HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-01-25, Page 1$2.90, PER XEAR, IN. ADVANCE; $2-50 • OTILEIMSE SDA'Y Jannary 2511i 1954 S&OLE COMB 5' CENTS -1 Young ' woman desires'"honseivork by the mOnth:-L- Apply at Sentinel Office. " -- FOR.. SAI.-M-7-:rearn house, stable , accomodate five head, , drive. shed :LTId pig pen. 15 ' 14Ortkpf C.N.R.'depot. 'FARM For. SALE ---47; acres on. the .BliieWater Highway 2'; miles ..setith of ..4.,Aniber1ey.;' • HO.,:se and ,stable: Price I 790.-ApplY to William 4ehinitoni- • 3, Lnckno* 'Dungannon (25-I41-tf.), AucTioN sALP of household furniture at, the hero., of Andre* LOckhart Lucknow, SatUrday, 'January 27th, the property of Misa Tam Meitinnon,now of Pbrt *Erie. Terins, Cash.: Well. Henderson; Auc. • FARM FOR SALE --176 acres on Con. 12,, Ashfield (known as "Jamie - 'eon farm) well drained,buildings in The. Women's Missionary Society „ Presbyterian Meeting Hears Favorable Reports Activity Shown Iu Each' Dephrtment With VIUSSuici,S! SUPPort Very Gratifying. . The inland' meeting of the tuck,. now -Presbyterian Church was held on'Tli.Ors4aY' evening"last Excellent reports.' were ,,presented from. every prganization in the -,,-,congregation. Fourteen new Members were added during the Year,. 10 by Profession of Faith and four - by Certificate. -Six , were removed by death and one by certificate: The. member:dile at the , close of 1933 was 330. Almost fifteen hundred doll's area eontriblited for the Mission work of the .ebuichand over twenty-one hundred- dollars for the work 9f -the 'church at home. , can be arranged.' —APply. to William. Johnston,. R. 3, Lncknew, 80-Lq,13, • Dungannon. NOTICE Sealed tenders will be received by U. S. S. No. 4, 'Ashfield for 15 cords, Mission , Band, in spite of heavy losses through death, have faithfully carried -on their work of missionary education. The interest, in this de- partment is evidenced ,by the giving of $470 to the wOrk: The, reports of the •Sabbath School' and :Bible 'Class bedYwo-OC, beechand18-inv-and:'-Young PeoPle's,:Guild-were -most „ long and free of knots. Wood to :be encouraging, both es. regards , .the. 'delivered and piled at School *house Wdrk within the congregation' and • not later than :March 31st, 1934. the interest in the work- of Miiisions. • Tenders, close, Saturday, Feb. 3rd. 1934. John R. MacLeod, Sec'y.-Treas.,- R. R. 3, Luthnow., CONSTABLE 111RED WOOD , VENDERS nd Presents Concert Henry Fatters4 and A. R. son To Supply VUage Wood--Rz . J.: Moore Hired. As Conatiible. ------- So „that those to supply 'wood' td ,the., villa • 'm ght hove" s, chance, tg do Ao while there, was good ;sleigh?: • NOTICE RE LOGS, teen Thouitind feet' Beech' locrs Fif- teen thousand feet Soft "Maple logs., men ,.Thousand.„ feet Basswood logs, :Five Thousand • feet good Poplar, • suitable for Crating. Our log yard. will he open. after .1.„stiniery 22nd.. For farther infOrination as, to prices and lengths, :6- be at our office. - 'We- have now received all .the soft elm logs we require. Signed ' THE LUCKNOW TABLE CO. 'LTD • • (1-2-6.) , 'NOTICE TO ' CREDITORS• , ,All :persons ,heving'ilaiirv iiinet, the ,estate of. James .-:,,Edesii-Ritehle,. "lateof the ' Township - of Ashfield in .the !County", of 'Huron,- Farmer, de- ceased, who died on or about ' the 16th...day. of February, A.D. 1933, are - hereby notified to. send on Or .before the . 