HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-12-14, Page 447; - *ALIA PRVO STORE CONTEST , • PUT..OPP TILL TOMORROW WHAT YOU SHOULD, DO ,TORAY.. DO. TOUR CHRISTMAS .SROPPING. EARLYWHILE THARE IS • A, POOH, SELECTION. r e Xeadies--. • Y'APPLrFP SETS CEERAMY 'SETS .CUTEX. SETS STATIONER; , . CHOCOLATES' SACHET NOVELTIES BRASSWARE .f4r .1(4434,PY4 SETS WILLIAMS. . SETS ' .0..OLCATER SETS'' • 0.404m'Opyg.'SETS , •141?,E SETS a 7 cjq.AROTtg$, Xini4 Wrapped TOBACCOS, Xmas .,3vtatipea, • For Frhe. hild , r . PICTURE:. HOOKS, STORY 'BOOKS, TOS, S T'A T 10 1+41: -EA it; 'MOUTHORGAINS',4-ETC:- ••• •,,.,,1•iaeroG•:'0,rOle-,'P'oblahed_ ever* 443Ir. 9.,1-31W 44lle:c:7nl::Opal Orr, Kath;r:4e0,7i:t0Ew4, .*: .at X•incicoawi 04t4rig,. Tgy1Pr., • Mary : gallfilat'PetY .34.Pga,rt;..grA, • /4X MIKTge.441u,--- 1'1?9Prieter !ley, Para. *Anna, Pan4p,tit, l'ari,. • ' ' Campbell .Thouipson---•-Publither 'Cliainpieni PorOthY ' Canunie,, jean * ' .* . . • . . 'THURSDAY, ,DECEMBER 14, 1933. gitstt,. Nvilag,:irwiA, . Pil&l. gen.de*.- Pon,' -'gtIlet. '411,14,enhX, Wanda Fergtf- ,. , ., , „,, . . son; • Georgina Geoghegan o , .Betty, , • . ' I . . 0 A Griffin, Gladys Campbell; Jane John- p• •f. • an stone,Helen McKenzie; RetnMAZin: d Drtrict Doris TaYloeclo Chester Taylor, Lois Munil'4. Store is having ,a., Main - Henderson,. ?gable ,McPonald; ,, StelaInC44 Sale, Continuing froln December l,:„.'Goo.lc, Doris-'Egille; 'Margaret:Tic-. .9th. until Januar y 1st: - ' ' , ''. ' :On'S4tiltda:F, : Dec '16i1C‘a .'Com, , - -. .incil. by ' gr. S/ Wirt Roh@rtsah 11(t. • leUvenPn4s_ ,WYlds, Luella Laidtaw. •:`, 1.1.611'0' Ritchie, 1Z.ut"'.. !Inanity 'Christ:anis'. Tree. Nitillz be held H41*.!'*Cic'en,P4'. '0,F; rt9IrTkon'1,,s1.1". ' ',. IrePp. Foran, -. Jr*ir; Margaret,' Parni0i; 1.43' Trw4-'$ in'3,RiPleil. when . Santa. Claus' ' '11 4.911; The nle'at'iag *v144-' gl°C.4-1"- ' %leen .34bore'''AlOeda MOrtis ' Eileen' distribute :. • ',. gifts ' ' • • , . • , . 131.- •. .- . • .'... , • . . . • • , F C KCII t",,rea63.40!ati. ou*r T4e' meeting W4s: 91,1e.404 n the 1,;644.t*W4$k)',444.1,q0.14 ,AZici Scripture-, xeacling,. the. Scriptiiro being rea4 ,granivAlaCK0P4ie; Thn49.4'd'ai InnYclr 'Was Napented-anci.,folleWed. nY -sing:411'4 'Art.44v, Le.,ie JO, Thee'', Mir; 'Winifig4X: johnston ; a r 'and' a Pe 4 44vP 4 • . lection; was given by' the *dins asl . he ;0•911.entit!.4"*as taiiten. PP.',1 A, §:gib] was rendered. by. mv.s. StelY41,11t. ihee Was ,a:lcoptiei' With ""sjdea .c4'ke „ , • • 4th-C6N., KINLOSS L. 0, L Elects Office • of liMtrhr:e Hawneedr1 Iiilu arts,eknpt 1.1,loche home cil Rnin9.b:Thfil aeipnet:Oti. Master Richard At tartAnern Annual e4vitenedeen gioTrusehsi dpafuyl. Saturday kilith friends' in Kineardinel ' • Mr. Arnold. WOO.' an iss , J. Irwin. spent ,Stinday-Avi . and Mrs. R. Martinp.. Miss 'blanche McDougall entertain- ed a. number of friends .'at birthdair • . party On Monday night, wnen a very "enjoyable time was 'spent. • Messrs. John Hamilton .and .John • Cameron, of . Toronto' spent last week 'With" Mr.' Gilbert Hamilton- ' Mrs. A. Sutherland spent the 'week end in London° • • ..Mrs. Mardi! ' spent Saturday Kincardine With, Laurine. who i -the Iniapital there. Marold Button is laid up at resent...witli•a; sore" hand: rn Meray:,,Anianda Van;children at. eat1ng the • • • ' ;ilia wt.,. itley:. - -- • . ' Mrs.