HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-01-25, Page 6• k,44 w. r), by Boyd cable• CHAPTER I. .- Nerah :Seamen, hurrying threuh. g the gate on, to the Croydon aerodrome,'overteek and passed .a• young man in ° leather coat and helmet, and next in- stant halted so' abruptly that be al - Meet' bumped '. into her; "Exeuse me,". she said breathleasly 'and,. looking about her with's.. some - Over their leneh they Chatted „ Thy .arrangell hourfor ki0.343, ringeand' he rioted. the tetelephoneber. whee. I Phone," be. MI44 ,"I hope 'yee'll let me 4.x smother :Meer, ing as soon as I, know what nee'rneve, menta Will • "I'd 'like to," She, itleid.'filinkiYi as the Car stopped. 'ask' my • friends if you ',nay eome along ,p44 about • ' pay them a talk" • , • "It's a bet," e said cheerily. "And India, but it, turned o h had 1 ring you this evening.", been there a year *44. all the ttimeHe, watched her disaPPeering into' one stet*, 'arel ea he did not laiow " the station, tureineto wave her band itor its people, they found no mutu- ally knoern friends; But they both en- et; this ehence to linev joyod meeting,:, and when Glynn , Soatinued .), told her !middy that he. was : ' t hOver 10(/ Year' - Old thigh*, ,g.lad. he had been held •ha:c. k .158 Men .and Women what bewildered expression, "Can you andse heti tell, me which - Is the Indian nia'l she had to adinzt ' tint it had been eofia.-Recent inyestigittiees. reveal .that 'there fire 158 persendinBulgaria - "Yes, there she it," said the leather. , By the time he had her, seated: be, , _, whe.are Mere" than Oct eears-old,This clad inan ,with: a 4liP• of his lituid it.4:- side hini, in his ear and was driving',figure; in P. „rePertlen. to the totat topu- °. War& the big'..,40;•seater: *tilting be Out... tov4rds.. 'roi7d9n, hie .inind was hation, give,Lifulettrid third- place -goi . the concrete floor out in fronVor the VerY•firrnl.Yr'inede up that he was going the werld record, .titheaeia being first . , . . offices and central tower.' "But yOU'll to, Pee. en..geeddeal more of her, and he and 'Portugal -Second. • OJthese158, .. have, to hurry if l*ou!re going in her. OW her - se, • SluilinitlY, . but with an Pergeetge Only four have Pied their , Weire'deeto take off iii-"riiiiititeenow • 'evident resolve at the hack of his half-, neea ..eninattled• eighty-five are Men Come along." - ' jeking, Words; , ' • •. - . - ". 'an0 •fieveety-three arerworeen;: among • •• , "No I'm not going Miself " she' ex"-: "Look," she cried. suddenly as :the. them are 1,43 Bulgarians,' tout Penults plained as she moved forward: at his car slowed a Moment :in the traffic. three Terkt three Gypsies/two Jews, side. "I' came to •see some ftiendd oft Close by 4 neweP4Per be/ earryinge. one yArnienien, ' one Kulzoeltich..' and .and. traffic ,delays kept me laf,e; But placard With havy. lettering on It. one Rum titan. .• ., • , • • 1 .'only eiipected to see one machine." "PRINCE, FLYING To INDIA:, 1 'Orthe. women, eleven have. had five "Other' two are a French linecand "I woeder if that it year special e "len; fear ha night. eight have I'Datehteen," said. "But job?" she said. "I suppose you know .had niae'\.4.°° had tea' (me' has ' had you're late to See' piker 'friends.- All 'bothe'Prince would be"' eleven,' one as had twelve, four blee, CeasePgar-r-tfrrl; ' (U'r ' • hatUthieteen,:kinti had had fourteen, 'el a Minute.", ' • "I read soMething about hel* urg- "That's too had," she exclaimed in 0:at for him to get bii4 to India." mes of 'vexation. ' ' ' "Napalata is the neighbor State to t"I'm her pilot,"- said the man. where we live," She explained. .So,na.