HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-01-18, Page 3,• 7 oi• , 4, • orld 41.4ir M.1$14rgan.: . . . . . . . 40 ai.;e41'.14. e14143,", ,et4.er. Nyp,fypi As. pc.,40.,,Irci.f44,..• fot wFael,Plei . to ' ge.aiPxl. Steaks and chops an ;fish. .„ '; • . All egg mixt,ures, .pustard; souffles. and puddings, should be -baked inan, oven, :at `a low temperature if the heat: rises. ,aboVe. 330degrees you will '0400,ot'tiohi:1(,:pi ,o107,441t;g1rol:&$.71t11 4171Y (31:1! Baked: potatee,s are More:detectable. when tubbed wit4 a vegetable. oii or lard. beipre, bakMg.. ,47,,, .small antenat. of either larclAer 04 to, 04 elltte ..) ...t. the palm is 'sufficient to... prepare A; '•i.itOt.t.EN l'ii1.4.1-,,, .. '' Yineg4r. Is. 4.(.1.d.ea to the' bbilink Water.. ,dozen small, potatees, 'Potatoes baked •• . „ T'ime. seems to....fl .faster, in the kit.: Wiieu.ege are )410 priced, tivp.tea in this way are “P•414!:' peeled tor P7- ehep thp 1 any other plapfek. and;',It one SPOORS ot vinegar used In IfICee Of all. ',4ig PurPOsOSA:'. • - ." ?..., ' ' • ' ' 140.4 Plle't eyes • from the';vegetables, egg' w11r'44Prev0 tAfi...414:St.097§Et. PT, 4' 7 PPPr U.Y.PA!,..c4.4.. be i'.4P4 l'PrY Meoh. • on the stove,they take 1t -upon them- Cake- Add 4.,. teaspoonful:to the water like calves' )1.re6 if b.Palced• eY0:41.0t selves to,hurn„.. . • .,. .. in which. yea. boll' preserved'. eggs..:and. .in SOttr• Millt.• i.-1,' "... •, . ..1•.',. - : •• . . . , , .. " The best ;f-eoOt,S., ec.00Si94iliy:ti6tVill.;tt::cre!:..;1.:ep.ts,.1.t.b.q9•ni:,1p inace54;t4:pibltlecil4es4en,1eitgci)reciartcies.ada1c1rpsoige4.Q9s4;eet.,.).,•.,.... Shown by her ability tn turn th,p, fail, ".4.Attle...Vili.e40.:•,49' tlio.4.(131:e,•jtml'''Rut'• teaspdOmit,s4if;I:'cl.:.1P.cOarieY7C11,OPPed .tire,. intoA,..A.,success. , • .: •• 0, ..-. ,„ r Some in, the, rMsiCg : w,aters. ,-"..1,.1)15 onion, I: • ,:tni,, voiril.g. iii,,4€0., .. ,...,,,...., . . .. •.*tk „buri.1 ..oleY . be •.Pleeedin 'its cook, ' ' reot A IttqO i.ri.Pegar 4'1°. o; 448e9.1'' • eel. A.LIT'sliegi•PlICIC.7A'cladi:ittill,2:1.i49111:t alill'id4ligoltIlla;:g: .-44.),' vegetable that ha in4 started 'llelPS' t� ...make -the cetera: faSt ' •- - • . . . ,,,. Ing pan-Into...a...larger :pan, of cold 0.1.'etl .dePalIter....or.: glass b.ott,e; i., ,Wl1.. Water; ,cover .tightly and bake in, 199 , .:-..Water.' ,Tlie.;'•fegetablb-theurshenid be: -7500rMirste"TI• Tg'71:0,"*1,, '4,. - - `orate O.Y.rqr. 75'il.e.g.• 4001.1t 40' 11:4.0te;•• shaken. oat 'elf the burned., pan into a. lent.. ter••MP"PeliShing WOWifi . . ' ' :It rpm; bnntri. .are. .4.0.6 bake for an. .fresh:pan. dr liimi, .leallag any, ecbt,m ER1 hour. • • • . ' , . 4 , ; ched '": hi the.;.Pari. If .POt *MATA , ' ,, iTAPIOCA.14.1q1),B0 • . .c,. ., • . material::11 40envie Beets - _ . . .. __.... . _ . • :cientlY ceekek'a „little. boiling • Watei• Here is, a w,ay. of ee•elting.•tepicott, • ; : • . • • Wash and cook large-sized„beets in,. their-41(ins -.until ,tender...."