HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-02-01, Page 4••"••"", • •-• , • 11:',04:***.•4014;tt!ittiz.,.: • 7' • PlITRSDAY, FEWARY 18t, • U.44 '004/itSr Votincfl (ijnuedfro',P*ge.i)- Ogninat fourteen the Pev,i()P1.4; Year and.:there: heeii. 14 deaths, • 'while twe, AbseOnded. The 041 ex- • Pandit* fOr. the ',upkeep. of• 'the .1Hensa Refuge wea- frii° •,• . 'value Of ,theProduce. grow n on the farm aMCnnited to $339.04, while „ Other ..revenue. aMounted to $4,890.- 88. The, ova Cost' Per „patient • WO: $17.4 per week • aa .agalnat 01,, •the previous 'Yeal••• The repOTt;;Of the ;,li,euse of Re. committee:,*Ated, ,that cotdi- ttons at • tIr0 :ipetittrtion. Were very SatisfaCtori'•and-.coinntended• -•.Ahe keeper 144'1410;0Y • .,Steker for ne*tfink.Plairit. Following the insPectien -"et the stoker , SYstiirn inuse, at: the ,-,Bruee CoUnty. Hospil2l, the. property „cOn1.-. rnittee of the Council, reeeMmended., of Tara • at the . that a stogereheUld he iristalled. forl Dr RobinsOn,on, behalf of •••the the county ; buildings 'Central 'heat1ngt'-niedie'aI'. profession ' of -Waltlerte,n, plant at a. cost at '2900. Last , year Stated that they would 'continue 10`. the: Committee Made a shnielar rec give free medieal and surgical at . ommendatiOn,., but the,council un- ,tention. to, indigent. naiienta .sent to ,ogttthe-•.;rePort. This year opinion the Onnnty. Hospital at Welkerten wu More favorable to, the 'pui.-cbaie,; • froin';.ronniciPalities • in- .Artlee,' and when .tjle:. • matter came up,' in 'Reeve ..Orahain Of , 'ICinicardine,. •o eh sca!mpit ' the recommendation :claimed that the nleclicoi,' of . the oAL19 to.'1.3. • • 'Lake. Town Were 'aecording'. similar ed the oPeratiOn on the. TaTaAtOf 10°- -WO' a ,ivic:en1PloYee'''of that vill4ge, had been advieed by e patient PlioX to the 'iperation that the mini. pality would ' Pay for it, 'anti the said medico being, at *that illne a new-eOnser th ;Walkerton and being unaware of the existence of Anyitier- al arrangement wit the :bcounty • that,: the • other •practitioners.' May itavo. made many years before for. pig f000rol oo Thor4day of #1,o-lat .11 L NS' 1-4111 OnmPhreY is 'a Visitor With " her •Sister, Xrs. Wallar Of East Walivanosh • Mr, 'Ben TaYleV of Guelph recant :Visitor With MIT, Will VaYlor• • Mr. and Mis. Purnin:PbOliPs, es ars. ,Ilugh -and' Will But erferd. and •••••, • iQW1E-NTINVT, „. PublishedHeVeY, 1. .11nrsclaY; rnerning •At. Tinclinew; 'Ontario. P: •*oolCoolo,-Preprieter Campbell TbeMPS0117PnbIisher, TH,URSDAIri2 FERRITARIc. ' 1944 04410, • Charles, 4d1n,, Rob 'Ott and , Herri" PlIrnins ;attended thg bisipfm'sq • WON .tor RERMEN giVing*.ef. Onrgical .erid =r4,1CaL -Per; .0011°r A4K1S1'°""-- • . 1 Mr. end viees' free to-,'intligent patients in he Tlielarson.were Mrs County .1.1edpital.there feo visitors with -Mr,. arid hOm• laeluded the Pay A\r, an .11ssisan n.2• 4••• M beirt T yl r On- Mon, Flying AIM, anaesthetic: - bad -I. been ' ,• .. -''` - ' day for'' Guelph to tstk a. liect' d -from' the, M i,,„ - '.‘c - • - ..----e• af:oeurse at au ti ' A ';c- Which ' he won in..4 'PiPalitY :in ,accordance with MS prior '1719me Plowing. Competition sponsor - arrangement with the patient, :Who„ efl,"h-,,the.