HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-02-15, Page 6At...„Croyclen. Aerodrome, ,Olynri. Ent..
by fop a •Spechtt,lob, He Chats, .With
" Koran about 00,-11°th wondering, if .it
has, anything to dp .,with the riresk Ter
porta Pt,''a Prince of 3::',a0ilata flying% to:
India,: 06 la -,111.1n :London, hut in• ha.ste
•• '4gerfis:ef,44The".1ruiturp:in Lender' 1..1P,1'.
."'et, this .atar traolv .to. the factory. .
Stefan; eintiently -.convince At .least
" place like,. Basra et. Bagdad. which pre-:
him Soon by' exPerieneed Pilot who.
had been testing the machine. '
The camoliflage. however. failed to.
deceive these mOst .iate*ted• la- the
destination of the .$Yritax,‘ a
blind that might have !nitceedeoi," Ste-
fan ieniuTiced Michei---"if we had
not knoWe that the pilot flying the
lintel*. had- eUlled at the Prince's
honse just'efere -taking the train, to
`;‘:Tliere must befnael.ip-Mh the watch
"No danger' of that" said Stef tn.. •
talking film• send it out by -air ancl
helieved Eta ;the Official topprtp have
heen," said the ,P,yineo wearily. 44A44
;within the 10$4'9f' R4-44°
" again. what tha said Pa thatt."
.: The Secretary lifted. -it„ and slaWly
'read the eXtraet—,":. ••;lnniel4ectaiM
the equerry' broloe, 'sharply,.
"YOU, haVe that' English 'Saying: lilac/tit
dttiwting Man aMt .Straw,' Speak
meaning .0 r er'
in bed with night and day nutses''m
attendance. If he is taken out, it will
have to be in an ambulance, and we
can't Miss' Seeing that, And alio‘ther
where the maclinte 'waits.'!' .
let the peeple'see and hear '
"A, talk Min," said the prince, an
cursed °the evil' they have brOught
India; It Woilla `cella"; Of fire' if
pow they helped me.-- Oark such a thing
But, on the same..clay,a eonsultatm eit_At is most—I mean," 'et -Uttered,
Will- not. hi easy to find • anokher )1Ar' held. at-tYe flees 11(A.Ise• whIch AYliner, "1 den% dm ere is anY
Machine there k Lohd,an,' added
plans of 'plotters and. equAter-pletters•
The Specialists had made a full el -
amination. again, and,after discussion
had delivered their opinion from' which
,A:hd in <the compartment next
ta_hini; (1,18:x. smoked cigarettes
dozed between them,. but never failed
te be aivalie and alertly ,ow•the watch
•-•:' And' inr•the morning :when, ,Glyini
Ribbleston;r:, .also
' Trainihg; May DO 'Much
The' Other .11ai little'fellow- was' at
Qtit',14Se; arid sat up- at the" table to
dine. • We had no high chair, having
"It can be done in time inrisr; 4T4 t 11 • that this baby og two
theY said';`theY Would net be answer"' that iS• ran. in the ;afternoon ie Shawn
Plane .,_<,befere :he.' get halliwieY, and hear his voice, ar,d;:so you may know
• dropped, .to .the ' i'd-1"bR y -die in, whatever hos-
.reach of 'one. at tile eritieal Stage,
, After they. had gone,. the Prince,
exasperated and ,almost eichauateds by
discuased. 'the' pasiti'on.: with.' :Sir
AYliner, with the ,equetTy4,and
ieera *Id sent:his hag .up,te" it, Max
Shap'"ot.:the',"de'sk clerk; Mini
ate",a2 hearty la*akfiSt ' it the hotel,
' MaX saw him settled -Le it,. cy,04eck. the
Pital he • found -'—if he were within
:to ,her'' relief, gave the ,'Iinin154 ste'adity wane," saki:„ the 'Pririee.
