HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-01-18, Page 1•
. ,
a •
.4 .
;g:00. fg4 AP.11-Akr:QPIII 4.2;04' OTHEAWIS.R.
. • ..
fy.,..R. L. Treleaven
"LUCKNOW, Relief - Committee Draft" Resolutions
ROM's; 071-12 A. M. :: .0074 P. M. f Governing '1334 Relief'' -•; :
"...PHONE .53 X-RAY
'.:"..!...i................' 4 . The Relief; toininittee Met; in ilia
1 .Car torn .Sereeninga to arrive Camicil Chamber;on:Tuesday evening.
, ., ,
l!ii.ltess,• Whitechtireh 'Phene 611-22'' On.Motion of ' ,p., g: BOI?P1,7t§6P 'and
IR SALE Pr XOff4),.NO. 0 n . a 1. 3 ct :::':. aay741:11:i i er:' ,70eme7ale;:e7i!oien4 14*9enrei ttAp.p*oin'te, lida'enibialtIrM°n'an,74b,T„ e:'.1.1, 493e4: -.c.745 -
lig cattle, gob' 1 itDtir!iltint':CkY6,0,°f-,, .4#.
f Mr
'FARM -For; A
el'"P'11.-AW)4T.115-.N461.Irw* * irl':uveeylini ear' .oiilll .1i f.ee;e'-'n'isi :ie'cliht :;;RAh9:. Yiad.n anniversary ret....1!a(1.'rIit ,' w*'ar4s.t.e.Raeibpio:ti;ist6:tia'' secretary.:j:1.: Geoghegan la:1 l '
1:RE,....74R.7.,64,0.psctn Lucknow.th
_ .... the 4laa_smore than usual significance. , Several resolutions were adopted
.. adePted
Binewater Highway . miles sootH of means that this •
aged and God -fear-
governing the granting , Of relief
AntharltY, Ifkuse , and stable.; Price ing; couple bave been spared. 1, .9' during- tbe;, •year, as follows;
$'160,'Appiy to, Williain • Johnston,- , aCh Other to find • happiness ad& Relief 'orders will not be .granted
R. 3.;•••tueknow , go_r_43, Dungannon 'contentment In ' " their declining to any; 'parties possessing ,liquor per-
, , , ,
, , , years..., mis; , dim0ni
Gillies is e ,ore active Mits or car licenses -for. the. V.ar
. • '
of ,the two and 'still is able to care 1934. All relief order's, shall be ..plac-
AUCTION- SA•Eig of , household fol.., their_ needs. and pe'rforinher ed with 14.• Rae . for , approval , be -
furniture at the "barn of Andrew. •housohold Ames. , ,
, fere being filled:. * •(:" '• •
1-°Pkbarti Lucknow, .on .",,. Saturday, 4,•±"*.',14aet..i• ; .i.p.c;._L„lof ,pter:Te# ,
nk'-*-1.;fr-07;"Pr,nirertg-forirrik little .'clange eaU, be. nOted; in this '.PUTS ilIF GALLANT FIGHT' :
- Tena Illclannorif:.now ., of "Fort ., Erie, couple. , Mr::' dillies . Will :be ninety- •-. Mr- , Jahn J'ailt, who for : he Past
Terms, Cash. *ell. Henderson, Anc• one ' the 'first day of April andis few weeks has been very ' eritiPellY
FARM FOR . SALE -47.6: acres .on Still able -t9 be ,aboat the house " each ill, continues to battle persistently
Con. 12, Ashfield (Icitewn as ,Jantie-, day: Mrs, Gillies was atOe Deeein-.• for recovery.. Mr, joint's condition'
son feral) well.• drained, buildings, *in her- . 5th .and ' is still remarkably however, inns . to. Show !Oa, change.'
good condition. Attislan well. 'Terms active...'• .' ' . , , ' One day he Will be reported as 4a
can he -arranged. :. -Apply te , '' • •....,_11i3O.___terierable oldi.couple„,•13.iive..re little-brighter--and-F-the-test- clay -not
• .,
William Johnston, R. 3; . Lucknow, sided justMirth .Of the7C-: N. IL de- so well: , With recovery hanging in•,
90-443, Dungannon. Pet. for More, than twenty-five year., the: , balance, it; is proving a trying
(25.44f.) , " ' having retired from *the farm on the time, for :his family, ' and residents of
, NOTICE • 1 second . con of ' Kinloss, after their the village • and community in . gen-
' :'Sealed tenders. iwill be :receive •hY!!r"i1Y. :/'"ad• grown' '41i'anCi lef't ''ihe eial are miich. concerned over the
.,u, S.S. No. -4. Ashfield for 15 C'arda .arni• There were ',eleven. ,children Welfare of one, Whenn* they all ad-,
mite • and•tespect. '
, . ,
. .