- 1°14d give a messag° toyour frienfis turallY 'interested .a.nd know the If you . 'story as far as it has been published. "oh,. Pict be so glad' if Yea would,' reigaing...Pri.ece.di.e4 out there re - he said MA:41111Y as they came fx.' cehtly; the one here it hiseldestson rti• ra" One • as lied' fi Leen a sovi, and the stePs ke" taken' aw'q Who is Crocked' up here." he' alWwered.* • the little knot. ef People standing sbleit the ,steps 'up into saloon. 'My' name , is. 4its ':Seaman, and my friends are Doctor and Mrs. Byrne." "I'm Elliman-Glynn,Elliman," said •the -'"I'll give your meesa.ge and 111 apologies for missing them. Times a so-111.be off.__ButrineerrY_You'_re not coming With t.s,' he a "Thanks again," she said, flashing a •sinile back at bini.,"And-yes, I'm al- most sorry myself. • and he idsuPPOsed toproclaim hunself and take possession within: so Many , , „ days.' rmt, his accident prevents him from travelling to get there, time; ad there's' a•rival claimant in Nepel- wia .who might make trouble.?' ,"W„011, I•suppote they'll just have to 'the- roelarnationLandi.U.L._gEin hold," said easily,: or ; y im out, if that will get. him there in tittle,. Yee, Maybe you're right, .and • that's the special job hooked, for. Be rather a nice trip, I'd iinagiee." Sure to, do. the thing in style." , "Let's get paper and dee, what it says," she put in eagerly("I!re fright- fully interested."' • ' • • '' They bought a paper and pilled in to the curb to a halt while they read. the teeiteti7iaragrePh it gave to t•he Reports .had been dabled from India that there. was -terioet unrest .and grave of :religious and racial trouble being fomented. in° the ,State Napnlitarthet:,-persiatent runlets: were being circulated that the prince in 'London was dangerously or „,even mottally injured and that the true facts Were being withheld ,7frorni, his people India. . It is believed that only the presence of the Prinee in bis own capital could disprove these rtimore,lehtfit had been stated that this need was felt, to be PO urgent that plane were being made for the, Prince to go by, air. to 'India. No tion' nor del -data these .plans had been Offited however, by the Prince's • staff in -London. "There's nothing, much there that we -didn't know before," said ,Norah Seaman when they had, 'reed. this through. I "Except ' the bit, about the possibility of the Prince flying Out." f• "Wender why they don't right Mit Viether 'it's- true; 6r- not," said Glynn, driving on again. .She Tenet, - ed. ••t‘ithetisual secrecy Of the Oeient- aleroind,"- She ansivered. , "Yee kno* thernbetterthan I do,, but even I knew what a,peation they all have for being mysterious and tailing nothing." "That'e true," .he adinitted. ,"But . .„ wi , • . t He saluted her with.a half bow and a toe& of his fingers t� the leather rap; and Was turning away when a shout Stopped and turned him.. .; "Glynn!" Hold on . Glynn "-came the shout again, and the waiting group looked curiously. towards the machine, • rith, another man on his oheels . strug- gling into a leather goat as he • -The first Man, made for Glynn :and takingliiM,by the arm led him a little aside, speaking •quiekly:Li,'The-second man made straight for the machine and clamber' ed swiftly Up. Need in- -stunt thesteps were hauled away, the ett ioista A' 1 . spectators were order - c ear, and the big engines revved up from a quiet. ticking over to a 'long -drawn boemitig rear. The huge machine be- g an to 'roll :Majestically