HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-02-01, Page 7Y'. _ Gasaero,le ,GisYieq . •HouseWlvesa' are. ever .alert to: econ- oiniz.e witheut.•aacr llee of: quality and feed Value. Ong. ctt the best' methods '.of cdoking,.a ebeap,'cut, and retaining, the juices:9r both: vegetables 44dr. the meat •is to use the casserole metho., --Mere le( a. •delicious. cassei:ole •recPe. Casse:rotp With; Vegetables hire. iiatili steals,' Prepared, haste, 1 to g"Epps ;diced carrots .2, cup's diced' pol;a,,toes, ?j; can ilcea i4:11110,1 1&rge• anion, 1,'•.teasppon salt;:' i'4 teaspoon. PePper,,•1: clip 'boi.l ng' titer, - Spread :meat" with• paste •'as in Pre- • paring recipe. .Gut meat ,to ,fit casse- role.. 'Gil. casseroles Wellwith• bacon. fat, I. the.. steak is Cut 1 three Pieces. tut` one-third of the, vegpetablesin' the ';casserole., arranging- in layers and slic- .v004 p9tatoes, seasoning, Withsalt iiig-the onion. throe h .them,,Season ;a?:iapel'pPer`•andiadding a Iummof but -1 with salt and. pepper and, atdd a piece et ter and half cup of, cream: pour 'into meat. Continue.layer for .layer•, or a buttered casserole and cover • with meat and ve',etabl.es until•'a1,1 is' used. "a generous layer of sausage,' meat: Add bellingclosely and ago i$. ,.a ,•nice water, coven 13a'ke 'until the sae bake an hour and one-half in the morn brown • Ings and one hour at :dinner.time: Serve, . "° Satisfying , . from casserole: By 'Mair 'ha Morgan nrabhed Potatoes,. salt, ` li/a teaspoo4. pQWdered; cage,. 3,.]?ou311on•eubes,;1 cine Water.._ . TIT andbac n to light iib ow n ,color, Add onions •tp, bacon; fat 4n4 brown. I;.ine• casserolewith mashed potatq;;. put.i.n alternate layers of b >i, liter and onions. ,°S.prinkte,with ', seasoninge 'Dissolve beuillo} +cubes; In.. hetw:ater and pear over _contents. et casseroie, .ca. e •i'n all, with.'1a' -er. of, mashed.`potatq:..Iake 1 ;hour• in moiler ate oven:? Serve's ei•?i: )3eefliver-May be, Used:fpr`thIs recipe..• • -Turnip' - a So' sa e, Too many -People smirk the yellow turnip Withoutever• giving it a` chance. Pare •a large.,_ turnip; cut into cubes, boil unti•.l 'tender and mash: :as you i • i king Mo e -llluatrated 7Yresemaki0 Lesson Fur-' nicked With livery: Pattern. • • Tiler...long. cooking:and: the' vinegar break • down th tough tissue's th • meat. and leave, very palatable rind The f011owitng Combinations have'al- so been tried and% have. proved 'very 'pint, Milk. , pare and aloe potatoeS. Cut 14 into pleCea Suitable -for serving, place ' ham in bottom 'of casSerble, lay ...pota- . • toes pn top, Sprinkle With pepPer 'and add milk.' Cover and bake very slew- thobien until petatima are soft. This 'recipe peryea four. Ste • ay iGla90 esson Lesson V —Feb ruary 4- Puttinn. Good's Kingdom; ' F190, -Matthew 01-34. Golden `Text Seek ye first his, kingdom, and his .rightequsneiis, and ail these things. iirhall be added unto+ you.—Matt, 6.33; 'TIME=Midsum mer a .:28„the et A 2.. se Gond year of Christ's nlinjatxy,; PLACE—,The Horns of If ettin a' hill west. of the Sea of Galilee,;.. . ''” meals and there is nothing like..a seasOned stew :to giVe: one •a Well4ed uSe till kinds 'of Meat for stewS, flat bring Infinite varietY Abe one, add distlaction to all. Stews, but partienlarly:to-One, Made of veal.; Lamb steW gains. mUch .from of onions,' canned•toniatoes and inacar, carrots- Provide color othee in,eans cif. garnishing are not at: hand, few. mush:roans giVe the Anal tench PARAILLI L; "' .4SS'A.Gkl The "Sermon an the Plain "•I ince 6;•2U 99; Lay,, not'up for • yenrSeIves-,teas re,, ,t rr u s uPon.. he earth, Let fit. rot pe thought•'f'ox a moment thea Christ in-, culcates any lack'Vif< prudence in, con nectior :with inater at thins, of •any disregard ., pf • iXi�atarial:duties. His. strong protest -:;is• against the .tindue: secularizing•of life • `.