HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-02-22, Page 117:
rra • YEA& IN AD,Y C
- oi*sawsas
SDA, Februiry. 22nd 19 34
rOILL. 844.LE-,4 R1 011 Neater
• 1•40 a CiatOrn Fum Apply at The
FOlt SALE -LSO -egg ' Incubator
, and .trearn Separator. Apply to • T.
.Willianu, R. 5, Lnehnow-
FOR SALE."... Fritme bona* in good
condition ant12;•,57." stria Istid
.-•raiihs: north of Luchnoni, the
ty of: the, late ,Margaret
Apply to Wm. Maelceaxioi, !az !in,
lAtielmOvIr." " •-•
• NOTICE' is- lierebY given' to 411
- persona haring any claim igainat
the estate Of William 1. Hogan, late
of the Township of Ashfield farmer,
, who died on or about the 8th, day
of Januiuy A.D. 1934, to send Jenne
to the undersigned, or to biro. WM.
j. Hogan; Iemkneie R.R. No; 7, on
4934; as on and ':after that date the
Adrainistratriio at the nalcii‘ ,estsie.
will proceed to make . distribution
thereof, having regard.. only to the
elaims she, then -heal:notice of.. • :
Dated it, Goderichl this 1.9th day
of February A.D., 1934.
• ---MaYs-end--Hays,--Goderich,,Ont.ario.-
.- %Solicitorsfor the, ' Adniinistratrix
Nark*, to tintattcata , •
In the mitter of • the .Estate of
, • .•
..:.Margeret, late the
Tovinoldp.:nt :fairies. in the, County
Of Erncer..Spineterrdeceased,
Notice is..hereby given that*
pemotie .having any claim's or de -
Mende .aglinat 'the 'late ••Margaret
died on or *heat the
ilith • day Of IbliiVeMber ' A.D. 1933 at
.the TOwitalrip Of ' :. in the
'Comity', of Bruce; are required to
lend by POSt •PrePaid, or to dallier
'tii.--the....undersignecti-!=eXecutor of the
..estate ' of the paid Margaret'.Camp;
..full particulars In *101g ; Of , their
Claimsand :':atateMentittbelr
. . , .
• • accounts and • the: niter* of the ger
entities, If tini!;• held: by • than idialY
.„ -•
And take Viat . the,
Srd day of , Merck AD. • .1994, tbe
Paid, :ex:Outer' Will priceed:'.•te,...dia
tribute ': the •iiiiets the; *Oct..; de,.,
• • coated' *Mang the ...persons...entitled
theretO... *eying. tegard. Only 'te; the,
claims of'WhiCh: lie :Oen then have
ted-•riotice; And that the said...Oa:en-
ter will not "Sable for the • .oaid.
• assets ••or, Ray' Out.. thereof to iny
vermin . of whole claim he. Shall not
then have received netiee. ,
This 'notice given pursuant • to,
, • the itsitn* in that behalf: •
Dated :et: LitelitiOW; .Ontairio,
.Twelfth day of February A.D.' 1934:
itaiKeticie„.)110X .20i, .Lacknoir.
Coming Evetits''
nut taserdiak'sOa. "
Lucknow Continuation Settee), will
hold in open Literary meeting in
the Town Hall to -morrow after-
noon (Friday), commencing . at 3-30
a!elock. _Silver .4ollection,
• •
: To -night (Thursday, Feb. 22nd),
there will be an old time' skate held
at the rink. Adninision 15e and 10e;
• .• spectators 5c. Band in attendance.
Get out your :skates and join t he
In the Town Hall, Friday,' Feb-
, rusty •23rd, music by good Orchestra
and .three ,ficidlers. Roy McCreight,
caller -off. • A real oldtimer- with, e
05e adinission fee for everifone..
plces Lucknow' Fire Co. "
. der41 of 'Thuds
We 'desire to express grateful
thanks to friends and neighbors for
kindness and sympathy extended to
us durink Mir -recent bereavement,
- and to espechilly thank Rev. 0: T.
• Tutker, his services.
• , Nilsen ?Winter/MN
• bits. J., G. Colwell.
