HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1934-01-18, Page 1• 41.00,3440, . , a • .4 . ;g:00. fg4 AP.11-Akr:QPIII 4.2;04' OTHEAWIS.R. . • .. , ••• DENTIST fy.,..R. L. Treleaven "LUCKNOW, Relief - Committee Draft" Resolutions ROM's; 071-12 A. M. :: .0074 P. M. f Governing '1334 Relief'' -•; : "...PHONE .53 X-RAY '.:"..!...i................' 4 . The Relief; toininittee Met; in ilia 1 .Car torn .Sereeninga to arrive Camicil Chamber;on:Tuesday evening. , ., , l!ii.ltess,• Whitechtireh 'Phene 611-22'' On.Motion of ' ,p., g: BOI?P1,7t§6P 'and IR SALE Pr XOff4),.NO. 0 n . a 1. 3 ct :::':. aay741:11:i i er:' ,70eme7ale;:e7i!oien4 14*9enrei ttAp.p*oin'te, lida'enibialtIrM°n'an,74b,T„ e:'.1.1, 493e4: -.c.745 - lig cattle, gob' 1 itDtir!iltint':CkY6,0,°f-,, .4#. f Mr 'FARM -For; A el'"P'11.-AW)4T.115-.N461.Irw* * irl':uveeylini ear' .oiilll .1i f.ee;e'-'n'isi :ie'cliht :;;RAh9:. Yiad.n anniversary ret....1!a(1.'rIit ,' w*'ar4s.t.e.Raeibpio:ti;ist6:tia'' secretary.:j:1.: Geoghegan la:1 l ' 1:RE,....74R.7.,64,0.psctn Lucknow.th _ .... the 4laa_smore than usual significance. , Several resolutions were adopted .. adePted Binewater Highway . miles sootH of means that this • aged and God -fear- governing the granting , Of relief AntharltY, Ifkuse , and stable.; Price ing; couple bave been spared. 1, .9' during- tbe;, •year, as follows; i $'160,'Appiy to, Williain • Johnston,- , aCh Other to find • happiness ad& Relief 'orders will not be .granted R. 3.;•••tueknow , go_r_43, Dungannon 'contentment In ' " their declining to any; 'parties possessing ,liquor per- (25,,,Y-tf.) , , , , , , , years..., mis; , dim0ni Gillies is e ,ore active Mits or car licenses -for. the. V.ar . • ' . of ,the two and 'still is able to care 1934. All relief order's, shall be ..plac- AUCTION- SA•Eig of , household fol.., their_ needs. and pe'rforinher ed with 14.• Rae . for , approval , be - furniture at the "barn of Andrew. •housohold Ames. , , , fere being filled:. * •(:" '• • 1-°Pkbarti Lucknow, .on .",,. Saturday, 4,•±"*.',14aet..i• ; .i.p.c;._L„lof ,pter:Te# , nk'-*-1.;fr-07;"Pr,nirertg-forirrik little .'clange eaU, be. nOted; in this '.PUTS ilIF GALLANT FIGHT' : - Tena Illclannorif:.now ., of "Fort ., Erie, couple. , Mr::' dillies . Will :be ninety- •-. Mr- , Jahn J'ailt, who for : he Past Terms, Cash. *ell. Henderson, Anc• one ' the 'first day of April andis few weeks has been very ' eritiPellY FARM FOR . SALE -47.6: acres .on Still able -t9 be ,aboat the house " each ill, continues to battle persistently ' Con. 12, Ashfield (Icitewn as ,Jantie-, day: Mrs, Gillies was atOe Deeein-.• for recovery.. Mr, joint's condition' son feral) well.• drained, buildings, *in her- . 5th .and ' is still remarkably however, inns . to. Show !Oa, change.' good condition. Attislan well. 'Terms active...'• .' ' . , , ' One day he Will be reported as 4a can he -arranged. :. -Apply te , '' • •....,_11i3O.