`Where' moth' and iust'eonsuixie and where thieves break, through: and. steal."; ''Literally` Nig; through,"- for Palestinian 'house!, made usualiy of stone; have .no cuter. windows, and thi.•ves must made holes. in. the..wails- if they would' enter. ` • y "But lay up ,for yourselves, treas- ures in heaven." If yen wish to ex- p"r,;es soixie; of spur' money front'earth to heaven,• give it to those who need. to giya, Got! presided,; for the: lroarger;! ` "And• which.oif rot by being'.anxiou8,',. OW add one Fub}t .unto the •measilre of his li,;er. 'Phris014ueet}on points PO. the, ubeleas:,ees of vrprry, It t'44 not; change things, ::except, fo..r. tate "And; why are ye anxious, concern-- ng raiment? Consider the :lilies sof the field, hoa I' w they grow; alestrne it4 a land of flowers . ome thank the ,fiow01 to• whieh-Christ ire#erred to was the Scarlet Tu'rk's Cat?, others that it was the, reed; ai.emope, Whey toil. , and he, constantly fails• short qt per.fee, OOP,' nothing, Will breed. ii;, hens 01 "inferiority mn e quickly • We la , down a. ion ' order for".out' .y oliildren. • They' must het ob�*dient; :truthful, neat plea.n,, studious, cuieti ri. 1'e 'polite, generqus energetic; Belt ge.t rP ig , ',gni, 'kind, .brave ad Patient. is �`d calo u lu C.an w1•. •Tlla a, a ....,gen a1 .., anti. do we;;41Wn re; ;live 4up,. to it. sour+, creation whew e ..e.g ? d` wt h our' ears ol; .. 4 •selves, lVo:: „An.. -With ... I y,...:.; • elf ht. � ;. to gave .,us.,d..� ..g ., ., ex erience ,and contral,w,e ?re' in .betr a1B t. , f God: • doth' so .clothes, ,the ter . •. , , .• : . , � . , , ,.. tt eld.. ; hncludzn �; of .ter ,conditiot,}�to, do. so,,..or at leant v+r1 ass:• of,' the d..:: . gr .. .. .: . . ' re in ami hould be,, than "they, are eourse,ktlie many flowers g w.,. g .� s._ . ich,. =da is, and to M'istakes.�A a inev,itab e ,the 'grass Wh. to ..y .,, .,• • , , ., „,. c • erre cast: into: t ,e oven;; Fare-; i it .. > i .is. • .. Chiidhood ,is happy go -1.44 ty aid toed is so scarce m Palestine that nsibi It •is.'.thhe` time for l,earnr:.'_ even in :our day the people, heat their. reepo �hle.. r ve for bakingbread with dry 'grass int' everything' inelirding•.the virtuosi.: f Mthe fielde. "Shall he riot much A• student of ,any,thing whether it he, ...mkt the More clothe you 0 ye of little fajta". Painting, Wood—finishing golf; or life, .. . More the el sIf the. lilies of field' are so,: lieautr.= has'"to begin;`at; scratclr.•and;-make- finis•.:- .ful what will be the, beauty of the takes, as he goes. ' ` white garments of the sai??t• •• • In no other craft' do; we expect • per' __,..._..•. , .. ,- - .• sa ing _. _. __•...,, x ect`it`of children ...;... lie. -nut therefore an4nous, yi _ �r fection, but ye do, e p hat sh 11 we eat? or,. Whht shall we learning the lessons of charaeter,4a7 W _a , • inls? or; Wherewithal shall we -.be by'day; _ .• Worry that O:..m, .. It is all right to: have a. s`iandard`ai,id, • to"work toward it. Thia'.is what silk standards are for, bnt if in the striV ing . mistakes•,are made •it ,is not quit* • . Parents Axe Inclined tt, E'pec Almost erfection II1. T Their 'Children 'there Is. such a :thing as 'sating ti'• high .a standard for' a child. When human nature has its wel, not, •neither ,do they spin."' It was because God .was love :toy Jesus Christ that" When he hent; abroad into the world of nature; he, saw God'• and itis „kingdom ;'}n the 'birds, and. in the thou- sazt4 lilies oi;. the 'field, . "'. o. yeti, that . even ole, Xet I Say Unto ..: e, n �. mon: in, al his. to ' was het .'arra ed g ry a :u ht'to be like, one of these, W. ,►t able' ..re'oi- n• those parts of the d deigned es iaily e1r t' $ � you can give friendship and loving sympathy And wise praise 'and tender 'got itself ' accomplished IP weary,: admonition and inspiring counsels and worrying -world; all the , sleepless sweet errinfort. "Where neither. moth nights; all'the burdened days, all the Iwo cups corn meal, . 