HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-02-01, Page 3'
e WITOOtirAle.Nearz---------..
.For Royal Bank of Canada
Sir Herbert Holt, President, Takes Stinng Vit,w That Canada IS
Now Definitely- on the Upgrade.. . . • ' ' •
Merris W. Wilson, Viee-President and General Manager, Reviews
Strong Syttement, I •
The Annual Meetipt or Oa /Mare-
. holdere, of the Roy„el Bank Qailada
marked the close.'InOSt nnceP4041
. year. 1'. - • ; '
, Sir Herbert-Bolt,:/reSidenttin his
addrees struck An pop/Matte note when
he stated .f4nt, be POPPideredthat 0,Aa.
•ada was now, 4'eanItely,on the upgrade.
Its progrede, hewever, • was „being re,
• tard,ed by teo'beavy .taxationnd ,the
cost of m8,144410114' SO Many goVern,..
71/4,1netti.e'in..the country was ra.pfdly be=
ming Unbearable. • • r
Morri W. Wilson,. yice-president
4 general -Manager, in his address
.iewed the, outstanding features' Of
)1,he strong statement.ef the Rank. The
• feature of paramount iiiipertance• in.
conneCtiori with the.pessibleformatien
a •Central ..Bank; added. ,Mr.Wilion,.
• would be the, quality of Its manage --
men/. • • . ''••
President's Address •
llerbert S; Holt, Presiclent.. in,
• moVing, the' adoption of th,e .1)irectOrs'
Report, eald'in. pare: • .1
The 64thAnnnal,RePort aiid Balance
• Sheet submitted to you, to -day :disclose:
'the. hesitation At uncertainty w leli,
iff‘ti h
precede change "change 'of. adyninietratien., , ,
-Singe Iast. March (miteniaterial, pr- called:en:Mabel last, n1ght and I
grese bee, been Made, It is difficult •to Wpm i any mere, Ottn- .1Milde 'thedoer•
analYe,the offeets O:f their policies and before her mether,aske.d 1C /ny thten-
lrnposibJe -to the ontOPMe, tiOns. . •
-TlIelr Central idea that an increase -in "That must have- lieen„ .enabarrass,
the..PriCe le.kel.Mget. be. Obtained is t legi". • . ,••;,••_„ • , • • ,
eonnd.commen JP., now qUite,1 •"Yea, tlIttra.tiot. the WOret 'Of . it.
generally. accepted .ae- dech threugheut
the' World.. At our Annual, 'Meefings•Of
the' laFt . three Yeare "-we have empha-
plead' and 're;ernphaeleed thenecespity.
for'ivhigher' priee.leVel; '1 see n° re
son why'1t eanpa 1.3e•aebieVed 'in due
course." •
Ir. closieg Sir Herbert 'heti Said:,
"A4 °Ur laet Aundat.Meeting I eitprees-
-m141113. feeling, tat indications pointed,
to the. Initiation of-..4.-sabstantial te.
eo.verY in 198.3..Thle year it is...possible.
IQ go' one 'step farther and't.oventare
the opinion that We, are n.ow'dtiiItittely
.on the uptrade, If we deal intelligent,
with the main •prolileraa,..thetcop,'
us, We can eitneet within mew..
Ma,13el. e4le uPstaire and said,
That.t the one, Mother!!! . •
elirhat!s,;the'ldea of (he. ,4re:n.P.,1.?;07-
Ing Prench,lessonse ,
•-"They've adopted' -a :Vrelleh Uaiy
and they want tonnderstand *hat it
save, Wben it. beginFi to .1
Neighber:"I've come to iake
• kostess-!'Oh, Mr:..Tonee, Why,didn't
•yotte . comsooner.
Cciaplenext door seem'
to • be well devoted ---be irisies her
surable time a return of general Kos. do that • . • .
perity." eeviHeeerqygsibltiaymn;c7.,t!h7e;-,. ohwy. dliOenr'tlyY0eiul
• . The Will: to Vin.
1T9a, PaY
it ,' •
Ta, ,egarelt, yoitr 11.411Y Pread;
You , ranY--- /WO #.! 0437 a.#141.4.14e.g:
• Ogleet that WelgP,I149.4Qacb
kead ma.7 he lenger than Yen liQa,
pect, •
Giscmiraging,' steep and, bad;
:Pat Itee0 u /Par- heart and year 14.4ad,
erect • .