- Neil McKay, Con. 10, Hur�n LJnitedChurch - P. S. ,w9' 9f' the aoatli of her • '-.A.•--ie-arure7of' the regular 'Venn; • 'Skin Chin, Alan, Steward,- Clarence' TXPthei',, 347.• Robert L3C0,00/ 1116e6W: Y1614% 1‘1"daY' qYqn' Ackert,•, jaclt, Henderson; 'Wilfred,' Rey he home Of a .sister, Mrs., „Sherman ing,- Was 'a song aernea • in., which T31.a.c1c,' George Robinson, Jack .Forster :Parrot in VaricOuYer... The • deCeased,favorite hymns and. Christina. carOls Mervin Solomon, • Jimmie Piryia, who 'Wag, 8.6. years of 4g,, was: at one were *Mg:. • Atter the Opening exer ,lack 'Cooke, Harold Cook, Joe Agne.W ti.irt0 a iT4iclent- of 'Con. '6, Huron. . •isea the :Scripture reading: was given' • Clayt6n "Hodgins, Clayton': • The play f4Pegiyii Double"' :recent- )5; Miss -Martha . MeCnIllaro• The ilten Billie Button, Gordon Steward, ly presented in LUcicnew by the Dra- minute:a 'of the last meeting "Were Peter's .Church‘. L..reaci and adopted and the roll ca ll Ucknow, glirefi-'.:.7.1:61.-1-0-- --on ,;,kiSS- faken,-A-pleaSing -,1-m-t-to., Liieknow L. O. L. on Tuesday even- •ing, , officers for 1934 were :electect.as folloWs;, WorShipful Master; Hie/lard. „Carter; 'Deputy. Master,. aubal Miller; - Chaplain, D. C. TaYlori • _ Da*/ Kline Lee,..Pill Jewitt, Gordon Porin, Richard 'Turner, Albert Taylor Elroy SielPff. • Thomson; Treasurer. Bert Ward; .1st LATIGSIDE Cecil Pin: : Seey.; CharleS Lecturer, john barter. 2nd Lectfirer, • 'The Whitechurch 'Women's • ineti?), George - .MacKenzie; Mar& 1, Mark tnte held their December meeting IP . Angus Oe hall. The. meeting .0,13ene4'-bY ing- . • • . • .„. .,- • ..• Gardner; Committee, Bert Ward, John Cartel', John Barger. Graham and Tyndal Robinson. • • nig the Institute -Ode, followed by , Following the election ,at officers, the Lord's prayer in unson, The min - Mr.= Cecil Mifflin gave an intertiai utes of last meeting' *ere read and andinformative address, 'which em_ the finanial statement.' was 'given. bodied a historical -sketch of • the which showed a balance of 11139 19, thirteen yeung men who closed- thei Was decided to remember ,the flick and at • , „.. . CREV/E heseiged- by -the armies. of King Anglican church,,,LiickrOwiiweafinvit• Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drennan, J. C. and. 10% and .*riti•-:4*•1.P.-T-pfiat . a .day recently ranc ,Ni•ri.; Wilfred, Plunkett of •4.1!horn:, Mr.and Mrs. Cecil Chamney, Ann Mrs. Aele.,,Channiey, of .Belgr,ave..., ThUratiiii, 'evening, unkier,1110 aiiiPtees In eiVen , by Rexford Ostrander. Anglican ChurOlf.: ' • . •vas .