HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1933-12-14, Page 2k
oice of th Press
_Canada.The Empire and The World at .Large
Prlies Over 25 Ve4rS,
in;the "25•YeATe Ago 09.141111nu of the
13rantford Expositor, MAO following
Pr°duce PrtFee were rfieesTdeci for •that
Butter 28c to 10e a POttnel'i eggs 2oc
to 30c a dozen, chickens 60c to $i. a•
pair. ducks 41-20 to ;1-60 a pair, ;beef,
fig to fc• a pound, pork 9c and 1Qe a
• pound,. Minh 10e and 12c `a pound, pota,
•. toes:70e a bag,. hipline 30e a bushel,
V0ions! 65c, a bag,. apples15c to 20c:a
haghet, ,:' ,," ',- . .,', • --
On Saturday last.The Standard had
the following prices.for the produce
,niarket; ' Butter *25 cents,, eggs 35'• to
" 45 cents, .01ilekens. 18 centenee Pound,.
, ..,
live 50 cents each clacks (alive)" 80'
. cents eac,h,ipoili 8 tole, colts a pound,.
Potaiees $1 a big, and other Tege-
tables generally ' higher. It will be
seen that if tbe ,1908 scale ..of living
and taxee still applied the fanner
would not be so badly off. -St. Oath,
eriner: Standard. . • • . •
' Adifieable -
.There is enough nicotine in a cigar,
' iv,e-fead, to kill : two, gOWS.,.. That
should teach cows net to smoke cigars...,
• Eating Laws
Pit1 you *ARA,that for 1114113? ,C84
torieS there were taws which said' how
leech, e• Perene Wight' Pet?: E.d.wor4
the Third of England made one In the.
year 113,5, by which his subjects Were
ferhilddint to ."go In for". mord than
two •courses, at arly.,O4e Ineal-r,eXcePt.
On certeinspecili,t•Oe4elenS, Straegely
enough, though it was. net len#,,hefore
people began to disobey -rand kept on
doing soe"-that law remained,. °until
1856...When:it-was "renee1ec1.4 k king:
Of Frened . made a laW' Of the genie
kind, in the year 1340. It•stated that
nobody in the Jaidwas to have mere.
'than 'soup, meat and pudding at one
Meel„ anti even the, royal 'banqttets.
were, kept down, to that 1iniit.:+0ttawe
'Journal, • ' '
Destruction of Wealth.
WhY should welimit the destruction
Of wealth for the common good to Pike
and wheat and cotton and Coffee? It
it is a goodthieg to keen, people' busY.
.cutting down the goeria: that they pas.
.sese so the they can get rich ,oia what
Is ieft, we Thlgbt turn our attention to
houses and shone and theatres aild
shine. If we horn •up enough houses
and sink 'n '
soon coMe *hen some one will have a
Job building' neii. one. Then every
one • will be 'quite happy, since it is
only the work that Is •needed, not the
Pigs and Wheat and •shops ,And houses
and shins,',.. -Fort *Main Times -Jour-
nal. '
.,PrOgress, Toward Recovery ,
The improvement In the fundament-
al things, now "well,i-ec'ognized by
, •
everyone, ,will registerits effect .more
emphatically asfew Menth4 hence than•
lt does now. The rtioneY•.still ,has to
•;aline in f�r ranch of our Present in-• .
creased production. and As .it ,comes
' and gette,1140 circulation, we Shall feel
the rising benefits. Wo shall be very
• mnen More enaseious ()fit in the corn;
log: spring .than we are now."' By that
time we shall have reaped MI benefit'
• of-the,improyement that is now appar-
ent, '.and:thet, in tarn; wIll be stimii-
• . letting the people :to still higher hones;
, • „ , „ . ,
.It isatime for tempered optimism, of
: course ..for It pitiet he'reeogniied that
a• World that has been: Se sick: Must
• eeevsleere • leave ,sor
our, progress depends iergely• upon ..the
• progreass. 'nada in the work], at, lerge..
• • let-Ititile ,Merchant... .'s • •'
• • • .