Aati .aeyer ay"419,!' My- lad,
Ye/1're sere to find hurdles here and
• there; . •••
And yoU MaY he oft at fault;
•Pat where. ther01 a Will there's!' a
iVaY sOMeWhera ,
•• To /drove that, .jten'ra W,ort,13 your
Strive hard to. forget when yen need a
frtendi: • ' ••• , '
Thoggli.sfriends •yen have -often had,
emembei 'that; courage. will alWaie
The Weekly - Newspaper , "
1d "•
Turning front the , city ••neWsPaPers-
to. the small town 11,prese exchanged
that ccOree to ilie edifOr'e dik .18
'like StePPIng frOm tbe s1u.ms f11 of
,vice, into an old 'fashioned garden.
-;sweei-wittr-laveirder- and .th d
•the scent. of perennial. flowers. 1 The
pages of the big dailies p,re full of
murder,. thieverY; land
..selfishnees, Oat the better 'tie:Ws, if
obsOureby theae. glaring ,•shatterings
Of the -Peca,lOpe,,. One pts the
Papers aside witha feeling of depres.:
sion and :heartache that. the World is
so full Ot. terriblc, and unhappy -things.• .
Belance• $heet figures Ws'ome•wlmt: • •
410talleytha'Oieago, ofi , Mr.W. •W, Wilson;.. Vice President ; ,Exated‘, 0: aor,,aiei . (to druggiet);,- ilieord:, the11(11ft:1621in' f th littl
refieets afalling ofininternational
- Re 'olutions
.. .., . -----------„ . .
.and cleneral..Mana*er,.inft referring'14 'Ox' 7.00. here! .. Trittgave me .inOrlihine .towns •around us, 0116 gains:renewed " '' ', ' .' 's
•'•dePOsits• ...rather. than contraction of ''.0Pl 0Csitlon of the :hank Pointed Out instead' Of quinine -this :Morallig,"• -' „. '.faith in • fife, .Here are -*iet'• fetal .' i'Re'llot tO0' slow in tne, lireaitg. Of
, . ' f ,:
'Gana/1Jan .bileiness'.' In fact; a notable :that ligald awsets. totalled' $6.;4711.0.0P,... • Pia'ggist-7='....Igi that so? Then you only that Which.
, • . . , , y„ . uplifts.„ a eoramithity a Sinful' custom'A - ••• ,•
• . 'ipiick tonrageous,
featitra' is an increase .in Canadian ;4rld were :equal 'W. 5§-•'N% Of PoDlio • owe 'me. another. half dollar." --tlie :activities Of the busine . mi. re'eolution• is better -thane, gradual de
. • the- previoue, Year. • A netatile. feature the, church Items; 'the happy social .11herat1023-sr-7794098.:
• De'd.arid and. SaAFIngif depoeits dpi 'liabilities,' coMpared . With 62:86W Of ... ' -.--,'•-.. , .:
. 'Ilie'year. ' The liqttikpootien ig.expitift, . The, mu -Lister was . paying. im appar-- 'gatherings Of ' the . peopie!, the. thaw!. ' "Good resolutions resolutionS •eltoald, :not he
- etitly patisfaotork, '',Aa ,you 'yfeald,-eg. is 014.24. OA ...Of ?Stich.'llabilitleala re, ently. never-ending' visit .0- the twine. and. and cine..dairk - • oeciireuees, that 0°Olied tf:' °P° • dAY in;..t.413. Y.ear:, but
•Tou faith'in.YoUreell, .PIY.
;" , • • ,
r410.1, li.ope and anifiltitdr.will htpa
•, deal, - ' •
And so- will a .'eheerfal '
The tonglaer tile going the less You'll
• pisheaxtene'd,,and on
You'll parry • yew load through th
• •• lasting' strike
. „ „• .
And porde day ?eel mighty glad,.
Because you ho.1 .cogrageand faith in
. • .
•'And fait13: yourself, My
'Ike Preeminent HOW/
Classied Advertising
n,.. „ •••• .•
AN (wFER TO" WV Y •Ifs.1vEl'OFt ,
List of wont Invention? anct.f011
1:tfrocznaitli,o. rtoi ,filt:necipi7n_e„._74.70.9...r.00.,
pany,World patebt Attneys itahif
Y.'.00.41.4N.D• ooKE• ... • • ..
Department fer, quotations. 'On .etealn r•
coat; •••rnp. -Torontaft
co.r.qac.x.ropr nEr4r4ENfATIVE
W4NTED; *: ' •
- ,cure professipnai and mercantlli -.
a00coillit.' !Cu' collection,-gOod reinuncito.-
tion. Y,ange Street, Torprito.