, LEAVE.' FORg WEST !.1 ,
Afri.. N.: L. .OPuipbell '' 'and:,: Mist
Lorna ldft on Tuesday afternoon for
an extended Visit, in British Celune.
hia. They Will visit en route, at Tor-
onto, • Winnipeg , and in, North. 'Da-
kota, . where , ',Uri. .Campbell's only
brother, ' Frank '..TreleaVen; resides.
With .411e, exception of foni. , .yeata
spent in: Manitoba,-, :Mrs. , Campbell
has , 'been ' it continuous A'eaident , Of
Lucknow for: seventy-one years; and
in departing from the .Village,. leaves
Many. friends: behind.....;
, °Their plans as to; where they xVill
take up a permanent abode. felloWing
'the visit in the West, are indefinite..
• • .
Observes Another,.
Wedding Anniversary
MPrichiY. Marked. The 67th Wedding
Anniversary 0111,,* and Mrs.
George Gillies.
'IbodYvMod,• beech,. and ::InaPle ' ii)... iris. born' tie: this union; one 'daughter and
. . '' i ' *49.41ai4,:tril:140r0.0:.'
7 ' 1 I i
' . laWIL.S.. ''Gilli.s -was born .;,, at '•CaPe.
Breton, ,.-While he.:ittia:Lek_Seatdh 'birth.
The „trek of the. pioneers ., hrolight•,
1,1fall.,;. , Luch,new, .. net ',later. :than 'the' 'IT:''''e7.1.ii;:";,,.•;4*-rri.'"i„'..---11Tay-71,;'‘r-; '1:1; i .i. - 7 it;
. Maple, to ' he delivered at Town ;:‘,.,,,,,, n7 .iT'ki.k .,; . yin,' ji, 1•3,,, in,',i..;
44,. it8.7. ileh. ,body Wned;,. Beech and ' . - - .. ,•• ' ' ' • • ' .: ..r. .!-' ' ..
Az..P...,.i.944._f4r..5.0.:_.eorde,,inere...er:less; :''Altir-d°11-
SattirdaY, the 20th.day ,'Of • January, lies' parents ....i)
, d,.e.,akt:Cyli,, :3eNiith. oth,.,ii. i.z..,.., respective-PAren.ti
Ilitisli,, Where. the families :settled, not• .
far distantMr. ' qillies' ''.t.firOnt, es.;
,tablished' -their7, hente ' on the • • bouif,..
. • . .. .
at 'diffrent. tintes •to, 'the Queen's
• • • - • ..„•..
Their,rornineestared at a thr„eah,
aerentS...-Settled 'nearer: White -
f. the..village., Mrs...'Gila
t ',neeesatny :accepted.
.., . Applications .-. for . the ; , position of and. doubtless Many. :of . iti:, readers, ,i§t April next. ,••• '
..' The! ' leWest.': er gni: .... tender . n
APPLItAtIONS. FOR TREASURER It .ia, the wish of ;:the 'aintinet. " ..
'''' .4.13:701illiecAkri• •Le.iilve"'k'' no:w.:. niedelli. alert • can enthrallingly re-
• . . . • • • _:. .
tea' have experienced, and Who: .still
and,;:iiorroWs ottiat'..!Mr.,-.'end AVIrS: '.Gil,,
late. ' ; ... . •,... ,,,
, , . • .. , . • .. ...
•trim.gled'eXperieneea,.. hardshipS, joys
. . .
:.i.:Oung 404014,....wife:.:,. „
Treasurer '•of .the. Township of .: West' that :when Oneevagain. another 'year,
Waivanosh will be ' received ••• by the' 'has ,; relied ' atOUnd,'..We..,,m111,,,haVe the.
Undersigned ...up : • to , .and : including ;titeastite: of 'extending Oar: felleita-
"Felituayt. 3rd, ,• :1934:. 'The. Sneeesaftil tions. . ,
,.... .
