HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-02-15, Page 4P401t FO Iy"c lc • ontreat. handles ~a eransaction :ptiaspld,,.h.efahdiasio,aest hiois;v9etymmdanepdarutpinienuit7 hankin BUt there is andther advantage that is hii—;;the 'wealth of seaioned ape- ing the Banle.s long history of zi6 years, that works foi his benefit. -at each contact, with our officers. , We invite you to consult freely on' is' A; OaeKenale:-t•••PrOPriet*or TIIIIRSDAY:HIFEBOVA IT 104 IPA'S, cANAThfi SILENT .SICENR. SS.; flAke A thief -in. the descriptive phrase -whtch aPplic- sIsl'eeatsle':the,T4nheanntlieiret" °!1`.°':rSkest1;"-P:ile111:tritYY:' being, careful' 'not 'te, hills& any SUspicien. of, his .pres6rice:.' Silently often ,without warniiis;, cemeg, denced And' the ,pretence diseaSe• IN EXCESS OF 475001100,60 , • • WI-W.14Y, Manager • TE 111JRC oriOtta 1.48ithig,' relatives -there., iw...aoulon,.::Mias Merle Wilson-, apent the weekieed with re 1 e which 'is held. on.. Friday, February sented, after which 1,ench- *DI "serv, • Vile extend . ate. syre.. Oa; Pest month'', with : TPrniite, hospital son *Way end- oPereted „en lOY the T. P. s. • pTopideif byteriaxi With, them- ligions 'Life' in Pioneer Days"; .inut;e for' the '"World'i,,DaY Fiayer," .group. gaipes hnd contests Was; pre - 141 v.; .tind Mrs Duncan -Renndy -re- the ;Mid 'news on- Monday ',p1 Charles Morria: of .4.roiideht • of community,' 'haying Alhert • 144 J11: 0,11111ATIO11 THE Dne. to" the PhortO4o Pt '00,a41 -grpio OePertnient. OffiCial is„ consider.' Feed nata,• viere•never.:latOcied for seed' and,i,.eyee when reOennoid, contain aufficient".WeeCSeedg' Seed Potatoes, Searce • •- • Inasinueh ha the. 19P3 Ontario po- tato crop fell alert' tif the deminid reports S. Cassin of Allistop to- -the Ontario' lviarketing ne4rg,. there Will be a F. hort4ge% of certified. seM is due to thn. fact that 'ninth , of -flie-Certifibi crop hat been marketed As table sto4:. 'Certified Ontirio . cobblers are scarce and seed requireMents should itfit eariy in the. seasovti. for setting heiclers Of seed, should , not iniss • publid, is' often the: end result ureceding abnormal :conditions. The' damaged • heart. leeY come from rheumatic 'fever which:, accurred represent .the . result's of failure; to General paralYsiat-aftlie-intane.-Inis- its beginnings -in . a syphilitic infec, foes is that . group of diseas-0 to which 'we 're:er as.the degenerative ,diSeaseS including 'diseeses of the heart and the kidneys' aed harden; irig of the, arteries. Uniertunately, Cises ,,of this , group. hie 'not seeh Until, the disease well advan-. Tration, Wearing:mit"of: the parts; extent. ' ' To .fight silent. sickness,: diseover it, 'early; It Nig' difficiult for irdst people 7- -tor: grosp., the .!idea :that :there may: be semething wrong with-W--ir bodies *hen theY feel ne' loss of have learned •Wheri,, an..insurance _animation has ,,,revealed unsuspected, disease or. Some •ali-ifermAr .condition. the :bddY iS able to Meet' thedeinands -.that the reseriteg.Are being The: 'Only practical wav to meet. this. problem..ft through the :periodic i physician. A.. regular exteninntion -thorough and,- comniete*will :reveal ''abnormalitieS: And. diseaSe ',their earliest stagesi,'. 'before they Are -.suspected, at, a , tiMe When' Oro - per treatment will likely eradicate • examination acts a burglar alarni Warriing of the,' presence 'ef the thief •reyealing the pretence of silent, , and we grew, the mere. iM,- ininortan. 'the periodic.. 'health- -.-ex.- Chitimo of early detection disease. This ' means- that .the"..peribilie examinatiOn importarlt: at all ores, ST. uttleris,. • 'Wei*: 'morning:" • best' in an enionOter 'with • his •he,;. "Your brother „told 'ma •!.the",:loi:d...ram ;on $htiirday, last; .Mr. yery 'Bailie' thing' th.e„ Other.-dai." die.* ;Was •knOcked down, receiving "BO I get Up an rear in hiS chin, ,whiCht'..requiicd', doea..!' several. stitches, to: close. ,4qt is :rein the. realties of US that the, highest idealities are born.", • TI ursday •evening, ;February.. ',2s5,c,i7ptireactesoi.166he,.s.It.;-an.sic,11,, 'Gardner , are engaged' this sve4,k drawing vided' !rain 'for_51-r. Finlayson of ,Lucknow. • Frequently hear' a -bout ,peolite----trading-:--csit [-of ;.town.