30th day.' of 'January, to Thanes Alexander . Ontario,' of to Charles WeSICYTRit- chie R R No. 3, LucknOw, \ Ontario • Executors; of the said Estate,... or to the, undersigned , Solicitor, - their • names and addresses, full particu- lars of their claiins' and, the natUre, of their seeurities. if any herd by them, , verified; by; statutory declare - tion: thilnedletely" lifter such 'last irtentioneddate the. i'assets ' of the said . deceased • will .1 be . distribUted ..Enciengst the persons ' . entitledthere- to having regard only to ,the ;claims properly filed. DATED. at Winghar. Ont, t• he • lith, day of 'January„ A.D. 1984. , Wingharn, Ontario, The following were elected to the . Mrmaging , Board: .Wm. Spindler, MileCivstie. and *Wm. Reid (re- elected: David Carruthers for one Peter'lliatson for twp Years and lno. S. 'MacKenzie, Years. The Session Placed- on record their appreciation of - the faithfulness ,of theworkers ,in the different organ-, iz tiens within' the congregation. Before the close of the meeting the congregation by a 'standing vote expressed their appreciation of the work , Of their 'minister, Rev. C. H. MacDonald, during the • yettY-' and their confidence in .his leader- ship for the future. of ee To Small Audience Band ,Stages A- Pleasing 'Program, 'Followial BY „it • Dance Intipit,e of the feet thatnotmore than !sixty Peraone, were . in -atien, ing; the „Village • Ceolle?"';ha.h1,.. , at .the ' Band .concert On _Fri.. eial meeting; iirlien'ter. Wood- tealera. evening. - the players presented were received and hylP °uPPile101°Ir •Intereating" Trogranl,:: °I. 11 e The mead soi Heil" 'pat; 'rendered selections Some :itventY-: terson and A. R. Finlaysen were Sic- eight Bandsmen, includiaig members cerated,..Mr! Fotter8011- .` le to ouP14 'of _the Senior ..,and Junior Rands pre - 20' cords Of wood, as epecified, ' der 'for 30 •eords of wood at $2.73 a cord was accepted, provided he einploy towns men, who are on relief in getting' out the wood and .s,170 an t4siiitidcr.i:Lion:a19.4,winw•vtiNvdee4n."Yhgftotr,IPtit'ha71.,t.:4.11,0e104. „hi r4valnand faithfiliner in "attend - is Stiii practices -which. has. resulted in for .village eginitable. : • , • ••. - • • - 0.50 e",'" Cord: Mr. •FiniaksOife ten-. nte'Cl" striking:mthei r' appearancel ytrimmed°n the stage tunic's. Reeve A. Hamilton acted as chairman. and during, the evening commended the band ''for their men- of .Health- ,Th.e Bread '.,of Health Two applications '' were r:Pesived:rendifions from time , to time as they # 'village constable . _ for. the . make public' appearances. The or - one front 11. Leith and °lie avin 'ganizing" of the present band dales R. J. rktcnire,', the latter bting Ie.-, back to 1928, he said, but little pre - engaged at his old salary. , • gress was noted until Mr. 'Hayworth MR: 101INT.':.Istrg IraproVethent during the past four, days has, been noted in the. con- dition of Mr. John JoYnt, and as his Medical attendant putt it, he is more like himself„ Mr. joynt's ill- ness; however, is still regarded as serious,but: the :past , few . days have been must encouraging to those whp have :-Watehed-hiin. put up • a -valiant fight for recovery over, , lengthy period When his life *es practically deSpitired of. " New Prints, ,Gbighatins and 'Wash. Goods , still at the old to*. prices.