(it°raPlticWift7,*b• yr)tdveisTstYMairiltehlIait41Y4bal°; .the. Ludiea': Guild. of St.. Paw's: The Ripley Junior Farmers. OrgaOlze.. Following the pragraM ac- ' . The, RiPley, Junior • Farmers held jve games Were played and the meet, their, annual, ineetin,;in the Orange *.''ng closed with the singing of and, elected the follotying-;.effi4 -rational- Anthem., •• ears for : 19.34;' •Honorary preSident,. ' • . Mr. Fred FOrsythe,/WakertOn; Presbyterian-,W..M.' S., • -tors, Carl. Pollock, and Morley • regular monthly.' meetingii, Omar Eroolssi; 1st Lloyd :„ e• • • , Panell; 2nd hl -vtrt-si!es'E.IM'de°ri.d7iM;e144-4 PreSbyterien A,. program 'Corm, Clarence Cam0.- .ilell and • •Wrali.„ Osborne: , auditors.; , Hare] 'Cam • 1•,!• nd Ger. • McKa .The menh.ershin lee..-ipaa.'Set' at fifty Conte, thus 1 entitling , the •rnernber to: P,4 official F.arMer . 'button. The regular :meetings will be .held th the, Prange Hall. land,. it is 'expected they .Will he ,•folloWeci• by a' euchre James On Deceinber-18th-1600 ed •to Present their 'play "Peggy's' b " Chri t ad Week. The Mc - Dou le during: s m Huron•;totincil Appoints.. 'call was answered by, giving CIRrk A d T • gifts' to th... Sick Children's 'llospital; T t .Ross A : Treasurer rs-ss '•' • ,Toronto. . Mae Garrick gave a. duet; Mra. Emerson. .readings; Mrd. 13: MC, hind Brings o A Close A Series Of and aspen Unpleasant To Itt ,straiigh,..te,ii., mas"; and gave nt rist- ' t' Thursday at the honie Of Mrs. • , Raymond_Flnaigrt-.-- ' - - Un Tangle - Co Mr: and *.Nrs..• 'Wm. Robinson Eire. Alf • • "ILLY. instri.niilirtal: The 'Tlieeting- dosed-by-- lidall' singrng the National • Anthem. Fried spent Sunday at the borne:of • t daughter, Mrs. Kilpatrick and - . • • Misses ' Merle' Wilson and Olive • • „. After irtalir weeks whieli have • d • b. m• Join) • - 'Garton spent Satu'rday' ay • wit las * • ••- brought to light man regrettable' ' • Marvin muniin left on/ Sa,tur-, • , Crane Itichardson. • • • eonditioni in the administration ' of • • ' day for Montreal where he • intends ' .4 - • • ' The immediate neighbors of '. /dr. apeadiag a .feiv weeks., e business of Huron County, with J J h sto former , Mr, FM Ervin and .4dater, of Goder-.. -vhich every reader is famil'iar, the surprise „party and nailed ' on them Anpointment of a. treasurer and 'clerk • • 'eh anent SatOrdaY,avith their brOther . • . , lait .WedneadaY •eirenin. , Mr. spencojEj-iia. 'last . week's. Session. of; Connty is extended to the .Durnin family hi the loss of a _loving mother and Vordlnother:The W. M. 5. held their n'ieeting,at, • , '• nouncil brought] to a close a series Miss Reeba Marshall spent •tlie The sympathi of this comMunity* ' ' ' week -end with Mrs. Victor Emerson. of duties on the part of the Warden his committee' and the Connell as ,a Mr. and, Mrs: J. B., Morrison and - . -,hole, which to say the least, have Gerald spent Sunday with Mr. and: "Ten far from pleasant . °Ties • • Mrs., R. Tiffin. - • the home Of Matthew Shackleton ,on Dec. .,13th, this :being thr 'annual meeting.' The election of OR - cera • are . as fcilloWs; president, MiSp 4nale Kilpatrick; , Vice-pres., Mrs ' MenarY; Rec,-Secty., Mrs.. Bart Tre- leaven; Cor.-seey.,, Wm. 