lter • ,
parents, Mr.: and • :Mrs. Jack: Ross; '
lOth con
Mr.'.W. TWeedie has geneo V
, tisit'''.
. , •
his kbrqtliers, and. Sister,. Mrs. Mor-
den. at P.ort Colhourne.
•Miss, thielyn McLean returned ,
av.ieit with •BerYie,. and
c .
Th Woiid• bay;ef Prayer Mee ingil
as held the .FreshYterian Church
on Fridayafternood• with 'Mrs. John. ).
taile; ' rresident ' 6f. the .7.M.§. pre-', •
iding 1•10. the ,regular, .prograin •Was
c•orried out:. Prayers :were taken by .
Mrs.' Wes: Thompson, Mrs.
M'isses Nellie Malcolni, Hazel Percy,
r•leina' BoYle, Mrs. W,1,.; McLean, MI'S':
Ips. Hodgins and litre,
kinsbri: , ...Thee.. .*elciin,
oave.,a reading., , ' ,
. boa tiieir regular :
flieeting an Mondny evening
-,nkartained the Presbyterian :y
thore- were, thirty present. elast1, andr
,56.0ety, ; Pe,Apith '-tbe stormy *gather ,
ident, Mr. Peri Pet.ey. presided; and
ofter,'• the usual opening exerciaes..
the following , progi-7ani WAS giVbri:,
eoinposino, and singing contest; from ,
adVertiseinentS, , Which preyed Yery '
humotoue; intiSie: by Toni
Vartane! jiMibled tenteit; ,
clothes On race: Litnek Wee: Seived
arid the meeting Closed ;With, the
Atithelki . q
There appeared an iteni in • the
daily papers' sone few tveek .,Agsti4
in tegard an tiet: 'Os bravery bytive 3ionng girls .o`f the Weiland
ftlets itsetine,* eompsnien 'at *
:sloth* ,,lititty, drain drowning, One
Of ale Lane.•tatlY
'Lt• is, leL.Lrnecl: „that it Asll, ,
vdity, teftetits .teboot, ;that 1odelityi
, •
cttb tepettei. tfatting. Ms'
in ifrOnt. of "hi .1:the ,
nti1 In.
• ' „ • • I
6111%"., The driltiell,
AleittgAliiit 14041