forward, swing, pondereusly, arid Move off on to the 'drome. ' • • Glynn Elliman was still talltiegje ; the bare -headed man;:but. a moment • 3 later .e peens e man ni e for the office again. Norah .Seanian; intently watching: the liner gather *ay, lift her tail" arid go raping out across the grounds, and then slide smoothly and gently into the air, heard a voice at her side.',„..She turned' to fintl Elliman there. . . "Sorry, I eouldn't eye that message efter all, Mpg •Seainan," he said. "Why, what happened?" she aeked in surprise, "I thought you said yeti were pilot of chat machine?" "So I was," he grinned , cheerfully. "But the office stviteheA 1110,, at "the morneriti with eiders to hand ever • .7 "•er- • xquisite aunty' Diamoncl Trade Up 'Grade. .Aovernment Aid to Employers Has -Cut Labor 'Gists' for. Manufacturers . • ' .Amsterdam.ee-Ilgoes without say1ng „ that :the diamond , trade and the moed industry • in recent years have suffered seriously: from events in fin- ance endeponeniles. In a work:Lei:de- er,eesing proiperifydiamenee are find= 'in fewer and-feiter'huYere while' the people. who are; -s irTrbny lig. a course, • smaller nieent available for or' these men and women; thirty- the purchasing of precious stones; seven wero. parents lieforetheT.reaeli-, The direct contequenea of this kettle; ed the age' of 60, bit twenty-eight . be- tion In the diamond business has been, came parents between the Agee of 60. 'a general deinend for ,tmaller stones:. and :65,, tarty -en between the: ages . of but at the same iinie•'"the demand for 6.5 -and 70, twenty-one between .70 and expensive stones went on, eltiunigh to 75? eine 'between 75' and 80, while twO -----------------ent than befote. This had 'children When over 80: , Longevity appears to be hereditary, for the .parents Anti ,grandparents • of these .old ,people,..mottly lived longer than the average. Thirty-three Of -Wein are teetotalers, while 125 drink moderatelY, .',but • only p__..1•.. .,-),t smoke • a curious fact in ,a country 'The. Eye's, Treasury Goit. the' :tedi_nellig•-fsaiieet.. back', Ward tliroi.in 1e, on".**Y-,tall Paternal trees', Thou with"..felse hope or feat :ditlet. • never tease- Ilis • heart that. hoards- thee;--lier ls chlldhood deWn " Prom,, einr *lioSe Tv?, fairer hoee had known • Tian that ,what: pleased him earliest still slioud Pleese:. And. who; !bath Ineeniee • WO: Ifreta . - chance as ,these,', . , Gene in a moment, yet tor ...11te 1: e"other gold is ifleVe of, •otitwak • .14Ws.; 0,.• . ' • , to • the .deeps ether 'takes ftS 1110t,. 1 • • „ And "the topmost .. leaves Makes. ' .glorious ',pause :Of parting riate9e.'„ ere it yield • to.. . . SY11111t0O1 ':WAS generally accepted by -eJainesl-Rnesell--1.,..eiveli,Peems.-... . the diamond : trade here as proof of =--e----,*- -''''-=---.-'. . the confidence which the Publiehas in the stability Of the value of diamonds; ' c ZeC1,1W, lEas Teavel. , . ..Dfamond. 'are fettl principally In , ,Prague.=-L-Tlie Czech Slate, railways, Seuth Africa, elthoug they occur also with the idea .of elloouraathg travel by LJ Iii cither.Parts of Africa ' and In South rail, are introducing .special• ctitiehes America. :About, 90 per eentitheo! Dtho.'d. ,VirzzdramcecirSa,owditbh111e:r.'1,dar:-CblallsiwSiTebe,el; *high gkoWS' tObaCtO. , They,: - ar e all •,ertiduction 1s .bontrolled 'by. erlTehe--eir orportitionifLt, Ando. lc11--"danean: as -the IJ I WII.4 anotherpilet, and stand by for Mlle. ti" '11 have to dottbleimdlock their ' other special job."secrets 'f they " Want to keep there :„ • . • ey ."Rather 'sudden, isn't it? she frorn.theptess nowadays." - -2 • ••mented.: 'De you get many: of 'these Ae",they ierew, nearer .to town, she ,...s.Wi“talilloesasanodittSetet.laisalittikrar `.,he said:, asked that she Might .he dropped at •tine of, the ,undergreend stations trent. efve..a Prett) read" jab ' yvhich•elie could make her -Way to 'the, .