. .4t,EzsEr. • .
aids Digestion, relieves lttcligestion,
Oas, Stomach Disorders, •Constipatlon
At Druggistkor by Mail O.. • Diges-Tone
Mfg. Co., Kingston,t, • . •
•-• •••••••'•••• • ••••••• -• •• •
10 A
veci, • the reorteteddemand for • 'corn- Pfe°0*();" Cash--Jha4P-PORti- Of one ''ot the 'inelnherf1-,-4441113' -1.14:10••• -,71alflt-11:11-UhS-411,111:-0--.4•Mils Of the rather:ehouldhe Made and performed
.mercial leans and the remittent The little -datiglitee of .the' house went •great common' peOple, who are really, 'DerPe ifiAllY and adhered the,
one's "understanding. of
',aggregating $154§.9,000. He mention-
, • crease in Our holdingS of less •remunft • ed the. thriller intresting•-lact• that •-up. t° ber Mother, and',. Ina s • tag • e N011s-. th'e Ifeandatien this • bread -country 1°YaitY
'and GoVerniient Seehritieis tl?,000,00,0%cluriag the year and. Anlen:',with ' ''S.Cant141e. 'Science journal. „ ' : • •
,erati'Veassets ia-the fern n Canada ' current deposits:. increased.: per, ' said:: • "hasn't- he brought' his ef °lire; : • , • 'Amanda Goihath,-OhriStian
haacorithined 'with otheifactors t • 'Savings deposits were,. higher: by. $2 - • ' cnantrY, newspapers -but if. It PO hal); -"Firmness of *linos°. ig3 -one of. the
'duce preilts... In April last; the.. diVid, ' • . • Ohinesein:iew 'itork,entei4.4 the 'peas 'that deeencY". demands it; the nal.is necessary • sinctis.:. Of ''charaetOr•
000,000 A . and :;was recliteedfroin 10 Per cent : dineussiUg .the PrOPOsed ,Central office 'of:, a lawyer and. 'asked the fee -uglier details are :are omitted,: or given. 8,oit One ofthehest inetruntentS of 'Slid-.
cent; and the last :three 'cinarter: haul{ he. recalled the.lione which he required to get him• freed on tt charge a. Itindli :touch :that Is widely differ, est' Without' it • gentile 'wastes its
that- ressed*-theiast-'-Ainittaflteetingilia , ' • "
rate;.. itniiiciftchIcht which .has the do.,Terkither-'t',914d see fit to have LaWyer--'-"Oh,':$5i000.00, I guess"
taken Place In business during the last •the project examined by a 17octrof:2E- Chinese (cOputing out the moiey)-
uix nionifis has already 'had' a bene Perts and ;aid- "The Royal Coininis "Vellea-good ow J go killee Man "
effeet On earnings. . ; sion.-on Banking' and CUrrency•WhiCh ." P. "
' t4.4.11.1AW
citY Presi • "The. offenders, nifty be
• opr neighbeurs or people wile have
rubbed elbows with all our rives. The
• are real human beings to their town
• Referrintidthe.eitimilon in •Caliada; :.was conetitnted last einpmer could net • . It 'Certainly. takes a 'mathematician laeelile; :While to the great ' city dailies,
'the President. said; '1 ittgi glad to say -baVe been :better, :chosen. Tinder the to tfigure ont.heiv..00." per Cent... or the; .iheY.'arp•.Merely grains tif a 'sort 'that
that since welastmet. there bat been :Cliefintaps)jiii of Lerd.gaeinglan•theif: .dentista.,`'re'cominenti' one brand ':Ot. -are 'graiind. Out hourly .413 their'.neivs,
• ,,,': It distinct,' Improvemcnt-lp.. Canadian.sittingh. in all parts .iof. the country . teeth paete; ' 89- per., :eent,..anothet, ..milla... ' :-. , • • •.• . . .. - .. .. .,
. „ _ • .1 .
