HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-02-01, Page 1!:
An. ,
17c941 woinapr• 4P4irres,houewor
by th moot.A,,=- APPlir at • ..ggl:4111P)
(1--1):) •
• VOR',, S 1 staelts'' of
..:Apply.,reaidenea .o jAcoh.Milier
, L!CiS'T,--7,Finger•• ring,..• large ame-
thyst, antique setting,liewaxd• Wed-
•14,"•er; 'please idave at Sentinel Office..
, • •
Tivilt, beopen to `bay aboir'1,7it:
teen Thd'•Oso'nfl feet .Beech logs, Fit-
, teen .thousand..feet Soft Maple .
Ten ,Thousand ,feet. Basswood
Five TliOnsaid feet good 1.14ler,
Suitable for crating r Our log yard
Will be •-• open after January 22nd.
"For further ,information 'asto priree
and lengths to be cut call at eur
Wehaore now received. all the soft
elm !egg We require, , Signed '
• 4 ;(1-2-6.3.
les n Barn
For Three 1)ays,
With Broken Leg
Catherine Hess; Aged taloss
, ,
Resident,, Conies Through HarrOw-
,. , • ,
•ing Experience' And Is Removed
'To Hospital. Leaving 'Orders •That
-Cattle Be ..,A,ttended To.
.Miss Catherine. .Ross;-,:concessinn
two, Kinloss, 'lies in::-*Inghain. Gen-
eral Hospital, ,in continuative conk -
fort, -,after having lain for three-daYs-
and 'three nights on the floor in hei
bard With a fractured )eg, ' her
o1e companion -being her watchful
'dog and •20 cattle below her.''Warm-
_ad leo:Lim-the ich.
-*be. had .jtistthrown from the ,mow
befor,e the mishap occurred and thus,
survived : three torturous ' nights and
dais , till, discovered • by , neighbors.
Miss Ross was injured. on ,Tuesday
morning and her plight was discov-
ered an Friday , Morning.
Miss Rosi is Over seventy. years
-of---age, hht-'-has---persisted-in7liVing
.alone, and conductingher farin.nerth
of Whitechurch, since the s death a
few. Years ago. ofher brother, with
Whom she lived. , Miss; Ross has a
number of cattle in her Stable this
wi• it as usual, and t was in des-
cending from the',InoW; after •uttin
down ;hay:that. the , mishap pecurred:
When the ladder 'slipped while', des-
cending from the' MO,*; Miss Ross
hurtled fifteen feet to the floor below.
to find herself unable to move due.
-'a ,frarture at the . knee of the
right limb: s
e bfcQui11in, . mali ,courier,
noticed that Iher, mail was not "lifted
and .•failed to See the .dog about as
was generally -the custom, On,-.Priday
morning; 'Mr. ',MCQUillin tliMight-- it
wise to advise • her eopsin, Mr. Mac
,Ross, :whose , SO.n 'Frank investigated
.and learned of. their neighbor's plight
Kitie Ross,.as ahe is generally
named, was at ' ;once removed to
-oming rivents
First' Insertion 50c •
Subsequent Insertions, 25c.
O. •L'...'DANCE
...-There will b a danee fll the
Orange , Hall o Thursday evening;
February 8th: Gent s 26c.•;% Ladies's10c,
Lunch'. served, geed ',music ' and a
• geed time, '
The Paramount Clubs will hold a
sedial. evening on. Friday, •February
in., the Paramount
Hall Admis-
n, Gents .25c; . Ladies,. free! 'Lunch
served. •
:•Isiicknovir Ledge, No: 112,, 1.0.0.F.,
.2:.lodge,''rooniss, on :Friday evening,.. -Feb.-
':' riiarY • 2ne:Oddfellows, itheir Wives
• .and' families Or •lady friends and Re-
"bekiths, are cordially invited. Ladies
please 11ring lunch. Cards 8.15 sharp;
MeQUILLINIn loving •meibery
of our dear son and brother, George
Plvirt, who 'departed • this life on
February, 3rd, 1931.