2 teaspoons :tableipoons7-shortening,. 1 pound meat, ; vinegar:„ teaspoon inustard; 1.. small. • ..Make a, mush by stirring Icornineal .and salt in boiling water. Cook over hot water 45 minntes: Brown onion' •- shortening, adA *the meat stir. until the color disappairs• add tonia-.• toe‘ -and carer: seaseningi7G-iiiii..4 , casserole, line with the miish; put the ' ineat "'and vegetableS 114! Paver With • Cern Mush 'Cover. .Bake, 35, minutes ,hot Oven. Brown the top under the broiler if it: doesn't brown through, Scallopeti• Perk. and', Potato* Six medium sized potatoes, aalt, pep - Slice imitatoesl- hAking dish. Mist, 'liberally' With ,salt, Pepper, and ..chops cin top and bake in krdoderate OVell: until ehops-:and.,potatoeS .'are .coOked,,' Bake 'if. Possible' ,ixt dish in which it is to be serVed. this Model. •It's stimaing, as' Pictured in black crepe marocain with tur- •quoise; blue trim. • Then. again if You areAhinking of .a .color, • bottle .-green, wine .:red, ere- y easure is, there' wrought one.goo,d thing. • "For after all theSe.things do the Gentiles seek." The'heathen May, be 'pardoned for their anxious. lives, for -they ,•-have ,not tbe. knowledge of. a loVing heiv•enly Father; 'but. We, bo are.withwit excuse if ive,worry. .`For our heavenly Father knoweth 'that ye. have need 'of ihese; FOOL drink, clothing;. shelter, these are ' -sent:jai' to God's creatures;:They should neVer,..'fiet about things .essential,'.be-' cause God: knows. they have 'need cif will thY heart.be also," If •the heart be with, the :treasure, what --happens to the treasure happens. to the heart. "The lainn Of the 'body is,the eYe," The eye is the ,spirithual... faculty is .recogniied and admitted' into. the .coul. "If therefor:en:thine eye be single." ing than, as in certain unsound States, confusedly' and indeterminately.. "Thy whale bodY shall be full of' light." The Soul's ''eye be Single and the ,,rg—froffr-the superhuman .energy. • iength-givingwraPped effect antl bias • "But if. thine eye be evil (that is, are not 'at band. One and One -heft -pound§ •lean•ireal, „Trim fat:front.: Meat and . P'ut into: •a frYing pan ever a low fire ;Until fat is., fried gut,' Reniove .• crisp "Crack= Cut ..the' Meat 'hi ,sniall pieces: 'and in • SiOW111 with onion cpt in thin slices inAlie hot fat in thP. frying .paii. Tura inte. a.' deep sauce frying -pan grid then•pour over Meat. Cover. closely end SiMMer for -two hours., lidd • potatoes. pared °and cut in neat dice,:salt and pePper, 'shredded Sweet Pepper ..and liiuShrooinc :and cnpk •,30 -mimites' longer, .•it May be 'necessary' tV..add More water during the CoOlting .period; bat there should 'vegetable§ are tender.; •• thicken • with .2 thblespeons fiehr stirred, to paste .with. water :after -the diimplings .1.1aye been cooked. Baked., Noodles tablesppon flour, '14 tea-,, greased •-•baking • dish 'Ind • cover them: ehopped...Spinach over. Clieese: 'Make saline Of the .Millt; shortening:tient gpfinkle• reinaining,grated 'cheese On, ' the sauce and balte in' the. dish iii hot; Men, 1/1, teaSpOon. Odor', 4 slicep, bacon, Istilnion; adding 'bacon; Pan IS full, 'Mix egg. and intlk,t Pcnir pn ,t00' and. bake: in in otituLti t oypii till. skirt 'seams, US' flattering- jabot collar that' dieguiSes bodice breadth and. the slimming stea)ea. tO realize how slen- der' and 'Ch•arrnizig. you'll "look in this ' •;, Style -NO. 821.6 is designed .for•sizes: ii.ch material with' Yard