' ..builtiess. ' I' have•had the Oplipitanitywere ignitahle . for - the; freedoni ; With ..while . 'the -• remaining. -86.1...pet .cent. • Stimetimes. People speak . lightly :''cif
."1..0t...tieeing.....i.blii.......Couptry recoverfriim Which ' all ix/edible evidence' Viaa• re! •chohee,a-third. brand::: .. • ''••• / ; '• -' - the eountri,, neWeneneri, but It 'is , One
'• "...depreteionsZon:_iariaus-becasions. cliii-• celied 'arid for the,,,patience.,and ,.act .,;.' . .•' , ---4 . • ' ' or the Most potent atid..uplifting-ftie
77.----years-11. yr--iViWiiii-dafie: present- disPiated-indealing•withihlf-niatesta --..-EntplegYei.Las.I.-4m-told-yoti-PuUda. t f •• 1.Tr., 'n...ationaLAiiate.pie.,'Erom,_
.. ,
.„ . . . .
movement appearsto:be-taking place the 'Cirrietian,' Sefence.. Monitor.
stibMitted"... While I do not agree with ; your fienell.::`on' the' 'stroke. :of five
the Report in.'ita entirety,.I •believe
that a,- Prolier1V cinietituted.JUUCL 'Central
Bittilt• can be develoPed as anstiful ad-
-.113. Mir sy-stent:"
•• Note Issue .
. ' . • . • , . • .„„
!O'Clock 'even -It-You• tire 1..,+ in
Adding 1.1P
along the acetietortied• `:A's soon • . ,
• • Bookkeeper -"I isn't :true air If
World. trade-Coin:Mendes to ..ketriVe
.a eolumn?! '
Learn to Be Charming I
• .
•"there is ati improved .demend for Cana:- , By Correspondence.
. . .
titan raw -Materials. Caoaditin, exports.
"it-larstiear'• 6.: ,elkielt. I-. never kart
addin'g." . • .• •
Cleveland. Health and bandeau/11:
• lInerease substantially, l-eurpliis'•,:inven- • • • ness May lie a big help the
tories ilisapPear and -greater activity
Mr. :Miami expreesed the ' strong
opinion that the ,recoinniendationsLin
the report wiehresPect to the tradual
witlidtawal of the mite -issuing privi-
leges of the Chartered' Banks did net
.. • • .
thereigi the •young iyhe
gaga, hie- girl •"Cheeicers" because she
jumpe when he.Makes a bad. Move.
LellUw Opini•ons' hives seine' 9.,,000
• '• in the 'printitial 1 exporting indudtries
provides . additional employirient. with
Cleveland; girle;.; pi:Ilse, and . pleaeant
•ocintersatio4 go a long wa../. .towatd
„ a consequent improvetnent inpUrchaa-
. makipg, a girl' really charming,
Ing power and.domeetic trade, ; This Theen-girls are members of the As
bas been the sequence of :events in
appear- -to bp In the public interest Country .Club Diner -.-"This SR•inacb
'Canada...di/ring the last six Months.", .
Retention thee° 'privileges !wall does not laete ••:
not hamper the Central Bank iu
efforts to control.. eredi •In this ; ceiv.
:Election he quoted an- editarial whiCh
•Waiter• .Tliggeitt, • (dri , .-that
take;lt the'greens•cOnimitteei.
,ot AtIventurera,. a Icharei
echoer". on a grope orreepotidefice
_The Railway, Situation' , •basii,. *hien etart 'in .a."health
. • . ,
„Vealing with: •••trial".,When 'officials 'dicided:the,tubeic;
; pres.secirthe opinion ,that.',.the• time for ,wasitill Ian higliThedfat'Aet-daitY-
'•••••• 'held; courageous 'actitin was re- other oriankaati6fis' are :thAsponicirs.
gaited: : Ile 'telt that 'the .Viewa.,exl '.'".,A..roF years. ago, says •Miss
..4'presied .1the 'last .Atinual Meeting ginia eriairnian of die
• •• •
• ',that :enicirced. eri-operation • between the ory"CoMmittee.. .fOt .the asSociatien,
two•rallWaY:eystems would not . be a Is Only had to he lovelY., 'When
'satisfitetery.,.. reraetir..- had been con
• . the. einerience ef th,e.: Oast
., year and le still 'Of the opiniontaatthe
• MaXinium of econoink" eatt'Only he oh•.
tained,by"sOilia feim of 'adniinietrativeamalgamatlnn•
• :
• The Pteilident made nstiting demand
a•Teduction• of Govetnni•entallebts
and :Pointed^ mit that. the, cost of main-,
taining ',, too., nifinerons governmentei
•- Federal; Pro -ono at and. :it/mad/MI, was
'Vanning unhearable,He said
"Greater. actiViti''ItThasillei‘4lil
• duce unemployment, Produce increased
reveinteeo and .a teductioh in di:Agree-.