• ru e. But there was kruniur house where she Was teniporarilk stay - round a- -pilot rilitt4. -*Aft , be wanted be take a, machine through . .cci' ;1, g▪ oing ', to. see you t� ah4:- niaYhe that's the. job." ' demancied,, when he hal They began t� move eide-bY. found a Station that SUited,hee.'",Soeu, side towards the gate' • ' • I hope? What .1i:bout this evening.1" '. "How inte'resting,"• she. said: ".Yon shook her head. • "That's not • knew, ihalf think I'd like to fly When, possible afraid. I know we are I go :heck ,to 'On only :fipple booked' to -go -siirteWhere .tonight.. ;here on a.' holiday. and thee go, back And besides', you Won't know iwhat to MY .fatbert, whod. fo' employed out your. orders are until you've 1,1:ieen to there." , ' ' • •,. your office, will' you?' „ • 4I • say,' ; he eieleimed sodden1"y. "Don't supPose ',will," 'lie adriiitl".1 you think it cheek -1 mean, telectantlY. "Bet if it's this Prince would you mind my asking,yott heve, flight job,' they' can't welt be 'ebasiot . spotlunch with rrie e nd.hayd• off night. it yarn about India. Was out there "But you don't even - knew that is for year, and line* lets of petiplevand the job," she pointed out. Places.. We might dig up seme mtitual. "I'll probably `beet Within ati, hour," , . friends." ,1 • • he answered: . She i .hesitated , a niorneni; and 'he Elt Confess I'll be inest curious to hurriedly renewed his Wei, "Litneli knbw " she said., '"Perhelis that's f de- , *till ready in the Wee) here. 1 *aye to drive fit "tit the London Office after';' and I'd hive to give i3Oit A lift isciPline Child Witliant Any Fea 'Mothers Are Afraid of Losm Affection So They, Humor Children . , • • Nature .arranges malty and. awing them 'probably is that ',veryi. thing shouted down so, often by •chlld eiperts-;-the,leektite, of e mother ta; hold ber'ehild's;leyeby harkening hi*. SoeieheW or Other I believe It meet he meant' fer..a'sotie enreete or 1,t) At the same time.there is soniethilic , • .else .to be. eonaidered, ,Clirilieathinr- dees something to us. The higher we ,. go in intailigenee edueatiou the! more seesititie becemes • the nervous Makeup, and normal emotion is exag- gerated, . What Culture. Brings. , , , . .Conipare the average7higli-strungr-e weineri of r any , deltured.•nation with. •lier savage sister. , One a tensitive). violin capable of tueesf:thei .ether a pritnitly,e. instrument ...limited! • • , . •,, et it o hurt retch toe eas1.0 Thvulnerable u.constructldi Our $he feare too quiekly and goes to . • ' Sixty-nine of them have aPent.their "This. eteinPaliY.litis therefore power to 'now 'marked ereStanient car;" for, we lives as shepherds • or •sh,pplierkletses, Maintain , With th deeline in 1 ' ' forty-eight :have worked UP0a.'" the the World demand' production ,was re- • Furthermore, a. Czech inventor has . . land, eighteen, were, servants, *three 'duepd, and as a matter. of .fact most flied ..for: travelerit,' Sesectacles were blachsnlithp, two dressmakers, two .gardenera. and one ,noncleseript: Only flPtee11 spent their as, house- Budapest.