• • •
Agriculture :Comes. Meat
Mining is.' a wasting: Industry and age°
ricultitre ia:a.bnilding7LIP.OtPceSe. 711,0,
rninoi extratts. the lninerat,''wolgth:
from the earth's interior .and•gOes on.
leaving a despoiled areabehind: him,
save for the possihility_ekeonversion-
into ,agriculitiral, lands or forests.. Pro-
per , agricultural methods: :Improve:
lands and
inalntain and lncroase fer-
tility 'with . the passage of,time. 4
- country', dependent :exclusively on"Inin-
ink fades: an..inevitable'sektinetioei One
1: dependent. On.. agriculture can • be at
". least. stiesitred ef ' continued existence
and abundance of .food.•,..1. In every
. ;great'. nation's economy agriculture's
P1ae.conies •ehead.,14 that of 'Mining:
Food.prodnetion ls inenkind'e•PriiparY,
,Locciipatians, ' :"Whenfoodsupplies fail
all elSe Is valueless -Calgary Herald.
.Canadian Bank..•
, , • • .
. There Is no 'need to elaborate ' on We,
•• ,Standing thabanko itt Canada.°.Trie;
•the nia.:eritiefaeilas.: ere: all. banks
itt All: countries... Sut'theY..itave. open.
ecf thelf.doorn every Morning, Of every
• .banking daythrough the .greatest
pteston In • the :•world's history, and
'that : feet., talks dawn almost every'
• criticism .oiat cOtild: be leVelledagainot
thein.,..The 'lmeicerti'of.',Cattada have
..:,s,ceepted • as their; first duty" tlid :safe.
. • gnat:ding'
••And they 'he:40'160C. their ,h4riltsset,'
inanciel °New.
• Nerthern. Land Settlement • • •",
„ • ' The settlement of :the. eiaybelt • Will,
hardly :be Mede by townspeople front
• Old, Ontario, or elsaWhere...They'haVen't
'the, .backgrbund„,-the exnerienc,ei. the
• 1.11't Mak who,
' does net find Cententinent. In Clearing
lend, 1Aseeing his "fide
• ly grow, And:vnick.litida it liatilatiln•,tos
• live•in a primlUve way for a:while
,the•-itorth'he ,-*Ork Is
hard, the winters :are long and oda.,
(Mee. and entimiain ire .•tieeded..4Milt
• ' Star. •
Across the Border
if: yen. would like' tOknoW about one.
of ..the dodges. over (tin 'herder Whielt
•"enable:4 telloite to :escapes -punishment
• for their inisdeSds,mins:Icier the. plight,
„.• . of 'Mril.• Clara. Alt, of Olilea•go, . • Mie,
'untie '• Web, bintlarieed 19211.
•'."1.4wentilitlies. Since .then Mrs,' Alt :has
•..genc 2.to court prepared to- teatifY
• against the, Melt Who haVe -"been
• '-• Charged 'With ;the' crinfel Aed each
. , •
itnue the' caSe 11.68 been Corittplied;so
• . that 'Wilt. All Itus had, the fun of go e.g.
to the' 'court hence' go, tlittesfor notho
nig; lite • other •(ley .a lli3antlfi.
• ,Was schitdeled. :Mrs, Aft •wais (itt 11
womait'S .coutinitte`e ,t,n, Wcieenve 'Mrs,
z,Utieseitelt to the World's' Fair,• .she
.11161't. go tr. eon rh. She"was seat for
••:And fitted' $10 for staying .nyvay,41....
'1Viettleryis •: ., •
' sCanadian Characteristic ,••
PbrelVal •Itcherte; eh-eel:or: rit• tile
' LS. it'eland th 6ntisylvaiiht Rall.
cs,onloatly, has for 33 'Years spont
stinimer',vaeritlee itt Ofitteda and on
reaching Montreal 00 tonte 'for hothe
,..,.,•ho said. When interviewed: ,"Why
•, , Two Million Collar Cron
The ' lowly finger..beet ..liess,,been a.
"saver for the agriculturists of this
end:other cOunties. during Many years
whait.:'eash 'crops have been .scarce;
and: when It 18 considered that the•
Canada ad bolainlon'SuSer;'ponipany,
will, 'nayout inthe neighborhood • of
two militon dollars to the growers:
raising beets for. the ,Chatham ancl
*alleceb.urg• faeterieesthia.yeer: It ls
to the people in Seneral. in .this Cent..