....kaptilicantt:ninst:beLprepared_tef.!:Ire• _- ..: •• . -..'dodertili Hospital -....Fcillowing...• 7•;•..'
. • ,., •,. , •
-.,s4.91.2.1ii•-d. Pf... $;203.-00';'•*Tbe ' Salary . ..,.. l3argaitis., in t Underwear,' and 'Ees, ninth ilineas:.• ., '. '
. .. .
, . t .'•:.:: -11.4S:been: fixed---at---41..0.0_-,60---per, annum. ier.y, for .,...,everi,...inernher Of the family •. • ".. . . ,.•
All f APPli.etione, ''..mnst, 'be. • Marlced. :-at'2--.1.111.-E. : ARKET'' STORE; . • „• I I,.., •The untimely death of ;Mie. Gordon
. . , . .
.i.e4pOieatiOni .fi* Irtag1.1rPil'•',. ; • • : '. . , '..." •:' '••' '. ''. • ' :.• 2• ... , ••. : .' i3alt.; in her 35th. year, :i'llick.ciicur.ea• •
' • :Durnin..- PililliPai '..Glelc '• Of;'• W:gst:. *INS, •StiNnIff...CUti *- •''' ' ' ' • ' .h*-37270-.0",derielihkeliital,:en: ,Monday,
il ..'W.4.1'Fa•99sh 'TWP4.14ekn'eY,i ',Pht;'' R. 0. IN . niiTTRR;:•41;e461N.4 CONTEST leaves ...bereaved, her ,Iiiiitirtild--7'end
NOTICE TO ;,.to .c13•BBit011S . . . . " ,fitteyetir.4ild daughter,' Fern, ' is sirgi:
• .:•Alf, persons having ., Claims against Oacat:.c4ennire, 'Butier'. Maker ...,A.I. :as••,:her:'father,,..Mr.;,• Arthur •Cliften.
• .:the 'eState Of '• j'amea: Edgar Ritchie:, ISilverwOOd's: '.1.,ticlinoW ..pitiii '',Car and many ..sOrrOWing. .friends ....re:Una
, . .
:late ' Of the Township Of: Ashfield In . rya' Off :-.. Rimers, .:. For 'Third. Vine about, concession 6 ' Ashfield, -where
',..the • County : 'Of - EUren; ' re-riner;,*1-tie, . hi'' four Years. .. Mr; • and '.Mte....Ball-..haVe'..intide their
• ,ceeSed, Who died . on. nt• .,ajiont. ..the • ,•• . . .. herne,.,.. during. a comparatively sh.ort.
..*.i.10tb.• Oak . :of FebruarY, cAD. 1333: .The. :.;07th : Annitel. Conit,entiOn. of .residence,:in 'the 'East and hitire• be-,
... . ' .
are hereby notified: to." send , on Or the, DairYinen's .AsSociationef West- COine :esteenied resident -S. •.: .
•• ' '1666" : the - 3°t11. dal ' 6t: l'Jan9arY; Priv 'OPtOici . was held in: L'ind.°11;. .on . For upwards to seven Menthe, 1Virs:r.
' ',.A.,-64 ' 1Pg4,;. 'te :Thoma k ' 4NIkeri4r• *janliarY.:13th:".and lltb,' • *r, Oral'. Ball' has been ill.' Early in hly: .ali'e
, :-F.orguSon,. ;11, R. Nn77.7.1P.:17sitatrvv7 Cappntere, • bniterrnaker. ati', the ,,I cal took SeriourlY '11'70-"-q-ift 1).-.1.--ne; *here
Ontario, or 'le Charles .:Wesley .11 -it-- SilVerwoesirs, plant '. attended ' the con- for three 'weeks she had .,the • 'Care of
Olio; .1),..R..., No,. 3rLudkneWi Ontario, vention. :and ; *as, . riccesxfnl: in car- In trained nurse. 'She Was • then taken
,. •Ii).3peulers. of the said ;"Eatate,'', or :te. r4, '.0ff‘.00.1ao .silver ,enti, repre-,. to Goderieb Hospital, where she bad
, • ."' tb.e: ...0'.i.i.lersigned • Solicitor, their ' Alicii aenting,.,..04st priie.. in , the ..„ butter. been a c'entinpal..:, Patient -nail ' her.