___terierable oldi.couple„,•13.iive..re little-brighter--and-F-the-test- clay -not • ., William Johnston, R. 3; . Lucknow, sided justMirth .Of the7C-: N. IL de- so well: , With recovery hanging in•, 90-443, Dungannon. Pet. for More, than twenty-five year., the: , balance, it; is proving a trying (25.44f.) , " ' having retired from *the farm on the time, for :his family, ' and residents of , NOTICE • 1 second . con of ' Kinloss, after their the village • and community in . gen- ' :'Sealed tenders. iwill be :receive •hY!!r"i1Y. :/'"ad• grown' '41i'anCi lef't ''ihe eial are miich. concerned over the .,u, S.S. No. -4. Ashfield for 15 C'arda .arni• There were ',eleven. ,children Welfare of one, Whenn* they all ad-, mite • and•tespect. ' , . , . . , LEAVE.' FORg WEST !.1 , , Afri.. N.: L. .OPuipbell '' 'and:,: Mist Lorna ldft on Tuesday afternoon for an extended Visit, in British Celune. hia. They Will visit en route, at Tor- onto, • Winnipeg , and in, North. 'Da- kota, . where , ',Uri. .Campbell's only brother, ' Frank '..TreleaVen; resides. With .411e, exception of foni. , .yeata spent in: Manitoba,-, :Mrs. , Campbell has , 'been ' it continuous A'eaident , Of Lucknow for: seventy-one years; and in departing from the .Village,. leaves Many. friends: behind.....; , °Their plans as to; where they xVill take up a permanent abode. felloWing 'the visit in the West, are indefinite.. • • . Observes Another,. Wedding Anniversary 7, MPrichiY. Marked. The 67th Wedding Anniversary 0111,,* and Mrs. George Gillies. I:1301110W ONT., THURSDAY L1QuQR ,rEll,MIT HOLDERS WON'T OPT REWEP 'IbodYvMod,• beech,. and ::InaPle ' ii)... iris. born' tie: this union; one 'daughter and . . '' i ' *49.41ai4,:tril:140r0.0:.' 7 ' 1 I i ' . laWIL.S.. ''Gilli.s -was born .;,, at '•CaPe. Breton, ,.-While he.:ittia:Lek_Seatdh 'birth. The „trek of the. pioneers ., hrolight•, 1,1fall.,;. , Luch,new, .. net ',later. :than 'the' 'IT:''''e7.1.ii;:";,,.•;4*-rri.'"i„'..---11Tay-71,;'‘r-; '1:1; i .i. - 7 it; . Maple, to ' he delivered at Town ;:‘,.,,,,,, n7 .iT'ki.k .,; . yin,' ji, 1•3,,, in,',i..; 44,. it8.7. ileh. ,body Wned;,. Beech and ' . - - .. ,•• ' ' ' • • ' .: ..r. .!-' ' .. Az..P...,.i.944._f4r..5.0.:_.eorde,,inere...er:less; :''Altir-d°11- • SattirdaY, the 20th.day ,'Of • January, lies' parents ....i) , d,.e.,akt:Cyli,, :3eNiith. oth,.,ii. i.z..,.., respective-PAren.ti Ilitisli,, Where. the families :settled, not• . far distantMr. ' qillies' ''.t.firOnt, es.; ,tablished' -their7, hente ' on the • • bouif,.. . • . .. . at 'diffrent. tintes •to, 'the Queen's • • • - • ..„•.. Their,rornineestared at a thr„eah, aerentS...-Settled 'nearer: White - AD. f. the..village., Mrs...'Gila t ',neeesatny :accepted. .., . Applications .-. for . the ; , position of and. doubtless Many. :of . iti:, readers, ,i§t April next. ,••• ' • ..' The! ' leWest.': er gni: .... tender . n APPLItAtIONS. FOR TREASURER It .ia, the wish of ;:the 'aintinet. " .. • . '''' .4.13:701illiecAkri• •Le.iilve"'k'' no:w.:. niedelli. alert • can enthrallingly re- • . . . • • • _:. . tea' have experienced, and Who: .still and,;:iiorroWs ottiat'..!Mr.,-.'end AVIrS: '.Gil,, late. ' ; ... . •,... ,,, , , . • .. , . • .. ... •trim.gled'eXperieneea,.. hardshipS, joys . . . • :.i.:Oung 404014,....wife:.:,. „ ' Treasurer '•of .the. Township of .: West' that :when Oneevagain. another 'year, Waivanosh will be ' received ••• by the' 'has ,; relied ' atOUnd,'..We..,,m111,,,haVe the. Undersigned ...up : • to , .and : including ;titeastite: of 'extending Oar: felleita- "Felituayt. 3rd, ,• :1934:. 'The. Sneeesaftil tions. . , ,.... . ....kaptilicantt:ninst:beLprepared_tef.!:Ire• _- ..: •• . -..'dodertili Hospital -....Fcillowing...• 7•;•..' . • ,., •,. , • -.,s4.91.2.1ii•-d. Pf... $;203.-00';'•*Tbe ' Salary . ..,.. l3argaitis., in t Underwear,' and 'Ees, ninth ilineas:.