..,,Benievp , skins' and 'cool the beets. .0tit cross- wise slices one-eighth Inch; ,thick, then... cut .theSe. sliCea'•intO Julienne :Strips. •the long- *ay, islf the . slice,e;. When ready to serve them, 10,4opt the strips in butter; season With -hit of lernon•inice; 'salt • and. • pepper. ' . . . „ .. . . . : . • • • ' ' ' ' . ' -may be ,added...atuf•the .coolting, r..s..o.tha.t.what "gookfor„the children • ed,Season ” antijierre as usual : If ,wifl be like4,•; too• :. • , . things' have not..geue tee.. far, •most- .oak tWO,•tablespoons.ot tapleCa' of the vegetable may be seryed with - oat iataint of burn. ' • . • Shaking Instead,: of StirrinO: • ' . . , . A Precaution for the ow 'cook is that of shaking the• sanee,pair,•in whieb. cd water overnight. Next day, bring . to the boil, sweeten • to ,taste t and add Sufficient milk to make the mix' ture into a thick .cream....FlaVer with lemon •rind, nuttne.gor a..._feyt 'dtOpi of Vanilla, then lea•Ve to cool,: Sunday. • School Lesson: , Lesson W. January . Begins His Mitilstry., ..Matthew 4:12-25; golden Text -Repent' ye; for the :Kingdonf of Heaven is at .4;17: Mar, 4.1), 28; the Seciind' year 1.3f. Christ's .rninistry... Cei)erilee.M. See Of Gal- ilee. .• • ' "Now when he. heard.. that .john was dellyered'IIP.;" !It WaS•, 4n act of de0117 • est..1rescher.*•0•Lgninst Which John the -Baptist, was ,connielled to -preach, and this preaching WaS punished by Anti - pas, who Sei.2,04 John and: shut lAirn•tip' in the: gloomy prison -palace of Mach.. te. 5 res,',,gast of the Dea .ea. - John -.there. init%blaelc uungeen fora e "kle:withdt Gali- lee!' . We: age .left to 'cohjectiird :Why „hor.rto,R1:"."WitildieW from -.Judxa 'and. 'Went northward to'.Galilee. • • f‘rivi,a. leaving Nazareth'," Ile re- turned there, after an evangelistic' .thurot-Galilee, a 'famous man.. But ..he 5a* that they were eager tol-wit.: riSS:"1-1)11-raelb," and' e" " kern -SPA 'point .blank. •Thereupon their *admiration turned:inStantly to age. :They. seized him and bore him:AO a lofty bluff, near the town frem, which they were ready to hurl hfin headlong; hut .with nia- jestismiefi, he passed through *Ore Mob, those angry men falling back before: his 'royal gaze,, and sifi he left Nazar - m110,411-014, ;flat surface of a Vegetable. • . in ,.. • , . . . little., • to .a.Pie dish sineared with • a. , ..sticit.s.. and burns •liefpre the Water is. jun. . Whisk the Whites, of the eggs • conked. s.,. Shaking • prevents this with with a teaSpoon, Pt sugar, Pileon top . out..,plualitng the vegetable as stirring, ...tOP' 'of. the :Madding; -then • bake in 'a .•inight do:. potatoes and 'Shoed CarrotiC:,sloW, Oy.eli until slightly ..hroWned... i are .exaniplesi of 'vegetables that . often. • seorch.,.becauSe .of thiS ,fiet. Surface,' . . ,. I , . . • . .. . • . . . PLENTY or FAT. ,.. Too 'Mich.' salt:. lies , Often . spoiled. ow .souh..„!' 'A. remedy: „Pot ',this is„tci.,, .: T•4 °110qc-as .°!..:f.ryin.g .aill.*5 dip- the from half :a..Ci'IP"''ta.i.s-voiole,.cUP :0-eltilrlig.gta:nti-014irr-alilmsrl'ilvals- e potatoes . , ;depnds upon 'having plenty of fat in • of Sliced iaw', pottto-the kettle ' ..., . . . . . , . . , • of sou % . Let stand • ten . or fifteen the 'Pan, ,and that very hot. In hotels, . • .. MinnteS,:rerntive,.