• • mensPublie •AdVantage„
, be taken -Of thes,e devel6pinents.
reduce debta..rather.: than •inereaae
expentlitutes:", .• '1". "
" Conditions in Other'. etiiitiiries
__Government railways, Sirl-lelliefre1. deathiate for. Cleveland girls
half' measUres fptd Passed . and that alunCil; the academy of medicine and
-appeared:in-,tho_Lonclen_Eaonomist to :
:the7effeet that the -Central Bank-Veuld ewsote-tack?-
notbe in the least weakened by „elle*. "Why didn't you tell me
ing', the Cnartered-Banks. :to retain -..:-'-When.L.he kissed yon?" .MOther
their present ideu.esnnder the present ' hissed:
r,eStrictiene, Mr. Wilson Went on to :"WhY, IVOther; I didn't know
. •
e•.otts a. niate..of„.ineolisistencies:"
"Resol-Ve, and Pion art ftee...'.'Long.-
ncit;,:.fOr One.finpulie, forego the,
Mirnose that.yea resolved to; OffeSt...7.-
Shakespeare. •
-In referring'. to Conditions.. in other
, ,. •
be,..elipreSsed' the view that.
:the low point in the ,depression fet
• 'in'ost Of the itForli wit§ reached in the
latter po,rftet 1932, and since thattfint
theri:..hae ' been, a ,general • inCreeee
• ' ,'•Intrunittlenal. trade; Reference to the
1.1.i' ci'State6 :Was' Made as -folloWs:-,-
.• ''W;Ifilebilshiess in the United' Stateh
C' "mMAiit. to iMprokeabout the Mid.
e: cite 1932 it laterifereiP-a-refense
•dite: t6- ,their hankitig difficulties and
. • . .
say: "ithink, therefore, that*: Should. •• .
Yon. 'Wanted. to be .kisiect."
VIONV the ' elimination of :,bank note. , • # • •:
iseuei not as astep Which intiet 'Merit; .• . ..!
ably acCoMpany the creation of ii,..een- , : TO,ItOsure yOUrselfthat' you *ill ent:. .
tral.bank.bilt a.e. it separate matter en; jeY 4.magaPine, atitt pick -Up; the "Pre,.. ''Plel* il. girl • new,.',. you don't -, Want:
tirely. The re#1, Onestion: is whether :ceding, 'sage and •rep.d' 'the . annolince.=...,4' `duinb..ohick.'' you *.a,iit aoineone:
the GeierpMent, desire tohaVia• harik: meat, Of :the :eentents. for the•poining Who does things. .•zand talks: 'Intelliz
ing- Service maintaineil'at'many 'email :nimiber.- . ', ' ' • • ' • • .. ; gentli ,. • ' . :.• ' '. .. -. : ""
points . throughout the '..cauntry :, or ,.. to ; Each girl has been'''t Wen; a book for
apPrepriate the; reVepue of nate iseues the Charm course in 'which she pastes,
• • „
Father ...(to datighter)It'S' a
geod plaii,•nik dear, alwaYS
before Yoli'inetit"' ' ' `' ' ': 7 ' '
.Daukhter-"Ilut, daddy dettr,-'. when
I do that the girls • have e" angedihe
lubject." .
LO thealselves, I believ,e that the •kaln her pictiire. For eigh.t months' •the
the governMent: *Ould not offset •Ittee • correspond With. girl'
the: lose to the pliblic through' Curtail-
groupe, telling them hoW to be A hos,•
ment of 'banking facilities, Unqueel
• tees or a guest,. how to pay a com.pli-
tionably there are many -places .which
'vent,: what to say:Julia, given situ&
doUldno, longer supportAjbtanch bank •
if 'note "seeing, Privileges were ti),.be
Withdrawn: 'The- oPerationntle num-
ber cif small branelfee.at a bare Margin
of ,:nroilt is eliaracteristio of banking
.10, this ..country. We.litive :a ,Ki'stem•
*Welt-iit many of its adpeCtsis native
Wile 1 boiniiiion and. pruderiee shOtild
prompt, tie:to-13a Verk eaUtiCiiis•
eating ,fundamentaildhaligeri."., . •
.1/1„..cepeluel0n Mr, ‘Vileo-ii said:At
,Our.lnat Annual :Meeting 't .yentured to
auggest that the prospect' Of...further
iinprovenient the - conning' Year Was
•Very Much' more hopeffil than.it was
'the •preitious 'year. That prediction, has,
been borne out by aiibsequent.deVelep-.,
Meets. FOr • the flrsttimeipYearSafl..:
attitiide of quiet hut. Confident. otim,
Ista Is di; evidence alMOSt everywhere.