• ., '. ' . .. . , . t .'•:.:: -11.4S:been: fixed---at---41..0.0_-,60---per, annum. ier.y, for .,...,everi,...inernher Of the family •. • ".. . . ,.• . All f APPli.etione, ''..mnst, 'be. • Marlced. :-at'2--.1.111.-E. : ARKET'' STORE; . • „• I I,.., •The untimely death of ;Mie. Gordon . . , . . .i.e4pOieatiOni .fi* Irtag1.1rPil'•',. ; • • : '. . , '..." •:' '••' '. ''. • ' :.• 2• ... , ••. : .' i3alt.; in her 35th. year, :i'llick.ciicur.ea• • ' • :Durnin..- PililliPai '..Glelc '• Of;'• W:gst:. *INS, •StiNnIff...CUti *- •''' ' ' ' • ' .h*-37270-.0",derielihkeliital,:en: ,Monday, il ..'W.4.1'Fa•99sh 'TWP4.14ekn'eY,i ',Pht;'' R. 0. IN . niiTTRR;:•41;e461N.4 CONTEST leaves ...bereaved, her ,Iiiiitirtild--7'end ' NOTICE TO ;,.to .c13•BBit011S . . . . " ,fitteyetir.4ild daughter,' Fern, ' is sirgi: • .:•Alf, persons having ., Claims against Oacat:.c4ennire, 'Butier'. Maker ...,A.I. :as••,:her:'father,,..Mr.;,• Arthur •Cliften. • .:the 'eState Of '• j'amea: Edgar Ritchie:, ISilverwOOd's: '.1.,ticlinoW ..pitiii '',Car and many ..sOrrOWing. .friends ....re:Una , . . :late ' Of the Township Of: Ashfield In . rya' Off :-.. Rimers, .:. For 'Third. Vine about, concession 6 ' Ashfield, -where ',..the • County : 'Of - EUren; ' re-riner;,*1-tie, . hi'' four Years. .. Mr; • and '.Mte....Ball-..haVe'..intide their • ,ceeSed, Who died . on. nt• .,ajiont. ..the • ,•• . . .. herne,.,.. during. a comparatively sh.ort. ..*.i.10tb.• Oak . :of FebruarY, cAD. 1333: .The. :.;07th : Annitel. Conit,entiOn. of .residence,:in 'the 'East and hitire• be-, ... . ' . are hereby notified: to." send , on Or the, DairYinen's .AsSociationef West- COine :esteenied resident -S. •.: . •• ' '1666" : the - 3°t11. dal ' 6t: l'Jan9arY; Priv 'OPtOici . was held in: L'ind.°11;. .on . For upwards to seven Menthe, 1Virs:r. ' ',.A.,-64 ' 1Pg4,;. 'te :Thoma k ' 4NIkeri4r• *janliarY.:13th:".and lltb,' • *r, Oral'. Ball' has been ill.' Early in hly: .ali'e , :-F.orguSon,. ;11, R. Nn77.7.1P.:17sitatrvv7 Cappntere, • bniterrnaker. ati', the ,,I cal took SeriourlY '11'70-"-q-ift 1).-.1.--ne; *here ' Ontario, or 'le Charles .:Wesley .11 -it-- SilVerwoesirs, plant '. attended ' the con- for three 'weeks she had .,the • 'Care of Olio; .1),..R..., No,. 3rLudkneWi Ontario, vention. :and ; *as, . riccesxfnl: in car- In trained nurse. 'She Was • then taken ,. •Ii).3peulers. of the said ;"Eatate,'', or :te. r4, '.0ff‘.00.1ao .silver ,enti, repre-,. to Goderieb Hospital, where she bad , • ."' tb.e: ...0'.i.i.lersigned • Solicitor, their ' Alicii aenting,.,..04st priie.. in , the ..„ butter. been a c'entinpal..:, Patient -nail ' her. "• '"°•,....4,33,ayees„ arid ,iiddresea, .full ' PartlPii--. grading -contest. Any, Member of .the 'death: A :few' Weeks .ago her illness -...*:::-lars-, . of their--:ClaiMs, and, „the •Ustae , , , ' of their ,securities,, if . any,. held. by : them, ,verified 'hy. .statutory declare- : „Akin:. , ,Iennediately "after .- such .; lea Mentioned date the :set' 'of. the , said, deceased will he distributed •-aniengat then. persons 'entitled"there•- •, :to:baying .regard ".Only„tO :the -claims: • properly filed.... ' .' ..*: :' ., • ' • , DATED ' a "A Mehatii,, Ont., , the ,kiii*, 171h day of ..latuarY,, A.D. 4934,, : ! 1` : 41" .P,F.:.7-!. :'.r,717,ft, trtINOTON, ' '. Wingliairc Ontario,. . • . • '' 'Solicitor herein. , " delivered . and at::•techoei.: heuse not 'later than March 31st, 1934. Tenders clOae, Saturday, Feb. 3rd.