--eAyone Wanting to :be 'a centenarian can do nobetter than . settle, in yerbasz, Macedonia. Of the 400 -inhabitants-- twenty - are over 100 years old end. no 'death his occurred in the-villiee_for more than two years with. the siegre. eireeritioq of a: new- born The aged inhabitants era, drink, an -I -eke' and aya:11 themselves:of- all the village. fen 'they can • get.. Physicians say the climate leideel hut they have found no other reaSon? for St r • r 1, • V • • • • • . "A11 right,"' the Said mitt,' tv.liuld nod. "If "yOu're`Stire Obt keeping youtrom ' , • ', - "Greet," 'he ' endweted. along:" ' • ' 1 • plerahlY 'inquisitive of ••file, but 3.0s realty ekeitifig j* In • tooett tee. place i euieklime, slaked lime, things like. this. ,_And ,the •Orientki 41'4 'bt ground limestone, which, as , ksedree.y niaket,it illthe More intrige. is Well krieWn, are essentially, alkaline ,Cold,Hands, Feet, Due, .- . To poor , . . A ,girl catne to see recently, mites e, doctor, complaining that. her feet. and bands, were always cold .aild blue., cold •iie-a-tlier-th.ey Vete-eery: uncOmforteble and she found the trou- ,ble. in her kends affected her work . , • • X went into .the question Of her diet and stiggeetedothe usual thineki aeoute plente of, fresh • Meat,' vegetables etc;, but the most important thing 1 to • her was to •stiniula.td 'her circelatien. by exercises. 1,. ' • .diatnond.plines„were.olosed long ago. • ..fleeense eitennistanees pieces: of small stonesj. are niuela,lewei- than before- and the Wage factor is playlng a•bigrole in the tOtAl-PrIOO, OP the ilniShed Wages 0! Mend. Workers, which, .u.sed, to be rath- er had be be rechoe,dAnq,dei. to ineet. foreign..cconpetition: •• The DeteliGoVetninent..thert catne. to the resetie thamorid•inie thistrY.:. it .made an arrangement with the employers :Which preyided•fer-...a epeelaitillatiance,en.the.. Wagers paid for the.banuteetitting stones, thee enabling...the Dutch .Industry ' :to .same • time maintain-, the high-quality of its prodUet...whice: is rightly world- famous. • r ' This :resulted in a .dittixtet keyi,Val oi. : the ...• diamond • industry. . Several thousand diamond workers Were Put, back on the job it looks, as thotigh-tlits,ntimher • efikied-lir-fire-*ear4ittir , the goods- which are most In demand now require. d.'"iet of ".lahm4;., because '•of.ekrtrerninent.,:iuPportehe real -wages w'th. the manufacturer has' to -figure iu the ,,eett Price ,of the' product are lowerthanat any time during' the.'hits tory 'ef . Holland's 'diamond indUstri. , The nittenfacturets,...k for their Pert are.: carrying on ,,ndy Now" eerie ' Peign, .putting• big ',aevettidementS., the newspapers over here; sOniething Whieli. 'tots, never .undertaken. before, Pointing out that 'elantoedethese;days, .can licitight at ininintain :prices, 'the. "lowesti.'Prides_ in 'the. lifetary: of the) niodern dieniend'indusat,", and "jC, ,pleining,• the Invest:Men !Angle. „ ' Taken all in all, prospects seem hopeful for ',tee diamendidrideetry-Ui1. lAnisterdate, • seenis•,,to be reedy 'te. maintain world reputation, . . When You 'get' tte in the morning taltd., a •cold beth...(1r,tyoer, doctor 'agrees) "Or .e .hath .With the chill off; ,get• ane out ,ef it 'quickly Old' rub, yourself down 'as briskly as you Care immediately efterivards, do a series of. exercises before SkipPing Is prhaps best;'•''etherWise Jump'. up and, down ' on the.. tees at the' ,Sente, time. _ . . your arms,••rohnd and round at the shout ers.. • • I.