HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-12-14, Page 8• • P491,114 �a9 TEE is U C iii' N 0 SENTINE f. lntoucin read our Bill ove r. Y _ e �Care�ul I t Corgi . tams.• 'Out a - � _ 0d1n slues IT,' IS SMART TO. 'BE`: T I R FTY " 'SIMPLIFY , Y• UR Q ... ,CHRSTMAs 'SHOP ,,,,1'ING,BY BUYINCGPEA •TIC L f;<IFTS . AT NoINEY"• SAVI s • • le Starts •. 1 cc k.7 t r a u. a xD . ecem ood Mas. CHOOSE GIFTS FOR MEN N GIVE GOOD 'SI -II Silkoiene Iuipotted, •;mat'eri als. Size ,14 White, Green, Blue and:- Shades. Corn: a to 1T, Popular Colors, Very Special 1•:.95 Xeres 2 P�:. is ; Suits Stripe, dark co ��,}} loris , neiwest .style a •.: • Special 'Christm'as Price. $18.95 Ever appreciated. Kid, Ps - skin, Chamoisette. •Best. quality; . ,for Men, ., Women, ' Boys _and' Ladies' hib>!rie__ . Silly .:Kimolt>,►s• •Oar. first•• • ell ent: , 1 very attractive, ,Red, Mauve and Blue.. _lent' Overcoats 8. Only. Siliertones, up to..the minute''styles..: Today's. value* Y $23,. Chrisitinas . :clearingprice SILK . u ass, s eevea. or sleeveless.` Assorted •Colors; Sizes 14 i Chri m •�...9 st as Special • - ... , . : ,..� ' Local ..G enerajl . hr-o-gond:—Daiae= ih . thw-,ora -6 -Hall 'tonight (Thursday). Everybody' welcome, , Mrs,, Richard Megad in,, Sr, 4 visiting ir} ;Toronto, with Mrs Roy:' McQuiI hi,, Dx ,H Woods and. Mrs,, Tarlton oi Detroit Visited with their father, Mr. Luck now- Octogenarian ameMtlrittak Miss Janet Smith, A Viliag'e 1iesidj2nt • k'or, , : Thirty,'Two Year0 ;Paned, Away Friday MorungIi4. Her.•8],,st • ' Year There passed away at her home on Campbell Si.,. •Lucknow, on. Friday,, tillages' abed residents' 'in. • It wil oo Eeerso. of Miss; :Janet Smith: . Al.',1 n be too late .to do yoFus, • ;Christmas, buying early onl ei ; :It!::er:u?'c.t:2-1:yitieetnill'.9:,.t nrugged health of're+y , .gi#. 112' . �.� ,more shopping,d iss Sn a h was; only con- days, s •fined, to .bed" th, .,. e ,• for tw a ' weeks viler o Mr*C,°W,J:arvis ofT oron o 'p ent her death, de ta`a,gradOat'weaken -e. wek-end !at th., home, of Mr; �ing, Passin pe ealy away earyand Mrs.Nelson:Bushell • •� • Friday »orning B r sins - in DA . 'CHR STMAS'Bor • more, thon -eighty • years. `-: GOODS, :'Store, open, : evenings ,till : ago on the lisle of • I ,ewis, :Scotland,, • Chrtstrnas;, T, HE:/ MARKET :STORE. ;1‘1":1. Smith came,as';a child' to $trat i 1VI4 and'Airs."'Cecil Myers• of ford with hex' parents th,e '.late Nor" Windsor,_'sPent, 'the. week -end,. with man end Christens $math, Later the the latter'a parents; Mr.. and Mi s, $,. •fa"' iii tnoyed . to' a , f arm- in Huron • andfrom ,there td Con, `6`, Ii;,. McQuiflin fo• Kinloss, Township,hen,following the Meath of Mr Jacob Miller, who has been•in their mother, her husband having pr'- poor health,. for a time, is making . deeeasea her,, 14.liss ' Smith'' '. and •• bier slpw progress toward recovery ; and sister, Miss Christens Smith, moved. is yet Confined •to. his. ,home,, • • to Lucicnow,. thirty-two .years an'o, Miss Kathleen;McDevitt of Port 'anti haye since, been residents.of lie• AArttihurr ,returned' to..,.Lucknow last• -village; ' 't _ _•, _ w .eek;• °-where .she--°-wi114:`apend' the.'- Of-a-family-of•five:girls and tkx'ee, e µ TionmAy p /•.