Mrs, Henry I'etterson -and family
s-tish to 'think their many', friends
; and neighbors 6r:their kindness and
sympathy shown them during the
Phials and death of * lovin* %timid
ormer. Kink**
0;t0113ter raSSOS
/alafiury *WIWI* A itaid‘t
:Of :Klatto,a1:171/Wialolp, For, gait -A
/*ow! Lao -
tiywn ‘,10114t..85.1,14'.
',..19h0 'ROO* Wointaeotoini who war
res,ids*.of: LInto�. -tOwniihiP fol
Upward*. • to :41fW'" 904* and •Tost.
*lister it , pat*. !mass for 62
Yeses, peeped; away Sit.the home of
1'4 Witbieetevfn on
Winteratein wia in bie 85th year.
in: Il4bridge; tha deceased
lived theri until tenting'. to Sinless
with Atm Wintersiein, who, was
-formerly, Ltdia •Ann .Arnold, also of
Uxbridge. Afsr ,firining north of
• • •
• Ai. Pro!s time aPProacheit, we, learn
of the death of Jacob which
Deterred early : 'Wedniiiday melting*
following an of sheet tV4.
menthe Since *Offering a peralytia
etroke. The funeral Service will
held' from hi* late residence, Rave -
lock St., on Pride* afternoon at
with :interment, in „ Ein1oSi4
v.i.T4etvg7. " '
Setona Of Church
Socials Presented
hfr. A. E..Busivell'a Group .Provides
Prevent lei Second' Of A Trio Of
Social Eieninga.. •
liaitritici'Seven.. Weeks,
_Meets Tragic ..Doat
'Leonard 7Kteight;':'Ilitilteini Of
netta Fisher' of ,pnloss,, Fatally
'Scalded at Stratford
'Tragedy, swift and ' .stunning,
!wives a bride of .but seven weeks,
Mrs. Leonard Knight; fOrinerly..A.n;
:nett' Fisher,a widow -at the age of
tVventy-two. Her husband was fat-
ally P9aided .ivhea he fell. into ".n vat
of dye it an upholstering and
fabric plant .at Stretford on 'I'ueS.
day at: noon, his death oceuring in
the. General Hospital •therei'a shalt
time after. The funeral will be held
, .
pn Friday from 'the home of his
parents, at Linviood.
The Bread
• of Health
h -Bread
-„ „ •
of Health
*.i•TAYEE l'.: CAKES,''. ' - - ,
WOE: PIES ',..
.......' ':., .
JELLY ROLLS ' • . -'41-111'4.,E; PIES
, . ,, , , ., , • .
" DOUGillsitrre.''
ICED ROLLS, ETC. ' 4.. ii,‘A.-.1/U74.•
rt1e:rineat White .andr:WhpleWheat..1304
.H[0:4LymAN!s..9vApTyPhone 36.
Arthur ' Young ,61, Montreal as a
en et -al`
by •.Mr,. *gel:Line; ' 'Nr...!iintenstein
leek over tilie.peee, 1014 appoint-
ment and *limo , Ono. of that cont.
triunity's-heat IcnOwit residents, where
. . . . •
he. was .highly.:eetessined. ,
the fell „cif ,,1925, following the
death of Id. wif. _thst .spring, he
came to Lucknow to 'reidde, with his
lionNehien Auld Mee.•Wintentein and
fiireyeate, ,Iter eciaintnanied them to
Ridgetentl; ;Where IM hes since ‘, re.
tlided* •'
• 'Mr: Wititeratein. 'hag been.ritpidly
failing le health during the •tkast
home for a month priOr to.'ide';:yeatht
• ,
Foflowing a brfef funeral i.itrytde.
In aidgetoloa tko 'roma* '...*Orei•
brought to „Ltieknow' Witt the. fun.
, • ". • .
'erel being:. held '.froin4Ditirisprep 'Un-
dertaking •..Farlerii On 'Tiniedey, • the
'iserrieisti•.,being ;Ocindlieted-: by: Rev. S.