•• , , . . . . ,• Before; dering :and 'after .tliese .stand stilt, with the head woll back.,:and[brea.the deeply through', the :note...Continue the ,exerclia. until •yOu feet werin'!and kik slightly tired, but. etim if thee, make; you ,giddy." . • -* At nrst" yon will do much lest. than you can ,later on. In: addition you sheitle take 1,rt Mine woe a, • :: . • ' Land Plaster DeodorautGypsum is anaturally occurring :,,,. 'SUL; , phate of Bine and ...ie.ftitind-'. vett beet er deposits in .ieverel preeletekt of. the 'Borninliee, Crushed • or ground, It forins the .WelI,Ithown. land .plaster., •GYPtuni Mee irabiable rigrietilturat- ly. in ferhishingliete, for ,phint growth as it 15 fairly :Pliable; in water, b;ut stride" this: lime' is •condirn.ed with sul- phuric adid' andife riteseht in a neutral erindition, it followt, saeg,,the oheuito., oiat the gyptein has .no •• value for the trealtrient otsetir or acid, solid. For this purreiSe it cannot take VY 1 t. ., "Teti you what .then,", he Said, : "111 give, you: acting after I hear anything _ certain -his evening perlitits: 'What time Will you be iur. , 6 :111410 (cALLING POO 400, -SHABES), 0Ort Altua,ted In TIBLE1VIONt, QUEi3EC ,(.40L0 tii8TRICT , For Full information and •Map Write , CORDINGLEY; PIKE :itc CO 2O1tt,t'f.O.t: 01404 TOricNTO:.' ' Telei3h6ne Your orders Collect „ which. throw shafts 0! light from the readers forehead on the book or news- paper be is holding: These' are likelY , to • he supplied on : trains .The glasses area little heavier than the °keit:lazy kind. The .lenses are on the eYebrowe. instead ''.of in -"front .Ot the. -09s, electric wiree'conneleting these lenses with .e small battere Carriee lii the pocket; . Ordinary spectacles May he. worn With there. . , Surcfeon Hai Heart Attack . Completes Operation,' Dies Praises Flari.nonY •, Arnong Cartailians- Pnideel,-7-Rep1ying to the toast -Canada at' the anneal dinner of the; Wolfe • Society commemorating the anniversary ; Of Wolfe's, birth, held .at WeSterhark Kent; 4..P. Vanier, Who was etie4 of honor, said as it. Clescerident of the, first ; settles of Canada he was happy to pay tribute of adiniratiort;to the. gallant triglishynan Wolfe; ,with whose name, he:cpuPled that o0. the 'gallant Ftench- man; lviontcOn: The mown -nen' erected to ,6e..corif- mon. memory o'f two .armies sYlribolized the haririony in which two great, races were goings fetieard brothers; hand in hind for the greater gond 'Of - the.", Country :ovet 'Which they • had fought years age, be Said. • in ehareeter. Land plester possesses the. property o'f t‘Mting" ammorila and stahles and •eoiv terns. • Thus employ- ' when l'°u e I 'it ogen in,the very.read- rhYth_to 38 tuily.re.eetablrehed. Andrean•denwniall tO 1•efaih the el , sere Nature the aid ebb needs to do th;s for d you stimulating the inner cleansing 'tune. for this reat'on' ict• largely odeti,Iii ed, sfirinklf"" or dustin th , and YOU fnel run-dOwnr PIIYI1CRI Stratidil'i dit"1:bed, ing tO CIO fit tO take Andrews Liver Salt achey the g e • nely wise n groend niat4rial in the stall itoeteres On several eueeetsive s until the 11Y deeomposelife•stahie feeds art In. by•• . tions, en, w en f101'0111! re r h 1 h bite a eeot' ---•--:-..iiit,..-ritite " "the --611 ZIReTifti-rir rtilnls r ' trr VII3-1--froirr - , -. - tl'a'And gke -.-- • Itraeinfe i -•- ' ' • . r„i 4 -. . ..., d *Aerobic t.i ervepe.PA I Aft11,110nr, .• '., , •• .'• • glass ot. AndM rews' Liver Salt' one or One.' a. 't . • 4 7t „„....4.„,• ,, ',. •• ' ' , ,•• Week:, Suetained geed' health will aroPlY tePer _ i • '''' 1". ''" ' • ' I yea. Get ,Andrewo froth ,your druggist. In "Poy, hie,, ,• eemeefee.s.; " 84othe3• a tins at 386,and 60e,!tlkIe*, large bottleLt,c , 7 e. ', Bole Agents:, John, A, Huston c,"., 'l:. deni,otratie ahdhltritit • teriell progiare ' roroten ' • ,' : 4 ', 'carried ibtoArgli In afilemperntic• man.' her."