of:89-inch HOW 'TO .0BDER PATTERNS. spoons. baking powder, teaspoon :salt, about ;).'t oni„,thilk Or Water: and sift ificiur, salt attd- baking' With a • knife. prop' froth tip. ot , sPoon into boiling.. stew,. ;the' Minutes withetit, lifting: the 'Cover...Ito:, move to a hot...platter and, keep warnr ai•Otind, not' .or'erila:timplines and Serve in:the sinkt sdre td folio* with a, pen of •hotling Water .so the Bede end' greasetio: not 'Orin .a soft. soap ,In•the washalle, consequently .pain tee Walls' are heitpt than papered 'ones. fer thiS irlieY. Can 'he wiped dUwa. When, soile.d. Or 'kreasy• •.and will 'make the .Two after lighting, the Mc. moist air .eac.ane'and the 'oveif'will “One lb. sliced. liVer, a slices tat. ; • • • ' • ly;. giving number and size„ . such patterns ai'yon want. Enclose ,lbc, in stamps, or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully). :for each number, and 'Service, '13 West kdelaide St.; Toronto,. ers will, do away 'with „the _necessity Of sewing a.roast or 'fowl together to had the dressing. Most,housewives dis- like ilia% bit Of fancy sewing, anyway,- cannot serve God and . inammoa:' Slte,:ivers, %and see 'how. cleverly. ',they Phcenician word. tet,•"gain". and. so be . equivalent Pluto, the Latin god Of Babies 'often hate th.e.'knot qhe wealth; Or it May be derived from a Hebrew word Meaning "trusted." Our English eciuiValent- would be,•"worldi- diseased), thy whole body shall be ful of darkness.'! All about us are sights and viSionS of eternal truths and beau-. ties which we have not seen.. We have riot,- by prayer and Bible study and meditation, and: Christian 'service- enIti- Vated the spiritual capacity. "If there- fore:,the light that is in thee be dark-. ness,how great is the darkness!" The_ the danger of worldliness; against .the blinding, bewildering effect of wealth • "No mail 'can serio two masterS As- salt must retain its integrity if purity to be' a fruitful ?guide,. so „sin- cerity Of heart iS necessary to Unity in. purpose and action., "For either he' will hate the one, and leve the -other; or else he will held to .one •and•despise the other." And ,all the vihile:he will very likely be fooling himself .inth the belief that he can rove both and that. he 'Is serVing beth impartially.' "Ye back .cif thein necks when theit.,13ils are tied on., Thread the neck of the bib with •:elestic 'and'. slip' it 'on .over • If yon wring out lace .and • innslin frackS:in instead. 14 s.tareli it will . If Yon Wish to ,haire Your 'poached. ,eggs White-toPPed and creaMy Oilier :the pan, and let the steatn :They axe much mere attractlye, • ..boreenttenipt.to heat. whiteS of eggs, if a little of, the yolk. has''' gotten. intp therm pity a clOtii. iato hot water and seeop the Yolk .0iit with A 'Corner Of, the .cloth: •Vhen heat and.be,assered •Iong 'and ...have hardened :can 'bs soft, ened. by ,,coVering with boiling. Water 4i1. standing On the back:'oftlie stoire , ' yon hate Made your ' frosting a bit toe. sOft and the layer cakela 'dined to: SHP off niievenly,, rim a few toetlipickethretigh tite layers, holding :Of Warhol -fah et Soda tethe water.. • Many lionSevviVes• find 'almond icing LOY, CAN SPARE A '1)1 KE 0.u.r OF HERE YOli! and-few people tkridiv tlie.difference, I. SAM YOL! 6:151N0' wliAT YOU JitLulosoo !EA Lt. 4,,. his righteousness." jesus"teacTie,s that worth, so Much to a man, ;that if he really. catehes sight of it, , he *ill, be ready,to'give uP everything, else for it. "And a these 'things shall ;be added Wit* is the phis principle, in daily living, :With' the lringdom Of •God in the heart, the plue, process be - gins an AtlAnta.