"• '"°•,....4,33,ayees„ arid ,iiddresea, .full ' PartlPii--. grading -contest. Any, Member of .the 'death: A :few' Weeks .ago her illness
-...*:::-lars-, . of their--:ClaiMs, and, „the •Ustae
, , ,
of their ,securities,, if . any,. held. by
: them, ,verified 'hy. .statutory declare-
: „Akin:. , ,Iennediately "after .- such .; lea
Mentioned date the :set' 'of. the
, said, deceased will he distributed
•-aniengat then. persons 'entitled"there•-
•, :to:baying .regard ".Only„tO :the -claims:
• properly filed.... ' .' ..*: :' ., • ' • ,
DATED ' a "A Mehatii,, Ont., , the
,kiii*, 171h day of ..latuarY,, A.D. 4934,, :
! 1` : 41" .P,F.:.7-!. :'.r,717,ft, trtINOTON,
' '. Wingliairc Ontario,.
. • .
'' 'Solicitor herein.
, "
delivered . and at::•techoei.: heuse
not 'later than March 31st, 1934.
Tenders clOae, Saturday, Feb. 3rd.•
1934. . ' '9B. MacLeod,
' Sec'y.-rfteas., R. R.:3; lineknow.
'Tenders will be • received by the
linciersigned up ,to 12 o'clOck, noon on
Dies In toderich
Mrs. Gordon Ball Passes Away In
.m4og E vents
.Firat"trieertieti, '50c.
§nlis&Ineet tnsertions: 25e,
O.''L.; DA11
• There will be a dnee in the
Orange Hall, on Tuesday, "January
23rd. Gents 125d: Lathes 10e.,' Lunch
Dairymen's' Association -- of- Western becanie;regarded: as serions, but ;en-
,Ontrie.:' for 1934 Suialsor When z.heT' husband .visited
-.compete in the 'butter and cheese, her; no immediate' 'danger was for-
•` jltd.tingand creant .gtading compe,' sden. It Was On .Monday afterrioeM
titiens,but only one cup was warded While *being visited by her father,
to, any one person: :In; the 'butter Mr:. Arthur :tliftOn. • 'and her step-.
grading. Contest there were between mother that the ` end •carne.
sixty end .seventy .'.enttanta. Mr. Mrs. tall; formerly, -Mem Olivia
dasemore ha a Wen the first prize ,Clifton was born in Morden, ken.
for Western Ontario, 'in this. 'contest hewas married in, the West on , the
three 'tithes in the, past four years. lith Of „March, 1324, and the youhg
tOURIc carne east about • Seven': years
.agiod.te settle.; On concession, 8.0 Asj1:•••
The funeral service will bembeld
this afternoon at 2:301 o'clock at the
hi:3*e of ,her;latiter, 1% Miles south
of LucknoW; conducted by Rev:
Cnrnpbeii Tavener, assisted 'Jay Rev,
McMillan. Interment ""*Will be in
deinetery, The pallbearers,
Will be Charles Alton, Will Reid.
James, 'Webster; Bert Finnigan; 13ert•
Gatiunie.-and Will Petrie.
TS itoyp. sUgstarkiroN bug?
. BURN'S BALL ,•• , ,
A' real Burn's , :will:hi held
in Lochalsh Hall, on Thureday, Sep,
ul"ry 25th; Under, auspices Of tlie
•Lridies. Softball, and ' '1Vign'S Baseball,
'CiubS• • noan's orchestra,
1 ch detintet; Adrittseiditf GeaSi
23c Ladies, free:
Ludknow Citizens' Band ,Will pre-
s'.1.1t in entertaining. concert.' of band
Selections., , inattinnerital solos j and
,eetv.ed: Note .the change froin theduets in the* ToWit; 'Han this Friday
tagnlitr nights .
'1101ct " t on Friday, Sanf
19th, . in the" Orange Hall. All the
1633 dittb *Others and their families
'Will be Welcomed also thos,e
-- before,thaidate for 1334. A,lapetial
Invitation • Is eiderided
40.0104 )14). iibisloi and. free lulieb
everting: 'AdmisSion 25e and 15e. A
1Q -piece orchestra wili Play for the
dance to follow. EVerYbOcly. 25e,
. Thnisday, Jtienifir ',•25th, is the
night of the big, event Of the sOasort.