-. Dungannon JihileeTarnat as before said, was 4- *le ,employee ' Ors." , . •• , •• . , , ., There was. a splendid , 'attendance II r • eat PaUeritie' Tea . The coats of indikent patient' to indigent,' patient's ,Admitted in the thiS' eo,unty I'MAIdtala 'outside. -Kincardine •Hospital from: .ntnnief-• • lor • Of 'Bruce .continues very" high.' The Palities in Bruce, , ' ' . , total .amount for ' the two months' . - 'Miscellaneous . Period between-, the . November and ' An interesting letter was . read January sessions was - $1.856.715 which from Judge J. II: Scott ef ' Perth, A - s nws an..average _or t, ts Pur13.64e former Kineardine ' and Walkerton . $4143, Sees - Weakened l#.0eal , - ;Team:, Buffer to t.5, Defeat, in Ita'gged Genie, On, tome Ice. 2 " 1.3gfOre, the- ,poorest 'crowd ' of, the season, , and diaplaYing 'brand of .:bee eY eeping With, the, sfze . he crowd, Lqcknow dost, ,out •te. the '.Ripley edmen• in he19eal rink Loca 2.4 toq . • • • Pereat ;Kincardine, 111 $,e0re pc.o To 344' 1C-CelleSt. end, Fastest trire Of The :Seliaen 4)11, 110144 • Itt• the Young People's meeting -on . 1.1re AY night" by a score- .0$ 7 Stinday,-..:everring... The ••ScriptUre .les- .5.• • • • • '861,i was .i.44 by Riith Ramage. ,Weakened. •by alisen?e , •of ley Tedd gave :an interesting teptirt. Howard Agnew, and Archie• McDon- on. the Leadership -Training Seheol, alk Wellingten McCoy's Squad were ,whieh he •• Attended.. last Week ir badly disorganieed and list , in Steatford:. • Informetive' and enter:- , what was easily their worst effort • . tainting lantern slides were shown : 'of the year. The game tbro'ughont`,. on• "Trinidad„ our. first Foreign 'Wis.' was it listless' hettle, that --Ave .,the motoredto LOndon on Fri,- day.l. • "•• . • The February' meeting of the Fer- ris Mission. • 13and will he held en Saturday at 230, • of over .• per month. The county . tifying the Council that it SECOND. KINLOSS-- • . • lawyer, paya:•the Whole, account „and/. then 2.: •was. just forty- 'wears ago', since.. , ' bills t,be , local • nuirdeipality :Where H• Mrs. -Richard McQuitin, Jr.) an 1 . , • R• • home • after 'spending a few- ders ..• i • • ;Yea` elected •Warden of • e' family; of LiteknOW,, have ,: returned amount,. ,The biggest ;paid'. at. • " then, and,. that Jew of ins, colleagues . •-• of those,days are still living. r.' ana *rs.`j., ROss-and Tose., mai' to •the Parkwoad• Hospital, • . • recalls, that..Mr..;.....john-Pierson, yisited on,Bunday •with the Int- o% ..1.0,2,ELnk Locke of Walker, ton. for ., w e nex :or Ane ,oldk 'pioneer Of Saugeeii- ToWn- *Laie164 patients of 'About ;ten. Years, and'Ma owing to the illnesS of her fatliel.',„. • • -the Patient %red notesthat a great deal of Water, has bll 'flowlad down the Saugeen River since • , tlns seasioti hospitalization • ' ' • . .with Mr. and Mrs.- Wm. Griffin eame the Mountain Sanatorium at „ , Roes stayed 'over for a feW. ,dava' ,Hamiito re • • ship, preceded him as warden by , . Ca7ick:' f°1'4139•5°' • nineties !must be the oldest ' •• 'Mr. • Farrier. • • Mr. Robert, Harkness took ud- : The committee On education tee- ' The 'Council recommended Mr A clenly 'ill last" TuesdaY and Was ,t ken • tesentatiVe'to- the -beard, of direeters `key of the' trtice County, ,,pey-: underwent ;an. oileratiOn. for .aPPc.fo.