�yy 141. Wood's. Angus McKinnon.:' ,The. ''congregation of Lucknow United • Church' was' presented with. a beautiful Communion: Table, a •gift. of Mrs, .George T: Aitchison, in mem- ory of her' late' husband. ' • : a ' The condition of .Mrs,' Joseph, Ag-' new who -has -been -i • .o - n poor health for some months, has• become^ so: 'serious during the past: '�t, wvo weeks, as ' td.. Cause her family and •. friends' niuclr. With .frost and snow over the week -end, ;lee making ••in 'the skating rink: has,' again ;commenced '•• Mild, weather. •Set. in just ,afteri a prayinn4 start had been made, •• and melted: the foundation' which bad' been laid: Suffers. ••Frlaetured' Wrist Mrs James • Webster of Asl'field, Offered a painful nlury 'on Monday, when in° • a fall • at her.,. home. is dust west of Lucknow, she 'had the inns fortune to -fracture her,. wrist, C .OUR ANNUAL, .REVIEW , KLTM 'ALONG WENEEDJU at . an open meeting of' tlie Lucknow: High, School, Literary, Society' in 'the Carnegie •Hall: on: Thursday, Decem berg: 21st at 8.15'. Admission; FamalY . charge'' note to 'exceed 50e,, Fernier ' Rector' Elected • Rey; . William' A. . Townsend, :rector of •tk,e . Church 'of the Redeemer, Lon- donheaded. the poll for school':, trus fees in London;` Monday last -,Tie is a• former rector of the Kinlough-Bervie- ''' Kingarcparish Mrs. N I . Campbell' and 'Miss- Lorna dCariipliell have returned. from a. two' 'weeks' visit Yin: • London•' and Rrd,etown.` 'They. will.' remain ' here till the first ' Of , the year; • when they:• A'- .CORRECTION will.. leave for. British 'Col • I the election. ,. nmbia : •to Ia comparing the votes oiled e 1932, election. The correct figure. visit with.' Mrs. Campbell's daug ht ' . the various candidates in 't a West on that occasion. was: a •majority of Mr4'` Wm, Barber:'' er r Gammie and in Ole. `election, . • 104 for- • ., "Wawsnosh. election,, We` stated that The orchestra.'of:;tlie, P e b this Year hi lbY s majority ert Gammie had a • majority of J ity,••was•107 ever Church ably assisted at the presenia the same ,opponent•• t. ,tour votes _over Patrick Walsh >n t>on• of "Peggy's Double only surviver. Mrs. "Orchard' of Sag-. inaw azid', Mrs.' •Grahani. of •Lucknow,' •two sisters, died six and fifteen years ago• respectively. Other, -.members• of the•family' died 'seme'years 'previous.. Miss •Si lith: was an aunt of Mr. Dan and: ,Miss Christena',•.Graham of •the, village. e funeral cervi ce was eonductetl :• 1",E » late• residence on Satilyday :by" 'Rev J. L. Burgess,:.•assisted' by Rev.' C. T..MaeDonald.'•Intermgnt, was.. in .; King ys '•,.Cemetery, _ P. do YOux :• Christmas Shopping here $ILL. and WOoi4. HQSE' F. „' .•' _. CI+L fi'-�;SIYION,ED� ;HO,SE; Make an acceptable' gift; The -$100 ange'.:df Fui}, Each ' Priues , , : 69cr coned .'Ho, s ar' •to $1.OU ..,.e a .the moat, lrop, ulto day'apd come°in service , "' IIANeKERCIIIEI�'S w'eiarbht and' chifone , A •wonderrful range of Hanlues; : RATH VO• + • 3 for Ladies :� _ WE1S AT 35e •.., and. Children:. Large size; The hind h Men's Initial. 