— THE MARKET STORE. • TORONTO WOMAN WINS , ' • ;too oo cAsa pitizE "Suririch'". As The Name Of Titles- ' *Ws Cereal Wins. Award' . The $100.00 prize :Offered for a suitable name for Treleaven's-Cereal was ewarded, to , Miss K. C. Moore of 397 Huron St., Toronto, The name mi e y iss Mtnire--nintelioa hy the judges was "Sunrich”. The judges •were Mrs. Victor, .7.ehnston, Di. WM. Connell and Mr. W. B. Any. Coning vents 'First In rtion, 5 c. Subsequent Ins tone,', 25c. • • HOT SUPPER The Wonien'S Guild Of St,. Peter's' Church „ore serving a not ..suppot in. the Council Chanlber, on 'WednetkleY; 'January , Simper ,35t. BURN'S BALL. , , ;• Tonight Thursday, •January '25th, is the night of the big j'event .of the ' sea,s'on, , Burn's Ball,' in the Town ., LucknOw. Arthur's Itad!o. Or- , cheattr.„ 5 pieces, '4 pipers, lunch ., served: oAdraission including • tax, $1-.00 a couple, ,, extra latly and ' gallery 85c. • " SU • derson. The contest commenced last 011 and closed December 30th. During . , that time, hundreds of, -narnes: were , , ,. submitted from many . ,points in Which proved an enjoyable conclusien surrounding "district: •,took,. over the :duties, Of darector, over a year 'ago, The, assets .of the or- ganization, . includes tunics, instrumerits,, nifisie;1'ete.;,' are .,valued ',PilekachTer747...-using"-.}tulOekP at about *2000. The bind tunics sold. at 1.-4W9' STORE. Weiv recently. decorated with white. Reeve A. tamitt,sn ;3"i :Luek, cord. and the object Of the; eencOrt. now and Reeve David Carruthere. of: was to raise" funds to eNt,:Tthu.e.: o•aoreeLdthis week attending .cornet duet ,by Misses sessiQn sers No'. complete the uniforms. r:OuntY. Carnal in Walkerton, • which on Tuesday. Lee and. Danalda . Douglas • . hone--.0k&IIY-37-C-i-iTehliSton, .-":"ICIfii,::•*Vfaikiiiit"'"".M"equillin . . • .• erspersed the. hand .selections, and 4ined ' e few ,young' people., at Were , the inztiel, effort*: of these PartY,. in honer of MISS Jessie Mac musicians, which were well, received Kenzie, who leaves'', short's* to enter Dr.. Win.; Connell played' the ac St.'' 1.esenb'e.. Hospital; London, as a Cornpaniment.. . student: nurse: ' .•. ti.te- Band orchestra $111)°ri.d. When' E. Ciii.rier' en • LAYER ,CAKES 511,NCE, PIES ..)ELLY ROLLS • 0 APPLE • DOUGHNFTSL: CHELSEA PONS • ' • ICED ROLLS, ''re Finest White'and Whole Wheat Alva ••• HOLLYMAN'S ,Q.CAUT Phone 36 - A K.ERY Lucknow Local e5P Geheral DON'T make friends. with your cornsremoye than with Cress Corn Salve. -- Sold ;at McKily..i.!S ,DATJG 's sTop THAT COUGH—with Ma- son's 49. Guaranteed to .positively give relief or money back. Price 40c. P. • M. -pATEASON. ' •- YOU'LL BE AMAZED, at the 'relief you will "get for Rheurnetism, sic . for a dance, which followed and to Totonto Tnesday he was accom • named by his daughter, Mary -Louise who is spending a week . with her Mrs., Gordon Dixon, -while Mr. qnd Mrs. Cameron are moving into , , BABY BOY LIVES , their new home, Cayley Street.— , ' , ONLY AN 'HOUR Welberten. Telescope. ' - Dies in Dundas Western Ontario as well as the to a pleasant, if not profitable ev- ening.- •- , ASTIFIELD CIRCUIT , KINLOSS FARMER PASSES', failing'health ..for some :tint Aleianderlengtitue re dent --of Cared -Saban .g, Ainio.e.0; passedaway suddenly' his home on Mon- day.. The funeralterVice Will beheld this • afternoon frem. late . resi- dence, with. interment in Kinloss cenetery. is. survived his ',wife, formerly Miss Purves. GilVet. was in his 59th year. • KRUSCHEN, S,ALTS—Free trial Offer.. tiny the Giant , size ..Paehege for 75c: Then if -not satisfied ,iettirra the 'regular 75c bottle and your money will he refunded.