'cruzi6T' . , . . Press secT.. Mrs. Raymond ,Finnigan 'Treasurer, MA 'Bert Finriigan'. gaiiist Mita' ternide Durnin;; Ass't, Mist Eileen Treleaven; ,Flower fund Mrs. John Kilpatrick;'Strangers' Sec. M Daly'McWhinney; T Mrs. e emperance • Secty... "Mrs. Matthew ,Shaelcleton: • The annual •tneeting of the Crewe ir,P.S,,waS held. on .Friday, Oh The election of officers:we:3.es follows Hon.,Prea:, Rev, McMillan; 'president • Bert McWhinney; Vice-pres., Russel Seel'etary,- Anna, Mae Treleaven 'Treasurer, Reggie Genies,: Organist. Eileen TrOleavn; Citizenship, Bernice -,---;-:-Purniti; -Literary:, Frances -Crozier.: -,Missionary, . Clifford *Crozier; Pellow- ship' Jack Curran- Social,Aldon , , Hasty.. ZION ---Frinr•-n-krist- of Well-over-s-Lhun- . The.:-Langside_Untted W. M. .4t.4.,d applications for :the two county their. !meting, at' the home • of Mrt. -irn•Ts, the appointment of J. M. Thos Hill On Wednesday last. The 7oberts of •Goderich aa rierk, and ele-fien of ;Officers resulted in Harvey 1Erskine Of Blyth; as 'treasurer ben g returned tatheir previous Posi...4 'n.f• the eonnty..*was..annonnced Fri- tion.. *!Mrs. Brown and , Miss Prefererfee was given to returned Emva' Richardson. gave Christmas *nen ,selecting the, officials. topics. The.. hostess . serve ea. The Fernier. •Clerk George Holman; who next Meeting Will be held. at the borne lied' been preiriOnsly to reaign; Of Miss Margaret Ross in January. 4.1; it was claimed .he failed' to .offer The Thingside ClUb held their irieet-' he assistance requested ' .aid- in clearing; up 'the, defalcations' 'of • ex- treaSuree Young, .declined to 'do so.. until his resinetion was deinand'ed by the 'Council in .session last :Week. ' ASHFIELTY Our reeve, Mr. 'Murdoch Matheson attended county 'council :in Goclerich last Week. ' , • ' ' Mrs. K. MacDonald of Toronto is spedding a. few' Weeks: With 'her, sis- ter' Mr(. Duncan' Map:Lotman: • Miss Jean MacDonald •has „returned home after ' 'an ,. extended; visitin CleVeland and Detroit. • • • Ivrrs.., 0, :MacDonald of Haien' if: . , . , • Miss Olive.,KilPatriek of 1Viafeklrig, visiting .a :few: days With Mrs...DI:In-: . spent'. the • week -end with her Cousin, '141eLennnn• , ' • Miss gamin Anderson who returned • We Are, glad to report that Mrs: . hoine :With her and visited on Sunday; Russet Bissett who underwent a' of. LucknoW: is Serions ;operation, in ..St,' jodepb'S visiting Mrs. Robt. Andrew this LOndon, is convalescing 1 • (Intended,. for Last Week. • Avery • successful Hot Foil.; (Sup- per • 'waS,„ held „'at- • Clark's. 'United Cliureh..A •prograin of -readings vocal aplod, duets and instrumental music Was flitch ertioyed. An abundance of , food 'remained, so a ten -,Cent` dinner vas::./iven: the : following day. "-The proceeds: amounted to .$85. 'Ripley friends regret the, illness of Miss : Laureen Martin, con. 4, who „ underwent an appendix 'operation in 'Kincardine -General hospital on Sun-: Miss .:Martha, -Mo. re of Toronto is .visiting With her Sister, , Thos. Mr. and Mrs.