-. 'the Jmvity of Western Ontar-' :.,capably friends. here are glad la. that primed the-dities: fOr thePitit-Year 'knot ' his ,•-malcing-fayerable=PrOr- bey did not „-eeneUr the ,,resq,u- -or ge; „ gess-towards recevery.. lien; received • : front i: ,Wentworth On" Motion .Messrs. '.Tyson "aha A nuinber.• of ,the.• Young'.. 1PeoPle• 'CnnntY:.' rigardirig ,eoritirination Of. Tolniie: the Treasurer ivteasked: to -Of' the line; ;attended...a dance`, 'at vacatzonal2114001s.. - 'Present lis.t of ',fire 'insurance HelYrooci,last Thiiraday evening •.id 4111,-Ptlthe'C9St4-q-ITaigl_S:x110 .s.;:c.s • oit,-,COunty property.i, Shewing ,report, a good: Aline. • "Eduer.Stion Warden , extant. - : Onimendeil!"..that appointnient '7Of Gladma:n for..thePOSition of Turn- to . Walkerton Hospital, ; where • he )- fans little to wax warm over. when, Matheson poked ..in fitst, goal, and: incide'ntally 'the ''firSt Of feur. 'goals which RiPley's' 'right Winger accounted ler.. Huston Mean% .lOrig in:tiring the Count . On a pass. ,froth' Stewart Caniercin;,' Ferris :put the RedMen in cth.,eilead "hut one trent:- the.. blue , :"„ShortY:', r;nlaysen and: Matheson notched a cf?tinter each and put" the visitors' Welllngton's MeCnY'S, 4110.44. 'were' Tight in there TneadaY When. to9k, a. 0 to 0 decisionfrom th Kincgrdirig visitors,. in.- sily fuetegt, genie!' of the s son that was Pac•ked' ;full interest and. knPt. the 'fang; on • edge. typal ecmg,-- to With Agnew and hleDonald haek .(M the line up, the team shOWed a, eOm pete reversal ' firm fyom, :,`„that; display th6:: last encounter With' Ripley; 'rhe ' takesiderS 'Were shift' Out' fen two Of the 'three ,,Prieds, but. regilsr te'red threegoats in the secodd per- tod ±o conre within', one' point of ItY- '`Iferd . in the Kincardine gPal, gave a brilliant perfOrmanee time Afte,' time, -when with 'the al's forwards right in On . tog ,of him ..he ,saVed Whet looked like , cer- tain .goals. FinlaYson played steady .gante in the, LneknOw • nets Inoked much improved frdm the, ••••••+,••••4•1•••••1.0.•••••••• -,„„, •• WHIT:ECU- .11'RCIt Woc;IP,IT:: !MEETS) !` • The' regaillt. irOnth4l. meeting,' 'Of the W.C,T.U., net et' the home Maleohn, Ross .on Thursday jail, P5th P,P0i. ,W1th president, ,.. Mre. R. J. 'Rosa in, the chair. The, Meeting 9130:Tied:with the c1,9xolegF, oftor, the, plecige .was repented ir union, The Serieture 'reading was taken' hy 10bt.' Ross, Rev. after :vvhich Mit. F. Heihry led, . . in prayer. The minuted and clip' Sheet temperaace Papers. *ere read; Mrs. Henry gave a splendid paper, MPS. Sellolt?:., And.. mr§".... G. Giltespie sin*. tenineranee, Snng` and. Miss.", bliVe Terriff :gave- a "reading ' The 's1P,Filig-, of "Paie, to be ,a: followed. - by ,` the: L'Ord's praYerk:, broUght,the .te lose 1.13e 1.11g .4 P, • te, Seb0018 in, 'adjoining, counties the names of the" Companies and ,of 'Station atm*, *4re. Wirgh4M' '11-'5!.