-Fedral relief and 'civil works adminiatration in• Georgia are 'Miss 'Gay B. shepperson,, middles - aged welfare worker„ succeeded GOY- ders from Harry Hopkins; Federal ad- ministrator ai Washington: . Aeorganization of federal relief in GeorgLia resulted trein an open break betiveen. the governor and Hopkins which started a shert, time alo. When Taiinadge severely criticised the pay 'of civil works 'emnloVees.' 'At 'that. too sharply. It :is 'Teri disceuraging: • True, •a few Stout sails, work beteg :under the gnont, „but most peOPle and , most children' are sensitive and fail. Once self-conildenee Is lost, -all of a child'is the feeling that Others aril • disappointed. in hrlin. ,NOt- only that but another 'in this --he may be evera.ging 80 pet .cent in all'the ."gqd" things we have': decided he mUst be. Bat usually ha " gets little 'Credit lor it .The thing10.'• he seeing te be judged by are the other fifth that he fails in., • If he is scolded. or .punished or, Ha. :The ,worst cif altimat any 'systerii wifely: discipline an p uis i en do' snr4liei.and either by feer or sheet tion 'wn.ether they, like it Pr and: training takes:Armless as Well as kind. neSs, But it:afse tekea tact and judo*. If we netice that -our iboy or -girl: • selves • if :We are net .exPeCting telt • „much.: And Vve him: the 'credit °hi dt. he rms vaent !Lin) es ws• tfn do' bor.. ifopkins re'Plied . that tahriadge • O. ft.. enlhather4". or :Mothers. have a long, hrietmes trees. shipped from the fork'. BoSton...--Age is.: no barrier to 1‘,. n t United:. States Or :-,th4 wick and Nova 'Sd t 19,-24, that we are. to live for God and tki, .s.t.,u;,..„Be nbt .... IVI:ii5s.. ...S11,e'Person:declined o ' tit; , , ......,......2....,,...., , aTheref ore .I ,sa,t Jill' • on assuming ciffice. ,s. of, the .chaPter is an 'expansiOn of the thought already introduced in verses not for the livorltl, trusting the heaven, , ly.riches and not'inanirr on "'What ye shall eat, or what yeSlial drink; nor et for our 13,6cly: What ye ihall put on." These are the funclatnenta':.r.ee- e,ssities of haman life, end if' ,anxiety for thein is. forbidden, surely anxiety, for inOre than these is forbidden. "Is mot the „life more than the food, 'and the body. than.' the rain:lent?" "Behold the birds of the heaven." Palestine' is. a...land-Of- MarrY,,bircIS- very likely Christ pointed to a 'flea of theni as he 'spoke. ..""That they sow, not, neither do thd.sr x•esx4 bor.: gather into hArns••and your heavenly :Father feedeth th'eni." The birds obey . the GaLwhich is in than in the fbrin„Of of their posSibilitieS; and theY are fttil and theY1 are clothed. as, no great lung ever fecr Or garbed. 1`,Are not, ye of much MOre value than ,they1": It is Wandering in the fieidS alene sorroW .'When. a bird perched singing on 'a siitay,,and tio the -wancienrer's ears' and fishermen advantage , last year .,of' the la givinG: persons over the age of 70 -years,.....lbeir_sporting licenies Without. charge, Roman. Aqeuduct:Uhearthed .course, like's a beautifully decorat doubt prOfitable• to the.' lamer§ -anti of 'these. yohng..trees at fatt will, ha've.'oii, the' foresta- of: Canada joy. of the seaSon around th' aqueduCt-in a remarkable state of pre- 6•ct the serVation has been made' 14: ,ictistendll during eXcavation:t for the .foundation of -new buildings. :The Pipe §ect)1°15" tion, hOWever, thet :ought to. be fiiill ' eient Pentane, -.a 'city finnous ,iii ci- Man 'tifnes. The Place is ,noW known for hers, s, u Pa‘hion TIP Red uncritsliable velvet tor the even, ing 'gown; gloves and shoes to matcli. • , DiSh 'Cloths never be lef,t ilk 4 wet; tothlen pile after using and 011, becOme fatty; sotir 04 unfit. to w anything, WaSh them 'oitt in sit alter they ire 'used': and hang in 't 'LONG HERE'S tOSSED o .46t4 ',AiS EARL Evidently Mutt and 'Jeff Pon'l Speak the 'Stine 1,'Aing.4ge • • • 1 t 4.10