, . .
Aberdeen Spenda.:, • •
'Aberdeen; ''•noted,. for its :xelOctance
•to pert with its :pennies, has embark-
ed this 'year onthe. biggest building
scheniee in Scotland: The 'City'.cOun•
ellnettee peiens. fOr• wo hosp tal scest:
lug nearly $2,000,000 and 1,180 new
theneek_40;:,eopikee.slum pruperties,
casting over 1143,5,00,000.7 --St, Then -ma
Tines -Journal.
• • .
. • Net,e, Use ..for:' Potatoes .
Werd..comee' from :Onblin., that "an•
industrial aicohol, to be used as feel
for mOtoreareas,;Well. as in dYeS.,:lieet-
•ing•andflightine has been -developed
. from petatrids,•and" will he° made. .4,
:gaVernment monapoty.'!'The estimated
preillietion -cast -is. Sixpence
The,potato is • a lowly vegetable; but
there certainly is nothing' lowly about
scleyeioninent Which •-heida out Cneh
Inien,ense posslbilltles.:• It just :One
Line.r*oVidefiee_at:- the,„sienierlieble;•ad.1-
. Vancea..'.'lieleg. 'Made '..•ins scientific re-
edit& 'in these amazing •times,4-401:‘
fax 11enaid.• ''• ' 1' ;' •
, •
BM! Bing! bang! Len. Harv,ey, pritiCh theater, l: begins.' traini ntls
at Whetstoee'foe. his eilit '40.0i Jack netbraon.,
leek to [tendon, In financial affair,
and Wiieh . in such affairs ' the Do -
Minions, are :in n privileged • peeitien:,
The declaration' that -was, Made in Lon:
don May, itt fact, bo the beginning of
a return to the pleasant and easy 'Or-.
der of things in days. before the
At. Any rate something definite appears
to have been done to .bring about- con-
solidation ef the Empire: All parts:
are being told -that it is .a. geed thing
to stand together, and the World hears
of •Lendon.-70ris1)ane Cooper. •
. • .
The, Value Of. India's 'Livestock
:The :betterment . of ••• India's .livestock
And. their' prodnets is .an .1mriottant
.factor in .the ecenoinie ',Uplift Of the
rural masses. .. good deal .:O.f.• atten-
tiodhaa..already. been •deVeted.le7this
problem by the Imperial 'Urania:of Ag•
rleultitral ReSearch,,..andiPartleitlarly.
by cokiiiek,LAiAllvgri:•-timalilinat-..11W-
bendry • Expert • • The: field Is °One ';itt
, which, little Systeinatie. d.eveltipMent •
liee•hitherto occurred, yet it is of enor-
mous importance to the, country, Col-
'Olier recently estitentetil,„that itt
British 'Indict ,alone ther4,:arailinghly,
three hundred Millions :domesticated
enimais,,and that the cash .value .of In-
dia's animal products.,',‘ OE which :Scattle
labour and dairy' produda:are thetWo-
most linportazit, 'cannot, he',•leed,,than
R. 1;500:: 'crores • (slant .$58;.5 „0,000).
Annually' Theeeare-staggering figurate
and 'cannot, *eftelteve,,beropproached:
by any other Country in, ithe.Woridier
bey' Times of India. 7". • " ' • '
'.'"•The Leeson 64 •1914:;
•• It •lh probably true that no •one,itt
!great :Britain 'either Waia8 *War :or
thinks that war is a gelid thine: The
•old view, openly' expressed by very
dte,tineniehed-PeOple-L4e.tere.-491.4, that,
swarNIS not only necessary but desir:
• able 'mid.. a totliC , ;or .tho.,4tApn, did
not tionelitirviire the tench Of reality.
,It Was, • one Of ..•••:the • earliest .British
-casualties „of the Great
resurrection. In this country is uniiitfi
ly..Hlijcienomfht (toondon).. ' •
The,Spirit,of Canada.