Burn's, Ball, in the Town 'Hall,
Lucknow, '10 piece orchestra, 2 piper's
lunch1 ‘Ser4d. littnreibiti"-ApCliitting
If *nut Sentinel subscription
plied atthe end. of the .year, it is
any,tiiiie this nionth, can -be teneWarl,
at $1.50 or $2.00, for Aineriean su
Scriptions. This is a worthW,ha e
saving and if you have not 1Yot. tak-
en advantage of it, .,don't lerget to
de ',so within the; ritnit, ttfe'Veeka,
PaYinent-of-trreoc_Of .4140,14.0#1011
Thomas Bushell -Acts._
As Son's Counsel
Judgement iteidered, Thursday
" • In Intoxication ease -Final
• • • „
PasiOon Set For .February- lat
,WheA Bushell of Kink,
pchred .before Magistrate 'Walltei-f„,th
40.1thirdift'et*IttirVErele,.1-Niden *
, e ,ce was
taken and judgement reserved. until
Thursday. morning when Bushell was
fined $ib- plus costs of $9.25 or an
optiOn 0.10 days in jail: Thomas
'Entibell, father of the accused, acted
as his son's eon's counsel, and 'When sen:.
tenced was passed, pleaded that, un-•
able to pay the fine, the jai) ter*
would 'prove a, hardship, as his son
.4 4
off Iea1tb
IS 11 -The Bread
of 'Health .
. .
.;•LA,Tpt' bAlf*Bs ' ?INC PIP .
. .
•.,•4A..14,10,i'. ..,1BOLLs APPLE PIES
.1)013.:OliNp'fg . 4., . ' ff"'ELSA; Illl$0!,,, ,
hole 'e:it, Brea
e ineit White n
Phone 36
wuv Ota15-21*Waria- had--
much, weed: :to get out. The Magis-
trate set. February 1st as the date
for the -final disposition of the ease.
, in 'giving' evidence O.:- the trial,
Constable Roy Peters; who Made the
arrest on December 23rd In Kincar-
dine: said, -according4te--the--Walker-
ton Herald Times, that on the night
in- question- he fenovied . three men,
one of whom was Busheil un the
9treet in that town and ,that Bushell
'was staggering very niuch. He put
hie hand, on the shoulder ,of.aectised
and saw that be .Wai perfanting in
obseene-manner ale
• .
Walk and ladies and others,: on the
street. • The cep said he snielt strong
tef alcohol and he locked him up for
about three hours, Later he tiireed
hint oyer,. to his brother • with
▪ tructiong It, take' him home:
" The father; . Thos. Bushell in
e ross-examiningi Peters' With .refer-
onee tosmell of liquor on his son's.
. •
hreath endeavored te....hring;:out the
fact' that .his son being', a weed man
na Mg way and; the • handling of,
large. .quantities Of, weed wenid, nec-
essarily sinell of aleehelin view... of
the feat,: as be claimed, that .WOod
i)cohoi is Made of. wood, . eta his
clothes *lila. be ..saturated with the
luiees. 'coming. from the Wiled he was
selling. - '
,When 'Mr: R. J. Moore informed' a
transient onTTtiesdayj.moining.i,where
he could eitiii-,$-5;00". a 'month -and ilia'
' .
keep during ,the winter,, " by helping•
a...farmer. take. out :some' wood, the
offer -breught from the transient a
storm: of :loud mouthed Indignation,
'that; attracted the attention of those
mithe-stree,t_ and brought nearby
merchants to their 'dare' to 'learn
the. 'cause. of :all the :.eommotion.
About •the • only thing 'one 'could tin-
derstend" from • his prolonged jihber:-
ings was that he had no !notion; of
accepting thisoffer and ,he -Was stilt
broadcasting his grievance • to pas-
sers ;by for some • time . after. Mr.
Moore " had left, hi* in disgust, '• and
•vratnecl--birn-not..-to' return-T-41km ,
again.. •
Lucknow •
Society To Seek Rur41..
mr •
Enthusiastic ' 0a.thering Lays Plans
For ,193/1 Beautification' and Hears
:Activities •Of A Successful Past
Year Reviewed:, •
...At an enthusiasticMeeting of
Horticultural Society' members in
the 'Council Chamber , on Thursday
evening, ,it was unanimously agreed
•tbat the membership: 'drive , be. ex -
ended - .' the feral etannittnity
for a rural membership will , be
made: through .:the Women's Institute
Organizations. and Women's _Chiba
in the diariet ancj it is fele. that
Many may take . :advantage Of: :the
.opportunity,- the: Society offer!' ,in
distributing high, qualitY,, geode., "at
firat• cost. There were 93' Members
last, year. .