•potatoei and'' sette... • the- ts4... Is •so' ' dee') that t'll'eTe'* is .• no need- to tUruLtlin article to. ifrevin On ; - ,The potatoes,abSorb the eXceSs' salt ' all sides. ;After 6:felting,the reMain- •• - 'Mayonnaise :and. Oustani. • . ' ''' .__ ...,.3, . • •..:.. . . : , , ,, .. . ,ing'fat May be strained, into a glass if tn maYmmaise separates put. .ilar:.and.' ,Itelif ior ...future use, so : it ,an9n°17...egg• y°11..•.1.11.7a fresh 'bnisYl*alld. teallY•16. . not as • extravagant , " :it • .. : „.::,•,.alOWly , beat in ,,the curdled dreSsing,••,.sotinda•. ...- •:‘ • , . ' ' - ' .-.. .." ' -;7,t-;'.--.!-I-Con.eintiinenstustial-Uni4.4411141 * ' ' . . . ' ' ' ' . , . . , ' „ juice .ancri..oll are .used. • • . ..,,IP,a etiStard 'Sande.. Curdles; , beat: it , well with .a dover beater:.This' seine , beater , will beat this'll:Mips-61ft' ,:ef, - white • sauce 'that has 'been''ado in T :. . too:bts It.huiry. If the.aance ie. Very. luniiy,'' it: can be '...i.ubb,e •thr, Ugh '4 . fine sieve ..00.•relie.ated: '•• S. ":. 2. If the..baasCerealoi . CntrVekto • rekft . • .. :.• .. .. . • , •,... , .. lump despite .v.fgerous, stirring:a heavy ;Wire Whi•SILOr;.a.:strong••dioyer: beater • , Will „heat :...Out . the.--,InifiPS and ;make : the. cereal "appetizingly.'Sinooth. , • .. Curdled,- Soup.. , .. , A tonia to ': Cream:Senn :that •showil. ...i.,,,,.:..' . an..inelination..to ..enidle :may Ile ',Pen- . 'verted ino.. ,o. ..'i;hicit Acnitato .putee by. 'adAilig., Witter.. and flour. rubbed ...to- A.gether . An • the. Proportion, at.A table- spoon. butter and 1 ia,11lespeert'flout' to each .:up of • ,citiri... 9no tablespoon .of "•fino sifted seda.•Cracite.r. 0.6trnba added A • to ea 61,:::cup . of . soli p will Perredt • (he • tendency to.Pindle, too. •.• ., • • 11 s ..A.gelatine: jelly .that.,,refuseato.-stif. , ien•in. the, required. ,I ength'.of .tinae. May ' he hurried •If..:More. gelatine. is .SOften. ' •.: BATAiN6, OE; Poegtnynes.s../§ neXt to: godliness" - the the -old saying igoe5.--and -Modern Wo-, men ,agree. For ; there . is •nething Iti 'flip. world which Makes you feel Any. better an&mere'relaied than ,a warm .• • ••..proeut.• day. women. go:,a, .step ...far- ther .by .slaYiog• that bathing .a, real, PIea2§1.AF.J. Proritliag you..h.ave• the cessary-tOilet7.-and.--;hathrobiw,..,- acces- sories .cleie. at: attn.& 1.f:sante:ono gave you•a' nice big:, hot' •batb:: powder : fen': •Christmas, , and you: happen .te. 10 the !Odor •of „-it; why not.ro,ateh. the, .Seent ,with: toilet. :water; ssoap and.: bath ...SaltS2; .There 15 Senipthing. ;about haVing;.bathing ,thlngs, which really .inatCh.,:that.makes -every: woman -a little741appiere .?. .'yelir," hathrOcin • eqiiirified.. with ,s; long-handledshatli 'brush?.. You really peed One for yenr. back. ;,11•And you p: little ',fiat brash, •too±fpt. nallS., :feet •.iind like.....: •, .,Wash• 'elothS,ShOuld be rough.; .and. 