ManY, ,iiroblethi: still hate, to be stilited
but I have. full-C,on Aden ed. th eability ,
•Of Canada to l Share in theeinitintied
iniprottement in cot/Viral° conditione
Which I believe tie ahead'of Us,"
Fine Feathers Make Fine -Birds
Hollywood.---,Soine may 'say beauty
'h skin, deep, but Jacques Leaver avers
it. ie but eitthes' deep,
• .
Ringworm Infection
'Skin Teoubt,es
D. D.
Dr. Irk -Dr. TWor.'
8.4ption. inado ,trid .,gtiiiranteed
`1'o41 &into tpo as or • .
• •
t •
.` "Just a Matte,' of color ,and •line;
beauty is," .chatted' the Parie---Style
creator, who ite:k a..piane in the war
before he started. Making. .woineri'S
It is a matter of con:Ceiling arid
revealing,", lie Said, "Concealing bad
points in face Mid figure, and reVeal-,
Stinin ,a -r -e- horn seine -haVe-
fireatnees' thrust Amon. theta; and the
rest g,rgite .on • kepi. neryt ••• •
• .„111listyeee--"Ctime,. come.,• -.Mary,: how
flinch 'longer 14 it toing to take Yen to
1111 GhAt Oni)el• poo''
Mary.' • (a recent immigrant from'
.whete Penner castora.• are not used)
"S&P Mit'atn, and • Medelf -can't
.tay!lioVi .iong . Will • take to: get all:
thie sneeey stuff In this thing thrblith
the little hies in the ton Of it." •
The trOnble.virith'ziliiiding °he's- 'Own'
:buggies sie that It takee, tb'
malty* unintetestin,'Places; • PrehablY
the teaSeli litany..yonng tellows'.are
.ctity.itbiAkeniattied *onien is becauSe•
they neverioarried one. ..prOhably ,the
first:thing when the lettet cart', tete
hole 'Wite,„Wiiiita :him to ,go for a
*al . kether had:taken. only 'three
leestilia.,tri Mind reading' bdotors
"totifililed tOg.et 4i -divorce froinlOadds
gOod tiefinition !Of eptilight IS bile
Who used a ijaiier weight keep•his
• *-:•1•
.• 4
Fe* VagralltS , MeSleCi'
lien,. and .eath ;things ' as ' adinonitiOne
..abOut. elo,thes.h.nd.*.s......ohing--tor.-'charra since the greathona of rural free ma
'as Well 'es health.: .... .".• - - • . • . deliverk'Vvat'first evon: to th e.;• feral-
' At • the, end •.(if -the -eight* month's.- a 'ers of ' this :,countrk, . , ',Phis Wee% One:
, . . .
. . . . • , ,
seCoad. picture- will go .14 - each bock :of the ..most ;acceptable" ineaSures in-
.. , .. , . . . , . ,. .
The difference will be tharnCr•There. tro.illiced by the. Laurier ministry'-and
are no pries, charrii,being.,considered'''It'teolt lOrni . on Oct Bltb, .19118i• .dur.
its oWif •teward.:• •.; ,,.- :. . , .., : ' 1 ing the, regiMe. of • the Hon Rodolphe
. - .. 441nielilt., as PoStalOter-deifel•at '. •The
., ., v.. ., ,..• i , :.,,t, , . "offiCial retold. of inikaY free inall 'de-
„ .
• ' 'III, liallY kr•teeo tor. tne : • liVery in. Cana.da ia.g,iVen as; follew' s,..".
. •
-wWithout Calome
• -
• fon ore "feeling punk!' simpli beaten'. you•
• liver iin't,lx•iirietite dilly tvick Oen& liquW,'
•bile Into your b.Awels, Digatioe had ellmixtatlosi
• abot.4.hanrecl. !Ad ko?k *100 Itystom'Ig:
PirPY11.59iii. ie. IiVei • Stizit'e 1",
ebinitlatito:pilbee ilienialte,,i4neril Water, ,
• ilk lextitive drer,oheena, :or mesas
• eithieh'inily ve the bon othia the rad' • •
• of trouble;yoer ker.: • • . '
, ake 'Carted'', Llttle Liver:Nap. Rtireliresei
tor Ahem ; by Earn" lf,eftlak • xabitittites.,
et'all.drug&ta; • lif.