-; Wm. Leonard,: and Dr. and Mrs.. D. R. Finlayson itten- ded 'a dinner party given -BF -MK and Mrs. Janes t Malcolin, Kincardine,' sinf 1%.,:day evening last, honor of the recent Marriage of , and Mrs. J. G. McLeod. ' •',Harry Lindsay. is .reeovering ir9IP severe7attak of quinsy, • The Ripley bontinuation. School held their. annual concert on Friday eyening, There 'was a large atien; • _ .HQ:sTAnTs.• :god. - ,004.0.0440.0,'14.15-16 . . ie a, ticia. ;a06.: . , . • Bela Ltigosi TRANDIP TRE. BEST RADIO 'MYSTERY ' 'ffROApc•AST. OANa. COMEDY ,..0*HOOk' :434. 'Ladder' . , ' 44 .••••• • • . • WHITECHURCH . Xi% liairY 'VAMPS of 'Yellougrii'9s,, Sail( visitedn few days .last 'week with his 'mint; *s. A. FOX,. Mrs. -Roy Pitte-ti ' of 1;ifean spent' a Lew . days last eek with. her:rnOther.. :. the Chord' on Dec. 6th. The Pre.... Mrs. A. ;EFuonle. Newton of .Looknow, 'dent, Mrs: C. H. .MacDonald 'con- flicted the devotional :exercises. The "3Pgnt the week-endwith' the Misses .' iiinutea' of last meeting and the ,ePr- Agnes and Catherine Patterson. ariondenee---svere :then _read hv the The Presbyterian' „Christmas Tree' • ,• leeietary.'; TWo.' ‘riaattere brough.t bf isto lie held on Friday evening Dec. ' John oofrenthe,..4mnnieeetrninogri'w:r,,,e •ftiohre pawurre.ha pont: fo.tggt. the ,United church •(",1 Murdoch, and the insertionin the I *Thristroap tree , on . Friday evening, ., ,Ininutes of the,. past year of an ap- nreziation of , the work of Mrs. •Geo. Ir.--tionglas:-.7-he--rePonta_of.. the., Past. 'year were 'then given and all •WW 16ty gra.tifying. 'Miss Roiella Man heTt'.dasig a ...pleaSing. stile; Mr's: Ei,vezr NlocKeniie was .rnade , IlqnorarY: 'Miss er8epsii. tdemedn. wisMurray..tMrs. eeen XJ. - enzie then took the, chair for thw. election oft the Other offieerp,:whieh President,' Mrs., H. :MacDonald; 1st Vice -Pres. • Mrs: Chesnut; 2nd •Vice.:Pres,; • Mrd: Relfonrz Trd'Vice-Frei., Mr.. Jas. Snlith; Secietary;:,Mrs.', A. P.i.Stewat" Treasurer. Mrs:. Jas. Geddes; 'Finan- rial See'y.,, Mrs: .1.. W: Henderson: EXpenee, Treas., Mrs. J..` S. McKenzie - 130114, Helpers' Mrs. MaeKeflZiC LiterotUr Seey.,, Mrs11. Aitchi5Q • tinTily:.See'y; and. as . J. W.SpifldlPI'-andNis...: lifaTtreillseorr F ; Kerzie; Press Rec'y.: Mrs: ' son: Planiat. Mrs; Jewitt. The an- -ointment .of a'. president, ler the Missidn' Rand WaS left over frail Tie:.vith a , Christmaa' ' hymn and ,thP rtcr.t '.ppereatytnertr..,., , The • )-neeting. closed .`')eCeinber • 15th.,. • Pyrrs. All_rert'lVleQuillio spent Sun'!. • , _ • . . • _ lay, with brother, Mr.' and mrs. 'Tames ,MOIritoeh , Mra. BuSchlen of Toronto, 'return- , • lieme after visiting with. her bro- ii,atiersou. ' A meeting of the C. T. 1J. wis . . at; (the home: of Mrs. Glb'son. illespie .on Tuesday this Week., , Misses 'Merle Wilson, and Olive* "tarter' spent Saturday with 73iqice Riah,ardson of Langside, : • . Nr,re are.. sorry AO rePOrt Mr. William '?.'ennedy.'sen :Of 'Mr. and Mrs. David , • cennedy, is serionsli ill in Cbilliwacic.