'seep shouldlather eaSily no matter ened--..inT..cold--waterHdissolved--over-7-liew---41rard-,Or..s4t4lta_.water.P In your ihot Water and ...added at: once to the..particular local ty; : • . : stubborn Jelly. A A „."Many : refer 'toilet' „water., to . • . , • - If .jarii becoine's hard bath powcie. And semenie both. Bath . . fore it .1s. used ' up; plaPe; it In a ;Mad= Oils vie bath .salts 4: for, favor . . • • orate:00n until.the sugar Melts; "t: . hen..ew • ear.. , iic :ever -One you . . . • . . Peel the jam is almost as good as choose, your daily bath Will, he Mere. •:new. . '.' of :a "joy hoo'qhse ot . . 0,4N*u.L bEilLSLAIN.S..* In:**spite eflitdeantions,.spine...peoPle :are unlucky enough to .get : provided you 'pegiit in.,•tiine,• Is Shificient, to bathe them .11Cvery 'hot water, then „dry.' the'. skin' •thorenghlY bY'.dabb.ing witb a soft towel. Do inot rub: Or. yOn, 'Army, break. 01E4. skin.. it ti philhlain. It Of long, standing ,it often gives relief to Paint:the. Part With .1Odineeyeri Other day. :„ • • Where the skin has 'broken, there Is seine. danger of sePtic.Poisoning. of the *mind, Carbolic • Ointment' lie!ps , . In .: theso • ; • Dressings 'should not be applied Un- less the-. :skin- is,-.13tokenv';area;•-eare, Must. , be' ie:ken • vvliere the toot are affeCted, beoanse...a bulky dreSsing. In- ereases 'the. preeStite.inaide, 'the shoe. • • M k o e to a e . . .,,p...4•Mg,X,W.u..,LI,A1VIS..c. • • Mustrated Dressmaking ,Liesen oifshec( With Every Patte.rn HO* TO BEAT: Moat. housewives • hoe 4ri. aversion to any ',article cooked ,that re- qulres At .15 SO' • tiring: Tryto re'meryiber to beat from ;. •,the eibOW. Ailed° ,,tret Use the:Whole, ' arin in the: ,inetioui,. It As.. far lcss •: tiring GOD: FRIEND. • ' . . . . good friend,botli' • -• • in the' kitchen,dining room, , and•the cleaning • Cupboard. :•• , • ,Rub Vinegar , 011 talini=stained tea- - etips and teapots. 'Add. :seine • to :the Water when cleaning carpets and .goe A Vinegar conipresa' • applied to ,' Sprains Is Moat seething,. .A'raW, egg . vinegar Is strengthening Or' a. 'weak thttiat,„'' TWo tablespoplifula add; ,e(1,;t0' the rinsing Water, On washing ;.• will give 'nice • .finish •tti Silk . „ . :41ttfekingSand underwear. ' • ,' 'dips Of '.yinpgar Will Soften , -the • tatigheil Meat: To whiten arti. • clinkes- and leeks,add a littic Vinegar to the Water ;you •plun.go th'eni into as they ire. .• ". .finitleasatit- ',.ontell • of. .greens ; Conking.; Will- be 'aVOIOCO: it a.' little • Hou6gHoLo. HINTS„ Never trust to 4,,our. Memory when „putting ,anything away* for Storage. It takes hut a labiate to write: on the! outside What is ati theinside tity .yeu'' Will, be Verir glad S'Ott 111d • So later On 'when you find yoUr I:1'10100f 'AS nnt so reliable after all, %AS' a rtile, salad drea'sing IS genet'. associated With-saltids, but •it an . • •: • What . martelouS feefing. it; is to slip!linto a -charmingly. siinple • areas -like today's pattern. The pleaStireli ilritS j'alidd:r,KabrlieaMedis balaieril': ' el :- T * black - faille'Crepe: Its only nderfitnent • • a nuidern buckle that fastens the par: - tial belt at the back. Note -the sleeves. open to, 0164, the upper arms. '(4nItg forMal, looking 'cite:saes. :have sne, .