15 BillionI Tons of Water
Necessary For Wheat Ciop
T.Fgronto.-Upwards of 7,000 tone
of water are needed ill; the production ,
400,.. •
000,006-W41W wheaferOp... Thefigure
is bated. on coinputation made bp
Canada's chief weathermani john •
Patterson, the director of the Dolniti-
ion. meteorological service. , •
Mr Patterson has a flair for meds- '
nring the influence, of weather '
various phases of -Canada's national -
life- wheri.4 he Dot busk trying to .
'itruschen ,ToOk.- IV:Off - Again!
• A' Woman., septie:„.the- folloWing, ac
•ceunt the..consequericee bf au elite:
-,ac,cident. in ,whith
• . y-parage..I.hati a.•ierk bad auto:
afilohile „accident,. Which left Me more
.or :less p..eriPple..' Havieg•tolie inbed
•eO 'Icing,' aid -being linable: to 'moire;
.I. began to. ptit.:mt 'flesh:',When I' was
able:to Walk 'a little again,' I icklud' I
Was•;1.44• 113e,.; „atitt being •jiist 'tinder '5.
f,eet• yen may "gueia.hown I Was. placed:.
So 1,..theught I 'WOuld• ttfir: kriisChen.
• Salts, and ;I ,niuSt say thek,haVe: done
..inia;n: IOC 'of..good.jn: eiery • waY=rlint.
In three menthe -I lest, 6 -lbs. Then
• left, i.off :taking' 'tlie..Kriischeri,and
'Wei Wentup to 142 lbs.'agaiM! SO at
once 1 .got more itritsqen, and :tom.
again steadily 'reduCing. • Mk weight'
lasi-montb. was; .134 lbs.. (*P.)!
W. 'H. •. • '.•
• coniliats the Cans of.' fat
by assisting the Internals'"Ordits to
performtheir ftinctiMis properly -40
ihrOw, off eaehl•day, those' Waite. pro-.
aunts • and poisons wbjch, ,if •allowed
to aectiinulate;':Will be converted by
the •Othik's 'clieraistrY: into fatty tissue:
' ' • . , - ,
Rural Mail Anniversary
Twenty-five years have now passed
-New :Year. •A Ottein of rural mail .delivery, wtia
,induggitated. in,. 'Canada on .0,0,t, 10th,
'Let me:: he a little hinder! • , at that ti„ine to .eitifitIng
-Let, be "Me a little blinder :
• .
stage reui.es, •pertonareeiding bil duel/
, .
route-being-en-iftled,'; to 'hatre ' mail
''I'q 'the faults ,tif theee.,,a.bent'..tne• '.
'Let, "me pray.. a: little More:,. boxes- mit up • in.,Which the. mail 'cat- .
'Let Ma- be -When 1 -gm. weal v, . ,rier : was to deposit mail matter . and:
Just ' A' little bit iiinre.: oheei1,,•• • . • ... .ft..om which :::. lie.. was to eonedt ..theil
,i . matter 'end' 640.4 it in the "ptiatoifice.
Let me eerie a :little better
Those that '1; ant •sti4Ving for,, . . . . ,
'• As • a'..cerieemiente 'of the ',tinblie !UP'
. . , proVal of th,ls. seheme,.. , new rows-, •
Let Me . he . a :fittIe bra•ver. , , thine', taking'.':effeet • April . tst, 191. •
wbeii teinla-tIOn4. '--hid me *av°':'' ..ii ' 11 I. n i' id'n - 'in raral t•
:. - n\A 0 'n Pe. So s. • r • g - . , .1.
Let tile sttive' A' little . harcier dietritte along and dentignous, to ,Well.-,
To he all, 'that I slitutd. •be... defined niaiii thoroughfare's of one
mile,•And',upwa).67-eligible-:to:l.ebeeive • -
Let me .be a little- Meeker" -T,-', .7. -
Let me think more of my neighb.0 their:Mail in this manner, 'While -Cour.
And 'a little' leas :Of 'Mt."' . ., :
• 1
. . fere On rural niail roatee were'also re- l•
•- So he, hap' found Mortlier-atlire •
operateS the 'biggest trarioportati'on
• system in the world.' Every year she -
has tO lift:betiveen 3:0,090,000;000 and
40,,000,600,000-tonsof.wateiliont Pea ..
and lake. and carry it 'tlioneands of,
rales 'to clio13- it' on the Wheat. lands
• of tvest,ein' Canada: • Retween'•
(100,.000;000. and '15;060,000,;000.,beng �f
this ..niu'St come tinting, the "grewing
season.' A little...shortage, la little, ex-
cess or a little faulty distribution
• means a partial or totatcrop failure. '
, deneral ,,Knowlejge,
given by Indian students in a general
lmowleclge examination 'seem. ;to 'be.
somewhat fresher • than. •the usttal
schoolboy hOwlers: ••••
;Cochineal: "In ''COChins the Maha-
ranee is. called the C,ochineal."