Defiliiiieti states; Which is primarily
the prea 'c't Of Canadian conditions
.the' •essential.basie Upon Which the
Canadian ;beeple. combine a genuitie
•Ibialty to, the Britint crown with a
-patteionata,fiellerf itt their."oWn'itatioiK,
deathly., Canada, we iiinst
has been ',eet tied a Icing time, 'eCCord,
, _
ing the • standards of the New World.
Few. og berspeeple; even .aniong these
of British' stock, eon acknowledge the
Mother Oountry. as the land -Of 'their
Canada is, thereford;,British hi
spirit net 80 'trawl'teetinse her. Oil -
8808 haveeien an enCeStral ,laie. of
Great Britain, • es''Iteeause..Great ;pa:
thin has endOwed,,,. her 'With endiiring
V:.. tiodson,! ;in . The
Spectator (Lendati). . •
• Canned. Projects
• Unfortunately, the .contaltierls do not
.dleittemet when their 'enetents C0114
guinea.. "They haVe becolnii a piiblic
The.. echauttiptien • of. this,
pate; packet4. fl,lltl !maths, • .Ovell itt
toolitry distrieta,. has 13 eAlettic se great
that It alitiost impossible to 'got.
ttwitY from thcearthat•enntainers,' '14he
loetti tottiority?.:tiatially collects theta
to 'forth a ditnin • far the Vetter housing
Ver,Min. It Is •Astelifsliffigto find '
that .eVett 14 'a. sin41 distriet :eontalit,
4is a tow thonsand peenie ati
inous 'tiattip•is int fekly `tnriliett
leetod specimens are left to rust 'away
as they litter thecountryside by the ..
thoti4,0d.,--Sit Led t1liti.7,i); gottoy, hi
Tho Faktisti tteView (1,Ohdora"* ,
eimnteen Cattle Dead .
Pans, Ont. -Seventeen cattle bled:
to death .of the farm of Wylie Godfrey,
near here,.follawing dellertingenera-
t:110; it was learned: . •
The explanation of , the wholesale
..:Jits.s. is Saidto be that ,the cattle - had
been feeding.,on 'sWeet clover 'ensilage
Ivhich thinn0 their blood to point
Where dehernini Was •thingerone.,,,
fellow4arrner, ailti cattle .;"dectier
is ,Said to ,have 'dehOined the..eattle on
request of the Owner. Ile was "tuit in=
It•rined that .the stock had been on a
sweet clover : ensilage cEet, this /ariter
states, and did not learh.that anything
wasfiniss until the night of .thr-tday
he It ad perfctrined the dehoniinge,.
All efforts to Stop the bleeding were
'Unsuccessful. ' •
; .
Church Vans Travel
Into Far North
Distribute Relief to Settlers in
Sparsely Populated
• Districts
Pcoi 'Abel months of -the Year, the
'sufiday school yens of the Cherch of
Mind travel int 'far-itt*thern-L-dio•-
ceses distributing literature aid cheer-
ing hearts of scattered settlers, 'Miss
Irish.. Sayle totil, „a ...Winnipeg, audi-i,
One id the 18 'vans ;leek Miss • Eve
Hassell ,and Miss Sayles un into: the
Petiee • River ;country, Starting out
froni Edmonton on .may '25. The 'rough
going was descrlbed by Miss' Sayles;
who said 'Wein& .ank Children of all
:nationalities end Creeds were visited,:,
aid usually reception was cordial,
Often the Meal was a frugal one, that.
settlers Offered to the.iiisslonera, but
they *Meted upon shatingzit• to the
feet. :Cruet ' '„ •
• The travelling ehureh'. andilSiinday
; .
Sehool. Was 'inaugurated In 61920 at
Miss '.1Xesseilie' 'earn expense, and •Was.
se etiCeessf01 that. the Western
ada SandaY:.SchttO1 ::Caravan Fund Was
started. Donations from Englaud' are
the mainstay itt.. support of the Weak,
the speaker said, only for , the
sake of •Athabaska •diocese,
the size. Of „England,. .atid • with,. only,
15clergy, , the,...vvo,rh. is :wotthy, in, the
m---116117-rielEirrveman • who has trav-
elled ;thonsends.'ef:.Miles her' van.