•ri4ightfti. and wearable Schemes in bottle green. velvet .Chinese ;red crepe_silk and•Crepe, maroeein in Pea-. ceek,hfue, make' the creating of this easily Made dress profitable pastime. Style No 316,9:1-f.designed for Size's 14, 13, 18, 80 years,•;36.,,38 and 40 • 8174 16' requires 4' yards of '39,hich. . 7 thaterial, ' HOW TO ORDER PA'irr:Rit'N'S; • .' *rite your Mime and address giving tiuMber and size' -of such patterns as you want. •Enclose 15C in: ate/TIPS' or wit coin preferred; 4V110 it carefully). .for each .frtnnber, and address 3,7onr ,order to Wilson" Pattern Service, 73' West Adelaide St, Toronto, Alk the tierrOW in .the world cannot 'sink a Peastin iniless it gets inalde the mind." -Mary Pickford. , 41mimmommemialimitualimme' , • tsi AND. )EFF— 83, B1%D FISHER 7;AAT - • Nopc. i sA isprrLe %too TR•ci izAic:trf IIRAnst. '4;0 HAIR- ReStORGQ. TlIAT S beTTI.d. BeeR? • A Nag IlitAlub "P‘21cc` tooNor v • 777 , eda Mechanic' Wand.erwell, widoW .Capt:;Walter. Wiinderwell; sia n aboard 4:..yac1t;'.•1iai married; .'n dwelt in ‘CaPenieurn." The word. Means "the village of Nahum" or'"of' consolation." .'Which is by the. sea." CaPernaum was on the northwestern' shore of the Sea of Galilee, "That it Might be fulfilled'. which was spoken through Isaiah the • pro- phet." Another Of Matthew's charac- teristic Parallels of prophecy and feet,. taken frpinIsa. "Ga1ilei Of the Gentiles." hie' was . true in the,time of Isaiah near to. Phoenicia and Syria.. 164 $lnion MaccabaSuS had carried the Jews. oift .of Galilee (1 -Macc:•'.5:.23) Many had later gone back, but it re-' ...mained Partly 4•••geritile. country. .' ",The .people thatsit., in darkness saw a great Ught."...•.The;peopleiln.all h..regi.pp.rceptesented4s4nAaer.he and ignorance,•and with -little religious. life Or light, new No Jesus,:"the true light," to fill;their hearts witIO.heaven;,.; ly. truth..; "And to theni that sat ,in the region and; shadevc•Of death, to theni Ind -light spring up," ..He who carne to, se.elc' and, to save that which js lost-, , fixed in this ":reinete and, des-. Pised sectionofthe .Holy Land: the centre Of his labors, and here chose most Of the apostles, who were to carry •his -teachings;te:'Judma,..and :Sainatia and 'the--end-s--of 4hes•-..earth...:(Acts4:14.::. A - - gatchanf wi1i Mrs. Walade'rwei tray:Dim ' tronp.. They plan a' wend- tour In the Wand'erwell tradition:. ' "' • • • • • "And they straightway left the heat and their father,and followed .hirn."' They did,.not leave their father alone to dO-the•-werfor 4ie-:.-had-hiredt ants with 11* • • • , " "fAzid Jesus went .ahont in all !Oa: .Oe.!.• 'Galilee, was then verythickly. populated; ,'"I'eaching, in their syna- cgognes."... Christ • .was- everywhere known as The Teacher... "And ,preach- ing •the gospel of the..kingdoin.".