— , F. M. PATERSON. ASHFIELD COUNCILLOR , HAS LEG FRACTURED "Pete" Parrish Victim Of Unfor- REBKAH, MEMBER ^ 'PRESENTED TUESDAY - The Meeting' of °Tearer-- Rebekah Lodge Tuesday concluded with, a pleasant social gathering which was -1b17 off -Johnston,Mrs. Elddn by *Slater:Re- bekahs. With twenty -in attendance; . Court 'Whist Was enjoyed for a time . with Miss • Cameron the prize Winner. Before lunch was served, -Mrs..: R. H. Thompson read the following' address and the NOble' Grand,- Mrs; R. -.T. Button, presented the bride with a silver butter dish. Dear Sister, , - This ' gathering -here to- night is happy event in Rebekah circles. and, we are glad of the op- portunity-- the oecation iiffora, to do .v*11' honor at Siaiter • Rebekah and eitend,-our ,-heirtiecOngratuletiona °I'Adltiiheoslitg7l1.85'hg.-e;e etrArg!;: to 753,• we” are delighted, yeti; Italie 'chosen to . make your Inime ,Lticknow and we earl look forward to Mani ;h4PPY and. helpful timed. together. •, -- So that you 'MaY have seineha- terial recognition of our good -wishes • 'little gift. • Signed, ' , • we VnId ask. you , to accept this . Slaters Of Jeviel- Rebelcalr'Lodge. Johnston -briefly but ably ex- oressial,4.-her appreciation . of the .litaughtfailness of, the lodge mem- bers,, who then joined.in singing `Tor: She's A Jolly Good Fellow". The infant son- of Mr. and Mrs.' lilies._ Ellen Hunter, sister of the late. Clarence Murdie of Listowel, who Dr. D. Paterson, and only surviving died,: early MondaY Morning, was meinber of that fanilly, Paused awayburied in Greenhill cemetery on it her home in. Dundas on Sunday. Tuesdair-afternoon. Following' the, Mr. F. M. Paterson of town, .attend - arrival of the afternoon tram," thefuneral on Wednesday after- tonching scene was witnessed- at*th" ' William Mur - home of Mr. and Mrs. tunate Mishap On Friday Evening. di- when °vier the l tiny ;wines .M1'; (Pete): .Farrieb; Ashfield ceuneillor,. lied in God- erich hospital with',e fracidied, leg .as the result of e :peculiar -Mishap ,nn, Friday evening . last. Pete was returning_frini Goderigh that night and Was making the turn, at ,the Corner south of Dunlop. The road was in a rather Arencheitiiis Condition nt this point and his .car slewed • and turned over 90 its side. With the aid of somemen, Was attem- pting :td right the ,vehicle, and when At 'Settled back, on its four *Week. Pete failed to step 'hack far • enough and. the running beard .striick heatt.; ilyon his knee, which splintered the bone in hit leg. He Was removed: to Goderith Hospital, bUt. . Swelling in the leg, pre:Vented the setting of the .fractured bone 'ter a time: , CONDENSED- IAD -SALTS-=tOr- tedncing 'easily and. 'safely. 60c.• a 'CRAZY WATER CRYSTALS—at the new price of $1.50 , at PATER, \ SON'S DRUG STORE. P.A1V,IfLY, ,TOORTHER..ON BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY • Sunday, 'January' •21st, .being the [anniversary 94 the; birth of Mrs.. Rohert Hasty, 'She had the pleasure >t• having . all her., children tind grandchildren ta dinner'With her „at the heilie :of her 'YonngeSt.,iiiiiighter, Nire William, Alton . end., Mr„, Alton of Ashfield: Present, .were; Hasty, .1N/fre., john,l3leke .Wingharn; Mrs. _ , ltoy Maize,. Mrs. Wallace.; Twainley • casket, Rev.. S.:"ETtickexicondictee. a brief funeral service. p The little tot was born premature ly early Monday morning, but fully developed. Tfie attending physician had hopes the infant, would live, but death followed within an hour. •The Incither is rnalcing a favorable re - • ' .coVerY. ttatkage at• 'PATERSON'S 'DRUG; STORE.' CUTTER