S. O. 44thwella0 President;
'enened the meeting by giving
view of the,: year's.. activities, which
were generaily quite successful. An
unusually,dry summer andthe, late-,
nese', •in spring,.
whichmeant that orders arrived tee
late' tot: the best, 'results, were fac-
tors to he contended With *thiring the
nest year. .'"Care and ;hard . Work is
the only *ay to „grOw. flo.'Wers,w Mr..
Itathwell said, With„:soil:and climatic
conditions being taken Into censid-
Thdry sumnier Made, the flower
show impossible, ' but a• tulip . and
1 -iter a gladioli display Were:a credit
to membersof the: Society. A more
;.xtensiye-;iefirie,,,iingram' is planned.
,foi: 1934. 2800 tulip bulbs ' were Pin''
1,..haSed• in the 'Fall and all were -------------.die-
nosxe' about which
.were --planted in the. park. 300: Cane.•.-,
dian. roiee• haVe• already beeii:ordet-'
Much, Appreciated Gift Is Received
• By Miss Lorna- Campbell
. .
On Sunday.' afternoon the • exeen-. •
tiye of the PA. of the United
Church,. vtaitecf..the home of Mrs. R .
1-1.. Thompson; • to pleasantly surprise
Miss :•:Lorna •Campbell,', whom• theY
presented With a *Siesta alarm* clock,
The address was read by A.lex iSmith
and the, piesentation, made ,by Miss.,
.Jessie MacKenzie. Mies Campbell
thanked the Society for their kind-
ness , arid: after a short. visit:, the
departed .' , after ' singing
"Blest be the Tie that Binds".
• , • •. •
The, address follOwS:,
•ifiss LOOM- Campbell,.
• Dear '
- ,
-.A:s niembera' of the Young people's ,
S�ciety -of: the • Limkrioviiiited- •
Church, re feel we calmest: let you
leave *Mout expressing our aPpre•:..
'elation for what you have done in
our . in the: years that are
Past. In helping to get pp Pi,ograP.28
its well as taking part yourself; 'you •
were always One on whomwe could
depend: • . ••
With; this:tittle' clock, go i the 'best
wieliei • of, all the Young reOple. for
your welfare ,•' in the future..
Signed., oif. behalf' Of. the .72'. P. S.,
Vargatet. McCann*: 'Sec.'
Alex Smith, Prig:
teen Thousand 'feet, Beech legs' Fif-
teen-N;(11N1.9141:16Cit•iilltE0 liLtiOyGiSb.out
teen• thousand feet Soft Maple logs,.
Ten ilhouaand feet Basswood ' logs,
. .. ,T; ........„0.1:rt.gr,oii.tni,7, .7.17estrc'ill further information
after January 22nd. ''..
ed ot-t_ e coming p an ing seaSon. • suitable . t'er crating' Our log yard
Five Thousand feet 'geed *PoPlar,':
'Pei iTh=e1a.tis,and... feet euSto,f:„gfit_Eill,_m_,loat pgirr,, ,
infOrmation :is to prices :
..tJooh.grii;;;Pe.,itriCI,aitikiis„.ttreatiltei":4:etchtisr.e.!pwriinthglIco%innu'eEe:e:1117tar.:_. 1-1•71-'.1•36 •
The society purposes having Mr. ani
Will take: over the the border :.
in the -,MeMorial. ':'ailcs, • which will. be the , sanetiOn Of the Council,,.' ''• h' 'NONWaTTIcAESBitnEeiriti-O., I.....-;.--''''7'.
Planted in roses. Mts; Wm.. MeeKen- '' The annual meeting of • Members.
it etheto:vu igl lhatg ei b :lett .1 lind ilitY b lel ei itil eifi'ce6c1r7aenrds . city, will be held' in the Parish Hall ,
of the. 'Dungannon ,Agriciiltural '6'-•''.