,o1htt,...nr,Ohlern this Winter
without cash And '.With,..,nothing. to
turn ..into dash; is the One ,that faces:
Peace- River : people," , she declared.
"FaMilies, to. the number' Of .400", are.
'being. „clothed: by friende, in: Canada
and Englind.""•
.Toberrnory Ship -to -shore, u• ,
Radio Service Linited
, ,
Ottawa. -The iship4e-sherC",.. run!)
stations nt Tabennory; Ont., and
Clarke City, gue..; will be continued on
a" limited service: This antiOnficenient
was made . last, Week by Hon. Alfred
Deranleau, :Minieter of Marine. '
. • • • . .
-±71reerteen hundred lytOori's oii a otigt,e••
:plant of cascade chrysanthemums ' las;
tablished a record at a.,Lriden.:flower
,shew:'. •
Gooi4, Santa
eRrettOPlecl-441-fiAzqpg-c> ranAFttanett
riPttnas Sprit of Peace anCGPcicliYin, to Riq
And PoCir Alike
Santa Clans, a cOlapOilte.,110re• of
Jean and.% fit, short and Ing, but al-
ways rosy,cheel.ted' 444 70'0.0404. 14.
abroad. Again in the tend: „: • • • s'
111 dozens of cansediall .9:Wee ..enit
steWne, this ttc,pme, is repeated:
• . Excited ehildtee Iuh 4441 Olt At.
reetreined. parentS, Father wears Bend
,Streeti clothes, an impertedXleter, or
he -V,,rgATO:',g,Titii..3,7,•1,e4n.s. ant,X•A seifeffeo
•Ing elieepiehi grin. • -
1110010p:wears a furcoat, or shivers:
111 eameenee 'dlecerded ,finerk.. pet, In.
teeded ,fer.: either "eeaeen.er the 'w,eeth•s:
4: A band swing clake the street; Mar:
'dal 100810 11113. 9.10, air, the -Di -44 Ma-
:emit° .sweeps, the sky abeve, the
threug; , been 4 hartf,:''trOubloua
year for and poor, 444 father is
determinedaot to :be: too in11041111.-:
Pressed. .!"
A ,ripPle' inns through the crOwd,
The. King approaches red and
whites whiskers..' • '
"Ile, ha, ha, 'ha; ha, ha, 'ha -a!" he
booms without restraint. His red vet,
vetall but sparklein the early Whiter'
seeshine. His cheeks are rosy from
• .
the cod' Air. • .
•,•'Well, ' well and well, ,hullo there,
Seany,' he shonts:iviy_t....a.n..enconipaili
frig wave ora short
A: startled, wondripfic,smile grows
hit° beipe Santa has spoken -to Son:
Father looks at Sonny's , face, The
. banal" notes end heavy discords, Of
Want and richesare alike forgotten:
Father is• all smiles, ilia cheer, fuJi
ot Peace-oncerch-.--and suddenly form-
ed Ohnstmai reseintiona,
•• •: Setae?: the .Mel?erit. Aticernsetlees...,0
the life(lfacy4t Pbrititek Matttiei.
:ioeinOratingther.Birtit of sChrist, con.
:tinues on his way. But the look on
'Se11113!'e face iernafns itePrletee'co• the ,
thoughts and Actions of other.
• And „the 'Ohrititrees: os
.fted. by the eompealtvfigares of 100
.Septee on. 100 street corners, ip, 'the, ,
44.104 Of. Mercantile .eat44.1iehmente,
titc, North, ggtttti, ..,;Ettf,4k..aad, West:, .;
nierches'•On', toward E,Vc,embser 25.. "r;
:Salifax to Vancouver, profee• '
Sionat end. an:latent Charmers ef yoeth,•••
are -beginning' .as reign,„ that S,liaif•bs.
'!.1421Q9ttaTehda'2r%41'fmefd...xtivi'il'ete's'..ancl. To
iiglous bodies, are adding•theircoetrl
htitionteWerd,a nation-wide stage et-
.'"Of '.H911Y• and Mistletoe ler. the .
cornersg1Psa Saint Nicholas.