. Snipe: "A term of abux need only
by soldiers."' .
Ostrich: 'fTliernale of the camel."
• !Greenwieh: "'The •centre Of the
world ..where.l.latitude, longitude and
the equator all rnesift- For six months
there is 'always midnight and fdr ix
months alitays rniildiy and ther'efore
the -correct time cati.alwaYs he t...aken:
from Greenwich."
• 'Muni:tire' Office: "Very useful for
, .
sanitaxy yiurposes.?
- Use an eut1 Smooth- pan,. for
the olnelet, else stiCk..'
spatkiitpg eyes
Kietik of health',
and vitality. ear
• d - skin attracts. The
cruire sell postage starting and
fbr nionev' orders ang, rtostal notes, popular. .
tO take amilitationi, ace.ht inoneyt healthkactivegirt
is both happy mid
•4 •
• •
xi 0,- a e judicial.
The resul has bee an increase is „perhaps you
ing g°c":1' °neg' " L t records show, .
'The right,lcind of clothes can Make that ahich•g 10.274 etiminal A.Few Dips -A Few Cents ' the. number Of ravel 'routes from ap are bot really ill „
the :homely •wornan good-looking,' the .1 it ' roximately .90 in 1612 to 4,31 , yet Wh n h
5 in • e e
. -Coughs Colds Gone P. " k "'ad: • d
in aiegiide last year there were 'sally
s .1932, havjng 335,756- mail boxes as a), wor is one you are too tire ,
• •
. • clilded 269 hoinieicies and. 72 kgrir,Itip, ' RUCFLEt'S 10IXT0110. ki not is chap pre'', :I• again' St ' apprOximateiy, 25,023' in 1012; : '
- -• - a.... , . . .: - ...... . ...- fiaration but it takes 'so little of it to C0t55, . i
:g°6d'ilrtiltillig.'W-.°111•dh be, tt• titifti.;-1,i,!tri t1.1„e 't,Vv'ci,-,' eases et Vagrancy; 'The list. in, .• • , ,etiter inte'..thoEood•times that.
tieatita woman stiperiative-,a1- - ' - -" • • ' .'. ' ' . •
tO6ther women enioy,,For extra energy, •
pmts. in •,..e11,. .1.2,u52 .eulPnts Wert . mete,. Loa .13 h • e• id h . , The 'eStablitlinieitt (if , these •'routes. • .2 . • . „:
y els a cough or. ;:i.1 it ar it costa , % ,., the... : try Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable
, •• hag. been', itti irtiPortant teeter. ' in compcluitcL, lc tone& up your general
enerter, - c arm, .
OR 14.1.'06.147. •
Th'e,:greateat nutriber Of: deall_is
fae,less than any other prep at on., ,
h Inlel• foratierl Of cOnditichs Of' echad', healt . Gives yciii' Mel* pepHniore
,•...Buckley's is ilo marvellously good t at ono , ,
rime giros unthistakable eiief. To demi may r" pIrral
kia:t _14,t,sotigh '6,140 t...446eatittly.L.E;t1,44. •
g 5
nuptial, _,..vskyanpv.apl ,
aree are the. reaulte ,teintoteatiOn ijake laughing for. toj '010 Sent''hitidg'°"'!"f4 ins *t4 -women-71CP --41-.64t."-a-t"etlfe
• P• relief front cOug s, colds,* 'du oo,beenthltu. daN.e, rom
11 ProVentable."
•fulttess likes t1;4 titt°11 b1.70vo py ea etas,' substitute's. Bu!kle;:rtsitioid isg 'Stniiller?..1';„ Bashful (fuest.„1-"Nci Y94 -. • •
2Sint:there IP ;ft itot !ill/ fiash,-iv lilt eip p • t •
a hone -bolas and lint diaturbartene' I. 1li
of the digeStiVe, ititp;
-• •41".•
• • , SI 0,, everywhere. , more thanks Tlost-"oh (lo' litre§
nice jitst year SiZe ;
ISStit Noe