T. Tacker.: Internient Was In Greer
hill ceMeteflti
.dengliter; • Golirelt.' :of
FUnt,:.?4,1clr;i: both., Itteitdirig • the:
funeral. - Tiro' brotherai-andLena:ailter
niao .survive. '. •
ticiglthors et -Mr. ,Mlitterltein, Lorne
ii!Odgink •Nelson uah.11, Walter
'.1Fsiononibli.- Norman
camiphen.•indfliosii Oe4dOL,
SuppEzir roATit 04111E
..Liteknow Eiricirdine, will , en-
gage in a Midden •deitli ginne,,to,,,be
played" in Ripley ' !Creme to -night
(Thuridey). 'Ogee :teams are 'tied
for the, ,grinit. "clierstpi'Onaltip and the
Brice ,t,eiraii.• eieeptive•
the playofr',taike this week,
neceseitittes the etiddeti death
gone,' The. Whiner *tinge ..1.itith,
the semi-final aeries for the tetigise
'championship: •
The 'deligt.7' occurred at Maple
Creek, Sasiiii• on: ThiarodaY, Febrairs-
el --`•
1st, of Andrew D* gen* a former
well-lcnown reph.lent of' lAtelniii,
and an Intel. of Mr: W. J. Davison
of JaVin. The :disieased was in his
seiriti•ainth Year. ,ite was born, at
Varna--.10-lefoll-ant•when in. hie teene
moved to Lnektiow, •,where •hia. bre-
there* Alex •and Robert were in butil.
ne",'"d. Isktb ;wtiorn he learned the
'undertaking linehtese. • '
!iv here for e annibor o
years arid' married', Miss &manuals
Oillum, a gliteitot protestor: Edward
04inni:, of lancouyei. About 1385,
they moveeto •Goderiek, Where live
years later Mr.:. Davison died, leav-
ing thi'00 children.' •/, 111r. Davison
again merried (AO ,early in the pre-
sent Cerititry, Wciat '.West where he
him ssince Amami' *dad it Meplf•
Creek, WithAthe • exctiptiOn of shout
two yeirs: }It, 'hed been fitt-
ing for th4i qthrio TWO, and
reached 'a . see** tbnetition, about
three monthi prior to Mi.:death. The
furterol was held on lr'ebruerk Sid; .
The Maple Creek News pays the
following tribute to Mr. Davison
'earneel; Lquiet .7nan,- he ;Went
threingh disclierging'-all the
duties of a ,good ',atizen a 9ior-
(nigh and iffinicielithrint manner. He
is ,-survived lits Wife, two oene.
Ernest 4., ef Port Huron; Mich and.
soveaidaibef�r�' l.- :f
death, 'Aid% daughter,Mrs, ; A.
Peters, of 'Seaver, Lodge, Atte. The
terge number '.ft4ends and ic-
quainteneese.' in ettendariee at the
funeral fled -AO 'the • esteem in
which , OilOOS':*** hold ig the
musvolo • „ 4.41101„.
& trio of group entertainments Pre-;
UMW in , the"icliont ',lupin' of the
United Church, whiek.'4* for • the
.yPeTdhoernigaruev, tOdir-
ection' • of. "Mi.. was
• .,
responsible- foi7.7thia, -enteetainment
and: an interesting .program was
staged,• by being'
served. , : • •
_ The Singing Of 'a hyinnend:pray-
ed by .1teV,;„ S. 'T.. preeeeded
the...Prgrane....4„hirn, ,cnininineed„.:,With
* pleasing piano instrumental ! by
Miss .Blanche ' •MacDeagalL' A abort
and humorous .11iii .followed entitled:
•.goef; the Story .Grewu:.: The parts
, • .
were • well, taken hY,. 'Mrs. Ewart
raYler, srMrs: Harvey . Treleaven;
Mrs. Wallace' 'TwanileY; Mis. Girt
field Ostrander . and Wises.. Martha
And. Mergaret
Play:depicted hew what at first was
supposition, was gossiped around
Xmo,ng.the ladies, until it heeanie 'a
far fetched reality., ountil the •:.trith.
was made known as the pisy con
Several of the teen. age: ,girls- of
this .:,group sang . en amusing ehOrns,'.
"Whooping :Cough 'Genie; While.,
the strangling coughs of George7
Cecil Armstrong, RixfOrd,
Ostrander and ,Jeck, Leith, viVilly
'portrayed the ravages' Of the disease.
New talent was diecovered,ine solo
guitar • accompaniment, . which 1VHS
emelt. enjoyed. ;Mill.. Ira 'Campbell
feveredwith it Violin • selection ac-
companied by Freeman. .