Phrough,,Glynri's beg (with particular
attention. te :his passport), and- had
,After Olinn:. Chartered a
'Mak 370:S lengthY'
• guarded:, :report, to :Stefan and
dai, there :Were threo Jots -01 41creTwithliiitpeeple,-sand.-*ill,pro-
Insy,`Ioalting-tip partienlars of' air" ;FeaSt. He' being the • Only lawfully
iOubeSIO India. ' ' • - • proclaimediPrince, will their reign. ani
:the riadehin'e ;he, had, been trYing out punishments to' his' me 'es:"
:Priests and "PeOPle;of NaPalata. It
is our law that:the heir .to piinee
in. his 'caPithl_withinsev'eryty, days,
that- your eyeS 'May', behold ,his•: face
and your ears hearken -to hiS
and that ao yen May,lteow him.. One
•son 'of our late Pririee is hi •,Looden,
injured,:dying ee'dea.d. :The other son
*hat- Morning, .was,:working:mit: with
t•thetest pilot and manages--af.-..*111-
..witli.:Sh<fficient..feli their
thing, OW meth* the 'likeliest ,plaeOs
arta.nged for- the maehirier Or
the pilot, as Michel castiafly"pOinted
ont,,beingAust ax-effeetive and "Per-.
' more easy, to ''aceoreplish. than
• And the feveriAly,
glinting. Our tbe,",plinies along .phe ;air
mute •Karachi
,,On the Thersday,` GlYnn
*-e• that had 'been arranged. for him
• Ina., arrival to the Prinee'i equerry,.
4So 'POinted out that he' Wag net:.
',the preft. Whielimight satisfy, the
.' real puitese the machine's. 'purpose
. Sir Aylmer. handed hack, the ' copy,.
"But—but7—iS •„, it.. Your' lace, your
voice?" Shicl•Sir.Aylreer-catill-in,rather
shOcked tones. Mean 'Would
from' film.be held legal -4n the
"It is in excellent, viestion-r-and :the
argurne4,Jor and against it,,being.
within the lavv,will-assuiedly-leeP:the,
people busk-713erhaps•until I can ride
at the hemr.of •.niY 'troops to Kettle it:
But argimenVialOWS •the cause of it.'
At least *e.,proVide the Cause; It
he'd finished cereal end baked .ap:
pips, allowed. his- napkin to •be netted
and then gathered'upaiis pillo.Ws and:
marehed them tack' to their .etc.custoni-
' ed place' Without' a 'word or suggestioe
Every :Wes. serPrised, but hia
:mother Said ."He does that at •110111.0.;
art, the couch, I ,dOn't,I.httize to
' "How; ;the world: did ..yon 'ever
.teach ;him?" *very oho. Watited to
Inq•the first place ,she what •We'
'habit Of niakiiig,a gaMe,int.Of
thing. :Another' pastorn. of hers is te.
; The little. fellow has heen trained
'number -of things WO, Used to a,dihilt-,
,and 'Was drinking'farless 'that
giving' the ehild sznilk•.In• the :form of
affaiored,Malted beVorage.','. This, tee,
Alie:'eliildrefesed, asking for water
Stead. 1.1oWeirer, mother" get
idea 'otia,day, They *ere playing'.
train 'and niethei:.• annOuneed • that,. it
ta come around, There.
Uptili- she left -the" ;town; 'returting:,
•.f.ew- Minutes, later Wearing. a.- inaree
hat; and carry„ing two 'glasses , the
drink :the doctor. ,fca-Ie'tlfa'6hftd:
.1ter, and inther handed her :a drink
and pretended. to collect' the ten' cents„:
•.beirerage. After playing this ganio-a
fend of .the 'drink 'tliat she,began ask-
:aboat children eleating, UP after
theinselves. • We see' children . of two,
eightY who, have never learned to' piCli
up S. thing after they'vadropped. tt Or
put things higlit after, they've 'dropped
it ; or put, thiegi right :after :theY.'
„ It :isn't their ".fault. child has to'
late 'When he's eight, • or' even SIX,.
it's- ilitiost tee late.' ,Neatiteas • Mist
be "absorbed...with the Milk io ,a 'hers -
nig bottle, When children' are tWO pi,
The Sitider
HO 'Walks uPOI).