- $680.90; , Han- over $i[13.74 Walkerton ,received •,4411,342 being; the .'atatUtorY . charge for education of "piiiili, from the Children's, Shelter as the.. Enunty 'has to pay • ' ; ,The Education Committee ' recom- mended: that the I Clerk notify • the various High Schools in the County the Upper siibjects. ISO' that • Bruce. County pupils would r net have go out if. the County to 'get. their SeCondary, Education, thus 'saving:the agents handling the business. NO doubt the object was to see if. cer- tain persons were .getting more than their proper share of the business. The Kincardine Town Council in- vited. the County Council to hold the June sesstoil in that town, but by 4 VOte a 20 to -11- the Cbtincill fev- ered the holding of the Summer --Meet-in-Walkerten,-the-.-sa.me-to open on Monday evening, June 4th, of o'clock: ,THE COMMITTEES , • to .ontaide'.scbtols 4116 as 'Han- . Children'S ' -Shelter-ReeVea ' Drat Owen Sound: .: • , • ,ersof Kinlose had .b,een .Placecl by ',the' Major Toliale,': eirinan. of 'the Striking, .:dontirditee on the Child- COminittee'Vhis appointed a •delegate ren'a. ,Shelter :' Coannittee, but . When ` 'to the. Triistees' Asseciationineeting ' Mount Fores , W' ' 'gham an. t over, iavt carruthm,IGregg of Brant an - . • _ to 'be held • in; Toronto, during -Eater • 'High School'. ,;,Trustees,,,-, apPOinted, fora': Period of three .are: ' David teitN...Kiircar, dine,. ,,Hugh L',MeKayi, 'Port Elgin, •S oy Wesley.;,::Wiiikeiten.;HarrY ' Trliax;‘, Wiartorii Dr. 5. J Stott. -1 Grants -Awarded ' • Tb Saivation ArnaY'Was .granted• - J. ,$60.991 'Instite ..for' the, ..Blind, : $00.00 ;, .,Childten's:. Aid - .Society, 0000.00; - and St. . , Ednusual grant iunds -the. '•• of $100 eacji;while •Edinimds was given $1060xtratO.. dieter . , ••• Air the*Inter months,. •.) . :141fay Build Three Bridges' The highways 'crinimittee -'reported that :,three. hridgeS'.inay have to be corning, ,year, one• • at Huron Terrace, Kincardine, Which collapsed last , Paisley, • 'which:Is. iti,a very unsafe condition;., and ,Orta on , the. Carrick.-Normanby. ToWnaliip bOundary:. , ' • preatioloti and • Surgical !treataieni T. it. Rohinsini: of.,Welker,7 :ton addressed rthe Connell on • the • question '..of .Walketton. medicos 'of, • tering, aetviee at the Bruce ddbritY -Hospital for jadigank patients frein. outsideeipalities. Withirt'!",:the • county,. as :per the agreetrient' Made - With the- county , at• theo 'time 'the, hog- ' oital was built R0ee Vapdusen,of • Atattpt :before the Coririeil at the setaio,n last 'week and considerable • diecuSSion 'took: plebe, Mr 'Vardu4n-tfaid that not .A11, the. lecal Melt '‘Were earrying tint• . ty, dng” • the 'peat fe years. • Cited a tase,*dieta Tata .)laid Paid r •';'• Walkerton', drietertit, bill around' .$85 forsurgloai 'tteitirient given am inch.: gent flat1e,nt4rinif that vil1ge in the 140SO:tat , It ,Was 11711 the ateittitiefit; -hoW.eVer; • Ott 1014 Siireelt 1939 payarm- later Mr., Gregg was appointed • to Highways' . Conunittee and Mi. Car- ruthers to: Old'Age Pensions' Com- mittee,: Ahese two . men resigned as II:ethers of the ShelterCOmmittee, as they. did nat want to 1g the geed io.hgThe.Ceuncil then. "elected ,Reeve Jas. W. Rims of Teesvyater and Der •Puty Reeve Chea. Wind of..13race on the Shelter County IfighwaysIteeve J. :.Crn • onnittee,...; ' • Tyson of Wiarton takes the place of Mr. 