About. thirty Male • ,voices,
blned in the number the "Old Sing -
Ing •?chOcil". eith -MeMber attired in
amusing -costume. .Mr. P. 3. Mac-
Millan was Chairman of this chore!,
roil); William' Webster . secretary,
and Greg Leith director of '•the, sing -
Ing'. Mrs. SarcyAlUn presided as
harpsiehordiat and Herold Allin and
Gerold __Rsithwell' took ,sole parts in
two of the, Several. choruses. . A'7 fon-
tute of this number Was by•
4 -year -.old dau-
ghter of' Mr. stied .Mrs..,Ewart Ter.!.
n is one on y • aughter
of Mr. William Fisher, and the fate
sirs. Fisher, boundary east, it whose
tome. only sevenahort weeks. age' a
Wedding dinner was, .perved,.,
follow -
Ing the marriage on ,DeceMber 30th",
Of the. young 'Couple at the Menge in
Whitechtlikh. '
, Mrs. Knight willbe twenty-two on
Saturday, the .24th, which also.
.marks the • date• of the %marriage Of
'her parents, and on sPri'd47;70e 4Y'
Prier to these anniversary 'dates, .by
the irony of fate the remains ether,
young husbandwillbe laid -to rest.
Mr,:••_rishet, • who has been in, pee;
aesilth for the 'past three 'weeks,'
teaves to -day • : to be with , his
;Lief . istrieken daughter, who has.
,the :sincere .symPathyof thiecom.
nunity:' Her: only .brother rGeetge-,.
•resides at Lobo, near London.
Pert"' in 'Eerier, Of, Mr., and. Mrs.
James saidy ' Of London ;.
• .
. 'pleasant party was 'alloyed te-
lentlyat the home et Mr.. and Mrk,
Nelsen, Weaver,. 430 Wociclinan
London in honor of Mr. and Mrs
James Cassidy. Mrs: Cassidy was
formerly Miss ' taera, Weaver, •daugh-
ter of the .hostess. • Miss Mari Cas-.
sidy received with the. hostess ' ane
.Tsiests. of. honor. . .• • •
atiebis partner; Miss' . Cassidy, tak-
ing the prize .the best •dancing.
Refreslinients and the bride's take
Were served by the 'hostess. Arnong
the l'etiests present were Miss ' A.
EdWerds,7, Miss M. .Cassidy, 'Miss L.
Tiedgiris*. Miss% L. Donahue, Miss„ A.
MacLeod, White, Mr. and
Awro‘' E. Johnson, J. newels, Mc,
mstan; W. Eddie and C. Webster:
"1 -
-There m, morning service
in- -St Peter' Ali:
• , •
Sunday. The regular evening ser-
vice will he held at the usual hour.
. a
lor. Jean quaintly •• dressed,. sang, PRESENTATf°N MADE
"Put on Your old grey peanftV1' and
delighted the audience, *,
itei.1Mr;.. -Tucker ,spoke • -hrieflr.- -
thinking the group and announcir,g
the next social on March • i6th. Mr.
Buswell , 'echineWledged • ,the kind
words of Tither, but attr1butp3
the success ,of the • program to •,:the
efforts of the group , as a *Nile. ,
The, 'Nfttionel 'Anthem • was ,s1,ng
and hitch' !Served to :the some three
hundred in attendance. '
Isle* Overalls; Sox; Mita and Work
Clothing for men and boys. -TM:
"OH MY POOR, FEET" --net 'if
yob 'use Cress corn Satire.- Sold: it
Arthur Andrew a delegate to
the Young People's Society :treinine-
SehMil atielpir this Week.
PX1143.1.T,- the ideal ' stimulant-, and
:orrective. $j 00 a bottle at
mra-,-T:Jrn.-Geoghegan had . as. lier
;twat o'er the meek -end her father,
1r Ilamilton of ListoweL
Mr. McNi.b..' returned to
London ' Tuesday, spent
the week -end here, where, he. was
detained' due to illness
• The-Lucknow_
Plans holding Social evening fe'
O n Friday, March 2nd.
The progress 'Yof Mi.:. John ;oat
. . . ,
eRntMtiolf •,.(Ptite
favorably ,and this week:Ike:was 'able
to up for , short intervals:
. , .