SMASHED, NO * INJURIES IN MISHAP , woniArti Asiocaknot • ' 18 NEW cjitiAcri GROUP *AaasiCietion • Ttilcee, In 'Alt The. Ladle's Of The "United Church Congregation. Hold Skating Piro • • The Girl Guides m •charge of their 'aptain and - lieutenant, Misset. Vera Serriff and Rena McDonald,. enjoyed, a skating, party at the rink on *Tues- day • evening, following which they were Served refreshments and 'spent Alexander K. Milne, Former a:pleasant hour at the home of the Il Resident, e.lieved °To Have . First" Taught School In Huron'. 'County, Passed Away In Guelph. • . The WoMans' Association,a 'newly formed organization of the United Church held. their 'initial meeting on*. Wednesday njght last, when the , , officers were :appointed. This organ izetion,takea -in' all the ladies of the congregation and inetiii the disco*: thinance" of groans such as the 'Unity Circle. Homeward bound. after dark with- out a light, on Wednesday' evening last, Kelso McNay had, his cutter wrecked, when run " into by a car driven by Archie 'McDonald. Archie, with three other passengers in his car, was proceeding to Kincardine to play hockey and about three miles west of the village came Upon the cutter -without *seeing it, nntil, it Ltteknow., end Mrs.:William Alton, *was too lite to avoid the . The seat -of the cutter the tServiced-,-.,sunday, January 2+Via% 'their respectiVe; husigends and 8th, [ 'driver were bot into the ditch, I r '1' there 'bei r ntv • all - Zion 11 A. M.; Tracheas 3 ivr-; "rm " r'" e ' "11 whil th• horse trailing the re- makes 7.30 P. M. subject temy Mr Hasty who owns, her ho nie in e ' mainder• of the. 'wrecked vehicle, JEWELS".`• 'SPECIAL picTuRs AT v. • LYCEUM THEATRE, VirINGHAM Songs,.. intime„ Ikiir4fv Six bir SOng. hita n1istaicast SImm$unitreityliie Cn ,city. and ,Pok ,.1\t.:‘,VS. • StiO VtistArt, At 'Dungannon, and spends the antraner entiva there, belongs to one of, the .i)ioneer and, despite the fact, that alie id Well Pest the allotted of life, enrys rood 'health, Init for the fact that AC CaUTIOt .get • hut exceptidriallight an lereSted In all 'thatTgoeS on"on"'Bargains in Silk and Dress, meter- ials and 614mnant5 THE MAIMET * Made Off down the -roed, and after freeing itself of the trailing remaitie about a mile farther on, tentiritied 61 home. Kelso was unhurt, and it Was later leanied that the horse had "siiffered no iniurine , and the v .t t, . 't1.4-1/nold which is a Valusible-7'6110, was badly ,broken up. The ear was not daraiged and after gathering UP Kelsorri pOeels. and giving hini, a ride o .to ri; neighbors, the hockeyistti continued to their destination,- ' The officera are: President—Mts. S. T. Tucker; 1st I TCUTHERFORD.Ip. the township' Of West. Wawanosh, on Wednesday; January 24th to Mr. and Mrs; Wil- liam Rutherford, a son. eaIt:.•coottity..140Is Removed By Deat District Commissioner, Mrs. A. E. McKim. Glare Of Ice Again , • Roads that'. were excellent ,for 'Sleighing, over the , week -end, but which 'gradnelly became, too heavy for Motor traffic; have : this 'week been turned again into •a glare of, ice. Mondat. ;brought :Mild,. weather and rain- that' evening, :arid When the temperatiire .dropped again, On es. rcisids .and sidewalks WerOurn- ed into ice. Leg! haling *1-a ' the order of thei day , on Monday With a. Continual streamn of tennis • to the. local furniture factory, :which" is iitirehasing -;it, limited . quantityy • .6f, logsthis year, and on Monday re- ceived, at the soft em. required. Other clasdes. of logs,' as advertised,: ere' still being purchased. Vice pres.