„ The two words ,wiatidings"- ala.corabitied in the, Saxon word ,"gospel." l"And helinall 'if ------------------*.n(11411 .manner ;Of sickness among the people." ..;Christ'S ..great strife withevil, it was' bodily pain and; •disease which he made tha'special.ohjeCt of his personal work on. earth, • •.' "And the report ,of hin, Went ,forth into..alLSYria?" Syria :Was the Roman province to :the,. north, of .'Palestine. mAncl: they • brotightuntil that Were sick, holden With dfvers, diseases. and, termenti,.PossesSed: with defining,. and. epileptic; 'and,: palsied Today as, 'Og.old. .Baleatine is qiuite ignorant of -thelliedicat:art and the sufferings .)f her Sick people. are unrelieved. .,"And there followed him gre.0.1niil- fitudes;".•.' Note the plural, not . just one crewd., but-erowds...; "Frain Gali- lee ' and 7 -keep -dia.." The .name,fileina ;the Ten Cities..because the region eon- talned ten -Aiieininent • towns. . •"And: :Jernialein and Jucima." Froth; the farthest, 'South .or Pak"tine they brought their„,. itk, up to Galilee. "And :from .beyond:,the.' jerdan."' :That :is; from, the ',region le the east of the Jor- Jan and the. Dead ;Sea; Perma.,,.a coun- try joined ',With' Galilee; in the • tet- rarchy ; • Ate .42 Pancakes ; , • • •ini;•Chairipionshiti. .Gaiiettsville; Os•-=---TheY •Staelted. the banealkes high,' They .. pont:ed.., the :famed 'rnapie syriip Of Portage :Comity :with aliberal hand ,:'• Sensate sizzled .in the " • !,.. ' • , 'And. When the 'pain coke :eating Chain-. , , • • „. .pionShip of Northeastern :01iio %Wes over, . Charles Parholt„. .truck 'driver of Hirani, Was the %vie, • .-- The 'scorer..; 42,fite-ineh buckwheat Seventeen hien 'eat tioWit. at a lodge 'hilt., table. BarhOlt, 'an `AunkrioWn" . So fat as . advance notices ,'Were.•con- terned; hadn't eaten anything since • , • 'breakfast. "From that time began'. Jesus to He' had been . preaching in Jiidwa for .a.:year; but .:.here 'begins' -a new 'epoch in lilts teaching. . "And, to grtY, Repent Ye.' From the beginning to the end of the Net.:,- Testament; in every Gospel, in etery, Epistle, men are given to understand that they re before AlinightY God -sinners. .'"For the kingdom of heaven'isat hand?. Entering' into the kingdorn. of heaven. is rising out of those • conditions" of :Mil - Mal 'life which iinply violence, selfish- ness, cruelty, appetite. and •lust, into' those canditions which. imply purity, *mor,„trutl?,; fidelity • faith hope' and' 'And1.Walliiag by' the,. Sea of :Gali- lee:" The'Sea lairgett. body Of .Water in the Holy saw two brethren!! AMong the twelve disPipks were two and possibly 'three' sets of brothers,. "Simon who is called Peter." , Simon was a.:Very 'common name ' in, Palestine; ...the .Hebrew form being Simeon. "Add Andrew::his• hr' - 1 -her." Andrew :as a quiet; modest man, 'asociatd L, the Gospels ,with the discovery of ,others 'and, bringing them to jeSus. "Casting a net into the sea; for they Were fishers." Our Lord chose 'for big' followers butnble, men, lowly toilersand not the powenr, ful and learned' Of the earth. "And he saith .untolhenn. Come ye 'after me,",....The,fitst-summons, by the 4.oirdan,. WAS a call 65 discipleship.: this was inorei•it"was e call to