, .
In sorrow we waited do3r;by day,
*ing,hant-Hospital where the injury
was :attended. tti,•' but in leaving her
home, her chief concern was in
giving instructions that the stock
he attended to.
In the hospital Miss Ross' was
asked: "Were you hungry?" ' •
. And watched him suffering there, No,":: she answered annpl3r "when doctor.
A quiet but pretty wedding, was
soleinnied. at St. Peter's Cathedral*
London, on Thursday, January *?5th -
The Ceremony ,,Onited .Miss Laura
Weaver', only •daughter of Btr: and
Mrs* 11/41elsonss,sWea#.6 of 430 Weed -
man Ave., and rained Cassidy, ' both,
of •Lencion,,eldeat son s of Mr, ' and,
Mrs. -Daniel' Cassidy ...of lielyrood,
The'''. Rey. Father - Cook officiated.
The bride WAS charming in n' gown
of Yant blue • Crepe, With grey ac-
cessories - Miss Mary Cas-
sidy of 'Lomb*, :sister of :the groom,•
as horidesniaid,'•chese for :her gown,
'whie-Velvet„,.;Mr.: James 'E.: Bowies' Of
sLondon was ,groomsman. '
Following the ceremony, the wed-
ding party motored to the her . -so o.
the bride's' parents Where a iridal
'ft to the bride Was a beautiful
leather, mule, •the :bridesirstia
Igo14,pendent and to th!°. best
man: an oxford set. Mr. and "Mrs..
Cassidy will 'reside on Adelaide St.
An interesting wedding took place
in Toronfir en 7the rafternoon Of
Saturday January 20t1r. at. the home
• . the 'bride's father, : when Jane,
eldest 'datighter. of, Mr. and • Mt.' A.
.E., Buckton was ',Married to
Gilbert Hamilton, eldest de*, of. the
late: Mr. *..P. Hamilton and , of
gerWn of French Blue velvet ' with
hat to match and n ..corsage Of pink
roo,oi.. Title; bridesmaid was Miss
ConstanCe Buckton, - sisterof the
bride., She were7ii-brewn et -end dresi'
and: hat with a.. cor8age of :yellow
roses. The best ,.nian was Mr. Sohn
Hamilton,brother of the groom and
Miss Jewel Hamilton; sister of -.the
groom played the •'wedding !tingle
The •ceremony 'wee performed by _Oil-.
Rev. Sydney- •Lawrance' of Christie
St. Baptist Church, 'Toronto: A re-
ception followed,: after'. which 'the
happy couple left for. their neW home
"Dtinach .Farm" .4th, eOrL Lucknovr,
al •
" Ont.' "
Success GreetsFirst Group Concert
New Idea Introduced Into United
Battles Blizzard
Operating Table
• YOung Son. Of Parrieh
-+Rinillted" To 641erie h HonPital:
Plirrard To Uraierga
Enlergency(,Arapeni;lieitid Operation
' ; • • , •
• 'Ant! emergency appendicitis .0Per-
iff6n performed early Mender' morn-
ing, ,after a local doctor had battled
a :blinding blizzard, for two hoursto
cover eighteen Miles and reacI'the
operating room in POderich,-Hospital
Probably'saved the life- Of Alex ["Bud-
dy" . 'Parrish; 13 -year -,old. son of Mr;
, e arrrs ; conces-
sion . 10, Ashfield
During ' the 'Past ten days 111 for-
tune has dogged the Parrish home.,
'With, young "Bud" lying seriously
ill 'following theoperation, but re-
covery expected, his father '"Pete"•
lies in the same :hospital, with a
tervening days between the accident
and the operation, Mr.'„ Farrish has
lost two eavve and•a calf.
1-B`ocklY's' had net haea
well the 'day, before,'hut symptoms
• • ,
to reveal the appendix as the
cause. On 'Sunday, when Mrs. 'Far-.
rish returned from o en° w ere
She. had visited With her husband
her eon's condition had become
Worse.. At n late .bour :Sunday night,
the local.' Physician. accompanied by
Stewart Cameron, set s.'enti for the.