• ',oppithl .British colufnbia, with -one: for recovery.. • Mr. James Forster basAhe. Phone -ist,alled again. , KINLOUGH (Intended for Las' Week' Mi, and. Mrs, Harold ThoMpeon of Were • Sunday visitors at Mr. E. HaldenbY'S. . , . , Mips' Winnie PercY; R.N., of Kiiy, cardine spent Thursday afternoon tit Hut dance from the village and surround- 17MP'1.11:°anined Mrs S' yd.' Parry'. and chllkl mg as •riday nigh m, • the• "ren of., Detroit are: Visiting with, tb•e • The •Prograin was put an by the East community. A:splendid • program United Chiirch W. M. , S. ,- songs,. choruses, readings and latter's aunt, Mrs. John 1-lodgiiis. sorrier., .-ldiss GraR ce „ichardson and 9f -. The Luo cknw"United Church W. M Mr, George Haldenby and Harold „ Wesley 'Tiffin were the; captains. „: '' "everanlpin:11:::11:2piins: kthitsis 1:diiPst8renic:44v,i'eb:it, S. held its anniial' meeting in the ' spent the week -end '' With friends • in • ' Solos, -George Hui's; Orville, Tiffin , ' . :. : • , . • .bastment of the .chureb.. We nesdaY• Toronto. ! • • Jwonnes;.' Gertie Biown and 4.-es-si, tn the United Church',. Kincardine Wadel; Rose . Caskinette and Wildr 1.'"o'lleai''' Tb•.Cal.°Iina Jlib• ilea Singe:" Scri-iture les'son; after' whib,Miss CI: '..ifter visiting with hqr sister; 'Mr's. Orr- Edna Wedel and Archie jnmie- 9P aY evening. an !'er'art 'it' as mental, 'followed bY• a Temperance The Women's Institute is holding a ; , being the hest ,prograin of ' kind " ..,,on.,d; eon. .6,, IT.I:ir,00nn ,D,if.hue.I.Ceek.'ef6,atlin..0.1rar.mlivr_esd.._",Ta.v ler.,rpMciNeaahm.h:Ciandsttrhu.:' 7:,.Mt.nsi.,13.1;irsones, .,:f Bmo:olreservei..itisur.ned,_ h_op.. c, Ducts -Grace Rlehirdson and , Edna ,l'ames ':•Scott, EdnaiwWac;:lierlir; NureninP: C Readings -Johnson .Conn, AP -Nil - .' • ' , read,ng hy. Mrs. Geo.. Andrew,: 343" I:WO ; Weeks' S'ewing course . in the sifni)sori... DialOgne-,"Dull .'ClaSs'?-,,:* M. artha, McCallum' and Miss eMdm,,..' Rri:. ,,niroas en giste •thho.eil,e,oh.ueir•se.e.... p'Mri_dissay;7- p.Dheilei,psi5t::,f; .. • ---- • *ver 'presented' here. Mrreese;krAiltiegOeingratullaf,iops---on W1-"- dnei wlic ; w:---n‘is tra"CmaTijai. the 'sodety with' fi.VOcal lorontO is the, .instructor. At. the Morrison.. DOnalda ac a • un'4 ,ini rrnyior; „Nis. John Metnnes; Grate 'btrgeadthb'eak1;°,gunotiY teribeaIn.trt:ritlisbiL-kifyigr McCallUM Presided oyer. the 1MaineSsi Rreharclion:: Dialogne--alinele • Joe's -,--------g section Of the meeting fer 19113. Re- Will"-0ffm. Brqtivni• , Bill . Scott, Jiir rinotiteistsPb..unnSdaetied.thb:i. iitiscpi.!7e.isY.eofli.KoSi(;17, pprc''''''Zirr.1.1r1 ,diffarent,..branches. Off; the Fettypiece, :Jinn ItiehardsOn,CCralialm . Co., . , - , , • , • ,o,rk ware presented,. revealing the sarcline„Wornen a Institute • n1 that,e.at., Pinkney Charlie Tiffin- 'Gere Brown . endeavor, ' which- showed 'tietiv- Mrs, Geo. ',Tiffin,. Mrs. :Wesley' Tiffin .,.. • ' . ' ' • it' in all departinents. The ,financial Tb • marriage took lace on Thur- " • -. Vibliri 'seleetionS-Eddie Wiidel, Wal lay:elcovenle7r, 3001,, place : ib.e tiriited statem•ent is not yet coMplete, °wine' lace' Conn; X.!. 40 Fs'. .ititiii,t11., 01 ITh. *obtrox.