'Wni •Gilliei of Lion's Head,who resigned on the Highways.m Comit. ttee,-for.J-year ,term; '«x. -Warden 47--•-"• • • •• timid 'McDonald Of Colross is :the -year,rnan and Reeve. Dan W. Gtegg' of Brant is- the.., -3 -year man, the 10,7 . . ., • . tet taking: Alle Plate' of . eirReette RAC: SI Oen c.f Elderslie; •mbose.: terM „ ••who.is.110 longer Reeve,: , Old ,Age PenSionsThiS Commit- 1-c.e is .compesed of • Reeves Dunean: Munn of, Ripley; David. 'Carruthers of Kinloss,',Fronk It Schmidt- of :Burge:sit Arran and WM. White of :•Albe- marle , Tp. • Standing • Committees 103,1 rinance+Mege,rS, `Aid, Cecil OGraham,\13;eas,, Haniul- t� and W. 13, White., EdifeatiOn and Printingt---MeSers. Carruthers, Clancy, Lantz, Logie, 'Westlake and darden: Whit', • Eqinilizetion and SelarieSIVreisre:. Garneren;, Dales, 'Donald • ettar4. !oren,.Stirling.,Saliniat.•and, Wood,. , ' • /./.‘ gtienlittreal fr:-. Messrs.13argeSS, ChriStie, HoWe,. Dawson. Petterfleld. arid totiis Davis.' ,NreaSra,.. .111urgeSs, •i4 ,rePertY' MeSirs, . abci. Laritt, , .„ . , . called; On his 'friende dawn 'the} bre last Wednesday. The family intryid moving to neefltainilton in the'ne.or. iiiture,,-and will he ,muclrrnissed by their many friend's .itere.,• • , 1.6114.1;,05 • T6_-yanuarAT_meet,ing_of_tbe Ripley -Goal; , Thompson; rtillVers and ,Martyn;) forwards, Matheson, McLay and Ferris; alt,; Pollock, McLean and Finlaysen. , two ,to -end the' first Period. the lOcals. all ;played stellar hockeY, with the scoring honer% ping • to qinrke,. who got a :Pair of 'counters. while . :llendeyaon, Haiton ' and-. Me - Mimi& picked, Off one ceeh.. • The genie wasn't many niinutee old FitLD . , Mrs. Henry MacKenzie , and child-' • ren. spent the ,,week4nd with' her father,: Mr. Bradley in •Ripley. • Mrs, Roy MacKeniie and fifth) son a Ripley. spent the week -end . With. her mother, Mrs. Kenneth Mac. Lennan.• ^ The Penns. 'of. 1.10m10"k City en- • joyed a holiday,. on Friday, as .• the V LI 1, lor, Make 'soine' irpprovera ts in .the school. , The young; people of this diktrict celebrated RObbie -13Urn's birthday in:: •Lochals, hall an Thursday 'evening., • The-. evening 'SerYiee was • with.l 'when Ae-new engineered • an. attack drawn ' the Presbyterian 'Church ` 1 ''' - -' - - ' • ' ' ' ta_ . ill-•' , • • ' . ''' . 'W., -For-d-',1-vvith---Iluston-passing„,-,. lifet-Siifidartni--trec-ount-of-thestormy- clarke 'pi: the :frets eounfer.• f T ?,%.' .'!.w. Weather.. ' ., . •• • minuteS later;,.'. 91arke :.roade a pass . . • :`o IIns,ton; Who -sniped a second goal. in the Second frame; • Clarke ..an,1 NOT ALL 'OUT. The ' seeond period' ended , with Henderson scored; while, Kincardme • . "What- 'on earth • are You doing, 'Ripley still holding ',their. two goal in a trio of • to •scut,* the dear?"' she shouted'. downstairs .,tp" Margin, • after Matheson dedred. „ and Ito:nesters. lead 'to one goa her ..dea 'husband., 4-ennY7-GPInd rtin of • zled one past Thon‘pson. in the' Red- netiod that' the. locals were aware that ,sored. • : ' p• Meles, net. Bowers , and-, Ferris . each one of • the KinCardine three. geOls. serveda penalty in this period- ' was counted, as the shot -was taker .tail out too -as quickly as Possiblei Olt f91. goodn'esd' sake let 't LucknoW "pressed ' the attack in inside. the, goal crease, and altbo- e • 2 • ., , the final frame and -.McCartney 'gave the puck went in,' Bowers called the', them new life when he batted in a and faced off inside • 'Hincar- "Oh" locals that it wene' as a goal. open. ,f1.7i,e1setiionnstheen whoferlda.hri'Vroio Atllenthine6otwhici; ' '.The, third` period waS . wide • with Lucknow not attempt. -ing-idefensive---hockey • to -protect-1 " • ernes, clefir;7• Said 'Stella " 'loose -rich in .e'Shirniish at the net. dine's blue '•line, later tot...inform the , cent u erstand Why You lavish your,. McT ay the ,loeala-.'--within-,--hailing '• distance . - 'soon got it back and IVIathe- Son 'added another - Thompson Put, wheii: unchecked' in "the` 'corner . „ . .11 my pals say they're 'blOwecl he Oi-tc.,d one over the 'I. thier one goal margin. Archie Mc--,..?" 'goalie. A font and'five :rnn attnek Denald's• efforts Were awarded in )f they can make it out.riitherl''' • • . . , . • .• on the 'Ripley,. net proved ineffectiVe albont -eight minutes, when he Scored „, d exebangeit-leng- shOta-fea--on -a-neat - solo effo.rt...._The. ' de.rsonL and :. farneron oneeach . . tp et the. (tying Mintiteset the tussle Martyn had e trip to the penalty Pen; 'Making 'in all a tote' it three Penatqes handed. out by. Referee McCey,.. who :handled,' the bell well: , Luelcriow Goal, ,.Finlayson; de- fense, ,•McCartney , and,'''Thomps'on;' centre, S. Cameron; , wings; ilUston and Clarke; alt., banieten and Henderson.„.. erg Ptit up an _agressiye four and five man 'attack that didn't get them anywhere,' and in, the 7IYing .reinut,ss of , the fixture, Lueknow 'ragged stlw . nlaV: by long distance '' sheeting.' • 'Play . throughout, •was aggreseive . „ , and Shiri Bowers !handed out twelve nene 'altieS , the visitordrewi g five while: Agileiv'''4nd McCartney each dreW a bfrie, and Thompson;,` Hen- Lapknow -,.,Goal, Finlayson;• f'" se, Agnew, • Thompson and; ' • : fOrwatds, Clarke; ',MCDortr.: r,1/1 •and Huston;: Alt.,, Carneroa, 13. Henderson and fc..Cameron. „. Kineardine--Go.al; Tord, defenso,„ 'BUrro'lys; ..fOrwardS; J. • ' Donild Sutherland and Mt.,:nre-,,;* • N. MacDonald, •Walpole hood , W:0, wa,s held in -the • Orange 11.911,. Luclalow. On "accaunt, of the 'day /be- ing extremely Celt!, the attendance Was gorneWhat. sniall. Mrs. 'Carruth- ers presided and .tlie 'Meeting opPa- ed, by 'singing the "Opening Ode?. Mrs. A. Hughes read the creed. The Lord's ',prayer was repeated, in uni- , .• , , -sPIL, The secretary, Miss Catherine, 1VIcInnes,. read -the minutes' ,of..last, meeting. •It was decidedto make two quilts for the .bale, and, to ;hand' 411 •the blocks as soon as pessible, to -reneW•• Mise Mae McInnes' sub-; . " • , . .serintion. for a raagaZine...A.. 'prOgriint piano sriki" by MiSs •hurno.yOns • reaclingshy- •11/1r,a, A. :Pater- 8on ; sohi by Mrs. S guitar and •hanjo, • Selection,s by Mr. MeMOrran,„ solo by Miss Verif. .Sherriff,- o.rd dance • by Muriel .Patersen;,'• Highland' , flit* Horiell recitation, Mrs Duncan McDonald: -talk on "Mental ,I1vgierio''' by cai,labb and a humorous talk, on "The; 'Seetch" by Mrs. Mc!.. konaje.