11`andkerchlef k'. that dry The 44 you quickly.:and• feel ood. You Linen., the � '' ,• '144' �., . • , g .: ,,,: prices ore lower will .' the gay' colore,;; They. this. season.' '• -nre•ivoriderft 1` OTHER,' GIFT. • SUGGESx'IONS `; •.' ��' •�---- S1L1C LINGERIE, SCARF;:;,' CLOY ,•.:�- - , . ES, .,RU,1tSES COSTUME;� JEWELERI',. OUR QOODS •A'RE CONVENU NTLYARRJ' . • . .,. ... GED ; AND . I O.• CHOOSE FROM EASY „STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING NOT WEEK, we -are prepared -to ser ve -'you .with the very best. Christmas --Novelties`for..004`stockms•--:: 6._� . ,., �., • - - - ... __.,.. .AND:RAGE, CANDY?' CANES. FOR' THE' MEN Christina,, Wrapped . Cigars, Tbaccos.: „FOR THE W 0112EN, . •Bo,x Choc6latrs, Cigarettes an REMEMBER THE CHRISTMAS CRACKERS. SEE OUR ASSORTMENT OF 'GHRISTMAS CANDY AND NUTS, , ' ''• ,•, SPECIAL FOR ' THE WEEK»END • Oranges, per'doz ;Grape= Fruit,. 21bs. . 25c-�::. • - t,, :5 for , 25c.' : • Sauer• Ira t Dates; {.. u, , 3 cans. •,,; ., 25c, • ` 3 lbsy...'.....1.,., 25c .. --Large' cans ' `P. &•Beans,. Fancy Cooking Fig$; 3'lhs,, 25c Lar .e . , , 29c • , .� .cans Pea Soup, 2 �.' 19c FRESH VEGETABLES ":QF; ALL'KIN D,S 'AI WAYS''ON HAND• LUCKNOW BORN. • • WEBB—In' the Township of West • Wawanosh ' on'' h`„osi11y, 'Deceri�iei 12th, to." 11'lr. and Mrs. Harvey Webb; (nee: 'Elsie Ander n) a daughter. by providing' seVera1: selections • pre? ceeding • the play. and : between the: acts In ,hurriedly writing"•the,account• 'of the ,concert last VVednesd ay, -we: omitted to make mention of the coni. rbutions•of the orchestra e„Elected, Reeve'' Mr.' Warner•. 'Begley, son '.of Mrs. Thomas Begley, •arid a brother, of Mrs, Matthew',' Sprou . of ' Luck ori was re-elected on .Monday' last, as reeve of the Gold'en'Prairie munici- pality i1i. Saskatchewan Mr: '• Begley will now commence: his . third term : in this 'ofnce He '-polled a :total,' of • 186' votes in, a' three' cornered 'fight to defeat-, his ':clearest . • opponentA• b majority, of $O. Pleasant Party 'Tuesda y ;Mr, •,.Roy` Lightfoot was tb • e guest of honor ..at pleasant house_, party_,, given by Mrs. •.Cameron Mc- Donald. c Donald' • on .Tuesday night, at which •so;rej twenty four. young folk' of ,the vi11a'ge were present: ,The. event was in feed 'delightful One.:: �',Ito,, w Was a o he P .Pular 'young , man ,in r the; village, .while. a member of: the staff' of the Bank of Commerce, i'a holiday. • Wim.. l r , Geddes: He •is at resent. s , • :.. � � � .� P tationed at la st' week, :Niagara tells • ;� � I'' ' !•orf • till e • invite ... you to see stock' .Y our. mer chandise sgitable for 'iftis.. E vQr •one is excellenty , value on �acc • oust of:qual it : and., low' price. Y .., POCKET KN;IVES,. RAZORS, 'HOCKEY >� Y STICKS,. SKATES,,: CREAM AND GREEN ENAMEL.WARE, `TOYS :: FOR . THE CHILDREN,' ENGLISH' ENAMEL' .WARE SILVER PLATED' GOODS PA,RENT S..: It has been revealed that there i” ..,s mare eye' trou�bie<Jamo children from the countr the' nest - y •, n 'rein' the towns; and Cities. Tlie ' ...±coniunion-aririved-=at-is-that-thats children in the'towns and • cities have. better- light., and' do, not strain their eyes. when their studies. r''You' can; • prevent 'this ` • give them an'Aladdin' Lain to s• tudy a -clean' white light•-•t,hink it ower ---you ca investment. n t, make a better s yterian .rng here,,. at the home of Dr and Mrs L. • rices. me ncil Loo *Ico. Over •