companion= ship, • a surnmens., to abandon their ordinary' work and take up with,Jesus Ilia, work of evangelism, a can t,t) full- tinie service; "A.nd, I will makeyou fishers of. men," The art' of catching men reSerables inlaany points the art of catching fish. You must know Min. in their classes . antl you must know their haunts, you'niust knew their conditiOns,.you inust under- stand how to approach:them.' ' • "Andtoing Ann fi•Oin thence.", ,The remat•hstil of fishes was attended to, and our Lord passed farther along the beech. saw two other brethren; :James the son of Zebedee." He became the first martyr among. the/ Twelve. "And John hia blether." This was the John who becatna the diteiPle whom Jesus loved. "In the boat with Zeb- edee- their father." ' . We . are told no- thing about *Zebedee except that his wife was Salome. "Mending their nets :l•aild he called thein!'. .• • • i • . • wallow Chokes Moto Onaskthose swallows 'that does net. ,make a sinximer tried:to stop a British tri -motored airplano recently by frying :doWn the' air intake.of one -engine:on a flight between Batavia iina- Taira. .That particular power, plant quit, miles on th'e ether two.. Inveat gating "cold," 'hift.the pilot Went' lot' 49 tieclianica cleared the engliteisothroat for it and it functioned; as well is ever :but the. swallow was a total loss. 1 4 'He that Openly tells his friends all that he' thinks :ot them ,must mad that they:Will secretly ell his enemies much that they tio' not ihtlik of him. -Colton. I ' ,N • . „ Cures Rep�rted ket_Caset. Amp,,4111g Re,.$1,144 Rep;Cit..t,Pi af Association Meeting Cambridge, Mass. Spectacular re eeVeride 'greet StOtaS.C4 ulcers havt'. been accomplished by 'treatment re rrlinieeht of the "44y hy day in ever way I am getting. better and better! nostrum of I)r Emil Coue, it Wa re ?oito(1, to the 93rd annual ikjig 01 the: American,Asgociatipn fof the Ad van,cement of Science, The amazing eqres were attested Ic Iiy four ,Cojuinbia :1Iniversity psychck ogists:and physicians, • One -of .whOrn.' , Dr. M; N. Chappell, himself recovered, ty the use of Pe.YellOpgY, froin a PO. traulSter Which • had -resisted ordinary • . , treatment., over 'a. Period-. of 16 yee'ts.. be sa.h.4 Those assisting', in the.; experiments Were Doctors J J4 Stet: alio, J. -s.%,Ttoger_s;ori, tnd.F. Pike, -all cif whom signed lhe report, • „ • „P*11:iPtOln4 of lila tileerouS condition Which included. hemorrhage, viiniShe. six weeks after ,he had attended leo : tures by •Pr,..Itogerson, thnt19/19....: ence. ef ideas in the, control of organ. isms, Dr.,. Chappell testified. He and ' the „Other scientists' then embarked on .&°• ' -Lseris of :carefully planned expert innts intended to determine if his -re covery'.444 been due, merely to chance, total.cir 32 pervs cofripleted thi control : group which. received only ordinary:Medical '.0.ttention.', remaining 04 t comprised the i 'expert , Mental group, treated' solely, throaiii ''• ! : -The psyChoIogy'lreatmerit'ebneleted .