-Thoniall di $ Sartifi- ' ' • Andrews Ittilea 01 Inr*: ASStit 0 Rome. -In .11,e midst of e delicate obstetrical We -ration br.,GiovacchinO Triolo suffured' a 'heart attaek;'..,11e continued. ' however, and sailed ,the lives of Mme. Mesa -Giorgi SoriVale ane her batty. As he the operat- ing reorn, he died. , . • Her"Caul.-Take-It'li Pittiturgh-,-iSeeking divorce, W. D . Carmihan said he had i'tnenedthe other cheek" to his wife, 1,eabella,• for 30 :years. He asserted she broke .his shoulder ••erith potato II -lather; • hit. him,ire the ace with a telephone direc- tory, arid told malicieus. Stories: which bellied defeat him in a school board • 1 • election:: ' • . . The. last straw, however, riiq'IS 'When she called in 'a woman friend to help beat him up; ha tettified. • 'The clergy,ft ,a class are timid, and afraid to lspeek•ont:":-IBettn. ng 1 - holds dear:, • Thodearest thine to her, - is-the',1Ove. of her chile' for her She puts it even .above her love for min.,' 't .think thati: children. hive: their mothers altogether We, are so, . _ often • told, because they are selfillni and -their mothers Mean merely eon!' venienceesed. Comfort. This does en- ter :'into, it, of potirse but I give all , Children Credit: for a higher'. emotion than that., They love their 'inother beeinte they Thee thenirthat's-all.-f•':'.-1-., Mother's 4ttitude •.Therefcire,1 think there Is less flan - ger of a mother .eoleg a little eiseile) liiiing than she-may-thiflk.- She must Put aside this exaggerated...1'er' of lope, etene a, little impersonal at times and -take-the 'late intei her hands.- -She-Will,: have herself to fight of course but if she eteei .and reasons that: 'she .seethere is 'sniall.stisk.. "I cannot •go' on letting' Junior have his own' Way. As he grows older he. Will respect, me., • retire' ' he:. respects .himself more: .At any rite it is better to Pee- rigge.a: little•et egyotion,;10.me nowe /I r • tee Man.Anyway there isn't a chance in a. ,thonsand that it willmake any, difference in hip real,love'af all." make a difference. . This is age. A'. '.• There, is deed , . Work eerie; When a .ehild is Older lie of system 011 his mother's 'Part:" 40- more likely. te,reseet. any change ." mother's control 'should be . Put tO „ Obterye a inethodein :the distribu-T flon,Of.ybize time tiery hour will then know its proper erepleYinent, an to 'Otte 'Will be lost:z--Bislibp Horne. ; ,•••••:ww, Ow• to to Quick as You Take 2 Aspirin •Tabiets. Drink full glass of water Repeat. treatment in '2 hours, ' if thrOat is sore, tolleltand• dissolve Aspirit I'ablett • M nal;' glat's Or Water, and gai•gie Atentding to directicihr niot, • Almost. Instant Relief iri This -Way 14:..e tint* method picturee above' is the way doctors throughout the wqrld now treat; .It re,cognited the QUICK Ii'tefest, „Stitest way to treat.d eOld. For it will phcek anordit. nary . cold Uhnost as fast as Yoe caught:it. • Ask your doctor- about this,,, And When you see: that You get ..As- pirirt • Tibleta. boes Not Ham the /4,eni 1 ratiemark of 1 he klayei.. AS I I3ayer .n tha form of a cress on Company Limited :end tee nente,' eecir taetet. They th,ssoilo almost :Inn:Italy And thus work alniost instantly when yod take client., And tor a eargie 'Morin ' I ableta diSsolye Sti COI111)16tel% they Jeav o ititAjilLtA -tt%tth1 - tehteta er„liettle•el 1000e any drupstete, • atriain taaLgta o4tDL 1IAN'Ana • , 1,71.