-,, The enniPlaInt.,iii made that' 'they do iot hat) to 'build' up the' 'contaiunity; they spend their mOney where 'they will never „ see it •again, with ;people who contribute nothing to local taxes and local institutions. And very often the person mho buys out. of town ays mn're than- if he' had investigated first, sad boaght at, home. TheSe thillga are true of 'the Printing trade also, aithonklt, the., very periiiini3 *her do mgat of the comPlaining are, Oftbil the °nett ;who. never think of it that' ••:wity., Too freqpently hoine winter is .`paised up. ter' tip:Outside solicitor who comes big ,quantities, thaS misleading , the buyer into. thinktng he is getting a bargain. .Frices per thousand :are alwaye. less ea large quantities, no matter where .yoa buy printing.* OUR WORit Ei/Elti 'WAY liOtte 11 • een, POI -nary the. years of 'depresaion: 'the, eoutity Adair :of. KinCardine 'tvaa,.eleCted' with , rio • ehange, being Made: ' 41)1Y Of ,Coniitip;Aecietity -a111, are boil,. going, hick .ftni anotint° -annual' meeting' ', tucitnow.. turteli „Mrs: Topp 'and Mrs,, Cdoko of Tor-, men 1.1 All the ladiea ',of. the'leeninniniti are 'invited ta-attend•'•the •Iinittionary 's1:46.,-appebited, judge. oi cattle, tor ' In spite, of the. extreme:Cold there uAt. hYr. the .W:61.110111' the en •PridaY grain: duet, Mrat :1,auaer, and; thh91d,of hihrbors1;Y •M`14;„' and,' ,,It'"L'altrib* on6V-"iitiiiiA'''Z',6:btlitirtifi'll-644ti';16,1:oltzrih'60,, hien hers, issea Mibbrett 0.1.4 woh. oto legislation'for the :control -of -Market -Milk and the shfe-guhrding ef the Milk producer and contumer is now ,being .considered lir the On- tithrayii, zdazietpiSvo,:reirflonrn e 14ctio,iric, ,.,:;,tpfit;lsse;perri ytitt fiu.; t, pinate:ets; bending of distributers lirptec-t: fif Pearl:Jot, :a'ogfa,inlitiold7csintn danadikg. 'plants PIi:.replate. the exist.; municinal reqUegt Of the ,various Producers' associations hi. the provinCe and on the 'advice • Of, ;shell, 'centres as iinve wav And other milk supply probleins on their hands' during pm lhst two' Years:,.'1VI,any' petitions, "alto Point' of -view; have been reeeiyed Queen. Parli-fr io-i-r-inclividuals -for , , Canada. for Mitt feed.S. arid ,for, where. tkla ?Neal' sun, :. ;cot* .Varieties • :for rosi.100. Naoll,a'4,:177,P!-IOCIrp111141:7:' Itlah'ilif'i:vVier:csttl!esdqu;,ovisde:e6b,rnee'.: rh- iiting the dent varietiet. • Alfalfa Tariff FedoctiOn • The..pT- : tme.t adla that order that '01.M -times Turke.- the, tariff On' alfalfa. seed 'from 'eight Mfeets '71-ienie-grewn. 'teed Certain .guft'iiotit. alfalfa •for, her Owl; needs. "Ontario prOducts' 'are- beeoining increasingly ..pqpnlat on .the tngli•Sh and. other',Ebropean Markett,"' Hon.' T.. L: "'Kennedy; Ontario minister' 6: - agriculture told rhemberq of. the the :better Pack plays. an ,iMportant, and 'the' ilepartnient i; .a.eeking: 'yen, have done intich' ,to win 'greater prosperity,. fOr the indinit,ry: .10 Exterminating Poilltry: Mites . Of the' many svarieties sif vet,: min that.' infest , fowl,' red rites are ' "-at. inifesJ-ItitiaadeL-its solve one. Pound wed ban of c911- eSsery to do this tixo... or. three lionrs.' should be cold.'When Used.) •Pht.tlifee qUartS., of raw linsced. oil loto.,.a. five gallon: stone, Crock Mnd ,-pour --I- - lye very '.0lb\tly; 'stirring: mehn Keep on- stirring Until* flieeth (voqtantly 11111:11 the resulting' fluid. • brush Will. do.. bnt either'. tihse- the fluid shoulii. be used: liberaliy eitery.:-creci-,and -crevice. -BELFAST ' 0 Prehitios Of !inlet Peeditift jive; problein Onthria Very little goilcdrit. Vag felt in. the pvco,' oil J'anuary, the kiblo 'though - aro' Sherwood -hod „. -Mitt 'Agnes Gibbs ..visited :,at ter sI-lackett Of Linilnow is 4.th C'014 .dei•ytipilt ,Op,0410,on, :in the, the dt 'MISS Mary rettAiefloliorne • • 1011118t0 1() bnyle tee •01;-ratilOit. Cassidy •