Mt. , Herbert Miller of ' Winnipeg:
e • •
is a visit* ,Witb• his mo*r having
.arrived here a few a4is. ago: due- to
the illness of his . father, Mr. Jacob
'Miller,. Whose death oceu;red yester-
pMitchells Send
reogogs.Hfroto p4iott..
r., and Mrs. - m. Mitchell, Send
6rie' rinse TO:-..'LuckitOw 'Friends
Front, thins, Interestin* Des-
eribing Their Life .Aulf;"' Werk In
The 'mission Field. •
• , • ,
The following . letters' have bee
received by . Limknow friends ;train
and Mrs. H. Mitehelli (ne6
Doctor ;Helen' Craw) ;of which
we believe will he: '',otind infightning,
7," ii:.7res°Chng.ankt:
:- December, 1933.
-Vear:-.Erle,nds,: •
Happy New Year, folks. in China;
Jappy Spring ' you who • are farther
awe*. This letter should have •started
....Once our last general epistle we
'434PP last 4inlY, hut- .
'iave had another 'Synod ',Conference.
3Ome People didn't :dire ' to come,
'.iecause they had _heard it 'wee of. the,
•ievil. However,' those of us who ...ore:
little more friendly, with the said
We were all given living quarters in
`he High School ;buildings; brick
• it, and a.:Otool 411310ii gi!"3
*Inors a board., bed with a rush 'mat ,
.1n , the ;Yard. waved our :left hand to •••
keep away the flies; and if proficient .
showed our. stuff" with the. clion-, •
:aticks. ,
The •leaders :•of the Conference
were from the Church Of Christ in
China* and the National Christian •
Cornell staffs. •in addition to the
• day,
;"spiritual" pick-me-up of
With 'repairs being 'Made to , one rsuch Conferences they • gave con -
T.the-fintaCed Town Bali L9iderable-heli-aiLto*eihodrof work
• the- litter Part of 'last Week, , it was hat had .been :tried out in different
negessary to clese ,the Libt. Ilaces,, together With information as
rat*. However, the work it.: now cOni. •lo the success that :Wee attending •
Their: use. One interestingbit
orniatjon was that about one half
the Christiana! • in thine, say' •they
Were not "Caught!' by any of the big
revivals • Or • Urinal ,Preaching of ' the
Chureh„but. had ' been gripped and
led to ,Christ personal 'influence
and personal contacts with ,Ctris-
pleted ttcl theLibrary-*ill be. open
on the usual ,hours.•
Receives Staff Appointment
'Miss •• MacDonald, wile
'graduated, from the Woodstock
General Hospital, in the Fall, and
completed her course tie student
nut , last :week, •has siccented 6
position on the staff; of this. hospital.
, •
Cold Continues .
With the exception 'of Saturday
'night and Sunday, the col, wave
that ; has held .this district in its
grip , for the greater . part of the
• .
iroath; has abated' only Slightly. The
.31AILIORY ;HENDERSON days Inive'' been -bright and •cold.
• • . • , and at night the Mercury, ' &twist
Girl'- Friend*: Held Party 'Last ifighl • without fail heir'dglired mpir de -
When ,Misa He:n4ison Was Pre- .greeebelow zero: Unofficially a lo-•
.84ted With Pen end Pencil -Set. s cal thetinoriiet‘i' was checked •,.;itt
• " 80°' bolo*, on Tuesday' . hi:41ring about
Not; kneWing. that she was the 7.30 e'clock „ and throughout the.
guest of . lions* until '.later 'in the day it cOntinued.:,eold: The weather
evening, Miss Marjory Henderson *del -eta! considerablk. ,yesterday.
was :one Of 'ciiome ,tWentY *Young • •
indiesPoet Pierced By • Nail.
, *he' enjoyed Court Whist - • ,
Party- at Mist; Hate cullmtPs apart- $tewart. MacDonald, . Young ,eon
Our dear dk4, James E. RitchiecwhO
passed. away. February 1.6tit,,11988..
cannot soy and I will not say* .