Parrish home, 'where .it VAS deter-
mined ' that , "BMrs".. removal to
'Goderich, '•hospital, eighteen miles
distant' .was imperative.
--About Midnight -at -the --height of -
the storm,: the party '-set Out briv-
. •
lng Mr. Farrish's",car, Matt.. John-
ston, the, hired Man, . and Stewart
,Cameron, led the "Way, attempting
to locate the :road with visibility
Practically. Impossible., The. doctor
and .patient` followed and after a
two-hour •battle., with the elenientp
had covered the 'eighteen, miles and
had the young lad' in: the 'hospital.
At three o'cloelc .anemergency
operation -was :performed .by the
!opal, doctor. assisted by e Goderich
, The -Bread
• - of 'Health
e rinest'w
ite and
. „
: ,• •
hole WheatBread
•Phone 36
u allow -
e ruar
°.'Slowly,but surely, .passing -away- you-----are-i-n"-pain 'you -do-inot---thitir ur • °cut er,Results Itt
From thepatiThe searce much of .any'thing' else. But that. Exceritionallr-Fien
And then God called .frem Hisnight the ,thirst was 'terrible, had With Mr. W., L.' MacKenzie, Con.
grown' cold and tried to get Rover
to do the first night. 'Mit because
filled pushed him away he stayed
m m
a little' distonee froe. I managed
to reach out , for a few more. hand-
fuls of low from the side of the
stick and • :the third night, I fell
asleep it ,seemed for several houra
Throne above,' • .
suffering and; painat% past; •toile down beside me as he wanted
We know he has gone to realms
.of love,.
And in Heaven; has Peace-, at last
`•Ever remembered by . Father,
Mother, Brothers and Sisters.
Continuation School SI ti4ents ' Pre-
sent Enjoyable Progr,:ini In Town
• Hal
• A 'debate oreselved that inventions.
have :bettered the lot' of the 'working
;Tepid". w,ad n: feature ofan' Open
.irew.n:tfil in the
s-.Tewn'; flail- on Wednesday Cfterndon
'The affirmative was upheld' by
.Fiyn•Henderson, Frank '• I.ViacKcitzie
and Edwin: 'Buswell, who Were 'aVir-
'• iirded the .decision over the negative
aide defended ''bY :.1y.,fargaret Ritchie,
porethy ;Miller- and :isiViariori-' MeTion,
eld. The jtidges were Rev. .S. . T.
TdcZer',...tiOrbthy Nixon and, Stewart
• .
Ti,,,, rneeting
opened with the
..singing 'a ,"The sMaple Leaf -For-
. 4
,eVer" with Bpnice 'NewtOn 'presiding Word •titras received last,Weele by
he the „iiiane......Norvel Richards, the Dr. ••Dan Geddes, ,Of, town , of :the,
preiident,'"welcOmed the Visitors •and :death Of his Sister', Mies :Christeria
Tater. ',.tliankett IteV, ,141,.....Tueltet‘ and s:Geddes, a daughter of the ..late Mr.
Greer lot- their issietance, -and Mrs: Win. • Geddes, who passed
The 'president read the inintites Of -away at the linine of her Sister, .Mrs,
'the- leg, 'meetingandthe reSigna.: e• ,Johnston, of Sasliato'on,..:$esk.
tion tendered by Miss; Margaret Miss deildek, had 'been. enjoying good.
Kcnzie as seeretary.' Donald until it'leW dais •before her
was 'elected to this bffleo. Bill .go: death, .iviinn she was 'stricken with
Kenzie : was eideted , &liter of.' the ‘nnetiriqinia..s, She YVVitg- in :her 134
atliedf journal and .134- Thoiniison year and : was born on the $rd.,, line
and Peggy• Otactietiald..: ate'starits. neer IlelgraVe, 'Where She
T;116 treeariter'S ' report Was , rend' .by resided .until 12 Yeah. ago, When.