• 1934. . ' '9B. MacLeod, ' Sec'y.-rfteas., R. R.:3; lineknow. TENDERS • , 'Tenders will be • received by the linciersigned up ,to 12 o'clOck, noon on Dies In toderich Mrs. Gordon Ball Passes Away In .m4og E vents .Firat"trieertieti, '50c. §nlis&Ineet tnsertions: 25e, O.''L.; DA11 • There will be a dnee in the Orange Hall, on Tuesday, "January 23rd. Gents 125d: Lathes 10e.,' Lunch Dairymen's' Association -- of- Western becanie;regarded: as serions, but ;en- ,Ontrie.:' for 1934 Suialsor When z.heT' husband .visited -.compete in the 'butter and cheese, her; no immediate' 'danger was for- •` jltd.tingand creant .gtading compe,' sden. It Was On .Monday afterrioeM titiens,but only one cup was warded While *being visited by her father, to, any one person: :In; the 'butter Mr:. Arthur :tliftOn. • 'and her step-. grading. Contest there were between mother that the ` end •carne. sixty end .seventy .'.enttanta. Mr. Mrs. tall; formerly, -Mem Olivia dasemore ha a Wen the first prize ,Clifton was born in Morden, ken. for Western Ontario, 'in this. 'contest hewas married in, the West on , the three 'tithes in the, past four years. lith Of „March, 1324, and the youhg I I tOURIc carne east about • Seven': years .agiod.te settle.; On concession, 8.0 Asj1:••• 6 The funeral service will bembeld this afternoon at 2:301 o'clock at the hi:3*e of ,her;latiter, 1% Miles south of LucknoW; conducted by Rev: Cnrnpbeii Tavener, assisted 'Jay Rev, McMillan. Interment ""*Will be in deinetery, The pallbearers, Will be Charles Alton, Will Reid. James, 'Webster; Bert Finnigan; 13ert• Gatiunie.-and Will Petrie. TS itoyp. sUgstarkiroN bug? . BURN'S BALL ,•• , , A' real Burn's , :will:hi held in Lochalsh Hall, on Thureday, Sep, ul"ry 25th; Under, auspices Of tlie •Lridies. Softball, and ' '1Vign'S Baseball, 'CiubS• • noan's orchestra, 1 ch detintet; Adrittseiditf GeaSi 23c Ladies, free: BAND CONCERT Ludknow Citizens' Band ,Will pre- s'.1.1t in entertaining. concert.' of band Selections., , inattinnerital solos j and ,eetv.ed: Note .the change froin theduets in the* ToWit; 'Han this Friday tagnlitr nights . " '1101ct " t on Friday, Sanf 19th, . in the" Orange Hall. All the 1633 dittb *Others and their families 'Will be Welcomed also thos,e -- before,thaidate for 1334. A,lapetial Invitation • Is eiderided ti;i4-4441,161,,,Lef-thaAtiiltab* 40.0104 )14). iibisloi and. free lulieb everting: 'AdmisSion 25e and 15e. A 1Q -piece orchestra wili Play for the dance to follow. EVerYbOcly. 25e, . ttIRN'S BAIA, . Thnisday, Jtienifir ',•25th, is the night of the big, event Of the sOasort. Burn's, Ball, in the Town 'Hall, Lucknow, '10 piece orchestra, 2 piper's lunch1 ‘Ser4d. littnreibiti"-ApCliitting taij$1,00-e,,Cout40,-extriLlady..,:ind • a., If *nut Sentinel subscription plied atthe end. of the .year, it is any,tiiiie this nionth, can -be teneWarl, at $1.50 or $2.00, for Aineriean su Scriptions. This is a worthW,ha e saving and if you have not 1Yot. tak- en advantage of it, .,don't lerget to de ',so within the; ritnit, ttfe'Veeka, PaYinent-of-trreoc_Of .4140,14.0#1011 Of•SSIT/p:1,tevested, 044417:..iath;,19.34 Thomas Bushell -Acts._ As Son's Counsel Judgement iteidered, Thursday " • In Intoxication ease -Final • • • „ PasiOon Set For .February- lat ,WheA Bushell of Kink, ap- pchred .before Magistrate 'Walltei-f„,th 40.1thirdift'et*IttirVErele,.1-Niden * , e ,ce was taken and judgement reserved. until Thursday. morning when Bushell was fined $ib- plus costs of $9.25 or an optiOn 0.10 days in jail: Thomas 'Entibell, father of the accused, acted as his son's eon's counsel, and 'When sen:. tenced was passed, pleaded that, un-• able to pay the fine, the jai) ter* would 'prove a, hardship, as his son SINGLE ORM 5 GENTS .4 4 , • off Iea1tb IS 11 -The Bread of 'Health . . . .;•LA,Tpt' bAlf*Bs ' ?INC PIP . . . •.,•4A..14,10,i'. ..,1BOLLs APPLE PIES .1)013.:OliNp'fg . 4., . ' ff"'ELSA; Illl$0!,,, , 4 ....WED. ROLLS, ETC hole 'e:it, Brea e ineit White n Phone 36 Horticultural Alenabe- wuv Ota15-21*Waria- had-- much, weed: :to get out. The Magis- trate set. February 1st as the date for the -final disposition of the ease. , in 'giving' evidence O.:- the trial, Constable Roy Peters; who Made the arrest on December 23rd In Kincar- dine: said, -according4te--the--Walker- ton Herald Times, that on the night in- question- he fenovied . three men, one of whom was Busheil un the . 9treet in that town and ,that Bushell 'was staggering very niuch. He put hie hand, on the shoulder ,of.aectised and saw that be .Wai perfanting in obseene-manner ale • . Walk and ladies and others,: on the street. • The cep said he snielt strong tef alcohol and he locked him up for about three hours, Later he tiireed hint oyer,. to his brother • with in- ▪ tructiong It, take' him home: " The father; . Thos. Bushell in e ross-examiningi Peters' With .refer- onee tosmell of liquor on his son's. . • hreath endeavored te....hring;:out the fact' that .his son being', a weed man na Mg way and; the • handling of, large. .quantities Of, weed wenid, nec- essarily sinell of aleehelin view... of the feat,: as be claimed, that .WOod i)cohoi is Made of. wood, . eta his clothes *lila. be ..saturated with the luiees. 'coming. from the Wiled he was selling. - ' • OF WORK BRINGS , LOUD MOUTHED OBJECTION ' • ,When 'Mr: R. J. Moore informed' a transient onTTtiesdayj.moining.i,where he could eitiii-,$-5;00". a 'month -and ilia' ' . keep during ,the winter,, " by helping• a...farmer. take. out :some' wood, the offer -breught from the transient a storm: of :loud mouthed Indignation, 'that; attracted the attention of those mithe-stree,t_ and brought nearby merchants to their 'dare' to 'learn the. 'cause. of :all the :.eommotion. About •the • only thing 'one 'could tin- derstend" from • his prolonged jihber:- ings was that he had no !notion; of accepting thisoffer and ,he -Was stilt broadcasting his grievance • to pas- sers ;by for some • time . after. Mr. Moore " had left, hi* in disgust, '• and •vratnecl--birn-not..-to' return-T-41km , again.. • -BAKERY Lucknow • Society To Seek Rur41.. mr • Enthusiastic ' 0a.thering Lays Plans For ,193/1 Beautification' and Hears :Activities •Of A Successful Past Year Reviewed:, • 3 MEMBERS--14-ST-LyEAR , ...At an enthusiasticMeeting of Horticultural Society' members in the 'Council Chamber , on Thursday evening, ,it was unanimously agreed •tbat the membership: 'drive , be. ex - ended - .' the feral etannittnity for a rural membership will , be made: through .:the Women's Institute Organizations. and Women's _Chiba in the diariet ancj it is fele. that Many may take . :advantage