- 'After 'a . Vote of thanks to the home club for the • use. of be hall, the meeting cledrid• by. siriginv the ,National ',Anthein, ,Reireslunerifo were, Served lay. the • tOMMittee charge' and a social time spent, The February Meeting„' 19 to be ateld'' at• the, home of Mrs : Ackert 3Its. R MQuilliz and Mary few days last Week -with Mrs. N'On.,-'c4Offitt.. De--?,---6-arrutliers Walkertail last week:. Attending lhe County Couneil, •' , Mr, R. Itobertsen rif Ripley ;was It visftor. on he fenrtli BobMi Harkness wha,."14. ill" fil the hospital 'at. Walkerton, IS:re • covering We' are »1a& to bean.' Martha _Sutherland was en11,.. , ed :tothe lionte et her ister, ivirq 'Murray-- , 300 1 lit 4 London ,• Mr. john • little of Listo.;vel, 111.• • PIO House of Refilige-Mesars.: 8tirliag) A tourist • stepPed 'his car On the Geddes and the Warden,. . road arid asked a .little countii boy wardqn.,51:,.4,14dAgrg,...."*ackif 'Dttvid how far:it Wad to 5pnkt'ill' '11 WIeTienald 'bOY rephed,'"'it'S 24;988 flos in).tlie way. you aie-.iotiik; :but 'ir :DRAUGHTS •fi ..•••••••••••• • %.44- 4 ,•*.ftrestipn !Amt. is 'frequen, tly.. aSkr. ow 'ani 1, to icnt* that my •roMn is. :proilerly Ventilated?' The simplest. :practical, tet to. 'Step outside into. the. fresh: air 'for a fe minutes; •and :then ' return' to the room. If he: room isqtaffy'. :then ...tietTveritilated and: the WiridoWS rided:". to be , opened': : -Many people -who quite -are • that- freslr..air is , desirable :are afraid to Yentilat.e their , rooms' hecause., they f'ear". a. draught Ther is only one: IciPci �f draught that Is dangerins;- :and that is the One whih strikes and chill's, one,' part of the. hOdy.. YOU.do net suffer ill effects frith., a breeze •out, of deers, and you will skot: Suffer from on 'Indoors, e*cept- ing as We said, When it ,,strikes one: part of, the body and Chills.: that Part. ':. Cold draughts along. • the • 11015r. , should be -.a:vs:Sided,' VO'heir the feet are chilled by A :,draught along •the fleet, and tilb heitif is Warm, the re- sistance is lOiVered and a., ,common add frequently: foliows. ' None of these tindeira,ble draughts is; liocessatY inthe:ventilation of ..)a robrir. 71`lie WindOW • in Winter • IS trent Of rift in the rOolif. Such.' a .inoVement Of air is hardly . perceP- -tible: and is not at all elijIling to the body. • ' Ventilation ,detnan, S the use of a little: �min» .:sense, inakiMv the 'site of the Opening, of 'the Windgw according to. the teMperature•arid directin o the wind.. - NeVetfeat dtatightai:3ist her. net, t'o' allow 'a hreete Or Current ot air, to- bne part of 'yotir body 'air' ar: 'dela :• nit"- dont'entfee--"•:cOld'S..: Cblag 1ifin4 over. Imated.„, ..pleeed,• and the t .1r4g 61 the ',body in d$1160- 'ially 01'6'104 Ai,tti9ti fife rest, Worm, 'ggap ., the , feet, POOI.P.. .#-Pt, 'rednd tshoes' result tett,' and: • - - • • *-^e 'k, n* l" .!hi)i :044.•00.4* tilrnl 4 e teet •ite..alapeae • ' • YOU SEE THEM WEEKLYIN. THE COLUMNSOF. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL Ever •invest a 'feu; cents in one of -them ? . , . ,Perhaps you have:a car, Or', to se . • . ,. • • • .• , . ' . No ,Matter :what it is, phone. 3:5 , • -tell tit about it and see what nroiliable and quick results onr Of our 'aVant" Adswill bring you "•• •