'NeelyTedd. 24. 'chortle ,i'*iat.,given by ohe Went West, and, of'recent year
.1410% beie. of POrtitS 1 tad.; .Ite and hod ' -made her home With her . sister,
the iletitiel ortbestrit ..!_favored . with Mrs. 3,ohnstOei •
,A; SOTO, John Carruthers, Fronic
Ateltentle, deerge &Writ and -dor-
Inee'Greer/ it ttinettette.- •
•. I
. .
and. Friday .inerning I was , warm
when. I. awoke. : The cattle were :bel-
lowing and tiering worse than ever,
for, feed and 'water and: Raver. get
l'ef'y excited; He ,'barked ad loud" and
long that I. thought he heard• sonde -
one but be could make no one-her
and' canfe- back again to me. I still
felt that help would come withina
'Bargains in Silk 'and..Diess meter-
ils and 'eReninante at, THE MARKET
'STORE:, , '
Miss Christenia Geddes, Sister of
br. D. Geddes Of Udine*, Sue-'
climbs To Pneumonia.
tiyi • ni 1.2A0,1010: A 1
4.)11.ee ,brotherit' Mrs., , C. Johnston,
Saskatoon,, Sask.; Mrs,' Robert Ste&
vine*, 'tich. Goddess,
tinclthowt and Wil1i4m...,'and
' rItitTikTOTON: .- In ' t nItekv
-ti 16;1 The remains were, brought to Bel:
. $aidtdoy, l'aiionw .1.th,, 'to :mti ' old ktitito *tided. ititothiotit ,took ' Olice
)4 'oil Everitt trtingten, 4 gothr, .. 4k, helgrar6 deinetetr, . ir 4 ' c'
, • , ,,, .,. ,
. . .
... , . ,. ,
.Over s three hundred people jainmed
the ''school room of the 'United
. ,
Church ,on, Fridayevening, to enjoy
an , entertainment provided by the
Church group under the well directed
convenership of Mr. ;W. L. MacKen-
zie, and to depart,(accktiming the
success of this newly. introdneed.
phase- of the social life., of the con-
The group 'system, as adopted at
Ole siWgeatma. of Rev. 5. 11%.,. Tacker,
the Paster, results in the entire con -1
, .•
gregation being. 'divided into, three
groups, With Messrs. W. L. :Mae -
Kenzie, J. M. Greer and A. E. Bos-
well, each convener of a group. Eaelt
group must prepare and present 'a
concert, ‘frorie within US •own :..circle.
Lunch is,Served .at the cOnclUSion, of
each Becht)
It. remained Mr. MacKenzie's
group to present the initial Concert
04 in se doing, he staged an enter-
tainment that has, set,e high iten-
4.04:1 ,for the other 'groups to strive
te',e4tial Or, better.'"
Mr. Robert Mac,.as ,chairMan, ably
presided, and in a litimoroile opening
address, Put the:astieMbly in a hap-
py of Mind. The'eturch. orch-
estra, tinder ,the lesideiship 'of' Wirt
.t:Greer, furnished% some fine
selections' and ineidentally Will ,he on.
hand fer; title two succeeding
Ackert, accompan-
ied. by her .daughter Miss Winnifted:
rendered a solo ' that was well 're-
ceived.. Mk. Hutchison - Orbited
standing as"a'reader ,Ip .presenting•
"Jean "DeOet,s,ti Thle,•Ponultli 'song
hit "The Old Spinning Wheel" and
the 'customs Of our grandmothers,
Were ,joined in a Ontiel presentation,
• 1.
I MTIA' Mac-
Kenzie and the -stringed- instruments
of the "orchestra, :Eldon Henderson
and•,,George McMillan tang the \Verde,
of 'the- 'fiOnto while SO, ;Tucker With
her -old- spinOing....Wheet and Alta:
Decker and ,atik,"Gernies with ;their,
enacted it chatotintY geoid
(Continued on Page 8)
' .