Of: :the .opportunity,- the: Society offer!' ,in distributing high, qualitY,, geode., "at firat• cost. There were 93' Members • last, year. . S. O. 44thwella0 President; 'enened the meeting by giving view of the,: year's.. activities, which were generaily quite successful. An unusually,dry summer andthe, late-, nese', •in spring,. whichmeant that orders arrived tee late' tot: the best, 'results, were fac- tors to he contended With *thiring the nest year. .'"Care and ;hard . Work is the only *ay to „grOw. flo.'Wers,w Mr.. Itathwell said, With„:soil:and climatic conditions being taken Into censid- :aioSn. Thdry sumnier Made, the flower show impossible, ' but a• tulip . and 1 -iter a gladioli display Were:a credit to membersof the: Society. A more ;.xtensiye-;iefirie,,,iingram' is planned. ,foi: 1934. 2800 tulip bulbs ' were Pin'' 1,..haSed• in the 'Fall and all were -------------.die- nosxe' about which .were --planted in the. park. 300: Cane.•.-, dian. roiee• haVe• already beeii:ordet-' YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY • MAKES PRESENTATION Much, Appreciated Gift Is Received • By Miss Lorna- Campbell . . On Sunday.' afternoon the • exeen-. • tiye of the PA. of the United Church,. vtaitecf..the home of Mrs. R . 1-1.. Thompson; • to pleasantly surprise Miss :•:Lorna •Campbell,', whom• theY presented With a *Siesta alarm* clock, The address was read by A.lex iSmith and the, piesentation, made ,by Miss., .Jessie MacKenzie. Mies Campbell thanked the Society for their kind- ness , arid: after a short. visit:, the departed .' , after ' singing "Blest be the Tie that Binds". • • , • •. • The, address follOwS:, •ifiss LOOM- Campbell,. • Dear ' - , -.A:s niembera' of the Young people's , S�ciety -of: the • Limkrioviiiited- • Church, re feel we calmest: let you leave *Mout expressing our aPpre•:.. 'elation for what you have done in our . in the: years that are Past. In helping to get pp Pi,ograP.28 its well as taking part yourself; 'you • were always One on whomwe could depend: • . •• With; this:tittle' clock, go i the 'best wieliei • of, all the Young reOple. for your welfare ,•' in the future.. Signed., oif. behalf' Of. the .72'. P. S., Vargatet. McCann*: 'Sec.' Alex Smith, Prig: Fif- teen Thousand 'feet, Beech legs' Fif- teen-N;(11N1.9141:16Cit•iilltE0 liLtiOyGiSb.out teen• thousand feet Soft Maple logs,. Ten ilhouaand feet Basswood ' logs, . .. ,T; ........„0.1:rt.gr,oii.tni,7, .7.17estrc'ill further information after January 22nd. ''.. ed ot-t_ e coming p an ing seaSon. • suitable . t'er crating' Our log yard Five Thousand feet 'geed *PoPlar,': 'Pei iTh=e1a.tis,and... feet euSto,f:„gfit_Eill,_m_,loat pgirr,, , infOrmation :is to prices : ..tJooh.grii;;;Pe.,itriCI,aitikiis„.ttreatiltei":4:etchtisr.e.!pwriinthglIco%innu'eEe:e:1117tar.:_. 1-1•71-'.1•36 • : The society purposes having Mr. ani Will take: over the the border :. in the -,MeMorial. ':'ailcs, • which will. be the , sanetiOn Of the Council,,.' ''• h' 'NONWaTTIcAESBitnEeiriti-O., I.....-;.--''''7'. Planted in roses. Mts; Wm.. MeeKen- '' The annual meeting of • Members. it etheto:vu igl lhatg ei b :lett .1 lind ilitY b lel ei itil eifi'ce6c1r7aenrds . city, will be held' in the Parish Hall , of the. 'Dungannon ,Agriciiltural '6'-•''. Ming:utile:in, on Tuesday, 'January' 23rd at 2.30' p.m. Ali ineinbers,*.es- pecially lady, .members, are requested 'te* be Prjsearil-tes.'