Drawing":from his silken: blouse
The lacewOrk of kik house,
He laye his stall -case' as he goes
Under his' eight tholightful toes
hack legs are a pair of hand%
They can spindle 'out Abe strands
He. spiee himself to threads of plew
.Which, will harden soon into 4:"
Liges_tjg_s_e.t•, Ut like ;slender knives
He makes no motion bnt ia right,
This little ancient stientis.t:
For The Bithroonri ,
.A • w ell„ Outfitted h'01.arCorn Makes the
daily bath 4 . real joy... And,. speaking
•,shining. metal. Or "iandseaties:.ea.
•: Huge. caltes:•of soap are really more •
And they're Tench pkOre fun to.' use,
,hougli Wash cloths add a long handled
within reach ef the pereim who Is telt-,
ensembles ,assfre Yon 'of non.:
as; your ba.th'''powder, 'the greet will
president .of ..the Where'. Federation
proPrieiorshiP7'fbe Mr.: Smith 'Wks a
pit•hey"befere:he Wee"
hood Was. spent. in, same; Of.. the hitter::
,the', country -including°
'Istow 111.' his seventies; .1.14 IS SO:ch4t
6f a. pan with° the teniper.••of anto-
crat„..ariCtge thick 'brogue' of the, Wel,
,Riding of Yorkshire, • A :man wlici'SayS
WhEit be..menew „and Means „What' he
."'Phere *hs, -another leaflet," said
the Prince, "deridihgthe report that
I Might be able tit) fly. NoW, if' it has
to boteld. that. L cannot do So, itl'inusf
"If it Were 'offiCially :Ptiblished that.
the British and Indian •GoVertrnents
supported thee:161m Of Tout Ifighness,
Avotild it -not weaken ;the hold of the
hurriedry, "I'm afraid that 'cannot be
tion .privately) and,. am assured, pri-'
vately , bet authoritatively, that our
e,Taiternment - Canna' interfere. The
whole. miatter is one of :the laws of
Napalata, and the voice of' the`priests
and". peoPle.: There no :precedent
lor •Brithkinterference With the
, "There is preeedent for the ,ffre, and,
.slaughter that' will aissuredlY conie
the Day of...the Feait,". said the Prince
ing called in to restore peace,and law
-L-as after the lyIoplah rising:" '
mer deePairinglY," but to fall, -ac on
tha'Other stiggesPionthat' you Make
Year problarriation here inthe presence
of witnesseS Who will sign and swear
wealthy. South 'African ,'Spotternan
1-1e,, does not know .he is •inkintle
,--Robert Tristrain •Caflin ,from the.
'Saturda 'teview of Literature
of toilet water •
prefer, toilet Ni,ator,., ta' bath '4„.
.the sake pf your guests. it is 6 wit],
:idea to haye a little jug Of toilet Water
in 'the gees( bathrOoM.. 13ath oil seine,- •
tithes- takes the•plac( 'of hatli,satts.1.A.!
.few drops :a it. soften ;and' perfunie
why net invost seine of your beauty:T. •
and see for yOUriell him pleasant the
;Russian Women,s,..Army
'toWer . Pisa, intended 4- ,Pe
be vertical, but ..One.'side•-sanit .
.ffhished in 1116. :$,ILtnting Position.; -
hattailons.,og.Worn, soldiers 16 Stiviet
Army bite' a 'inoi-eijefilelent-
..."The•ivomen SOldiers aro .drilled in
exactly the same WaY :as .th,e
Mit'anethor xfOWSagencY stated 'that
told the Loncliin ,Snriday•throe-,
• He :could. neithr :deny, nor eoniirm,
At Some Of 'the busiest traffic, p.Oints
'London (Khg. it is possible .19
count 'mere Pedal bicyeles than meter „
- Manitoba's 'next coming producer':
Other; atid•
Barnsley chop befor‘ ,
,and quarter,.,only..twa. of: them Can
'When the sPeeelies 'began' it. 'iraS
•ancl..greates,t Of 'Rritisii: trade :Union
prOposed.• the' 'Prime's.
health.' Ilea -ring, ,hiniself.tO his feet
Pesition; 'he talked of the hope with
*Web 'elais 'fOoke to -the' Prince..