TAKEN OVER .BY papy.iiict
The '.members of., Huron County
Council Niter a'. lively discussion
carriedby a recorded. vote ,of, 15 to
14.a resolution recommended by the
Good Roads ..Committee, that the
Government be petitioned to .take
over 'the' Blue Water :Highways as
it provivial undertaking: .The reeves
from the central and east. portions
of Huron voted solidly against it,
.maintaining that the -Government
should pay 100 per, cent. of the cost.
They argued that, with the paved
roads, bridges, etc:, twenty per 'cent.
Of WIhirl,trthe municipalitig. pays; this
Would amount tomore than tinder
existing Conditions. Representatives
of other portions of the , cemity
served by the highway in question
argued that now is the opportune
time to Capitalize on the huge relief
Progrant s
Economic 'Program:: Adopted At 'In-
itial Session at Walkerton Lint.
Week in Effort to Ease Burden ,on
,Taxpayers. Members and Officials'
• Pay; , Cuts 'Retained. .,Deetpra
Surgical - Service at--CountYllospi-
• tabs-- to Bruce Indigents. Numer-
ous Matters Dealt With.
:An 'economic program in keeping
with the necessity'ofthe times was
written into the records ' of Bruce
it the initial Session for 1934: of the
Bruce County Council which con-
-luded its its deliberations on Friday
.norning-list after functioning since.
the previous 'Tuesday night, when,
is a curtain raiser, the members el.-
'icted for the first time in the his-
-taljiaisP"Ilet:iton to pPraileSire;-"loveri:-11-then°;dh—°f--
ment of 'Bruce, this unique distinc-
gen going to. Reeve ban; •McDonald
:Lindsay Tp., ; Whose entry on his
17th , ternis in the. . County Council
!steblished a,record for. Bruce. that
•F; Only, .approached by that Of his
father, the. late Alexander 'McDon-
ald; with fourteen years ,of service
the County .Board. Not Only Aid
the County Connell, put the Warden's
gavel into the hinds, of the most
'experienced ,inetnber at the Beard,
hut they: heeded his '",advice to
eperate in keeping the tax -rate down
imposing on them
.selves :the 'cnt inaugurated in 1032
Of .15' Per -cent: on their sessional
dornnity • of $5. per , day,. and .on
their •committee work ' allowance Of
`:3 per day for duties perferineAoat-
5ide the 'sesaions.
Officials' Pay 'Cdts Confirmed ,
Bruce County officials willcon-
tinue to receive the 20 :per Cent. pay
cut on salaries over $1,000 and '15
per.' Cent. , on 'those under • ,that
amount, The "comiiiittee of equalize.
• .tion and salaries preeented their re.
*OFP'ICERS INSTALLED nort ..recOmmeliding this. The sal:,
:It !Roy McGee Is 'Wortihipfet ,Master
qvit. creofie Stuart cpodoets
ita1lntion Ceremony.
!dote a large gathpritig,, includ-
ing visitors, as well as • members of
Old ..i4ight, A.F.•8,4, A.M., •iee
ermitsday',. evening, Worshipful VorshipfC1' Bro.
George M. Stuart'conducted
lation CerettiOniee in an Able and
itiithe,§§U!p', Manner; which ofluicially
Ore Old Light their slate pf officers
for 1984 as tellOtelre; 3, R. ' McGee,
W.IL; A,: W Hanailton, LP.M.;:
'Robert .-Fisher, . "Sant Murchi-
son,' 1.W.;. itett, C;H. MacDonald,
Chap.; W. W. trietis.; . :R. V ,
McKenzie, Sed,t,T S. MacKenzie, S.
D. Mite Idetentico
J'aterson,,'LG.,•sR. J.:Caineten; tyTer;
TtliateeS; Ifflothot; 4oyi.
sttote ; ' ' '
Short 'tineeelide , Word heard from
-several- 'of the newiy installed
lo'ho Of ...13,Int
River, . *ha "Jyrits ,atiterig the visitors,
Mies of the officials Without the cut
are: County ,treasurer: $2000, tre'e,
qtirer's atenegranber $760, connty,
elerk $1356; &inlet\ $800; • tornkeY.