—Mrs. W. G. Andre*; '2nd Vice ' Eve Greer; Re cording Sec.—Mrs. N. Bushell; Cor- responding , Sec.—Mrs, V. .Sehnston: Treasurer—Mrs. Wni. Murdie; Cap- tains of Groups—Mrs. Btiswell, Mrs, R. J. Cameron, Mrs. Alien Turner: Devotional Com.—Mrs: Mrs. Thos. Burns; Flower COMA Mra, Fisher, Mrs.Rath*ell,' Mrs. F• T. Armstrong; Church , Com.—Mrs. ,MclCirm Mrs. Robb, Mrs. Thos. 'Alton: Hoiise Com—Mist Sarah Mallough Mrs. D. C. •Taylor. AT MONTREALs CONVENTION, Mr. C. ltifeNali",, ,manager of Silverwood's Lucknow plant, and his father,. ,Mr. J. R. MeNah of the London plaint, attended the. ,2nd 'annual convention, of the danaidian 13rodiiCe Association, had' in the tms,L' Lent to ' Montreal, they apent the Week- end with Mr.' MeNab'S` Sister: at. nisTeEtre- Brockville', On their'', return they at- tended the Convention Of SilVetwoodli In . Mr. Alexander Keith aged 96, a foriner, Weithtiovnt' LucknoW1; and; Whitechurch resident and pion- eer Kinloss farmer and , school 'teach- er passed away in :Ggelphat the home ot..his- daughter; Mrs. R. Jd, Ecu .on Sunday.. His ; wife, formerly. Mary 'Gaynor,an aunt Of Mrs. H. 3. Lindsey,- of town, predeceased him twenty. .years' saga; Mr: Lindsay at- tended the; funeral in ,Guelph ofl Wednesday. • " • Born in SentlaId • in 1837, Mi. Milne was .educated in Forfar and -Edinburgh -itild"----came- to Canada - -as Young man,where he is believed • to.. have taught the first "schOol="at,-, Pert Albert; and in the, hist schools in Brace at the fourth and sixth concessions o Kinloss. After four.: (31/:1 OF FORMER ASIIFIELD • teen ***ears" of aehoel teaching,: he rd, - MINISTER, DIES, IN 'WEST moved to Smith 'Falls, where he . ' founded and edited. the Smith Pills The following : clipping „taken' from Review, and as a staunch Liberal,sn , Edmonton paper refers to tind he, through his paper, strongly sup - death of the :coil* son ' of. the • late., portedthe late' Hon. George Brown.' . Rev. W. A. Smith, a former pastor 'Later he returned - to Queen's on 'the Ashfield and Dungannon "The funeral tervice of Douglas Charles Smith, Only ,sto of. Mrs - Smith, and the late, Rev.. W. A. $mith ef..rdmortea, ''who passed aWay, at Calgary, ,TuesdaY, January 9tia* at the age Of ,23 'years, Was held' Fri- day afternoon. ,..lanuary 12th, at from 'Andre*. Bros: funeral chapelocorner of 112 end, Jalapa° Ste. Rev. F. 11. irltineefficiated: and interment took ,.place in the Edmon- ton cemetery. He left 4to. Mourn his 1414f,,Vesides his mother', two Slaters, Mrs.. M irroather .1and ,MISS father, - ReV. Mr, Smith, died niers than`a year ago. Ile and Mrs...Smith were greatlybeloved on , both Ash. field and Dungannon• ,direnite, , Whe4 theywit bet well reMsfAetedc* , . , , Bush, and with his: brothers David and Charles, took 'ati land in what we's then Virgin :forest On the , 4th of Kinthse,, •-whci-e s they tibecafrne among the best known. families ut the district, becoming prOminent farmers, 'live Stock dealers' and breedera. ' Mr..' Millie was An: ardelit:beiticul- wrist...and whereVer. bis abode, his ,flower garden beceine noted, While .Lueknow, where he "retired in his declining years, he owed the pro' perty where 7 Mr. Phillip, Stewart , now liVet. Later Ile moved toWhite- churth and in adVenced.years, made Grianh. where in , spite orhis age, 'Mr., Milne has Coritimied eacception- ally bright mentally... Of the original family of 'tVielveti': " *