. Alton ' See'Y.LTreas, ' • MRS. CHARLES FOSTER DIES IN ,UNITED STATES Wag A Daughter Of Mrs., Alex Mc- Carron, IA.nd A Frequent "%Naito'. In Lueknow, ylowl.•*10*/* , Mrs.. Charles :Foster. :of 4ohnson- burg, Pa., daughter,. of; Mrs. , Mot • McCarroll of Lucknow, with With ' Wheel she frequently O n. Tuesday, followinga serious •op- eration. • Mrs. McCarroll °herself, has • net ' been enjoying ,goed,health :has for the PaSt,feW..menths been 'Yisit-• ing her daughter mut,was Undergoing treatment at, the • thrie • Foster,' was taken' seriously Mr. McCarroll, who is in charge of 4. G. Anderson's flax:Mill at. :Mit- chell,' left for the States ' et, heath* of his Sten•dattgirtier'e critical ". ness'• and • subsequent :The funeral was. held' :on , Mrs, •:Foster: was fortderly Mae -Matheson and tt. daughter of the :late' itarry Matheson. Her only 'sister,; Myrtle,' •predeceased of years sito...;•°: Mrs, Foster ...Was 'a . comparatively YOUng wentatt..*id.lietides• her bet. three • Children, Dorothy, Audrey' 'and Earl. '•• Mr. and Foster ,and" children yfait, here each atimtner, he being particularly• Well known in Sporting circles, liav-ing played baseball With the Iocal.. team...a le.W" years .ago, 94, , (1-2-0 •• •- it .dan.be texpected ;that sonie "tverk in thie, regard will be .Performed . by the cOininittee fer • town beautifica- tion: It was Pointed out by Mr, :litae that. dogs, ;running' at large,' -would. Offer -ii probleni, in regard .to ''thia. work, and some action by the Colin - en -1•might , be necessary:TWenty4ire mitPle Arees'. Were Plantedlast, year and Mr. ,S. F. Robertson, explained,. that '500 Norway trtide • had - been seenred, and Pleated ... in a field • at *Oar:held-MacDonald's, where they were , doingexceptionally• well and will • later be 'planted 'Mit on the hill in Criledaidail • park: •• „, ' „, - Mr. Bert ;Ward tecoamiended 'the reses.•"vOicli:the Society had secured, be .having ' had . great . stieceia ' in growing .111s; , teat year,' roses. were given as preiniiima to . each member' q arid in 1934; 40e will be .:deducted frinli the total of, eaelimembers iiiitiai" order. . ' •*, *. Offieers •Re-APpointed, The •election . ,of . officers resulted iii .re -elections as. follows: Pres., S. C. RathWell; ViCe,•PreSii..G. IL Smith; Mid Vide -Pres.," Mrs: Wm: Murdie; See'Y.-Treas.., A. Vir. liarniltoif (to be asaistedby a Comniittee); Board of Directors,• elected ' for a two- year term, 'Robert Fisher„ Miss Mc= 't',.....tilifffr---.1*.P411:4144WeliA ---Vt,vs,i. Toinistinti; mairciliaTATtilditOiti Rey.; ,1", if: 'Geogli'egan* and R. H. Thomp- son. Town " Beautification Com., ' 'A. ",W, ;Ilk:ninon; , G.•,11. 'Smith, Mrs,. Win, , Mact,tenzie, a. , E. ',,,Robertson. PloWer"SheArtind 'Display Ceit.,' Mi,S.; 0 '(1 .11.A.t.Oni . -11.. Smith,_.110.0:'_t_lit,,P_,. ,. • ° - '(Ceit rued On rapt 4) (18-1-0 • • NOTICE ,• The annual .meeting of the Luck - now Agricultural Society . will be *held in the Council • Chamber in the Town :Lucknow, on Saturday. the 20th ...daY Of January A.D.; '1934, at 2 PM; All nieiribers,are requesAed to. attend, • 3. Agnew, IBRIiCE LEAGUE : • e Rim& ticknpvv (Bobbie Bprn's Night) Thur.Jan. 25 RIPLEY ye.- ,LUCKNOW • • 44oet.iisi is the a -dead id final lielne. 'game iwith RipleY‘iti, a '• deuhle achedde, ItA141;„ 'At`Tkil, TIM _GAME - • •