__,. parsonage, Kintatdtriou , to. the:, fact that . 140afe 'contributors selectiOns,--Joe ,and .D4n, Tufin. ter Miss Margaret Naish and 'Mr. Cliff or.!1 iloft..a':rein'ilg!tpabstin3cet.t-id:71naite6:It';o:ntlioifi. offfuil_i, itineirig-.--ban Tiffin. 'Orchelittalehr Th N ' . both l K. . drie t'l'ff (I ' 1. c air,„o !pear 1 ... : i or., llifeinnes; Albert TaYlar, Getirge Tiffir cers. Rev. Tueler occUpied the chair , and Wesley Tiffin: Chairinaft-Mr w116 i8' a' lijgmb‘r• '''f 'the :ReA "W"T•9". • porter sta'11,15: a former 2nd 'con;bey, ed: id. iitheti folillOw.ing officerS were elect-. presidents, Mrs. al iluttoil Mrs. ..Shirj, Bowers lOaried : het home and e :Mr;ts. Inc, ..Joynt; 7. 'Tired., ' Mil.. for the 'December .Meeting of the T )ce Riply, ,U. F. W. ti, ow; on Tuesday, 1 ist.' 4166e-rjreq' 'Mi1312,.-*Mhe5alll': Dec. ''56.' rille 'TjeW.' Pre8j.4°11' M,k:8** '31.1171V' V2ii,:1-;;:4;:,.111:12:14°. IViii-tr:d. gina:•; .A:iee: Robert McCosh tort , charge of the ite,•,..,, y•notio:;,,, The iiilootem of tl.i., ,loi,e1,10oi mt.:, „, 0M, r.s1.0.1,iriaiSt,o,:, ti:A;ltofinzinsceica'iy,-tstota4:: uieeting- were •read' by Mrs. Prank iifts. T. norn,,, ;1.1,0•mirtviar .ffl61,1•011.y Willis.' ,CornmlinitY singing Was • en. `" Mr: and ,Mrs. Mfred Andrew end.nicelv Wihnifted of „Gwen Sound, spent' pi§s6it. ,Retty, Mar,..Spears, Lunch was Served after th- Sunday here with the forraer"s iorie and Jean anil•Mr• and Mrs. Neil nrneTarn and the rettainder of tin , and airs, Isaac . Andre*. • •• Mrs, Jindrew„and Winnifred renlahl'od here as Alfred' ',left for :.Sudbury, , 'Where:lie is engaged in looking atter the 'interests Of tlite.i,..13eitity Bros of Fergus, in that Northern .tetritorY. " Miss EniMa 'MeDOnagil and • lqr• Oen:,Topts, of London, spent Sunday • Ithe former'home,. • ' , ' • Christmas and Concert in; Hdll Thqrsday. Decetribei '121fft. Admission 3d. 4 kt.hutd: :riieeting • and. election • ,'of '!v evening Was prepared ; by :the offieeig of .1;..6,1,t„ ,No. 1044 On Tues -..Missionary Cern:" With Grant dy--eVe. ..cObV'eti et.. A sOetidiA ;tha • (1. MacKenzie,, •Spent ,Vriday .in ,Lonr, don Mr. Allan Grant has ,riturned hrimt. 'After spending, the summer sailing on 'the John O.* McKellar; aiGteat tiake rreigliter, ' On accrmint of the • ,,resignation of Salem Giaat teacher in a, No. 15; Aafdield; Mfia Margret Mc enfr.te has. heel , hired rui4d will thke hot duties :on Ian. „ The meeting a the Y; P:$, Fri&. • . , •A, • • • the'YOunp • who was :an authority On dogs "that. You (night -to have an mtelb, antinal about the 'tense the' • would, protect you; and-", .. ' "Oh. Terrenteio oiela)tted his'fait 0010410Pi sp opfailitri i'ead• Margaret .• Parrish,Other lutilherS On the PrOgraiii' Were'-reiF iiikt4 1)y Finlay Maelonnld ancl TS 03) dY ‘6Xell d el< 00 a dnot.lby, Sadie ralt,ItIrdild,--,-,katintr'enttatnAtekf:41.0: lif.46261,111tasi, 244dVdia ,Abit talk 1)6., eyenirig spent in dancing. , 114Ir. ' and '''‘Mrs.:' :George llarknes,• spent ,unday with Mr. and Mra. •V EttiersOn. Soury KINIA)ss' vv., hi. So -__.