That he Is dead. He is just !WOO
With a Cheery etnile and, a Wave of
the hind,
Pie has Wandered into an tinkrieWn
And.left us dreaining how Y.OS021.01K
*heeds, -must Into • since ItAingera
And you you, whe the Wildest
, Yearn, • " '
For step ond the glad
loving nienforY of
In the love of there,,Ite the 164- o
Think of him still as the sante;
VI' it nee:dead-4e s just AWRY'.
'Podly'r00011;ered by soit 040
"rent last • night. At the conclusion of Mr: and Mrs. Archie MacDonald
of card playitig :and after lunch was, 'suffered a Painful:injury. tis: his feet
served. Miss Ifenderson,--who--leaVe8-,t1re firat of 'the week, when it *as
on Tuesday to •enter Stratford
pereed by a:three-inch nail: eral Hospital, Wail called, forward
Stew -
when' f31.1e•, was presented with a pen at .returned home 1r6n1 sch°°1
and .pencil setty miss eiliberto after and:repliteed : his 'shiiei` with bed -
Mi, Arabella ;Canna:On read the tenths sippers. On going t� thc
following addreset . • woodshed : for seynie light Woeti for
Dear Markiriat his.thOther 'their :gather • uP
On Itanring Our -departure "•
, .
from.: opt, *Adak' We, your friend ' iaiready .• prepared. , 'Stewart
take, this • opportunity to .extend to pulled dOwn ?a board and cOMmeneed.
you - our: -best-Wielies arid- trust, thal
youwitl enjOYthe profession Which'
you hrive. ehiseen to 'folloW,. One
.0,41iiit • igt fa. bOble service.
, , ,
We tope, when you use this gift
it Will reinitie you of Mani,'
• Ytnit Ott friends: ,
,Henderson ' feelingly
express -
cd • 110 tbnnks,.to . the. ,.gOthoilifig....tor
their kind reinembrailee of lwr -WhiCli
expressed by the,
` ...4,14.6.464i4040PAk..ili
breaking it tip. On: teking a step
haeliWaid, Unaware of a narin the
beard, he Came dpwe. on 'it with hi:
'full weight, with, theresult that it
passed threugh*the' fore part o i1s'
_foe 1
• This year 'has-been a troubled One
for, , but we haven't -: had very
Jmuch in otir immediate neighbor.
hood In the,. 'SPihrier- was called up•
to 'Wlifin .P11a special .trIP • as troops
occupied our ,premises : 1.,1ga,t,; up
4-herek • and found a self-appointed
National Salvation . Artny on ita way
North to: fight the. OapaneSe. Trying
to get the' troOpe. moved out I Saw";
the local eivil niaglitrate, and after.
him the Patiiotie genetal. Theforni-
er waved his hands,.and said he
,,ould .do nothing Ghent the trespas
The general sent an Officer to 'find •
out • if; there Were troops .lfl OL
itemises, and shortly ' the „answer
^tine: hacic "There are rionef,
thanked him kindly and bowedMy-
self out. then, Went and sat With the
officerg that were occupying the
Yiblo.yrenra&etobiti; and chatted
they ate. they'Inned
diadtie.ly after the ..
vacate the piace. . •••• • •
This army: ',CriOVed WithOut, Ordera„....
•PrOni the 'Central Government, 10 feet
later fought titeA Government '#,Oops.
\nyway,they Were refused railway .
transportation,:tiothe rinarched:aieot
ird,ulade the City authorities where -
"ver they went pay for 'their nPkeeiii; • .
Whigh: Wasnit..a,:elnall• Oiling, Stint ,thez,
Uopillece SAY they never ' had a groop.
of men go through Viruan that can ed
so 'little trouble ••' to • the. , common ;
tieople, and they did practically no
te our hitilding,S.., In' fad, One'
`'W ere, treatitent'wei reeeived, Wi 1
a. Vie* tb .preverits..anY serions
velopment 'froni• :00; \iiirshapew ..
dr.dio'rt's:' and ..'etlier'.finilting
Mtteria1g,a0C1 .itilsci large and einall
Batting.: .i4O-1!c1;. OSIX
`oiritianY was billeted in the Chutcli,
ire* them up in line and told tlieni
it was a "place that they shonidn't,
t.e staying,: in, but they li.a,d„ no, thole°
Imt that .there nin i be n Pthic"..
rf gliaSS Atolittl, Ofa mark niades
Millie wells. And I don't think .tkera
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