$700, gaol Matron .$300; gaoL.sor,
eon $100; keeper of 40e,,of Re-
fuge'ploo., 'matron House or Refuge
.450, surgeon House .of Refuge $260,
Warden (less. meetings) $146,,„ coun7
engineer .t2850,4 engineer's eten-
oa•rapher $700, conk stenographer
,$1000, 'connty, constable $100, rubt-
atm owitoo. $125,caretaker coun-
ty buildings
,49 In Refuge
Since the Old Age 'Pension came
into .force Many of the; old depend-
ants,•that would' otherwise find their
*e'it .0 the. Refuge are being kept
1:3St relatives Or friends for the tioa,
tinn,at;'1:he Refuge*:shoWe a "steady
decline: . • .••
Report from the keeper 'of the
I:Totted inforined the domicil: that the
tAtnii_numbet,.et 'initiates at ...thnt:In;
sfitUtion, was new, but ,49. Six hod
been admitted dining the. peat year
, (contInuod- on Page 4) ,
Our -Mailing: list, has been correc-
ted up .to and -including' Saturday: 'tit:.
last Week, ' and;,a1LIsubseribers who
renewed their enbscriptiena'prior tor*
that. date, shoUld.-noteLly--referring
to the libel on yogr paper,, that they ,
Faye been ,preperly credited. In CaSe
,f an error; notify' us at '•once,„'Iso
that 'proper. Credit may be given.
If so far Yea 'have failed to re-;
Ad* Yemi subscription, renienther,
that it is only by spaying in: advance,
that :you can 'take 'advantage of the
temporary 50e reduction .' Your: at-
tention to the matter.this week .is • ,
. .
ALExANDEtt. qg.LiEs'
_ PThe :funeral of Alexander Gillies;
who passed away suddenly at his r;
hem. on Monday :of last week„ Was
held . from his hoMe,;:'concession
Kinloss, on Thursdaylast, with Ser-
vices it the'home and igraveside eon-. .
ducted by Rev. J. L. s Burgess of
pooth Kinloss. Mr. Mlles was .borne
to his last resting place by ,six .of
hie intimate friends and neighbors,
William McDonald,. 'Duncan sMcCon't
nen, 3. F. Dawson, Wesley Hudson,'
Neil McCallum and James McInnes.
- The , youngest son " Of the late.
David 'Mlles and Mary s'lltIOCallbm,
Mr. Gillies was -born'. liver' :fifty-
eight years ago on the farm on which -
he died.: AS a lad of eighteen,he
set Out to blortli:•Dikotar later going
to Pennsylvania, where be worked
for some tiine in the vial mines.
_ ,
„ Gillies served in • the Ameri-
can army ,dilring the Spanish-Amer-
ican :War, and saw 'service • 'in. 'thd
jungles of the PIillipine. Islands,
Cvliere• •he contracted malaria poison-
ing froin.whieh be ever after suf-
fered greatly. ,„ Bronchial troubles,
also proved an affliction ',which; grew
worse until. in the spring :of 1933;
Mr. GiIIie, had to ceaseattending,'
to the 'thitiea Of 'hie farm. ,However,
he was able to be about Until his • 'it
death, which ' occurred suddenly,
few hours' 'after he had been seized ,
with malaria chills and fever, to
bien4..a Weakened condition,. it6 k
Mr dilliee• returned te„the home,
stead. in .1904and eigliO•rears,latek
married jean Perves. A thoughtful
and kind husband, Mr. -i.irdues cen-
tred his interesta in his home and
his Work. Itt, the community he •'has
nrovedat;a,,atigenial biale:anindisareedt)
dent •
lesides bus Sorrowiri WfdOW
th1liiis survived bthree brothers
and two sisters, all of WhOm reside
in the west „ :
11: The deceased is a nephew of Mr:
and. Mrs George Gillies,. who resido
rierth, of the C.N.R..statierie and who
cAlebrated thcflt, 67th wedding
niverhart. bWO Weeks agel • j '