- • The Monthly nieqtirig, and the ar ?mai Meeting were cOmbinel,., and held in the se)iriel room. The Mem- bers present were well satisfied with ;the, various reports received Th,ere was no change', in the bot1:1••of ofileerl except that of 5trangerS' sec'y., when Mrs,. A. Sutherland. , The Study tut& nanely "Seven Sons of Serviee" Wiii "Contirineet Ihtottgliont the conhint4 deatThe 'pre$1ant, Mrs. .tfugho`a, 4ttel(;6$1109;-AtiY0tid"40'-th6Ao--...iiieetInt.?!..; which are held- tbe •1-t Wodtiegday itirO'lc,109114"VICIritetril-VItlilrayetr '1.,•liere . Will .be a • dress'. parade, and • .'.1ane.under.tlie. auspices.of the \V: 1. -,... . e'no.-.:Itlht.e.:.,..T,oW,n.shi.p.hal.1„•,•;..Iolyr,o,o.d.,t, 'inission; -Gents 250. Everyhody,wel-:: .', The-. Y. P; of the ,Presbyterian... Ihnrob organised their Societji • rci- - ,.ently: The . ()Meets are As • ,folle.w. tIehbraiv president; -Rey. j.....1..... Rurj : "v,:ie::,;iit'elli..,q'ito:niCI,..alvcraer• aMrilpietiD;on;n1,(ili.;, ,vil;:_t , Haiel Percy. : '.. '• tiree,' Evelyn ,Pinnell; , sec.-ty_eas., .. • We are 'pleased to repolft that' wir'4, :-irt'eTf'..tter,,i1::/b13.eeii:nl.s'"g1:::tticeli,ifineeid6 thoeh.rt,er:thi:le.:4,.. lift;gra,i'ni.t. '' • ' Prepie reSerVe the dates ' of ' ilvi . ..s:IlleCil'kY'•1,57,6eMiliu,r,S.,ii.t:(11!,,y;,,..,.b.lytmrMif::;:t. twvie,iti.maivileile;i.T.I.40'.'01;liiiili, , ,i(-1T:tier'l:iv(it::: 10.)i...i.v.1)ii:ttii..livr'lle,i,aeil:1":111611614!il.::.r?n,APY:D10,6'81r1"icb°111itilentifilt.::S:11.1V1211nodc;:fil:n.:Yi'',..1 • 'Y, ,.k'gip;(ft.i::lt.e,.:l:, • i.w.;'l:.t.. 16:....,it116k:.. ;dU6t:8;:nPr6:eb''..AIi:°tt:en.1.:itt1ti.i1.4.'1::.:(0;:A;r:i§atiafOlepeiSl0,„atin::n:nntnt:I‘1i,:nn:,::; i.,iS.Maougb; titeattireivoiC1v6:atI6rv1:0 40eyvWr. P1e Alt61; 'pla:lSt,ovoin, ,:vab:upy::0t,sttvio• i11.1oe,o,. ' Mr Mri.NV, 'Marne.. and. Mr. G. atooi!... .04,44:1t , . .• - '•- . ahuin 2nd,..rcr.k don. ..o.Lo' 01..rltc'ts: Mo.Olit'aitfti*Tmcg..4.0f.4-4' Wifi,..74-lidt;:1711-.A.r, ittaliatianin".:.f..:r7......,i.l..,a.:i11.4.----17- -• '7"-- A • .. UM '-'14'6W-it'd Dp(tnire, iiir• ,;tivt01 of ()ilk/pi', itornis:;11 hoon zitio,-, 'Panfil,.:-ViciiirirAtiii lt: ti6ilo--.--.-' ' Poildifit li, iikk.f' dak.A 40ith .ht,.. Mr.' . ;Mai*. •(litce; Itniditnby ;of •Willkt.!1`...: iken..*- eine„,intek 0 Weelen4i, ' . . ioyed, with. mte. Orrria Pollock at thi. Plana. Th g club deci4ei1. to .hold their annual "At :Floille" in Jan'tiaiy"; •A Christnas reading ..3q,aft given by Mrs. Bert Breckenhrbige. A splendid ac- count. of `• "dhristrnaft. in Engle/T(34! Was given by -John COlting. MisS Olive MeCosh. Offer:0 'a .1))gtiriii," the, guira-E77 udifet*-BY drafted ,at,,the P.' 0.• and, U. e:Onv4t,iiijon 'in Tor- onto. 'ffic. tateet)rn.c, i'.1o$,ed by the NatTonal AniniR;;;aft' wb-h (until Wait 'and, atlelat - • t -the -11011 A ,r6t 2'30 •SDetit, • i • Otayor, . „ A' rihrket rePert Says ,.""the dellat stras ivE40k4''''lltit:WhIt kndof- deliata,t ,fust 64y La (thaii?,-/ifie arid ace hokt, he 'bcggir cari go titbit ,