Ming:utile:in, on Tuesday, 'January'
23rd at 2.30' p.m. Ali ineinbers,*.es-
pecially lady, .members, are requested
'te* be Prjsearil-tes.'. Alton ' See'Y.LTreas, '
Wag A Daughter Of Mrs., Alex Mc-
Carron, IA.nd A Frequent "%Naito'.
In Lueknow,
Mrs.. Charles :Foster. :of 4ohnson-
burg, Pa., daughter,. of; Mrs. , Mot •
McCarroll of Lucknow, with With ' Wheel
she frequently
O n. Tuesday, followinga serious •op-
Mrs. McCarroll °herself, has • net '
been enjoying ,goed,health :has
for the PaSt,feW..menths been 'Yisit-•
ing her daughter mut,was
Undergoing treatment at, the • thrie
• Foster,' was taken' seriously
Mr. McCarroll, who is in charge of
4. G. Anderson's flax:Mill at. :Mit-
chell,' left for the States ' et, heath*
of his Sten•dattgirtier'e critical ".
ness'• and • subsequent :The
funeral was. held' :on
, Mrs, •:Foster: was fortderly Mae
-Matheson and tt. daughter of the :late'
itarry Matheson. Her only 'sister,;
Myrtle,' •predeceased
of years sito...;•°:
Mrs, Foster ...Was 'a . comparatively
YOUng wentatt..*id.lietides• her bet.
three • Children,
Dorothy, Audrey' 'and Earl. '••
Mr. and Foster ,and" children
yfait, here each atimtner, he being
particularly• Well known in Sporting
circles, liav-ing played baseball With
the Iocal.. team...a le.W" years .ago,
, (1-2-0 •• •-
it .dan.be texpected ;that sonie "tverk
in thie, regard will be .Performed . by
the cOininittee fer • town beautifica-
tion: It was Pointed out by Mr, :litae
that. dogs, ;running' at large,' -would.
Offer -ii probleni, in regard .to ''thia.
work, and some action by the Colin -
en -1•might , be necessary:TWenty4ire
mitPle Arees'. Were Plantedlast, year
and Mr. ,S. F. Robertson, explained,.
that '500 Norway trtide • had - been
seenred, and Pleated ... in a field • at
*Oar:held-MacDonald's, where they
were , doingexceptionally• well and
will • later be 'planted 'Mit on the hill
in Criledaidail • park: •• „, ' „,
- Mr. Bert ;Ward tecoamiended 'the
reses.•"vOicli:the Society had secured,
be .having ' had . great . stieceia ' in
growing .111s; , teat year,' roses. were
given as preiniiima to . each member' q
arid in 1934; 40e will be .:deducted
frinli the total of, eaelimembers
iiiitiai" order.
. ' •*, *. Offieers •Re-APpointed,
The •election . ,of . officers resulted
iii .re -elections as. follows: Pres., S.
C. RathWell; ViCe,•PreSii..G. IL Smith;
Mid Vide -Pres.," Mrs: Wm: Murdie;
See'Y.-Treas.., A. Vir. liarniltoif (to
be asaistedby a Comniittee); Board
of Directors,• elected ' for a two-
year term, 'Robert Fisher„ Miss Mc=
't',.....tilifffr---.1*.P411:4144WeliA ---Vt,vs,i.
Toinistinti; mairciliaTATtilditOiti Rey.;
,1", if: 'Geogli'egan* and R. H. Thomp-
son. Town " Beautification Com., ' 'A.
",W, ;Ilk:ninon; , G.•,11. 'Smith, Mrs,.
Win, , Mact,tenzie, a. , E. ',,,Robertson.
PloWer"SheArtind 'Display Ceit.,' Mi,S.;
0 '(1
.11.A.t.Oni . -11.. Smith,_.110.0:'_t_lit,,P_,.
,. • °
- '(Ceit rued On rapt 4)
(18-1-0 •
The annual .meeting of the Luck -
now Agricultural Society . will be
*held in the Council • Chamber in the
Town :Lucknow, on Saturday.
the 20th ...daY Of January A.D.; '1934,
at 2 PM; All nieiribers,are requesAed
to. attend,
• 3. Agnew,
• e Rim&
(Bobbie Bprn's Night)
Thur.Jan. 25
• •
is the a -dead id final
lielne. 'game iwith RipleY‘iti, a
'• deuhle achedde,
'At`Tkil, TIM _GAME -