'ha 49°1.44a on st sn'Pl O41•114711Yi 9 44;1
' Upwards. 'of, 1;000. Seivatiee,'Ariey
ing the next :taroweeks,,genie of the*
attendd by Sante Cletus. himself. In ons .
of hisnuniberless, manifestations.The
Salvation Amity goes Teeny. 1.00.: till
seekin, ,coins tossed by city, folk,
aglow with ,thei. spirit, 'generated:: 14,.
Sonny's ,smile., Moat of the .rnowl,y:oI
,• • • • . • ,
'Some ,of the other , red -garbed 'San
tes',-are: volunteers, .• but the majority,: •
are professionals, working for pay atel•
proud. of...their:'ealling, Salaries varl
from a. few dellari, .0, "wok. in sniall:
.towas'Icriargerattine ;paid the skilled
performer in largo 'department. sto.....4rea,
Celebrated Christmas
On : Wittto North Pole
Oantain'Seett'and his Men On their
-1*.ity to. the pole :once. .:celebrated
Chrietniast tier by henna a vie& in
4 cupful of Water each, and by 'wash,
lug their shirts. On Ilatiotherrbeeasien,
after•being o : short rations they kept
Christmas pa y eensunting,such:14:,,.
titles as • ra Inn an',.c oco %Tiers
breakfast, -and f.o supper th.esr
gedin four, cour. ea. First 'of all,•
there was e full whack Of peininiCtin:
With slices of .nerse.„•theit .flavored
with onion. and Curry': powder. and
:thiekened with biscuit, ,tlien arrow-
root' 0:teea:. and biseuit hctosh..sweent-'
• ened,. then pitintpaddingi then .,Ubcoti
With •relohla and finally a dessert of
caramels .and ginger, .'• "After, all .this,".
says Scott, "it -was difficult to move.
Wilson And 1 couldn't finish Our share
of t°hIli • niuM •pudding., We felt thor--
'oughlY warm. and slept 301eri'didiy. But
:•the advance' Watr•Slow the 'following
'day, probably to the tightening of the
iiight. before. • • ‘. •
: .
• , • •
. . Celebrating :Christmas
Christmas • time "'being a season of
joy; -.e.ve.rr., precaution should be tak-
en prevent •any untoward circum-
stances valley Might ,...enter into Its
•._:• • .
Too often thecarelss placing 0!.
lighted candles has reankted in netn.,
ful iturrisi- and 0V011-;00413. .to •those•
participating itt the. titetide
"Santa Claus" iias been, the vie -
.in innumerable cases:, .• "•
Tiny electric llgbts now aro most
used in 4iglf.ttili the •Christmas Aree,
and that reduces the ;fire, danger ma-
terially. baltalas:: are to ,:be need:in
the 'decoration --and they undoubtedly
lend An: effect: not to ,he obtainod by
.the ,electrielightethet .should ' be
`placed Mt the, Mentel•and inother:se:
curd locations:where Contaet
thele•PreitY Zia:sea. is not likely, to be
lh Christmas:sports involving :tile'
.5figh,test. danger, ciiihiro, .:Sheiild.„ he
:directed • In thefr play by an elder per:
'Sen who ia:Cenilietent to effect it re.s
• • • .
cae 'nedessary-Cliarles 'Frederick
'WedeVieirth. • • '
•.Eriiniese townshipis offeeing,,e,s, :$6
bounty' •on!theep..killing dog , ."
, , .
, to -the` first $Yratfotia 1ii 044164
Kail)bsts1(Isted co nraoa„sen o.
• aj
deal after The heitil -01-tlie faintly' in.
tbI Expoliitot,
4,000000 Blaze Sweeps 4,000 Acres
The 'Solidarity of th.e Empire, . '*•,.
, The' e ts , evident - .y_ a , littong: belief ,,.. ,•
, ,, ,:
'Ii'ill. firblinig'Une'Vattns.' :in •tite nalli of ilre•Writal swept Tuhitiga. eartYca,l'allfortila; Were. destroyed
.that the •Itiiiipire tail .da ,1, 1,try 'great : . • . , .