"1-. had 'a. lone eatversatiot 'With
'Your dear inother °S,ndlathor
inghani", Pala6e:-aild .1' hatb ;not for." MOieoYetitfieY' need, lint. •alWav.S he
before came aaray, rain • aeel the- two
,putung Tny 'T 'and ;e, 'hair 'or three: ean de for them.
.4 least ,eneugh to lichi•-out Ori.,a busy
, tying iiheeEt battening' hold
.,F01"the rat tithe' the Meat Coyeted ',toes *lit. be More , takee
award 'of the Lehdph Scheel, of pen- the ,srifartefit.'eltildOiorne':tline to learn
dee, tngland,' ihril• 'the aWard Is however; the PrinelPtil thing fOf '
Santidere Scholarship: 'fife ,lioler •oi" mother to. rOaiize is that iittle ditrardrt
regarded‘ae :the 'senior -Sttei. are :net hellileSei ...The' eat 'be'.1tatight
Otaniper. 'also, took prise° in honse •itt Orde•r.;; If She: -W111, take
dental haetoijoiogy, 'atid den to ',teach -pi bib, • '
tzss 'nut"
ways deoehdable—giVe§ th Same, perfect,
resuits—evett NQ wondee Canada's',
tier. Bakevvith Magic and be surd
greed and Jor Spreading the neui °phil-
"In eVery'realm.the pathffeeerri nave
been few„'and 'the- truths that:at last
• tritIMp119ii. W91'q at .first t,4 possession'
'of `a -Minority "--7-Harry Emerson Fos-
„warn increased
P. galasinen, 1. wa
Drinkfullglassof,Water throat is sore, crpsli
. 3 „
• Repeat treatment in 2 a and , dissolve 3 Aspirin
water and gargle according to.
direcueri., to ho%r
. Almost. Ifistant Relief ''...t.;•
• , •you buy gee Lhtrt otrge Aspirin
in this VVay.. , Tah1e14'. A8ptri►1 is Lhxex lint einark
The Simi Ie rt chin: tct�iretl �1. • 1 nyer Compal ', Limited,
p ,svo Mid th3 niune
lT3yer,ri, ie iortn•.
is 'the 'Way
teer8Uirot limitthe ,.of across,Is oneach taslec. rlcy
:iti soli,.-, `nlini)se . nistatttlyy And
`. IL is recognized WI file QtJI T(" lima. ttork 6Iti1ni;L,anstantIy When .•
EST, Soto4t, surest way to Erect a you taikw lieni..And lor; a gargle,'
..told .Por .it Will cekt,on rrrdrtiary AA,pJiiin .J;rbIet x clistio;ly. So cot's.:
cold nimt► t as' list as yeui,eottohi , fltctety thcV* ,lenv no''nritating-
it. . ntiriteleg. ,(let a box. oi'• !£
•8: Ask ytattr tluctrrr TQb,P
` ' tt,�.1- 1-ts er a
d 4
abottt.tltig And•Whtit '1S�.ij�� s bottle of 24° or
This etaternent'n'n'eMy• tilt': fa: •
`ii"F w i•tic orci=x4i` frf� t Yui ifs- A W "
has,' been discovered. Al! Am(,ikak y e. 1� I
exlteditloitt,. sounding,�off Porta fticIa, @ .. , i78.8o •Front Sty Eabt, Torah o'
reachefi a depth )f 44,000 feet. 'The .r i, ... sy
11.rovioli$ depth was ,84,416•feet in ite• " SW '
i'agl'ikel,Ooeatti . ,. Nor.
riart re Arta.
Macy f4 tat4,4t5A, •
ifs or.