• in part of lectures, which dealt "wit! the ,relation ',between the activities to:: ,the brain' Of the •Organisin.0...4 'Ject:i 'were, given a drbilt•of cold Water,...., after whlch they. ,:clOsed : their 'eYel • while the experimenter niade.a !Aunt • • • her of gehotal. • stiggestiona.Co•ierint.'. dlgestiefi, • 'absorption ;ce9livmyirn.aitro14 ion,: abloedelpliy,d4issturbing ideas, .ret andthe efficacy. of .etperimen al rape: ,-The subjects wers not permitted ft:0 discuss any phase of their organic .dis orders Or..any:otheff-J disturbing condi,' tions, except with Dr. Stefano. • They"..:‘ Were :direatedto turn their attention " to pleasant •menioriei. whenever they .found theniselveSdwelling on :Melt 'disorders.' They:gave themselves s4 :gestions,• aloud ...eacii'night; befpre .re... 1/4, • f! " " • At. tbe end • Of Six :weeks: all but tw( Ar the experimental:grouPLwere..eatint:„ eterrythingtriey•dealt4. Of thesetwc: • • ono showed, ' iiPpreciable •' improve • meat; throughput the six WeekS,Inef subsequently.' • The second was so well • . Satisfied, With his ptogress.that he wit( unwifling LO rach ' d ti o his tef[ rapidly' as the ..•paychologist, ..reeont A • 'thended..:, At the'encl'of.twiimplithsain Was- ea.111-ng..-anythinglie W.anted:;:-- • • Only Mile. ot-the 31 "reported • cuitt--, by the etipetiMent had a serious " lacer rence after' three 'ineittlis.:,.b.fieconid.", not be located for isubSequent Oxeye: Th.e. remainder were found .1 free of all. objectiVe.,...ancl....SubJe.etlyt" ;- :S3,'MP1e11). • , . r,4 , 933 Cheese Production Although it r.was .1vaPed. that prodit tion of cheese in Canada during 1931., *.onid have peel greater than .1.02;. Which lir tura:'about 114 960;000 pounds , greeter than 74. .suely.hai, not 'proved to he the caii In all 'Probability,: production 1938 wTh not . be more :.thith about 1.10;000;000 pounds, as Compared 118,704,000 ponndo. In . 1931; :and ' 121,007,000. Pounds` in . ' yiT) Dairy; Commissioner. • • , •Canada ' Extends tariff •-• to, Austria for 14• Montl OttawaT.ariff concessions ,interniediate,sehecliilei have been e* tended to Austria for another 12-moctli Period.. Interatefiiate rates will: appl, . to goo ds 'shipPecl, 'directly groin Ana. : tile to ettna4a witheuttrans!shipinent, - Battleship- �n Jnstalhnent- ..mealoo; Srolifo. 2;000i000 POSO ($56,900) " on its bill for 13 Ship's now. Under co tOtai, bill f�r the• tyre armed 16,000,P00 -*Pesci ,gnnlibats;. ;three Atransports •,: .and 14 , People .mity •lire as retir front the 'woridl' they' ,igeatse'l sooner or. later, . ;before, Vey ai4 aware, they ,will find .themselves t'or 'or Creditor to seniebetly.:-.Goethek ' suRet t;fm'es, some DA`, ro., OKA) of.A. MAT, WILL GROW A NOM cRoP �F' ' ti&A• voomat44.1)Rt. t'Ati SuPG.RioR ltJ teJtc4t.taGpeas, • , lo•tytm- sulleAtiott -• 1,4-."kiAr tvletiKett 0Q,•5kf,TVIA:c? ti t. 7 , • • , • .. • • Ain't ,•the.Ttuthi• • • 7 •eki6.l.t.,;• Atkoot.:4'h44si•itr. (14ASTO.: "r1Md. oN tkAillaesTo..k4it!1.0. .ttuv:s HAM. W.? ••••-•••••••-•••••••40,--ti•-• 6.41 'fgra.74+11: • 4. vrve , • ' • ; todwitt6MtiVitAic3-iihwortwaluswiworna rue. it.k It4i agora Moe se • , • •1 , •