-bid, fur 'fisett:, -vhd:.-giiiiiristii-tiw'w.h.ti_iikoloyoits:.:0t4Itiiii:06,_.:64.:Avith._.a_ ic*.. persOilf41:,:helpiigings,. :lime tfibilgtind, acres 4,.4,i• d'dgivoyaa at ,
. „ . . .
Vitilit atid., Meat pow6rttit. ihet. at eibi, . 4 Air !:..c:it,inittUct . toga 'of $4,660#060, .! - • '. . • , :. . .
Accidents Down
On Highways
Death Toll, 287, Decreased
(1.8 PC. --More Pedes-
trians Victims
lifele-ledidente in getArls
so far this' year haie. coPtinued
.fshaw• a, decreasefrani, the 1932 total,
according to the Department of High, ..••
ways, '..1The only male !WM Which
continues, to show an increase' over
the 193; totals:, is. the :niiinhet �t
Pedestrians, •Involved In accidents, During •
theae86fir?ccii‘idiene mOntlts tite r:thls year, 1-: • '
Ported,. a , decrease' of, 5.1 per ',cent '
•froni__lhes,,tOtal_nr..,the ,same-periOd_
last year, ' • These : 'resulted -An .287
' dtatine••' (10,8 Per eent.•deereasee;
jury to 5,761 'persons .(4:3 per cent,
,decrease),and.$59g,934 property dal*. •
age (19.2 per ceht; decrease): •
• During. the 'stole period: Osotine:
consumption decreased 1,77 per cent,
-and. • Motor, . Vehicle registration
creased by 1:95 per . cent.-• '••
' ••
Two - Movie Notabilities
. „
Marry For First' Tinia
• . • . . ,
• • HoPkwaod..--Aiice. White, diminu-
tive• .filin_e_ciress.L.and•LSideesy
Young seenttrie. Writer, were Married
recently at the • 400,year-oid. tow*, ••
,sitell in 'Magdalena they
fprined friends here, It was the' first
Martlege for •each,
.Tiio wedding climaxed •rotilaries , .
that ,at one time •Involved . the' Connie'.
•in' a grand jury .iaquiry:' and a. 'court •
tile", when their tantee ,werd:Iinlred
With .4 beating adMinietered. to John.
Warlinnen,j, Screen player: '. ' • •.
The Warburton 'ease attracted wide,.
attention when • Martin . Block and.
Russell ;Brawn, Charged With robbing
and heating .tild• actor,' allegedly told.
police that. Beittett hired thein: They .
said, Bartlett WAS incensed ildeclual
Miss White, his . fiancee, • had..., been .
:beaten, by
Prince Buys Veke"':.
.man.,,. s Proud'
. . •.. .
• One of the proudest Women •th .•
doe; •••glifil 'Marriott.:
of Pekingese dogs, • -;',"'•• • '
. .gipst ,Tamara, a Take suu.,•pred at., •
her ken:nide itt OdWarVetreet.
gent's Val*, has been bought'..by the° .
Prince of . Wales' and is to: ')re ,tliS,
autte of ..the pupPy. he 'pureliesed re-
:ceiitly at Staveli' Lo.dge.'• • Melton
'Mowbray, .• • • • • •
•Tha..Prince paid :212 for the Pitney; •
but citi)gt *i?oiOngs.. to a 'distincAlv Mere
aristabratic ,faintlY,• feuthe price Witi
&tatty.: higher. • . • •
1-10Wninny is a nrefeSsienals
hut • tt a
ic5.0 • .
• British Gioods
ovi;14 50,000 siil1 sales •of Oainiditut"
tima 'prodnets 'are said to hat' been
Made reeently to :the liOuseWived 01,
during it. 'Van.
ada. 'Shop" 'fortnight in that City 'obi,
4801*Os the, traekville iteberder,
Way • ,of reciPocity, Caliadtaae•
Well 'lendpatronage• to; any:
hioVetnotit tinder:taken itt this. tute
Heavy Traffic Shaking
-Some, Colleges of Pico
. .
oitoda, . eittitAa.-,somO of thId
t tTulversjty tevith's Meet'
lapse shroligh the. shock :of •MOdoili
by Warden 1eiStier.E4
Master. of 0.611`ggaiL, -